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This table presents the titles of all the printed and duplicated items from C:0/49/12 sorted by Department/Division. To see the table sorted by Box (container number) or Title, please click on the corresponding heading.

Additional volumes/issues/years of a title may also exist elsewhere in the Archives. Some cross-referencing of collections is available in the table below.

Return to C:0/49/12 summary

Box Title Author Department/Division Date Volume/Issue/Number Cross-Reference Storage Location
181Outdoorsman newsletter4-H Youth Programs, Cooperative Extension1982No. 393RC#016352
183Y series publications4-H Youth Programs, Extension DivisionNos. 8-5821 w/gapsC:3/37/9RC#016366
184LG series publications4-H Youth Programs, Extension DivisionNos. 10-7543, 4811RC#016367
184Y series publications4-H Youth Programs, Extension DivisionNos. 407-8460 w/gaps (loose items)C:3/37/9RC#016367
185LG series publications4-H Youth Programs, Extension DivisionNos. 15-8400 w/gaps (loose items)RC#016369
189Horse Judging (Y series No. 1402)4-H Youth Programs, Extension Division1986UMLD1
83Beginner's Guide to SCRIPT (Document Composition Facility)Glenda Schuster MoumAcademic Computing Center1/19/1984RC#102895
112Toward a Plan for ExtensionAcademic Planning Council6/23/1975RC#048115
112Toward and Academic Plan for Research (first draft)Academic Planning Council11/10/1975RC#048115
112Toward and Academic Plan for Research (second draft)Academic Planning Council2/17/1976RC#048115
143University of Missouri-Columbia Campus Academic PlanAcademic Planning Council12/3/1973RC#013833
101The Development of a Research Inventory: A Progress ReportAcademic Planning Council, UM System4/21/1975RC#029976
151The Compass - Your Guide to the MAP ProgramAcademic Retention Services1997-1998, 1999-2000, 2001-2002C:1/32/32RC#001013
151The Tower newsletterAcademic Retention Services1996Vol. I No. 3; Vol. II No. 1C:1/32/32RC#001013
37Audio Automated Learning Laboratory DirectoryAcademic Support Center1974UMLD1
47Film Catalog/Film-Video Catalog/Film and Video CatalogAcademic Support Center, Extension Division1975-1980, 1981-1984, 1984-1987, 1987-1990, 1990, 1992-1994, 1994-1997C:18/3/3UMLD1
42Disability Support System HandbookAccess Office for Students with Disabilities1990RC#042482
45Teaching-At-A-Distance: Interim Report I, Hardware Devices and SystemsAd Hoc Committee on the Application of Technology to Education, College of Engineering1971RC#054808
34ADA Transitional Plan, Volume TwoADA Self-Evaluation Committee1992RC#068934
34Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Transitional Plan, Volume OneADA Self-Evaluation Committee1992RC#068934
151Meet Mizzou - Black PerspectivesAdmissions Office/Legion of Black Collegians1988RC#001013
28Adver-Ties newsletterAdvertising Department, School of Journalism1/1994UMLD1
104Missouri 2020: Vision for the FutureAdvisory Committee on the 21st Century; Board of Curators1993RC#029979
76End of Tour ReportClifton N. MurphyAgricultural Development Program/USAID1972UMLD1
47How to Country-Cure Farm NewsClyde H. Duncan, ed.Agricultural Editor's Office6/1963UMLD1
186News Review for Students and StaffAgricultural Editor's Office, College of Agriculture1962-1973Vol. I Nos. 1-16; Vol. II Nos. 1-16; Vol. III Nos. 1-16; Vol. IV Nos. 1-14; Vol. V Nos. 1-15; Vol. VI Nos. 1-7, 7 [sic], 8-12; Vol. VII Nos. 1-5; Vol. VIII Nos. 1, 1 [sic], 12/4/1969, 6, 6 [sic], 7; Vol. IX Nos. 1-3, 3 [sic], 4, 4 [sic], 5; Vol. X Nos. 1 1 [sic], 2-5; Vol. XI Nos. 1, 1 [sic], 2, 2 [sic], 3-7; Vol. XII No. 1C:3/00/7UMLD1
19Breimyer Lecture, What Prospective Changes May Mean for Agriculture and Rural AmericaPhilip M. RaupAgricultural Experiment Station11/14/1985C:25/00/12UMLD1
21William Henry Hatch: Talks Presented on the Seventy-Fifth Anniversary of the Hatch Act and the Missouri Agricultural Experiment StationAgricultural Experiment Station4/1963RC#130773
28Factors Influencing Prestige Ratings of Farm Operators in Two Rural Missouri CommunitiesRex R. CampbellAgricultural Experiment Station1962UMLD1
58Agriculture in the Public Schools - Public School Bulletin No. 3, The Falling of the LeavesJ. C. WhittenAgricultural Experiment Station10/1904UMLD1
58Animal Science Research Center Dedication ProceedingsAgricultural Experiment Station2/1973UMLD1
59Brody Memorial Lectureship SeriesVariousAgricultural Experiment Station1959-1985UMLD1
65Annual Summary of Monthly Fertilizer Tonnage ReportsAgricultural Experiment Station1966-1967RC#131855
65Food Corn National Crop Performance Report (Special Report 356)Agricultural Experiment Station1987RC#131855
65Missouri Fertilizer Tonnage ReportAgricultural Experiment Station1963-2013C:3/1/35; C:25/00/9RC#131855
65Monthly Fertilizer Tonnage ReportAgricultural Experiment Station8/1967RC#131855
65Recommended Chemical Soil Test Procedures for the North Central Region (Revised)Agricultural Experiment Station1/1998RC#131855
66Policies and Principles of the Agricultural Experiment Station for Handling Improved Field Seeds and VarietiesAgricultural Experiment Station1/18/1963UMLD1
67A Report of Sugar Beet Research in Southeast MissouriAgricultural Experiment Station11/1967UMLD1
67Alfalfa, Sunflower, Cotton and Rice 1990 Missouri Crop Performance (Special Report 425)Harry C. Minor et al.Agricultural Experiment Station1/1991UMLD1
67Cotton and Rice Missouri Crop PerformanceAgricultural Experiment Station1991-1995UMLD1
67Delta Center Field Day Results/ReportAgricultural Experiment Station1967, 1984-1984-1991UMLD1
67Soils and Crops Research at the Bradford FarmAgricultural Experiment Station1967UMLD1
67Southeast Missouri Soybean 1998 Variety Performance (Special Report 516)Harry C. Minor et al.Agricultural Experiment Station11/1998UMLD1
68Missouri Mobile Forage Testing ProgramJimmy C. Henning and Craig RobertsAgricultural Experiment Station1989UMLD1
70Proceedings of the Second Woody Ornamental Disease Workshop (Missouri Academy of Science Occasional Paper 5)Agricultural Experiment Station1978UMLD1
92Corn and Soybean Performance TrialsAgricultural Experiment Station1998RC#003067
152Annual ReportAgricultural Experiment Station1888, 1896-1903C:25/00/3RC#001629
152BulletinAgricultural Experiment Station1888-1890Nos. 1-12 (also includes copy of the law establishing the Experiment Station)C:25/00/5RC#001629
153Brody Memorial Lectureship Series (bound volume)Agricultural Experiment Station12/1985Nos. 1-10, 12-18C:25/00/7RC#003336
153Bulletin No. 601: Soils of Moniteau County, MissouriJ.A. Frieze and C.L. ScrivnerAgricultural Experiment Station7/1953C:25/00/5RC#003336
153Missouri State Agricultural College Farm BulletinAgricultural Experiment Station1883-1888Nos. 1-35C:25/00/5RC#003336
153Special Reports - Brody Memorial LectureAgricultural Experiment Station1962, 1964-1966, 1969Nos. 21, 42, 43, 59, 73, 101, 103, 113C:25/00/7RC#003336
177Research HighlightsAgricultural Experiment Station1974(two copies)UMLD1
177Research PlanAgricultural Experiment Station1/1983UMLD1
178Rural Health SeriesAgricultural Experiment Station1945-1965Nos. 1-21UMLD1
185Missouri's Capacity to Produce FoodstuffsAgricultural Experiment Station8/1943RC#016369
186History of the Missouri College of Agriculture (Bulletin 483)Frederick B. MumfordAgricultural Experiment Station10/1944UMLD1
200University of Missouri Farms and Centers DirectoryAgricultural Experiment Station1990, 1997UMLD1
202Missouri Agricultural Liming Materials ReportAgricultural Experiment Station1976, 1-6/1977, 7-12/1977, 1-6/1978, 7-12/1978, 1-6/1979, 7-12/1979, 1-6/1980, 7-12/1980, 1-6/1981, 7-12/1981, 1-6/1982, 7-12/1982, 1-6/1983, 7-12/1983, 1-6/1984, 7-12/1984, 1-6/1985, 7-12/1985, 1-6/1986, 7-12/1986, 1-6/1987, 7-12/1987, 1-6/1988, 7-12/1988C:25/00/9RC#041120
203Missouri Agricultural Liming Materials ReportAgricultural Experiment Station1-6/1989, 7-12/1989, 1-6/1990, 7-12/1990, 1-6/1991, 7-12/1991, 1-6/1992, 7-12/1992, 1-6/1993, 7-12/1993, 1-6/1994, 7-12/1994, 1-6/1995, 7-12/1995, 1-6/1996, 7-12/1996, 1-6/1997, 7-12/1997, 1-6/1998, 7-12/1998, 1-6/1999, 7-12/1999, 1-6/2000, 7-12/2000, 1-6/2001, 7-12/2001, 1-6/2002, 7-12/2002, 1-6/2003, 7-12/2003, 1-6/2004, 7-12/2004, 1-6/2005, 7-12/2005, 1-6/2006, 7-12/2006, 1-6/2007, 7-12/2007, 1-6/2008, 7-12/2008, 1-6/2009, 7-12/2009, 1-6/2010, 7-12/2010, 1-6/2011, 7-12/2011, 1-6/2012, 7-12/2012, 1-6/2013, 7-12/2013, 1-6/2014, 7-12/2014, 1-6/2015, 7-12/2015, 1-6/2016, 7-12/2016C:25/00/9RC#041121
203Spring Oats Missouri Crop Performance (Special Report series)Agricultural Experiment Station1990, 1991, 1992RC#041121
203White Food Corn Performance Test (Special Report series)Agricultural Experiment Station1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002RC#041121
203White Maize 1986 National Crop Performance (Special Report 355)Agricultural Experiment Station1987RC#041121
203Yellow Food Corn National Crop Performance (Special Report series)Agricultural Experiment Station1987, 1988RC#041121
203Yellow Food Corn Performance Test (Special Report series)Agricultural Experiment Station1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996RC#041121
204Forage, Cotton and Rice Missouri Crop Performance (Special Report series)Agricultural Experiment Station1988, 1989RC#041122
204Forages Missouri Crop Performance (Special Report 351)Agricultural Experiment Station1986RC#041122
204Grain Sorghum Missouri Crop Performance (Special Report series)Agricultural Experiment Station1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008RC#041122
204Growth and Structure of the Mexican Feedstuffs Industry (International Series 7; Special Report 315)Andrew C. Burst, Maury E. Bredahl and Philip F. WarnkenAgricultural Experiment Station11/1984RC#041122
204Missouri Crop Performance - WheatAgricultural Experiment Station2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017RC#041122
204Missouri Small Grains Performance Tests (Special Report 401)Agricultural Experiment Station1989RC#041122
204Missouri Winter Wheat Performance Test (Special Report 384)Agricultural Experiment Station1988RC#041122
204Small Grain Performance Test Results (Special Report 357)Agricultural Experiment Station1987RC#041122
204Soybean Missouri Crop Performance (Special Report series)Agricultural Experiment Station1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994RC#041122
204Wheat Performance Test Results (Special Report 344)Agricultural Experiment Station1986RC#041122
204Winter Wheat Missouri Crop Performance (Special Report series)Agricultural Experiment Station1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2010RC#041122
205Missouri Crop Performance - Soybean (Special Report series)Agricultural Experiment Station2010, 2012, 2013, 2014RC#041375
205Missouri Soybean Missouri Variety Performance (Special Report series)Agricultural Experiment Station1996, 1997, 1998RC#041375
205Peach Growing in MissouriW.L. HowardAgricultural Experiment Stationn.d.RC#041375
205Soybean Missouri Crop Performance (Special Report series)Agricultural Experiment Station1995RC#041375
205Soybean Missouri Crop Performance (Special Report series)Agricultural Experiment Station1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009RC#041375
205Strawberry GrowingW.L. HowardAgricultural Experiment Stationn.d.RC#041375
226Newspaper Bulletin/Special Newspaper Bulletin seriesAgricultural Experiment Station1896-1898Nos. 2-8, 10-13UMLD1
82Proceedings of the Water Quality ConferenceAgricultural Experiment Station (Special Report 428)2/1/1991RC#102894
66Corn - Missouri Crop PerformanceAgricultural Experiment Station (Special Report series)1986-2016C:25/00/7UMLD1
209Corn Soil Insects Research - Insecticide EvaluationsAgricultural Experiment Station (Special Report series)1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998UMLD1
200Press BulletinAgricultural Experiment Station/College of Agriculture/Farm News Service1912-1917Nos. 1-287, w/gapsUMLD1
62Rural Health and Medical Service in Missouri - A Special ReportC.E. LivelyAgricultural Experiment Station/Department of Rural Sociology10/15/1943RC#131852
19Reference Book for Missouri Farm LeasesAgricultural Extensionca. 1971UMLD1
22The Agricultural Outlook for MissouriAgricultural Extension1941, 1943-1945, 1947, 1949-1966RC#130774
23Missouri Farm Business SummaryAgricultural Extension1955-1995RC#130775
200A Report of University of Missouri-Columbia Agricultural Extension Programs, July 1, 1976 to June 30, 1977Agricultural Extension1976-1977UMLD1
25Know Your EggsAgricultural Extension (Folder series)1959RC#130777
209Controlling Cotton Insect Pests (Folder 11)Agricultural Extension (folder series)1/1951UMLD1
209Controlling Garden Insect Pests (Folder 6, revised)Agricultural Extension (folder series)3/1952UMLD1
209How to Kill Woody Plants - Brush Killer's Tool Kit (Folder 26)Agricultural Extension (folder series)1/1954UMLD1
209Pre-Emergence Sprays for Corn (Folder 63)Agricultural Extension (folder series)1/1959UMLD1
18Money Saving Tips (Folder 44)Agricultural Extension Service6/1956UMLD1
72Leaflet Series (various titles)Agricultural Extension Service1919-1920, 1936Nos. 4, 12, 35-37, 39-45C:3/37/9RC#068566
73Missouri Dairy Herd Improvement Associations (DHIA) SummaryAgricultural Extension Service1953-1961, 1963-1989RC#068567
75Leaflet Series (various titles)Agricultural Extension Service1919-1949Nos. 1-3, 5-11, 13-54C:3/37/9; on this page, see Box 72RC#068614
84School for Young Homemakers - Simplified SewingAgricultural Extension Service1959RC#102896
179Balanced Farming in Action on Lafayette County Farms - Folder 14Agricultural Extension Service5/1951UMLD1
199Extension Study seriesAgricultural Extension Service1945-1949Nos. 2-5UMLD1
199Project Announcement seriesAgricultural Extension Service1915-1935Nos. 1-31, 33UMLD1
208Missouri Insect Control RecommendationsAgricultural Extension Service1954, 1955, 1956, 1958, 1959, 1960, 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1967, 1968, 1969, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979UMLD1
30Let's Prevent Accidents: Your Luck Can Run Out in an Unguarded MomentAgricultural Extension Service (Folder series)12/1956UMLD1
70Bean Beetle ControlLee Jenkins and V.F. BurkAgricultural Extension Service (folder series)1952UMLD1
70Fight Garden InsectsAgricultural Extension Service (folder series)1945UMLD1
70Keep Workstock Ready for Full-Time ProductionAgricultural Extension Service (folder series)1942UMLD1
70Missouri Needs More Livestock Pasture FarmingAgricultural Extension Service (folder series)1950UMLD1
70Pork Production by the Most Efficient MethodsT.A. EwingAgricultural Extension Service (folder series)1942UMLD1
70The 1950 European Corn Borer Situation in MissouriV.F. Burk and H.E. BrownAgricultural Extension Service (folder series)1950UMLD1
72Feeding Your Dairy HerdAgricultural Extension Service (folder series)1957RC#068566
72Let DHIA's Computer Keep Records for YouAgricultural Extension Service (folder series)1967RC#068566
79A Food GuideAgricultural Extension Service (folder series)1950, 1951UMLD1
79Carving TurkeyTed JouleAgricultural Extension Service (folder series)1965UMLD1
79Chicken BarbecueTed L. JouleAgricultural Extension Service (folder series)1965UMLD1
79Choosing Your DinnerwareAgricultural Extension Service (folder series)1968UMLD1
79Choosing Your TablewareAgricultural Extension Service (folder series)1968UMLD1
79Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP)Agricultural Extension Service (folder series)1981UMLD1
79How to Cut ChickenTed JouleAgricultural Extension Service (folder series)1964UMLD1
79How to Cut Turkey by the PieceAgricultural Extension Service (folder series)1952UMLD1
79How to Cut Whole Chickens into PiecesLeonard A. Voss and Lorene S. WilsonAgricultural Extension Service (folder series)1972UMLD1
79Is Mastitis Stealing Your Dollars?Agricultural Extension Service (folder series)1958UMLD1
79Turkey by the PieceAgricultural Extension Service (folder series)1952UMLD1
79Using Turkey PartsAgricultural Extension Service (folder series)1972UMLD1
79What's in a Fuse?Kenneth McFateAgricultural Extension Service (folder series)1967UMLD1
79When You're HungryAgricultural Extension Service (folder series)1972UMLD1
182Boys' and Girls' Club Circular/4-H Club Circular/4-H CircularAgricultural Extension Service/Extension Division1922-1967Nos. 1-162, 164-165, 167-168, 173-183, 186-187, 193-196, 199, 201C:3/37/2RC#016353
190Manual (M) seriesAgricultural Extension Service/Extension Division1938-Nos. 1-51, 53-58, 60-78, 80-95C:3/37/9UMLD1
192Extension Circular (EC) seriesAgricultural Extension Service/Extension DivisionNos. 1-99C:3/37/2RC#001385
193Extension Circular (EC) seriesAgricultural Extension Service/Extension DivisionNos. 100-699C:3/37/2RC#004059
194Extension Circular (EC) seriesAgricultural Extension Service/Extension DivisionNos. 700-949C:3/37/2RC#004060
195Extension Circular (EC) seriesAgricultural Extension Service/Extension DivisionNos. 940-946, 950-956, 958-961C:3/37/2RC#004111
145Quill and Till - Agricultural Journalism Alumni NewsAgricultural Journalism Program1994-1996Vol. II No. 1; Vol. III No. 1; Vol. IV No. 1RC#013862
72End of Tour Report, Contract AID/nesa-320John FalloonAgricultural Production Program1970RC#068566
70End of Tour ReportGerald L. PaulAgricultural Production Program 1970UMLD1
70End of Tour ReportTed S. BrookAgricultural Production Program, University USAID India Program1972UMLD1
75End of Tour ReportRussell D. FrazierAgricultural Production Program, USAID Program1972RC#068614
75End of Tour ReportRoger G. HansonAgricultural Production Program, USAID Program1972RC#068614
72End of Tour Report, Contract AID/nesa-320J. Parker RodgersAgricultural Production Project 1969RC#068566
72End of Tour ReportC.F. Cromwell Jr.Agricultural Production Project, Bihar1972RC#068566
91End of Tour Report, Contract AID/nesa-320William K. DelaplaneAgriculture Production Program1971RC#003065
91End of Tour Report, Contract USAID/nesa-320Ted R. FisherAgriculture Production Program1972RC#003065
175Pipeline News newsletterAHEC Program, School of MedicineSummer 1998, Fall 1999, Fall 2000, Fall 2001, Summer 2002, Summer 2003, Summer 2005C:14/00/2RC#019492
48Songs of Old Missouri, 1908-1909Lela Howat, ed.Alpha Phi Sigma1908UMLD1
157Forefront newsletterAlumni AllianceWinter 1987, Fall 1987, Spring/Summer 1988, Fall 1988, Winter 1989, Fall 1989, Summer 1991, Fall 1992, Winter 1995UW:4/141/25UMLD1
27The 1974 Missouri Alumnus How to Put a College Degree to Work HandbookAlumni Association1974C:0/3/00UMLD1
35Alumni Oration - The Modern Practical UniversityHanau W. LoebAlumni Association1894C:0/3/3RC#068935
50University of Missouri SongsAlumni Association1924UMLD1
50University of Missouri Songs, Second EditionAlumni Association1929UMLD1
68Our Union: The Memorial Union, Hear of the Missouri CampusAlumni Association1952UMLD1
143Event Program - Distinguished Service Award/Distinguished Faculty Award/Faculty-Alumni AwardsAlumni Association1985, 1987-1991, 1995-2000, 2003-2004C:0/3/00RC#013833
145Education in Politics - Alumni OrationAlumni Association6/1/1897C:0/3/3RC#013862
148Class of 1940 MemoriesAlumni Association1990UMLD1
148Distinguished Service Award/Distinguished Faculty Award/Faculty-Alumni AwardsAlumni Association1986, 1994UMLD1
148Missouri in Memoriam: Alumni of the University of Missouri: World War IIAlumni Associationn.d.UMLD1
148Presentation Ceremonies of Portrait of Robert L. Todd…Alumni Association5/31/1888UMLD1
148Reunion Yearbook honoring the Class of 1956Alumni Association2006UMLD1
150Dedication - Alumni CenterAlumni Association9/10/1977UMLD1
157Alumni AddressLeonidas M. LawsonAlumni Association6/4/1879C:0/3/3UMLD1
157Annual ReportAlumni Association1997-1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2005, 2011C:0/3/00UMLD1
157Membership DirectoryAlumni Association1987, 1991, 1995, 1999C:0/3/5UMLD1
157Newsletter 1978-1988 - Alumni Association in Korea [title in Korean]Alumni Association1988C:0/3/5UMLD1
157Report on Long Range PlanningAlumni Association1999, 2005C:0/3/00UMLD1
157Sixty-Second Annual Reunion of the Alumni AssociationAlumni Association6/4/1914UMLD1
157Tiger Insider newsletterAlumni Association1996-1997Vol. I No. 2; Vol. II Nos. 3-4UMLD1
158The Letter/Black Alumni NewsletterAlumni Association1980-1984Vol. I Nos. 1-4, 6, 8C:22/19/1UMLD1
161Missouri Alumni QuarterlyAlumni Association1905-1909Vol. I Nos. 1-4; Vol. II Nos. 1-4; Vol. III Nos. 1-4; Vol. IV Nos. 1-2, Vol. V [sic] No. 3, Vol. V [sic] No. 3 [sic]C:0/3/2RC#001304
161Missouri AlumnusAlumni Association1912-1923Vol. I Nos. 1-9; Vol. II Nos. 1-9; Vol. III Nos. 1-9; Vol. IV Nos. 1-9; Vol. V Nos. 1-18; Vol. VI Nos. 1-17; Vol. VII Nos. 1-8; Vol. VIII Nos. 1-8; Vol. IX Nos. 1-10; Vol. X Nos. 1-10; Vol. XI Nos. 1-12C:0/3/2RC#001304
162The Missouri AlumnusAlumni Association1923-1938Vol. XII Nos. 1-9; Vol. XIII Nos. 1-10; Vol. XIV Nos. 1-10; Vol. XV Nos. 1-10; Vol. XVI Nos. 1-10; Vol. XVII Nos. 1-10; Vol. XVIII Nos. 1-10; Vol. XIX Nos. 1-10; Vol. XX Nos. 1-10; Vol. XXI Nos. 1-11; Vol. XXII Nos. 1-11; Vol. XXIII Nos. 1-11; Vol. XXIV Nos. 1-12; Vol. XXV Nos. 1-12; Vol. XXVI Nos. 1-12C:0/3/2RC#001309
163The Missouri AlumnusAlumni Association1938-1955Vol. XXVII Nos. 1-11; Vol. XXVIII Nos. 1-11; Vol. XXIX Nos. 1-11; Vol. XXX Nos. 1-12; Vol. XXXI Nos. 2-11; Vol. XXXII Nos. 1-3, 3 [sic], 5-11; Vol. XXXIII Nos. 1-11; Vol. XXXIV Nos. 1-11; Vol. XXXV Nos. 1-11; Vol. XXXVI Nos. 1-11; Vol. XXXVII Nos. 1-10; Vol. XXXVIII Nos. 1-10; Vol. XXXIX Nos. 1-10; Vol. XL Nos. 1-10; Vol. XLI Nos. 1-10; Vol. XLII Nos. 1-10; Vol. XLIII Nos. 1-10C:0/3/2RC#001361
164The Missouri AlumnusAlumni Association1955-1969Vol. XLIV Nos. 1-10; Vol. XLV Nos. 1-10; Vol. XLVI Nos. 1-10; Vol. XLVII Nos. 1-9; Vol. XLVIII Nos. 1-9; Vol. XLIX Nos. 1-9; Vol. L Nos. 1-9; Vol. LI Nos. 1-9; [NO VOL. LII] Vol. LIII Nos. 1-9; Vol. LIV Nos. 1-9; Vol. LV Nos. 1-9; Vol. LVI Nos. 1-9; Vol. LVIII Nos. 1-10C:0/3/2RC#001936
165The Missouri AlumnusAlumni Association1969-1981Vol. LIX Nos. 1-8; Vol. LIX [sic] Nos. 1-5; Vol. LX Nos. 1-5; Vol. LXI Nos. 1-5; Vol. LXII Nos. 1-5; Vol. LXIII Nos. 1-4; Vol. LXIV Nos. 1-5; Vol. LXV Nos. 1-5; Vol. LXVI Nos. 1-4; Vol. LXVII Nos. 1-4; Vol. LXVIII Nos. 1-4; Vol. LXIX Nos. 1-4C:0/3/2RC#001937
166The Missouri Alumnus (title changes to Mizzou with Vol. LXXXIV No. 1)Alumni Association1981-2001Vol. LXX Nos. 1-3; Vol. LXXI Nos. 1-4; Vol. LXXII Nos. 1-5; Vol. LXXIII Nos. 1-5; Vol. LXXIV Nos. 1-5; Vol. LXXV Nos. 1-5; Vol. LXXVI Nos. 1-4; Vol. LXXVII Nos. 1-4; Vol. LXXVIII Nos. 1-4; Vol. LXXIX Nos. 1-4; Vol. LXXX Nos. 1-4; Vol. LXXXI Nos. 1-4; Vol. LXXXII Nos. 1-4; Vol. LXXXIII Nos. 1-4; Vol. LXXXIV Nos. 1-4; Vol. LXXXV Nos. 1-4; Vol. LXXXVI Nos. 1-4; Vol. LXXXVII Nos. 1-4; Vol. LXXXVIII Nos. 1-4; Vol. LXXXIX Nos. 1-4C:0/3/2UMLD1
167Mizzou magazineAlumni Association2001-2016Vol. XC Nos. 1-4; Vol. XCI Nos. 1-4; Vol. XCII Nos. 1-4; Vol. XCIII Nos. 1-4; Vol. XCIV Nos. 1-4; Vol. XCV Nos. 1-4; Vol. XCVI Nos. 1-4; Vol. XCVII Nos. 1-4; Vol. XCVIII Nos. 1-4; Vol. XCIX Nos. 1-4; Vol. C Nos. 1-4; Vol. CI Nos. 1-4; Vol. CII Nos. 1-4; Vol. CIII Nos. 1-4; Vol. CIV Nos. 1-4; Vol. CV No. 1C:0/3/2UMLD1
OSB 1Missouri AlumnusAlumni Association1967-1968Vol. LVII Nos. 1-10C:0/3/2Ellis
151A Mizzou Connection - Beetle's Back - The Next Generation (freshman information book)Alumni Association Student Board1993RC#001013
2Archaeological Testing of the Route 63, Boone County Project (for the Missouri Highway and Transportation Commission)Robert L. Reeder, et al.American Archaeology Division, Department of Anthropology5/1985RC#069331
2Limited Archaeological Testing of the Coffin Site, 23JA200 (for the Missouri State Highway Commission and the Federal Highway Administration)Robert L. ReederAmerican Archaeology Division, Department of Anthropologyca. 1976RC#069331
2The Feeler Site, 23MS12: A Multi-Component Site in the Central Gasconade Drainage, Volume I (for the Missouri State Highway Commission and the Federal Highway Administration)Robert L. Reeder et al.American Archaeology Division, Department of Anthropology2/1982RC#069331
2The Feeler Site, 23MS12: A Multi-Component Site in the Central Gasconade Drainage, Volume II (for the Missouri State Highway Commission and the Federal Highway Administration)Robert L. Reeder et al.American Archaeology Division, Department of Anthropology2/1982RC#069331
2The Sohn Site, 23JA110, Jackson County, Missouri (for the Missouri State Highway Commission and the Federal Highway Administration)Robert L. Reeder et al.American Archaeology Division, Department of Anthropology6/1978RC#069331
158The Andiron magazineAndiron Club1910C:22/10/9UMLD1
210Animal Sciences Progress Report/Departmental ReportAnimal Sciences Unit, CAFNR1994, 1997, 1998, 1999UMLD1
46Annual Exhibition of PaintingsArt Lovers Guild of Columbia1907-1911UMLD1
46Exhibit of Pottery and Porcelain in the Museum of Classic Archaeology, University of MissouriArt Lovers Guild of Columbia3-4/1907UMLD1
63Exercise, Arthritis and YouMarian MinorArthritis Rehabilitation Research and Training Center1998RC#131853
43CatalogAssessment Resource Center2003RC#042483
43College BASE - General Education Assessment for Institutional ExcellenceAssessment Resource Center2005RC#042483
43College BASE - Manual for Test Coordinators and Examiners - Missouri EditionAssessment Resource Center1998, 2000RC#042483
43College BASE - Study Guide for MathematicsAssessment Resource Center1996RC#042483
145Cashier Operations ManualAssistant Vice President for Business Services1982RC#013862
175Directory of Research Support ServicesAssociate Dean for Research, School of Medicine8/1993, 9/1996C:14/00/2RC#019492
147UM System Staff HandbookAssociate Vice President for Human Resource Services1988, 1995, 1998, 2000UMLD1
151Prospectus and Annual ReportAssociated Students of the University of Missouri1982, 1983, 1984, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003C:22/00/16RC#001013
85Chow Time FixinsAuxiliary to the Missouri Student Chapter of the American Veterinary Medical Association1981RC#102897
26The Middlebush Report newsletterB&PA Student CouncilFall 1981, Winter 1986, Spring 1988, Spring 1990C:7/00/2UMLD1
141Report on Undergraduate EducationBasic Undergraduate Curriculum Committee1970RC#013800
182Annual Report - Field Problems Units, Patna-BiharBihar Agricultural Production Program, University of Missouri/USAID/USDA1969-1970RC#016353
182Semi-Annual Progress ReportBihar Agricultural Production Program, University of Missouri/USAID/USDA7-12/1969, 7-12/1970, 1-6/1971, 1-6/1972RC#016353
62PHS Meeting on Computerized Tomographic Scanners and Their Health Policy ImplicationsSamuel J. DwyerBioengineering and Advanced Automation Program, College of Engineering12/1976RC#131852
43UpliftBix 12 Conference on Black Student Government2002RC#042483
158Black Alumni newsletterBlack Alumni Organization, Mizzou Alumni AssociationSpring 1989, Fall 1995, Spring 1996, Fall 1996, Spring 1997, Fall 1997, Spring 1998, Fall 1998, Summer 1999C:22/19/1; C:0/3/00UMLD1
1Perspectives: The Contributions of Black Missourians to African American HistoryBlack Culture Center 2/1992C:22/19/1RC#069330
28Martin Luther King Jr. Birthday Celebration - Commemoration of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.: A Select Bibliography on the Philosophy of Nonviolence: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Mahatma GandhiBlack Culture Center1995UMLD1
1512013 Black History Month - Emancipation as ProcessBlack History Month Committee2013RC#001013
1Black History Month Program GuideBlack History Month Planning Committee1986-1989C:22/19/1RC#069330
1The Father of Black History – Carter G. Woodson, A Living LegacyBlack History Observance Planning Committee1990C:22/19/1RC#069330
1Black Studies/Black Studies NewsletterBlack Studies Program1977-1991Vol. I Nos. 1-8; Vol. II Nos. 1-9; Vol. III Nos. 1-9; Vol. IV Nos. 1-9; Vol. V Nos. 1-9; Vol. VI Nos. 1-9; Vol. VII Nos. 1-8; Vol. IX Nos. 1-4; Vol. X No. 1; Vol. XI No. 1; Vol. XII Nos. 1-3; Vol. XIII Nos. 1-2; Vol. XIV Nos. 1-3; Vol. XV Nos. 1-3C:22/19/1RC#069330
1The African-AmericanistBlack Studies Program1991-2001Vols. I-V; Vol. VI Nos. 1-6; Vol. VII No. 1; Vol. VII [sic] Nos. 1-2; Vol. VIII [sic] No. 1; Vol. IX [sic] No. 1C:22/19/1RC#069330
33Laws of the State University: Acts of Congress and Laws of the Missouri Legislature relating to the University of MissouriBoard of Curators1883RC#068933
33Patent RegulationsBoard of Curators1956, 1966, 1971RC#068933
102Academic Tenure RegulationsBoard of Curators1950, 1972RC#029977
105Report of the Board of CuratorsBoard of Curators1861; 1867; 1868; 1870; 1871; 1872; 1874; 1875; 1876; 1878; 1881; 1883; 1885; 1887; 1889; 1891; 1893; 1895; 1897; 1899; 1901; 1903; 1905; 1907; 1909; 1910; 1912; 1914; 1916; 1918; 1920; 1922; 1924; 1926; 1928; 1930; 1932; 1934; 1936; 1938; 1940; 1942; 1944RC#029980
106Financial ReportBoard of Curators1946, 1947, 1948, 1949, 1950, 1951, 1952, 1953, 1954, 1955, 1956, 1957, 1958, 1959, 1960, 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1967, 1967 supplement, 1968, 1969, 1969 supplement, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1974 supplement, 1975, 1975 supplements, 1976, 1976 supplementsUMLD1
107Board ReviewBoard of Curators1987-19889/10-11/1987; 10/29-30/1987; 12/17-18/1987; 1/10-11/1988; 2/4/1988; 3/18/1988; 4/29/1988; 6/24/1988; 9/16/1988; 11/3-4/1988; 12/1-2/1988UMLD1
107Board Review SpectrumBoard of Curators1989-19911/26-27/1989; 3/9-10/1989; 4/29/1989; 5/4-5/1989; 6/22-23/1989; 7/27-28/1989; 9/7-8/1989; 10/12-13/1989; 12/7-8/1989; 1/24-25/1990; 3/22-23/1990; 5/3-4/1990; 6/21-22/1990; 1/30-31/1991; 5/2-3/1991; 6/13-14/1991; 7/25-26/1991; 9/6/1991; 10/18-19/1991; 12/6-7/1991UMLD1
112Statement of the Board of Curators concerning House Bill Number 564 and the Companion Bill in the Senate Number 160 [for the separation of the School of Mines from the University]Board of Curators5/9/1941RC#048115
141Revision of the Academic Plan, 1975-1985Board of Curators11/21/1980RC#013800
169Board of Curators Report on the University of Missouri Survey of Medical EducationBoard of Curators1/1945UMLD1
169The University of Missouri Four-Year School of Medicine and Its ProgramBoard of Curators8/1951UMLD1
169The University of Missouri Medical School and Rural Health CareBoard of Curators7/27/1945UMLD1
107Report to the GovernorBoard of Visitors1908-19591908; 1910; 1912; 1916-1917; 1918-1919; 1920-1921; 1921-1922; 1923-1924; 1925-1926; 1927-1928; 1929-1930; 1931-1932; 1933-1934; 1935-1936; 1937-1938; 1942; 1944; 1946; 1947; 1948; 1950; 1956; 1957; 1958; 1959UMLD1
148Dedication of Swallow Memorial Monument… and Facts Concerning the Life of George Clinton SwallowBoone County Historical Society6/5/1928UMLD1
25Boone County Tenant's Handbook: A Renter's Guide to Boone CountyBoone County Tenant's Association, University YMCA1997RC#130777
15An Economic and Population Study of the Bootheel Region of MissouriBootheel Regional Planning Commission3/1972RC#069361
113Analysis of Full-Time Equivalent Staff: 1979-80 General Operating Budget and 1978-1979 General Operating BudgetBudget and Financial Services11/1979RC#048116
10Business and Economic Review (title changed to Business and Government Review with Vol. II No. 4, July-August 1961)Bureau of Business and Economic Research, School of Business and Public Administration1960-1970Vol. I Nos. 1-6; Vol. II Nos. 1-6; Vol. III Nos. 1-6; Vol. IV Nos. 1-6; Vol. V Nos. 1-6; Vol. VI Nos. 1-6; Vol. VII Nos. 1-6; Vol. VIII Nos. 1-6; Vol. IX Nos. 1-6; Vol. X Nos. 1-6; Vol. XI Nos. 1-6; cumulative index, Vols. 9-10, 1968-1969C:7/22/2UMLD1
28Missouri Political Science Association: Papers Delivered at the Annual MeetingBureau of Government Research10/31/1958No. 2UMLD1
100Budget ManualBusiness Officeca. 1972UMLD1
58Tiger BeetleC.V. Riley Entomological Society1973-1974, 1976, 1985, 1995, 2000C:3/23/3UMLD1
65Discover and EnlightenCAFNR2003-2006Vol. V No. 12; Vol. VI Nos. 1-7, 9-11; Vol. VII Nos. 1-5, 7-8, 11-13C:3/00/7RC#131855
147Five-Year Plan - Focus 21: Challenge for ExcellenceCAFNR5/15/1990UMLD1
186MOmentumCAFNRSpring 1994, 8/1994, 12/1994, Fall 1995, Spring 1996, Spring 1997, Fall 1997, Spring 1998, Spring 1999, Summer 1999, Fall 1999, Spring 2000, Summer 2001, Fall 2001, Spring 2002, Summer 2002, Fall 2002, Spring 2003, Fall 2003C:3/00/7UMLD1
189Research News BriefsCAFNR5/6/1994UMLD1
200Vision… The Power of Imagination: Extension and Outreach Creating Change in MissouriCAFNR1996UMLD1
210Green HorizonsCAFNR1996-2014Vol. I Nos. 1-3; Vol. II Nos. 1-4; Vol. III Nos. 1-4; Vol. IV Nos. 1-3; Vol. V Nos. 1-3; Vol. VI Nos. 2, 2B, 3; Vol. VII Nos. 1-5; Vol. VIII Nos. 1-4; Vol. IX Nos. 1-4; Vol. X Nos. 1-4; Vol. XI Nos. 1-4; Vol. XII Nos. 1-4; Vol. XIII Nos. 1-4; Vol. XIV Nos. 1-4; Vol. XV Nos. 1-4; Vol. XVI Nos. 1-4; Vol. XVII Nos. 1-2; Vol. XVIII Nos. 1-2C:3/00/7UMLD1
82Changing Landscapes: Environmental quality through research, extension and teaching at the University of Missouri-Columbia (EQ1001)CAFNR/Extension Division10/2001RC#102894
189Lawn and Garden Soil Test Interpretations and Fertilizer Recommendation Guide (MP series No. 733)CAFNR/Extension Division1/2000UMLD1
54Campus Computer Center Newsletter (title changes to Campus Computing Center Newsletter with Vol. I No. 8, 6/1974; to Academic Computing Center Newsletter with Vol. VII No. 9, 6-7/1980; to Campus Computing Newsletter with Vol. XI No. 8, 4/1984; to Computing Newsletter with Vol. XXII No. 1, 8-9/1994)Campus Computer Center1973-1995Vol. I Nos. 1-9; Vol. II Nos. 1-9; Vol. III Nos. 1-11; Vol. IV Nos. 1-10; Vol. V Nos. 1-9; Vol. VI Nos. 1-10; Vol. VII Nos. 2-9; Vol. VIII Nos. 1-8; Vol. IX Nos. 1-8; Vol. X Nos. 1-8; Vol. XI Nos. 1-10; Vol. XII Nos. 1-4; Vol. XIII Nos. 1-8; Vol. XIV Nos. 1-9; Vol. XV Nos. 1-9; Vol. XVI Nos. 1-7; Vol. XVII Nos. 1-8; Vol. XVIII Nos. 1-7; Vol. XIX Nos. 1-7; Vol. XX Nos. 1-7; Vol. XXI Nos. 1-6; Vol. XXII Nos. 1-6; 9/1995; 10/1995; Fall 1996RC#131564
54Computing Bulletin (title changes to Information and Technology Service Bulletin with 2-3/1998 issue; to MU Communicator with Vol. XXVI No. 4, 1/1999)(issues starting with Vol. XXX No. 3 consist of printouts of online versions of the newsletter, with accompanying postcard directing users to the website)Campus Computing1997-19983/1997; 4/1997; 5/1997; 6/1997; 7/1997; 8/1997; 9/1997; 10/1997; 11/1997; 12/1997; 1/1998; 2-3/1998; 4/1998; 5-6/1998; 10/1998; 11/1998; 12/1998; Vol. XXVI Nos. 4-12; Vol. XXVII Nos. 1-2; Vol. XXIX No. 2; Vol. XXX No. 3; Vol. XXXI [sic] No. 4; Vol. XXXII [sic] No. 5; Vol. XXX Nos. 6-11; 1/2001; 2/2001; 3/2001; 4/2001; 5/2001; 6/2001RC#131564
83Employee HandbookCampus Dining Services2001RC#102895
104Campus Facilities Highlights newsletter (title changes to Highlights in 7/1996)Campus Facilities1990-20088/2/1983; 8/1984; 6-12/1985; 1-3/1986; 5-12/1986; 1-3/1987; 5/1987; 7-9/1987; 11/1987; 1/1988; 3/1988; 5/1988; 8-12/1988; 1-9/1989; 12/1989; 1-3/1990; 5-12/1990; 1-5/1991; 7-12/1991; 1/1992; 3-12/1992; 2-12/1993; 1-12/1994; 1-12/1995; 1-12/1996; 1-7/1997; 10-12/1997; 1-12/1998; 1-3/1999; 5-9/1999; 11-12/1999; 1-12/2000; 1-12/2001; 1-7/2002; 10-11/2002; 1-6/2003; 9-12/2003; 3-12/2004; 1-12/2005; 3-12/2006; 1-12/2007; 1-2/2008; 6-12/2008RC#029979
110Building a Better Mizzou: A Campus Facilities planning, design and construction handbookCampus Facilities4/1991UMLD1
147Campus Facilities Employee HandbookCampus Facilities2005UMLD1
149Tree Trails of the University of Missouri, ColumbiaCampus Facilities1999UMLD1
171Facilities FocusCampus FacilitiesSpring 1996, Fall 1996/Winter 1997, Spring/Summer 1997, 1-2/1998, 3-4/1998, 5-6/1998, 7-8/1998, 9-10/1998, 11-12/1998, 1-2/1999, 3-4/1999, 5-6/1999, 7-8/1999, 9-10/1999, 11-12/1999, 1-2/2000, 3-4/2000, 6-7/2000, 9-10/2000, 11-12/2000, 1-2/2001, 3-4/2001, 5-6/2001, 7-8/2001, 9-10/2001C:1/83/00RC#019379
145MU Power Plant 75 YearsCampus Facilities - Energy Management1998RC#013862
46Report on 2002-2003 Writing Intensive CurriculumCampus Writing Program1/2004UMLD1
46The Writery newsletterCampus Writing Program1994-1999, 2005Vol. I Nos. 1-5; Vol. II Nos. 1-4 and Special Edition; Vol. III Nos. 1-3; Vol. IV Nos. 1-2; Vol. V Nos. 1-2; Vol. VI No. 1; Vol. VII No. 1UMLD1
83Capsule Pipeline Research Center NewsCapsule Pipeline Research Center, College of Engineering1992-1997Vol. I No. 1; Vol. II No. 1; Vol. III No. 1; Vol. IV No. 1; Vol. V No. 1; Vol. VI No. 1C:9/13/8RC#102895
83Capsule Pipeline Research Center NewsletterCapsule Pipeline Research Center, College of Engineering12/2001C:9/13/8RC#102895
86List of Project/Staff Publications on Vocational/Career Education, 1974-1984Career Education Personnel Preparation (CEPP) Project, Department of Educational and Counseling Psychology, College of Educationn.d.UMLD1
37MU High School NotesCenter for Distance and Independent StudyFall 1999UMLD1
37MU High School ReportCenter for Distance and Independent Study2001-2005Fall 2001; Fall 2002; Fall 2003; Fall 2004; Fall 2005UMLD1
37The Transcript newsletterCenter for Distance and Independent Study2001-2005Spring 2001; Fall 2001; Spring 2002; Fall 2002; Spring 2003; Winter 2004; Winter 2005UMLD1
11Newsletter, Center for Economic Education at the University of Missouri-ColumbiaCenter for Economic EducationFall 2003Vol. I No. 1RC#068050
14Economic Topics UpdateCenter for Economic Educationca. 1983-1984Vol. I Nos. 1-4; Vol. II Nos. 1-2RC#068981
44College BASE - Manual for Test Coordinators and ExaminersCenter for Educational Assessment1989RC#054807
44College BASE (Basic Academic Subjects Examination) - Guide to Test ContentCenter for Educational Assessment1988, 1991RC#054807
44Presenting College BASECenter for Educational Assessment1989RC#054807
43College BASE - Manual for Test Coordinators and ExaminersCenter for Educational Assessment/Assessment Resource Center1990, 1994-1997RC#042483
43College BASE - Student's GuideCenter for Educational Assessment/Assessment Resource Center1994-1998, 2000RC#042483
44College BASE - Student's Guide to College BASECenter for Educational Assessment/Assessment Resource Center1989, 1991, 2000RC#054807
112Programs for the Improvement of Undergraduate Teaching: Instructional Behavior and Skills Development - Progress and Planning ReportCenter for Educational Improvement, College of Education3/1972RC#048115
1Psychology 387: Psychology of Aging (independent study textbook)Ruth Wright, Department of PsychologyCenter for Independent Study1983C:18/6/2RC#069330
28Syllabus for Contemporary Issues - First Half UnitCenter for Independent Study1969, ca. 1972UMLD1
37Excel newsletter (title changes to Center for Independent Study Bulletin with Spring 1991 issue)Center for Independent Study1985-1992Vol. I Nos. 1-2; Vol. II No. 1; Vol. III Nos. 1-2; Vol. IV Nos. 1 and 3; Vol. V Nos. 1-2; Vol. VI No. 1; Fall 1990; Spring 1991; Spring 1992C:18/6/6; C:18/6/8UMLD1
37Independent Study Notes (High School Edition)Center for Independent Study1994-1998C:18/6/6; C:18/6/8UMLD1
37Independent Study Notes (University Edition)Center for Independent Study1993-1999C:18/6/6; C:18/6/8UMLD1
45Course Materials, Readings for 403: Program Development and EvaluationCenter for Independent Study2/1984RC#054808
49Syllabus for Twelfth Grade English, First Half UnitGlenda K. RosenthalCenter for Independent Study1973UMLD1
35Author's Manual: University of Missouri Independent Study Courses: A Guide for Course DevelopmentCenter for Independent Study, University Extension1993RC#068935
177Readings for 210HM: The American Health Care SystemCenter for Independent Study/Department of Health Services Management, School of Health Related Professions1982UMLD1
28Families' Experiences Enhance Learning (FEEL) - Missouri Parent Consultant DirectoryCenter for Innovations in Special EducationSummer 1999UMLD1
42Rights and Responsibilities of Faculty concerning Students with DisabilitiesMartha Wille GregoryCenter for Innovations in Special Education1994RC#042482
42Rights and Responsibilities of Students with Disabilities in the Postsecondary SettingMartha Wille GregoryCenter for Innovations in Special Education1994RC#042482
63Horizons newsletterCenter for Interdisciplinary Geriatric Assessment (CIGA)1998-2000Vol. I Nos. 1, 3-8C:26/00/1RC#131853
41Global Link: A Compilation of International Exchange Agreements with the University of Missouri-ColumbiaCenter for International Programs and Studies1/1993RC#042481
41PeriscopeCenter for International Programs and Studies1988-1989Vol. I No. 1; Vol. II Nos. 1-3RC#042481
43UMC International: Newsletter of the Center for International Programs and StudiesCenter for International Programs and Studies1984-1987Vol. I Nos. 1-3; Vol. II Nos. 1-3; Vol. III Nos. 1-3; Vol. IV No. 1RC#042483
147Directory of UMC Faculty with International QualificationsCenter for International Programs and Studies1985-1986UMLD1
147Mizzou International Directory: A Directory of Faculty with International Qualifications, Third EditionCenter for International Programs and Studies1989-1990UMLD1
147Directory of Faculty with International Academic QualificationsCenter for International Studies8/1969, 5/1970UMLD1
25Working Paper 97-2, ISO 9000 in the UK Food SectorMaury E. Bredahl, Erin Holleran and Lokman ZaibetCenter for International Trade Studies1997RC#130777
84CITS Working Paper 97-1 - Food Safety, Transaction Costs and Institutional Innovation in the British Food SectorCenter for International Trade Studies (CITS)1/1997RC#102896
28Sensitivity Analysis of Farm Debt LoadCenter for National Food and Agricultural Policy9/11/1984UMLD1
11Annual ReportCenter for Research in Social Behavior1966-1967, 1968-1974, 1977-1979, 1980-1985, 1986-1987RC#068050
179Sustainable Agriculture Issues/Issues in Sustainable AgricultureCenter for Sustainable Agriculture Systems/University Extension9/1989, 10/1989, 11/1989, 1/1990, 2-3/1990, 4-5/1990, 1-2/1991, 3-4/1991, 5-6/1991, 7-8/1991, 9-10/1991, 11-12/1991, 11-12/1992, 1-2/1993, 3-4/1993, 7-8/1993, 11-12/1993, 3-4/1994C:3/37/9UMLD1
43Activity ReportCenter for the Study of Dispute Resolution1990-1998C:12/00/5RC#042483
34Annual ReportCenter for the Study of Dispute Resolution, School of Law1985-1987RC#068934
34Issues and InterestsCenter for the Study of Dispute Resolution, School of Law1999-2005Vol. I No. 1; Vol. II No. 1; Vol. III No. 1; Vol. IV Nos. 1-2; Vol. V No. 1; Fall 2004; Fall 2005C:12/00/5RC#068934
18The 21st Century Change Imperative: Evolving Organizations and Emerging NetworksCenter for the Study of Organizational Change, College of Business and Public Administration6/1998UMLD1
82Center for Waste ManagementCenter for Waste Management1996RC#102894
45Career Education Personnel Preparation (CEPP) Monograph No. 1, Career Education for Students with Handicaps: An OverviewCEPP Project, Department of Educational and Counseling Psychology, College of Education9/1982RC#054808
45CEPP Monograph No. 2, Career Education Programming at the Elementary LevelCEPP Project, Department of Educational and Counseling Psychology, College of Education9/1982RC#054808
45CEPP Monograph No. 3, Career Education Programming at the Secondary LevelCEPP Project, Department of Educational and Counseling Psychology, College of Education9/1982RC#054808
45CEPP Monograph No. 4, Career Education Programming at the Post-Secondary LevelCEPP Project, Department of Educational and Counseling Psychology, College of Education9/1982RC#054808
45CEPP Monograph No. 5, Affect Abilities Training: A Competency Based Method for Counseling Persons with Mental RetardationCEPP Project, Department of Educational and Counseling Psychology, College of Education9/1982RC#054808
45CEPP Monograph No. 6, Competency Units for Implementing Life-Centered Career Education (LCCE): A Compendium of Activities by Missouri EducatorsCEPP Project, Department of Educational and Counseling Psychology, College of Education10/1982RC#054808
45CEPP Monograph No. 7, Evaluation ReportCEPP Project, Department of Educational and Counseling Psychology, College of Education12/1983RC#054808
29Chancellor's Committee on the Status of Women - Report for 1974-75Chancellor's Committee on the Status of Women6/30/1975UMLD1
144A Guide to Religions at MUChancellor's Diversity Initiative/Multicultural Center2009, 2012C:1/80/29RC#013834
108Chancellor's Annual ReportChancellor's Office1994; 1995; 1996-1997; 1998; 1999; 1999-2000; 2000-2001; 2001-2002; 2002-2003; 2004-2005; 2005-2006UMLD1
149Chancellor's UpdateChancellor's Office12/1993, 4/1995, 8/1995, 1/1996, 4/1996, 11/1996, 11/1997, 3/1998, 12/1998, 7/1999, 3/2000, 8/2000, 2/2001, 8/2001, 1/2002, 4/2002, 8/2002, 11/2002, 4/2003, 8/2003, 12/2003C:1/23/00UMLD1
140Report of the Chancellor's Task Force on Basic CompetenciesChancellor's Task Force on Basic Competencies1/31/1987UMLD1
57Notes on Qualitative ChemistryJames A. GibsonChemical Laboratory1909UMLD1
157DirectoryChicago chapter, Alumni Association1997-1998UMLD1
64ImagineChildren's Hospital2009-2013Winter 2009; Summer 2010; Fall 2010; Summer 2012; Spring 2013C:23/12/5RC#131854
64Missouri MiraclesChildren's Hospital2005Fall 2005C:23/12/5RC#131854
30Working Papers in Business - Paper No. 1974-B1, Testing the Objectivity of Exit Value AccountingJames E. ParkerCollege of Administration and Public AffairsUMLD1
30Working Papers in Business - Paper No. 1974-B2, The Traditional Cost of Capital Approach and the Capital Asset Pricing ModelArthur A. Eubank Jr.College of Administration and Public AffairsUMLD1
30Working Papers in Business - Paper No. 1974-B3, An Analysis of Alternative Measures of Investment RiskCarl J. Schwendiman and George E. PinchesCollege of Administration and Public AffairsUMLD1
30Working Papers in Business - Paper No. 1974-B4, A Scoring Methodology for Equipment Replacement Model EvaluationEverett E. Adam Jr. and Michael F. PohlenCollege of Administration and Public AffairsUMLD1
62Working Papers in Economics - Paper No. 1974 E-9, A Theory of Hospital Cost InflationMaw Lin LeeCollege of Administration and Public Affairs1974RC#131852
82Working Papers in Business No. 1974-B5, Capital Investment Techniques for Pollution Control of Leading Corporations: An Empirical StudyGeorge William TrivoliCollege of Administration and Public Affairs1974RC#102894
92Working Papers in Economics - No. 1974-E2, Disposal Policies for Extractive ResourcesEmil Attanasi and S.R. JohnsonCollege of Administration and Public Affairs1974RC#003067
92Working Papers in Economics - No. 1974-E4, Expectations, Market Structure and Sequential Bid PricingEmil Attanasi and S.R. JohnsonCollege of Administration and Public Affairs1974RC#003067
13Proceedings of the First Mid-Western Conference on Rural Population ResearchCollege of Agriculture4/1937RC#068059
18Agricultural Business Seminar sponsored by the University of Missouri and the American Meat InstituteCollege of Agriculture3/15/1962UMLD1
19Small Farm Family Improvement Program: A Title XII University Strengthening ProposalCollege of Agriculture1979UMLD1
21Post-War Adjustment Problems in Missouri AgricultureCollege of Agriculture2/1944RC#130773
65Laboratory Instruction for the Course in Soils 25William A. Albrecht and C.M. WoodruffCollege of Agriculture1946RC#131855
70Building Herds and Flocks (viewbook)College of Agriculture1915UMLD1
71Livestock Feeders DayCollege of Agriculture1954, 1956-1957, 1965, 1967C:3/46/1RC#068565
75Swine DayCollege of Agriculture1972RC#068614
75UMC Swine Day ProceedingsCollege of Agriculture1976RC#068614
92Field Day Reports - Greenley Research CenterCollege of Agriculture1979, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1993RC#003067
92Field Day Reports - North Missouri Center, Spickard MOCollege of Agriculture1980, 1981, 1982, 1983RC#003067
148Tree Dedication Exercises in Memory of Samuel M. JordanCollege of Agriculture11/10/1942UMLD1
177Miscellaneous PublicationsFrederick Blackmar MumfordCollege of Agriculture1895-1903UMLD1
177Proceedings of Workshop on Energy in Missouri AgricultureCollege of Agriculture3/5/1974UMLD1
178Faculty PublicationsCollege of Agriculture1892-1926UMLD1
181Essay on Agricultural CollegesGeorge C. SwallowCollege of Agriculture1876RC#016352
182Agricultural Changes and Development in ChinaYang Hsien-TongCollege of Agriculture10/10/1980RC#016353
182Short Course (pamphlet)College of Agriculture1921RC#016353
182Short Course Student DirectoryCollege of Agriculture1922RC#016353
182Short Course Students AnnualCollege of Agriculture1923, 1924, 1925, 1926, 1927, 1928, 1929, 1930, 1931, 1932RC#016353
185Ag Columns newsletterCollege of Agriculture 1981-1987Vol. VII Nos. 4-5; Vol. VIII No. 1; Vol. IX Nos. 2-3; Vol. X No. 1; 10/5/1984; 11/1984; 12/1984; 2-3/1985; 10/1985; 11/1985; 12/1985; 3/1986; 4/1986; 5/1986; 10/1986; 11/1986; 12/1986; 2/1987; 4/1987; 5/1987C:3/00/7RC#016369
186Addresses and PapersFrederick B. MumfordCollege of Agriculture1895-1938Vols. I-IIIUMLD1
186Alumni DirectoryCollege of Agriculture1995C:3/00/4UMLD1
186Focus 21 magazine (title changes to The Source with Vol. X No. 1)College of Agriculture1989-1999Vol. I Nos. 1-2; Vol. II Nos. 1-2; Vol. III Nos. 1-2; Vol. IV Nos. 1-2; Vol. V Nos. 1-2; Vol. VI No. 1; Vol. VII Nos. 1-2; Vol. VIII Nos. 1-2; Vol. IX Nos. 1, 1 [sic]; Vol. X Nos. 1-2; Vol. XI Nos. 1-2; Vol. XII No. 1C:3/00/7UMLD1
186The Making of an Educated FarmerCollege of Agriculture1905UMLD1
187Alumni DirectoryCollege of Agriculture1986, 1990C:3/00/4UMLD1
187Announcements of Short CoursesCollege of Agriculture1899-1920C:3/47/1UMLD1
187College of Agriculture Review - Vol. I, Report of Schools and DepartmentsCollege of Agriculture3/1973UMLD1
187College of Agriculture Review - Vol. II, Program ReportsCollege of Agriculture3/1973UMLD1
187Daily Announcer, Farmers' Short Course and Program of Missouri Farmers' WeekCollege of Agriculture1913, 1918C:3/00/7UMLD1
187Farmers' Week ProgramCollege of Agriculture1918UMLD1
187Farmers' Week ProgramCollege of Agriculture1920-1928UMLD1
187Scrapbook - Farmers WeekCollege of Agriculture1914, 1915, 1916, 1917UMLD1
187Senior Farmers Memorial VolumeCollege of Agriculture1912UMLD1
187Views of the College of AgricultureCollege of Agriculture1921, 1926, 1927, 1930C:3/1/39UMLD1
188Missouri Agricultural College/Missouri Plow TrialCollege of Agriculture1878UMLD1
188The Centennial Report of the College of AgricultureJohn H. LongwellCollege of Agriculture1970UMLD1
200Monthly Extension LetterCollege of Agriculture1922Vol. I Nos. 1-9UMLD1
200Official Guidebook of the Farmers Memorial Fair - The Sixteenth Annual Farmers FairCollege of Agriculture4/8/1921UMLD1
200Soil Genesis and Classification - Vol. II, Lectures 16-30C.F. MarbutCollege of AgricultureUMLD1
182Research Report of Low-Input Agriculture: Resource efficient farmingCollege of Agriculture 1987-1988RC#016353
152Agricultural Copy ServiceCollege of Agriculture - Agricultural Copy Service1915-1917Nos. 1-125, 128-164C:3/00/1RC#001629
152Research ReportsCollege of Agriculture - Southwest Missouri Research Center1974, 1975C:3/9/1RC#001629
15Conference Proceedings - Land Use Issues Facing MissouriansCollege of Agriculture (MX Series)1978C:3/37/9RC#069361
37University of Missouri Land Grant Centennial Fact BookCollege of Agriculture and Extension Division1961UMLD1
8The Water Power of MissouriH.B. ShawCollege of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts - School of Engineering1901UMLD1
83Energy from Missouri Farms (Emphasis on Ethanol) (MX 100)College of Agriculture/Extension Division (MX series)1980C:3/37/9RC#102895
182Final Report of the Missouri Committee for Agriculture - American Revolution BicentennialCollege of Agriculture/Missouri Department of Agriculture1977RC#016353
182Postwar Possibilities in Agricultural Production in MissouriCollege of Agriculture/USDA1/1945RC#016353
35Maxine Christopher Shutz Lecture, Small Talk with Students, The First Step of EngagementMichael J. PorterCollege of Arts and Science2002RC#068935
140The New Curricula leading to the Degree of Bachelor of Arts with HonorsCollege of Arts and Science5/1912UMLD1
145Newsletter, Arts and Science Student GovernmentCollege of Arts and ScienceNovember 1981, March 1982, November/December 1982, March 1985RC#013862
145Strategic Development BoardCollege of Arts and Science2002RC#013862
147Five Year PlanCollege of Arts and Science5/15/1990UMLD1
157Columns newsletterCollege of Arts and ScienceWinter 1999, Summer 2000C:6/00/5UMLD1
158Arts and Science magazineCollege of Arts and ScienceSpring 1982, Spring 1983, Spring 1985, 11/1985, 1985-1986, 1986-1987, 1988-1989, 1989-1990, 1990-1991, 1991-1992, 1992-1993Bound volume also includes issue of Arts and Science Student Government, Winter 1986C:6/00/3; C:6/00/5UMLD1
158Mosaics magazineCollege of Arts and ScienceWinter 1994, Winter 1995, Winter 1996, Winter 1997, Winter 1998, Winter 1999, Winter 2000, Winter 2001, Winter 2002, Winter 2003, Winter 2004, Winter 2005, Winter 2007C:6/00/5UMLD1
43Conference Report - Elementary, Secondary, and University Education: A Partnership Commitment in MissouriCollege of Arts and Science and College of Education1985RC#042483
25Program, College of Business WeekCollege of Business2000-2002RC#130777
26College of Business Advising HandbookCollege of Business2002-2004C:7/00/2UMLD1
27Mizzou BusinessCollege of Business 2000-2001, 2005Vols. 16-17, 21C:7/00/2UMLD1
26AACSB Self-Study Resurvey and Revisitation Report - Volume 2: Faculty DataCollege of Business and Public Administration5/29/1981UMLD1
27A Proposal to Establish a Commercialization Center in the College of Business and Public AdministrationCollege of Business and Public Administration1983UMLD1
27B&PA ReportCollege of Business and Public Administration1983-1999Nos. 1-15C:7/00/2UMLD1
27John Schram Lecture in International Business - Missouri's Role in the Global MarketplaceMel CarnahanCollege of Business and Public Administration2/20/1998UMLD1
27Your Business newsletterCollege of Business and Public Administration10/1996, 3/1997Vol. I Nos. 1-2UMLD1
42Undergraduate Advising HandbookCollege of Business and Public Administration1997-1998RC#042482
147Five Year PlanCollege of Business and Public Administration1990UMLD1
3University of Missouri-Columbia Environmental Education ProgramCollege of Education1971RC#069381
35Alumni News newsletterCollege of Education1981-1986, 1989-1991C:8/00/5RC#068935
35Alumni NewsletterCollege of Education1995-2002 (w/gaps)C:8/00/5RC#068935
35Big Ed GazetteCollege of Education1986-1996 w/gapsVol. VI No. 1; Vol. VII 2/1988 and Nos. 9-10; Vol. VIII No. 6; Vol. XII Nos. 4 and 6; Vol. XIV Nos. 1-4; Vol. XV Nos. 1-3; Vol. XVI Nos. 1-4C:8/1/11RC#068935
35College of Education: A Newsletter for Alumni and FriendsCollege of Education1991-1995C:8/00/5RC#068935
35Ed LifeCollege of Education2006-2010, 2012C:8/00/5RC#068935
35Implementing Missouri's Agenda: A White Paper (Draft)College of Education8/1993RC#068935
35ReflectionsCollege of EducationSummer 2005C:8/00/5RC#068935
35Research Update newsletterCollege of Education1988-1990Vol. I No. 1; Vol. 2 No. 1; Vol. 3 No. 1RC#068935
36Laboratory School Video Tape CatalogCollege of Education1970-1971UMLD1
36Teaching Future Teachers to Utilize Educational Television in the ClassroomJames W. Abbott and Harold McAninchCollege of Educationca. 1962UMLD1
37Doctoral Degrees Conferred, 1916-1981College of Education1/15/1982UMLD1
37Faculty Policy HandbookCollege of Education1980, 1985-1986UMLD1
37Graduate Advisors HandbookCollege of Educationca. 1982UMLD1
37Handbook for Student TeachingCollege of Educationn.d.UMLD1
37Proceedings, Annual Counselors ConferenceCollege of Education1952-19581st through 7th annual conferencesUMLD1
39Annual ReportCollege of Education1965-1966, 1967-1968, 1981-1982, 1982-1983UMLD1
39Handbook on Faculty Role and Evaluation (Third Edition)College of Education5/1/1972UMLD1
39Imperatives for the FutureCollege of Education7/1980UMLD1
39Linking Education Research and PracticeCollege of Educationca. 1985UMLD1
39Reappraisal Report on Undergraduate Teacher Education ProgramsCollege of Education1/1968UMLD1
39Report on Teacher Education Programs to the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education - Exhibit Volume I, Roster of Faculty for Professional EducationCollege of Education1966UMLD1
39Report to the National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education - Volume II, Program FoliosCollege of Education10/1976UMLD1
42Final Report, Vocational-Technical Education Leadership Development SeminarCollege of Education7/1967RC#042482
44Continuing Professional Education Insights newsletterCollege of Educationca. 1976-1985Vols. I-IXRC#054807
45Adult Basic Education, Missouri, 1965-1969: A SurveyJohn L. Ferguson, William G. Grimsley and Julianne PerryCollege of Education8/1969RC#054808
147Leadership for Excellence in Education: A Strategic PlanCollege of Education1990UMLD1
148College of Education Doctoral Degrees Conferred, 1916-1971College of Educationca. 1971, ca. 1972, 1/6/1975, 2/1985UMLD1
158This We Believe… A basis for curriculum revisionCollege of Educationn.d.UMLD1
35A Celebration of Leadership: 100 Years of DeansCollege of Education Office of Development1998RC#068935
84A Functional Learning Resource Center for an Elementary SchoolJane Coffey, Barbara Lehman and George FairgrieveCollege of Education/Extension Division1/1971RC#102896
26Proceedings of the Twenty-Second Annual Traffic Conference - Legal and Administrative Aspects of Traffic EngineeringCollege of Engineering11/13/1970UMLD1
26Proceedings, Traffic Engineering ConferenceCollege of Engineering1949-1969Nos. 2-7, 14-21UMLD1
50Proceedings, Conference on Utilization of Scientists and EngineersCollege of Engineering1957, 1959UMLD1
54DICAL: DICOMED - CALCOMP Interface Reference Manual (Version I)E.C. Mahen Jr. and S.J. Dwyer IIICollege of Engineering7/1970RC#131564
78Faculty DirectoryCollege of Engineering1989; 1989-1990; 1991-1992C:9/00/11UMLD1
78Research DirectoryCollege of Engineering2014-2015C:9/00/11UMLD1
78Sponsored ProgramsCollege of Engineering1982-1983; 1983-1984; 1984-1985; 1985-1986; 1986-1987; 1987-1988; 1991-1992UMLD1
78St. Pat's Week CelebrationCollege of Engineering1949UMLD1
78The Engineers' Monthly BulletinCollege of Engineering1931-1933Vol. I Nos. 1-4; Vol. II Nos. 1-3C:9/00/2UMLD1
79Alumni DirectoryCollege of Engineering1986, 1990, 1995C:9/00/9UMLD1
79Missouri Honor AwardsCollege of Engineering1975-1976, 1978, 1981-1982, 1984-1985, 1987-1988, 1990-1991, 1993-1995, 1997-2003, 2005C:9/00/11UMLD1
79Mizzou EngineerCollege of Engineering2002-2014Vol. I No. 1; Vol. II No. 1; Vol. III No. 1; Vol. IV No. 1; Vol. VI Nos. 1-2; Vol. VII Nos. 2-3; Vol. VIII Nos. 1-2; Vol. IX No. 1; Vol. X No. 1; Vol. XI Nos. 1-2; Vol. XII No. 2; Vol. XIII Nos. 1-2C:9/00/11UMLD1
79Mizzou Engineering NewsCollege of Engineering2003-2006Vol. IV Nos. 1-3; Vol. V Nos. 1-2; Vol. VI Nos. 1-2; Vol. VII No. 3C:9/00/11UMLD1
79MU Engineering Alumni NewsCollege of Engineering2000-20028/2000; 1/2001; 7/2001; 11/2001; 2/2002; 7/2002C:9/13/8UMLD1
79MU Engineering WeeklyCollege of Engineering1997-199911/26/1997; 12/11/1997; 1/23/1998; 2/2/1998; 2/12/1998; 3/13/1998; 3/24/1998; 3/30/1998; 4/15/1998; 4/29/1998; 5/5/1998; 6/3/1998; 6/29/1998; 7/23/1998; 8/21/1998; 8/28/1998; 9/9/1998; 9/16/1998; 9/23/1998; 10/1/1998; 10/6/1998; 10/15/1998; 10/23/1998; 10/29/1998; 11/6/1998; 11/16/1998; 12/1/1998; 12/15/1998; 1/8/1999; 1/22/1999; 2/15/1999; 3/3/1999; 3/19/1999; 4/2/1999; 4/21/1999; 5/4/1999C:9/13/8UMLD1
79The Emerald Extra newsletterCollege of Engineering1995-19979-10/1995; 11-12/1995; 9/1996; 10/1996; 12/1996; 1/1997; 2/1997; 3/1997; 4/1997; 5-6/1997; 8-9/1997; 10/1997; 11/1997C:9/13/8UMLD1
79Tiger Tales newsletterCollege of Engineering1995-1998Fall 1995; Spring 1996; Spring 1997; Winter 1998; Winter 1999C:9/13/8UMLD1
79UMC Engineering ExtensionCollege of Engineering1982UMLD1
80College of Engineering Newsletter (title changes to News from the College of Engineering with Vol. XVIII No. 2, and to Ingenuity with Vol. XXIV No. 1)College of Engineering1963-1999Vol. I Nos. 1-2; Vol. II Nos. 1-2; Vol. III Nos. 1-2; Vol. IV Nos. 1-2; Vol. V Nos. 1-2; Vol. VI Nos. 1-2; Vol. VII Nos. 1-2; Vol. VIII Nos. 1-2; Vol. IX Nos. 1-2; Vol. X No. 1; Vol. XI Nos. 1-2; Vol. XII No. 1; Vol. XIII No. 1; Vol. XIV Nos. 1-3; Vol. XV Nos. 1-2; Vol. XVI Nos. 1-2; Vol. XVII Nos. 1-2; Vol. XVIII Nos. 1-2; Vol. XIX No. 1; Vol. XX Nos. 1-2; Vol. XXI No. 1; Vol. XXII Nos. 1-3; Vol. XXIII Nos. 1-2; Vol. XXIV Nos. 1-2; Vol. XXV No. 1; Vol. XXVI Nos. 1-2; Vol. XXVII Nos. 1-2; Vol. XXVIII Nos. 1-2; Vol. XXIX Nos. 1-2; Vol. XXX No. 1; Vol. XXXI Nos. 1-2; Vol. XXXII Nos. 1-2; Winter 1998; Summer 1998; Winter 1999C:9/00/7; C:9/00/11UMLD1
81Annual ReportCollege of Engineering1965-1966; 1975-1976; 1976-1977; 1979-1980; 1980-1981; 1981-1982; 1982-1983; 1983-1984; 1985-1986; 1986-1987; 1987-1988; 1988-1989; 1989-1990; 1990-1991; 1992-1993; 1993-1994; 1994-1995; 1995-1996; 1996-1997C:9/00/4RC#102893
81Faculty DirectoryCollege of Engineering1990-1991RC#102893
81Summary Report, Richards-Gebaur ProjectCollege of Engineering9/17/1974RC#102893
147Five-Year Strategic PlanCollege of Engineering5/15/1990UMLD1
210Annual ReportCollege of Engineering5/2000C:9/00/4UMLD1
210Engineering Extension Series BulletinsCollege of EngineeringNos. 2, 3, 3A, 4, 4A, 5, 6, 7, 8UMLD1
211Bioengineering/Advanced Automation Program, Vol. ICollege of Engineering2/1977RC#045570
211Career Target: EngineeringCollege of Engineeringn.d.RC#045570
211Engineering Extension Series BulletinsCollege of EngineeringNos. 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 17, 18A, 19, 20, 21RC#045570
211Engineering Transfer Program GuideCollege of Engineering1997, 1998RC#045570
211Faculty Research InterestsCollege of Engineering10/1979RC#045570
211Review of Research, 1982-1984College of Engineering1985RC#045570
83Some Experiments in the Storage of CoalE.A. Fessenden and J.R. WhartonCollege of Engineering (Engineering Series Bulletin No. 1)1908C:9/14/1RC#102895
82Hazardous Waste Management: Fourth Annual Summer Institute, Volume IT.R. Marrero and J.T. O'ConnorCollege of Engineering and Engineering Extension8/1985RC#102894
82Hazardous Waste Management: Fourth Annual Summer Institute, Volume IIT.R. Marrero and J.T. O'ConnorCollege of Engineering and Engineering Extension8/1985RC#102894
83Proceedings, Ninth Biennial Conference, Campus Radiation Safety OfficersCollege of Engineering/Engineering Extension6/1983RC#102895
79Engineering Extension Series Bulletin - No. 1, Selected Papers from the Regional Short Course on Ready Mixed Concrete and AggregatesCollege of Engineering/Extension Division1963UMLD1
42Directory of Retirement Education LibraryCollege of Home Economics1977RC#042482
147A New Era of Excellence: A Five-Year PlanCollege of Human Environmental Resources5/15/1990UMLD1
8Leisure 2000: Scenarios for the FutureGlenn A. Gillespie, ed.College of Public and Community Services - Department of Recreation and Park Administration1983UMLD1
59The Occurrence of Drug Resistance and the Spectrum of Drug Resistance in Pathogenic Bacteria of Food Animals - Final Technical ReportLloyd A. SelbyCollege of Veterinary Medicine1981UMLD1
71DirectoryCollege of Veterinary Medicine1975-1976, 1978-1979, 1979-1980, 1981-1982, 1982-1983, 1983-1984, 1984-1985, 1985-1986, 1986-1987, 1987-1988, 1988-1989, 1989-1990, 1990-1991, 1992-1993, 1993-1994, 1994-1995, 1995-1996, 1996-1997, 2002, 2006C:17/00/2RC#068565
75Alumni DirectoryCollege of Veterinary Medicine1990, 1998, 2000-2001, 2002-2003, 2006-2007C:17/00/1RC#068614
75CatalogCollege of Veterinary Medicine1992-1994, 1996-1998, 1999-2000, 2003-2004, 2011-2012C:17/22/1RC#068614
75Proposal for Laboratory Animal Care on the Columbia CampusJohn E. HarknessCollege of Veterinary Medicine1976RC#068614
76Academic Affairs Manual for InstructorsCollege of Veterinary Medicine1999UMLD1
76Clubs and OrganizationsCollege of Veterinary Medicine2002, 2003C:17/00/2UMLD1
76College of Veterinary Medicine: A Pictorial ReviewCollege of Veterinary Medicine1996UMLD1
76Commencement ProgramCollege of Veterinary Medicine5/12/2006UMLD1
76Curriculum Vitae of the FacultyCollege of Veterinary Medicine1984UMLD1
76Donor UpdateCollege of Veterinary Medicineca. 1989, 1994-1996Vols. 10, 15-17C:17/00/2UMLD1
76Equine Center: A Progress ReportCollege of Veterinary Medicineca. 1973UMLD1
76Introduction to Epidemiology and Preventive MedicineDavid G. ThawleyCollege of Veterinary Medicine1981UMLD1
76Laboratory Safety ManualCollege of Veterinary Medicine2001UMLD1
76Outline of Courses of the Professional (DVM) CurriculumCollege of Veterinary Medicine1984UMLD1
76Self-StudyCollege of Veterinary Medicine1998UMLD1
76Self-Study and Strategic Plan of the Departments and Self-Study of the Units and Select Committees of the CollegeCollege of Veterinary Medicine11/1998UMLD1
76Student HandbookCollege of Veterinary Medicine2002UMLD1
76The Case for Restoration of Full Accreditation: An Update of the 1989 Accreditation Site Visit Self-StudyCollege of Veterinary Medicine4/1991UMLD1
76The Economic Impact of Veterinary Medicine on the State of MissouriCollege of Veterinary Medicine7/2002UMLD1
76Veterinary and Human Parasitology - Manual for VM245 and VM345Robert M. Corwin and Sara E. GreenCollege of Veterinary Medicine1990UMLD1
78The Vector newsletterCollege of Veterinary Medicine1990-2004Vol. I Nos. 1-2; Vol. II Nos. 1-2, 4-12; Vol. III Nos. 1-12; Vol. IV Nos. 1-12; Vol. V Nos. 1-12; Vol. VI Nos. 1, 3-10; Vol. VII Nos. 4-6, 8-12; Vol. VIII Nos. 1-5, 7-9, 11-12; Vol. IX Nos. 1, 8-12; Vol. X Nos. 1-12; Vol. XI Nos. 1-12; Vol. XII Nos. 1-12; Vol. XIII Nos. 1-12; Vol. XIV Nos. 1-12; Vol. XV Nos. 1-6C:17/00/2UMLD1
79An Outline of Diseases of Laboratory AnimalsRichard B. Wescott, ed.College of Veterinary Medicine1969UMLD1
111Case Statement, For All We Call MizzouCollege of Veterinary Medicine2003RC#048114
147Academic Veterinary Medicine in a Pivotal Half-Decade (Visions for an Era of Excellence in Teaching, Research, and Service): A Five-Year Plan (1991-1996)College of Veterinary Medicine5/10/1990UMLD1
85Anatomy and Physiology of Cooking: A Compilation of RecipesCollege of Veterinary Medicine, Class of 20042001RC#102897
85Hay Is for Horses… Meals R-4 MulesCollege of Veterinary Medicine, Class of 20072004RC#102897
30Proceedings of Animal Control Officers Training ProgramCollege of Veterinary Medicine/Extension Division1977-1982, 1987UMLD1
149University of Missouri Off the RecordJason A. RosenbaumCollege Prowler2005UMLD1
71Cattle Feedlot Operators' Assessment of Missouri Cattle Producers (CA115)Commercial Agriculture Program, Extension Division7/1994RC#068565
74Alternatives for Funding Grade A Milk Inspection in MissouriKen Bailey, Nicole Henley and Neysa RickettsCommercial Agriculture Program, Extension Division2/13/1994RC#068568
74Commercial Agriculture Paper No. 105: Martin Farm (draft)Commercial Agriculture Program, Extension Division5/19/1992RC#068568
74SCORE202 Users Guide, Version 1.1Steven R. Pecsok et al.Commercial Agriculture Program, Extension Division1992RC#068568
75Missouri Citizens' Opinions about Confined-Animal OperationsCommercial Agriculture Program, Extension Division3/1996RC#068614
72Cow/Calf Record Management System (Extension Manual CA0166)Richard RandleCommercial Agriculture Program/Extension Division1990RC#068566
72Impact of a Missouri Dairy Stabilization ProgramKen Bailey, Myron Bennett and Sylvia TimkoCommercial Agriculture Program/Extension Division2/14/1992RC#068566
189Commercial Agriculture InstituteCommercial Agriculture, Extension Division11/1997UMLD1
189Commercial Agriculture InstituteCommercial Agriculture, Extension Division11/1999UMLD1
189Thompson Farm FeedoutCommercial Agriculture, Extension Division1994UMLD1
181Commercial Agriculture Overview for Agriculture Leaders of TomorrowCommercial Agriculture, University Extension10/30/1992RC#016352
134University DirectoryBurroughs and Vivion BrothersCommercially printed (Missouri Statesman)1890RC#004309
136Official Directory: Teachers, Officers, Etc. (includes students)Commercially printed (possibly Columbia Herald Co.)1908-1909UMLD1
38Toward Better Teaching: A Collection of Commentaries on College InstructionEdward M. Palmquist and Donald F. Drummond, eds.Committee for the Improvement of Instruction, College of Arts and Science1951UMLD1
36Circular of Information - Conditions for the Accrediting of Schools, and Recommendations concerning Courses of Study, Methods of Instruction, and Equipment of Laboratories and Libraries in Secondary SchoolsCommittee on Accredited Schools 1901, 1902, 1907First, Third and Fourth EditionsUMLD1
36Directory of Missouri Colleges, Junior Colleges and Non-Public High Schools Accredited by the University of MissouriCommittee on Accredited Schools and Colleges1966UMLD1
37Junior Colleges in Missouri: Circular of Approved Courses, 1928-1929Committee on Accredited Schools and Colleges6/1929UMLD1
179Circular of Information: A Unit in AgricultureJoseph Doliver ElliffCommittee on Accredited Schools/College of Agriculture7/1910UMLD1
8Circular of Information: A Unit in Physical GeographyJoseph D. Elliff and Curtis Fletcher MarbutCommittee on Approved Schools1906UMLD1
101Policy Statement on Financial ExigencyCommittee on Financial Exigency Policies, UM System1/20/1977RC#029976
214The University Libraries Now: A Report of Recommendations for Library Development and a Summary of Current StatusCommittee on Library Resources4/1977RC#045739
111Report of the Committee on the Reorganization and Enlargement of the University of the State of Missouri Presented to the Board of Curators at their Meeting, December 20, 1870 [Published by R. P. Studley and Company, Saint Louis]Committee on the Reorganization and Enlargement of the University of the State of Missouri1871(two copies)RC#048114
147Announcement of the Committee on University PublicationsCommittee on University Publications1/1911UMLD1
78Annual ReportComparative Orthopaedics Laboratory2006, 2008-2009UMLD1
78Comparative Orthopaedics DayComparative Orthopaedics Laboratory and Department of Orthopaedics, School of Medicine2003, 2005-2010UMLD1
144Comprehensive Planning for the Campus of the University of Missouri, ColumbiaComprehensive Planning Group6/1982RC#013834
53Computer Center Newsletter (title changes to Computer Network Newsletter with Vol. IV No. 11, 3/1973, to Office of Computing Activities Newsletter with Vol. VI No. 6, 11/1974, to Computing and Information Systems/Computer Network Newsletter with Vol. X No. 6, 12/1978-1/1979, and to Computing and Information Technology Newsletter with Vol. XIII No. 5Computer Center1969-1974Vol. I Nos. 1-12; Vol. II Nos. 1-12; Vol. III Nos. 1-12; Vol. IV Nos. 1-12; Vol. V Nos. 1-12; Vol. VI Nos. 1-12; Vol. VII Nos. 1-12; Vol. VIII Nos. 1-10, 12, 12a (includes index for 3/1973-11/1976); Vol. IX Nos. 1-10; Vol. X Nos. 1-4, 6-10; Vol. XI Nos. 1-7; Vol. XII Nos. 1-6; Vol. XIII Nos. 1-8; Vol. XIV No. 1RC#131561
42Centers of Computing Support - Higher Education in MissouriEric L. KincanonComputer Facilitating Committee1982RC#042482
53Introduction to Virtual Storage Operating SystemComputer Network11/1974RC#131561
53Tape User's GuideComputer Network12/1974RC#131561
54User's Guide to JCL (third edition)Computer Network12/1974RC#131564
54User's Guide to WATFIVComputer Network1/1975RC#131564
83User's Guide to ATS (Administrative Terminal System)Computer Network2/1975RC#102895
85User's Guide to WATFIV with WATFIV Library Changes (third edition, fourth printing)Computer Network9/1977RC#102897
54Computer Programs for Statistical AnalysisComputer Research Center Statistical Group6/1967RC#131564
53University of Missouri Annual Computing ReportComputing Management Council1983RC#131561
144Introduction to Academic Computing at UMCComputing Services1988-1989C:1/28/00RC#013834
109Directory of Organizational Plans of Class AAA Missouri Elementary Schools for the School Year 1968-1969Carl C. Fehrle, ed.Continuing Professional Education, College of Education/University Extension9/1969UMLD1
22Missouri Agricultural Outlook LetterCooperative Extension1971-1990, with gapsRC#130774
23National Impact Study: Financial Planning and Management Programs - Comprehensive ReportCooperative Extensionca. 1987RC#130775
23National Impact Study: Financial Planning and Management Programs - Home Based BusinessCooperative Extensionn.d.RC#130775
27Civil Rights and Equal Employment Opportunity Compliance ReportCooperative Extension1978UMLD1
91National Impact Study: Financial Planning and Management Programs - Estate Planning ProgramsCooperative Extension1980RC#003065
91National Impact Study: Financial Planning and Management Programs - Family Financial Management and Credit UseCooperative Extension1980RC#003065
200Balanced Farming Handbook (BF-5604)Cooperative Extensionn.d.UMLD1
200Planning and Managing Your Farm Business Center (North Central Regional Publication #233)Herman E. Workman et al.Cooperative Extension1980UMLD1
200Reports of the Extension External Review TeamsCooperative Extension4/1979UMLD1
ShelfA History of Missouri Extension ServiceArnold BarberCooperative Extension1990Ellis
47Ideas: Research You Can Use from the Missouri School of JournalismCooperative Extension (Miscellaneous Publication series)ca. 1982-1987Vol. I Nos. 1-4; Vol. II No. 1; Spring 1986; Winter 1987UMLD1
15Economic and Marketing Information for Missouri Agriculture: Economic, Political, and Social Prospects for the 1980sHarold F. BreimyerCooperative Extension and Department of Agricultural Economics1/1982Vol. XXV No. 1RC#069361
84Consumer InformationCooperative Extension Service1962-1972Nos. 1-16, 23-28RC#102896
204Commercial Wheat Varieties of the United States [draft]Kenneth D. KephartCooperative Extension Service1992RC#041122
24Missouri Farm Financial OutlookCooperative Extension/Department of Agricultural Economics1982-1986, 1988-1999, 2001, 2006RC#130776
200Ag Lender Seminars - Missouri Farm Financial Outlook 1982Cooperative Extension/Department of Agricultural Economics11-12/1981UMLD1
201Farm Management Newsletter (FM series)Cooperative Extension/Department of Agricultural Economics1966-2003Nos. 66-9, 66-11 through 66-13; 67-1 through 67-12; 68-4, 68-12; 69-5, 69-9; 70-3, 70-6 through 70-15; 71-2 through 71-4, 71-6 through 71-11; 72-2 through 72-7, 72-9 through 72-14; 73-1, 73-3 through 73-5, 73-7 through 73-9, 73-11 through 73-21, 73-23 through 73-24; 74-2 through 74-10, 74-12 through 74-13, 74-15 through 74-17, 74-19 through 74-20; 75-1 through 75-11; 76-1 through 76-18; 77-1 through 77-18; 78-1 through 78-14; 79-1 through 79-10, 79-12 through 79-15; 80-1 through 80-9; 81-1 through 81-14; 82-1 through 82-13; 83-1 through 83-10; 84-1 through 84-13; 85-1 through 85-9; 86-1 through 86-11; 87-1 through 87-11; 88-1 through 88-5; 89-1 through 89-3, 89-5; 90-1 through 90-6; 91-1 through 91-4; 92-1 through 92-5; 93-1 through 93-5; 94-1; 95-1 through 95-4; 96-1 through 96-3; 97-1 through 97-2; 98-1 through 98-3; 99-1 through 99-3; 2000-1 through 2000-4; 2001-1; 2002-1; 2003-1C:3/42/NPRC#041074
201Farm Management Newsletter (FMB series)Cooperative Extension/Department of Agricultural Economics1968-1972Nos. 68-1, 68-3, 69-1, 69-2, 69-5, 70-4, 71-3, 72-5, 72-6C:3/42/NPRC#041074
144Contracting and Organizations Research Institute (CORI) newsletterCORIca. 2005Vol. I No. 1RC#013834
42Proceedings of Intern-Return Conference [includes photograph]Counseling Services1974RC#042482
ShelfThe Counseling Psychology Program, University of Missouri-Columbia: Its History, Its ImpactWayne AndersonCounseling ServicesSummer 1984Ellis
18India in 1984Brij B. Khare, ed.Cultural Association of India, University of Missouri-Columbia1/1962UMLD1
179Annual Technical Report No. 4, Part II, 1971-1972 - Improvement of the International Capabilities of Universities (The 211(D) Projects)CUSURDI1971-1972UMLD1
64Cystic Fibrosis on the Trail newsletterCystic Fibrosis Center, Children's Hospital1998-2005Vol. VIII Nos. 1-3; Vol. IX Nos. 1-3; Vol. X Nos. 1-3; Vol. XI Nos. 1-3; Vol. XII Nos. 1-3; Vol. XIII Nos. 1-3; Vol. XIV Nos. 1-2; Vol. XV Nos. 1-2RC#131854
72MU MilkmanDairy Club1955, 1956, 1957, 1958, 1959, 1960, 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1967, 1968, 1969, 1970, 1971, 1972-1973, 1974, 1975, 1976C:3/22/3; C:3/22/8RC#068566
72Dairy Focus 2000, A Strategic Plan for Missouri's Dairy Industry: Missouri's Competitive AdvantageDairy Focus 2000 Task Force, Commercial Agriculture Program/Extension Division1995RC#068566
74Commercial Agriculture Report No. 126: A Model to Analyze the Economics of Expansions: The Commercial Agriculture Dairy Simulation Model (CADSIM)Kenneth Bailey, David Hardin and Jim SpainDairy Focus Team, Commercial Agriculture Program, Extension Division1/1995RC#068568
74Commercial Agriculture Report No. 127: An Economic Feasibility Study of Large-Scale Dairy Units in MissouriDave Hardin et al.Dairy Focus Team, Commercial Agriculture Program, Extension Division1/1995RC#068568
74Commercial Agriculture Report No. 128: The Economics of a 1000-Cow Dairy Unit in MissouriDave Hardin et al.Dairy Focus Team, Commercial Agriculture Program, Extension Division1/1995RC#068568
72The Missouri System of Dairy Heifer Production (Manual 159)Dairy Focus Team, Commercial Agriculture Program/Extension Division1990RC#068566
63Annual ReportDalton Cardiovascular Research Center1994-1995RC#131853
110Extra-Divisional Administration Report #1, A Study of New Transfer Students from Missouri Colleges and Universities to the University of Missouri, Columbia, Fall 1966Warren R. Seymour and Robert CallisDean of Extra-Divisional Administration10/1966UMLD1
110Extra-Divisional Administration Report #3, A Summary of American Council on Education Data on Entering Freshmen, Fall 1966Warren R. Seymour and Robert CallisDean of Extra-Divisional Administration6/1967UMLD1
110Extra-Divisional Administration Report #4, The Problems of Junior College Transfer Students: A Review of On-Campus ResearchWarren R. Seymour and Robert CallisDean of Extra-Divisional Administration10/1968UMLD1
110Extra-Divisional Administration Report #5, Trend Analysis of Transfer Students to the University of Missouri-Columbia from Missouri Colleges and Universities, Fall 1966-Fall 1968Geoffrey R. McKee, Warren R. Seymour and Robert CallisDean of Extra-Divisional Administration3/1969UMLD1
110Evaluation of Student Activity Fee at the University of Missouri-ColumbiaJames H. Banning and Dennis W. ViehlandDean of Student Affairs1/6/1975UMLD1
110Preliminary Technical Report No. 12-72 - A Planning, Programming, Budgeting System Adapted for the Student Affairs and Student Services Program at the University of Missouri-ColumbiaPaul E. PetersDean of Student Affairs3/1972UMLD1
169Hands Across the Centuries: A History of the Delta Chi FraternityAnnie Miller DevoyDelta Chi Fraternity2012C:22/7/1UMLD1
169Membership Directory of the Missouri Chapter of Delta Upsilon, 1924-1976Delta Upsilon Fraternity1976C:22/7/1UMLD1
27DR Scott Memorial LectureDepartment of Accountancy1968-1989Vols. 1-18UMLD1
78The Scientific Contributions of George Washington CarverDepartment of Agricultural Chemistry1962UMLD1
15Distinction (newsletter)Department of Agricultural Economics2003-2004C:3/16/6RC#069361
19A Summary, Evaluation of Findings, Recommendations and A Study of Fram Operations at State Hospitals No. 1, 2, 3, 4, the State Sanatorium and the School for the DeafO.R. Johnson et al.Department of Agricultural Economics11/1958UMLD1
19Policy Issues in Missouri Agriculture (name changed beginning in 1990 to Policy Issues for Rural Missourians)Department of Agricultural Economics1972-1977, 1982-1983, 1985-1999UMLD1
19US Agricultural Crops and Livestock Outlook and Policy Modeling System: Historical Data Base, 1961-1981Department of Agricultural Economics12/6/1982UMLD1
21Economic and Marketing Information for Missouri Agriculture (title changes to Economic and Policy Information for Missouri Agriculture with Vol. XXXI No. 3, 3/1988)Department of Agricultural Economics1960-1996Vol. I Nos. 1-10; Vol. II Nos. 1-4, 4a, 5-10; Vol. III Nos. 1-6; Vol. IV [sic] Nos. 7-8; Vol. V [sic] Nos. 9-11; Vol. VI Nos. 1-12; Vol. VII Nos. 1-12; Vol. VIII Nos. 1-12; Vol. IX Nos. 1-12; Vol. X Nos. 1-12; Vol. XI Nos. 1-12; Vol. XII Nos. 1-12; Vol. XIII Nos. 1-12; Vol. XIV Nos. 1-12; Vol. XV Nos. 1-12; Vol. XVI Nos. 1-12; Vol. XVII Nos. 1-12; Vol. XVIII Nos. 1-12; Vol. XIX Nos. 1-12; Vol. XX Nos. 1-12; Vol. XXI Nos. 1-12; Vol. XXII Nos. 1-12; Vol. XXIII Nos. 1-12; Vol. XXIV Nos. 1-12; Vol. XXV Nos. 1-12; Vol. XXVI Nos. 1-12; Vol. XXVII Nos. 1-12; Vol. XXVIII Nos. 1-12; Vol. XXIX Nos. 1-12; Vol. XXX Nos. 1-10; Vol. XXXI Nos. 1-9, 11-12; Vol. XXXII Nos. 1-12; Vol. XXXIII Nos. 1-12; Vol. XXXIV Nos. 1-9; Vol. XXXV Nos. 1-6; Vol. XXXVI Nos. 1-6; Vol. XXXVII Nos. 1-6; Vol. XXXVIII Nos. 1-6; Vol. XXXIX No. 1RC#130773
21Production Costs and Returns for Major Agricultural Products of Nicaragua: Data Tables for 1972 and 1975: A Report to the Agency for International DevelopmentPhilip F. WarnkenDepartment of Agricultural Economics2/1975RC#130773
25Intermediate Outlook for the US Crop and Livestock IndustryAbner Womack et al.Department of Agricultural Economics6/1983RC#130777
28Rural Missouri 1995: Challenges and Issues - Executive SummaryDepartment of Agricultural Economics10/1985UMLD1
30An Economic Analysis of the Market for Marijuana in the United StatesMartin D. TurnerDepartment of Agricultural EconomicsUMLD1
152A Collection of Addresses by Frank MillerFrank MillerDepartment of Agricultural Economics2/19/1965RC#001629
153Seminar Papers to be Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Agricultural Economics AssociationDepartment of Agricultural Economics8/1970RC#003336
186Policies and Procedures in Administering the Graduate Program in Agricultural EconomicsDepartment of Agricultural Economics1969UMLD1
188History of the Department of Farm Management/Rural Life/Agricultural Economics, 1910-1958O.R. JohnsonDepartment of Agricultural Economicsca. 1958Vols. I-VIIIC:3/16/12UMLD1
189An Analysis of Funding Alternatives for Agricultural Research with Special Reference to AfricaMelvin G. BlaséDepartment of Agricultural Economics1993UMLD1
200A Collection of Addresses by Gordon B. NanceGordon B. NanceDepartment of Agricultural Economics1964UMLD1
200Information on Missouri Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers and Missouri Chapter of American Society of Farm Managers and Rural AppraisersDepartment of Agricultural EconomicsFall 1985, 8/1988UMLD1
200Research Progress in Agricultural Economics: Progress ReportsDepartment of Agricultural Economics1967UMLD1
200Research Progress ReportDepartment of Agricultural Economics1961-1962, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1967UMLD1
177Management Information Records MIR 4.0 DemoDepartment of Agricultural Economics, CAFNR1992UMLD1
185A Collection of Addresses by O.R. JohnsonO.R. JohnsonDepartment of Agricultural Economics, CAFNR1965RC#016369
186The Mizzou Ag Educator newsletterDepartment of Agricultural Education 8/2004Vol. VC:3/00/7UMLD1
181Handbook for Program Planning in Vocational Agriculture (preliminary draft)Department of Agricultural Education, CAFNR8/1979RC#016352
181Handbook for Vocational Students in AgricultureEwart B. KnightDepartment of Agricultural Education, CAFNR1936RC#016352
181Manual for Student Teaching in Vocational Agriculture (revised)Department of Agricultural Education, CAFNR1953RC#016352
186Why Former Teachers of Vocational Agriculture Left the ProfessionsC.V. RoderickDepartment of Agricultural Education/College of Education5/1953UMLD1
46Farm Buildings and Their EquipmentJ.C. WooleyDepartment of Agricultural Engineering1934UMLD1
65The Missouri Irrigation and Landforming NewsletterDepartment of Agricultural Engineering1971-1973Vol. I Nos. 2-8; Vol. II Nos. 1-7; Vol. III Nos. 1-5C:3/37/2; C:18/3/9RC#131855
80Annual ReportDepartment of Agricultural Engineering1975-1976, 1976-1977, 1977-1978, 1978-1979, 1979-1980, 1980-1981, 1981-1982UMLD1
65Missouri Soil Fertility and Fertilizers Research UpdateDepartment of Agronomy2004-2013, 2015-2016RC#131855
65Sciences Relating to the SoilDepartment of Agronomy1986RC#131855
66Miscellaneous Publications No. 71-3, Research in Agronomy 1971Department of Agronomy1971UMLD1
66Miscellaneous Publications No. 72-18, Grain Sorghum Research in Southeast Missouri 1972James A. Roth, R.D. Horrocks and Thomas E. FisherDepartment of Agronomy1972UMLD1
66Miscellaneous Publications No. 74-2, Research in Agronomy 1974Department of Agronomy1974UMLD1
66Miscellaneous Publications No. 90-1, Missouri Soil Fertility and Fertilizers Research Update 1989Department of Agronomy2/1990UMLD1
66Miscellaneous Publications No. 92-1, Missouri Soil Fertility and Fertilizers Research Update 1991Department of Agronomy2/1992UMLD1
66Miscellaneous Publications No. 94-3, Missouri Soil Fertility and Fertilizers Research Update 1993Department of Agronomy2/1994UMLD1
66Miscellaneous Publications No. 95-2, Missouri Soil Fertility and Fertilizers Research Update 1994Department of Agronomy2/1995UMLD1
66Miscellaneous Publications No. 96-3, Missouri Soil Fertility and Fertilizers Research Update 1995Department of Agronomy2/1996UMLD1
66Miscellaneous Publications No. 98-1, Missouri Soil Fertility and Fertilizers Research Update 1996Department of Agronomy1/1998UMLD1
67Miscellaneous Publications No. 73-5, Research in Agronomy 1973Department of Agronomy1973UMLD1
188Annual ReportDepartment of Agronomy1977, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983UMLD1
188Graduate Studies in Agronomy HandbookDepartment of Agronomy1975UMLD1
199Soil Physics and Fertility Laboratory GuideM.F. Miller and C.A. LeClairDepartment of Agronomy1/1914UMLD1
209Recommendations for Chemical Weed ControlDepartment of Agronomy1981UMLD1
207Weed Science Research Project ReportDepartment of Agronomy/Agricultural Experiment Station1969 Vols. 1-4, 1970 Vols. 1-2UMLD1
208Weed Science Research Project ReportDepartment of Agronomy/Agricultural Experiment Station1970 Vol. 3UMLD1
59Anatomical Laboratory Papers/Studies from the Department of Anatomy (offprints)VariousDepartment of Anatomy1900-1920UMLD1
72Beef Cattle Report (Animal Sciences Report Nos. 108, 111, 114, 116, 118, 119)Department of Animal Sciences1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1991C:25/00/8RC#068566
72Progress Report: Beef Cattle Research (Animal Sciences Report Nos. 101, 103Department of Animal Sciences/Agricultural Experiment Station1982, 1983C:25/00/8RC#068566
75Swine Day Research Report (Animal Science Special Report Nos. 395, 410, 426, 439, 451Department of Animal Sciences/Agricultural Experiment Station1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993C:25/00/8RC#068614
75Swine Research Report (Animal Science Report Nos. 102, 105, 107, 109, 112, 115Department of Animal Sciences/Agricultural Experiment Station1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988C:25/00/8RC#068614
1Annual Report of the American Archaeology Division: A Report of Activities for the Fiscal Year 1977-1978 and for the Calendar Year 1978Department of Anthropology1978C:6/00/5RC#069330
1Museum of Anthropology Monograph Number 10: Archaeological Studies of World War IIEdited by W. Raymond WoodDepartment of Anthropology1991C:6/42/1RC#069330
3University of Missouri Monographs in Anthropology, No. 5 – Cihuatan: An Early Postclassic Town of El Salvador – The 1977-1978 ExcavationsKaren Olsen BruhnsDepartment of Anthropology1980C:6/42/1RC#069381
3University of Missouri Monographs in Anthropology, No. 6 – Panama in Transition: Local Reactions to Development PoliciesJohn R. Bort and Mary W. HelmsDepartment of Anthropology1983C:6/42/1RC#069381
3University of Missouri Monographs in Anthropology, No. 7 – The Mopan: Culture and Ethnicity in a Changing Belizean CommunityJames R. GregoryDepartment of Anthropology1984C:6/42/1RC#069381
3Wa-jee-pa-na, ‘The Missouri Crier’, Newsletter of the Department of AnthropologyDepartment of Anthropology1992-2010Vol. I Nos. 1-2; Vol. II No. 1; Vol. 3 No. 1; Vol. III [sic]; Vol. V; Vol. VI; Vol. VII; Vol. VIIIC:6/00/5RC#069381
45Art News from MU newsletterDepartment of ArtSpring 1992Vol. I No. 1 RC#054808
46Missouri Folk: Their Creative ImagesDepartment of Art 10/1982UMLD1
45AHA NewsletterDepartment of Art History and Archaeology2001-2003Nos. 6-8RC#054808
45AHA newsletterDepartment of Art History and Archaeology1/1983No. 1RC#054808
45Communique newsletterDepartment of Art History and ArchaeologyFall 2004RC#054808
46Preliminary Catalog of the Collection of Paintings, Prints, and Drawings (Papers prepared by the students enrolled during the Spring semester, 1970, in Art History 300: Museum Problems)Donald W. Powell et al.Department of Art History and Archaeology1970UMLD1
85Early Books on Art, 1500 to 1800: Catalogue to an Exhibition of Some Old and Rare Books on Art and Architecture in the Ellis LibraryMarcia Collins and Norman E. LandDepartment of Art History and Archaeology1977RC#102897
46Artibus newsletterDepartment of Art, Department of Music, and the University Theatre1979-1980Vol. I Nos. 1-2; Vol. II Nos. 1-2UMLD1
56BiochemNEWSDepartment of Biochemistry1990-1997Fall/Winter 1990; Spring/Summer 1991; Fall 1991/Winter 1992; Spring/Summer 1992; Fall 1992/Winter 1993; Spring/Summer 1993; Fall 1993; Winter 1994-1995; Winter 1995-1996; Winter 1996-1997UMLD1
56Leroy Sheldon Palmer and the Beginnings of Chromatography in the United States of AmericaLeslie S. Ettre and Robert L. WixomDepartment of Biochemistry4/17/1989UMLD1
58Professor Emeritus Muhrer's Vitae (memoir, also includes recognition dinner program)Merle E. MuhrerDepartment of Biochemistry1979UMLD1
80Annual ReportDepartment of Bioengineering/Advanced Automation Program1976-1977, 1977-1978, 1978-1979UMLD1
57AnnouncementsDepartment of Botany1902-1903UMLD1
57Contributions from the Department of Botany (offprints)Department of Botany1885-1937, 1959-1962UMLD1
110University of Missouri Real Property Holdings and Interests as of July 1, 1986Department of Business Management, Assistant Vice President for Business Services1986UMLD1
79Department of Chemical Engineering Newsletter (title changes to ChEMU Newsletter with 7/30/1991 issue, and to CheMU News with the Winter 1996 issue)Department of Chemical Engineering1991-1997Vol. I, 1991; 7/30/1991; Volume II, n.d.; 1/1992; Fall 1992; Winter 1993; Vol. VII, 1993; Winter 1994; Spring 1994; Winter 1995; 7/1995; Winter 1996; Fall 1997C:9/13/8;C:9/7/5UMLD1
80Annual ReportDepartment of Chemical Engineering1975-1976, 1976-1977, 1977-1978, 1978-1979, 1979-1980, 1980-1981, 1981-1982UMLD1
55Catalyst newsletterDepartment of Chemistry1994-1996Vols. I-IIRC#131566
55Graduate Chemistry at the University of Missouri-ColumbiaDepartment of Chemistry1981RC#131566
55Introductory College Chemistry (Trial Edition)Leo H. SpinarDepartment of Chemistry1966RC#131566
64Mini-Tiger Tales newsletterDepartment of Child Health, Children's Hospital1993-1996Fall 1993; Winter 1994; Spring 1994; Summer 1994; Fall 1994; Winter 1995; Spring 1995; Summer 1995; Fall 1995; Winter 1996C:23/00/1RC#131854
25Traffic and Parking Plan for the University of Missouri - Senior Design Project, Class of 1966Department of Civil Engineering1/20/1966RC#130777
80Annual ReportDepartment of Civil Engineering1975-1976, 1976-1977, 1977-1978, 1978-1979, 1979-1980, 1980-1981, 1981-1982UMLD1
46Mercurius newsletterDepartment of Classical Studies1987-1994Spring 1987; Spring 1988; Summer 1989; Autumn 1990; Summer 1991; Spring 1994UMLD1
46Communique newsletterDepartment of Communication2000-2004Winter 2000; Summer 2001; Summer 2003; Summer 2004UMLD1
28Currents in Community DevelopmentWilliam W. Biddle and Arthur DunhamDepartment of Community Development12/1964UMLD1
ShelfCommunity Development since 1957: A Brief History and Alumni DirectoryDepartment of Community Development1984Ellis
62The Environmental Sciences Program: An Elective Area of Concentration for the Degree Master of Science in Public HealthDepartment of Community Health and Medical Practice, School of Medicinen.d.RC#131852
53CIT/CCF Computing NewsDepartment of Computing and Information Technology1986-19935/1986; 6/1986; 7/1986; 8/1986; 9/1986; 10/1986; 11/1986; 12/1986; 1/1987; 2/1987; 3/1987; 4/1987; 5/1987; 6/1987; 7/1987; 8/1987; 9/1987; 10/1987; 11/1987; 12/1987; 1/1988; 2/1988; 3/1988; 4/1988; 5/1988; 6/1988; 7/1988; 8-9/1988; 10/1988; 11-12/1988; 1/1989; 2/1989; 3/1989; 4/1989; 5/1989; 6/1989; 7/1989; 8-9/1989; 10/1989; 11-12/1989; 1/1990; 2/1990; 3/1990; 4-5/1990; 6/1990; 7/1990; 8/1990; 10/1990; 11/1990; 1/1991; 2/1991; 3/1991; 4/1991; 5-6/1991; 7-8/1991; 9-10/1991; 11-12/1991; 1/1992; 2-3/1992; 4-5/1992; 6/1992; 7-8/1992; 9-11/1992; 12/1992-1/1993; 2/1993; 3/1993; 5/1993; 7/1993RC#131561
11CommuniqueDepartment of EconomicsSummer 2000RC#068050
11Department of Economics NewsletterDepartment of Economics1992-1994, 1996-1997RC#068050
13Working Papers in Economics, No. 1974-E5 - Stability in Disequilibrium Macro ModelsPaul E. SmithDepartment of Economics1974RC#068059
18Discussion Paper 71-1, Technological Change and the Inequality of Income DistributionFloyd K. Harmston and Hiroyuki HinoDepartment of Economics5/1971UMLD1
227New Approaches to Dynamic Stability in Macro-Economic ModelsPaul E. SmithDepartment of Economics ca. 1967UMLD1
21Production and Utilization of Labor Market Information: Reports on 1976 Summer InternshipsDepartment of Economics Human Resources Program11/1976RC#130773
21Production and Utilization of Labor Market Information: Reports on 1977 Summer InternshipsDepartment of Economics Human Resources Program11/1977RC#130773
21Reports on Human Resources InternshipsDepartment of Economics Human Resources ProgramSummer 1978RC#130773
227CAPA Working Papers in Economics No. 1974-E1, The 'Incidence' Theory of the Black-White Unemployment Rate Ratio RevisitedDavid W. Stevens and McNiel GimaDepartment of Economics, College of Administration and Public Affairs1974UMLD1
227CAPA Working Papers in Economics No. 1974-E3, A Conspicuous Production Theory of Resource Allocation in Higher EducationMaw Lin Lee et al.Department of Economics, College of Administration and Public Affairs1974UMLD1
44Course materials, C140 - School Organization and Administration: Teaching in the Inner-City and Liking ItReginald L. GreenDepartment of Educational Administration and Supervision, College of Education1970RC#054807
42Internal Review of Existing Programs, Self-Study ReportDepartment of Educational Administration, College of Education3/1979RC#042482
1Educational and Counseling Psychology CampaignDepartment of Educational and Counseling Psychology1999C:8/20/3RC#069330
44ELPA newsletterDepartment of Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis1996-1997Vol. I No. 2; Vol. II No. 1, December 1997RC#054807
37Educational Psychology Learning Laboratory Research Report No. 1Department of Educational Psychology, College of Education1967UMLD1
83Electrical and Computer Engineering Department News and Notes/ECE NewsDepartment of Electrical and Computer EngineeringFall 1983; Fall 1984; 1/1986RC#102895
80Annual ReportDepartment of Electrical Engineering1975-1976, 1976-1977, 1978-1979, 1979-1980, 1980-1981, 1981-1982 (1977-1978 report bound in with College of Engineering Annual Reports in Box 81)UMLD1
83Graduate Program ReviewDepartment of Electrical Engineering5/1969RC#102895
81Enhancement and Feature Extraction for Radiographic ImagesE.L. Hall et al.Department of Electrical Engineering and Department of Radiology10/1970RC#102893
43Student Guide to English 60, ExpositionDepartment of English1984-1985RC#042483
44Newsletter of the English DepartmentDepartment of English1974-1985Vol. I No. 1; Vol. II No. 1; Vol. III No. 1; Vol. IV No. 1; Vol. V No. 1; Vol. VI No. 1; Vol. VII No. 1; Vol. VIII No. 1; Vol. IX No. 1RC#054807
44Tate Times newsletterDepartment of English2017-2018RC#054807
44The Looking Glass newsletterDepartment of English1995-1996Vols. I-IIRC#054807
46Composition HandbookDepartment of English2001-2002UMLD1
46Linguistic Curiosities: A LectureD.R. McAnallyDepartment of English1879UMLD1
46Missouri English NotesDepartment of English1958-1969Vol. I No. I; Nos. 3-5 (no vol. number); 4/1965; 4/1966; 4/1967; Spring 1968; Spring 1969UMLD1
49Center, a Journal of the Literary ArtsDepartment of English2000-2006Vol. I Nos. 1-2; Vols. II-VUMLD1
49Midlands - Title change (for Vol. XXXII only) to MO(TS)-ART Student Literary JournalDepartment of English1957-1999Vol. I Nos. 1-2; Vol. II Nos. 1-2; Vol. III No. 1; Vol. IV No. 1; Vol. V No. 1; Vol. VI Nos. 1-2; Vol. VII Nos. 1-2; Vol. VIII No. 1; Vol. IX No. 1; Vol. X No. 1; Vol. XI No. 1; Vol. XII No. 1; Vol. XIII No. 1; Vol. XIV Nos. 1-2; Vol. XV No. 1; Vol. XVI No. 1; Vol. XVII No. 1; Vol. XVIII No. 1; Vol. XIX No. 1; Vol. XX No. 1; Vol. XXI No. 1; Vol. XXII No. 1; Vol. XXIII No. 1; Vol. XXIV No. 1; Vol. XXV No. 1; Vol. XXVI No. 1; Vol. XXVII No. 1; Vol. XXVIII No. 1; Vol. XXIX No. 1; Vol. XXX No. 1; Vol. XXXI No. 1; Vol. XXXII No. 1; Vol. 33; Vol. 34; Vol. 35; Vol. 36; Vol. 37; Vol. 38; Vol. 39; Vol. 40C:6/20/9UMLD1
50Freshman WritingDepartment of English1955-1965Nos. 1-10UMLD1
112Manual for Graduate TeachersDepartment of English1989-1990RC#048115
112Manual for Teaching AssistantsDepartment of English1978RC#048115
701978 Pesticide Use on Missouri's Major Field CropsDepartment of Entomology1978UMLD1
70Insect Control: Yesterday, Today and TomorrowArmon J. Keaster and Mary A. JacksonDepartment of Entomology 1999UMLD1
70Weekly Insect, Disease and Weed Situation ReportDepartment of Entomology/Extension Division1984-1989Entomology 1984 Nos. 1-19; Integrated Pest Management 1984 Nos. 1-19; Plant Pathology 1984 Nos. 1-2, 4-19; Weed Science 1984 Nos. 1-2, 4-13, 15-16; Entomology 1985 Nos. 1-17; Integrated Pest Management 1985 Nos. 1-17; Plant Pathology 1985 Nos. 1-17; Entomology 1986 Nos. 1-17; Integrated Pest Management 1986 Nos. 1-17; Plant Pathology 1986 Nos. 1-17; Entomology 1987 Nos. 1-17; Integrated Pest Management 1987 Nos. 1-17; Plant Pathology 1987 Nos. 1-17; Entomology 1988 Nos. 1-19; Integrated Pest Management 1988 Nos. 1-19; Plant Pathology 1988 Nos. 1-19; Entomology 1989 Nos. 1-19; Integrated Pest Management 1989 Nos. 1-19; Plant Pathology 1989 Nos. 1-19UMLD1
60Exemplary PapersDepartment of Family and Community Medicine1989-1991Vols. I-IIIUMLD1
61Family and Community Medicine newsletterDepartment of Family and Community Medicine, School of Medicine2000-2018Summer 2000; Winter 2001; Summer 2001; Winter 2002; Fall 2002; Spring 2003; Summer 2003; Fall 2003; Spring 2004; Fall 2004; Spring 2005; Summer 2005; Spring 2006; Fall 2006; Winter 2007; Summer 2007; Winter 2008; Summer 2008; Winter 2009; Summer 2009; Winter 2010; Summer 2010; Winter 2011; Summer 2011; Winter 2012; Summer 2012; Winter 2013; Summer 2013; Winter 2014; Summer 2014; Winter 2015; Summer 2015; Winter 2016; Summer 2016; Winter 2017; Summer 2017; Winter 2018C:14/00/2RC#131851
175Teaching in Practice newsletterDepartment of Family and Community Medicine, School of Medicine5/2001Vol. I No. 1RC#019492
205Weed Control Projects Annual ReportDepartment of Field Crops1962 Vol. 2; 1963 Vol. 2; 1964RC#041375
206Weed Control Projects Annual ReportDepartment of Field Crops1965 Vols. 1-2, 1967 Vols. 1-3, 1968 Vols. 1-3UMLD1
189Report of Observations on the Present Status of Research in the College of Agriculture, Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology, and Recommendations for ImprovementEmmett L. PinnellDepartment of Field Crops/USAID6/2/1967UMLD1
83Eckles EchoDepartment of Food Science and Nutrition9/1987; Spring 1988; Spring 1989; Fall 1989; Summer 1990; Winter 1992; Fall 1992; Spring 1994C:3/00/7RC#102895
3CommuniqueDepartment of GeographyFall 1998C:6/21/3RC#069381
3Meridian/Mizzou MeridianDepartment of Geography2002-2005C:6/21/3RC#069381
79A Directory of Missouri Data SourcesRobert F. Austin et al.Department of Geography8/1979UMLD1
86A Selective, Annotated Bibliography of Publications Relevant to the Geographical Study of International TradeAndreas GrotewoldDepartment of Geography8/1960UMLD1
145Geography MA Recipients and Thesis Titles, 1915-2000Department of Geography12/8/2000RC#013862
147Department of Geography Graduate Degrees 1915-2000Department of Geography9/2000UMLD1
147Log of the Scholar's Ship Geography: Voyages at the University of Missouri-Columbia, 1843-2000 - 50th Anniversary of the Department of GeographyWalter A. SchroederDepartment of Geography9/23/2000UMLD1
56Biographic Sketches of Men Important in the History of Geology to 1900Compiled by members of the History of Geology ClassDepartment of Geological SciencesSpring 1949UMLD1
56Department of Geology NewsletterDepartment of Geological Sciences5/1967; 8/1968; ca. 1975C:6/22/5UMLD1
56Geology Alumni Newsletter (title changes to Geological Sciences Alumni Newsletter with 12/1991 issue)Department of Geological Sciences1981-20141981; 1982; 11/1983; 11/1984; 11/1985; 11/1986; 11/1987; 11/1988; 11/1989; 11/1990; 12/1991; 11/1992; 11/1993; 10/1994; 10/1995; 11/1996; 11/1997; 11/1998; 11/1999; 11/2000; 11/2001; 11/2002; 11/2003; 12/2004; 11/2005; 11/2006; 11/2007; 11/2008; 11/2009; 11/2010; 11/2011; 11/2012; 11/2013; 11/2014C:6/22/5UMLD1
56Study Guide for 101 Man and His EarthClayton JohnsonDepartment of Geology/Center for Independent Study1982UMLD1
47Individually Guided German Studies (IGGS) Study OutlineDepartment of Germanic and Slavic Studies1975UMLD1
61Alumni NewsDepartment of Health Services Management1983-19864/15/1983; 5/15/1983; 6/15/1983; 9/1983; 11-12/1983; 11-12/1984; 2/1985; 5-6/1985; 9-10/1985; Spring/Summer 1986C:23/00/1RC#131851
45Creating an Environment for Educating Adults: A Curriculum GuideDepartment of Higher and Adult EducationWinter 1985RC#054808
85A Bibliography of Text-Books and Works of Reference in Ancient, Mediaeval and Modern, English and American HistoryNorman MacLaren TrenholmeDepartment of History1905RC#102897
144Department of History NewsletterDepartment of History1954-1978No. I, Nos. III-IV, Vols. V-XXIV (one issue each volume)C:6/24/11RC#013834
144Department of History NewsletterDepartment of History1982-1988, 1994Vols. II-V, Vol. X (one issue each volume)C:6/24/11RC#013834
1Syllabus for The French Revolution and Napoleon 331e (independent study)Department of History/University Extensionn.d.C:18/6/2RC#069330
1Human Development and Family StudiesDepartment of Human Development and Family StudiesWinter 1994C:5/00/5RC#069330
80Annual ReportDepartment of Industrial Engineering1975-1976, 1980-1981, 1981-1982UMLD1
169Internal Medicine News newsletterDepartment of Internal Medicine, Health Sciences Center6/1994UMLD1
169Internal Medicine Information and Events newsletterDepartment of Internal Medicine, School of Medicine1998-2000Vol. I Nos. 3-5; Vol. II Nos. 1-9; Vol. III Nos. 1-3C:14/00/2UMLD1
175Internal Medicine Journal newsletterDepartment of Internal Medicine, School of MedicineSummer 2002Vol. I No. 1RC#019492
33AnnouncementDepartment of Law1903-1904C:12/19/1RC#068933
147Department of Management Faculty ProfileDepartment of Management, College of BPA1981UMLD1
26Memo from Management newsletterDepartment of Management, College of Business and Public AdministrationSummer 1998, Summer 2001C:7/00/2UMLD1
27Department of Marketing NewsletterDepartment of Marketing, College of Business and Public AdministrationSpring 1994UMLD1
27Mizzou Marketing Department of Marketing, College of Business and Public AdministrationSummer 2002, Winter 2004UMLD1
27Mizzou Marketing NewsDepartment of Marketing, College of Business and Public Administration1995-1999 with gapsUMLD1
28Barrett Welch Memorial Lecture: Advertising - in PerspectiveCarl W. NicholsDepartment of Marketing, College of Business and Public Administration9/22/1983UMLD1
53Critical Points newsletterDepartment of Mathematics1996-2005Spring 1996; Summer 1997; Fall 1998; Fall 1999; Summer 2001; Fall 2005C:6/00/5RC#131561
53Student's Handbook, Math 10: College AlgebraSandi AthanassiouDepartment of MathematicsSummer 1996C:6/00/5RC#131561
80Annual ReportDepartment of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering1975-1976, 1976-1977, 1977-1978, 1978-1979, 1979-1980, 1980-1981, 1981-1982UMLD1
83Alumni Newsletter - Views from the ColumnsDepartment of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering1994, 1998Vol. III No. 1; Vol. V No. 1C:9/11/11; C:9/13/8RC#102895
83Newsletter - MAE, An Engineer's View from the ColumnsDepartment of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering2001-2002Nos. 1-2C:9/11/11RC#102895
50Concert and Recital Programs (various)Department of Music1966-1969UMLD1
49Music at Mizzou newsletterDepartment of Music/School of Music1986-2001Winter 1986; Fall 1986; Winter 1987; Vols. IV-XVIC:6/46/15UMLD1
80Annual ReportDepartment of Naval Science1980, 1981, 1982UMLD1
80Annual ReportDepartment of Nuclear Engineering1976-1977, 1978-1979, 1979-1980, 1980-1981, 1981-1982UMLD1
28Special Events: Guidelines for Planning and DevelopmentGlenn D. Weaver and Robert RobinsonDepartment of Parks, Recreation and Tourism and Extension Division1989UMLD1
59Toxicology LaboratoryDepartment of Pathology1981UMLD1
1CommuniqueDepartment of PhilosophySpring 2001-Fall 2005C:6/00/5RC#069330
8Handbook for Sports Included in Required Courses for MenDepartment of Physical Education1941UMLD1
8Handbook: Departmental and Sports Rules and RegulationsDepartment of Physical Education1951UMLD1
8Handbook: Departmental and Sports Rules and Regulations (Fourth Edition)Department of Physical Education1960UMLD1
64State of the DepartmentDepartment of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation2000RC#131854
58Annual Report (report for 1986-1989 titled Summary Report)Department of Physics and Astronomy1978-19901978-1979; 1979-1980; 1980-1981; 1981-1982; 1982-1983; 1983-1984; 1984-1985; 1985-1986; 1986-1989; 1989-1990C:6/32/6UMLD1
58College and University Physics Laboratory Manual for use in Physics 21 and 22 College Physics and Physics 175 and 176 University PhysicsC.W. Tompson and H.W. WhiteDepartment of Physics and Astronomy8/1992C:6/32/6UMLD1
58College Physics Laboratory Manual for Physics 11 and 12H.W. White and C.W. TompsonDepartment of Physics and Astronomy1981C:6/32/6UMLD1
58Communique newsletterDepartment of Physics and AstronomyFall 2005UMLD1
58Physics and Astronomy Newsletter (title changes to Reflections with Vol. II)Department of Physics and AstronomyWinter 1995, Fall 1996, Summer 1999Vol. I No. 1; Vol. II; Vol. IIIUMLD1
58Program ReviewDepartment of Physics and Astronomy1975-1983, 1985-1986C:6/32/6UMLD1
58University Physics Laboratory Manual (Second Edition)H.W. White, C.W. Tompson and E.B. HensleyDepartment of Physics and Astronomy1979C:6/32/6UMLD1
ShelfAn Informal History of Astronomy at the University of Missouri-Columbia (Corrected edition)Charles J. PetersonDepartment of Physics and Astronomy1982Ellis
59Laboratory Directions for the Guidance of Students in Experimental PhysiologyCharles W. GreeneDepartment of Physiologyn.d.UMLD1
70Glossary of Terms Used in Plant PathologyEinar W. PalmDepartment of Plant Pathology10/10/1969UMLD1
72Report of Consultant on Department of Mycology and Plant Pathology, Orissa University of Agriculture and TechnologyRobert N. GoodmanDepartment of Plant Pathology1/23/1971RC#068566
28AnnouncementDepartment of Political Science1892C:6/44/1UMLD1
28Biographical Directory of the Political Science DepartmentDavid A. Leuthold, ed.Department of Political Science1966UMLD1
28Caucus newsletterDepartment of Political Science1996-1997, 1999UMLD1
30Computer Data Sets for UMC Political ScientistsDepartment of Political Science8/1976UMLD1
43Choice of College by Outstanding Missouri StudentsDavid LeutholdDepartment of Political Science7/1985RC#042483
151Manual and Codebook for the 1976 Student SurveyThomas Hargrove and David Leuthold, eds.Department of Political Science1976RC#001013
74Poultry Department Publication I, Poultry Research ReportDepartment of Poultry/Agricultural Experiment Station/Extension Division7/1965RC#068568
44A System to Assess the Supply of and Need for Professional Personnel in Vocational Education for the State of MissouriW.R. MillerDepartment of Practical Arts and Vocational-Technical Education (PAVTE)7/1977RC#054807
79A Career in Industrial Education Teaching: for High School StudentsDepartment of Practical Arts and Vocational-Technical Education (PAVTE), College of Educationn.d.UMLD1
79A Career in Industrial Education Teaching: for Junior College StudentsDepartment of Practical Arts and Vocational-Technical Education (PAVTE), College of Educationn.d.UMLD1
62Psychiatry and Neurology newsletterDepartment of Psychiatry and Neurology, Health Sciences Center1995, 19973/1995; 1/1997RC#131852
1CommuniqueDepartment of Psychological SciencesFall 2005, Winter 2007, 2009-2013C:6/00/5RC#069330
1PsychlinesDepartment of Psychology1991-1997C:6/00/5RC#069330
1PsychnewsDepartment of Psychology1997, 1999-2000C:6/00/5RC#069330
1Psychology NewsletterDepartment of PsychologySummer 1989, Winter 1990C:6/00/5RC#069330
28Newsletter, Department of Public AdministrationDepartment of Public Administration, College of Business and Public Administration1980No. 1UMLD1
28The P.A. Forum newsletterDepartment of Public Administration, College of Business and Public AdministrationFall 1986, Fall 1987, Winter 1988, Spring 1989, Fall 1989, Winter 1990, Fall 1990, Spring 1991, Fall 1991, Winter 1992, Fall 1992, Spring 1993, Fall 1993, Spring 1994, Fall 1994, Spring 1995, Fall 1995, Spring 1996, Fall 1996, Spring 1997, Fall 1997, Winter 1998, Fall 1998, Spring 1999, Fall 1999, Summer 2000, Fall 2000UMLD1
61Computer Simulation and Information Systems in Radiologic Departmental OperationsGwilym S. LodwickDepartment of Radiology1970RC#131851
170Proceedings: Conference on the Use of Computers in RadiologyDepartment of Radiology10/1966UMLD1
3Hinkson Creek Recreation Area Park Master Plan (for Center for Student Life)Department of Recreation and Park Administration6/1979C:16/00/1RC#069381
3The Importance of Leisure Education in Extension Youth Programs in the United StatesDenny ParnellDepartment of Recreation and Park Administration8/1975C:16/00/1RC#069381
45Expanding Availability of Leisure Facilities for Handicapped and Senior CitizensDepartment of Recreation and Park Administrationn.d.RC#054808
109Summary of Park and Recreation Legislation in MissouriArlin EppersonDepartment of Recreation and Park Administration, School of Social and Community Services7/23/1969UMLD1
28Community Development Focus: Reports on Programs in Bolivia, Guyana, Nepal and TanzaniaDepartment of Regional and Community Affairs2/1970Vol. IUMLD1
28Community Development Focus: Speeches Presented at the Conference on Exploring and Expanding Opportunities for Older AmericansDepartment of Regional and Community Affairs6/1976Vol. IIUMLD1
28The Research Challenge to Community DevelopmentWilliam W. BiddleDepartment of Regional and Community Affairs5/1967UMLD1
86Community Development in Urban Areas: A Summary of Pertinent Journal Articles and Book ChaptersPatricia Shiner, Peggy Pireman and Lee J. CaryDepartment of Regional and Community Affairs, School of Social and Community Services1969UMLD1
86Community Development: A Selected BibliographyArthur Dunham and Lee J. Cary, eds.Department of Regional and Community Affairs, School of Social and Community Servicesn.d.UMLD1
1CommuniqueDepartment of Religious Studies1998-2004, with gapsC:6/45/00RC#069330
1Notebook for RS 142, Introduction to the New Testament (Revised)Department of Religious Studies8/1/1991C:6/45/00RC#069330
91982 Paine Lectures in Religion - Religious Conscience and Nuclear WarfareDepartment of Religious Studies1983UMLD1
91986 Paine Lectures in Religion - Religious Beliefs, Human Rights, and the Moral Foundation of Western DemocracyDepartment of Religious Studies1986UMLD1
91991 Paine Lectures in Religion - Religion and the Postmodern VisionDepartment of Religious Studies1992UMLD1
91998 Paine Lectures in Religion - Wisdom of the Byzantine ChurchAndrew LouthDepartment of Religious Studies1998UMLD1
45Art and Religion: Faith, Form and Reform (1984 Paine Lectures in Religion)Department of Religious Studies1986RC#054808
46AnnouncementsDepartment of Romance Languages1902-1903UMLD1
46Communique newsletterDepartment of Romance Languages1998-2002Summer 1998; Fall 1999; Fall 2000; Winter 2002UMLD1
46Course Syllabus - Elementary Spanish IDepartment of Romance Languages1970-1973Fall 1970-1971; Winter 1971; Fall 1971-1972; 8/1972; 8/1973UMLD1
46Course Syllabus - Elementary Spanish IIDepartment of Romance Languages1971-1974Winter 1971; Fall 1971-1972; Winter 1971-1972; 8/1972; 8/1973UMLD1
46La Voix Voz Voce newsletterDepartment of Romance Languages1997Summer 1997UMLD1
46Romance Languages NewsletterDepartment of Romance Languages1984-1992Nos. 1-9UMLD1
13Age-Specific Net Migration in the Ozarks Region, 1950-1970: A ChartbookGeorge H. Dailey, Jr. and Rex R. CampbellDepartment of Rural Sociology9/1978RC#068059
61Information about and Meaning of Heart Disease Held by the Public: A Progress ReportThomas M. Anderson and Edward W. HassingerDepartment of Rural Sociology7/1962RC#131851
227Summary Tables for 1983 Missouri Farm and Rural Life Poll (Revised)Department of Rural Sociology, College of Agriculture12/14/1983UMLD1
28Communique newsletterDepartment of SociologySpring 2004UMLD1
9Review of Social TheoryDepartment of Sociology and Rural Sociology1972-1978Vol. I Nos. 1-2; Vol. II Nos. 1-2; Vol. III Nos. 1-2; Vol. IV Nos. 1-2; Vol. V No. 1UMLD1
28Department of Sociology and Rural Sociology NewsletterDepartment of Sociology and Rural SociologySpring 1976, Fall 1977, Spring 1979, Winter 1981, Winter 1983UMLD1
65Determination of Yields of Water to Be Expected from Different Land Areas in Missouri for the Climatic Patterns in Characteristic of the Areas - Annual Reports for 1966 and 1967 to Office of Water Resources ResearchC.M. WoodruffDepartment of Soils1968RC#131855
201Soils of Boone County (Progress Report 14)Department of Soils1951RC#041074
201The Soil - Its Improvement and ConservationM.F. MillerDepartment of Soils1950RC#041074
201Understanding Our SoilsClarence M. WoodruffDepartment of Soils1956RC#041074
45Manpower Planning for Special Education: Planning Model and AlternativesRichard C. Schofer and Robert L. McGoughDepartment of Special Education8/1977RC#054808
45Proceedings, First Missouri Symposium on Cooperative Manpower Planning in Special EducationRichard C. Schofer and Robert L. McGough, eds.Department of Special Education5/1976RC#054808
63Missouri Sports Medicine Alumni NewsletterDepartment of Sports Medicine1999-2002Vol. II Nos. 1-2; Vol. III Nos. 1-2; Vol. IV No. 2RC#131853
11CommuniqueDepartment of Statistics2004-2005RC#068050
11Notes for Statistics 150, Revised (course materials)R.W. Madsen and M.L. MoeschbergerDepartment of Statistics5/1978RC#068050
11Notes for Statistics 250, Revised (course materials)R.W. Madsen and M.L. MoeschbergerDepartment of Statistics11/1978RC#068050
63Surgery Update newsletter (also includes one issue - Summer 2000 - of Missouri Surgery newsletter)Department of Surgery1990-1997, 2000Vol. I Nos. 1-2; Vol. II Nos. 1-4; Vol. III Nos. 1, 3-4; Vol. IV Nos. 1-4; Vol. V Nos. 1-4; Vol. VII Nos. 1-4; Vol. VII Nos. 1-4; Summer 2000C:14/00/2RC#131853
46Communique newsletterDepartment of Theatre2003Summer 2003UMLD1
58A Manual of Poisonous PlantsD. Jesse WagstaffDepartment of Veterinary Physiology and Pharmacology, School of Veterinary Medicine1973UMLD1
81Design Optimization Laboratory Newsletter (title changes to Design Productivity Center Newsletter with Vol. III No. 2)Design Optimization Laboratory/Design Productivity Center, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering1984-1987Vol. I No. 1; Vol. II No. 1; Vol. III Nos. 1-2; Vol. IV No. 1C:9/11/11RC#102893
81Materials Database 86DPC014Brian Greenway and J. Kenneth BlundellDesign Productivity Center4/4/1986RC#102893
111Development Fund NewsletterDevelopment Fund Department1965-1970Vol. I No. 1; Vol. II Nos. 1-3; Vol. III Nos. 1-2; Spring 1969; Winter 1969; Winter 1970RC#048114
111Developments newsletterDevelopment Fund Department1986-1987Fall 1986; Winter 1987; March 1987; Fall 1987RC#048114
111Honor Roll of Contributors/Honor Roll of Donors/Roll of HonorDevelopment Fund Department1966; 1967; 1968; 1969; 1970; 1980-1981; 1981-1982RC#048114
111Plan for the Future: The Next Five YearsDevelopment Fund Department1979RC#048114
111For All We Call Mizzou - College of Engineering Campaign Leadership TeamDevelopment Office, College of Engineering2003RC#048114
111Prospectus, For All We Call Mizzou - College of EngineeringDevelopment Office, College of Engineering2003RC#048114
111Prospectus, For All We Call Mizzou - MU LibrariesDevelopment Office, MU Libraries2003RC#048114
53A History of Biological Sciences at the University of Missouri-ColumbiaDivision of Biological Sciencesca. 1977RC#131561
53General Biology 21 Laboratory ManualDivision of Biological Sciences1981RC#131561
55Academic YearDivision of Biological Sciences1975-1976; 1976-1977; 1977-1978; 1978-1979; 1979-1980; 1980-1981; 1981-1982; 1985-1986; 1986-1987C:6/36/5RC#131566
55Annual ReportDivision of Biological Sciences1987-1988; 1988-1989; 1989-1990; 1990-1991; 1991-1992; 1992-1993; 1993-1994; 1994-1995; 1995-1996; 1996-1997; 1997-1998; 1998-1999; 1999-2000; 2000-2001; 2001-2002; 2002-2003; 2003-2004; 2004-2005C:6/36/5RC#131566
56Biological Sciences Alumni NewsDivision of Biological Sciences1990-2002Spring 1990; Summer 1993; Spring 1994; Winter 1995; Winter 1996; Summer 1997; Winter 1997-1998; Spring 1999; Spring 2002C:6/36/5UMLD1
62Health and Safety News newsletterDivision of Environmental Health and Safety, Student Health Service1961-19641/1961; 2/1961; 3/1961; 4/1961; 5/1961; 11/1962; 12/1962; 10/1963; 12/1963; 3/1964; 11/1964; 12/1964RC#131852
134AnnouncementDivision of History and Political Sciences (Departments of History, Economics, Political Science and Public Law, and Sociology)1908-1909RC#004309
60Report of the Missouri Task Force on Arthritis - Volume One: The PlanDivision of Immunology and Rheumatology1/1980UMLD1
62Clinical NeuroscienceDivision of Neurological Surgery, Health Sciences Center1987-1990Spring 1987; Fall 1987; Spring 1988; Winter 1990C:14/00/2RC#131852
63Neuraxis newsletterDivision of Neurosurgery1994-1995Vol. I No. 1; Vol. II No. 1RC#131853
63NeuroHealth News newsletterDivision of Neurosurgery1998-2001Winter 1998; May 1998; Spring 1999; Summer 1999; Fall 1999; Winter 2000; Winter 2001RC#131853
64The Team Effort newsletterDivision of Pediatric Endocrinology/Diabetes, Children's Hospital2000Vol. I No. 1RC#131854
81Soil Test Interpretations and Recommendations Handbook (Revised)Daryl D. Buchholz et al.Division of Plant Sciences, College of Agriculture5/2004RC#102893
44Student Affairs Connection newsletterDivision of Student Affairs1992-19942/1992; 5/1992; 11/1992; 3/1993; 4/1993; 8/1993; 10/1993; 12/1993; 3/1994; 4-5/1994; 6/1994; 7-8/1994RC#054807
51Dramatic Prize PlaysDramatic Arts Club1924-1928, 1932-1934C:6/20/1RC#131557
58Dramatic Prize PlaysDramatic Arts Club1929-1932UMLD1
112The University of Missouri - Instructional Technology Institutional Assessment ReportEduprise E-Learning Services Company11/14/2000RC#048115
62Cancer Program Annual ReportEllis Fischel Cancer Center1993; 1994-1995; 1998; 1999; 2000; 2001; 2002C:23/00/3RC#131852
62EllisEllis Fischel Cancer Center2008-2013Winter 2008; Winter 2011-2012; Spring 2013C:23/8/4RC#131852
62Oncology Review newsletterEllis Fischel Cancer Center1994-2005Fall 1994; Winter 1995; Spring 1995; Summer 1995; Fall 1995; Spring 1996; Summer 1996; Fall 1996; Winter 1997; Spring 1997; Summer 1997; Fall 1997; Winter 1998; Spring 1998; Summer 1998; Fall 1998; Winter 1999; Spring 1999; Summer 1999; Fall 1999; Winter 2000; Spring 2000; Summer 2000; Winter 2000 [sic]; Spring 2001; Fall 2001; Spring 2003; Fall 2003; Spring 2004; Fall 2004; Winter 2005; Summer/Fall 2005C:23/8/4RC#131852
1Five Views of an Age: A Selection of Late Seventeenth Century Pamphlets from Ellis Library’s Rare Book RoomEllis Library1987C:20/00/1RC#069330
141Resources for Research on the University of Missouri-ColumbiaMargaret A. Howell, Lynn Gentzler, and D.J. WadeEllis Library1989RC#013800
144Resources for Research on the University of Missouri-ColumbiaMargaret A. Howell, Lynn Gentzler, and D.J. WadeEllis Library1989RC#013834
84Library SkillsPushpajit Bhullar and Harold V. Hosel, eds.Ellis Library/School of Library and Informational Science1979RC#102896
84Library SkillsPushpajit Bhullar and Anne R. Lawhorne, eds.Ellis Library/School of Library and Informational Science1991RC#102896
85Library SkillsPushpajit Bhullar and Harold V. Hosel, eds.Ellis Library/School of Library and Informational Science1986RC#102897
86Reference Services - Policies and ProceduresAnne G. Edwars and Betsy A. Ross, eds.Ellis Reference Services Department, University Libraries8/1984UMLD1
49EPIC (Envisioning Pursuits in Creativity) Undergraduate Literary MagazineEMU (English at MU) student organization2004-2009Nos. 2-8C:22/00/22UMLD1
71Energy ConservationEnergy Conservation Program1976RC#068565
83Energy ConservationEnergy Conservation Program1976RC#102895
15Industrial Survey of the Mid-Missouri Development Council Area - Final ReportEngineering Experiment Station3/1961RC#069361
82Final Report on Water Pollution Studies, 1968-1969Arliss D. RayEngineering Experiment Station1/30/1970RC#102894
25Preliminary Report, Employee Transportation Habits and Commercial Land Use Activity - Volume I, City of ColumbiaR.J. WheelerEngineering Experiment Station and Department of Civil Engineering4/1966RC#130777
211Engineering Manual for Public OfficialsEngineering Extension Service, College of Engineeringn.d.RC#045570
78The Shamrock newsletterEngineering Student Council2002-2014Vol. I Nos. 2-5; Vol. II Nos. 1-5; Vol. III Nos. 1-3, 5; Vol. III [sic] Nos. 1-6; Vol. IV Nos. 1, 4; Vol. V Nos. 1-4; 10/2008; 3/2009; 9/10/2012; Vol. I [sic] No. 2, 10/23/2012; 9-10/2013; 11-12/2013; 2-3/2014; 4-5/2014; 9/2014; 10/2014C:9/00/10UMLD1
151Missouri Shamrock - St. Patrick Was an Engineer (2nd edition)Engineers' Club/Missouri Shamrock/College of Engineering1969C:9/13/3RC#001013
158The Columns: A Magazine of Student LiteratureEnglish Club1929-1930Vol. I Nos. 1-4UMLD1
24Environmental Health and Safety NotesEnvironmental Health and Safety1987-2006 (with gaps)C:1/37/00RC#130776
145Facilities and CapabilitiesEnvironmental Trace Substances Research Center10/1973RC#013862
44Final ReportEPDA Doctoral Fellowship Program in Vocational-Technical Education, PAVTE1971-1974, 1973-1974, 1974-1975RC#054807
167Ogre magazineEpsilon Alpha Epsilon Publications5/1962, 3/1963, 5/1963C:22/10/6UMLD1
226Missouri Farm News ServiceExtension and Agricultural Information1977-1998Vol. LXVII Nos. 8-11; Vol. LXVIII No. 30; Vol. LXXX No. 19; Vol. LXXXII Nos. 43-47, 49-52; Vol. LXXXIII Nos. 2-5, 7-9, 11-16, 18-22, 24-28, 30-34, 36-45, 47-52; Vol. LXXXIV Nos. 1-22, 24-41, 43-49, 51-52; Vol. LXXXV Nos. 2-10, 12-15, 17-28, 30-41, 43-52; Vol. LXXXVI Nos. 1-6, 8, 10-13, 15-37, 39; Vol. LXXXVII Nos. 1, 4-8, 13, 15, 21, 25; Vol. LXXXVIII Nos. 1, 3, 7, 10, 13-14, 18; Vol. LXXXIX Nos. 1-26; Vol. XC Nos. 1-10, 12-25; Vol. XCI Nos. 1-26; Vol. XCII Nos. 1-24; Vol. XCIII Nos. 1-12; Vol. XCIV Nos. 1-15; Vol. XCV Nos. 1-14C:3/25/3UMLD1
25Agri-Business NewsletterExtension Division1970-1978Vol. I Nos. 1-9; Vol. II Nos. 1-9; Vol. III Nos. 1-6, 8, 10; Vol. IV Nos. 1-9; Vol. V Nos. 1-9; Vol. VI Nos. 1-8; Jan/Feb 1978; Mar/Apr 1978; May/June 1978; July/Sept 1978; Oct/Nov 1978RC#130777
27Career Options NewsletterExtension Division1987-1994Vol. I Nos. 1-12; Vol. II Nos. 1-12; Vol. III Nos. 1-14; Vol. IV No. 15; Vol. V Nos. 1-4; Vol. VI No. 1; Vol. VII No. 1; Vol. VIII No. 1; Vol. IX No. 1; Vol. X No. 1C:18/3/9UMLD1
27Your Resume Guide - Career Options ProjectExtension Division2000UMLD1
29Considerations for Community Decision MakingExtension Division1971-1986Nos. 402-404, 451, 460-461, 490-491, 605, 765, 1041, 1218-1220, 1255, 1301, 1505, 1902, 1905, 1935-1939, 1955, 2210, 2510, 2551-2554, 2561, 2601-2602, 2606, 2611, 2621, 2761-2762, 2788, 3005-3006, 3035, 3101-3102, 5061, 5361, 5651, 6101, 6505, 7101, 7105, 7110, 7612-7614, 7760, 7775UMLD1
37Preschool QuarterlyExtension DivisionSpring 1977, Spring 1978UMLD1
41Annual ReportExtension Division1968-1969RC#042481
45Continuing Education for Women: A Survey of the Green Hills Region, Nine North Central Missouri CountiesExtension Division1967RC#054808
45University of Missouri Extension: An Economic Engine for Missouri (UED 1100)Extension Divisionca. 2005RC#054808
65Horticulture Research and Information ReportExtension Division1966-1967, 1972RC#131855
65Top Crops newsletterExtension Division1994-2005Fall 1994; Winter 1994; Spring 1995; Summer 1995; Winter 1995; Winter 1996; Spring 1997; Summer 1997; Winter 1997; Fall 2002; Spring 2003; Fall 2003; Summer 2004; Fall 2005RC#131855
66Branching Out newsletterExtension Division1992-19992-3/1992; 5/1992; 7/1992; 9/1992; 11/1992; 1/1993; 3/1993; 7/1993; 9/1993; 11/1993; 1/1994; 3/1994; 5/1994; 7/1994; 9/1994; 11/1994; 1/1995; 3/1995; 5/1995; 7/1995; 9/1995; 12/1995; 2/1996; 4/1996; 6/1996; 8/1996; 11/1996; 1/1997; 5/1997; 7/1997; 9/1997; 12/1997; 5/1998; 3/1999; 7/1999UMLD1
66Grounds for GardeningExtension Division1990Nos. 6720 and 6770C:3/37/9UMLD1
67Horticulture Research and Information Report - Vineyard NewsExtension Division1981-1985Vol. I Nos. 1-11; Vol. II Nos. 1-11; Vol. III Nos. 1-2; 4-9; Vol. IV Nos. 1-6UMLD1
67Horticulture Research and Information Report - Vintner's CornerExtension Division1982-1985Vol. I Nos. 1-5; Vol. II Nos. 1-8, 11; Vol. III Nos. 1-7; Vol. IV Nos. 1-4UMLD1
68Heartland Horticulture newsletterExtension Division1994-2002Vol. I Nos. 1-6; Vol. II Nos. 1-6; Vol. III Nos. 1-6; Vol. IV Nos. 1-5; Vol. V Nos. 1-5; 10-11/1999; 1-2/2000; 5/2000; 7/2000; 3/2001; 6/2001; 12/2001; 7/2002; 10/2002UMLD1
68Midwest Vegetable Production Guide for Commercial GrowersExtension Division1996, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2005, 2006UMLD1
68Missouri Environment and GardenExtension Division1995-2010Vol. I Nos. 1-16; Vol. II Nos. 1-15; Vol. III Nos. 1-15; Vol. IV Nos. 1-15; Vol. V Nos. 1-15; Vol. VI Nos. 1-15; Vol. VII Nos. 1-15; Vol. VIII Nos. 1-12; Vol. IX Nos. 1-2; Vol. X Nos. 1-12; Vol. XI Nos. 1-12; Vol. XII Nos. 1-2, 8, 12; Vol. XIII Nos. 1-12; Vol. XIV Nos. 1-12; Vol. XV Nos. 1-12; Vol. XVI Nos. 1-12UMLD1
69Commercial Tree Fruit Spray GuideExtension Division1990, 1996, 2002, 2003, 2005, 2006UMLD1
69Early Spring Weeds of No-Till Crop ProductionExtension Division2000, 2003UMLD1
69Missouri Leaf Blight and Other Corn Disease Monitoring ReportExtension Division7-9/1974UMLD1
69Plant Pathology NewsletterExtension Division1966-1983Nos. 1-22, 24-107UMLD1
69Soybean Disease Monitoring ReportExtension Division7-9/1974UMLD1
70Applying Pesticides Correctly: A Guide for Private and Commercial Applicators (MX328)Extension Division1997UMLD1
70Integrated Pest Management MU Guide: Management of Glyphosate-Resistant Waterhemp in Corn and Soybean (IPM1030)Kevin Bradley, Reid Smeda and Raymond MasseyExtension Division2008UMLD1
70Integrated Pest Management: Best Management Practices for Nitrogen Fertilizer in Missouri (IPM1027)Peter Scharf and John LoryExtension Division2006UMLD1
70Integrated Pest Management: Caterpillars in Your Yard and Garden (IPM1019)Bruce A. Barrett and Mary KroeningExtension Division2003UMLD1
70Integrated Pest Management: Corn Diseases (IPM1001)Laura E. Sweets and Allen WratherExtension Division2000UMLD1
70Integrated Pest Management: Corn Diseases (IPM1001), RevisedLaura E. Sweets and Simeon WrightExtension Division2008UMLD1
70Integrated Pest Management: Cotton Pests Scouting and Management (IPM1025)Michael L. Boyd, Bobby J. Phipps and J. Allen WratherExtension Division2004UMLD1
70Integrated Pest Management: Crop Nutrient Deficiencies and Toxicities (IPM 1016)Gene Stevens et al.Extension Division2002UMLD1
70Integrated Pest Management: Identification and Management of Turfgrass Diseases (IPM1029)Barb Corwin, Ned Tisserat and Brad FresenburgExtension Division2007UMLD1
70Integrated Pest Management: Identifying Grass Seedlings (IPM1024)Fred Fishel and Kevin BradleyExtension Division2004UMLD1
70Integrated Pest Management: Identifying Grass Seedlings (IPM1024), RevisedKevin W. Bradley and Fred FishelExtension Division2010UMLD1
70Integrated Pest Management: Insect and Mite Pests of Apples (IPM1008)Bruce A. BarrettExtension Division2001UMLD1
70Integrated Pest Management: Introduction to Crop Scouting (IPM1006)Fred Fishel et al.Extension Division2001UMLD1
70Integrated Pest Management: Management of Soft Red Winter Wheat (IPM1022)Shawn Conley et al.Extension Division2003UMLD1
70Integrated Pest Management: Missouri Weed Seeds (IPM1023)Fred Fishel and Kevin BradleyExtension Division2005UMLD1
70Integrated Pest Management: Noxious Weeds of Missouri (IPM1014)Fred Fishel et al.Extension Division2002UMLD1
70Integrated Pest Management: Practical Weed Science for the Field Scout - Corn and Soybeans (IPM1007)Bill Johnson, Fred Fishel and Reid SmedaExtension Division2001UMLD1
70Integrated Pest Management: Practical Weed Science for the Field Scout - Corn and Soybeans (IPM1007), RevisedKevin W. Bradley et al.Extension Division2009UMLD1
70Integrated Pest Management: Soybean Diseases (IPM1002)Laura E. Sweets and Allen WratherExtension Division2000UMLD1
70Integrated Pest Management: Turfgrass and Insects (IPM1020)Brad Fresenburg, Bruce Barrett and Fred FishelExtension Division2003UMLD1
70Integrated Pest Management: Turfgrass and Weeds (IPM1009)Fred Fishel and Brad FresenburgExtension Division2002UMLD1
70Integrated Pest Management: Turfgrass and Weeds (IPM1009), RevisedBrad FresenburgExtension Division2008UMLD1
70Integrated Pest Management: Vine Weeds of Missouri (IPM1021)Fred Fishel and Andy KendigExtension Division2003UMLD1
70Integrated Pest Management: Weed and Brush Control for Forages, Pastures and Noncropland (IPM1031)Kevin Bradley Extension Division2014UMLD1
70Integrated Pest Management: Weed Systems for Environmentally Sensitive Areas (IPM1018)William G. Johnson et al.Extension Division2002UMLD1
70Picture SheetsExtension Division1968-1984Nos. 1-12, 20, 23, 26-27, 101-113UMLD1
70Weekly Missouri Insect Situation ReportExtension Division1971-19811971 Nos. 1-8, 10-11, 15-16, 18-19; 1974 Nos. 4-8, 11-12, 14-15; 1975 Nos. 12-13, 15, 17-18, 20; 1976 Nos. 2-3, 5, 9, 12-14, 16, 20-22; 1977 Nos. 1, 8-9, 12, 17; 1978 Nos. 1, 4, 10, 12, 18; 1979 Nos. 7, 9-11, 13, 15; 1980 Nos. 2, 19; 1981 Nos. 3, 7, 9, 11, 16, 21-22C:3/37/2; C:17/8/4UMLD1
71Beef Cattle Feeding Newsletter (early issues, 1959-1966, are titled Service Letter or Beef Cattle Feeding Service Letter, and include information on feeding both cattle and hogs)Extension Division1959-19907/22/1959; 8/27/1959; 11/4/1959; 4/15/1960; 8/8/1960; 9/15/1961; 10/9/1961; 5/14/1962; 6/20/1962; 7/2/1962; 4/12/1963; 7/31/1963; 2/1964; 10/1964; 5/1965; 8/1966; 11/1966; 3/6/1967; 4/17/1967; 5/16/1967; 6/28/1967; 8/10/1967; 9/14/1967; 10/24/1967; 11/29/1967; 1/3/1968; 2/27/1968; 4/8/1968; 5/2/1968; 6/8/1968; 7/10/1968; 8/13/1968; 9/11/1968; 10/23/1968; 12/13/1968; 1/23/1969; 2/27/1969; 3/25/1969; 4/30/1969; 6/11/1969; 7/14/1969; 8/5/1969; 10/3/1969; 11/19/1969; 12/19/1969; 3/5/1970; 4/7/1970; 5/20/1970; 6/29/1970; 9/3/1970; 9/9/1970; 10/30/1970; 12/28/1970; 2/8/1971; 3/15/1971; 5/14/1971; 6/22/1971; 7/20/1971; 9/1/1971; 11/30/1971; 12/22/1971; 2/1972; 2/4/1972; 2/14/1972; 4/10/1972; 6/8/1972; 8/7/1972; 9/19/1972; 10/27/1972; 12/20/1972; 2/22/1973; 3/15/1973; 4/30/1973; 6/14/1973; 8/7/1973; 9/27/1973; 12/5/1973; 2/25/1974; 4/15/1974; 5/15/1974; 7/29/1974; 9/16/1974; 10/25/1974; 11/25/1974; 12/12/1974; 2/11/1975; 3/6/1975; 4/21/1975; 5/29/1975; 7/10/1975; 8/19/1975; 10/2/1975; 11/17/1975; 12/29/1975; 2/19/1976; 3/25/1976; 4/27/1976; 6/1/1976; 7/6/1976; 8/5/1976; 9/23/1976; 11/5/1976; 1/4/1977; 1/28/1977; 2/25/1977; 3/30/1977; 5/3/1977; 6/2/1977; 7/1/1977; 8/19/1977; 9/19/1977; 10/26/1977; 12/9/1977; 1/10/1978; 2/20/1978; 3/7/1978; 5/5/1978; 6/19/1978; 7/24/1978; 8/30/1978; 11/7/1978; 12/12/1978; 1/26/1979; 3/2/1979; 4/16/1979; 5/3/1979; 6/1/1979; 7/30/1979; 8/31/1979; 10/23/1979; 12/21/1979; 1/25/1980; 2/25/1980; 3/21/1980; 4/23/1980; 6/6/1980; 7/10/1980; 7/17/1980; 9/12/1980; 11/17/1980; 1/7/1981; 3/13/1981; 4/23/1981; 5/28/1981; 7/20/1981; 9/4/1981; 9/22/1981; 11/23/1981; 1/21/1982; 3/1/1982; 4/29/1982; 6/7/1982; 6/25/1982; 8/3/1982; 8/19/1982; 9/10/1982; 10/14/1982; 11/29/1982; 1/7/1983; 2/4/1983; 3/28/1983; 6/20/1983; 8/8/1983; 9/7/1983; 10/5/1983; 11/11/1983; 12/29/1983; 2/17/1984; 4/23/1984; 6/12/1984; 7/11/1984; 8/23/1984; 9/20/1984; 11/5/1984; 1/9/1985; 2/15/1985; 5/24/1985; 6/27/1985; 7/29/1985; 9/30/1985; 11/12/1985; 12/31/1985; 1/27/1986; 2/25/1986; 4/7/1986; 5/22/1986; 6/16/1986; 7/23/1986; 8/21/1986; 9/16/1986; 10/27/1986; 11/25/1986; 12/19/1986; 1/26/1987; 2/24/1987; 3/30/1987; 4/29/1987; 6/10/1987; 7/8/1987; 8/21/1987; 9/4/1987; 10/12/1987; 11/12/1987; 12/16/1987; 1/25/1988; 2/24/1988; 5/2/1988; 6/13/1988; 7/11/1988; 8/25/1988; 9/9/1988; 10/24/1988; 12/12/1988; 1/18/1989; 4/7/1989; 5/31/1989; 7/7/1989; 8/18/1989; 9/6/1989; 12/18/1989; 1/30/1990; 3/12/1990; 4/30/1990; 7/31/1990C:3/37/12RC#068565
71Mizzou Beef NewsExtension Division1991-1995Vol. I Nos. 1-5; Vol. II Nos. 1-5; Vol. III Nos. 1-2, 4; Vol. IV Nos. 1-4; Vol. V Nos. 1-4C:18/3/9RC#068565
73Missouri Dairy NewsletterExtension Division1967-19881/1967; 2/1967; 3/1967; 4/1967; 5/1967; 6/1967; 7/1967; 8/1967; 9/1967; 10/1967; 11/1967; 12/1967; 1/1968; 2/1968; 3/1968; 4/1968; 5/1968; 6/1968; 7/1968; 8/1968; 9/1968; 10/1968; 11/1968; 12/1968; 1/1969; 2/1969; 3/1969; 4/1969; 5/1969; 6/1969; 7/1969; 8/1969; 9/1969; 10/1969; 11/1969; 12/1969; 1/1970; 2/1970; 3/1970; 4/1970; 5/1970; 6/1970; 7/1970; 8/1970; 9/1970; 10/1970; 11/1970; 12/1970; 1/1971; 2/1971; 3/1971; 4/1971; 5/1971; 6/1971; 7/1971; 8/1971; 9/1971; Sire Summary, 9/1971; 10/1971; 11/1971; 12/1971; 1/1972; Sire Summary, 1/1972; 2/1972; 3/1972; 4/1972; 5/1972; 6/1972; 7/1972; 8/1972; 9/1972; Sire Summary, 9/1972; 10/1972; 11/1972; 12/1972; 1/1973; Sire Summary, 1/1973; 2/1973; 3/1973; 4/1973; 5/1973; Sire Summary, 5/1973; 6/1973; 7/1973; 8/1973; 9/1973; Sire Summary, 9/1973; 10/1973; 11/1973; 12/1973; 1/1974; 2/1974; 3/1974; 4/1974; 5/1974; Sire Summary, 5/1974; 6/1974; 7/1974; 8/1974; 9/1974; 10/1974; 11/1974; 12/1974; 1/1975; 2-3/1975; 4/1975; 5/1975; 6/1975; 7/1975; 8/1975; 9/1975; 10/1975; 11/1975; 12/1975; Sire Summary, Spring 1975; Sire Summary, Fall 1975; 1-2/1976; Sire Summary, 1/1976; 3/1976; 4/1976; 5/1976; Sire Summary, 5/1976; 6/1976; 7/1976; 8/1976; 9/1976; Sire Summary, 9/1976; 10/1976; 11/1976; 12/1976; 1-2/1977; 3/1977; 4/1977; 5/1977; 6/1977; 7/1977; 8/1977; 9/1977; 10/1977; 11/1977; 12/1977; Sire Summary, Spring 1977; Sire Summary, Fall 1977; Sire Summary, Winter 1977; 1-2/1978; 3/1978; 4/1978; 5/1978; 6/1978; 7/1978; 8-9/1978; 10-11/1978; 12/1978; Sire Summary, Summer 1978; 5/1979; 7/1979; 8/1979; 10/1979; 11/1979; 12/1979; Sire Summary, Winter 1979; Sire Summary, Summer 1979; 1-2/1980; 7/1980; Sire Summary, Winter 1980; Sire Summary, Summer 1980; 1/1981; 2/1981; 5/1981; Sire Summary, Winter 1981; Sire Summary, Summer 1981; Sire Summary, 1/1982; 3/1982; Sire Summary, Summer 1982; 9/1982; 1/1983; Sire Summary, Summer 1983; 8/1983; Sire Summary, Winter 1983; Sire Summary, 1/1984; 2/1984; Sire Summary, Summer 1984; Sire Summary, 1/1985; Sire Summary, Summer 1985; Sire Summary, Winter 1986; Sire Summary, Spring 1987; Sire Summary, Summer 1987; Sire Summary, Winter 1987; Sire Summary, Summer 1988; Sire Summary, Winter 1988 C:3/37/2RC#068567
74Dairy Handbook IExtension Divisionca. 1969RC#068568
74Horse NewsletterExtension Division1975-1982Vol. I Nos. 1, 3-4, 6-7, 9-11; Vol. II Nos. 1, 1[sic], 2-7; Vol. III Nos. 1-3; Vol. IV Nos. 1-5; Vol. V No. 1; Vol. VI No. 2; Vol. VII No. 1; 5/14/1982C:18/3/9RC#068568
74Mizzou Pork PagesExtension Division1990-20034/6/1990; 6/19/1990; 10/1/1990; 1/4/1991; 4/4/1991; 7/1/1991; 10/4/1991; 1/3/1992; 4/9/1992; 7/2/1992; 10/1/1992; 1/4/1993; 4/7/1993; 7/6/1993; 10/1/1993; 1/4/1994; 4/4/1994; 7/1/1994; 10/3/1994; 1/3/1995; 4/3/1995; 7/5/1995; 10/2/1995; 2/21/1997; 5/28/1997; 8/22/1997; 1/26/1998; 5/27/1998; 11/10/1998; 3/10/1999; 6/18/1999; 10/15/1999; 3/27/2000; 7/12/2000; 5/4/2001; 7/27/2001; 8/3/2001; 1/16/2002; 7/26/2002; 4/15/2003C:18/3/9RC#068568
74Swine Handbook II ProductionExtension Divisionca. 1969RC#068568
74Swine Production NewsletterExtension Division1968-19903/7/1968; 4/3/1968; 5/17/1968; 6/11/1968; 7/11/1968; 8/13/1968; 9/18/1968; 10/18/1968; 12/12/1968; 1/9/1969; 2/18/1969; 4/1/1969; 4/24/1969; 6/4/1969; 7/16/1969; 9/9/1969; 10/14/1969; 11/18/1969; 1/6/1970; 2/3/1970; 4/1/1970; 5/6/1970; 7/22/1970; 9/28/1970; 11/23/1970; 2/7/1971; 4/5/1971; 5/12/1971; 7/12/1971; 8/23/1971; 11/9/1971; 12/7/1971; 1/11/1972; 3/6/1972; 4/7/1972; 5/8/1972; 7/21/1972; 8/21/1972; 10/5/1972; 11/3/1972; 11/28/1972; 1/16/1973; 2/1973; 5/1973; 7/1973; 8/20/1973; 9/4/1973; 11/12/1973; 1/7/1974; 3/6/1974; 4/29/1974; 5/31/1974; 7/26/1974; 8/26/1974; 10/7/1974; 11/22/1974; 12/27/1974; 3/17/1975; 5/30/1975; 8/20/1975; 10/30/1975; 12/30/1975; 2/3/1976; 3/23/1976; 5/3/1976; 6/28/1976; 8/4/1976; 9/3/1976; 11/5/1976; 12/28/1976; 2/7/1977; 4/21/1977; 5/26/1977; 7/8/1977; 8/5/1977; 9/22/1977; 10/14/1977; 11/7/1977; 12/15/1977; 1/13/1978; 2/13/1978; 4/7/1978; 5/1/1978; 6/7/1978; 7/13/1978; 9/12/1978; 11/27/1978; 1/15/1979; 2/20/1979; 4/30/1979; 6/21/1979; 7/18/1979; 10/3/1979; 1/21/1980; 2/22/1980; 4/7/1980; 6/12/1980; 10/14/1980; 11/17/1980; 12/24/1980; 2/9/1981; 3/19/1981; 4/24/1981; 6/15/1981; 7/16/1981; 8/13/1981; 9/25/1981; 11/5/1981; 2/4/1982; 3/17/1982; 4/19/1982; 5/20/1982; 6/23/1982; 7/19/1982; 8/27/1982; 11/11/1982; 12/28/1982; 2/9/1983; 4/8/1983; 5/6/1983; 6/15/1983; 7/29/1983; 9/16/1983; 10/14/1983; 12/23/1983; 2/24/1984; 3/23/1984; 4/27/1984; 6/7/1984; 7/20/1984; 8/22/1984; 9/28/1984; 11/21/1984; 1/11/1985; 2/15/1985; 3/19/1985; 4/19/1985; 5/30/1985; 6/24/1985; 8/5/1985; 9/5/1985; 10/7/1985; 11/19/1985; 12/6/1985; 1/24/1986; 3/5/1986; 4/4/1986; 5/6/1986; 6/5/1986; 7/7/1986; 8/8/1986; 9/5/1986; 10/6/1986; 11/20/1986; 12/16/1986; 2/2/1987; 3/13/1987; 5/5/1987; 7/9/1987; 8/19/1987; 10/5/1987; 11/20/1987; 2/17/1988; 4/25/1988; 7/12/1988; 9/14/1988; 11/3/1988; 1/16/1989; 4/6/1989; 9/8/1989; 1/8/1990C:3/37/12RC#068568
75Incubation and Embryology: A Missouri Science Project Program GuideExtension Divisionn.d.RC#068614
75Missouri Turkey Field StudiesExtension Division1968, 1969RC#068614
79Engineering Science and Technology GuideExtension Division1970-1976Nos. 520, 600-602, 610-614, 650-652, 660, 700-701, 730-735, 800, 820, 840, 900, 950-952, 4000-4002, 5501-5505, 5520-5522, 5525, 9000-9002C:3/1/77; C:3/37/9UMLD1
79Proceedings of the Missouri Catfish ConferenceExtension Division1970UMLD1
80Household Hazardous Waste Technical BulletinExtension Division1994, 1996Nos. 6007, 6009-6011UMLD1
84Better LivingExtension Division2009RC#102896
84Better Living CookingExtension Division2013RC#102896
94Extension Youth Publication (YP) SeriesExtension Division1964-1970Nos. 1-70RC#003071
94Off-Campus Credit Courses Manual of OperationsExtension Division1966RC#003071
94Summary of Activities (Annual Report)Extension Division1972-1973; 1973-1974; 1974-1975; 1975-1976; 1976-1977; 1977-1978C:18/3/7RC#003071
95Extension Programs (Annual Report)Extension Division1978-1979; 1979-1980; 1980-1981; 1981-1982; 1982-1983; 1983-1984; 1984-1985; 1985-1986; 1986-1987; 1988-1989; 1989-1990; 1990-1991; 1991-1992; 1992-1993; 1994-1995; FY2005; 2007; 2012; 2013; 2014C:18/3/7RC#003072
95University Extension Division (UED) seriesExtension Division1970-1974Nos. 1-25C:3/37/9RC#003072
96University Extension Division (UED) seriesExtension Division1974-1991Nos. 26-71, 74-77, 88C:3/37/9UMLD1
97University Extension Division (UED) seriesExtension Division1986-1991Nos. 78-81, 84-85, 89-95C:3/37/9UMLD1
112Policy and Procedure HandbookExtension Division1974RC#048115
134DirectoryExtension Division2/1/1967; 10/1/1967; 9/1/1968; 11/1/1969; 3/1/1970; 10/1/1970; 4/1/1971; 1971-1972RC#004309
134DirectoryExtension Division7/1974; 1975-1976; 1976-1977; 1978-1979RC#004309
147Toward a New Era of Excellence: A Five-Year PlanExtension Division6/1/1990UMLD1
153Manual Series - International Agriculture: Challenging OpportunitiesPhilip F. Warnken, Roselyn M. Ragsdale, and Catheryn M. FlaimExtension Division4/1978Manual Series No. 107C:3/37/9RC#003336
1792012 Custom Rates for Farm Services in Missouri (revised)Extension Division10/2012UMLD1
179MU Guide Extension DivisionNos. 1-2530 w/gapsC:3/37/9; C:18/3/8UMLD1
179MU Guide - indexes and price listsExtension Division1971-1993C:3/37/9; C:18/3/8UMLD1
180MU GuideExtension DivisionNos. 2610-6772C:3/37/9; C:18/3/8UMLD1
181Balanced Farming Handbook (revised)Extension Division1952RC#016352
181MU GuideExtension DivisionNos. 6800-9931C:3/37/9; C:18/3/8RC#016352
185A Taxonomy for Agricultural Alternative OpportunitiesExtension Division1991RC#016369
189A Study of the Research Base for Extension Programs: Survey Instrument for a National StudyExtension Division1983Vols. 1-10UMLD1
189Exhibitor Youth Guide on Animal Care for Fairs and Exhibitions: A Resource for 4-H and FFA Members (MP series No. 916)Extension Division2010UMLD1
189Framework for Excellence: A Blueprint for the Future of University ExtensionExtension Division3/14/1986UMLD1
189Inner Circuits newsletterExtension Division1984-20024/6/1984; 4/20/1984; 5/4/1984; 5/18/1984; 6/1/1984; 6/15/1984; 6/29/1984; 7/13/1984; 7/27/1984; 8/10/1984; 8/24/1984; 9/7/1984; 9/21/1984; 10/5/1984; 10/19/1984; 11/2/1984; 11/16/1984; 11/30/1984; 12/14/1984; 1/11/1985; 1/25/1985; 2/8/1985; 2/22/1985; 3/8/1985; 3/22/1985; 4/5/1985; 4/19/1985; 5/3/1985; 5/17/1985; 5/31/1985; 6/14/1985; 6/28/1985; 7/12/1985; 7/26/1985; 9/6/1985; 9/20/1985; 10/4/1985; 10/18/1985; 11/1/1985; 12/13/1985; 1/10/1986; 1/24/1986; 2/7/1986; 2/21/1986; 3/7/1986; 3/21/1986; 4/4/1986; 4/18/1986; 5/2/1986; 5/16/1986; 5/30/1986; 7/1986; 8/22/1986; 9/1986; 10/1986; 11/1986; 12/1986; 1/1987; 2/1987; 3/1987; 4/1987; 6/1987; 7/1987; 8/1987; 12/1988; 1/1989; 3/1989; 4/1989; 5/1989; 6/1989; 7/1989; 8/1989; 9-10/1989; 3/1990; 4/1990; 5/1990; 7/1990; 8/1990; 10/1990; 11/1990; 12/1990; 1/1991; 2/1991; 5/1991; 6/1991; 8/1991; 9/1991; 10/1991; 12/1991; Vol. IX Nos. 1-7; Vol. X Nos. 1-7; Vol. XI Nos. 2-5; Vol. XII No. 1; Vol. XIII Nos. 1-4; Vol. XIV No. 1; Vol. XV Nos. 1-3; Vol. XVI Nos. 2-10; Vol. XVII Nos. 1-4; Vol. XVIII Nos. 1-2; Vol. XIX Nos. 1-2UMLD1
189Program Development Handbook for University ExtensionPat Jarboe Buchanan et al.Extension Division1986UMLD1
189Seasonal and Simple: A Guide for Enjoying Fresh Fruits and Vegetables (MP series No. 909)Extension Division2009UMLD1
191Manual (M) seriesExtension DivisionNos. 94-113, 115-133, 135, 139, 142C:3/37/9RC#001384
192Manual (M) seriesExtension DivisionNos. 143-145, 147-154, 156-158, 160-161, 163-164, 166-171, 173C:3/37/9RC#001385
195Miscellaneous Publications (MP) seriesExtension DivisionNos. 1-150UW:4/71/11RC#004111
196Miscellaneous Publications (MP) seriesExtension DivisionNos. 151-237, 239-257, 263-350UW:4/71/11UMLD1
197Miscellaneous Publications (MP) seriesExtension DivisionNos. 351-475UW:4/71/11UMLD1
198Miscellaneous Publications (MP) seriesExtension DivisionNos. 476-525-529, 531-540, 542-566, 568-582, 588-604, 612-633, 635-636, 645-647UW:4/71/11UMLD1
199Management Information Record newsletterExtension Division12/1993, 9/1994, 12/1994, 9/1995, 12/1995, 3/1996, 6/1996, 9/1996, 12/1996, 3/1997, 6/1997, 9/1997, 12/1997, 12/1998UMLD1
199Miscellaneous Publications (MP) seriesExtension DivisionNos. 205, 264-266, 445, 474, 498, 504, 510, 513-514, 519, 649-652, 654-677, 679-681, 684-685, 687-690, 692-694, 696, 711-722, 724-727, 729-730, 733-736, 740, 745, 750, 900, 902-906, 910, 912, 914, 928UW:4/71/11UMLD1
200Agricultural Economics NewsletterExtension Division2004-2015UMLD1
200Best of Missouri Farms (MP 628)Jim Ritchie and Jim CurleyExtension Division1988UMLD1
200Farm Management Newsletter Index Guide, 1964-1970Extension Divisionca. 1970UMLD1
200Information for Small Farm OperatorsExtension Division1975Nos. 1-14UMLD1
200Wood-Destroying Pest Management Pesticide Applicator Training, Category 7B (Missouri Manual 96)Richard M. HousemanExtension Division2007UMLD1
209Missouri Insect Control RecommendationsExtension Division1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990UMLD1
28Conference on Transportation and Traffic Management: Industry's Transportation Needs in the SeventiesExtension Division 10/14/1967UMLD1
36Visual Education Service - Catalog of Slides, Films and ChartsExtension Division 1924UMLD1
83Energy Handbook - Agriculture, Home EconomicsExtension Division 1980RC#102895
181A Career… for You as County Home AgentExtension Division (folder series No. 16)9/1951RC#016352
1814-H Trains Youth for Leadership and Citizenship in the Urban CommunityExtension Division (folder series No. 175)1967RC#016352
182Marty and Bob tell what 4-H clubs do for Missouri youthExtension Division (Folder series No. 40)6/1956RC#016353
181Organize! A Community 4-H CommitteeExtension Division (folder series No. 42)6/1956RC#016352
181Older 4-H'ers Look to the FutureExtension Division (folder series No. 43)6/1956RC#016352
21Outlook for Family LivingExtension Division (Folder series)1966C:3/37/9RC#130773
28Pre-Marital CounselingExtension Division (Folder series)1969UMLD1
28Providing Public Services in Missouri: A Program of Public Affairs EducationExtension Division (Folder series)1970UMLD1
33Soybean ReferendumExtension Division (Folder series)1970RC#068933
36The Parent-Child Interaction ProjectExtension Division (Folder series)1976UMLD1
46Choosing Your GlasswareExtension Division (Folder series)1968UMLD1
46Picture Yourself in a New HouseExtension Division (Folder series)1969UMLD1
65Good Gardens Are the Result of Good Garden SoilExtension Division (Folder Series)1966RC#131855
65Recommended Crop Varieties in MissouriExtension Division (Folder Series)1/1957, 1/1959RC#131855
65Restoring Drought PasturesExtension Division (Folder Series)1/1954RC#131855
65Treating Soils for Small Grain NutritionExtension Division (Folder Series)1/1966RC#131855
65Why Lime Your Soil?Extension Division (Folder Series)12/1958RC#131855
67Cabbage Production in Southeast MissouriExtension Division (folder series)1970UMLD1
67Contour Fencing for Balanced FarmingExtension Division (folder series)1953UMLD1
67First for Forage: AlfalfaExtension Division (folder series)1955UMLD1
67Here's Help for You on Grain StorageExtension Division (folder series)1953UMLD1
67How Planting Date Affects SoybeansExtension Division (folder series)1959UMLD1
67Rape PastureExtension Division (folder series)1957UMLD1
70A Story of Three CowsA.G. LaneExtension Division (folder series)1967UMLD1
70AI: A Modern Way to Improve ProfitsFred MeinershagenExtension Division (folder series)1968UMLD1
76ProBing can help you produce meat hogsExtension Division (folder series)12/1956UMLD1
84Choosing Your Household LinensExtension Division (folder series)1968RC#102896
200Folder 25, Meet the Drought Emergency with these helpsExtension Division (Folder series)11/1953UMLD1
83Choosing and Using Your Automatic Clothes Dryer (HXT-24)Extension Division (HXT series)1966C:3/37/9RC#102895
83Choosing and Using Your Cleaning Appliances (HXT-56)Extension Division (HXT series)1966C:3/37/9RC#102895
83Choosing and Using Your Food Freezer (HXT-26)Extension Division (HXT series)1966C:3/37/9RC#102895
83Choosing and Using Your Household Range (HXT-28)Extension Division (HXT series)1966C:3/37/9RC#102895
83Choosing and Using Your Refrigerator (HXT-25)Extension Division (HXT series)1966C:3/37/9RC#102895
185A Framework for Evaluation: Tools for Agents and Volunteers in 4-H Youth/Community Development ProgramsExtension Division (M series No. 114)1979C:3/37/9RC#016369
18150 Years of 4-H in MissouriClyde H. DuncanExtension Division (MP series No. 124)1970RC#016352
82Missouri Recycling Directory: A Tool for Solid Waste Management Planners (WM 1)Extension Division (WM series)1991RC#102894
82Water Quality Extension Division (WQ series)1991-2000Nos. 001-002, 004-005, 011-012, 021-024, 100-104, 180-181, 200-211, 213-225, 251-262, 276-278, 301-327, 351, 401-403, 420-434, 449-452, 550-551, 651-660, 675-681RC#102894
82Water Quality Management GuideExtension Division (WQG series)1977-1978Nos. 1-5RC#102894
25Proceedings of Annual Trucking ProgramExtension Division and Department of Agricultural Economics12/1968RC#130777
25Proceedings of the Annual Fleet SeminarExtension Division and Department of Agricultural Economics10/1969RC#130777
25Proceedings of Farm Electrification ConferenceExtension Division and Department of Agricultural Engineering2/1970RC#130777
36Film Supplement No. 1Extension Division Audiovisual and Communication Services1972UMLD1
25Proceedings, Challenges to Professional Education for Business in the 1970s: A Business SymposiumExtension Division, Department of Management and Department of Marketing4/23/1974RC#130777
227The Black Elderly: A Baseline Survey in Mid-MissouriWilliam E. (Gene) RobertsonExtension Division/College of Community and Public Servicesca. 1979UMLD1
213Home Economics GuideExtension Division/College of Home EconomicsNos. 1-1999 (w/gaps)C:5/8/1 RC#045738
214Home Economics GuideExtension Division/College of Home EconomicsNos. 2000-7099 w/gapsC:5/8/1RC#045739
67Agronomy Technical ReportExtension Division/Department of Agronomy1983-1997Vol. I Nos. 1-2; Vol. II Nos. 1-2, 4-7, 9-11; Vol. III Nos. 2-3, 5-10; Vol. IV Nos. 1-7, 9-11; Vol. V Nos. 3-8; Vol. VI Nos. 1-10; Vol. VII Nos. 1-10; Vol. VIII Nos. 1-10; Vol. IX Nos. 1-12; Vol. X Nos. 1-11; Vol. XI Nos. 1-11; Vol. XII Nos. 1-12; Vol. XIII Nos. 1-9; Vol. XIV Nos. 1-9; Vol. XV Nos. 1-3UMLD1
58Native Prairies of Missouri - a photographic exhibit (also includes pamphlet titled Forever Prairie)Leland PaytonExtension Division/Missouri Prairie Foundation1980UMLD1
200Review of the University of Missouri India Programs, 1955-1972Walter T. WilkeningExtension Education1990UMLD1
145Training and Staff Development Special Report No. 30: Summary and Evaluation of Employee Training and Development at the University of MissouriExtension Education Department1/1972RC#013862
82Survey of Industrial Wastes in the State of MissouriJ. Pitts JarvisExtension Office, College of Engineering8/1/1964RC#102894
200Inner Circuits newsletterExtension Technology and Computer Services1997-1999Vol. XIV Nos. 2-4; Vol. XV No. 4; Vol. XVI No. 4UW:4/72/21;UW:4/141/18UMLD1
113Faculty ForumFaculty Council1987-1998Vol. I Nos. 1-7; Vol. II Nos. 1-7; Vol. III Nos. 1-8; Vol. IV Nos. 1-7; Vol. V Nos. 1-8; Vol. VI Nos. 1-8; Vol. VII Nos. 1-11; Vol. VIII Nos. 1-8; Vol. IX Nos. 1-9; Vol. X Nos. 1-4, 6; Vol. XI Nos. 1-10; Vol. XII Nos. 1-6; Vol. XIII Nos. 1-4; Vol. XIV Nos. 1-6; Vol. XV Nos. 1, 3-4, 6; Vol. XVI Nos. 1-3; Vol. XVII Nos. 1-5; Vol. XVIII Nos. 1-5; Vol. XIX Nos. 1-2; Vol. XX Nos. 1-2; Vol. XXI Nos. 1-2; Vol. XXII Nos. 1-2C:2/00/1RC#048116
112UMC Faculty HandbookFaculty Council on University Policy8/1984; 7/1991; 6/1999RC#048115
113UMC Faculty Development - A Summary ReportFaculty Development Advisory Committee, Faculty Council9/1983RC#048116
108Final ReportFaculty Task Force on Assessment, UMC Faculty Council9/29/1988UMLD1
83Make Room for Snacks - They're Good for You! (N 900)Family Nutrition Education Programs (FNEP), Extension Division2005C:3/37/9RC#102895
19FAPRI Staff Report No. 1-86, An Analysis of the Food Security Act of 1985Abner W. Womack et al.FAPRI2/1986UMLD1
19FAPRI Staff Report No. 1-87, Comparative Analysis of Selected Policy Options for US AgricultureFAPRI2/1987UMLD1
19FAPRI Staff Report No. 1-88C, Near-Term ForecastFAPRI1/1988UMLD1
19FAPRI Staff Report No. 2-85, US Agriculture and Farm Financial Conditions to 1989-90 Under Alternative PoliciesS.R. Johnson et al.FAPRI3/20/1985UMLD1
19FAPRI Staff Report No. 2-86, The Food Security Act of 1985: A Ten-Year PerspectiveS.R. Johnson et al.FAPRI6/1986UMLD1
19FAPRI Staff Report No. 2-88, The Drought of 1988: Possible Market Impacts and Policy ImplicationsFAPRI7/1988UMLD1
19FAPRI Staff Report No. 3-86, The Food Security Act of 1985 One Year Later: Implications and Persistent ProblemsFAPRI12/1986UMLD1
19FAPRI Staff Report No. 3-89, Impacts of the 80-Percent Deficiency Program on Commodity Markets, Producer Returns and Government Program CostsPatrick WesthoffFAPRI4/1989UMLD1
19FAPRI Staff Report No. 3-90, An Evaluation of Planting Flexibility Options for the 1990 Farm BillFAPRI4/1990UMLD1
19FAPRI Staff Report No. 4-85, Farm Credit Situation: Implications for Agricultural PolicyJ. Bruce BullockFAPRI1985UMLD1
19FAPRI Staff Report No. 4-89, Near-Term Agricultural Outlook UpdateWilliam H. MeyersFAPRI8/1989UMLD1
19FAPRI Staff Report No. 4-90, An Evaluation of Price Support Equilibration Options for the 1990 Farm BillFAPRI4/1990UMLD1
19FAPRI Staff Report No. 6-85, National Farm Survey on Financial StressFAPRI7/1985UMLD1
19FAPRI Staff Report No. 9-85, A Preliminary Summary Report on Economy-Wide Impacts of the Farm Financial CrisisFAPRI7/1985UMLD1
19FAPRI Staff Report No. CNFAP-1-85, Projections for the Missouri Agricultural Sector to 1990Robert E. Young et al.FAPRI2/1985UMLD1
19FAPRI Staff Report, Early Implications of Drought on Commodity MarketsFAPRI1988UMLD1
19Food and Agricultural Policy Research Institute (FAPRI) NewsletterFAPRI1998-2000Vol. I Nos. 1-6; Vol. III No. 1UMLD1
20FAPRI Staff Report No. 1-00, US Agricultural OutlookFAPRI1/2000UMLD1
20FAPRI Staff Report No. 1-90, US Agricultural OutlookFAPRI3/1990UMLD1
20FAPRI Staff Report No. 1-91, US Agricultural OutlookFAPRI1/1991UMLD1
20FAPRI Staff Report No. 1-92, US Agricultural OutlookFAPRI5/1992UMLD1
20FAPRI Staff Report No. 1-93, US Agricultural OutlookFAPRI4/1993UMLD1
20FAPRI Staff Report No. 1-94, US Agricultural OutlookFAPRI4/1994UMLD1
20FAPRI Staff Report No. 1-95, US Agricultural OutlookFAPRI6/1995UMLD1
20FAPRI Staff Report No. 1-96, US Agricultural OutlookFAPRI8/1996UMLD1
20FAPRI Staff Report No. 1-97, US Agricultural OutlookFAPRI1/1997UMLD1
200FAPRI Staff Report CNFAP-2-85, Financial Impact Study OverviewFAPRI6/1985UMLD1
91Alumni DirectoryFarmhouse Fraternity1980RC#003065
201Missouri Fertilizer ReportFertilizer Control Service, Agricultural Experiment Station1958-1975Vol. I Nos. 1-4; Vol. II Nos. 1-4; Vol. III Nos. 1-4; Vol. IV Nos. 1-4; Vol. V Nos. 1-4; Vol. VI Nos. 1-4; Vol. VII Nos. 1-4; Vol. VIII Nos. 1-4; Vol. IX Nos. 1-4; Vol. X Nos. 1-4; Vol. XI Nos. 1-4; Vol. XII Nos. 1-4; Vol. XIII Nos. 1-4; Vol. XIV Nos. 1-4; Vol. XV Nos. 1-4; Vol. XVI Nos. 1-4; Vol. XVII Nos. 1-4C:3/37/2; C:25/00/9RC#041074
202Missouri Fertilizer ReportFertilizer Control Service, Agricultural Experiment Station1975-2016Vol. XVIII Nos. 1-4; Vol. XIX Nos. 1-4; Vol. XX Nos. 1-4; Vol. XXI Nos. 1-4; Vol. XXII Nos. 1-4; Vol. XXIII Nos. 1-4; Vol. XXIV Nos. 1-4; Vol. XXV Nos. 1-4; Vol. XXVI Nos. 1-4; Vol. XXVII Nos. 1-4; Vol. XXVIII Nos. 1-4; Vol. XXIX Nos. 1-4; Vol. XXX Nos. 1-3; Vol. XXXI Nos. 1-2; Vol. XXXII Nos. 1-2; Vol. XXXIII Nos. 1-2; Vol. XXXIV Nos. 1-2; Vol. XXXV Nos. 1-2; Vol. XXXVI Nos. 1-2; Vol. XXXVII Nos. 1-2; Vol. XXXVIII Nos. 1-2; Vol. XXXIX Nos. 1-2; Vol. XL Nos. 1-2; Vol. XLI Nos. 1-2; Vol. XLII Nos. 1-2; Vol. XLIII Nos. 1-2; Vol. XLIV Nos. 1-2; Vol. XLV Nos. 1-2; Vol. XLVI Nos. 1-2; Vol. XLVII Nos. 1-2; Vol. XLVIII Nos. 1-2; Vol. XLIX Nos. 1-2; Vol. L Nos. 1-2; Vol. LI Nos. 1-2; Vol. LII Nos. 1-2; Vol. LIII Nos. 1-2; Vol. LIV Nos. 1-2; Vol. LV Nos. 1-2; Vol. LVI Nos. 1-2; Vol. LVII Nos. 1-2; Vol. LVIII Nos. 1-2; Vol. LIX No. 1C:3/37/2; C:25/00/9RC#041120
25Distributor Permits to Sell Commercial Fertilizers in MissouriFertilizer Control Services, Agricultural Experiment Station2003-2016RC#130777
144MO for Your Money: Costs, Financial Aid and ScholarshipsFinancial Aid Office1997-1998, 1999-2000C:19/1/2RC#013834
49Purple literary magazineFine Arts Residential College (FARC)2000-2003Vol. I No. 2; Vol. II Nos. 1-2; Vol. III No. 3; Vol. IV Nos. 1-2; Fall 2003C:22/10/7UMLD1
49Thermostat: A Device of CreativityFine Arts Residential College (FARC)n.d.Vol. I No. 1C:22/10/7UMLD1
63First on the Drug Lab Scene: Awareness (Student Manual)Fire and Rescue Training Institute (FRTI)2000C:18/3/1RC#131853
34FAPRI Staff Report No. 1-85, Options for the 1985 Farm Bill: An Analysis and EvaluationS.R. Johnson et al.Food and Agricultural Policy Research Institute1985RC#068934
34FAPRI Staff Report No. 3-85, The Administration Proposal for the 1985 Farm Bill: An Evaluation and AnalysisS.R. Johnson et al.Food and Agricultural Policy Research Institute3/1985RC#068934
34FAPRI Staff Report No. 5-85, Preliminary Results on a Variable Loan Repayment Option for the 1985 Farm BillS.R. Johnson et al.Food and Agricultural Policy Research Institute4/1985RC#068934
20FAPRI-UMC Technical Data Report No. 01-01, 2001 US Baseline Briefing BookFood and Agricultural Policy Research Institute (FAPRI)2/2001UMLD1
67FAPRI Staff Report #5-90, An Evaluation of Soybean Marketing Loan Options for the 1990 Farm BillFood and Agricultural Policy Research Institute (FAPRI)4/1990UMLD1
200FAPRI Environmental ProjectsFood and Agricultural Policy Research Institute (FAPRI)/CAFNR2000, 2002UMLD1
13Progress ReportFood for the 21st Century1991-1998RC#068059
25Foods, Feeds and Products ClusterFood for the 21st Century1990RC#130777
25Foods, Feeds and Products Cluster ReportFood for the 21st Century1995, 1997RC#130777
25Interdisciplinary Research to Create New Foods, Feeds, ProductsFood for the 21st Century1987RC#130777
83Biotechnology: Generating Knowledge for a Better TomorrowFood for the 21st Century/Molecular Biology1998RC#102895
67Annual ReportForage Systems Research Center1997UMLD1
72Field Day ReportForage Systems Research Center1976, 1985RC#068566
18950 Year History, 1965-2015: Forage Systems Research CenterFredric A. Martz and Kate BrownForage Systems Research Center, CAFNR2015UMLD1
209Missouri Forestry Alumni NewsForestry Alumni Association1952-1960Vol. I Nos. 1-4; Vol. II Nos. 1-4; Vol. III Nos. 1-4; Vol. IV Nos. 1-4; Vol. V Nos. 1-4; Vol. VI Nos. 1-4; Vol. VII Nos. 1-4; Vol. VIII Nos. 1-4UMLD1
210Missouri Forestry Alumni NewsForestry Alumni Association1960-1973, 1977Vol. IX Nos. 1-4; Vol. X Nos. 1-4; Vol. XI Nos. 1-4; Vol. XII Nos. 1-4; Vol. XIII Nos. 1-4; Vol. XIV Nos. 1-4; Vol. XV Nos. 1-4; Vol. XVI Nos. 1-4; Vol. XVII Nos. 1-4; Vol. XVIII Nos. 1-4; Vol. XIX Nos. 1-4; Vol. XX Nos. 1-4; Vol. XXI Nos. 1-4; Vol. XXII No. 1; 10/1977UMLD1
2Access to Public Information: A Resource Guide to Government in Columbia and Boone County, MissouriAurora E. Davis, ed.Freedom of Information Center1984C:11/7/1RC#069331
2Access to Public Information: A Resource Guide to Government in Columbia and Boone County, Missouri (Revised)John R. Bender, ed.Freedom of Information Center1990C:11/7/1RC#069331
8FoI DigestFreedom of Information Center1959-1985Vol. I Nos. 1-6; Vol. II Nos. 1-6; Vol. III Nos. 1-6; Vol. IV Nos. 1-6; Vol. V Nos. 1-6; Vol. VI Nos. 1-6; Vol. VII Nos. 1-6; Vol. VIII Nos. 1-6; Vol. IX Nos. 1-6; Vol. X Nos. 1-6; Vol. XI Nos. 1, 3-6; Index to Vols. I-XI; Vol. XII Nos. 1-4; Vol. XIII Nos. 1-6; Vol. XIV Nos. 1-6; Vol. XV Nos. 1-6; Vol. XVI Nos. 1-6; Vol. XVII Nos. 1-6; Vol. XVIII Nos. 1-6; Vol. XIX Nos. 1-6; Vol. XX Nos. 1-6; Vol. XXI Nos. 1-6; Index to 1970-1979; Vol. XXII Nos. 1-6; Vol. XXIII Nos. 1-6; Vol. XXIV Nos. 1-6; Vol. XXV Nos. 1-6; Vol. XXVI Nos. 1-6; Vol. XXVII Nos. 1-6C:11/7/1UMLD1
33Miami Herald v. Tornillo: The Trial of the First AmendmentFreedom of Information Center1975C:11/7/1RC#068933
9Speeches, Freedom of Information ConferenceFreedom of Information Center, School of Journalism1958-1964Vols. I-VIIC:11/7/1UMLD1
9Summary PapersFreedom of Information Center, School of Journalismca. 1964-1971Nos. 1-38UMLD1
28The Archibald NewsletterFreedom of Information Center, School of Journalism1968-1971Nos. 1-7UMLD1
33Peace TalkFriends of Peace Studies1994-1998Vol. I Nos. 1-2; Vol. II Nos. 2-3; Vol. III No. 1; Vol. IV No. 1; Vol. V No. 1; Vol. VI No. 1; Vol. VII No. 1RC#068933
214Friends of the Library Newsletter/Friends of the Library Notes/Book NotesFriends of the Libraries1960-2005 (w/gaps)C:20/00/11RC#045739
86Friends of the Library NotesFriends of the Library, University of Missouri and State Historical Society of Missourica. Summer 1975; 11/1975; 3/1976; 7/1976; 11/1976; 3/1977; 7/1977; 11/1977; 3/1978; 11/1978; 3/1979; 7/1979; 11/1979; 3/1980; 7/1980; 11/1980; 3/1981; 7/1981; 11/1981; 3/1982; 7/1982; 11/1982; 3/1983; 7/1983; 3/1984; 7/1984; 3/1985; 7/1985; 12/1985; Fall 1986UMLD1
48Verse Written by Students of the University of Missouri, 1905-1923Florien Gass, ed.Gamma Phi Psi of Sigma Upsilon1923UMLD1
100Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) Schedule of BenefitsGenCare Health Systemsn.d.UMLD1
100Premier Point-of-Service (POS) Plan Schedule of BenefitsGenCare Health Systemsn.d.UMLD1
140ClustersGeneral Education ProgramFall 1996, Fall 1997, Fall 1998UMLD1
144The Beacon newsletterGeneral Education Program1997-2002Vol. I No1; Vol. II No. 1; Vol. III No. 1; Vol. IV Nos. 1-2; Vol. V No. 1; Vol. VII No. 1; Vol. VIII Nos. 1-2C:1/32/32RC#013834
213Technical Proposal for the University of Missouri Nuclear Research ReactorGeneral Electric Co.4/11/1963 RC#045738
145MU County Watch/County Impact ReportGovernmental Affairs1996RC#013862
15Missouri Economic Development ChecklistGovernmental Affairs Program5/1987RC#069361
31Public Affairs Newsletter (title changes to Governmental Affairs Newsletter with Vol. III No. 17, 6/1969)Governmental Affairs Program, Department of Political Science1966-1992Vol. I Nos. 1-11, 11a, 12-13, 13a, 14, 14a, 15, 15a, 16-24; Vol. II Nos. 1-21; Vol. III Nos. 1-20; Vol. IV Nos. 1-16; Vol. V Nos. 1-10; Vol. VI Nos. 1-10; Index to Vols. I-VI; Vol. VII Nos. 1-11; Vol. VIII Nos. 1-11; Vol. IX Nos. 1-11; Vol. X Nos. 1-11; Vol. XI Nos. 1-11; Vol. XII Nos. 1-11; Vol. XIII Nos. 1-11; Vol. XIV Nos. 1-11; Vol. XV Nos. 1-11; Vol. XVI Nos. 1-11; Vol. XVII Nos. 1-11; Vol. XVIII Nos. 1-11; Vol. XIX Nos. 1-11; Vol. XX Nos. 1-11; Vol. XXI Nos. 1-11; Vol. XXII Nos. 1-11; Vol. XXIII Nos. 1-11; Vol. XXIV Nos. 1-11; Vol. XXV Nos. 1-11; Vol. XXVI Nos. 1-11C:7/00/2 (1966-1975); C:6/33/5 (1976-1988)RC#068067
32Annual ReportGovernmental Affairs Program, Department of Political Science1966-1967, 1968-1969C:7/00/2RC#068068
109Missouri Local Government Handbook Series - Missouri Election Procedure Handbook for Election Judges and ClerksRobert F. KarschGovernmental Affairs Program, Department of Political Science, School of Business and Public Affairs1970UMLD1
46Papers on the Community and the ArtsWilliam Howard Adams, ed.Governor's Committee on the Arts11/1963UMLD1
147A New Era of Excellence, 1990-1995Graduate Divisionca. 1990UMLD1
141GFS/GFS NewsGraduate Faculty Senate1990-1999Vol. I Nos. 1-4; Vol. II Nos. 1-4; Vol. III Nos. 1-4; Vol. IV Nos. 1-4; Vol. V No. 1; Vol. VI No. 1; Vol. VII Nos. 1, 3; Vol. VIII No. 2; Vol. IX Nos. 1-3C:10/00/1RC#013800
9DianoiaGraduate Philosophy Club1966-1974Nos. 2-8, 10UMLD1
42Syllabus, E204 - Elementary School SupervisionE.J. Powell and C.A. PhillipsGraduate School1934RC#042482
44Praxis newsletterGraduate School1989-2002Winter 1989; Spring 1989; Fall 1989; Winter 1990; Spring 1990; Fall 1990; Spring 1991; Fall 1991; Spring 1992; Fall 1992; Spring 1993; Winter 1994; Spring 1994; Spring 1995; Winter 1996; Fall 1996; Spring 1997; Fall 1997; 4/1998; 4/1999; 12/1999; 4/2000; 12/2000; 4/2001; Fall 2001; Spring 2002RC#054807
44Research Proposal - The Activities and Training Needs of Special Education Leadership Personnel in Kansas and MissouriJerry E. WhitworthGraduate School3/23/1979RC#054807
44The Graduate Student NewsletterGraduate School1981-1984Vol. II Nos. 3-5; Vol. III Nos. 1-5 (two different issues numbered as 5); Vol. IV Nos. 1-2RC#054807
141Announcement/CatalogGraduate School1962-1963, 1969-1971RC#013800
141Graduate CatalogGraduate School1973-1974, 1974-1975, 1975-1976RC#013800
141Graduate School AnnouncementGraduate School1976-1977, 1977-1978, 1979-1980, 1981-1983RC#013800
141Guidelines for Preparing Theses and DissertationsGraduate School3/1995, 9/1996C:10/00/5RC#013800
141Missouri Columnae newsletterGraduate School2004C:10/00/5RC#013800
141MU Grad GuideGraduate School2002-2003, 2003-2004RC#013800
141MU Graduate Student Support MattersGraduate School2010RC#013800
143Annual ReportGraduate School1972-1973, 1995, 2000C:10/00/5RC#013833
8The Negroes of Columbia Missouri: A Concrete Study of the Race ProblemWilliam Wilson ElwangGraduate School (Elwang's MA dissertation)1904UMLD1
52Graduate School and Research Notes (title changes to MU Research Resources with Vol. XVIII No. 1, 11/1991)Graduate School and Office of Research1977-199310/1/1977; 11/10/1977; 1/20/1978; 3/23/1978; 8/30/1978; 10/11/1978; 11/17/1978; 1/23/1979; 2/26/1979; 4/3/1979; 8/22/1979; 11/30/1979; 1/18/1980; 2/22/1980; 3/12/1980; 4/21/1980; 9/5/1980; 9/26/1980; 11/20/1980; 12/19/1980; 2/2/1981; 3/18/1981; 4/27/1981; 6/8/1981; 7/17/1981; 9/4/1981; 10/30/1981; 12/1981; 2/15/1982; 4/2/1982; 5/21/1982; 7/8/1982; 9/17/1982; 11/12/1982; 12/16/1982; 3/15/1983; 4/20/1983; 6/17/1983; 8/18/1983; 10/20/1983; 12/13/1983; 2/1/1984; 3/23/1984; 5/10/1984; 7/1984; Vol. XI Nos. 1-10 and 1984 supplement; Vol. XII Nos. 1-11 and 1985 supplement; Vol. XIII Nos. 1-11 and 1986 supplement; Vol. XIV Nos. 1-10 and 1988 supplement; Vol. XV Nos. 1-10 and FY1988 Annual Report; Vol. XVI Nos. 1-8, Reprint 1990, and FY1989 Annual Report; Vol. XVII Nos. 1-7 and supplement; Vol. XVIII Nos. 1-3; Vol. XIX Nos. 1-5; Vol. XX Nos. 1-2C:10/00/3RC#131558
140Guide to Grants and Contracts - Module Four, Special Research FacilitiesGraduate School and Office of Research1989UMLD1
141Assistance and Services for ResearchGraduate School and Office of Research1973RC#013800
44Graduate Student Affairs NewsletterGraduate Student Affairs Office, Graduate School1979-1980Vol. I Nos. 1-4; Vol. II Nos. 1-2RC#054807
141Graduate Student Handbook and CalendarGraduate Student Association (GSA)1990-1991, 1991-1992, 1992-1993RC#013800
144Graduate Student HandbookGraduate Student Association (GSA)8/1986RC#013834
177Selected Topics in Data Base Management for Health Planning: Class of 1977Graduate Studies in Health Services Management, Department of Community Health and Medical Practice3/1976UMLD1
62A Preliminary Long-Range Master Plan for St. Elizabeth's HospitalRay Barton, Frances Hofrichter and Richard StrohGraduate Studies in Health Services Management, Department of Community Health and Medical Practice, School of Medicine5/1976RC#131852
141Fogcutter newsletterGraduate-Professional CouncilFall 1987, Winter 1988, Summer 1988, Fall 1988, Winter 1989, 4/1989, 10/1989, 12/1989, 3/1990, 10/1990, 10/1990 [sic], 11/1990, 1/1991, 3/1991, 9/1991, 10/1991, 1/1992, 4/1992, 9/1992C:10/00/5RC#013800
143Research and Creative Activities ForumGraduate-Professional Council1995, 1997-2000, 2003Nos. 12, 14-17, 20RC#013833
142Research and Creative Activities ForumGraduate-Professional Council (GPC)/Sigma Xi1984-1992Nos. 1-9RC#013801
33TADAR: The ADA ReportGreat Plains Disability and Business Technical Assistance Center1994-2002Vol. III Nos. 2-3; Vol. IV Nos. 1-3; Vol. V Nos. 1-3; Vol. VI Nos. 1-5; Vol. VII Nos. 1-2; Vol. VIII No. 1; Vol. XI Nos. 1-2RC#068933
141Graduate/Professional Student Handbook and CalendarGSA1995-1996, 1997-1998RC#013800
45Classroom Adaptations for Physically Handicapped StudentsHandicapped Student Officen.d.RC#054808
28Annual ReportHarry S Truman School of Public Affairs2002-2003UMLD1
25Hazardous Materials Handbook - First EditionHazardous Materials Management Committee and Environmental Health and Safety12/1993RC#130777
25Hazardous Materials Management Procedures Manual - Registered User Edition - First EditionHazardous Materials Management Committee and Environmental Health and Safety1993RC#130777
175Strategic Management of Information Systems in HealthcareGordon D. Brown, Tamara T. Stone and Timothy B. PatrickHealth Administration Press/AUPHA Press2005RC#019492
47The Nutrition Reporter newsletterHealth and Nutrition Journalism Program1987-1988Vol. I No. 1; Vol. II Nos. 1-2UMLD1
176Readings in Health CareHealth Care Studies, Department of Community Health and Medical Practice, School of Medicine1970-19751970 Vols. I-3; 1971 Vol. I Parts 1-2; 1972 Vol. I Parts 1-2; 1973 Vol. I Parts 1-2; 1974 Vol. I Parts 1-2; 1975 Vol. IUMLD1
177Socio-Medical Statistics: Self Learning Experience in Statistics for the Health SciencesSidney M. Stahl and James D. HennesHealth Care Studies, School of Medicine8/1971UMLD1
59Performance ReportHealth Sciences Center1999-2000UMLD1
59Telemedicine ReviewHealth Sciences CenterFall 1995; Spring 1996UMLD1
64Clinical Trials News newsletterHealth Sciences Center1996-1998Spring 1996; Summer 1996; Winter 1997; Spring 1997; Winter 1998; Summer 1998RC#131854
175Code of Conduct Handbook (revised)Health Sciences Center3/2002RC#019492
175The Department of MedicineHealth Sciences Center1982C:14/00/2RC#019492
158Health Management and Informatics Newsletter/Health Management and Informatics Alumni NewsletterHealth Services Management Alumni AssociationFall 1998, Spring 1999, Fall 1999, Fall 2000, Spring 2001, Winter 2002, Summer 2002, Summer 2003C:14/00/2UMLD1
177The Interface between Areawide and Institutional Health PlanningHealth Services Management, School of Medicine2/28-3/1/1978UMLD1
177The Interface between Areawide and Institutional Health PlanningHealth Services Management, School of Medicine3/7-8/1978UMLD1
59UMC/HCTC/C-004 - Mental Health Information SystemsJames L. Hedlund et al.Health Services Research Center/Health Care Technology Center4/1979, 10/1979UMLD1
81Optical Disc Mass Data Storage (UMC/HCTC/C-006)J.W. Rouse, R. Chin and W.D. McFarlandHealth Services Research Center/Health Care Technology Center4/1979RC#102893
175Health Care Technology Compendium Series - UMC/HCTC/C-012, Technologies for Continuing Medical EducationP.R. Manning and W.L. MillardHealth Services Research Center/Health Care Technology Center8/1980RC#019492
151The Hearnes CenterHearnes Center1990RC#001013
37Education ProVision newsletterHeart of Missouri Regional Professional Development Center, College of EducationSpring 2000Vol. I No. 1 UMLD1
63HeartBeat newsletterHeart Services, University Hospital1991-1994Winter 1991; Spring 1991; Summer 1991; Summer 1992; Fall 1992; Winter 1992; Spring 1993; Winter 1993; Spring 1994; Winter 1994C:23/00/1RC#131853
43Building Bridges: A Special Two-Year Report, 1995-1997Heartland's Alliance for Minority Participation1997RC#042483
43Annual ReportHeartland's Alliance for Minority Participation/Louis Stokes Missouri Alliance for Minority Participation1998, 2000-2001, 2003-2004RC#042483
83Nutritional Sciences at the University of MissouriHES/CAFNR/Food for the 21st Century2002RC#102895
42HERO NewsletterHigher Education Resource Operation (HERO)1984-19855/23/1984; Vol. II No. 1RC#042482
43Honors College: A Diverse Community of ScholarsHonors College1997RC#042483
141Honors College NewsletterHonors College3/1977, 3/1981RC#013800
141Laurels newsletter/Honors College course bulletinHonors CollegeSummer 1990, Winter 1991, Fall 1991, Winter 1992, 9-10,1994, Fall 1994, 1-2/1995, Winter 1995, 9/1995, Fall 1995, Fall 1995 [sic], 1-2/1996, Winter 1996, 9-10/1996, Fall 1996, 1-2/1997, 9-10/1997, 1-2/1998, Fall 2002, Winter 2004, Fall 2004, Winter 2005, Summer 2005, Fall 2005C:6/26/1RC#013800
141MO Challenge - The Honors College, 1999-2000Honors College1998RC#013800
49The Missouri Honors ReviewHonors Council, College of Arts and Science1964-1970Vols. I-VIIC:6/26/2UMLD1
83Hotel and Restaurant Management NewsletterHotel and Restaurant Management Program7/1/1992C:3/00/7RC#102895
83Hotel and Restaurant Management Program - Alumni and Friends newsletterHotel and Restaurant Management ProgramFall 2002, Fall 2003C:3/00/7RC#102895
85Missouri Library Network Corporation and Its Wholly Owned Subsidiary, Axxess Information Solutions, Inc. - Consolidated Financial StatementsHuber Ring Helm & Co. 2002RC#102897
22Participant Tash Handbook, Workshop on Improving the Use of Labor Market Information for PlanningHuman Resources Program, Department of Economics9/1977RC#130774
144Everything Technology - Student GuideIAT Services2004-2005C:1/28/00RC#013834
144Faculty Technology GuideIAT Services2001-2002, 2003C:1/28/00RC#013834
144Get Connected: Information Technology at MizzouIAT Services2006C:1/28/00RC#013834
144Student Technology GuideIAT Services2001-2002C:1/28/00RC#013834
53News BulletinICS/Central Computing Facility1985-1986RC#131561
81Interim Report to Richards-Gebaur Air Force Base, AF F23613 74 C 0002Image Analysis Laboratory, Bioengineering Program, College of Engineering5/1975; 8/1975; 9/1975; 2-3/1976; 4/1976RC#102893
53Image Analysis Laboratory Technical Report IAL-4-76, A Theoretical Comparison of Four Texture AlgorithmsRichard W. Conners and Charles A. HarlowImage Analysis Laboratory, Bioengineering/Advanced Automation Program, College of Engineering8/1976RC#131561
81Technical Report IAL-TR 5-72, A System for the Digitization, Storage, and Display of Images (Third Reissue)D.A. Ausherman, S.J. Dwyer and G.S. LodwickImage Analysis Laboratory, Department of Electrical Engineering and Department of Radiology10/1972RC#102893
81Technical Report, Edge5 - Line Identification AlgorithmJacqueline L. Otto and Charles A. HarlowImage Analysis Laboratory, Department of Electrical Engineering and Department of Radiology3/1971RC#102893
1Syllabus for American History, Second Half Unit (independent study)Independent Study Department, University Extension Divisionn.d.C:18/6/2RC#069330
33Address of Daniel Read, President of the State University of Missouri, Delivered in the Hall of the House of RepresentativesDaniel ReadIndiana State Senate2/17/1869RC#068933
92Terminal Report for Period 10/25/1957 to 4/30/1960Indo Inter-Institutional Program for Region III1960RC#003067
185Report Indo-Interinstitutional Program1957-1967RC#016369
79Tiger Pause newsletterIndustrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering1999-2005Vol. I No. 1, 3/1999; 3/2000; 2/2001; 4/2002; 6/2003; Fall 2004; Fall 2005UMLD1
79Course GuideInformation and Access Technology Services (IATS)1998UMLD1
79PassportInformation and Access Technology Services (IATS)2000UMLD1
79Strategic Plan for Information TechnologyInformation and Access Technology Services (IATS)FY1999-2000UMLD1
79Tiger Tech Training Course CatalogInformation and Access Technology Services (IATS)Fall Semester 1999UMLD1
79Travel Guide: A Guide to Computing and TelecommunicationsInformation and Access Technology Services (IATS)1998UMLD1
53ICS NewsletterInformation and Computing Services (ICS)1986-1992Vol. II Nos. 2-5; Vol. III Nos. 1-12; Vol. IV Nos. 1-12; Vol. V Nos. 1-12; Vol. VI Nos. 1-12; Vol. VII Nos. 1-9; Vol. VIII Nos. 1-2; 10/1992RC#131561
84Refrigerated and Frozen Foods Division NewsletterInstitute of Food Technologists/Food Science and Human Nutrition1998Spring 1998; Fall 1998RC#102896
11Policy in BriefInstitute of Public Policy6/2001Vol. I No. 1RC#068050
30Police-Juvenile Specialist Project NewsletterInstitute of Public Safety Education1976-Vol. I Nos. 1-8; Vol. II Nos. 1-12; Vol. III Nos. 1-9; Vol. IV Nos. 1-4; Vol. V Nos. 1-4UMLD1
28Information Pamphlet, Police Juvenile Officers Training BookletRichard D. RuddleInstitute of Public Safety Education, College of Public and Community Services8/1980Vol. III No. 1UMLD1
28Information Pamphlet No. 10, A Selected Bibliography: Police Work with Juveniles (2nd edition)Normand GomolakInstitute of Public Safety, College of Public and Community Services4/1977UMLD1
28Information Pamphlet No. 3, Missouri Juvenile CodeInstitute of Public Safety, College of Public and Community Services10/1973UMLD1
28Information Pamphlet No. 3, Missouri Juvenile Code (2nd Printing)Institute of Public Safety, College of Public and Community Services10/1979UMLD1
28Information Pamphlet No. 6, Police Discretion in Police-Juvenile Contacts/Information Pamphlet No. 7, Abused, Neglected and Runaway ChildrenNormand GomolakInstitute of Public Safety, College of Public and Community Services1974UMLD1
28Information Pamphlet No. 8, Juvenile RecordsInstitute of Public Safety, College of Public and Community Services3/1974UMLD1
28Information Pamphlet No. 9, Formulating Police-Juvenile PolicyInstitute of Public Safety, College of Public and Community Services4/1974UMLD1
28Information Pamphlet, Police Juvenile Specialist Programs 1976 Police Juvenile Unit SurveyRichard D. RuddleInstitute of Public Safety, College of Public and Community Services7/1976Vol. II No. 5UMLD1
28Police Juvenile Services Officer Information Pamphlet No. 1/Philosophy: Police-Juvenile Services Information Pamphlet No. 2 (2nd Edition)Normand G. Gomolak and Richard D. RuddleInstitute of Public Safety, College of Public and Community Services3/1977UMLD1
28Yearbook, Police Juvenile Officers Training BookletInstitute of Public Safety, College of Public and Community Services1973-1976Vols. I-IIUMLD1
149[untitled report, revised]Institutional Futures Committee/Academic Futures Committee7/6/1983UMLD1
35Opening Fall (Resident and Extension) Enrollment, Missouri Colleges and Universities and Total United StatesJoe L. SaupeInstitutional Research9/1977RC#068935
35Supplement to Opening Fall (Resident and Extension) Enrollment, Missouri Colleges and Universities and Total United StatesInstitutional Research9/1977RC#068935
149MU at a Glance: A Fact Book for Members of the University CommunityInstitutional Research and PlanningSpring 1989UMLD1
44Equitable Times: Project SERVE Newsletter - title change with Fall 1987 issue to Project SERVE: Sex Equity Resources for Vocational EducationInstructional Materials Laboratory1985-2000Fall 1985; Winter 1986; Spring 1986; Summer 1986; Fall 1986; Winter 1987; Spring 1987; Fall 1987; Winter 1988; Spring 1988; Summer 1988; Fall 1988; Winter 1989; Spring 1989; Summer 1989; Fall 1989; Winter 1990; Spring 1990; Fall 1990; Spring 1991; Summer 1991; Winter 1992; Spring 1992; Summer 1992; Fall 1992; Winter 1993; Spring 1993; Summer 1993; Fall 1993; Winter 1993/1994; Spring 1994; Summer 1994; Fall 1994; Winter 1995; Spring 1995; Fall 1995; Winter 1996; Spring 1996; Summer 1996; Fall 1996; Spring 1997; Fall 1997; Winter 1997/1998; Spring 1998; Winter 1999; Spring 1999; Fall 1999; Winter 1999/2000; Spring 2000RC#054807
44Handbook for Instructors - Involving Vocational Advisory Groups in Program ImprovementInstructional Materials Laboratory1985RC#054807
28Sexual Harassment on the Job: An Instructional UnitMary Ann DeVoreInstructional Materials Laboratory (IML)10/1982C:8/5/1UMLD1
4Missouri Gymnastics (media guide)Intercollegiate Athletics1982-1987C:31/00/8RC#119620
4Missouri Gymnastics (media guide)Intercollegiate Athletics1988C:31/00/8RC#119620
4Missouri Gymnastics (media guide)Intercollegiate Athletics1989-1990C:31/00/8RC#119620
4Missouri Gymnastics (media guide)Intercollegiate Athletics1991-1992C:31/00/8RC#119620
4Missouri Gymnastics (media guide)Intercollegiate Athletics1993-1995C:31/00/8RC#119620
4Missouri Gymnastics (media guide)Intercollegiate Athletics1997-2003C:31/00/8RC#119620
4Missouri Gymnastics (media guide)Intercollegiate Athletics2001-2002C:31/00/8RC#119620
4Missouri Gymnastics (media guide)Intercollegiate Athletics2003C:31/00/8RC#119620
4Missouri Swimming and Diving (media guide)Intercollegiate Athletics1968-1969 (includes wrestling); 1970-1972; 1979-1984; 1987-1990C:31/00/8RC#119620
4Missouri Swimming and Diving (media guide)Intercollegiate Athletics1990-1992; 1993-1997; 1998-1999; 2000-2001; 2002-2003C:31/00/8RC#119620
4Missouri Women's AthleticsIntercollegiate Athletics1978-1979RC#119620
4Mizzou SportsIntercollegiate Athletics1987-1992Vol. I Nos. 1-17, 19-20; Vol. II Nos. 1-5, 7-10, 12-20; Vol. III Nos. 1-20; Vol. IV Nos. 1-3, 5-13, 16-20; Vol. V Nos. 1-20C:31/00/5RC#119620
4Mizzou SportsIntercollegiate Athletics1992-1995Vol. VI Nos. 1-20; Vol. VII Nos. 1-20; Vol. VIII Nos. 1-20C:31/00/5RC#119620
4NCAA Athletics Certification Interim ReportIntercollegiate Athletics2002RC#119620
4Student Athlete HandbookIntercollegiate Athletics1995-1999RC#119620
4Student Athlete HandbookIntercollegiate Athletics1999-2000RC#119620
4Student Athlete HandbookIntercollegiate Athletics2000-2001RC#119620
4Student Athlete HandbookIntercollegiate Athletics2001-2002RC#119620
5Baseball media guideIntercollegiate Athletics1978, 1981-1982, 1986, 1988-2002C:31/00/8RC#122158
5Men's Basketball media guideIntercollegiate Athletics1966-1972, 1973-1974, 1975-1997C:31/00/8RC#122158
5Missouri Softball (scorecard, vs. Indiana)Intercollegiate Athletics3/19/1998C:31/00/14RC#122158
5Softball media guideIntercollegiate Athletics1980, 1982, 1984, 1988-1990, 1993-1995, 1997-2003, 2014C:31/00/8RC#122158
6A New Era in Mizzou Basketball (basketball arena prospectus)Intercollegiate Athletics2003UMLD1
6Football media guideIntercollegiate Athletics2012-2013C:31/00/8UMLD1
6Men's Basketball media guideIntercollegiate Athletics1997-1998, 1999-2000, 2012-2015C:31/00/8UMLD1
6Off-Season Conditioning: Missouri TigersRuss Ball, Head Strength and Conditioning CoachIntercollegiate Athletics1984UMLD1
6Women's Basketball media guideIntercollegiate Athletics1976-1978, 1979-1980, 1981-1983, 1985-1986, 1987-2000, 2001-2002, 2003-2006, 2012-2015C:31/00/8UMLD1
6Women's Soccer media guideIntercollegiate Athletics1996-2002, 2012C:31/00/8UMLD1
7Football media guideIntercollegiate Athletics1951-1968, 1970-1983, 1985-1999C:31/00/8UMLD1
7Football post-season media guideIntercollegiate Athletics1998C:31/00/8UMLD1
7Men's and Women's Tennis media guideIntercollegiate Athletics1980-1982, 1995-1997, 1999-2003C:31/00/8UMLD1
7Men's Golf media guide (1971 and 1977 guides also include men's tennis)Intercollegiate Athletics1971, 1977, 1981-1982, 1987-1988, 1998-2000, 2001-2002C:31/00/8UMLD1
7Spring Football GuideIntercollegiate Athletics1982, 2002C:31/00/8UMLD1
7Volleyball media guideIntercollegiate Athletics1978-1979, 1981-1983, 1988-1990, 1992, 1994-1997, 1999-2000C:31/00/8UMLD1
7Women's Golf media guideIntercollegiate Athletics1984, 1987-1988, 2002C:31/00/8UMLD1
7Wrestling media guideIntercollegiate Athletics1969-1972, 1975-1977, 1978-1979, 1980-1982, 1987-1997, 1998-2002C:31/00/8UMLD1
8Lore of the Tiger's LairIntercollegiate Athletics1923-1924UMLD1
8Track and Field media guideIntercollegiate Athletics1967, 1971-1973, 1975-1984, 1988-1989, 1990-1992, 1993-2003C:31/00/8UMLD1
8Training for Track and FieldBob SimpsonIntercollegiate Athletics1923UMLD1
112BudgetIntercollegiate Athletics1992RC#048115
112Strategic Plan Intercollegiate Athletics5/2002RC#048115
144NCAA Certification Self-StudyIntercollegiate Athletics1997RC#013834
147A Guide to Operations: Mizzou on the Move: Memorial Stadium, Hearnes Center Arena, Taylor StadiumIntercollegiate Athletics2002UMLD1
4Sports Sciences NewsletterIntercollegiate Athletics - Life Skills ProgramFall 1995RC#119620
57Annual ReportInterdisciplinary Plant Group1993-1994, 1997, 1999C:3/49/00UMLD1
169Go Greek! Recruitment 2003Interfraternity Council2003C:22/7/1UMLD1
169IFC Rush Book 2001Interfraternity Council2001C:22/7/1UMLD1
169Rush Book 1999Interfraternity Council/National Pan-Hellenic Council/Panhellenic Council1999C:22/7/1UMLD1
41Global Link: A Compilation of International Agreements with the University of Missouri-ColumbiaInternational Center8/1996RC#042481
41Study Abroad Annual ReportInternational Center2000-2001RC#042481
47MU International newsletterInternational Center1995-2003Vol. I Nos. 1-3; Vol. II Nos. 1-4; Vol. III Nos. 1-4; Vol. IV Nos. 1-3; Vol. V No. 1; Vol. VII Nos. 1-4; Vol. VIII Nos. 1-5; Vol. IX Nos. 1-2C:1/33/00UMLD1
158International Student newsletterInternational Club2/1940Vol. I No. 2UMLD1
158News LetterInternational Club3-4/1936Vol. I Nos. 1-2UMLD1
158International Student Forum newsletterInternational Club/Student Activities Office2/1967Vol. I No. 1C:1/33/00UMLD1
185Report of Survey of Agricultural and Veterinary Research and Teaching Institutions in Region III - States of Assam, Bihar, Orissa and West BengalJ.H. Longwell and B.W. HarrisonInternational Cooperation Administration/University of Missouri/Indian Council of Agricultural Research and the Four State Governments10/1955RC#016369
8Handbook of Intramural SportsIntramural Sports Office1948-1949UMLD1
175Contemporary Classics in Clinical MedicineJames T. Barrett, ed.ISI Press1986RC#019492
84BiblioFile newsletterJ. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library1992-1994Nos. 1-4RC#102896
84History of the University of Missouri-Columbia School of Medicine - A Selected List of Sources in MU LibrariesJ. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library2001RC#102896
84History of the University of Missouri-Columbia School of Nursing - A Selected List of Sources in MU LibrariesJ. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library2001RC#102896
2Event Program, 32nd Annual Jefferson Club Dinner – Jim Harlan, The Lewis and Clark ExpeditionJefferson Club37744RC#069331
42Silver Anniversary Celebration - An Evening with Dr. Noble E. Cunningham Jr.Jefferson Club4/22/1995C:0/3/16RC#042482
85Describing and Improving the Reading Strategies of Elderly ReadersDorothy J. Watson et al.Joint Center for Aging Studies8/1979RC#102897
167Sno-Cone magazineKCOU Radioca. 2000-2001Nos. 1-6UMLD1
167The VoiceKuumba Literary Society1997-1999Vol. I Nos. 1-3; Vol. II Nos. 1-3C:22/19/1UMLD1
21Labor Research Series No. 6, The Public Employee in the Political ArenaJerald F. RobinsonLabor Education Program5/1967RC#130773
22Arbitration NotebookLabor Education Programn.d.RC#130774
42Labor Education NewsletterLabor Education Program, Extension Division1963-1968Vol. I No. 1; Vol. II Nos. 1-4; Vol. III No. 3; Vol. IV Nos. 1-2; Vol. V No. 1RC#042482
59Experimental Pharmacology - A Laboratory Guide for the Study of The Physiological Action of DrugsCharles W. GreeneLaboratory of Physiology and Pharmacology1905UMLD1
38Individualized Study Program for SeniorsLaboratory School1966UMLD1
35Targets in Education newsletterLaboratory School, College of Education1959-1962Vol. I Nos. 1-7; Vol. II Nos. 1-5; Vol. III Nos. 1-5; Vol. IV No. 1C:8/7/5RC#068935
227The Missouri Criminal Code: A Handbook for Law Enforcement Officers (Manual 121, 16th ed.)Law Enforcement Training Institute, School of Law, Extension Division1998UMLD1
109Outlines from Law Extension Seminars - Missouri Approved Instruction Problems and Proof Requirements in a Humanitarian CaseLaw Extension, School of Lawn.d.UMLD1
50From within the Black DiasporaLegion of Black Collegians1975UMLD1
151LBC UpdateLegion of Black Collegians3/1990C:22/19/1RC#001013
151The Black Book: Perspectives of UMC/Perspectives in Black: Getting to Know UMCLegion of Black Collegians1976-1977, 1977-1978, 1979-1980, 1980-1981, 1981-1982, 1984-1985C:22/19/1RC#001013
158The Black Letter newsletterLegion of Black Collegians1972-1975Vol. I Nos. 1-7; Vol. II Nos. 1-9; Vol. III Nos. 1-3C:22/19/1UMLD1
167Umoja newsletterLegion of Black Collegians10/1993Vol. I No. 1C:22/19/1UMLD1
85Library Circulation System and Policy ManualLibraries of the University of Missouri Information Network (LUMIN)1989RC#102897
85LUMIN Guide - Command ModeSandy SnellLibraries of the University of Missouri Information Network (LUMIN)1985RC#102897
85LUMIN Inquiry Reference Manual (Revised)Libraries of the University of Missouri Information Network (LUMIN)1986RC#102897
84Missouri Alumnus - Library and Informational Science newsletterLibrary and Informational Science Alumni Association, MU Alumni Association11-12/1970; Spring 1975; Spring 1976; 4/1979RC#102896
84Newsletter, Library and Informational Science (title changes to School of Library and Informational Science Newsletter in 1984)Library and Informational Science Alumni Association, MU Alumni Association/School of Library and Informational Science1983; 11/1983; 3/1984; 3/1985; 3/1986; Fall 1986; Spring 1987; Fall 1987; Spring 1988; Fall 1988; Spring 1989; Fall 1989; Spring 1990; Fall 1990; Spring 1991; Fall 1991; Spring 1992; Spring 1994; Fall 1995; Spring 1996RC#102896
86Report, Cooperative Library AutomationS. Craig MooreLibrary Studies Project, Office of Research9/1/1974UMLD1
23Working Paper No. 3, Lifelong Career Development Needs Assessment StudyJoAnn M. SchoepkeLifelong Career Development Project7/1979RC#130775
22Working Paper No. 1, Lifelong Learning and Career Development Needs of the Severely HandicappedW. Malcolm Flanagan and JoAnn M. SchoepkeLifelong Career Development Project, Department of Counseling and Personnel Services, College of Education1978RC#130774
83An Annotated Checklist of Some Typographic SourcesLinotype School, School of Journalism12/1951RC#102895
83Consider the Lowly 'PrenticePaul FisherLinotype School, School of Journalism6/1951RC#102895
84The Marvelous Machine of Mark TwainPaul FisherLinotype School, School of Journalism7/1951RC#102896
85An Uncommon GentryPaul FisherLinotype School, School of Journalism1952RC#102897
85Maintenance Check List for Linecasting MachinesThomas H. BellLinotype School, School of Journalism4/1952RC#102897
107Toward Excellence: The Next Decade of the University of MissouriLong-Range Planning Steering Committee, Board of Curators10/26/1984UMLD1
107Toward Excellence: The Next Decade of the University of Missouri (Update draft)Long-Range Planning Steering Committee, Board of Curators12/12/1986UMLD1
107Toward Excellence: The Next Decade of the University of Missouri (Update)Long-Range Planning Steering Committee, Board of Curators12/6/1985UMLD1
48Ellis Booklets of Student Creative Writing - Booklet No. 1, Poems by Missouri StudentsRobert L. Ramsay, ed.Mahan Poetry Contest1935UMLD1
182Missouri MSEA MessengerManagement Systems Evaluation Area (MSEA) Project1/1994No. 17RC#016353
182Missouri MSEAManagement Systems Evaluation Area (MSEA) Project/Extension Division1993-1995Nos. 10-11, 13-15RC#016353
158Why Is the University of Missouri Famous for Journalism?Maneater1978UMLD1
22Manpower Research Institutional Grant - Final ReportE.E. LiebhafskyManpower Program, Department of Economics2/15/1979RC#130774
22Manpower Research Institutional Grant - Progress ReportsE.E. LiebhafskyManpower Program, Department of Economics1971-1976RC#130774
63Eye Openers newsletterMason Eye Institute2004, 2013Fall 2004; Winter 2013RC#131853
26MU MBA NewsletterMBA Program, College of Business and Public AdministrationSummer 1997UMLD1
145MU McNair JournalMcNair Scholars ProgramFall 1993, Fall 1994, Fall 1995, Fall 1996, Fall 1997C:10/13/1RC#013862
61Medical Practice Income Plan Rules and RegulationsMedical Center1976RC#131851
61On Call newsletterMedical Center1960-1969Vol. I Nos. 1-10; Vol. II Nos. 1-6; Vol. III Nos. 1-8; Vol. IV Nos. 1-6; Vol. V Nos. 1-7; Vol. VI Nos. 1-9; Vol. VII Nos. 1-6; Vol. VIII Nos. 1-5; Vol. IX Nos. 1-2C:23/00/1RC#131851
64Health Sciences Guide - Series IMedical Center1976-1980Nos. 1-17, 19-20RC#131854
173On Call newsletterMedical Center1979-1983Vol. I Nos. 1-13, 15-26; Vol. II Nos. 1-34; Vol. III Nos. 1, 3, 5-26; Vol. IV Nos. 1-3C:23/00/1; C:14/48/1RC#019428
174Medical Center Bulletin (title changes to Health Sciences Bulletin with Summer 1980 issue)Medical Center/School of Medicine1961-1981Vol. I Nos. 1-4; Vol. II Nos. 1-4; Vol. III Nos. 1-4; Vol. IV Nos. 1-2; Vol. V Nos. 1-3; Vol. VI Nos. 1-4; Vol. VII Nos. 1-4; Vol. VIII Nos. 1-4; Vol. IX Nos. 1-4; Vol. X Nos. 1-4; Vol. XI Nos. 1-4; Vol. XII Nos. 1-3; Vol. XIII Nos. 1-4; Vol. XIV Nos. 1-4; Vol. XV Nos. 1-4; Vol. XVI Nos. 1-4; Vol. XVII Nos. 1-4; Vol. XVIII Nos. 1-4; Vol. XIX Nos. 1-3; Vol. XX Nos. 1-4C:14/00/4RC#019491
169News from the Medical Library newsletterMedical Library1956-1962Vol. I Nos. 1-9; Vol. II Nos. 1-10; Vol. III Nos. 1-6; Vol. IV Nos. 1-7; Vol. V Nos. 1-8; Vol. VI Nos. 1-3UMLD1
169For Prospective Medical Students, 1969-1970Medical School1969UMLD1
199Ag Consultant and FieldmanMeister Publishing Co.4/1980UMLD1
27The Mid-Missouri Career Guidance Institute - Final ReportMid-Missouri Career Guidance Institute, Department of Counseling and Personnel Services, College of Education6/1978UMLD1
42The MAFD GriotMinority Affairs and Faculty Development1996-1997Vol. I No. 2; Vol. II No. 1RC#042482
112Prime Time newsletter/magazineMinority Student Programs/Black Culture Center1980-19952/1980; 3/1980; 4-5/1980; 10/1980; 11-12/1980; 1-2/1981; 3/1981; 4-5/1981; Summer 1981; 10/1981; 11-12/1981; 2/1982; 3-4/1982; 5-6/1982; 10/1983; 10-11/1984; 3/1986; 5/1986; 11/1986; 2/1989; 2/1990; Fall 1991; 9/1991; 2-3/1992; 4-5/1992; 9-10/1992; 11-12/1992; 4-5/1993; 9-10/1994; 9-10/1995RC#048115
85Facilities Program Plan for Ellis Library Expansion (Revised Working Draft)Thomas R. Mason and J.E. RobinsonMIRA Incorporated3/1989RC#102897
177Evaluating the Effects of Missouri's Cancellation of the 1122 Program - Executive SummaryMissouri 1122 Evaluation Project10/1977UMLD1
65Ag Opportunities newsletterMissouri Alternatives Center, Extension Division1990-2003Vol. I Nos. 1-7; Vol. II Nos. 1-6; Vol. III Nos. 1-6; Vol. IV Nos. 1-6; Vol. V Nos. 1-6; Vol. VI Nos. 1-3; Vol. VII Nos. 1-6; Vol. VIII Nos. 1-6; Vol. IX Nos. 1-6; Vol. X Nos. 1-6; Vol. XI Nos. 1-6; Vol. XII Nos. 1-6; Vol. XIII Nos. 1-6C:18/3/9RC#131855
12Missouri Archaeological Society QuarterlyMissouri Archaeological Society2003-2007Vol. XX Nos. 1-4; Vol. XXI Nos. 1-4; Vol. XXII Nos. 1-4; Vol. XXIII Nos. 1-4; Vol. XXIV Nos. 1-4C:6/13/1RC#068058
13Missouri Archaeological Society Research SeriesMissouri Archaeology Society1963-1980Nos. 1-15C:6/13/1RC#068059
13The Missouri ArchaeologistMissouri Archaeology Society1956-1957, 1959, 1986, 1994-2006Vol. XVIII No. 4; Vol. XIX Nos. 1-2; Vol. XXI No. 1; Vols. 47, 55-67C:6/13/1RC#068059
60Arthritis Newsbreak (second publication, separate from 1994-1995 publication)Missouri Arthritis Rehabilitation Research and Training Center1999-2002Vol. I Nos. 1-9C:23/00/1UMLD1
60Arthritis NewsbreakMissouri Arthritis Rehabilitation Research and Training Center/Missouri Arthritis Program1994-1995Vol. I Nos. 1-2C:23/00/1UMLD1
85MOBIUS News LinkMissouri Bibliographic Information User System (MOBIUS)Fall 2000; Winter 2001; Winter 2002; Spring 2004; Spring 2005; Fall 2005; Spring 2006; Fall/Winter 2007RC#102897
33Constitution of the Missouri College UnionMissouri College Union1911RC#068933
33Historic Sketch of the Missouri College UnionMissouri College Union1925RC#068933
42ChronicleMissouri Computer Facilitating Committee1981-1982Vol. I Nos. 1-5; Vol. II Nos. 1-2RC#042482
182Missouri Soil and Water Conservation Needs InventoryMissouri Conservation Needs Committee, Agricultural Experiment Station2/1962RC#016353
1TraditionMissouri Cultural Heritage Center1985-1993Nos. 1-9RC#069330
2The Masters and Their Traditional Arts – ‘A Handful of Dinky:’ African American Storytelling in MissouriMissouri Cultural Heritage Center1992RC#069331
2The Masters and Their Traditional Arts – 1987-1988 MissouriMissouri Cultural Heritage Center1988RC#069331
2The Masters and Their Traditional Arts – Basketmaking: One Family’s TraditionMissouri Cultural Heritage Center1987RC#069331
2The Masters and Their Traditional Arts – Black Music: Blues, Jazz and GospelMissouri Cultural Heritage Center1986RC#069331
2The Masters and Their Traditional Arts – Blacksmithing: Utility and ArtistryMissouri Cultural Heritage Center1988RC#069331
2The Masters and Their Traditional Arts – Boots and Saddles: Traditional Leather CraftMissouri Cultural Heritage Center1988RC#069331
2The Masters and Their Traditional Arts – Eminent MissouriansMissouri Cultural Heritage Center1987RC#069331
2The Masters and Their Traditional Arts – Ethnic Music and Dance in Our CitiesMissouri Cultural Heritage Center1988RC#069331
2The Masters and Their Traditional Arts – Foodways: A Community Tradition in St. LouisMissouri Cultural Heritage Center1987RC#069331
2The Masters and Their Traditional Arts – Old Time Fiddling: Traditional American MusicMissouri Cultural Heritage Center1986RC#069331
2The Masters and Their Traditional Arts – The Ozark Johnboat: Its History, Form and FunctionMissouri Cultural Heritage Center1991RC#069331
2The Masters and Their Traditional Arts –Woodworking: The Ozark ExperienceMissouri Cultural Heritage Center1988RC#069331
9Publications of the Missouri Cultural Heritage Center: A Directory of Missouri's Folklife SpecialistsMissouri Cultural Heritage Center1988No. 5UMLD1
11Vernacular Architecture Forum - 1989 Annual MeetingMissouri Cultural Heritage Center5/1989RC#068050
25Teams, Trucks, Tri-Motors and Trains: the Transportation Paintings of Ollie C. ZieglerAmy E. Skillman, ed.Missouri Cultural Heritage Center1987RC#130777
45City Sounds: Urban Music of Kansas City and St. LouisMissouri Cultural Heritage Center1984RC#054808
46Traditional Arts in MissouriC. Ray Brassieur and Howard Wight MarshallMissouri Cultural Heritage Center1990UMLD1
83Diaspore - A Depleted Non-Renewable Mineral Resource of Missouri (Educational Series No. 6)W.D. KellerMissouri Department of Natural Resources1979RC#102895
85Missouri Express Community Information NetworksMissouri Express, MOREnet1999RC#102897
2Missouri Masters and Their Traditional Arts – ‘Que Viva el Westside!’ – Mexican Traditional Arts in Kansas City, MissouriMissouri Folk Arts Program1993RC#069331
2Missouri Masters and Their Traditional Arts – ‘You’ll Never Get Ireland in America’: Irish Traditional Music and Dance in St. Louis, MissouriMissouri Folk Arts Program1994RC#069331
2Missouri Masters and Their Traditional Arts – Polkas, Fastnacht and Kloppelei: Contemporary German Folk Arts in MissouriMissouri Folk Arts Program1997RC#069331
49Cowboy Poetry, Cowboy Songs: The Oral Traditions of the Working Cowboy and Rodeo RiderMissouri Folk Arts Program1998UMLD1
3The Art of World War II: Works from Missouri CollectionsMissouri Historic Costume and Textile Collection, Department of Textile and Apparel Management2001RC#069381
19Perspectives newsletterMissouri Institute of CooperativesSummer 2004UMLD1
44Missouri IMC NewsletterMissouri Instructional Materials Center (IMC)1975-1978Vol. II Nos. 1-2; Vol. III Nos. 1, 3-5; Vol. IV Nos. 1-4; Vol. V Nos. 1-3RC#054807
175MIAIMS Infosphere newsletter (title changes to Infosphere with No. 16)Missouri Integrated Advanced Information Management System - Medical Informatics Group/Health Sciences Library1994-2000Nos. 1-7, 9/1995 Special Edition, 8-53C:23/17/00RC#019492
60Missouri Kidney Program NewsletterMissouri Kidney Program2000-2003Spring 2000; Fall 2000; Spring 2001; Summer 2001; Fall 2001; Spring 2002; Summer 2002; Summer 2003C:1/30/5UMLD1
61Missouri Health Initiatives, 1978Missouri Kidney Program10/1978RC#131851
63Annual ReportMissouri Kidney Program1977-20001977-1978; 1978-1979; 1979-1980; 1980-1981; 1981-1982; 1982-1983; 1983-1984; FY1985; FY1986; FY1987; FY1988; FY1989; FY1990; FY1991; FY1992; FY1993; 1993-1994; 1994-1995; 1995-1996; 1996-1997; FY1997-1998; 1999; 2000C:1/30/4RC#131853
63Missouri Kidney Program NewsletterMissouri Kidney Program1994-1999Fall 1994; Spring 1995; Summer 1995; Winter 1995; Spring 1996; Fall 1996; Winter 1996; Spring 1997; Summer 1997; Fall 1997; Winter 1998; Summer 1998; Fall 1998; Winter 1999; Spring 1999; Fall 1999C:1/30/5RC#131853
18A Report on Current and Recent Land Occupancy, with Particular Reference to Land UseMissouri Land Use Planning Section, Division of Land Utilization, Resettlement Administration6/30/1936UMLD1
67Proposed Pasture Farming Land Use Adjustment Project, Boone County, MissouriRoss J. SilkettMissouri Land Use Planning Section, Land Utilization Division, Resettlement Administration12/24/1936UMLD1
45Final Report for Summer WorkshopMissouri LINC, Department of Special Education and PAVTE8/1981RC#054808
59The BrainStormer newsletterMissouri Model Brain Injury System1999-2002Vol. I Nos. 1-2; Vol. II Nos. 1-2; Vol. III Nos. 1-2; Vol. IV No. 1UMLD1
63Health SnapshotMissouri Model Spinal Cord Injury System2003-200410/2003; 12/2003; 4/2004RC#131853
63MOMSCIS Report (title changes to The Spinal Column with Vol. II No. 1, and to The Spinal Series with Vol. IV No. 1)Missouri Model Spinal Cord Injury System1996-2006Summer 1996; Winter 1997; Summer 1997; Vol. II No. 1; Vol. III No. 2; Vol. IV Nos. 1-2; Vol. V Nos. 1-2; Vol. VI Nos. 1-2; Vol. VII Nos. 1-3; Vol. VIII Nos. 1-2; Vol. IX Nos. 1-2; Vol. X No. 1; Vol. XI Nos. 1-2C:23/00/1; C:14/00/2RC#131853
14The US Macroeconomic OutlookMissouri Outlook Project, Department of Economics1988-1989Vol. I Nos. 1-3 and updatesRC#068981
61Missouri Health Initiatives - Interim ReportMissouri Regional Medical Program5/1976RC#131851
61Missouri Health Initiatives and Missouri Regional Medical Program's Demonstration Projects, Volume IMissouri Regional Medical Program7/1976RC#131851
61Missouri Health Initiatives and Missouri Regional Medical Program's Demonstration Projects, Volume IIaMissouri Regional Medical Program8/1976RC#131851
61Missouri Health Initiatives and Missouri Regional Medical Program's Demonstration Projects, Volume IIbMissouri Regional Medical Program8/1976RC#131851
37The MOREnet StoryMissouri Research and Education Network (MOREnet)2002UMLD1
43A Community of LearningMissouri Scholars Academy2001C:6/00/4RC#042483
43A Flash of Brilliance: The TorchMissouri Scholars Academy1991C:6/00/4RC#042483
43A Masterpiece in the MakingMissouri Scholars Academy1994C:6/00/4RC#042483
43A Touch of MagicMissouri Scholars Academy1986C:6/00/4RC#042483
43Catch the WaveMissouri Scholars Academy1987C:6/00/4RC#042483
43Making an ImpressionMissouri Scholars Academy1996C:6/00/4RC#042483
43MSA '85 MemoryMissouri Scholars Academy1985C:6/00/4RC#042483
43MSA FilesMissouri Scholars Academy2001C:6/00/4RC#042483
43Once in a Lifetime: The TorchMissouri Scholars Academy1998C:6/00/4RC#042483
43Pillars of Insanity: The TorchMissouri Scholars Academy1995C:6/00/4RC#042483
43Scholars' ScrapbookMissouri Scholars Academy2002C:6/00/4RC#042483
43Standing in the LimelightMissouri Scholars Academy2000C:6/00/4RC#042483
43The Road to TomorrowMissouri Scholars Academy1993C:6/00/4RC#042483
43The TorchMissouri Scholars Academy1999C:6/00/4RC#042483
43Under Construction: The TorchMissouri Scholars Academy1997C:6/00/4RC#042483
43We Want a Standing OvationMissouri Scholars Academy1990C:6/00/4RC#042483
44SpectrumMissouri Scholars Academy2004RC#054807
157Student HandbookMissouri Scholars Academy2002, 2003, 2004C:6/00/4UMLD1
21HandbookMissouri School of Social Economy1917-1918, 1919-1924RC#130773
45PARAdise News newsletterMissouri Special Education Dissemination Center, Department of Special Education, College of Education1988-2002Vol. I Nos. 1-2; Vol. II Nos. 1-2; Vol. III Nos. 1-2; Vol. IV Nos. 1-2; Vol. V Nos. 1-2; Vol. VI Nos. 1-2; Vol. VII Nos. 1-2; Vol. VIII Nos. 1-2; Vol. IX Nos. 1-2; Vol. X Nos. 1-2; Vol. XI Nos. 1-3; Vol. XII Nos. 1-3; Vol. XIII Nos. 1-3; Vol. XIV Nos. 1-3RC#054808
68Horticulture NewsMissouri State Horticulture Society/College of Agriculture1941-1971Vol. I Nos. 1-5; Vol. II Nos. 1-12; Vol. III Nos. 1-12; Vol. IV Nos. 1-12; Vol. V Nos. 1-12; Vol. VI Nos. 2-12; Vol. VII Nos. 2-11; Vol. VIII Nos. 3-8; 1/1950; 2/1950; 3/1950; 4/1950; 5/1950; 6/1950; 7/1950; 8/1950; 9/1950; 10/1950; 11/1950; 12/1950; 1/1951; 2/1951; 3/1951; 4/1951; 5/1951; 6/1951; 7/1951; 8/1951; 9/1951; 10/1951; 11/1951; 12/1951; 1/1952; 2/1952; 3/1952; 4/1952; 5/1952; 6/1952; 7/1952; 8/1952; 9/1952; 9/1953; 3/1954; 1/1964; 3-4/1964; 5-6/1964; 7/1964; 12/1964; 1/1965; 2/1965; 4/1965; 6/1965; 9/1965; 10-11/1965; 12/1965; 3-4/1966; 5-6/1966; 9/1966; 1-2/1967; 3-4/1967; 5-6/1967; 7/1967; 8-9/1967; 12/1967; ca. 4/1968; 6/1968; 11/1968; 4-5/1969; 7-8/1969; 12/1969; 4-5/1970; 8-9/1970; 12/1970; 2/1971; 6/1971; 8/1971UMLD1
148Testimony Taken before the University Investigating CommitteeMissouri State Legislature1889UMLD1
83AnnouncementMissouri State Military School1908, 1918C:29/2/1RC#102895
83Roster of the Battalion/Corps of CadetsMissouri State Military School1902; 1907RC#102895
149University of Missouri, Columbia (viewbook)Missouri Store Companyca. 1920C:0/51/3UMLD1
18Student Consumer Protection, University of Missouri-ColumbiaTom CarterMissouri Students Association1974UMLD1
140CoursebookMissouri Students Association1975, 1977UMLD1
141Surviving - MSA Survival Book IIMissouri Students Association 1980RC#013800
141Professor EvaluationsMissouri Students Association - Department of Student ServicesFall 1998RC#013800
151MSA Freshman HandbookMissouri Students Association (MSA)1998RC#001013
44The Longitudinal Follow-Up of 1981 Missouri High School Graduates - Final ReportMissouri Testing and Evaluation Service, College of Education10/1987RC#054807
44The Longitudinal Follow-Up of 1981 Missouri High School Graduates - Technical Report No. 1Missouri Testing and Evaluation Service, College of Education12/1983RC#054807
50The Sound PostMissouri Unit of the American String Teachers Association1969-1972Vol. VI No. 3; Vol. IX Nos. 1-2C:6/46/15UMLD1
182Missouri Agricultural Inventory by Drainage BasinsMissouri Water Pollution Board, Department of Agricultural Economics2/1971RC#016353
19Missouri Water NewsMissouri Water Resources Center4/1987, 9/1991Vol. I No. 2; Vol. IV No. 1UMLD1
158Behind the MaskMissouri Workshop Theatre/MU Department of Speech/Stephens College/Columbia College1959Vol. I Nos. 1-3; Vol. II No. 1UMLD1
28Facing the Future: Final Report to the W.K. Kellogg Foundation of the Missouri Youth InitiativePaul A. Sundet et al.Missouri Youth Initiative, University Extensionn.d.UMLD1
28Taking Steps: Missouri Youth Initiative, 1989-1994Paul A. Sundet et al.Missouri Youth Initiative, University Extension1994UMLD1
43Annual ReportMissouri's Alliance for Graduate Education and the Professorship (MAGEP)2002RC#042483
43Maximize newsletterMissouri's Alliance for Graduate Education and the Professorship (MAGEP)Winter 2000No. 1RC#042483
85The EBM [Espresso Book Machine] How-To GuideMizzou Media, University Bookstore2011RC#102897
85Your Concept. Created!Mizzou Media, University Bookstore2012RC#102897
144Distance Education Enrollment Report/Annual ReportMizzou Online2011-2012, 2012-2013, 2014, 2015, 2016C:18/6/6RC#013834
200The MOFARMS StoryMary Kay (Edge) WadeMOFARMS1985UMLD1
56Molecular Biology DirectoryMolecular Biology Program1991-20041/1991; 1992; 1993; 1994; 1995-1996; 1997-1998; 1998-1999; 1999-2000; 2000-2001; 2001-2002; 2003-2004C:6/36/4UMLD1
56Molecular Biology Newsletter (some issues include Molecular Biology Directory)Molecular Biology Program1986-2003Vol. I No. 1; Vol. II Nos. 1-2; Vol. III Nos. 1-2; Vol. IV Nos. 1-8; Vol. V Nos. 1-12; Vol. VI Nos. 1-11; Vol. VII Nos. 1-7; Vol. VIII Nos. 1-5; Vol. IX Nos. 1-6; Vol. X Nos. 1-5; Vol. XI Nos. 1-5; Summer 1997; 9-10/1997; 11-12/1997; 1-2/1998; 3-4/1998; 5-6/1998; 9-10/1998; 11-12/1998; 1-2/1999; 3-4/1999; 5-6/1999; 9-10/1999; 11-12/1999; 1-2/2000; 3-4/2000; 9-10/2000; 12/2000; 1-2/2001; 3-4/2001; 5-6/2001; 9-10/2001; 9-10/2001; 11-12/2001; 1-2/2002; 3-4/2002; 5-6/2002; 9-10/2002; 11-12/2002; 3-4/2003; 5-6/2003C:6/36/4UMLD1
57Abstract Book, Molecular Biology WeekMolecular Biology Program1989, 1993UMLD1
37Fiscal Year 2001 Background InformationMOREnet2000UMLD1
214Report of the Management Review and Analysis of the University of Missouri-Columbia LibrariesMRAP Study Team, University Libraries11/1973-6/1974RC#045739
152MSA HandbookMSA1999, 2000, 2001RC#001629
152The Study Guide: MSA's Academic HandbookMSA1999RC#001629
152Missouri Students Association informational bookletMSA 1984RC#001629
152Tiger Guide - Student HandbookMSA/Student Life/Residential Life1999-2000, 2000-2001, 2002-2003C:22/00/19; C:1/25/33RC#001629
152Index yearbookMSU Athletic Association1891C:22/1/2RC#001629
98MU Campus Climate StudyMU Campus Climate Research Team5/2002Vol. IUMLD1
39UMC/MU Counseling Center BulletinMU Counseling Centern.d.Vol. I No. 1; Vol. II No. 1; Vol. III No. 1C:1/25/32UMLD1
111Scholarships ListMU Financial Aid Office1998-20031998-1999; 1999-2000; 2000-2001; 2001-2002; 2002-2003RC#048114
65Nursing NewsMU Health Care12/2003C:15/00/3RC#131855
1An African-American Bibliography: Science, Medicine, and Allied Fields, Education, History, and the Arts. Selected Sources from the MU LibrariesMU Libraries Diversity Committee2/1/1995C:20/00/1RC#069330
29Women in War and Peace: Women during Wartime and Their Spiritual Journey - A Bibliography in Celebration of Women's History Month, Selected Sources from the MU LibrariesMU Libraries Diversity Committee3/1996UMLD1
85Library Cook BookMU Libraries Staff Association (MULSA)1992RC#102897
85MU Libraries Staff Association Favorite Recipes Vol. IVMU Libraries Staff Association (MULSA)1997RC#102897
85Recipes We LoveMU Libraries Staff Association (MULSA)1986RC#102897
85Recipes We Love, tooMU Libraries Staff Association (MULSA)1987RC#102897
219Library MuseMU Library Staff Association (MULSA)1958-1996Vol. I Nos. 1-4; Vol. II Nos. 1-4; Vol. III Nos. 1-4; Vol. IV Nos. 1-4; Vol. V Nos. 1-4; Vol. VI Nos. 1-4; Vol. VII Nos. 1-4; Vol. VIII Nos. 1-4; Vol. IX Nos. 1-4; Vol. X Nos. 1-6; Vol. XI Nos. 1-4; Vol. XII Nos. 1-3; Vol. XIII Nos. 1-4; Vol. XIV Nos. 1-3; Vol. XV Nos. 1-4; Vol. XVI Nos. 1-4; Vol. XVII Nos. 1-4; Vol. XVIII No. 1; Vol. XIX Nos. 1-4; Vol. XX Nos. 1-4; Vol. XXI Nos. 1-2; Vol. XXII Nos. 1-3; Vol. XXIII Nos. 1-4; XXIV No. 1; Vol. XXXV [sic] Nos. 1-3; Vol. XXXVI No. 2, Vol. XXXIII [sic] No. 3; Vol. XXXIV [sic] No. 2; Vol. XXXV [sic] No. 1; Spring 1988; Fall 1988; Winter 1988-1989; Spring 1989; Vol. XXXVII Nos. 2-4; Vol. XXXVIII Nos. 1-4; Vol. XXXIX Nos. 1-3; 4/1992; Vol. XL Nos. 1-4; Vol. XLI Nos. 1-3; 6/1995; 10/1995; 12/1995; 5/1996C:20/00/10UMLD1
220Library MuseMU Library Staff Association (MULSA)1996-20048/1996, 10/1996, 12/1996, 2/1997, 6-7/1997, 9/1997, 10/1997, Spring/Summer 1998, 7-8/1998, 10/1998, 1/1999, 8-9/1999, 10-11/1999, 3/2000, Vol. L No. 3; Vol. LI Nos. 1-2C:20/00/10UMLD1
223MULSARAGMU Library Staff Association (MULSA)1949-1954Vol. I Nos. 1-15; Vol. II Nos. 1-6; Vol. III Nos. 1-8, Special Business Number; Vol. IV Nos. 1-6; Vol. V No. 1RC#047134
110The Tiger Letter newsletterMU Licensing and Trademark OfficeFall 2005UMLD1
109MU in the 1990's: Goals and Objectives for Planning, Budgeting and EvaluationMU Long Range Planning Committee1991UMLD1
149Experts GuideMU News Bureau1998, 2000C:1/141/26UMLD1
144Mizzou Family Parents Update newsletterMU Parents AssociationWinter 2003, Spring 2004, Summer 2004, Fall 2004, Winter 2004-2005, Spring 2005, Fall 2005, Winter 2005-2006C:1/80/29; C:22/00/19RC#013834
144Mizzou Parents newsletterMU Parents AssociationSummer 2005C:1/80/29 RC#013834
83From Out of the Blue newsletterMU Research Reactor1992-1998Vol. I Nos.1- 2; Vol. III Nos. 2-3; Vol. IV Nos. 3-4RC#102895
44Occassional Paper SeriesMU Retention Council1996-1997Nos. 1-3RC#054807
145Staff Council NewsMU Staff Advisory Council2005, Spring 2007, Spring 2008C:24/3/1RC#013862
145MU Retirees Association (MURA) newsletterMURAFebruary-March 2005, August 2005C:2/9/4RC#013862
31973-74 Annual Report of the Museum of AnthropologyMuseum of Anthropology4/26/1974C:6/42/1RC#069381
31974-75 Annual Report of the Museum of AnthropologyMuseum of Anthropology6/15/1975C:6/42/1RC#069381
31975-76 Annual Report of the Museum of AnthropologyMuseum of Anthropology5/18/1977C:6/42/1RC#069381
31976-77 Annual Report of the Museum of AnthropologyMuseum of Anthropology10/7/1977C:6/42/1RC#069381
31977-78 Annual Report of the Museum of AnthropologyMuseum of Anthropology10/6/1978C:6/42/1RC#069381
31978-79 Annual Report Number Six of the Museum of AnthropologyMuseum of Anthropology10/8/1979C:6/42/1RC#069381
31979-80 Annual Report Number Seven of the Museum of AnthropologyMuseum of Anthropology11/24/1980C:6/42/1RC#069381
3Artifact #8, The 1980-81 Annual Report of the Museum of AnthropologyMuseum of Anthropology6/1/1982C:6/42/1RC#069381
12Museum Brief No. 1 - A Middle Mississippian HouseJames E. PriceMuseum of Anthropology1969C:6/42/1RC#068058
12Museum Brief No. 10 - Indians of the Mid-West (A Pictorial Description)Linda AndersonMuseum of Anthropology1970C:6/42/1RC#068058
12Museum Brief No. 11 - Contemporary Indian CraftsMary Jane SchneiderMuseum of Anthropology1972C:6/42/1RC#068058
12Museum Brief No. 12 - Megalithic Architecture in Southern IndiaK.V. Soundara RajanMuseum of Anthropology1975C:6/42/1RC#068058
12Museum Brief No. 14 - Laboratory Techniques in Physical AnthropologyThomas C. HutchinsonMuseum of Anthropology1973C:6/42/1RC#068058
12Museum Brief No. 15 - Riverine Maya: The Torquegua and Other Chols of the Lower Motagua ValleyLawrence H. FeldmanMuseum of Anthropology1975C:6/42/1RC#068058
12Museum Brief No. 16 - A Classification of the Order PrimatesJames A. GavanMuseum of Anthropology1975C:6/42/1RC#068058
12Museum Brief No. 17 - Jade Workers in the Motagua Valley, the Late Classic Terzuola SiteLawrence H. Feldman et al.Museum of Anthropology1975C:6/42/1RC#068058
12Museum Brief No. 18 - Neolithic Levels on the Titelberg, LuxembourgElsebet Sander-Jorgensen Rowlett et al.Museum of Anthropology1980C:6/42/1RC#068058
12Museum Brief No. 19 - Papers on the Xinca of Eastern GuatemalaLyle Campbell et al.Museum of Anthropology1975C:6/42/1RC#068058
12Museum Brief No. 2 - Manikins for the Small MuseumJanet CoferMuseum of Anthropology1970C:6/42/1RC#068058
12Museum Brief No. 20 - Dalton Occupation of the Ozark BorderJames E. Price and James J. KrakkerMuseum of Anthropology1975C:6/42/1RC#068058
12Museum Brief No. 21 - Ethnicity in Southern Belize: The Kekchi and the MopanMichael C. HowardMuseum of Anthropology1975C:6/42/1RC#068058
12Museum Brief No. 22 - The Crescent Hills Prehistoric Quarrying AreaDavid J. IvesMuseum of Anthropology1975C:6/42/1RC#068058
12Museum Brief No. 23 - Love in the Armpit: Tzeltal Tales of Love, Murder and CannibalismBrian StrossMuseum of Anthropology1977C:6/42/1RC#068058
12Museum Brief No. 24 - Tzeltal Tales of Demons and MonstersBrian StrossMuseum of Anthropology1978C:6/42/1RC#068058
12Museum Brief No. 25 - The San Agustin Acasaguastlan Archeaological Project: Report on the 1979 Field SeasonGary Rex WaltersMuseum of Anthropology1980C:6/42/1RC#068058
12Museum Brief No. 26 - Reconstructing the Paleoecology and Taphonomic History of Ramapithecus Wickeri at Fort Ternan KenyaPat ShipmanMuseum of Anthropology1982C:6/42/1RC#068058
12Museum Brief No. 3 - Development of an Archaeological DisplayAlan J. OsbornMuseum of Anthropology1970C:6/42/1RC#068058
12Museum Brief No. 4 - Care of Osteological CollectionsShiela D. Lewis and Alden RedfieldMuseum of Anthropology1970C:6/42/1RC#068058
12Museum Brief No. 5 - A Guide to the Reading and Study of Historic Site ArchaeologyRichard Hulan and Stephen S. LawrenceMuseum of Anthropology1970C:6/42/1RC#068058
12Museum Brief No. 6 - Graphic Teaching Aids in Basic AnthropometryR.F.G. Spier et al.Museum of Anthropology1971C:6/42/1RC#068058
12Museum Brief No. 7 - Libraries for Small MuseumsLinda M. AndersonMuseum of Anthropology1972C:6/42/1RC#068058
12Museum Brief No. 8 - Cataloging and Care of Collections for Small MuseumsMary Jane SchneiderMuseum of Anthropology1971C:6/42/1RC#068058
12Museum Brief No. 9 - A Quantitative Method for Deriving Cultural ChronologyJames A. FordMuseum of Anthropology1972C:6/42/1RC#068058
227Miscellaneous Publications in Anthropology #8, Curation in the Small Museum: Human BonesSarah GehlertMuseum of Anthropology1980UMLD1
227Monographs in Anthropology #3, The Image of Disease: Medical Practices of Nahua Indians of the HuastecaAlan R. SandstromMuseum of Anthropology1978UMLD1
45Fred Shane: Paintings, 1923-1979Museum of Art and Archaeology1982RC#054808
46The Pearagraph: The Art of the July MonarchyMuseum of Art and Archaeology1990UMLD1
171Corpus Vasorum AntiquorumWilliam R. Biers and Lisa V. BensonMuseum of Art and Archaeology2002RC#019379
Shelf100 Years of Teaching Art History and Archaeology, University of Missouri-Columbia, 1892-1992Museum of Art and Archaeology1992Ellis
200Agriculture Learning Center, Living History Farm and Town: A Program ConceptGlenn D. WeaverMU-Tourism Research and Development Center1999UMLD1
169Membership DirectoryMystical Sevenca. 1954, 1966, 1995UMLD1
204The Second North American Wheat Genetic Mapping and Cytogenetic Stocks WorkshopGordon Kimber, ed.National Association of Wheat Growers Foundation1988RC#041122
83The MarinerNaval Training School1942-1943RC#102895
19The New Farm: Farming for Life and LifestyleNew Farm Committee, College of Agriculture1989UMLD1
38Special Courses of Instruction Offered… to the Teachers of the StateNormal School1892, 1893, 1894, 1895UMLD1
19NPA Report No. 192, Preparing for the Contingency of Intense Pressure on US Food-Producing ResourcesHarold F. BreimyerNPA Committee on Food and Agriculture1/1982UMLD1
85OCSA Bake-Off CookbookOff-Campus Students Association (OCSA)1980RC#102897
85The All-New Survival CookbookOff-Campus Students Association (OCSA)1979RC#102897
141A Sampler of UMC Research and ServiceOffice for Student Development1984Nos. 1-2C:10/00/3RC#013800
152Student Organization HandbookOffice for Student Development1985RC#001629
140Student Organizations DirectoryOffice for Student Development/Governments and Activities Office1984, 1987-1988, 1988-1989, 1989-1990, 1990-1991, 1994-1995, 1995-1996UMLD1
108University of Missouri-Columbia Student Enrollment Data, Fall Semester 1986Office of Admission/Registrar1986UMLD1
42Counselor Reference to Academic ProgramsOffice of Admissions and Registrar1982RC#042482
111Prospectus, For All We Call Mizzou - CAFNROffice of Advancement, CAFNR2003RC#048114
111Prospectus, For All We Call Mizzou - College of BusinessOffice of Advancement, College of Business2003RC#048114
42Minority Representation at the University of MissouriOffice of Budget and Analytical Services6/1992RC#042482
53Overview and Status of University Integrated Data System (U/IDS) ProjectOffice of Budget and Analytical Services1991RC#131561
109Enrollment Summary ReportOffice of Budget and Analytical ServicesFall 1991UMLD1
109Enrollment Summary ReportOffice of Budget and Analytical ServicesSummer 1992UMLD1
110Annual, Academic Year, Tuition and Required Fees - Big Eight, Big Ten Public, and Other AAU Public Universities, 1982-83 to 1991-92Office of Budget and Analytical Services1991UMLD1
110Development of a Formula for the Allocation of Resources Among the Major Organizational Entities of the University of Missouri SystemOffice of Budget and Analytical Services1992UMLD1
110Full Cost of Academic Divisions, Colleges, and Schools, Fiscal Year 1990-91Office of Budget and Analytical Services1992UMLD1
111Performance of Students Eligible for the Curators' Scholarship Program at the University of Missouri, 1985-1990Office of Budget and Analytical Services4/1992RC#048114
113Average Faculty Salaries, 1990-91: Comparison of the University of Missouri with Big 10, Big 8 and NASULGC Institutions by Discipline and RankOffice of Budget and Analytical Services6/1991RC#048116
113Forecasted Demand for Faculty: A National Shortage of Faculty? Probably Not; A Local Shortage of Faculty? UnlikelySteve Chatman and Loren JungOffice of Budget and Analytical Services1990RC#048116
113Selected Comparisons of Average Salaries, 1991-92: University of Missouri System and Big Eight and Big Ten Public UniversitiesOffice of Budget and Analytical Services6/1992RC#048116
114Campus and Division ProfilesOffice of Budget and Analytical Services10/1990RC#048117
140Predictive Validity of Admissions Measures: Evidence of Racial Predictive BiasOffice of Budget and Analytical Services1/1992UMLD1
143Degrees Awarded by Campus, Degree Program, and Year, July 1, 1981 through June 30, 1991Office of Budget and Analytical Services9/1991RC#013833
61Curriculum Guide for the Basic Course in Emergency Medical TechnologyOffice of Continuing Education and Extension for the Health Professionsn.d.RC#131851
110It's My Mizzou - Campus Campaign Update newsletterOffice of Development2005UMLD1
110The Development Fund Board Volunteer HandbookOffice of Development1987UMLD1
150For All We Call Mizzou postcard setOffice of Development2006UMLD1
111Annual ReportOffice of Development and Alumni Relations1996-1997; 1997-1998; 1998-1999RC#048114
111Prospectus, For All We Call Mizzou - College of EducationOffice of Development, College of Education2003RC#048114
111Prospectus, For All We Call Mizzou - College of Veterinary MedicineOffice of Development, College of Veterinary Medicine2003RC#048114
111Prospectus, For All We Call Mizzou - College of Human Environmental SciencesOffice of Development, HES2003RC#048114
111Prospectus, For All We Call Mizzou - Missouri School of JournalismOffice of Development, Missouri School of Journalism2003RC#048114
111Prospectus, For All We Call Mizzou - School of LawOffice of Development, School of Law2003RC#048114
111Prospectus, For All We Call Mizzou - School of MedicineOffice of Development, School of Medicine2003RC#048114
111Prospectus, For All We Call Mizzou - School of NursingOffice of Development, School of Nursing2003RC#048114
22without regard to race, color, religion, sex or national origin: Career Opportunities and Sex Discrimination GuideOffice of Equal Opportunity1984, 1989RC#130774
97Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action: Handbook and Training Manual for FacultyOffice of Equal Opportunity1984UMLD1
14Industrial Development Special ReportOffice of Industrial Development Studies1969-1974Nos. 1-11RC#068981
15Industrial Development: An Annotated Bibliography of Publications Relating to MissouriOffice of Industrial Development Studies1968-1976RC#069361
18Industrial Development Report No. 1, Preliminary Industry Survey: AmmoniaJames E. SpoonerOffice of Industrial Development Studiesn.d.UMLD1
18Industrial Development Report No. 2, Preliminary Industry Survey: Glass ContainersJames E. SpoonerOffice of Industrial Development Studiesn.d.UMLD1
18Industrial Development Report No. 3, Preliminary Industry Report: Gypsum Wall BoardJames E. SpoonerOffice of Industrial Development Studiesn.d.UMLD1
18Industrial Development Report No. 4, Preliminary Industry Survey: Leather TanningJ. Trenton KostbadeOffice of Industrial Development Studies9/1967UMLD1
18Industrial Development Report No. 5, Preliminary Industry Survey: Mineral WoolJames E. SpoonerOffice of Industrial Development Studiesn.d.UMLD1
18Industrial Development Report No. 6, Preliminary Report: Phthalic AnhydrideRichard G. Newman and J. Paxton ScottOffice of Industrial Development Studies8/1968UMLD1
18Industrial Development Report No. 7, Preliminary Report: Wood Cabinet Manufacturing in MissouriJerrold L. StarkOffice of Industrial Development Studies7/1968UMLD1
18Industrial Development Report No. 8, Preliminary Report: Lead-Acid Storage BatteriesJerrold L. StarkOffice of Industrial Development Studies8/1968UMLD1
18Industrial Development Report No. 9, Preliminary Report: Garden and Hand Tools Manufacture in MissouriH.R. KollaiOffice of Industrial Development Studies8/1968UMLD1
18Pollution Regulations and Manufacturing Plants: A Survey of US TownsDick HowardOffice of Industrial Development Studies11/1972UMLD1
21Industrial Development Report - Post-War Changes in Non-Farm Employment in MissouriW. Whitney HicksOffice of Industrial Development Studies10/1968RC#130773
25Industrial Development Report - A Study of the Potential for the Aluminum Extrusion Industry in MissouriThomas L. FritzlenOffice of Industrial Development Studies6/1968RC#130777
25Industrial Development Report - Herbicides: A Growing Market in the MidwestOffice of Industrial Development Studies12/1967RC#130777
25Industrial Development Report - Opportunities in Missouri for a Plastic Pipe FabricatorElliott ThomasOffice of Industrial Development Studies5/1968RC#130777
25Industrial Development Study - Beef Slaughtering Opportunities in MissouriCharles L. Cramer and Glenn GrimesOffice of Industrial Development Studies1/1967RC#130777
56UMC Handbook on Humane Animal Care and UseOffice of Laboratory Animal Medicine1988UMLD1
85Request for Proposals for the Furnishing, Delivery, Installation, and Maintenance of an Online Integrated Library SystemOffice of Library Systems, UM System8/26/1994RC#102897
44Black Students on White CampusesWilliam E. (Gene) RobertsonOffice of Minority Studentsca. 1974RC#054807
113University of Missouri Average Salaries, 1992-93: Comparisons with Select AAU and NASULGC Institutions by Discipline and RankOffice of Planning and Budget4/1993RC#048116
1The Profession of Historian: Text of Presidential Address to be Delivered by Dr. Elmer Ellis, Dean of the College of Arts and Science of the University of Missouri, and President of the Mississippi Valley Historical Association, at the Annual Dinner of the Association in the Hall of Mirrors of the Netherland Plaza Hotel in Cincinnati, Ohio, 7 P.M., April 19, 1951Office of Public Information (OPI)4/5/1951RC#069330
11MU Public Policy NewsletterOffice of Public Policy Resources10-11/1990, 1/1991, 3/1991, 9/1991, 11/1991, 1/1992, 3/1992RC#068050
30MU Inventory of Policy ResourcesOffice of Public Policy Resources12/1990UMLD1
42Master Plan for Research/Master Plan for Research and Technology DevelopmentOffice of Research1998, 1999, 2000-2001RC#042482
52Graduate School and Research Notes - Annual SupplementsOffice of Research1984-1991C:10/00/3RC#131558
52MU Research Resources - Annual ReportOffice of Research1990-1991; 1991-1992C:10/00/3RC#131558
52MU Research Resources - Arts and Humanities EditionOffice of Research2/1995Vol. XXI No. 1C:10/00/3RC#131558
52MU Research Resources - Behavioral and Social Sciences EditionOffice of Research3/1995Vol. XXI No. 1C:10/00/3RC#131558
52MU Research Resources - Sciences, Engineering and Mathematics EditionOffice of Research1994-1995Vol. XXI Nos. 1-2C:10/00/3RC#131558
52MU Research: Summary of Grant and Contract Activity (title changes to Research in 2000, and to Research Report in 2004)Office of Research1993-2007C:10/00/3RC#131558
110Grantsmanship Support at MU: An Introduction for New FacultyOffice of Research2002UMLD1
140Research Support and Services Overview - A Faculty Source BookOffice of Research1996-1997UMLD1
140Special Research Facilities (revised)Office of Research8/1983UMLD1
140Special Research Resources and Services available to the faculty of the UniversityOffice of Research1983UMLD1
145Illumination magazineOffice of ResearchFall 1997, Fall 1998, Spring 1999, Fall 1999, Spring 2000, Fall 2000, Spring 2001, Fall 2001, Spring 2002, Fall 2002, Spring 2003, Fall 2003, Spring 2004, Fall 2004, Spring 2005, Fall 2005, Spring 2006, Fall 2006, Spring 2007, Fall 2007, Spring 2008, Fall 2008, Fall 2009, Spring/Summer 2010, Fall/Winter 2010, Spring/Summer 2011, Fall/Winter 2011, Spring/Summer 2012, Fall/Winter 2012, Spring/Summer 2013, Fall/Winter 2013, Spring/Summer 2014, Fall/Winter 2014, Spring/Summer 2015, Fall/Winter 2015, Spring/Summer 2016C:10/00/6RC#013862
145Research News newsletterOffice of ResearchSpring 1999, Spring/Summer 2000, October/November 2000, March/April 2001RC#013862
50University of Missouri Research NewsletterOffice of Research Administration1964-1966Research Series Bulletins No. 1 Vols. 1-5; Series No. 2 Vols. 1-7UMLD1
83UMOST Logistics Tactical Planning ReportOffice of Science and Technology (UMOST)7/1981RC#102895
16Report No. 001, Missouri Population Patterns 1980William Elder et al.Office of Social and Economic Data Analysis12/1981UMLD1
16Report No. 002, A Comparison of Responses on Rolla Community Surveys, 1975-1981Office of Social and Economic Data Analysis5/1981UMLD1
16Report No. 003, Recent Social and Economic Trends for the USOffice of Social and Economic Data Analysis9/1981UMLD1
16Report No. 004, Owensville Community Survey - 1981Office of Social and Economic Data Analysisca. 1981UMLD1
16Report No. 005, SAS Macros to Plot Symbols on MapsMimi Cheih Hess and Michael HessOffice of Social and Economic Data Analysis11/29/1981UMLD1
16Report No. 006, NRSHOME Nursing Home ProgramBill Elder and John KuehnOffice of Social and Economic Data Analysis8/1981UMLD1
16Report No. 007, Regional and Metropolitan Population Shifts in the US, 1970-1980Daryl Hobbs, Evelyn Cleveland and Bill ElderOffice of Social and Economic Data Analysis12/1981UMLD1
16Report No. 008, Fire Training Program for E-W GatewayOffice of Social and Economic Data Analysis12/1981UMLD1
16Report No. 009, Recent Changes in Missouri and Implications for Adult EducationDaryl Hobbs, Bill Elder and Evelyn ClevelandOffice of Social and Economic Data Analysis11/1981UMLD1
16Report No. 010, Hermann Community Attitude SurveyDaryl J. Hobbs, Evelyn J. Cleveland and Lenard JohnsonOffice of Social and Economic Data Analysis12/1981UMLD1
16Report No. 011, Selected Charts and Maps on Economic Trends for Missouri, Stone County, and Surrounding AreaWilliam Elder and Evelyn ClevelandOffice of Social and Economic Data Analysis12/1981UMLD1
16Report No. 012, Selected Population Indicators for SW MissouriOffice of Social and Economic Data Analysis2/1982UMLD1
16Report No. 013, Data Relevant to Agricultural Research and Development in the MidwestOffice of Social and Economic Data Analysis4/1982UMLD1
16Report No. 014 (Revised), The Social and Economic Dynamics of Southwest MissouriDaryl Hobbs, Mark Selby and Evelyn ClevelandOffice of Social and Economic Data Analysis8/1982UMLD1
16Report No. 015, Kirksville Area Drug Use StudyOffice of Social and Economic Data Analysis5/1982UMLD1
16Report No. 016, Trenton Community Survey Descriptive AnalysisLawrence F. Nahlik, Georgia L. Danner and Bill ElderOffice of Social and Economic Data Analysis10/1983UMLD1
16Report No. 017, The Facelift of Rural America: Deeper than Cosmetic?Office of Social and Economic Data Analysis6/1982UMLD1
16Report No. 018, Agriculture Census Tables Relevant to RaceMark SelbyOffice of Social and Economic Data Analysis6/1982UMLD1
16Report No. 019, Service Areas of Springfield, Missouri Health and Media ServicesSue Elder et al.Office of Social and Economic Data Analysis7/1982UMLD1
16Report No. 020, 1980 Census BasicsOffice of Social and Economic Data Analysis5/1982UMLD1
16Report No. 021, Selected Demographic Indicators, West Central to Southeast Missouri CorridorOffice of Social and Economic Data Analysis10/1982UMLD1
16Report No. 022 (Revised), Selected Demographic Indicators, E-W Gateway and KC Metro RegionsOffice of Social and Economic Data Analysis10/1982UMLD1
16Report No. 023, Computer Programs for Planning Community Facilities and ServicesJohn A. Kuehn, Curtis H. Brashler and William L. ElderOffice of Social and Economic Data Analysis9/1983UMLD1
16Report No. 024, Missouri County Data Summary, ABCD Extension Planning AreaOffice of Social and Economic Data Analysis10/1982UMLD1
16Report No. 025, Missouri County Data Summary, Boonslick Extension Planning AreaOffice of Social and Economic Data Analysis10/1982UMLD1
16Report No. 026, Missouri County Data Summary, Bootheel Extension Planning RegionOffice of Social and Economic Data Analysis10/1982UMLD1
16Report No. 027, Missouri County Data Summary, DOW Extension Planning AreaOffice of Social and Economic Data Analysis10/1982UMLD1
16Report No. 028, Missouri County Data Summary, E-W Gateway Extension Planning AreaOffice of Social and Economic Data Analysis10/1982UMLD1
16Report No. 029, Missouri County Data Summary, Green Hills Extension Planning AreaOffice of Social and Economic Data Analysis10/1982UMLD1
16Report No. 030, Missouri County Data Summary, HOST Extension Planning AreaOffice of Social and Economic Data Analysis10/1982UMLD1
16Report No. 031, Missouri County Data Summary, Kansas City Metro Extension Planning AreaOffice of Social and Economic Data Analysis10/1982UMLD1
16Report No. 032, Missouri County Data Summary, Kaysinger Extension Planning AreaOffice of Social and Economic Data Analysis10/1982UMLD1
16Report No. 033, Missouri County Data Summary, Lake of the Ozarks Extension Planning AreaOffice of Social and Economic Data Analysis10/1982UMLD1
16Report No. 034, Missouri County Data Summary, Lakes Country Extension Planning AreaOffice of Social and Economic Data Analysis10/1982UMLD1
16Report No. 035, Missouri County Data Summary, Mark Twain Extension Planning AreaOffice of Social and Economic Data Analysis10/1982UMLD1
16Report No. 036, Missouri County Data Summary, Meramec Extension Planning AreaOffice of Social and Economic Data Analysis10/1982UMLD1
16Report No. 037, Missouri County Data Summary, Mid-Missouri Extension Planning AreaOffice of Social and Economic Data Analysis10/1982UMLD1
16Report No. 038, Missouri County Data Summary, Missouri Valley Extension Planning AreaOffice of Social and Economic Data Analysis10/1982UMLD1
16Report No. 039, Missouri County Data Summary, NE Missouri Extension Planning RegionOffice of Social and Economic Data Analysis10/1982UMLD1
16Report No. 040, Missouri County Data Summary, NW Missouri Extension Planning AreaOffice of Social and Economic Data Analysis10/1982UMLD1
17Report No. 041, Missouri County Data Summary, Ozark Foothills Extension Planning AreaOffice of Social and Economic Data Analysis10/1982UMLD1
17Report No. 042, Missouri County Data Summary, Ozark Gateway Extension Planning RegionOffice of Social and Economic Data Analysis10/1982UMLD1
17Report No. 043, Missouri County Data Summary, Show-Me Extension Planning RegionOffice of Social and Economic Data Analysis10/1982UMLD1
17Report No. 044, Missouri County Data Summary, SE Missouri Extension Planning AreaOffice of Social and Economic Data Analysis10/1982UMLD1
17Report No. 045, Missouri Income by County, 1975, for Households, Family and Unrelated IndividualsOffice of Social and Economic Data Analysis10/1982UMLD1
17Report No. 046, Factors Relating to the Process of Adoption of InnovationsOffice of Social and Economic Data Analysisn.d.UMLD1
17Report No. 047, Steelville Community Attitude SurveyOffice of Social and Economic Data Analysisn.d.UMLD1
17Report No. 048, Potosi Community Attitude Survey, 1980Office of Social and Economic Data Analysisn.d.UMLD1
17Report No. 049, EBASE (Estimating Local Economic Base and Multiplier Impacts of Income and Employment Changes)Office of Social and Economic Data Analysis12/1982UMLD1
17Report No. 050, CLINIC (Rural Health Care Clinic)Office of Social and Economic Data Analysis12/1982UMLD1
17Report No. 051, Contents for the OSEDA County Database (Revised)Office of Social and Economic Data Analysis3/19/1986UMLD1
17Report No. 051, Data Base Dictionary for the Office of Social and Economic Data Analysis (Revised)Office of Social and Economic Data Analysisca. 1985UMLD1
17Report No. 051, Data Base Dictionary for the Office of Social and Economic Data Analysis (Revised)Office of Social and Economic Data Analysisn.d.UMLD1
17Report No. 051, OSEDA Data Base Dictionary Guide (Revised)Office of Social and Economic Data Analysis5/1983UMLD1
17Report No. 052, Kansas City Metropolitan Emergency Assistance Coalition - Computer Systems Feasibility StudyOffice of Social and Economic Data Analysis5/1983UMLD1
17Report No. 053, Missouri Business Growth and Demographic Trends, 1970-1980Lawrence F. Nahlik and Daryl HobbsOffice of Social and Economic Data Analysis5/1983UMLD1
17Report No. 054, Fire Protection ServiceOffice of Social and Economic Data Analysis6/1983UMLD1
17Report No. 055, RENTAL (Rural Apartment Rental Program)Office of Social and Economic Data Analysis7/1982UMLD1
17Report No. 056, RTRANS (Rural Transportation Program)Office of Social and Economic Data Analysis7/1982UMLD1
17Report No. 057, The Rural Community: From Catalogs to CommutersDaryl J. HobbsOffice of Social and Economic Data Analysis7/1983UMLD1
17Report No. 058, Facilitating Instructional Use of Microcomputers in Small SchoolsTom Weible, Daryl Hobbs and Richard PhillipsOffice of Social and Economic Data Analysis10/1983UMLD1
17Report No. 059, An Economic Model of a Community Economic Base Using Multiplan on the IBM PC (Revised)Bill Elder et al.Office of Social and Economic Data Analysis6/1985UMLD1
17Report No. 060, An Economic Model of a Community Economic Base Using Multiplan on the IBM PC (Revised)Bill Elder et al.Office of Social and Economic Data Analysis6/1985UMLD1
17Report No. 061, Missouri Data Summary for Extension Administrative RegionsOffice of Social and Economic Data Analysis2/1984UMLD1
17Report No. 062, Change in the Number and Location of Physicians in MissouriDaryl Hobbs and Lawrence F. NahlikOffice of Social and Economic Data Analysis2/1984UMLD1
17Report No. 063, The Attitude Survey as a Management Tool: A Staff Survey of the Columbia, Missouri Fire DepartmentBob M. Gassaway and Bill ElderOffice of Social and Economic Data Analysis2/1984UMLD1
17Report No. 064, Selected Social and Economic Indicators for Camden CountyOffice of Social and Economic Data Analysis3/1984UMLD1
17Report No. 065, Hallsville School District Population GrowthLawrence F. Nahlik, Daryl Hobbs and Bill ElderOffice of Social and Economic Data Analysis4/1984UMLD1
17Report No. 066, The Two New Faces of Missouri Agriculture: A Dual Extension Service for a Dual AgricultureWilliam D. Heffernan and Rex R. CampbellOffice of Social and Economic Data Analysis6/1984UMLD1
17Report No. 067, Cost Analysis for Fire Protection Service Using Multiplan on IBM PC (Revised)Bill Elder et al.Office of Social and Economic Data Analysis6/1985UMLD1
17Report No. 067, Cost Analysis for Fire Protection Service Using Multiplan on IBMPC (Draft)Bill Elder et al.Office of Social and Economic Data Analysis6/27/1984UMLD1
17Report No. 068, Demographic Estimates of Annual Physician Visits Using Multiplan on the IBM PC (Draft)Bill Elder et al.Office of Social and Economic Data Analysis6/27/1984UMLD1
17Report No. 068, Demographic Estimates of Annual Physician Visits Using Multiplan on the IBM PC (Revised)Bill Elder et al.Office of Social and Economic Data Analysis6/1985UMLD1
17Report No. 069, Estimating Costs and Returns for a Rural Medical Clinic Using Multiplan on the IBMPC (Draft)Bill Elder et al.Office of Social and Economic Data Analysis6/27/1984UMLD1
17Report No. 069, Estimating Costs and Returns for a Rural Medical Clinic Using Multiplan on the IBMPC (Revised)Bill Elder et al.Office of Social and Economic Data Analysis6/1985UMLD1
17Report No. 070, Analyzing the Economic Feasibility of Rental Apartments in Rural Areas Using Multiplan on IBMPC (Draft)Bill Elder et al.Office of Social and Economic Data Analysis6/27/1984UMLD1
17Report No. 070, Analyzing the Economic Feasibility of Rental Apartments in Rural Areas Using Multiplan on IBMPC (Revised)Bill Elder et al.Office of Social and Economic Data Analysis6/1985UMLD1
17Report No. 071, Demographic Estimates of Annual Reported Fires Using Multiplan on the IBMPC (Draft)Bill Elder et al.Office of Social and Economic Data Analysis6/27/1984UMLD1
17Report No. 071, Demographic Estimates of Annual Reported Fires Using Multiplan on the IBMPC (Revised)Bill Elder et al.Office of Social and Economic Data Analysis6/1985UMLD1
17Report No. 072, Factors Associated with the Location of Technology Based Firms in Non-Metropolitan, Technology Intensive College and University Towns and CitiesOffice of Social and Economic Data Analysis8/1984UMLD1
17Report No. 073, Missouri Area Profile System (MAPS): An On-line Demographic Data Base System (Revised)Bill Elder, Alec Timmons and Evelyn J. ClevelandOffice of Social and Economic Data Analysis11/1987UMLD1
17Report No. 074, Warrenton Area Survey, 1984Office of Social and Economic Data Analysisca. 1984UMLD1
17Report No. 075, Selected Charts and Maps of Women and Families in Polk and Dade Counties with Comparisons to the State and the Lakes Country AreaOffice of Social and Economic Data Analysis10/1984UMLD1
17Report No. 076, Missouri Farmers' Markets: Consumers' Preferences and ViewpointsLisa Benson and Daryl HobbsOffice of Social and Economic Data Analysis1/1985UMLD1
17Report No. 077, Population Overview and Selected Charts and Maps of Women and Families, ABCD Extension AreaOffice of Social and Economic Data Analysisn.d.UMLD1
17Report No. 078, Population Overview and Selected Charts and Maps of women and Families, Boonslick Extension AreaOffice of Social and Economic Data Analysisn.d.UMLD1
17Report No. 079, Population Overview and Selected Charts and Maps of Women and Families, Bootheel Extension AreaOffice of Social and Economic Data Analysisn.d.UMLD1
17Report No. 080, Population Overview and Selected Charts and Maps of Women and Families, DOW Extension AreaOffice of Social and Economic Data Analysisn.d.UMLD1
17Report No. 081, Population Overview and Selected Charts and Maps of Women and Families, East-West Extension AreaOffice of Social and Economic Data Analysisn.d.UMLD1
17Report No. 082, Population Overview and Selected Charts and Maps of Women and Families, Green Hills Extension AreaOffice of Social and Economic Data Analysisn.d.UMLD1
17Report No. 083, Population Overview and Selected Charts and Maps of Women and Families, HOST Extension AreaOffice of Social and Economic Data Analysisn.d.UMLD1
17Report No. 084, Population Overview and Selected Charts and Maps of Women and Families, KC Metropolitan Extension AreaOffice of Social and Economic Data Analysisn.d.UMLD1
17Report No. 085, Population Overview and Selected Charts and Maps of Women and Families, Kaysinger Extension AreaOffice of Social and Economic Data Analysisn.d.UMLD1
17Report No. 086, Population Overview and Selected Charts and Maps of Women and Families, Lake of the Ozarks Extension AreaOffice of Social and Economic Data Analysisn.d.UMLD1
17Report No. 087, Population Overview and Selected Charts and Maps of Women and Families, Lakes Country Extension AreaOffice of Social and Economic Data Analysisn.d.UMLD1
17Report No. 088, Population Overview and Selected Charts and Maps of Women and Families, Mark Twain Extension AreaOffice of Social and Economic Data Analysisn.d.UMLD1
17Report No. 089, Population Overview and Selected Charts and Maps of Women and Families, Meramec Extension AreaOffice of Social and Economic Data Analysisn.d.UMLD1
17Report No. 090, Population Overview and Selected Charts and Maps of Women and Families, Mid-Missouri Extension AreaOffice of Social and Economic Data Analysisn.d.UMLD1
17Report No. 091, Population Overview and Selected Charts and Maps of Women and Families, Missouri Valley Extension AreaOffice of Social and Economic Data Analysisn.d.UMLD1
17Report No. 092, Population Overview and Selected Charts and Maps of Women and Families, Northeast Missouri Extension AreaOffice of Social and Economic Data Analysisn.d.UMLD1
17Report No. 093, Population Overview and Selected Charts and Maps of Women and Families, Northwest Missouri Extension AreaOffice of Social and Economic Data Analysisn.d.UMLD1
17Report No. 094, Population Overview and Selected Charts and Maps of Women and Families, Ozark Foothills Extension AreaOffice of Social and Economic Data Analysisn.d.UMLD1
17Report No. 095, Population Overview and Selected Charts and Maps of Women and Families, Ozark Gateway Extension AreaOffice of Social and Economic Data Analysisn.d.UMLD1
17Report No. 096, Population Overview and Selected Charts and Maps of Women and Families, Show-Me Extension AreaOffice of Social and Economic Data Analysisn.d.UMLD1
17Report No. 097, Population Overview and Selected Charts and Maps of Women and Families, Southeast Missouri Extension AreaOffice of Social and Economic Data Analysisn.d.UMLD1
17Report No. 098, Boone County Building Code SurveyPaul Lutz and Bill ElderOffice of Social and Economic Data Analysis2/28/1985(two copies)UMLD1
17Report No. 099, Substance Abuse Survey, Chillicothe Public Schools, Spring 1984William Elder and Bruce McNickleOffice of Social and Economic Data Analysis1984UMLD1
17Report No. 100, Economic and Demographic Profile for Gentry and Surrounding CountiesOffice of Social and Economic Data Analysis11/1985UMLD1
17Report No. 101, Selected Data for US and Black Elderly, 1980Evelyn J. ClevelandOffice of Social and Economic Data Analysis9/1985UMLD1
17Report No. 102, Economic and Demographic Profile for Atchison and Surrounding CountiesOffice of Social and Economic Data Analysis12/1985UMLD1
17Report No. 103, Lincoln County Attitude SurveyOffice of Social and Economic Data Analysis1/23/1986UMLD1
17Report No. 104, Economic Change in Northeast Missouri: Implications for Future Job GrowthDaryl Hobbs, Evelyn Cleveland and Kristen HeitkampOffice of Social and Economic Data Analysis4/1986UMLD1
17Report No. 105, An Income Model of a Community Economic Base Using Lotus 1-2-3 on the IBM PC (Revised)Bill Elder et al.Office of Social and Economic Data Analysis6/1987UMLD1
17Report No. 105, An Income Model of a Community Economic Base Using Lotus 1-2-3 on the IBM PC (Revised)Bill Elder et al.Office of Social and Economic Data Analysis3/1988UMLD1
17Report No. 106, An Employment Model of a Community Economic Base Using Lotus 1-2-3 on the IBM PC (Revised)Bill Elder et al.Office of Social and Economic Data Analysis3/1988UMLD1
17Report No. 107, Missouri Extension Homemakers Membership Survey ReportOffice of Social and Economic Data Analysis7/1986UMLD1
17Report No. 108, University of Missouri-Rolla Entrepreneurship SurveyOffice of Social and Economic Data Analysis5/1985UMLD1
17Report No. 109, Attitudes Concerning Produce Marketing in Kansas City Metro Area, MissouriDavid Rathbun, Daryl Hobbs and Evelyn J. ClevelandOffice of Social and Economic Data Analysis4/1/1987UMLD1
17Report No. 110, Selected Maps Concerning Changes in Agriculture and Rural MissouriOffice of Social and Economic Data Analysis5/1987UMLD1
18Report No. 111, Vocational Education in Missouri: From the 1960s into the Next CenturyOffice of Social and Economic Data Analysis6/1987UMLD1
18Report No. 112, Maps and Charts on Missouri's Agriculture, 1964-1982Office of Social and Economic Data Analysisn.d.UMLD1
18Report No. 113, Adult Illiteracy Estimates for Missouri Counties (Draft)William L. Elder and Evelyn ClevelandOffice of Social and Economic Data Analysis1/1988UMLD1
18Report No. 114, A Comparison of Responses on Rolla 1975, 1981, and 1988 SurveysDaryl J. Hobbs and Tanna KleinOffice of Social and Economic Data Analysis6/30/1988UMLD1
18Report No. 115, Factors Influencing Need and Demand for Post-Secondary and Adult Education in the Bootheel RegionDaryl HobbsOffice of Social and Economic Data Analysis8/1988UMLD1
18Report No. 116, Missouri Demographic TrendsDaryl HobbsOffice of Social and Economic Data Analysisn.d.UMLD1
18Report No. 117, A Comparison of Responses on Owensville Community Attitude Survey, 1981 and 1988Evelyn J. Cleveland, Lenard Johnson and Judy TrujilloOffice of Social and Economic Data Analysis2/16/1989UMLD1
18Report No. 118, 1987 Consolidated Federal Funds Report: Maps of Selected Program CategoriesOffice of Social and Economic Data Analysis11/1/1988UMLD1
18Report No. 119, The Status of Families in MissouriOffice of Social and Economic Data Analysis11/1988UMLD1
18Report No. 120, An Overview of Missouri AgricultureDaryl Hobbs, Judy Trujillo and Mary McLainOffice of Social and Economic Data Analysis3/1991UMLD1
18Report No. 121, Semo AAA Survey (Revised)Scott Wittstruck and Jane ZupanOffice of Social and Economic Data Analysis9/1991UMLD1
18Report No. 122, Geography Education in MissouriJudy TrujilloOffice of Social and Economic Data Analysis7/1990UMLD1
18Report No. 124, Selected Tables by Value of Agricultural Products Sold, 1987: North Central Region StatesOffice of Social and Economic Data Analysis10/2/1991UMLD1
18Report No. 125, South Central Missouri Pork Producers Survey (Draft)Daryl Hobbs, Judy Trujillo and Mary McLainOffice of Social and Economic Data Analysis1/28/1991UMLD1
18Report No. 128, Economic and Demographic Indicators Affecting MissouriDaryl J. Hobbs et al.Office of Social and Economic Data Analysis3/1992UMLD1
18Report No. 132, Florence Community SurveyTanna KleinOffice of Social and Economic Data Analysis5/1992UMLD1
18Report No. 133, An Economic and Demographic Overview of the Osage County Missouri and the Impact of Linn Technical InstituteDaryl J. Hobbs and Bill ElderOffice of Social and Economic Data Analysis5/1992UMLD1
21Women in the Labor Force and Licensed Child Care, 1990: Trends in Missouri Draft UpdateOffice of Social and Economic Data Analysis1990RC#130773
144Mizzou Telecom (title changes to Connections with Vol. IV No. 1Office of Telecommunications1990-1998Vol. I Nos. 1-6; Vol. II Nos. 1-10; Vol. III Nos. 1-7; Vol. IV Nos. 1-8; Vol. V Nos. 1-9; Vol. VI Nos. 1-6; Vol. VII Nos. 1-4; Vol. VIII Nos. 1-4; Vol. IX Nos. 1-2C:1/28/00RC#013834
151Students' Perceptions of the University of Missouri, Columbia: A Preliminary StudyThora Seaver, L.S. MacLean and Charles KrauskopfOffice of the Dean of Extra-Divisional Administration2/24/1967RC#001013
110Statement of State Appropriations (Exclusive of Buildings) for the Periods 1915-1916 through 1965-1966Office of the Presidentca. 1966UMLD1
212Research Reactor FacilityOffice of the Presidentca. 1969RC#045571
110Faculty Bulletin-in-BriefOffice of the Provost for Academic Affairs1973-1977Vol. III Nos. 1-8, 8A, 9-26; Vol. IV Nos. 1-15, 15A, 16-21; Vol. V Nos. 1-21; Vol. VI Nos. 1-25C:2/00/1UMLD1
97Faculty Affirmative Action Handbook (Revised)Office of the Provost/Department of Human Resources10/1993UMLD1
108Fall Enrollment Summary: A Statistical Overview with Historical PerspectivesOffice of the Registrar1987; 1988; 1989; 1990; 1992; 1993; 1994; 1995UMLD1
109Fall Enrollment SummaryOffice of the Registrar1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2007, 2009UMLD1
141Mizzou EndeavorsOffice of Undergraduate StudiesSpring 2013, Fall 2013, Spring 2014, Fall 2014, Spring 2015, Fall 2015RC#013800
149University of Missouri Visitor's GuideOffice of Visitor Relations2013-2014, 2014-2015C:1/141/26UMLD1
63OTA News (title changes to Fractoids with Vol. I No. 2)Orthopaedic Trauma Association1995-2000Vol. I Nos. 1-2; Vol. II Nos. 1-2; Vol. III No. 1; Vol. IV Nos. 1-2; Vol. V Nos. 1-2; Vol. VI Nos. 1-2RC#131853
189Strategic Directions for Outreach 2000Outreach 2000 Committee, Extension Division12/1994UMLD1
41Leading in New Directions: University Outreach and Extension, 1996-1999Outreach and Extension6/1998, 1/1999, 3/1999RC#042481
41Specialization DirectoryOutreach and Extension7/1999RC#042481
215Library Space Needs to the Year 2010Paulien and Associates Inc.2/1998RC#046589
44Task Force 1990 - A Project to Design, Develop and Test a Comprehensive Management Plan for Vocational Education in MissouriPAVTEca. 1975RC#054807
14Final Report - Academic Planning Period - Rural Community Action/Advance Training Program, Thailand 66-00-06Peace Corps Training Program1967RC#068981
14Final Report - Advanced Training Program, Phase I/Rural Community Action, Thailand 66-00-06Peace Corps Training Program1966RC#068981
14Final Report - Community Development, Nepal 65-02-07Peace Corps Training Program1965RC#068981
14Final Report - Community Development/Agricultural Skills, Thailand 65-06-10Peace Corps Training Program1966RC#068981
14Final Report - Food Production/West Bengal, India 66-14-08Peace Corps Training Program1967RC#068981
14Final Report - Rural Community Action, Bolivia 65-06-07Peace Corps Training Program1965RC#068981
14Final Report - Rural Community Action, Ecuador 64-04-06, and Credit Cooperatives, Ecuador 64-03-06Peace Corps Training Program1964RC#068981
14Peace Corps Ecuador Project - SyllabusPeace Corps Training Program1964RC#068981
14Peace Corps Ecuador Project - TraineesPeace Corps Training Program1964RC#068981
14Peace Corps Syllabus, India - Food ProductionPeace Corps Training Programca. 1966RC#068981
14Peace Corps Syllabus, Thailand - Rural Community Action, ATP-1Peace Corps Training Program1966RC#068981
14Peace Corps Trainees - BoliviaPeace Corps Training Program1965RC#068981
14Peace Corps Trainees - NepalPeace Corps Training Program1965RC#068981
14Peace Corps Trainees - ThailandPeace Corps Training Program1965RC#068981
14Peace Corps Trainees for Food Production in IndiaPeace Corps Training Program1966RC#068981
14Peace Corps Trainees for Rural Community Action in ThailandPeace Corps Training Program1966RC#068981
14Peace Corps Training Syllabus - BoliviaPeace Corps Training Program1965RC#068981
14Peace Corps Training Syllabus - NepalPeace Corps Training Program1965RC#068981
14Peace Corps Training Syllabus - ThailandPeace Corps Training Program1965RC#068981
33University of Missouri Peace Studies ReviewPeace Studies Program2005-2006Vol. I Nos. 1-2; Vol. II Nos. 1-2RC#068933
84University of Missouri Library Storage Facility - Predesign ReportPeckham Guyton Albers and Viets (PGAV)8/21/1995RC#102896
85Ellis Library Renovation and Expansion - Architectural ProgramPeckham Guyton Albers and Viets (PGAV)10/1982RC#102897
105Management Guidelines to Personnel Policies and ProceduresPersonnel Services, UMC5/1988RC#029980
70Grain Crop Pesticide Use - Corn, Soybeans, Sorghum and WheatS. Anastasia Becker, Maureen H. O'Day and George S. SmithPesticide Impact Assessment Program, Integrated Pest Management Unit/Extension Division1993UMLD1
169Membership DirectoryPhi Beta Kappa, Alpha Chapter1951UMLD1
22Clinton: Stories of Life in Missouri's Golden ValleyTimmy Huynh, Allison Pasek and Sarah Tucker, eds.Photojournalism, School of Journalism2012RC#130774
22Festus and Crystal City: The Enduring Legacy of Two Missouri Towns Built on SandMichelle Peltier, ed.Photojournalism, School of Journalism2010RC#130774
22Macon: The People and Stories of Missouri's City of MaplesKatie Wood, ed.Photojournalism, School of Journalism2011RC#130774
22St. James: The People of Missouri's 'Forest City of the Ozarks'Joshua A. Bickel, ed.Photojournalism, School of Journalism2009RC#130774
22Trenton: Stories from Missouri's Five-Points CityGreg Kendall-Ball, ed.Photojournalism, School of Journalism2014RC#130774
22Troy: Stories of Growth in Missouri's Cuivre River ValleyTimmy Huynh, ed.Photojournalism, School of Journalism2013RC#130774
44Selected Papers, University of Missouri Urban SeminarPlanning Committee, Inter-Campus Seminar on Urban Problem Solving3/1971RC#054807
185Integrated Pest Management - Corn Diseases (IPM1001)Plant Protection Programs, CAFNR/Extension Division2000C:3/00/7RC#016369
69Pest Management and Crop Production newsletter (title changes to Integrated Pest and Crop Management with Vol. I No. 2)Plant Sciences Unit, CAFNR1991-2010Vol. I Nos. 1-20; Vol. II Nos. 1-21; Vol. III Nos. 1-22; Vol. IV Nos. 1-25; Vol. V Nos. 1-24; Vol. VI Nos. 1-24; Vol. VII Nos. 1-23; Vol. VIII Nos. 1-22; Vol. IX Nos. 1-22; Vol. X Nos. 1-26; Vol. XI Nos. 1-26; Vol. XII Nos. 1-26; Vol. XIII Nos. 1-26; Vol. XIV Nos. 1-22; Vol. XV Nos. 1-13, 15-21; Vol. XVI Nos. 2-4, 6-8, 11, 15-18; Vol. XVII Nos. 1-3, 5, 7-8, 10-22; Vol. XVIII Nos. 1-18; Vol. XIX Nos. 1-22; Vol. XX Nos. 1-22C:18/3/9; C:3/00/7UMLD1
86Preservation at the University of Missouri-Columbia LibrariesPreservation Planning Program Study Team, University Libraries8/1/1986UMLD1
108President's BulletinPresident's Office1971-1974Vol. I Nos. 1-2; Vol. II Nos. 1-13; Vol. III Nos. 1-5; Vol. IV Nos. 1-15UMLD1
108President's Report to the Board of CuratorsPresident's Office1900-1901; 1901-1902; 1902-1903; 1903-1904; 1904-1905; 1905-1906; 1906-1907; 1907-1908UMLD1
108President's Report/Annual ReportPresident's Office1966; 1967; 1968; 1969; 1981; 1982; 1984; 1986; 1987; 1988UMLD1
146Memo newsletterPresident's Office1968Nos. 1-3UMLD1
146Publications by Members of the FacultyPresident's Officeca. 1906, ca. 1907UMLD1
144From the Office of the PresidentPresident's Office/OPI1967Vol. I Nos. 1-8C:1/141/39RC#013834
47Four Addresses to the Missouri Chapter of Kappa Tau AlphaFrank Luther MottPress of the Crippled Turtle (Linotype Department, School of Journalism)1950UMLD1
110P/MM Buy-Line newsletterProcurement/Materials Management2000Vol. I Nos. 4-5UMLD1
60Some Aspects of the Ecology of the Patient and His DoctorThelma DorrohProgram Evaluation Center, University Medical Center7/1967UMLD1
37Chalkboard newsletterProgram for Excellence in Teaching1990-2001Nos. 1-23C:1/34/00UMLD1
37Training and Orientation for Graduate Instructors and Teaching AssistantsProgram for Excellence in Teaching1991UMLD1
112Source Book for New FacultyProgram for Excellence in Teaching1994; 1995RC#048115
113Teaching at MU: Sourcebook for FacultyProgram for Excellence in Teaching1995RC#048116
113Teaching Orientation - Handbook for Graduate Instructors and Teaching AssistantsProgram for Excellence in Teaching8/21/1994RC#048116
113Teaching Orientation - Handbook for Graduate Instructors and Teaching AssistantsProgram for Excellence in Teaching8/20/1995RC#048116
28Technical Report No. 1, Roles, Goals and Value Structures in OrganizationsBruce J. BiddleProgram for the Study of Role Theory6/22/1962UMLD1
28Technical Report No. 2, The Role of the Teacher and Occupational ChoiceBruce J. Biddle, J. Paschal Twyman and Earl F. Rankin Jr.Program for the Study of Role Theory9/1962UMLD1
28Technical Report No. 25, A Selected Bibliography of Family and Kinship-Related Studies in Asia, Middle East and AfricaYunis al-Tikriti and Robert W. HabensteinProgram for the Study of Role Theory9/1967UMLD1
28Technical Report No. 3, Pluralistic Ignorance in the Role of the TeacherBruce J. Biddle et al.Program for the Study of Role Theory9/1962UMLD1
28Technical Report No. 4, Role Conflicts for Public School TeachersJ. Paschal Twyman and Bruce J. BiddleProgram for the Study of Role Theory9/1962UMLD1
28Technical Report No. 5, Additions to a Bibliography on the Present Status of Role Theory (No. 1)Bruce J. BiddleProgram for the Study of Role Theory10/1962UMLD1
28Technical Report No. 6, Additions to a Bibliography on the Present Status of Role Theory (No. 2)Bruce J. BiddleProgram for the Study of Role Theory2/1964UMLD1
35Report of the Conference on the Improvement of InstructionProgram on the Improvement of Instruction1950RC#068935
37Project CONSTRUCT ConnectionsProject CONSTRUCT1999-2003Vol. I No. 1; Spring 1999; Spring 2002; Spring 2003UMLD1
63Alzheimer's NotebookSandy Dailey, ed.Project LIFE2001C:4/16/1RC#131853
63Annual ReportProject LIFE1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000C:4/16/1RC#131853
63Autism Spectrum DisordersKristen Heitkamp, ed.Project LIFE2005C:4/16/1RC#131853
63Entiendo Enfermadades Mentales: Una Guia a Diagnostico, Medicaciones y Intervenciones Terapeutica (Understanding Mental Illness, Spanish edition)Project LIFE2000RC#131853
63The Guide from Project LIFEProject LIFE2001-2002Winter 2001; Summer 2002; Autumn 2002; Winter 2002C:4/16/1RC#131853
63Understanding Mental Illness: A Guide to Brain Disorders, Medication and TherapyProject LIFE2004C:4/16/1RC#131853
63Understanding Mental Illness: A Guide to Diagnosis, Medications and Therapeutic Intervention (2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th editions)Project LIFE1996, 1997, 1998, 2001C:4/16/1RC#131853
64The ABCs of Children's Mental HealthProject LIFE10/2001RC#131854
3Leisure Is for Everyone’s BodyProject LIFE, Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism1986C:16/00/1RC#069381
3Leisure Is for Everyone’s Home EnvironmentProject LIFE, Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism1988C:16/00/1RC#069381
3Leisure Is for Everyone’s MindProject LIFE, Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism1985C:16/00/1RC#069381
3Leisure Is for Everyone’s Self-EsteemProject LIFE, Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism1988C:16/00/1RC#069381
3Leisure Skills for LIFE: A Workbook from Project LIFEProject LIFE, Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism2000C:16/00/1RC#069381
3LIFE and the ArtsProject LIFE, Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism1987C:16/00/1RC#069381
3LIFE and the OutdoorsProject LIFE, Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism1988C:16/00/1RC#069381
3The Value of Activities in MarketingProject LIFE, Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism1990C:16/00/1RC#069381
3Themes for LIFEProject LIFE, Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism1989C:16/00/1RC#069381
28Friends for LIFE: A Sourcebook of Intergenerational ActivitiesKristen HeitkampProject LIFE, Extension Division2001UMLD1
30The Nature and Dynamics of Domestic Violence - also known as DV101Project LIFE, Extension Division5/2003UMLD1
57The Road to RecoveryProject LIFE, University Extension2002UMLD1
44Resource Catalog, Project SERVEProject SERVE1997-1998, 1998-1999RC#054807
21Missouri Nontraditional Role Model DirectoryProject SERVE (Sex Equity Resources for Vocational Education)1985RC#130773
13Missouri Population Estimates and ProjectionsWarren G. GlimpsePublic Affairs Information Service7/1975RC#068059
28Financial Analytical and Retrieval Software - Edition 5Public Affairs Information Service8/20/1975UMLD1
21Missouri Employment Commuter Patterns, 1970 Census Place of WorkPublic Affairs Information Service, College of Administration and Public Affairs11/1/1973RC#130773
15Missouri Economic IndicatorsPublic Affairs Information Service, College of Business and Public Administration1975-2002Vol. I Nos. 1-4; Vol. II Nos. 1-4; Vol. III Nos. 1-4; Vol. IV Nos. 1-4; Vol. V Nos. 1-4; Vol. VI No. 4; Vol. VII Nos. 1-4; Vol. VIII Nos. 1-4; Vol. IX Nos. 1-4; Vol. X Nos. 1-4; Vol. XI Nos. 1-4; Vol. XII Nos. 1-4; Vol. XIII Nos. 1-4; Vol. XIV Nos. 1-4; Vol. XV Nos. 1-4; Vol. XVI Nos. 1-4; Vol. XVII Nos. 1-4; Vol. XVIII Nos. 1-4; Vol. XIX Nos. 1-4; Vol. XX Nos. 1-2; Vol. XXI Nos. 2-4; Vol. XXII Nos. 1-4; Vol. XXIII Nos. 1-4; Vol. XXIV No. 1C:7/21/1RC#069361
28Interviewer's ManualPublic Opinion Survey Unit, Research Center, School of Business and Public Administration1967UMLD1
28POSU: Missouri's Academic Survey OrganizationPublic Opinion Survey Unit, Research Center, School of Business and Public Administration1969UMLD1
52Mizzou MagicPublications and Alumni Communication1987-2012Spring 1987; Fall 1987; Vol. III No. 1; Vol. IV Nos. 1-2; Vol. V Nos. 1-2; Vol. VI Nos. 1-2; Vol. VII Nos. 1-2; Fall 1993; Spring 1994; Fall 1994; Spring 1995; Fall 1995; Spring 1996; Fall 1996; Vol. XI No. 2; Vol. XII Nos. 1-2; Vol. XIII Nos. 1-2; Vol. XIV Nos. 1-2; Vol. XV Nos. 1-2; Vol. XVI Nos. 1-2; Vol. XVII Nos. 1-2; Vol. XVIII Nos. 1-2; Vol. XIX Nos. 1-2; Vol. XX Nos. 1-2; Vol. XXI Nos. 1-2; Vol. XXII Nos. 1-2; Vol. XXIII Nos. 1-2; Vol. XXIV Nos. 1-2; Vol. XXV Nos. 1-2; Vol. XXVI Nos. 1-2C:1/139/00RC#131558
169Memorial Volume/DirectoryQEBH1908, 1922, 1930, 1940Vols. I-IVC:22/4/2UMLD1
OSB 1Sing Me That Love Song Again, from The Land of the Toreador [sheet music]Albert Chenoweth, Robert Lakenan and L.O. MuenchQuad Club1912Ellis
OSB 1Stroll with Me thru Lover's Lane, from The Land of the Toreador [sheet music]Albert Chenoweth, Robert Lakenan and L.O. MuenchQuad Club1912Ellis
50Apple Wine (comprised of Unison, Tombstones to Stars, and Arrival in LaredoEdward Bonetti, Jerry Dethrow, and James TaylorR.P. Dickey, publisher1969UMLD1
42The University of Missouri and Its Paper - Report of Activities, 1965-1966Records Management Services1965-1966RC#042482
99Communique'Records Management, UM SystemSummer 1994; Fall 1994; Winter 1995; Spring 1995; Summer 1995; Winter 1996; Spring 1996; Winter 1997; Spring 1997; Fall 1997; Winter 1998; Spring 1998; Summer 1998; Fall 1998; 1999 Vols. 1-3; 2000 Vols. 1-2; 2001 Vol. I; 2002 Vol. IUMLD1
152MizzouRec NationRecreation ServicesWinter 2005, Summer 2005, Fall 2005, Fall 2006, Fall 2007, Summer 2008, Homecoming 2011, Summer 2013C:22/00/13RC#001629
152Rec Services (title changes to Rec Services and Facilities with Fall 2001 issue)Recreation ServicesFall 1998, Winter 1999, Summer 1999, Fall 1999, Winter 2000, Summer 2000, Fall 2000, Winter 2001, Summer 2001, Fall 2001, Winter 2002, Summer 2002, Fall 2002, Winter 2003, Summer 2003, Fall 2004C:22/00/13RC#001629
175Techniques for Integrating Cost Containment into Health System PlanningKenneth Bopp; Sandy Baer, ed.Region VII Center for Health Planning2/1977RC#019492
177Annual ReportRegion VII Center for Health Planning7/15/1977UMLD1
177Final Report, The Problems of Primary Care Plan Implementation: Training SessionJack K. HeilRegion VII Center for Health Planning9/1978UMLD1
62Home Health Care - A Training and Information SessionRegion VII Center for Health Planning, Section of Health Services Management/School of Health Related Professions/Extension Division3/1979RC#131852
177Case Study, Life Cycle Cost Analysis for Financial and Economic Analysis, IRegion VII Center for Health Planning/Department of Health Services Management3/1979UMLD1
177Example of Life Cycle Cost Analysis: Consolidation Status Quo for Financial and Economic Analysis, IRegion VII Center for Health Planning/Department of Health Services Management3/1979UMLD1
177Final Report: Implementation via Marketing, Training SessionSandy BaerRegion VII Center for Health Planning/Department of Health Services Management12/1978UMLD1
177Final Report: National Guidelines I and II Training ConferencesPaul B. Guptill, David Bender and John PettitRegion VII Center for Health Planning/Department of Health Services Management1978UMLD1
177Financial and Economic Analysis: I, Training Session ManualLanis L. HicksRegion VII Center for Health Planning/Department of Health Services Management3/1979UMLD1
177Financial and Economic Analysis: II, Training Session ManualLanis L. HicksRegion VII Center for Health Planning/Department of Health Services Management4/1979UMLD1
177Financial and Economic Analysis: II, Training Session ManualLanis L. HicksRegion VII Center for Health Planning/Department of Health Services Management4/1979UMLD1
177The Project Review Process: Managing the EnvironmentRegion VII Center for Health Planning/Department of Health Services Management11/1977UMLD1
175Service Areas, Region VII Center for Health Planning - Training Session Manual Determining Geographic Population Boundaries for Specific Hospital Health ServicesRobert Aangeenbrug et al.Region VII Public Health Service1978RC#019492
175Final Report: Evaluation of Public Comment on the Proposed National Health Planning GuidelinesTerrance Patrick BarberRegion VII Public Health Service/Health Services Management, School of Medicine7/1977RC#019492
10Business and Public Administration Research Center Annual ReportResearch Center, School of Business and Public Administration1963-1964, 1965-1969C:7/22/2UMLD1
13Externalities between Firms and the Violation of Necessary Second Order ConditionsDonald A. MurryResearch Center, School of Business and Public Administration3/10/1967RC#068059
16Missouri Economy Study - No. 1, A Fiscal Profile of MissouriPaul E. JunkResearch Center, School of Business and Public Administration6/1964UMLD1
16Missouri Economy Study - No. 10, The Inter-Industry Structure of Missouri, 1958Floyd K. Harmston and Claude E. MonroeResearch Center, School of Business and Public Administration1967UMLD1
16Missouri Economy Study - No. 11, A Comparative Study of Consumption and Production of Selected Materials and Intermediate Goods in Missouri, 1964Floyd K. Harmston and Raleigh A. GarciaResearch Center, School of Business and Public Administration1967UMLD1
16Missouri Economy Study - No. 12, An Inter-Sectoral Analysis of the Missouri Economy, 1963Floyd K. HarmstonResearch Center, School of Business and Public Administration1968UMLD1
16Missouri Economy Study - No. 2, Recreation in Missouri's FutureJohn W. AshleyResearch Center, School of Business and Public Administration8/1964UMLD1
16Missouri Economy Study - No. 3, Political Parties, Elections and the General Assembly in MissouriRobert F. KarschResearch Center, School of Business and Public Administration8/1964UMLD1
16Missouri Economy Study - No. 4, The Constitution and the Administrative StructureMartin L. FaustResearch Center, School of Business and Public Administration11/1964UMLD1
16Missouri Economy Study - No. 5, Scientific Research in MissouriDonald A. MurryResearch Center, School of Business and Public Administration2/1965UMLD1
16Missouri Economy Study - No. 6, Wood Products and Missouri's ForestsR.C. Smith and J.K. MyersResearch Center, School of Business and Public Administration4/1965UMLD1
16Missouri Economy Study - No. 7, Profile of Poverty in MissouriJohn W. AshleyResearch Center, School of Business and Public Administration5/1965UMLD1
16Missouri Economy Study - No. 8, Trends in Manufacturing in MissouriJames E. CollierResearch Center, School of Business and Public Administration7/1965UMLD1
16Missouri Economy Study - No. 9, Missouri Business Trends for Retailing, Wholesailing and Selected ServicesK.E. Miller and Wilbur SayerResearch Center, School of Business and Public Administration3/1966UMLD1
28Theory and Economic Analysis for Business ManagementPaul H. RigbyResearch Center, School of Business and Public Administration3/1965UMLD1
11Alphabetic List of Places and Major County Subdivisions in MissouriResearch Center, School of Business and Public Affairsn.d.RC#068050
11Computational Techniques, RevisedRussell G. Thompson et al.Research Center, School of Business and Public Affairs3/1967RC#068050
157John M. Dalton Research Center: Collaborative Programs in Research and EducationResearch Park1991UMLD1
175MURR: Fighting cancer with tomorrow's technologyResearch ReactorWinter 2001-2002RC#019492
55Radioisotope CatalogResearch Reactor Facility8/1976RC#131566
57Tables for Neutron Activation AnalysisResearch Reactor Facility5/1988UMLD1
211Annual ReportResearch Reactor Facility (MURR)1978-1979, 1979-1980UW:4/70/1RC#045570
212Annual ReportResearch Reactor Facility (MURR)1980-1981, 1982-1983, 1983-1984, 1984-1985, 1985-1986, 1986-1987, 1987-1988, 1988-1989, 1989-1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996-1997UW:4/70/1RC#045571
212MURR Strategic PlanResearch Reactor Facility (MURR)2003RC#045571
212The University of Missouri Research Reactor Facility Can Melter SystemChester B. Edwards Jr., et al.Research Reactor Facility (MURR)1/30/1987RC#045571
212Users GuideResearch Reactor Facility (MURR)7/1969RC#045571
213Environmental Radioactivity: A Report of the Preoperational Phase for the Research Reactor FacilityWilliam J. Fields Jr.Research Reactor Facility (MURR)1/1967 RC#045738
213Hazards Summary ReportResearch Reactor Facility (MURR)1965 RC#045738
213Hazards Summary Report - Addendum 1Research Reactor Facility (MURR)2/1966 RC#045738
213Hazards Summary Report - Addendum 2Research Reactor Facility (MURR)5/1966 RC#045738
213MURR Center Security, Emergency and Health Physics Indoctrination BookletResearch Reactor Facility (MURR)2003 RC#045738
213Nuclear Science Group Technical ReportResearch Reactor Facility (MURR)1969-1970, 1970-1971, 1971-1972 RC#045738
213Reactor Operating ProceduresResearch Reactor Facility (MURR)1970 RC#045738
213Research Reactor FacilitiesResearch Reactor Facility (MURR)1960 RC#045738
213Technical Specifications for the Reactor and Supporting Systems (draft)Research Reactor Facility (MURR)1962 RC#045738
213Users GuideResearch Reactor Facility (MURR)7/1969 RC#045738
151Learning Communities and FIGsResidential Life2001-2002, 2002, 2003, 2004C:1/25/33RC#001013
151Residential Life and Times newsletterResidential Life1998-2001Vol. I Nos. 1-3; Vol. II Nos. 1-4; Vol. III Nos. 1-10; Vol. IV (labeled Vol. III) No. 1C:1/25/31RC#001013
152[untitled pamphlet for Residential Life staff]Residential Life2003RC#001629
151FIGs - Freshman Interest GroupsResidential Life 1996C:1/25/33RC#001013
151Residential Life Styles newsletterResidential Life - Facility Operations1993-1997Vol. I Nos. 1-5; Vol. II Nos. 1-6; Vol. III Nos. 1-5; Vol. IV Nos. 1-5C:1/25/31RC#001013
OSB 1The AxiomResidential Life, Student Life10/15/1997Vol. I No. 1Ellis
85Requirements Report for an Integrated Library System for University of Missouri-Columbia (Draft)RMG Consultants Inc.12/1990RC#102897
62Rural Policy BriefRural Policy Research Institute (RUPRI)1997-2004Vol. I Nos. 4-5; Vol. V Nos. 6-7, 11; Vol. VI Nos. 1, 4, 8; Vol. VII Nos. 1-2, 4-5; Vol. VIII Nos. 2, 5-6, 8-9; Vol. IX No. 5C:3/00/7RC#131852
181Junior Leaders in the 4-H Club ProgramT.T. MartinRural Sociology - Graduate Study6/6/1945RC#016352
181Study Presented… to District 4-H Club Congress, Custer, South Dakota - The Local 4-H Club OrganizationT.T. MartinRural Sociology - Graduate Study7/18/1946RC#016352
8Stretching Exercise RoutineConnie HaydenRusk Rehabilitation Center1980UMLD1
62Outcome ReportRusk Rehabilitation Center1993RC#131852
64ReAct! To Make Life Meaningful: Newsletter of Rehabilitation ActivitiesRusk Rehabilitation Center1994Spring 1994RC#131854
64The Rusk Reporter newsletterRusk Rehabilitation Center1980-1997Spring 1980; Summer 1981; Fall 1987; Spring 1988; 11/1990; Winter 1991; Spring 1991; Summer 1991; Fall 1991; Winter 1994; Spring 1994; Summer 1995; Winter 1996; Spring 1996; Summer 1996; Spring 1997C:23/00/4RC#131854
28Minority Faculty Development Committee NewsletterSchool of Accountancy1997-1998UMLD1
27School of Accountancy NewsletterSchool of Accountancy, School of Business and Public Administration1989-2005, 2007-2009C:7/00/2UMLD1
18The Soviet Economy in Theory and PracticeWayne A. Leeman, ed.School of Business and Public Administration1964UMLD1
19Proceedings, Industrial Management ConferenceSchool of Business and Public Administration1947-1950, 1952, 1954Nos. 1-5, 7C:7/00/2UMLD1
27BylineSchool of Business and Public Administration1971-1972 with gapsC:7/00/2UMLD1
27Collected Writings of DR Scott: A Memorial VolumeSchool of Business and Public Administration1964UMLD1
141B&PA Advisory Council Meeting PacketSchool of Business and Public Administration9/19/1969RC#013800
46School of Education PageantSchool of Education1916UMLD1
46School of Education PageantSchool of Education1917UMLD1
45Studies in Music Education: Psychology of Music, A Graduate School SyllabusEarle ConnetteSchool of Education and Department of Music1944RC#054808
140School of Fine Arts Honor Rank ListSchool of Fine Arts1927-1928UMLD1
51Event ProgramsSchool of Fine Arts/Department of Music1924-1948C:6/30/2RC#131557
70Self-Evaluation ReportSchool of Forestry1/1971, 12/1976UMLD1
79Managing Waterfowl Habitats: A prototype handbookLeigh H. Fredrickson and Frederic A. ReidSchool of Forestry, Fisheries and Wildlife4/1987UMLD1
79Managing Waterfowl Habitats: Control of willow and cottonwood seedlings in herbaceous wetlandsFrederic A. Reid and Leigh H. FredricksonSchool of Forestry, Fisheries and Wildlife1/1987UMLD1
79Managing Waterfowl Habitats: Initial considerations for sampling wetland invertebratesFrederic A. Reid and Leigh H. FredricksonSchool of Forestry, Fisheries and Wildlife1/1987UMLD1
79Managing Waterfowl Habitats: Invertebrate response to wetland managementFrederic A. Reid and Leigh H. FredricksonSchool of Forestry, Fisheries and Wildlife4/1987UMLD1
79Managing Waterfowl Habitats: Sampling vegetation: preliminary considerations of community characteristicsLeigh H. Fredrickson and Frederic A. ReidSchool of Forestry, Fisheries and Wildlife4/1987UMLD1
79Managing Waterfowl Habitats: Wetland management: preliminary considerations for manipulating vegetationFrederic A. Reid and Leigh H. FredricksonSchool of Forestry, Fisheries and Wildlife1/1987UMLD1
209Research BriefsSchool of Forestry, Fisheries and Wildlife2/1974, 12/1974 (2 issues), 2/1975 (2 issues), 11/1975, 1/1977UMLD1
209Alumni DirectorySchool of Forestry, Fisheries and Wildlife Summer 1988UMLD1
209Alumni NewsSchool of Forestry, Fisheries and Wildlife/School of Natural ResourcesSummer 1987, Summer 1988, Fall 1989, Fall 1990, Fall 1991, Fall 1992, Winter 1993-1994, Summer 1995C:3/00/7UMLD1
209Forestry News (title changes to Forest Fish and Wildlife News with Vol. XII No. 1)School of Forestry, Fisheries and Wildlife/School of Natural Resources1977-1991Vol. I No. 1; Vol. II Nos. 1-2; Vol. III Nos. 1-2; Vol. IV Nos. 1-2; Vol. V No. 1; Vol. VI Nos. 1-3; Vol. VII No. 1; Vol. VIII Nos. 1-3; Vol. IX Nos. 1-3; Vol. X Nos. 1-4; Vol. XI Nos. 1-3; Vol. XII Nos. 1-2; Vol. XIII [sic] No. 3; Vol. XIV Nos. 1-2; Vol. XV Nos. 1-4; Vol. XVI Nos. 1-2C:3/37/2UMLD1
59Managing Waterfowl HabitatsLeigh H. Fredrickson and Frederic A. ReidSchool of Frestry, Fisheries and wildlife2/1987UMLD1
60The TouchstoneSchool of Health Professions2006-2008Vol. I Nos. 1-2; Vol. II No. 1; Vol. III No. 1C:26/00/1UMLD1
111Prospectus, For All We Call Mizzou - School of Health ProfessionsSchool of Health Professions2003RC#048114
60ConnectionsSchool of Health Related Professions/School of Health Professions1990-2005Vol. I Nos. 1-2; Vol. II Nos. 1-2; Vol. III Nos. 1-2; Vol. IV Nos. 1-2; Vol. V No. 1; Vol. VI Nos. 1-2; Vol. VII Nos. 1-2; Fall 1999; Summer 2000; Spring 2001; Fall 2001; Summer 2002; Fall 2003; Spring 2005C:26/00/1UMLD1
1Missouri ClipsheetSchool of Journalism1949-1950 Vol. III Nos. 2, 4-5, 8-9; Vol. IV Nos. 1-24; Vol. V Nos. 1-5, 10-20; Vol. VI Nos. 21-28RC#069330
9Freedom of Information RetrospectiveSchool of Journalismca. 1979UMLD1
22Berger: Life in a Missouri RivertownKaren Torme Olson, ed.School of Journalism1977RC#130774
45Tom Trite at J-School: Annual Kappa Tau Alpha AddressFrank Luther MottSchool of Journalism1963RC#054808
46Communications 1990: A Report of the Future CommitteeSchool of Journalism1980UMLD1
46Guide to Research on Race and NewsSchool of Journalism2000UMLD1
46The Ninth Deacon - 1922 Journalism Show (music)School of Journalism1922UMLD1
46When Nights Were Bold - 1947 Journalism Show programSchool of Journalism1947UMLD1
47Course materials, Journalism 488: Research Methods in Journalism (Section 2)Won H. ChangSchool of Journalism1991UMLD1
47Missourian ManualJim Watters, ed.School of Journalism1978UMLD1
47Missourian Manual (second edition)Barbara F. Luebke, ed.School of Journalism1982UMLD1
4850 Years of Communication Research: A Bibliography of MA Theses and PhD Dissertations from the School of Journalism, 1921-1971Erika J. Fischer and Heinz-D. FischerSchool of Journalism1972UMLD1
48Annual Report to IBMSchool of Journalism2/1992, 2/1993, 2/1994UMLD1
48Dissertation Abstracts (1934-1993)School of Journalism1994UMLD1
48Fifty Years of Journalism EducationSchool of Journalism1958UMLD1
48Jnews/J-newsSchool of Journalism1993-1997, 2003Fall 1993; Spring 1994; Spring 1995; Spring 1996; Winter 1997; 2003C:11/00/17UMLD1
48Missouri Alumni in JournalismSchool of Journalism1920-1921UMLD1
48Missouri Honor Awards for Distinguished Service in JournalismSchool of Journalism1972, 1975-1981UMLD1
48Missouri Honor Medals for Distinguished Service in JournalismSchool of Journalism1982UMLD1
48Program, Editors WeekSchool of Journalism1910UMLD1
48Programs related to Journalism WeekSchool of Journalism1911-1913, 1916, 1918, 1920-1921, 1923-1929, 1931-1934, 1936, 1947, 1956, 1975, 1977-1978, 1980, 1985UMLD1
48School of Journalism DatelineSchool of Journalism1994Vol. IV No. 1; Vol. V No. 1UMLD1
48Silver Anniversary SouvenirSchool of Journalism1933UMLD1
48The J-School School of JournalismSpring 1986; Fall 1987UMLD1
57Stepping in Many Rivers at Least Once: a tribute symposium honoring Dean Emeritus Earl English - (two audiocassettes)School of Journalism10/1994UMLD1
83The CRT ManualEsmeralda TreenSchool of Journalism1974RC#102895
84The Story of POYiSchool of Journalism2001RC#102896
109Communication and Constraints: Essays in Honor of Paul FisherRobert G. Picard, ed.School of Journalism1988UMLD1
147Five-Year Plan School of Journalismca. 1990UMLD1
170Bulletin - Journalism SeriesSchool of Journalism1912-1976Nos. 1-83, 85-86, 88-92, 94-97, 99-101, 103-107, 109-110, 112-134, 150-183C:11/17/1UMLD1
171Bulletin - Journalism SeriesSchool of JournalismNos. 84, 87, 93, 98, 104, 108, 111C:11/17/1RC#019379
173Bulletin - Journalism SeriesSchool of Journalism1955-1959Nos. 135-149C:11/17/1
32School of Law - Faculty ScholarshipSchool of Law2002RC#068068
32The Law School Transcript/TranscriptSchool of Law1977-2014Vol. I Nos. 1-4; Vol. II Nos. 1-3; Vol. III Nos. 1-4; Vol. IV Nos. 1-4; Vol. V Nos. 1-2; Vol. VI Nos. 1-2; Vol. VII Nos. 1-2; Vol. VIII Nos. 1-2; Vol. IX Nos. 1-2; Vol. X Nos. 1-2; Vol. XI Nos. 1-2; Vol. XII Nos. 1-2; Vol. XIII Nos. 1-2; Vol. XIV Nos. 1-2; Vol. XV Nos. 1-2; Vol. XVI Nos. 1-2; Vol. XVII Nos. 1-2; Vol. XVIII Nos. 1-2; Vol. XIX Nos. 1-2; Vol. XX Nos. 1-2; Vol. XXI Nos. 1-2; Vol. XXII Nos. 1-2; Vol. XXIII No. 1; Vol. XXIV No. 1; Vol. XXV Nos. 1-2; Spring 2002, Fall 2002; Vol. XXVII Nos. 1-2; Vol. XXVIII Nos. 1-2; Vol. XXIX Nos. 1-2; Vol. XXX Nos. 1-2; Vol. XXXI Nos. 1-2; Vol. XXXII Nos. 1-2; Vol. XXXIII Nos. 1-2; Vol. XXXIV Nos. 1-2; Vol. XXXV Nos. 1-2; Vol. XXXVI Nos. 1-2; Vol. XXXVII No. 1; Vol. XXXVIII No. 1C:12/00/5RC#068068
34Alumni DirectorySchool of Law1977, 1985, 1988, 1991, 1997, 2000C:12/00/2RC#068934
147A New Era of Excellence: A Five-Year PlanSchool of Law5/15/1990UMLD1
151School of Law - Building ProgramSchool of Law1984RC#001013
21Labor-Management Relations SeminarSchool of Law Office of Continuing Legal Education, Labor Education Program, College of Business and Public Administration and Extension Division10/27/1978RC#130773
227The New Missouri Criminal Code: A Manual for Court Related PersonnelSchool of Law, Office of Continuing Legal Education, Institute of Public Safety Education, College of Public and Community Services, Extension Division1978UMLD1
109A Complete Circuit Court Jury Trial and Oral Appellate ArgumentsSchool of Law/Office of Continuing Legal Education/University Extension11/10/1978UMLD1
109LEX newsletterSchool of Law/University Extension1970-1976Vol. I Nos. 1-10; Vol. II Nos. 1-10; Vol. III Nos. 1-9; Vol. IV Nos. 1-6; Vol. V Nos. 1-7; Vol. VI Nos. 1-6; Vol. VII Nos. 1-2C:12/00/5UMLD1
84AnnouncementSchool of Library and Informational Science1967-1968; 1968-1969; 1971-1972; 1973-1974; 1974-1975C:13/8/1RC#102896
84Self-Study Report to the Committee on Accreditation, American Library AssociationSchool of Library and Informational Science1975RC#102896
84Self-Study Report to the Committee on Accreditation, American Library AssociationSchool of Library and Informational Science1981, 1988RC#102896
147Executive Summary: A Vision of Leadership: The Five Year Long Range PlanSchool of Library and Informational Scienceca. 1990UMLD1
215A Stochastic Analysis of Books Circulated from Elmer Ellis Library, 1972-1973Ralph ParkerSchool of Library and Informational Science8/9/1974RC#046589
61Alumni DirectorySchool of Medicine1928; 1938; 1974C:14/12/1RC#131851
62MU School of Medicine - For All We Call MizzouSchool of Medicine2006RC#131852
63MU Neurosurgery ManualSchool of Medicine2003RC#131853
63Outline of Orthopedic Surgery for Medical StudentsSchool of Medicine1966RC#131853
63Syllabus for the Endocrine Lecture SeriesThomas W. BurnsSchool of Medicine1960-1961RC#131853
64Users Guide, Computer-Based Drug Information SystemSchool of Medicine1977RC#131854
111Case Statement, For All We Call MizzouSchool of Medicine2003RC#048114
147New Era of ExcellenceSchool of Medicineca. 1990UMLD1
151Rx from the Dean's Office (title changes to Student Affairs with Vol. III No. 1, and to Student Affairs Newsletter with Vol. VII No. 5)School of Medicine1985-1998Vol. I Nos. 1-9; Vol. II Nos. 1-7; Vol. III Nos. 1-14; Vol. IV Nos. 9-11; Vol. V Nos. 1-6; Vol. VI Nos. 1-6; Vol. VII Nos. 1-7; Vol. VIII Nos. 1-8; Vol. IX Nos. 1-6; Vol. X Nos. 1-9; Vol. XI Nos. 3-5; Vol. XII Nos. 1-4; Vol. XIII Nos. 1-3RC#001013
169Forum: Dean's NewsletterSchool of Medicine11/17/1975, 2/25/1976, 6/21/1976, 10/25/1976, 12/1/1976, 1/19/1977, 4/11/1977, 6/22/1977, 11/29/1977, 3/20/1978, 6/20/1978, 10/30/1978, 10/10/1979, 4/28/1980, 9/1980, 3/1981C:14/00/2UMLD1
174Missouri Medical ReviewSchool of Medicine1982-1999Vol. I Nos. 1-2; Vol. II Nos. 1-2; Vol. III Nos. 1-3; Vol. IV Nos. 1-3; Vol. V Nos. 1-3; Vol. VI Nos. 1-3; Vol. VII Nos. 1-3; Vol. VIII Nos. 1-4; Vol. IX No. 1; Vol. X [sic] Nos. 2-4; Vol. X Nos. 1-3; Vol. XI Nos. 1-4; Vol. XII Nos. 1-4; Vol. XIII Nos. 1-4; Vol. XIV Nos. 1-4; Vol. XV Nos. 1-4; Vol. XVI Nos. 1-3; Vol. XVII Nos. 1-4; Vol. XVIII Nos. 1-4C:14/00/3RC#019491
175Alumni DirectorySchool of Medicine1986, 1991, 1996, 2001C:14/12/1RC#019492
175Eighth Faculty ForumSchool of Medicine9/1969RC#019492
175Fifth Faculty ForumSchool of Medicine9/1966RC#019492
175First Conference on Medical Education: The Changing Character of Medical EducationSchool of Medicine9/1962RC#019492
175Fourth Conference on Medical Education: Fall Faculty ForumSchool of Medicine9/1965RC#019492
175Health Sciences Research DaySchool of Medicine11/12/2009C:14/00/2RC#019492
175Missouri Medical ReviewSchool of Medicine2000-2001, 2012Vol. XIX Nos. 1-4; Vol. XX Nos. 1-3; Vol. XXV C:14/00/3RC#019492
175MU Medicine Dean's UpdateSchool of MedicineSummer 1989, Fall 1989, Winter 1990, Spring 1990, Summer 1990, Fall 1990, Winter 1991, Spring 1991, Summer 1991, Fall 1991, Winter 1992, Spring 1992, Fall 1992, Winter 1993, Summer 1993, Fall 1993, Winter 1994, Spring 1994, Summer 1994, Fall 1994, Winter 1995, Spring 1995, Fall 1995, Winter 1996, Summer 1996, Fall 1996, Winter 1997C:14/00/2RC#019492
175Research NewsletterSchool of MedicineWinter 1993-1994, Summer 1994RC#019492
175Second Conference on Medical Education: Faculty Forum on the New CurriculumSchool of Medicine9/1963RC#019492
175Seventh Faculty ForumSchool of Medicine9/1968RC#019492
175Sixth Faculty ForumSchool of Medicine9/1967RC#019492
175Third Conference on Medical Education: Fall Faculty ForumSchool of Medicine9/1964RC#019492
60Faculty Focus newsletterSchool of Medicine 2002-2004Winter 2002; Summer 2003; Fall 2003; Winter 2003; Spring/Summer 2004UMLD1
63Proceedings, Seminar in Urology (11th and 12th Seminars)School of Medicine and University Extension1965-1966RC#131853
91Annual ReportSchool of Medicine Department of Psychiatry at Missouri Institute of Psychiatry1966-1967RC#003065
60Current Concepts in Arthritis - ProceedingsSchool of Medicine/Extension Division12/1966UMLD1
45Marching Mizzou (DVD in case)School of Music2011, 2012RC#054808
46Music at Mizzou newsletterSchool of Music2003, 2005Fall 2003; Fall 2005UMLD1
110Comprehensive ReviewSchool of Natural Resources3/1996UMLD1
209The School of Natural Resources (title changes to The Resource in Fall 2003)School of Natural ResourcesSpring 1998, Fall 1999, Fall 2000, Fall 2002, Fall 2003, Fall 2004, Fall 2005C:3/00/7UMLD1
8The Confined Child (Progress through Play)School of Nursingn.d.UMLD1
62RN/BSN Option Student HandbookSchool of Nursing2000-20022000-2001; 2001-2002RC#131852
62Undergraduate Student HandbookSchool of Nursing1989-20021989-1991; 1992-1993; 1994-1995; 1995-1996; 1996-1997; 1997-1998; 1998-1999; 1999-2000; 2000-2001; 2001-2002RC#131852
64Master of Science Program HandbookSchool of Nursing1994-20021994-1995; 1995-1996; 1996-1997; 1997-1998; 1998-1999; 1999-2000; 2000-2001; 2001-2002C:15/00/3RC#131854
64UMC Nursing Alumni Newsletter (title changes to Nursing Alumni Organization, Nursing Alumni, School of Nursing and Nursing Alumni, and Mizzou Nursing)School of Nursing1972-20099/1982; 3-4/1983; 2/1984; 8/1984; 3/1985; 9/1985; Spring 1986; Fall 1986; Spring 1987; Summer 1987; Spring 1988; Spring 1989; Fall 1990; Winter 1990; Fall 1991; Winter 1991; Fall 1992; Winter 1992; Fall 1993; Fall 1994; Fall 1995; Winter 1995; Fall 1996; Winter 1996; Winter 1997; Fall 1997; Spring 1998; Fall 1998; Spring 1999; Fall 1999; Spring 2000; Fall 2000; Spring 2001; Fall 2001; Spring 2002; Fall 2002; Spring 2003; Fall 2003; Spring 2004; Fall 2004; Spring 2005; Spring 2009C:15/00/4RC#131854
65Headlines and HappeningsSchool of Nursing5/2001RC#131855
65Leadership through Health-Care Research/Leadership through Nursing ResearchSchool of Nursing1999, 2002Vol. I No. 1; Vol. IIRC#131855
65News and NotesSchool of Nursing1990-2015Vol. I Nos. 1-2; Vol. II Nos. 1-2; Vol. III Nos. 1-2; Vol. IV Nos. 1-2; Vol. V No. 1-2; Vol. VI Nos. 1-2; Vol. VII Nos. 1-2; Vol. VIII No. 2; Vol. IX Nos. 1-2; Vol. X Nos. 1-2; Vol. XI Nos. 1-2; Vol. XII Nos. 1-2; Vol. XIII Nos. 1-2; Vol. XIV Nos. 1-2; Vol. XV Nos. 1-2; Vol. XVI Nos. 1-2; Vol. XVII Nos. 1-2; Vol. XVIII No. 1; Vol. XIX Nos. 1-2; Vol. XX No. 1; Vol. XXV Nos. 1-2RC#131855
147Five Year Plan: 1990-1995School of Nursing1990UMLD1
29Aging Missouri: A Profile of Wellness Promotion and Health Care Resources for Missouri's Older AdultsSchool of Nursing and HES ExtensionWinter 1994UMLD1
29Field Instruction ManualSchool of Social Work1965UMLD1
29School of Social Work NewsletterSchool of Social Work1979-2002Vol. I Nos. 1-2; Vol. II Nos. 1-2; Vol. III No. 1; Vol. IV Nos. 1-2; Vol. V Nos. 3-4; Vol. VI No. 1; Vol. VII Nos. 1-2; Vol. VIII Nos. 1-2; Vol. IX Nos. 1-3; Vol. X No. 2 (two different issues with same number); Vol. XI No. 4 (three different issues with same number), 5-6; Spring/Summer 1998; Fall/Winter 1998; Spring 1999; Summer 2000; Winter 2001 (Fall 2000); Winter 2002UMLD1
30Accrediting and Self-Study ReportSchool of Social Work1967UMLD1
30School of Social Work BulletinSchool of Social Work2001-2003UMLD1
30Social Work NotesSchool of Social WorkFall 2004, Spring 2005, Spring 2006, Spring 2008, Fall 2008, 10/2009, 2011C:5/13/7UMLD1
111Prospectus, For All We Call Mizzou - School of Social WorkSchool of Social Work2003RC#048114
72Faculty NewsletterSchool of Veterinary Medicine1967-1970Nos. 1-2, 4-34C:17/00/2RC#068566
75Annual ReportSchool of Veterinary Medicine1965-1966RC#068614
75Annual Report of the Research ProgramSchool of Veterinary Medicine1965-1966; 1966-1967RC#068614
75School of Veterinary MedicineSchool of Veterinary Medicine1/1968RC#068614
76Guidelines for Graduate Study in Veterinary MedicineSchool of Veterinary Medicine1969UMLD1
76A Guide to Missouri Veterinarians for Use of the Veterinary Medical Diagnostic LaboratorySchool/College of Veterinary Medicine10/1972; 4/1975; 5/1980; 9/1982; 1/1986C:17/00/4UMLD1
76Student HandbookSchool/College of Veterinary Medicine1965, 1973, 1980, 1997UMLD1
77Yearly Review/Annual ReportSchool/College of Veterinary Medicine1968, 1969, 1971-1972, 1977-1978, 1979-1980UMLD1
48Inquiry newsletterScience Journalism Center, School of Journalism1987-1998Vol. I Nos. 1-3; Vol. II Nos. 1-4; Vol. III Nos. 1-4; Vol. IV Nos. 1-4; Vol. V Nos. 1-3; Vol. VI Nos. 1-4; Vol. VII Nos. 2-5; Vol. VIII Nos. 1-4; Vol. IX Nos. 1-2; Vol. X Nos. 1-4; Vol. XI No. 1C:11/00/16UMLD1
52Programme and ConstitutionScientific Association of the University of Missouri1896, 1898, 1902-1903, 1905RC#131558
111The Necessity for a New Constitution for MissouriIsidor LoebScientific Association of the University of Missouri1907RC#048114
86A Serials Searching ManualSerials Department, Technical Services Division, University Libraries6/1979UMLD1
53Show-Me Center NewsletterShow-Me Center, College of Education9/2002; 1/2004Vol. II No. 1; Vol. III No. 1RC#131561
45Corps of Discovery: A Musical Journey NewsShow-Me Opera, School of Fine Arts2002Vol. I No. 1; Vol. II No. 1RC#054808
47Event Program - Corps of Discovery: A Musical JourneyShow-Me Opera, School of Music5/2003UMLD1
37Sociology Technical Report Series Publication 2, The Regional Structure of Distribution of Mutton in Cusco, PeruGeorge PrimovSmall Ruminant Collaborative Research Support Program (CRSP)5/1981UMLD1
37Technical Report Series No. 42, Limits on Common Pasture Use in an Agro-Pastoral Community: The Case of Toqra, PeruKeith A. JamtgaardSmall Ruminant Collaborative Research Support Program (CRSP)4/1984UMLD1
37Technical Report Series No. 43, A Social Systems Description of Small Farmers in Two Western Kenya DistrictsRex R. Campbell, Collette A. Suda and Herbert F. LionbergerSmall Ruminant Collaborative Research Support Program (CRSP)7/1984UMLD1
37Technical Report Series No. 74, Barter and Non-Monetary Exchanges of Labor in a Highland Peruvian CommunityPaula BilinskySmall Ruminant Collaborative Research Support Program (CRSP)7/1986UMLD1
74Improving Andean Sheep and Alpaca Production: Recommendations from a Decade of Research in PeruConstance M. McCorkle, ed.Small Ruminant Collaborative Research Support Program (SRCRSP), Department of Rural Sociology9/1990RC#068568
74Kenya: Weaving Science with TraditionSmall Ruminant Collaborative Research Support Program (SRCRSP), Department of Rural Sociology3/1991RC#068568
74SRCRSP Technical Report Series Publication 18, Sociological Constraints and Social Possibilities for Production of Goats in Western KenyaAmanda L. Noble and Michael F. NolanSmall Ruminant Collaborative Research Support Program (SRCRSP), Department of Rural Sociology3/1983RC#068568
74SRCRSP Technical Report Series Publication 3, Alpaca Production in Puno, PeruTerry L. WestSmall Ruminant Collaborative Research Support Program (SRCRSP), Department of Rural Sociology8/1981RC#068568
74SRCRSP Technical Report Series Publication 31, Alpaca Meat Production and Exchange in Southern PeruGeorge PrimovSmall Ruminant Collaborative Research Support Program (SRCRSP), Department of Rural Sociology7/1983RC#068568
74SRCRSP Technical Report Series Publication 34, The Impact of the El Nono of 1983 on Goat Production in Piura: A Followup StudyAvi PerevolotskySmall Ruminant Collaborative Research Support Program (SRCRSP), Department of Rural Sociology8/1985RC#068568
74SRCRSP Technical Report Series Publication 35, Goat Production within the Farming System of Smallholders of Northern Bahia, BrazilGeorge PrimovSmall Ruminant Collaborative Research Support Program (SRCRSP), Department of Rural Sociology2/1984RC#068568
74SRCRSP Technical Report Series Publication 4, Management of Animal Health and Disease in an Indigenous Andean CommunityConstance M. McCorkleSmall Ruminant Collaborative Research Support Program (SRCRSP), Department of Rural Sociology1/1982RC#068568
74SRCRSP Technical Report Series Publication 73, Peasant Production in Northeast Brazil: The Case of Goat Production in Cariris Velhos, ParaibaMarisa C. NeumaierSmall Ruminant Collaborative Research Support Program (SRCRSP), Department of Rural Sociology2/1986RC#068568
71Technical Report Series No. 76, Livestock Feed Resources and Smallholder Farms: Experience in Western KenyaJ. Eric ReynoldsSmall Ruminant Collaborative Research Support Program, Department of Rural Sociology5/1986RC#068565
71Technical Report Series No. 77, On-Farm Feed Preservation Trials in Western Kenya: A Preliminary ReportJ. Eric ReynoldsSmall Ruminant Collaborative Research Support Program, Department of Rural Sociology5/1986RC#068565
21Publication No. 1, Andean Peasant Economics and PastoralismSmall Ruminants Collaborative Research Support Program (CRSP), Department of Rural Sociology5/1980RC#130773
39Studies in the Role of the Public School Teacher - Series 2 Volume I, Orientation, Methods and MaterialsBruce J. Biddle, Howard A. Rosencranz and Earl F. Rankin Jr.Social Psychology Laboratory6/1961UMLD1
39Studies in the Role of the Public School Teacher - Series 2 Volume II, General Characteristics of the School Teacher's RoleBruce J. Biddle, Howard A. Rosencranz and Earl F. Rankin Jr.Social Psychology Laboratory6/1961UMLD1
39Studies in the Role of the Public School Teacher - Series 2 Volume III, Positional Differences in Teacher RoleBruce J. Biddle, Howard A. Rosencranz and Earl F. Rankin Jr.Social Psychology Laboratory6/1961UMLD1
39Studies in the Role of the Public School Teacher - Series 2 Volume IV, Role of the Teacher and Occupational ChoiceBruce J. Biddle and Howard A. RosencranzSocial Psychology Laboratory6/1961UMLD1
39Studies in the Role of the Public School Teacher - Series 2 Volume V, Own and Attributed Cognitions for the TeacherBruce J. Biddle, Howard A. Rosencranz and Earl F. Rankin Jr.Social Psychology Laboratory2/1961UMLD1
39Studies in the Role of the Public School Teacher - Series 2 Volume VI, Accuracy and Conformity in Teacher RolePaul F. Green and Bruce J. BiddleSocial Psychology Laboratory4/1964UMLD1
39Studies in the Role of the Public School Teacher - Volume A, The Present Status of Role TheoryBruce J. BiddleSocial Psychology Laboratory8/1961UMLD1
39Studies in the Role of the Public School Teacher - Volume B, Bibliographies on Role Terms, Role Conflict, and the Role of the TeacherBruce J. Biddle et al.Social Psychology Laboratory6/1961UMLD1
39Studies in the Role of the Public School Teacher - Volume C, A Program for the Processing of Ordinal Data and Computation of Significance for Selected Central Tendency DifferencesBruce J. Biddle and Ann M. SimpsonSocial Psychology Laboratory2/1961UMLD1
39Studies in the Role of the Public School Teacher - Volume D, Bibliographies on Role Methodology and PropositionsBruce J. Biddle et al.Social Psychology Laboratory1/1962UMLD1
186Annual ReportSocial Sciences Unit, CAFNR1994, 1995UMLD1
178Research ReportSouthwest Center, College of Agriculture1966-1973, 1982C:3/9/1UMLD1
189Research Report/Field Day Report/Field Day Research ReportSouthwest Missouri Center/Southwest Center, College of Agriculture1988, 1989, 1990, 1991UMLD1
83Annual ReportSpace Sciences Research Center1965-1966, 1966-1967RC#102895
2Report to ChancellorSpecial Advisory Committee on Repatriation of Native American Remains under Curation at University of Missouri-Columbia11/1996RC#069331
86Newspapers in Microform in Ellis LibraryNancy LoganSpecial Collections Department, Ellis Library1988UMLD1
15Business and Government OutlookState and Regional Fiscal Studies Unit, College of Business and Public Administration1976-1978Vol. I Nos. 1-4; Vol. II Nos. 1-3; Vol. III No. 1C:7/00/2RC#069361
15Missouri Economy Study: An Inter-Sectoral Analysis of the Missouri Economy 1967Floyd K. Harmston and Jasbir S. JaswalState and Regional Fiscal Studies Unit, College of Business and Public Administration1967RC#069361
92Statistical Abstract for MissouriState and Regional Fiscal Studies Units, College of Business and Public Administration1976RC#003067
ShelfA Sketch of Missouri Constitutional History during the Territorial PeriodFloyd C. ShoemakerState Historical Society of Missouri1914Ellis
ShelfConstitutions and Constutional Conventions in MissouriIsidor LoebState Historical Society of Missouri1920Ellis
ShelfMissouri Historic Sites CatalogueDorothy J. Caldwell, ed. (signed)State Historical Society of Missouri1963Ellis
110A Decade of Development for University of Missouri Columbia - An Interim ReportSteering Committee for Long Range Planning1/1968UMLD1
112Goals, Objectives and Priorities for Action: Third Report on the Strategic Planning ProcessStrategic Planning Advisory Council5/1999RC#048115
112Goals, Objectives, Priorities for Action, and Accomplishments: Fifth Report on the Strategic Planning ProcessStrategic Planning Advisory Council6/2001RC#048115
112Goals, Objectives, Priorities for Action, and Accomplishments: Fourth Report on the Strategic Planning ProcessStrategic Planning Advisory Council7/2000RC#048115
112Mission, Goals, and Objectives: [First] Report on the Strategic Planning ProcessStrategic Planning Advisory Council5/1997RC#048115
112Mission, Goals, and Objectives: Implementation Strategies: Second Report on the Strategic Planning ProcessStrategic Planning Advisory Council4/1998RC#048115
112Eighth Report on the Strategic Planning ProcessStrategic Planning and Resource Advisory Council6/2004RC#048115
112Seventh Report on the Strategic Planning ProcessStrategic Planning and Resource Advisory Council6/2003RC#048115
105An Evaluation of the National Youth Administration (NYA) Student Work Program at the University of MissouriStudent Aid Committee8/22/1940RC#029980
71Veterinary ScopeStudent Chapter AVMA, School of Veterinary Medicine1951-1958Vol. I Nos. 1-3; Vol. II Nos. 1-3; Vol. III Nos. 1-3; Vol. IV Nos. 1-3; Vol. V Nos. 1-2; Vol. VI Nos. 1-2; Vol. VII Nos. 1-2; Vol. VIII No. 1RC#068565
75Veterinary Scope (title changes to Missouri Veterinarian with Vol. X No. 1)Student Chapter, American Veterinary Medical Association1959-1961Vol. IX Nos. 1-3; Vol. X Nos. 1, 3; Vol. XI No. 1C:17/19/1RC#068614
151Victory Pep BookStudent Council1919-1920RC#001013
157Student HandbookStudent Council1916-1917, 1917-1918, 1919-1920, 1920-1921, 1923-1924, 1924-1925, 1925-1926, 1926-1927, 1927-1928, 1928-1929, 1929-1930, 1930-1931, 1934-1935, 1935-1936C:22/12/1UMLD1
41Report to the President of the Activities of the Student Health ServiceStudent Health Service1933-1934, 1934-1935RC#042481
43Report to the President of the Activities of the University Health ServiceStudent Health Service1935-1937, 1938-1940RC#042483
145Student Life Studies AbstractsStudent Life1996-2001Nos. 1-9C:22/00/19RC#013862
152Department of Student Life brochureStudent Life2001(two copies)RC#001629
157Fall Welcome Schedule of EventsStudent Life2009C:22/00/14; C:1/25/33UMLD1
OSB 1The ResearchStudent Life11/1915, 1/1916, 4/1916C:22/3/7Ellis
157Living and LearningPamela Johnston and Alan Strathman, eds.Student Life - Freshman Interest Groups (FIGs)2000UMLD1
153Student Organizations Financial Reports - Annual Report of the Committee on Student Organizations, Government and ActivitiesStudent Life - SOGA1973-1974, 1975-1976, 1977-1978, 1978-1979, 1979-1980RC#003336
151Parent HandbookStudent Life/Residential Life/MU Parents Association2002, 2003C:1/80/29; C:1/25/33RC#001013
33The Desirability of Voluntary Instead of Compulsory Chapel Attendance in the UniversityH.G. KiehlStudents of Law Department1/14/1893RC#068933
44ReportageSummer Media Workshop, Missouri Interscholastic Press Association (MIPA), School of Journalism1980RC#054807
44Workshop MissourianSummer Media Workshop, Missouri Interscholastic Press Association (MIPA), School of JournalismSummer 1994, 7/1997, 7/1998RC#054807
ShelfRollins Aid Fund Legal ProceedingsSupreme Court of Missouri1895Ellis
35Report to the President of the University of MissouriTask Force on State-Level Coordination and Governance of Higher Education1972RC#068935
42ED100 Orientation HandbookTeacher Development Program, College of Education2000-2001, 2001-2002, 2003-2004RC#042482
37Teacher Placement HandbookTeacher Placement Office, College of Educationn.d.UMLD1
169The Genesis, Heritage and Progress of Medical Education at the University of Missouri, 1841-1970M. Pinson NealTechnical Education Services1971UMLD1
102Final ReportTenure Regulations Review Committee, UM System2/2/1977RC#029977
152YearbookThai Student Association1994-1995, 1995-1996, 1997-1998RC#001629
158The AsteriskThe Asterisks12/1904, 12/1905, 4/1909, 5/1910Vols. I-IVC:22/00/2UMLD1
144At the Club newsletterThe University Club3/2002, 9/2002, 10/2002, 11/2002, 1/2003, 2/2003, 4/2003, 5/2003, 6/2003, 7/2003, 8/2003, 9/2003, 3/2004, 4/2004, 6/2004, 7/2004, 8/2004, 9/2004, 10/2004, 11/2004, 1/2005, 2/2005, 4/2005, 8/2005, 9/2005, 10/2005, 11/2005, 12/2005, 8/2011C:1/38/00RC#013834
144The University Club newsletterThe University Club6/1992Vol. I No. 1RC#013834
99Employee Satisfaction Survey - ResultsTowers Perrin2/6/1996UMLD1
45The Hate ReportTriangle Coalition/Hate Report Committee1996-1997, 1997-1998, 1999RC#054808
99Annual ReportUM Extension1971-1972; 1972-1973; 1973-1974; 1974-1975; 1975-1976; 1976-1977; 1977-1978; 1978-1979; 1980; 1981; 1982; 1983; 1984; 1985; 1986; 1987; 1988UW:4/72/17UMLD1
99Directory UM Extension1979-1980; 1980-1981; 1981-1982; 1983-1984; 1984-1985; 1986; 1986 (updated copy); 1992; 1994UMLD1
99Directory (Supplement)UM Extension12/1977UMLD1
114Human Resources Benefits ManualUM Human Resources1997RC#048117
114Human Resources Policy ManualUM Human Resources1997RC#048117
110MBE/WBE Program NewsletterUM Office of Management Servicesca. 1996Vol. I No. 1UMLD1
110Minority and Women-Owned Businesses NewsletterUM Office of Management Services1999-2004Fall 1999; Fall 2000; 1st Quarter 2001; 2nd Quarter 2001; 3rd and 4th Quarters 2001; Winter 2001; 1st Quarter 2002; 2nd Quarter 2002; 3rd Quarter 2002; 4th Quarter 2002; 1st Quarter 2003; 2nd Quarter 2003; 3rd Quarter 2003; 4th Quarter 2003; 1-6/2004; 7-9/2004; 10-12/2004UMLD1
39UM South African Exchange Program Update (multiple titles)UM South African Exchange Program1989-201310/1989; 4/1990; 10/1990; 12/1990; 9/1991; 11/1991; 12/1992; 1/1994; 12/1994; 10/1995; 12/1996; 12/1997; 12/1998; 12/1999; 8/2000; 12/2000; 12/2001; 12/2006; 12/2007; 12/2008; 1/2011; 1/2012; 1/2013UMLD1
86Final Report, Advisory Review Panel for Assessment of Library NeedsUM System3/1994UMLD1
86Report of Advisory Review Panel for Assessment of Library NeedsUM System1994UMLD1
98Financial Report and Supplemental SchedulesUM System2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014UW:1/3/1UMLD1
99Academic Tenure RegulationsUM System1988UMLD1
99Health SpectrumUM System5/5/1999UMLD1
99Long Term Disability Trust Fund, Retirement Trust Fund, General Investment Pool, Medical Benefits Trust Fund, Endowment Fund, Dental Benefits Trust FundUM System1984-1985, 1986UW:1/3/1UMLD1
99Retirement Trust Fund, Long Term Disability Trust Fund, Medical Benefits Trust Fund, Endomwnt Fund, General Investment PoolUM System1983-1984UW:1/3/1UMLD1
99Treasurer's ReportUM System6/30/1987; 6/30/1988; 6/30/1989; 1990UW:1/3/1UMLD1
100A Comparison of Benefits for the Employees of the Missouri Rehabilitation CenterUM System3/1996UW:4/116/7UMLD1
100Accidental Death and Dismemberment PlanUM System4/15/1991; 3/1996; 7/1998; 5/1999; 2/2001; 10/2001; 12/2002; 7/2003; 1/2004; 3/2004UW:4/116/7UMLD1
100Benefits Summary for Full Time Faculty and StaffUM System6/1994; 3/1996; 1/1997; 3/1997; 1/1998; 1/1999; 10/1999; 1/2002; 1/2003; 1/2004; 1/2005UW:4/116/7UMLD1
100Business Policy and Procedure ManualUM Systemca. 1990UW:4/41/13UMLD1
100Dental PlanUM System6/1/1991; 1997; 9/1998; 6/1999; 10/1999; 11/2001; 8/2002; 12/2003UW:4/116/7UMLD1
100Dependent Life Insurance PlanUM System3/1992; 3/1996; 1/1998; 1/1999; 1/2000; 12/2001; 10/2002; 1/2004; 7/2004UW:4/116/7UMLD1
100Faculty and Staff Benefit Plan Changes for 2004UM Systemca. 11/2003UW:4/116/7UMLD1
100Faculty and Staff Benefit ProgramsUM System2005-2006UW:4/116/7UMLD1
100Flexible Benefits PlanUM System5/1/1991; 3/1996; 5/1997; 7/1998; 7/1999; 8/2000; 10/2001; 4/2002; 1/2004UW:4/116/7UMLD1
100Life Insurance PlanUM System4/15/1991; 4/1997; 8/1997; 8/1998; 5/1999; 2/2001; 10/2001; 1/2004UW:4/116/7UMLD1
100Long Term Care Insurance PlanUM System8/1992; 10/1994; 1/1997; 1/1998; 10/1998; 8/1999; 1/2000; 2/2001; 11/2001; 10/2002UW:4/116/7UMLD1
100Long-Term Disability PlanUM System9/1994; 1/1998; 1/1999; 5/1999; 1/2000; 8/2001; 1/2002; 10/2002; 11/2003; 6/2004UW:4/116/7UMLD1
100Medical PlanUM System6/1991; 1/1994; 1/1997; 7/1998; 4/1999; 10/2000; 8/2001; 12/2001; 11/2002; 7/2003; 1/2004UW:4/116/7UMLD1
100Staff BenefitsUM System4/1974; 1979; 1/1980; 7/1981; 1/1982; 10/1982; 3/1/1985UW:4/116/7UMLD1
101Academic Plan, 1975-85 - Philosophy Statement, Part I - Degree ProgramsUM System9/12/1974RC#029976
101Academic Plan, Part II - Research, Inventory and ProjectionsUM System4/30/1976RC#029976
101Academic Plan, Part II - Research, Inventory and Projections (Draft)UM System11/10/1975RC#029976
101Academic Plan, Part III - Extension, Inventory and ProjectionsUM System9/8/1975RC#029976
101Academic Plan, Part III - Extension, Inventory and Projections (Draft)UM System4/21/1975RC#029976
101Business Policy and Procedure ManualUM Systemca. 1974UW:4/41/13RC#029976
101Business Policy and Procedure ManualUM Systemca. 1980UW:4/41/13RC#029976
101Business Policy and Procedure ManualUM Systemca. 1983UW:4/41/13RC#029976
101Collected Rules and RegulationsUM System1986UW:1/00/6RC#029976
101Collected Rules and Regulations - UpdatesUM Systemca. 2002UW:1/00/6RC#029976
101Collected Rules and Regulations (superseded)UM System1986Vol. IUW:1/00/6RC#029976
101Collected Rules and Regulations (superseded)UM System1986Vol. IIUW:1/00/6RC#029976
101Collected Rules and Regulations (superseded)UM System1986Vol. IIIUW:1/00/6RC#029976
101Faculty HandbookUM Systemca. 1977C:2/5/1RC#029976
101Revision of the Academic Plan, 1975-1985UM System11/21/1980RC#029976
101Some Facts… about the University of Missouri… Its 1975-76 Budget… Its 1976-77 NeedsUM Systemca. 1975RC#029976
102By-Laws of the Board of Curators and the University FacultyUM System1931RC#029977
102Duplication of Programs Review - Consultant's ReportUM System1984RC#029977
102Report of the Committee to Improve the University of MissouriUM System3/14/1986RC#029977
102The Presidential Investiture of Charles Brice RatchfordUM System9/15/1972RC#029977
103Collected Rules and RegulationsUM System1969Vols. IV-VIIRC#029978
104Physical Planning at the University of Missouri: A Progress ReportUM System1984-1985RC#029979
107Financial ReportUM System1977 (also includes supplement sections B, C and D); 1978 (also includes supplement sections A, B and C)UMLD1
107Supplement to the Financial ReportUM System1964; 1965; 1966; 1968; 1971; 1972; 1973; 1974 (sections B and C); 1975 (section B)UMLD1
109Proceedings of the University of Missouri's Legislators' SeminarsUM System1971UMLD1
110The University of Missouri: Its Services to Missouri, Its Budget RequirementsUM System11/1976UMLD1
111Long Range PlanningUM System11/1968RC#048114
113Employee BenefitsUM System1990RC#048116
113Report of the University of Missouri Committee on Medical InsuranceUM System6/1993RC#048116
113Working with the University of Missouri: A Handbook for Administrative Service and Support StaffUM System1970RC#048116
144Training and Development Programs for full-time University of Missouri employees (Fourth Revision)UM System - Personnel Services2/1978RC#013834
144Training Programs and Services for full-time administrative, service and support staffUM System - Personnel Services6/1974RC#013834
144Training Programs and Services for full-time administrative, service and support staff (Third Revision)UM System - Personnel Services12/1975RC#013834
44CEPA Policy BriefUM System Consortium for Educational Policy Analysis4/2001RC#054807
44Policy TodayUM System Consortium for Educational Policy Analysis5/2000, 10/2001RC#054807
44Enrollment ProjectionsUM System Office of Budget and Analytical Services3/1992RC#054807
145Economic Impact ReportUM System Office of Research and Economic Development2005RC#013862
112University of Missouri System Technology NewsUM System Patents and Licensing Office2/1999RC#048115
42Trip Reports, Volume IUM/UWC Educational Exchange Program1987RC#042482
42Trip Reports, Volume IIUM/UWC Educational Exchange Program1988RC#042482
42Trip Reports, Volume IIIUM/UWC Educational Exchange Program1989RC#042482
104Business Policy and Procedures ManualUMC2000RC#029979
104Business Policy and Procedures Manual - Superceded Items; Chapter Contents and TransmittalUMC3/6/1995RC#029979
104Business Policy and Procedures Manual - Superceded Items; Chapters 4-12UMC3/6/1995RC#029979
104Business Policy and Procedures Manual - Superceded Items; Indexes of Forms and Chapters 1-3UMC3/6/1995RC#029979
104Business Policy and Procedures Manual - Superceded Items; Table of Contents and IndexUMC3/6/1995RC#029979
104Campus Disaster PlanUMC6/17/1959RC#029979
104Faculty Statute BookUMC2/1/1970RC#029979
107Request for Approval of a Proposed Change - Change in Educational Offerings: Degree Programs through Distance DeliveryUMC11/2004UMLD1
107Self-Study Report for Accreditation Review by the North Central Association's Commission on Institutions of Higher EducationUMC10/2004UMLD1
112Affirmative Action PlanUMC1976RC#048115
35Faculty PerspectivesUMC chapter, National Education Association (UMC-NEA)1975-1978Vol. I Nos. 1-9; Vol. II Nos. 1-3; Vol. III Nos. 1-3; UMC-NEA Yellow Sheet No. 1RC#068935
113Annual Personnel ReportUMC Personnel Department12/31/1971RC#048116
29Proceedings, Intercampus Seminar on Urban Problem SolvingUMSL Center of Community and Metropolitan Studies12/1968UMLD1
3Brochure containing information for undergraduate students pertaining to environmental sciences programsUndergraduate Environmental Sciences Program Committeen.d.RC#069381
156The Forum: Show. Shine. Grow.Undergraduate Research and Creative Achievements Forum2006, 2012, 2014C:1/32/28UMLD1
214Library Services to Undergraduates - Final ReportUndergraduate Services Committee, University Library7/18/1989RC#045739
104Annual ReportUndergraduate Studies2014-2015RC#029979
152Constitution and By-LawsUnion Literary Society1893RC#001629
149Historical Sketches of the Universities and Colleges of the United StatesFranklin B. Hough, ed.United States Government Printing Office1883UMLD1
171100 Years on the Quad: A Francis Quadrangle centennial calendar for 1995University Affairs1994C:0/17/1RC#019379
86Marching MizzouUniversity Bands, School of Musicn.d.UMLD1
86University of Missouri Symphonic Wind Ensemble - Australian Adventure!University Bands, School of Music2000UMLD1
70YearbookUniversity Block and Bridle Club1964-1965, 1965-1966, 1967-1968, 1968-1969, 1996-1997, 1998-1999UMLD1
145Constitution and By-LawsUniversity Boarding Club1899RC#013862
59Laboratory Guide for Study of the Bones of the Human BodyRichard L. Crouch and Betty JohnsonUniversity Book Storeca. 1946UMLD1
147Campus AuthorsUniversity Bookstore2013UMLD1
29University Club of Missouri - Application BrochureUniversity Club2012UMLD1
145Constitution and By-LawsUniversity Club1927RC#013862
220Handbook of the LibrariesUniversity Cooperative Store1910UMLD1
150A Souvenir of the University of Missouri (viewbook)University Co-operative Storeca. 1910UMLD1
147Research ReportsLucille Frels, Robert Callis, John Ferguson, Janeth Turner, Richard M. Rundquist, W.J. Dipboye, Tolan L. Chappell, Fred Proff, William C. Engram, John F. McGowanUniversity Counseling Bureau1949-1953Nos. 1, 3-7, 7a, 8-9, 9a, 10UMLD1
25A Summary of Missouri Retail Food Store StudiesClyde R. Cunningham and Ted L. JouleUniversity Estension (Folder series)1969RC#130777
11Data for MissouriUniversity Extension1965-1977RC#068050
11The State of the State - Revisited, 1994University Extension1994RC#068050
15Columbia of the Future! (Phase I)Paul A. LutzUniversity Extensionn.d.RC#069361
15Missouri CommunityUniversity Extension1990-1993Vol. I Nos. 1-4; Vol. II Nos. 1-4; Vol. III Nos. 1-2; Vo; IV Nos. 1-2RC#069361
18Considerations for Land UseUniversity Extension1976Nos. 7005, 8205, 8501, 8505, 8506, 8507, 8508, 8510, 8590C:3/1/77UMLD1
25Consumer's Guide to Fruits and Vegetables and Other Farm Fresh ProductsUniversity Extension1989, 1994RC#130777
29Tackling the Tough Skills: A Curriculum Building Skills for Work and Life (Revised)University Extension2008UMLD1
35Cambio de Colores: Immigration of Latinos to MissouriSylvia R. Lazos and Stephen C. JeanettaUniversity Extension2002RC#068935
38Community-Based Programs: Effective Approaches for Youth and Families-at-RiskKenneth E. PiggUniversity Extension7/1995UMLD1
38Finding Your Way… to Financial AidUniversity Extension1999, 2000, 2002, 2003UMLD1
41Council Insider newsletterUniversity Extension1991-2001Vol. I Nos. 1-3; Vol. II Nos. 1-6; Vol. III Nos. 1-6; Vol. IV Nos. 1-6; Vol. V Nos. 1-6; Vol. VI Nos. 1-6; Vol. VII Nos. 1-6; Vol. VIII Nos. 1-2, 4-6; Vol. IX Nos. 1-6; Vol. X Nos. 1-5; Vol. XI No. 3RC#042481
41Extension Division NewsletterUniversity Extension1966-1970Vol. I Nos. 1-3; Vol. II Nos. 1-2; Vol. III Nos. 1-3; Vol. IV Nos. 1-2RC#042481
41University Extension Pays Dividends, 1994-95University Extension2/1995RC#042481
110Report of the Extension Division - Extension Programs, 1975-76 SummaryUniversity Extension9/24/1976UMLD1
144University of Missouri News Service, Extension DivisionUniversity Extension1928-1931Vol. X No. 49; Vol. XI Nos. 4, 41, 47; Vol. XII Nos. 11, 13, 40; Vol. XIII Nos. 4, 10, 18; Vol. XIV Nos. 2, 6, 8RC#013834
13Census… 1970University Extension (F Series)1970C:3/37/9RC#068059
62Diabetes Mellitus Drug Interaction GuideUniversity Extension (folder series)1976RC#131852
18Conference Proceedings: Issues Related to Alternative Enterprises in MissouriUniversity Extension and Missouri Conservation Department1984UMLD1
20The Economic Effect of Premium Standard Farms on MissouriDennis DiPriete and Carl WatsonUniversity Extension Commercial Agriculture Program7/1994UMLD1
2In Celebration: Photographs of the Meramec Basin Area by Oliver SchuchardUniversity Extension Division1979RC#069331
3UMC Guide: Recreation, Parks and LeisureUniversity Extension Division1974-1981Nos. 1, 3-4, 6-13, 101-104, 106-110, 201, 204-207, 209, 211, 215, 301-305, 401-402, 501-505, 709-711, 800, 811-813, 832-833, 907-908C:18/3/8RC#069381
18TrendletterUniversity Extension Office of Social and Economic Data Analysis9/1987-5/2001C:18/3/9UMLD1
35Cambio de Colores: Latinos in Missouri: Connecting Research to Policy and Practice, Hoy y MananaStephen Jeanetta and Corinne Valdivia, eds.University Extension/Cambio Center2005RC#068935
35Cambio de Colores: Latinos in Missouri: Gateway to a New CommunityStephen Jeanetta and Corinne Valdivia, eds.University Extension/Cambio Center2004RC#068935
OSB 1My Son Lou, or a Higher Education [sheet music]Thomas T. RaileyUniversity Glee Club1906Ellis
64For Baby and YouUniversity Health Care2001, 2004RC#131854
174Archives magazineUniversity Health Care2007-2015Vol. VII Nos. 1-6, 6 [sic], 7-12, 14, 14 [sic]; Winter 2011-2012, 2012, Spring 2013, Summer 2013, Fall 2013, Summer 2014, Fall 2014, Spring 2015, Summer 2015C:23/00/1RC#019491
59Mizzou HealthUniversity Health SystemSummer 2014; Winter 2015UMLD1
60MU HealthUniversity Health System2015-2017Spring 2015; Summer 2015; Winter 2016; Winter 2017C:23/00/1UMLD1
168The Tiger Claw yearbookUniversity High School1923, 1927, 1928, 1929, 1933, 1938, 1942, 1943, 1944, 1948, 1949, 1950, 1951, 1954C:8/7/4UMLD1
43Reports on Extracurricular ActivitiesUniversity High School (?)1930-1932RC#042483
60CaringUniversity Hospital1985-2001Vol. I No. 1; Vol. II Nos. 1-2; Vol. III Nos. 1-2; Vol. IV Nos. 1-2; Vol. V No. 1; Vol. VI Nos. 1-2; Vol. VII No. 1; Vol. VIII Nos. 1-2; Vol. IX No. 1; Vol. X Nos. 1-2; Vol. XI Nos. 1-2; Vol. XII No. 1; Vol. XIII Nos. 1-2; Vol. XIV Nos. 2-4; Vol. XV Nos. 1-4; Vol. XVI Nos. 1-4; Vol. XVII No. 1C:23/00/1UMLD1
61Medical Staff Bylaws and Rules and RegulationsUniversity Hospital1986; 1988-1989; 1994-1995; 1997RC#131851
62Women's Health Center Newsletter/Women's Health NewsletterUniversity Hospital1989-1997Spring 1989; Summer 1989; Fall 1989; Winter 1990; Spring 1990; Summer 1990; Fall 1990; Winter 1991; Spring 1991; Summer 1991; Fall 1991; Winter 1992; Spring 1992; Summer 1992; Winter 1993; Spring 1993; Summer 1993; Fall 1993; Winter 1994; Spring 1994; Summer 1994; Fall 1994; Winter 1995; Spring 1995; Summer 1995; Fall 1995; Winter 1996; Spring 1996; Summer 1996; Fall 1996; Winter 1997C:23/12/5; C:23/00/1RC#131852
64Pharmacy Newsletter (title changes to Pharmacotheraphy Newsletter with Vol. XVII No. 1)University Hospital1978-1999Vol. I Nos. 1-6; Vol. II Nos. 1-5; Vol. III Nos. 1-3; Vol. IV Nos. 1-2; Vol. V Nos. 1-9; Vol. VI Nos. 1-12; Vol. VII Nos. 1-12; Vol. VIII Nos. 1-12; Vol. IX Nos. 1-12; Vol. X Nos. 1-11; Vol. XI Nos. 1-11; Vol. XII Nos. 1-12; Vol. XIII Nos. 1-12; Vol. XIV Nos. 1-12; Vol. XV Nos. 1-12; Vol. XVI Nos. 1-12; Vol. XVII Nos. 1-12; Vol. XVIII Nos. 1-12; Vol. XIX Nos. 1-12; Vol. XX Nos. 1-12; Vol. XXI Nos. 1-9C:23/00/1RC#131854
169Physician Focus newsletterUniversity Hospital and Clinics1984Winter 1984, Spring 1984, Fall 1984UMLD1
173Archives magazineUniversity Hospital and Clinics2001-2007Vol. I Nos. 1-12; Vol. II Nos. 1, 3-11; Vol. III Nos. 1-4; Vol. IV Nos. 1, 1[sic], 3-5; Vol. V Nos. 1-6; Vol. VI Nos. 1-2, 2 [sic], 4C:23/00/1RC#019428
173Staff Life newsletterUniversity Hospital and Clinics1983-2001Vol. I Nos. 1-23; Vol. II Nos. 1-2, 4-26; Vol. III Nos. 1-14, 16-26; Vol. IV Nos. 1-26; Vol. V Nos. 1-13, 15-26; Vol. VI Nos. 1-27; Vol. VII Nos. 1-25; Vol. VIII Nos. 1-26; Vol. IX Nos. 1-26; Vol. X Nos. 1-15, 17-19, 21; Vol. XI Nos. 2, 5; Vol. XII Nos. 1-12; Vol. XIII Nos. 1-12; Vol. XIV Nos. 1-12; Vol. XV Nos. 1-12; Vol. XVI Nos. 1-12; Vol. XVII Nos. 1-12; Vol. XVIII Nos. 1-10; Vol. XIX Nos. 1-5C:23/00/1 RC#019428
143Report from the University of Missouri/Report/University of Missouri ReportUniversity Information Services1969-1977Vol. I Nos. 1-2, 4; Vol. II Nos. 1-4 and Special Issue,; Vol. III Nos. 1-5; Vol. IV Nos. 1-5; Vol. V Nos. 1-5; Vol. VI Nos. 1-5; Vol. VII Nos. 1-5; Vol. VIII Nos. 1-5; Vol. IX Nos. 1-3UW:4/141/25RC#013833
144Missouri (continues University of Missouri Report in Box 143)University Information Services1971-1996Vol. IX Nos. 4-5; Vol. X Nos. 1-5; Vol. XI Nos. 1-5; Vol. XII Nos. 1-5; Vol. XIII Nos. 1-5; Vol. XIV Nos. 1-5; Vol. XV Nos. 1-5; Vol. XVI Nos. 1-5; Vol. XVII Nos. 1-5; Vol. XVIII Nos. 1-5; Vol. XIX Nos. 1-4; Vol. XX Nos. 1-4; Vol. XXI Nos. 1-4; Vol. XXII Nos. 1-4; Vol. XXIII Nos. 1-4; 1993 Special Edition; Fall 1993 Special Edition; ca. 1993; Fall 1994; FY1994-1995; FY1996UW:4/141/25RC#013834
83A Research Project in Teaching Children to Use the Typewriter in the Elementary Division of the University Laboratory SchoolSarah Elizabeth ChinnUniversity Laboratory School5/1940RC#102895
48The Elmer Ellis Humor CollectionUniversity Libraries1986UMLD1
48The Elmer Ellis Humor Collection - SupplementUniversity Libraries1986UMLD1
84A Governance System for Librarians of the University of Missouri-Columbia LibrariesUniversity Libraries7/10/1990; 7/1992; 6/1994RC#102896
84A Guide to the Microforms in the LibrariesLucille CobbUniversity Libraries1972RC#102896
84A Proposed Plan-of-Action for the University of Missouri LibraryUniversity Libraries1976RC#102896
84Library Staff Development SurveyUniversity Libraries1992RC#102896
84Preliminary Report on Library Development StudiesUniversity Libraries3/22/1974RC#102896
84Primary Resources in History: A Guide to the Microform Collections of the University of Missouri-Columbia LibrariesUniversity Libraries1987RC#102896
84Some Books on Woman and Her Civic InterestsUniversity Libraries1913RC#102896
84Universities, Revolutions and Libraries (Address to the Friends of the University Library)Dan LacyUniversity Libraries5/1/1965RC#102896
85A Library Primer for Missouri High Schools (Library Series Bulletin No. 7)Henry Ormal SeveranceUniversity Libraries10/1915RC#102897
85Gifts to the Rare Book Room of Ellis LibraryMargaret A. HowellUniversity Libraries1982RC#102897
85Henry Ormal Severance, LibrarianFrances McKee HannaUniversity Libraries1937RC#102897
85Primary Microform Resources: A Guide to the Collections in Literature, Languages and Music in the University of Missouri-Columbia LibrariesUniversity Libraries1991RC#102897
85The Dance of Death in Book Illustration: Catalog to an Exhibition of the Collection in the Ellis LibraryMarcia Collins University Libraries1978RC#102897
86Library Staff ManualUniversity Libraries1964UMLD1
86List of Periodicals Currently ReceivedUniversity Libraries1910; 1921; 1926; 1936UMLD1
86Manual, Automated Catalog Card Production SystemRobert LaBergeUniversity Librariesn.d.UMLD1
86Personnel Policies ManualUniversity Libraries1978UMLD1
86Procedure for Purchases through Friends of the LibraryUniversity Libraries1980UMLD1
86Staff HandbookUniversity Libraries11/1/1974UMLD1
75Report of the Committee to Assess the Implementation of MRAPUniversity Library10/3/1975RC#068614
214Annual ReportUniversity Library1976-1977, 1977-1978, 1978-1979, 1979-1980, 1980-1981, 1981-1982, 1982-1983, 1983-1984, 1984-1985, 1985-1986, 1986-1987, 1987-1988, 1988-1989, 1990-1991C:20/4/2RC#045739
214Catalogue of the Books Belonging to the LibraryUniversity Library1857, 1888RC#045739
214Report of the Special Library Committee to the University FacultyUniversity Library6/1/1926RC#045739
214Response from the University Libraries - Submitted to the Academic Planning CommitteeUniversity Library12/20/1991RC#045739
214Toward 2001: The Strategic Plan of the University of Missouri-Columbia LibrariesUniversity Library10/1998RC#045739
215Five Year PlanUniversity Library1990RC#046589
215Library Connections newsletterUniversity Library2003-2016Vol. I Nos. 1-2; Vol. II Nos. 1-3; Vol. III Nos. 1-2; Vol. IV Nos. 1-2; Vol. V Nos. 1-2; Vol. VI No. 2; Vol. VII Nos. 1-2; Vol. VIII Nos. 1-2; Vol. IX No. 2; Vol. X Nos. 1-2; Vol. XI No. 1; Vol. X [sic] No. 2; Vol. XI [sic] Nos. 1-2C:20/00/9RC#046589
215Library Policy ManualUniversity Libraryca. 2002RC#046589
215List of books on which bids were requested…University Library7/27/1892RC#046589
215Photo DirectoryUniversity Library1991RC#046589
215Program Review of the University of Missouri-Columbia LibrariesUniversity Library6/1984RC#046589
215Report of the LibrarianUniversity Library1900-1901, 1901-1902, 1902-1903, 1903-1904, 1904-1905, 1905-1906, 1906-1907, 1907, 1908, 1909, 1910, 1911, 1912, 1913, 1914, 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920, 1921, 1922, 1923, 1924, 1925, 1926, 1927, 1928, 1929, 1930C:20/4/2RC#046589
215Report of the Review Committee. A Five-Year Review: University Archives, Records Management, Western Historical Manuscript CollectionUniversity Library1/1989RC#046589
215The History of the University of Missouri-Columbia LibraryJune LaFollette DeWeeseUniversity Library1989RC#046589
215The New Library BuildingUniversity Library1915-1916RC#046589
215UMC Libraries/UMC Libraries Newsletter/The Mizzou Libraries Newsletter/University of Missouri-Columbia Libraries NewsletterUniversity Library1978-1993Nos. 1-26RC#046589
216Faculty HandbookUniversity Library1990, 1993C:20/00/1UMLD1
216Library Guide for Faculty and Graduate StudentsUniversity Library1965C:20/00/1UMLD1
216Library HandbookUniversity Library1910, 1911, 1912, 1914, 1915, 1924, 1950C:20/00/1UMLD1
216Library Handbook for FacultyUniversity Library1983, 1985C:20/00/1UMLD1
216Library Handbook: Your Library and How to Use ItUniversity Library1970C:20/00/1UMLD1
216Report of the LibrarianUniversity Library1931, 1932, 1933, 1934, 1935, 1936, 1937, 1938, 1939, 1940, 1941, 1942, 1943, 1944, 1945, 1945-1946, 1946-1947, 1947-1948, 1948-1949, 1949-1950, 1950-1951, 1951-1952, 1952-1953, 1953-1954, 1954-1955, 1955-1956, 1956-1957, 1957-1958, 1958-1959, 1959-1960, 1960-1961, 1961-1962, 1962-1963, 1963-1964, 1964-1965, 1965-1966, 1966-1967, 1967-1968, 1968-1969, 1969-1970, 1970-1971, 1971-1972C:20/4/2UMLD1
217Library News NotesUniversity Library1973-1989Nos. 1-775C:20/00/5UMLD1
218Library News NotesUniversity Library1990-2003Nos. 776-1461C:20/00/5UMLD1
219Library News NotesUniversity Library2004-2005Nos. 1462-1540C:20/00/5UMLD1
220MU Library NotesUniversity Library1948-1953Nos. 1-236C:20/00/5UMLD1
221MU Library NotesUniversity Library1954-1959Nos. 237-431C:20/00/5RC#046590
222MU Library NotesUniversity Library1959-1962Nos. 432-601C:20/00/5RC#046591
223MU Library NotesUniversity Library1963-1964Nos. 602-745C:20/00/5RC#047134
224MU Library NotesUniversity Library1964-1966Nos. 746-919C:20/00/5RC#047146
225MU Library NotesUniversity Library1966-1970Nos. 920-1057C:20/00/5RC#047278
59Diet Manual, RevisedUniversity Medical Center1958UMLD1
62EMS Bulletin No. 1 - Suggested Guidelines for Organizing and Equipping Emergency Medical ServicesRobert J. Wheeler et al.University Medical Center1/1969RC#131852
62EMS Bulletin No. 2 - The Status of Ambulance Service in Non-Metropolitan MissouriRobert J. Wheeler et al.University Medical Center1/1/1969RC#131852
62EMS Bulletin No. 3 - The Radio Communication System, University of Missouri Medical CenterRobert J. Wheeler et al.University Medical Center5/1969RC#131852
62EMS Bulletin No. 4 - Guidelines for the Development of a System for Transportation of the Sick and Injured in MissouriRobert J. Wheeler, Marjorie Dale and M.S. DeWeeseUniversity Medical Center8/1969RC#131852
62Guidelines for Referring Patients to the Medical Center, RevisedUniversity Medical Center10/1974RC#131852
107Supplement to the Financial ReportUniversity of Missouri (pre-System)1962; 1963UMLD1
50University of Missouri SongsGeorge C. Wilson, ed.University of Missouri Bookstore/University of Missouri Band1955UMLD1
185Agroforestry: An Integration of Land Use Practices (UMCA-1-2000)University of Missouri Center for Agroforestry2000C:3/00/7RC#016369
185Economic Budgeting for Agroforestry Practices (UMCA-3-2000)University of Missouri Center for Agroforestry2000C:3/00/7RC#016369
86Affirmative Action PlanUniversity of Missouri Central Administration1984-1985UMLD1
86Affirmative Action PlanUniversity of Missouri Central Administration1985-1986UMLD1
158ASU TigerUniversity of Missouri Chapter, American Student Union5/17/1938Vol. I No. 5 (two copies)C:22/00/3UMLD1
152Souvenir ProgrammeUniversity of Missouri Glee Club1904RC#001629
37Laboratory School Course Description, Grade 7-12University of Missouri Laboratory School, College of Education1970UMLD1
37Laboratory School Elementary HandbookUniversity of Missouri Laboratory School, Elementary Division1970-1971UMLD1
37Laboratory School Secondary Division Student HandbookUniversity of Missouri Laboratory School, Secondary Division1970-1971UMLD1
84Missouri Book News newsletterUniversity of Missouri Press2000-2005Nos. 1-2; Fall 2003; Winter 2004-2005; Summer 2005UW:4/151/2RC#102896
158Collegiate Gothic: The Architecture of Rhodes CollegeWilliam MorganUniversity of Missouri Press1989UMLD1
181A Journal of the Seasons on an Ozark FarmLeonard HallUniversity of Missouri Press1980RC#016352
200The Missouri State Fair: Images of a Midwestern TraditionRichard GaskellUniversity of Missouri Press2000UMLD1
ShelfColumbia College: 150 Years of Courage, Commitment, and ChangePaulina A. BattersonUniversity of Missouri Press2001Ellis
46A Selection of Etchings by John Sloan from the Philadelphia Museum of ArtUniversity of Missouri Press/Department of Art1967UMLD1
46From Pasture to Polis: Art in the Age of HomerSusan Langdon, ed.University of Missouri Press/Museum of Art and Archaeology1993UMLD1
46Illustrated Museum Handbook: A Guide to the Collections in the Museum of Art and ArchaeologyOsmund Overby, ed.University of Missouri Press/Museum of Art and Archaeology1982UMLD1
45Faculty Artist: Works by Former Members of the Art Faculty at MU, 1877 to presentUniversity of Missouri Sesquicentennial Committee1989RC#054808
144Information Technology NewsUniversity of Missouri System Computing and Information Technology (CIT)Fall 1990, Spring 1991RC#013834
182Annual Progress Report, Contract AID/nesa-321, State of BiharUniversity of Missouri/USAID1967-1968RC#016353
188Annual Progress Report, Contract AID/nesa-320University of Missouri/USAID7/1968-6/1969UMLD1
200End-of-Tour Report, Contract AID/nesa-144Dale T. SechlerUniversity of Missouri/USAID1969UMLD1
200End-of-Tour Report, Contract AID/nesa-320Bruce O. ColesUniversity of Missouri/USAID1972UMLD1
189Annual Progress Report - University DevelopmentUniversity of Missouri/USAID Mission to India7/1967-6/1968, 7/1968-6/1969UMLD1
189Annual Report, Orissa Agricultural Production ProgramUniversity of Missouri/USAID Mission to India7/1969-6/1970UMLD1
189Annual Report, Orissa Agricultural Production ProgramUniversity of Missouri/USAID Mission to India7/1970-6/1971UMLD1
189Annual Report, University Development Project - Contract AID/nesa-144University of Missouri/USAID Mission to India7/1969-6/1970UMLD1
189Final Report, Agriculture Production Program - Contract AID/nesa-320John FalloonUniversity of Missouri/USAID Mission to India1/1967-7/1972UMLD1
189Fourteenth Semi-Annual ReportUniversity of Missouri/USAID Mission to India11/1964-4/1965UMLD1
189Project Completion Report, Agricultural University Development Project, Orissa UniversityWilkeningUniversity of Missouri/USAID Mission to India9/1972UMLD1
189Report of a Study for a Long Range Development Program Plan for Orissa University of Agriculture and TechnologyUniversity of Missouri/USAID Mission to India6/1970UMLD1
189Semi-Annual Progress ReportUniversity of Missouri/USAID Mission to India7/1968-12/1969UMLD1
189Semi-Annual Progress ReportUniversity of Missouri/USAID Mission to India7/1969-12/1969UMLD1
189Semi-Annual Progress Report, University Development Project - Contract AID-nesa-144University of Missouri/USAID Mission to India1/1970-6/1970UMLD1
189Semi-Annual Progress Report, University Development Project - Contract AID-nesa-144University of Missouri/USAID Mission to India1/1970-12/1970UMLD1
189Semi-Annual Progress Report, University Development Project - Contract AID-nesa-144University of Missouri/USAID Mission to India1/1971-6/1971UMLD1
189Semi-Annual Report, Orissa Agricultural Production ProgramUniversity of Missouri/USAID Mission to India1/1972-6/1972UMLD1
189Semi-Annual Report, Orissa Agricultural Production ProgramUniversity of Missouri/USAID Mission to India7/1971-12/1971UMLD1
189Semi-Annual Report, University Development Project - Contract AID/nesa-144University of Missouri/USAID Mission to India1/1972-6/1972UMLD1
189Semi-Annual Report, University Development Project - Contract AID/nesa-144University of Missouri/USAID Mission to India1/1971-12/1971UMLD1
189Terminal ReportIde P. TrotterUniversity of Missouri/USAID Mission to India1963Bound photocopy. Parts of Pages 2 and 4 are missing.UMLD1
157Woodrow Wilson at PrincetonHardin CraigUniversity of Oklahoma Press1960inscribed to Elmer EllisUMLD1
43Outreach and Extension: Unique Asset of the Land-Grant UniversityUniversity Outreach and Extension6/1998RC#042483
147Weekly News from the Vice President for University OutreachUniversity Outreach and Extension7/30/1993, 8/6/1993, 8/13/1993, 8/20/1993, 8/27/1993, 9/3/1993, 9/10/1993, 10/15/1993, 10/22/1993, 10/29/1993, 11/5/1993, 12/3/1993, 12/10/1993, 2/25/1994, 3/4/1994, 3/25/1994UMLD1
75Inventions Available for Technology Transfer (title changes to Technology Catalog in 1988)University Patents and Licensing1980, 1982-1991, 1993-1998UW:4/53/2RC#068614
60DirectoryUniversity Physicians1996-1997; 2003; 2009; 2011C:23/00/2UMLD1
61UPdate: News from University PhysiciansUniversity Physicians1992-2000Vol. I Nos. 1-2; Vol. II Nos. 1-3; Vol. III Nos. 1-3; Vol. IV Nos. 1-4; Vol. V Nos. 1-3; Vol. VI Nos. 1-2; Vol. VII Nos. 1-3; Vol. VIII Nos. 1-3; Vol. IX Nos. 1-3C:23/00/2RC#131851
62Compliance and Reimbursement Education (CARE) newsletterUniversity Physicians1997Vol. VI No. 19C:23/00/1RC#131852
102Planning Assumptions for the Year 2000: The External EnvironmentUniversity Planning Council, UM System12/1988RC#029977
43Annual Report and Crime SummaryUniversity Police Department1988-1989, 1991-1994, 1996-1997RC#042483
43Campus Safety and Crime Report/Campus Crime and Fire Safety ReportUniversity Police Department1999-2001, 2009RC#042483
43News and Tips from MUPDUniversity Police Department8/2001RC#042483
43University Crime Watch newsletterUniversity Police Department1999-2000Vol. I Nos. 1-2RC#042483
83Information about University PrintingJohn F. WilliamsUniversity Publisher5/1924RC#102895
149Every Day at the University of MissouriJoseph E. ChasnoffUniversity Publisherca. 1912C:0/49/3UMLD1
62Handbook of Radiological OperationsUniversity Radioactive Isotope Committee/Central Radiation Safety Committee8/1960, 11/1963, 1966, 10/1968, 10/1977RC#131852
42Health SpectrumUniversity Relations1993-1997Vol. I Nos. 1-13; 3/8/1994; 4/6/1994; 5/18/1994; 6/30/1994; 9/22/1994; 11/9/1994; 11/9/1995; 3/20/1996; 4/3/1996; 4/18/1996; 10-11/1996; 5/7/1997UW:4/141/25RC#042482
47University of Missouri Stylebook (revised edition)University Relations1981C:1/141/26UMLD1
110Search magazineUniversity Relations1984-1985Winter 1984; Summer 1984; Winter 1985C:1/141/12UMLD1
110Show Me Tomorrow: A Report of the University of Missouri's Impact on Missourians, 1985 and BeyondUniversity Relations1985UMLD1
150MU in the NewsUniversity Relations1996-2004, 2006-2007C:1/141/26UMLD1
151Life Sciences CenterUniversity Relations2001RC#001013
149Educating Missouri to a Higher DegreeUniversity Relations Division1991C:1/141/26UMLD1
149University of Missouri News LetterUniversity Relations Division1906-1908Vol. I Nos. 3, 5, 7-9, 11-12; Vol. II Nos. 1, 7C:1/141/21UMLD1
144Foot Notes newsletterUniversity StoresSummer 1995Vol. I No. 1C:1/25/32RC#013834
40Annual ReportUniversity Testing and Counseling Services1948-1953UMLD1
40Yearbook (Annual Report and other reports)University Testing and Counseling Services1953-1966UMLD1
41Yearbook (Annual Report and other reports)University Testing and Counseling Services1966-1973RC#042481
153Dodder and Its ControlJ.H. Dawson et al.US Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Service and Extension Service5/1984Farmers' Bulletin No. 2276RC#003336
76Under the 'Scope newsletterVeterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory1990-2002, 2010Vol. I Nos. 1-2; Vol. II No. 2; Vol. IV No. 3; Vol. V Nos. 1-4; Vol. VI Nos. 1-4; Vol. VII Nos. 1-4; Vol. VIII Nos. 1-4; Vol. IX Nos. 2-4; Vol. X No. 1; Vol. XI No. 2; Vol. XII No. 3; Vol. XIII No. 1; Summer 2010UMLD1
77Annual ReportVeterinary Medical Diagnostic Library1971, 1972, 1974, 1979C:17/15/3UMLD1
99Indirect Cost ProposalsVice President for Finance and TreasurerFY1974-1975UMLD1
145Staff HandbookVice President for Human Resourcesca. 1985, 11/2005UW:4/112/5RC#013862
141University Wide Research… 1966-1967 (A Summary)Vice President for Research and Graduate Studies3/1968Vols. 1-2RC#013800
144Annual Summary for IPFDVice Provost for International Programs and Faculty Development (IPFD)5/2005Vol. I RC#013834
44VIMS VignetteVIMS/VAMS Support Center, Department of Practical Arts and Vocational-Technical Education1993-1994Vol. I Nos. 1-3RC#054807
226The University of Missouri (Sesquicentennial Collector Edition)David Rees and Audrey WalsworthWalsworth Publishing Co.1989UMLD1
81Missouri Pesticide and Nutrient Application Record (WQ 295)Water Quality Focus Team, University Extension1997RC#102893
20Annual Program ReportWater Resources Research Center1964-1969, 1970-1973, 1974-1976Nos. 1-5, 7-9, 11-12UMLD1
81Application for Initial Allotment under the Provisions of the Water Resources Research Act of 1964Water Resources Research Center12/3/1964RC#102893
81Research ProjectsWater Resources Research Center1967, 1968, 1969, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974RC#102893
82Research ProjectsWater Resources Research Center1970, 1975, 1977RC#102894
82Summary of Activities in Water Resources Research and Training at the University of MissouriWater Resources Research Center9/1964RC#102894
83Project Report No. 1, Water Quality Alteration through Acid and Heat Pollution in a 1500 Acre ReservoirRobert S. Campbell, James R. Whitley and Edward R. BrezinaWater Resources Research Center3/1966RC#102895
84BulletinWestern Historical Manuscript Collectionca. 1943-1956Nos. 1-7C:20/00/2RC#102896
30Annual ReportWomen's Center1978-1980, 1981-1985UMLD1
171W. news magazineWomen's Center2/2/1994, 2/16/1994, 12/1995-1/1996, 2/1996, 3/1996, 4/1996, 5/1996, 9/1996, 10/1996, 11/1996, 12/1996-1/1997, 2/1997, 3/1997, 4/1997, 5/1997, 9/1997, 10/1997, 11/1997, 12/1997-1/1998, 3/1998, 11/1998, 12/1998-1/1999C:22/00/20RC#019379
157Women's Handbook/Around the ColumnsWomen's Self-Government Association (WSGA)1922-1923, 1929, 1930C:22/12/1UMLD1
150Student Handbook/Around the Columns/Around the Quad/M BookYMCA/YWCA1891-1892, 1892-1893, 1894-1895, 1895-1896, 1896-1897, 1897-1898, 1898-1899, 1899-1900, 1900-1901, 1902-1903, 1903-1904, 1904-1905, 1905-1906, 1917-1918, 1922-1923C:22/12/1UMLD1
1Boone County ToursThe Columbia Missourian1952RC#069330
1First Annual ReportStudents’ Religious Council1924-1925C:22/00/21RC#069330
1Manuscript Collection NewsWestern Historical Manuscript Collection-Columbia1/1999-Winter 2005Nos. 1-11C:20/00/2RC#069330
1Miscellaneous PublicationsStudents’ Religious Council 1931-1933C:22/00/21RC#069330
1Religion and Higher Education: 1989 Paine Lectures in Religion (Sesquicentennial Presentation)1989C:6/45/00RC#069330
1State Historical Society of Missouri NewsletterState Historical Society of Missouri2000-2005Vol. I Nos. 1-4; Vol. II Nos. 1-4; Vol. III Nos. 1-4; Vol. IV Nos. 1-4; Vol. V Nos. 1-4RC#069330
1Thai JournalThai Student AssociationFall, 1975; 5/1982Vol. I No. 1; 1982 editionC:22/00/19RC#069330
1The Missouri Society NewsletterThe Missouri Society of New York1964-1969RC#069330
1The Rosetta (annual)Students’ Religious Council1926C:22/00/21RC#069330
1Welcome to Old MissouriStudents’ Religious Council1926-1930C:22/00/21RC#069330
2An Assessment of the Cultural Resources of the Little Black Watershed (for the Soil Conservation Service)James E. Price et al.4/1975RC#069331
2Preliminary Report, University of Missouri Archaeological Project at Tula, Hidalgo, Mexico, 1970-1971 Field SeasonsRichard A. Diehl12/1/1971RC#069331
2The State of Missouri: An Autobiography (for the Missouri Commission to the Louisiana Purchase Exposition)Walter Williams1904RC#069331
31976-1977 Annual Report of the Museum of Anthropology - Special Report: Preliminary Results of the Unul Project10/7/1977C:6/42/1RC#069381
3Arena Quarterly: A Forum for Ideas1973-1974Vol. I Nos. 1-3RC#069381
3GeoTeacherMissouri Geographic Alliance1988-2003Vol. I Nos. 1-3; Vol. II Nos. 1-4; Vol. III Nos. 1-2; Vol. IV No. 1; Vol. V Nos. 2-3; Vol. VI Nos. 1-4; Vol. VII Nos. 1-4; Vol. VIII Nos. 1-5; Vol. IX Nos. 1-3; Vol. X Nos. 1-4; Vol. XI Nos. 1-3; Vol. XII Nos. 1-5; Vol. XIII Nos. 1-4; Vol. XIV Nos. 1-3; Vol. XV Nos. 1-4C:6/21/3RC#069381
3Miscellaneous Publications in Anthropology, No. 9, Special Reports 1 and 2 – The Anthropology Museum’s Excavations in Southeastern Guatemala – Preliminary ReportsL.H. Feldman and G.R. Walters, eds.1980C:6/42/1RC#069381
4Mizzou ReviewWalsworth Publishing1980-1981C:31/00/4RC#119620
6University Football Annual (non-MU production; deals chiefly with MU, KU, Nebraska)J.O. Wyer, Jr. et al., eds.1901UMLD1
8Image and Word: A Missouri Mosaic - A Tricentennial Exhibit on the German Experience in Missourica. 1983UMLD1
9Comment1947Vol. I Nos. 2-3UMLD1
9Counseling Services Report: The Counseling Psychology Program, University of Missouri-Columbia - Its History, Its ImpactWayne AndersonSummer 1984UMLD1
9CruxWesley Foundation student organization1967Vol. V No. 1UMLD1
9Maxine Christopher Shutz Award and Lecture - The Genius of a Culture: The Old Order AmishJoel A. Hartman1991UMLD1
9Missouri Council on Economic Education Annual Report1980-1981, 1982, 1989-1990UMLD1
9Missouri Handbook No. 2, Our Storehouse of Missouri Place NamesRobert L. Ramsay1952UMLD1
9Missouri Handbook No. 3, Wild Flowers of Missouri (Second Edition)Theresa C. Rickett1954UMLD1
9Missouri Handbook No. 4, Common Fossils of MissouriA.G. Unklesbayn.d.UMLD1
9Missouri Handbook No. 5, Prairie Preserve: The University of Missouri Tucker Prairie Research Area1958UMLD1
9Missouri Handbook No. 6, Indians and Archaeology of MissouriCarl H. Chapman and Eleanor F. Chapman1964UMLD1
9Missouri University Review1882Vol. I Nos. 1-5UMLD1
9Paul Anthony Brick Lectures - Inaugural Series - Morals for MankindHerbert W. Schneider1960UMLD1
9The Bible College of Missouri - Inaugural Services1/21/1896UMLD1
9The Students Religious JournalStudents' Religious Union1912Vol. I Nos. 1-5UMLD1
9University Bulletin, Arts and Science Series No. 5 - Missouri Handbook No. 1, Common Rocks and Minerals of Missouri (Revised)W.D. Keller1951UMLD1
9University of Missouri Museum Contributions Monograph No. 1 - The Spider-Mite Complex (Acarina: Tetranychoidea) in MissouriSiegfried E. Thewke and Wilbur R. Ennsca. 1970No. 1UMLD1
9University of the State of Missouri in the Spanish-American WarGeorge H. English1899UMLD1
10Missouri College Union MinutesMissouri College Union1895-1948UMLD1
11Introductory Handbook for SPSS Computer PackageDavid Leuthold et al.10/1974RC#068050
13The Population of Missouri: Its Conditions and TrendsC.E. Lively1941RC#068059
14Miscellaneous Papers and Articles (two volumes)Harry Gunnison Brown1953RC#068981
14Two Methods of Clustering and Factoring Types of Counties - Applied to the Five State Ozark Region (final draft)Rex R. Campbell6/1/1981RC#068981
17Report No. 065 (second copy)UMLD1
17Report No. 103 (second copy)UMLD1
18White Paper on Small Farm Agriculture in Missouri (Draft)2/1981UMLD1
20Ag Law-UMC Working Paper No. 1, Legal Aspects of Farm Partnerships (Draft)Brian Griffith and Stephen Matthews10/1/1984UMLD1
20FAPRI Staff Report No. 1-97 (second copy)UMLD1
21Colonel William H. Hatch, Author of the Original Agricultural Experiment Station Bill: An Address Delivered at the Fifty-First Annual Convention of the Association of Land-Grant Colleges and UniversitiesF.B. Mumford11/15/1937RC#130773
21SWCD Board Structure and the Changing Fabric of Missouri Agriculture: Final Report of Research Data, Analysis and Suggestions to the Missouri Soil and Water Districts CommissionJ. Sanford Rikoon, Jere Gilles and Ernest Perry3/1991RC#130773
21The University of Missouri's Concern for the Cities: A Report on the University's Work in Urban Areasca. 1968RC#130773
23University of Missouri-Columbia Affirmative Action Planca. 1976RC#130775
23University of Missouri-Columbia Affirmative Action Plan, Part I1979-1980RC#130775
23University of Missouri-Columbia Affirmative Action Plan, Part II1979-1980RC#130775
25Student-Employee Transportation Habits, 1965-66Nikolaos Voskoglou and Robert Wheeler3/1967RC#130777
25The Downtown Traffic Loop: Data from a June 1977 Survey - Report submitted to Downtown Task Force and Columbia MO City CouncilDavid Leuthold7/8/1977RC#130777
26Missouri Postmasters Training School1964, 1966UMLD1
27Common Market Conference - The Impact of the Common Market on the American Economy10/1962UMLD1
27List of Agricultural College Lands of the State of MissouriJ.W. Sutherland1872UMLD1
28Maxine Christopher Shutz Lecture - Professionalism: The Great Need of a ProfessionJoseph A. Silvoso1985UMLD1
28Missouri Attitudes toward the Legislature and Its ReapportionmentDavid A. Leuthold1966UMLD1
28Nominations by Party Conventions - Candidates for Statewide Office in IndianaDavid C. Leege1964UMLD1
28Nominations by Primary Elections - Candidates for Congress in CaliforniaDavid A. Leuthold1964UMLD1
28Political Polls and Their Story in 1964David A. Leuthold10/21/1964UMLD1
28The Secretary of State: The Mid-America Assembly11/1961UMLD1
29Promoting Aging Awareness Among Youth - Volume 1, Project BriefsHarry Kujath et al.1992UMLD1
29Promoting Aging Awareness Among Youth - Volume 10, Growing Older Together (Videotape and Study Guide)Harry Kujath et al.5/1992UMLD1
29Promoting Aging Awareness Among Youth - Volume 11, Intergenerational Interaction: Photographs from the Aging Awareness ProjectHarry Kujath et al.5/1992UMLD1
29Promoting Aging Awareness Among Youth - Volume 12-1, Intergenerational Stories Depicting Multi-Cultural Families - IHarry Kujath et al.5/1992UMLD1
29Promoting Aging Awareness Among Youth - Volume 12-2, Intergenerational Stories Depicting Multi-Cultural Families - IIHarry Kujath et al.5/1992UMLD1
29Promoting Aging Awareness Among Youth - Volume 13, Line Drawings Depicting the Aging ProcessHarry Kujath et al.5/1992UMLD1
29Promoting Aging Awareness Among Youth - Volume 14, Living with AgingHarry Kujath et al.5/1992UMLD1
29Promoting Aging Awareness Among Youth - Volume 15, The Olden Days Coat (Videotape and Study Guide)Harry Kujath et al.5/1992UMLD1
29Promoting Aging Awareness Among Youth - Volume 16, Portraits of Aging (Videotape and Study Guide)Harry Kujath et al.5/1992UMLD1
29Promoting Aging Awareness Among Youth - Volume 17, Stories as a Means to Intergenerational Linkages at the Elementary LevelHarry Kujath et al.5/1992UMLD1
29Promoting Aging Awareness Among Youth - Volume 18-1, Stories Depicting Intergenerational Linkages through Caring and Sharing - IHarry Kujath et al.5/1992UMLD1
29Promoting Aging Awareness Among Youth - Volume 18-2, Stories Depicting Intergenerational Linkages through Caring and Sharing - IIHarry Kujath et al.5/1992UMLD1
29Promoting Aging Awareness Among Youth - Volume 18-3, Stories Depicting Intergenerational Linkages through Caring and Sharing - IIIHarry Kujath et al.5/1992UMLD1
29Promoting Aging Awareness Among Youth - Volume 19, Stories Depicting Intergenerational Relationships with Non-RelativesHarry Kujath et al.5/1992UMLD1
29Promoting Aging Awareness Among Youth - Volume 2, Aging Appreciation Activities for Elementary ClassroomsHarry Kujath et al.5/1992UMLD1
29Promoting Aging Awareness Among Youth - Volume 20, When Parents Grow Old (Videotape and Study Guide)Harry Kujath et al.5/1992UMLD1
29Promoting Aging Awareness Among Youth - Volume 21, Final ReportHarry Kujath et al.1992UMLD1
29Promoting Aging Awareness Among Youth - Volume 3, Aging Appreciation Activities for Junior High/Middle ClassroomHarry Kujath et al.5/1992UMLD1
29Promoting Aging Awareness Among Youth - Volume 4, Aging Appreciation Activities for Secondary ClassroomsHarry Kujath et al.5/1992UMLD1
29Promoting Aging Awareness Among Youth - Volume 5, Aging in Japan (Videotape and Study Guide)Harry Kujath et al.5/1992UMLD1
29Promoting Aging Awareness Among Youth - Volume 6, Books Depicting Aging Concepts Using Fantasy and ImaginationHarry Kujath et al.5/1992UMLD1
29Promoting Aging Awareness Among Youth - Volume 7-1, Books Depicting Intergenerational Linkages through Fun with Grandparents - IHarry Kujath et al.5/1992UMLD1
29Promoting Aging Awareness Among Youth - Volume 7-2, Books Depicting Intergenerational Linkages through Fun with Grandparents - IIHarry Kujath et al.5/1992UMLD1
29Promoting Aging Awareness Among Youth - Volume 8, Collection of Current Articles on Intergenerational ActivitiesHarry Kujath et al.5/1992UMLD1
29Promoting Aging Awareness Among Youth - Volume 9, Coming of Age in America (Videotape and Study Guide)Harry Kujath et al.5/1992UMLD1
30MU Inventory of Policy Expertisen.d.UMLD1
33President Read's Baccalaureate Address to the Law Class of 1876Daniel Read3/31/1876RC#068933
33University Bulletin - Law Series1913-1935Nos. 1-50RC#068933
34How Universities Are Protected against Liquor SellingRichard H. Jesse, ed.1902RC#068934
35Other Adventures, Mis-Adventures and RewardsJohn Rufin.d.RC#068935
35Professional Adventures and Rewards: My Adventures and Mis-Adventures at Michigan State, 1925-1928John Rufin.d.RC#068935
35Professional Adventures and Rewards: My Adventures, Mis-Adventures and Rewards as a High School Principal, 1921-1924John Rufin.d.RC#068935
35Professional Adventures and Rewards: My Experiences as Teacher in Rural Schools, 1910-1913John Rufin.d.RC#068935
35Professional Adventures and Rewards: My Years at Kansas State Normal, 1913-1918John Rufin.d.RC#068935
35Professional Adventures and Rewards: My Years at Teachers College, Columbia University, 1919-1925John Rufin.d.RC#068935
35Professional Adventures and Rewards: My Years at the University of Missouri, 1928-1962John Rufin.d.RC#068935
35Professional Assignments Abroad, Adventures and Rewards: Assignment to Germany, 1947John Rufin.d.RC#068935
35Professional Assignments Abroad, Adventures and Rewards: Assignment to the Far Pacific, 1953John Rufin.d.RC#068935
35Professional Assignments Abroad, Adventures and Rewards: Assignment to the New Republic of Turkey, 1951-1952John Rufin.d.RC#068935
36Abstracts of Dissertations in Education Accepted by the University of Missouri1916-1977, 1980, 1982-1985UMLD1
37Maxine Christopher Shutz Lecture - And Gladly TeachJohn M. Kuhlman1983UMLD1
37Technical Report No. 2, Videotape Records of Classroom InteractionBruce J. Biddle and Thomas E. Johns6/1964UMLD1
38Circular of Information - Conditions for the Approval of Schools, and Recommendations concerning Courses of Study, Methods of Instruction, and Equipment of Laboratories and Libraries in Secondary Schools (Third Edition) (bound in with Suggestions to Secondary Schools above)1902UMLD1
38Missouri Assembly on Higher EducationIrvin F. Coyle, ed.4/1962UMLD1
38Suggestions to Secondary Schools for the Equipment of Laboratories of Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Physiology, and Physical Geography, and of Libraries of Latin, Greek, History, and English1896-1897UMLD1
38University Bulletin - Education Series1911-1973Nos. 1-100UMLD1
41Extra-Divisional Administration Report No. 5, Trend Analysis of Transfer Students to the University of Missouri-Columbia from Missouri Colleges and Universities, Fall 1966 - Fall 1968Geoffrey R. McKee, Warren R. Seymour and Robert Callis3/1969RC#042481
41History of the Missouri Colleges Testing ProgramHomer Longca. 1967RC#042481
42Multicampus and Consolidated University Systems: Administrative Structures and GovernanceMerl Baker7/1974RC#042482
42Multicampus and Consolidated University Systems: Administrative Structures and Governance - Appendices C, D, E, F and GMerl Baker7/1974RC#042482
42Report on Cooperation and Coordination between University of Missouri Extension and Publicly Supported State Universities and Junior Colleges6/11/1975RC#042482
43Language of [H.H.] London, as remembered and told by his former students12/1970RC#042483
44About the University of Missouri Symboln.d.RC#054807
44New Opportunities and Challenges for International Scholars: Report on Midwestern Regional Conference for Senior Fulbright-Hays Scholars5/1976RC#054807
44Report of the Program Review Advisory Committee (draft)8/9/1984RC#054807
45Report, Empire State College: A Bold Experiment in Modernizing Contemporary Higher EducationRobert S. Bader et al.6/1973RC#054808
45Spectrum Index1983-1997Vols. 10-24RC#054808
45University of Missouri Certificated of Indebtedness: A ReportAlexander Martin1/25/1900RC#054808
46A Course Book in Extemporaneous Speaking1931UMLD1
46Maxine Christopher Shutz Lecture, Culture and the Survival of the Human VoiceRoy F. Fox10/2/1996UMLD1
46Maxine Christopher Shutz Lecture, Eighteenth Century Images of the Aged Woman ArtistPatricia Crown9/26/2003UMLD1
46Memorial Tree Dedication by the American War Mothers of Missouri10/1930UMLD1
46Some Observations on the Hebrew Grammar of Dr. Alexander MeyrowitzJ.S. Blackwell1879UMLD1
46University Bulletin - Literature Series No. 1, The Congress of LettersFred Newton Scott6/8/1917UMLD1
46University Bulletin - Literature Series No. 2, An Odious ComparisonGeorge Norlin7/6/1917UMLD1
47Desk Book1911UMLD1
48A Compilation of the Stephens Medal Prize Orations of the Missouri State University, with Biographical Sketches of the OratorsEugene L. Kaster1884UMLD1
48The Philosophy of English PoetryD.R. McAnally Jr.1883UMLD1
48University Songs - Miscellaneous Pamphlets. Titles include Old Missouri Songs and Yells; The Missouri Book: A Pamphlet of Songs and Yells; The Columns; and Alma Mater/Old Missouri1909-1910, 1910-1911, 1917-1918UMLD1
49Ardentia Literary Magazine1997-2000Nos. 1-7; Spring 2000C:22/00/22UMLD1
50Missouri Songs and Yells1920UMLD1
50QEBH Directory, Fifth (Golden Anniversary) EditionDavid Z. Shefrin, ed.1948UMLD1
50QEBH Directory, Sixth EditionCarl B. Voss, ed.1970UMLD1
50Rhymes of the Hinkson/Other PoemsWilliam Henry Pyle/Vernus Noble Pyle1963UMLD1
50Semi-Annual Report: NASA Grant NGR-26-004-0037/31/1965UMLD1
50The Poetry Bag1966-1970Vol. I Nos. 1-7; Vol. II Nos. 1, 4UMLD1
50UM-C Jane Allen Memorial Concert (VHS videocassette)3/3/1999UMLD1
51University Bulletins - Science Series1911-1914Vol. I Nos. 1-9; Vol. II Nos. 1-4RC#131557
54A Laboratory Manual of Elementary PhysicsH.C. Rentschler; revised by H.E. Hammond1921RC#131564
54Laboratory Instructions - General PhysicsH.M. Reese and C.W. Heaps1921RC#131564
54Laboratory Instructions in General PhysicsH.M. Reese and C.W. Heaps; revised by H.E. Hammond1924RC#131564
54Laboratory Manual of Elementary PhysicsH.C. Rentschler1916RC#131564
55Laws Observatory Bulletin (title changes to Publications of the University of Missouri Observatory with No. 31)1902-1921Vol. I Nos. 1-16; Vol. II Nos. 17-30; Nos. 31-34C:6/32/2RC#131566
55Tribute to Professor Paul Schweitzer by His Former Students in the University of Missouri, 1872-19061906RC#131566
56Cellular, Molecular, Developmental Genetics at the University of Missouri-Columbia1986UMLD1
58A Laboratory Manual for General BotanyJoseph M. Wood and Nancy E. Walker1970UMLD1
58Laboratory Outline in General Botany1919, 1922UMLD1
59Laboratory Outline - Morphology and Physiology of the Bacteria1921, 1922, 1942UMLD1
60Bulletin - Medical Series1913-1938Nos. 1-14C:14/47/1UMLD1
60Report to the President of the University from the Committee on Expanded Health Professions Education6/1979UMLD1
62Dalton Cardiovascular Research Center1992, 1997RC#131852
63Cardiovascular Day XV - Program and Abstracts2/16/2009RC#131853
64A Guide for the Hearing Aid UserRobert L. Cozad1976RC#131854
65In Memory of Dr. John Charles Whitten1923RC#131855
66End-of-Tour Report, Contract AID/nesa-320Frank D. Miller1968UMLD1
66End-of-Tour Report, Contract AID/nesa-320Frank D. Miller1971UMLD1
66End-of-Tour Report, Contract AID/nesa-321William J. Murphy1969UMLD1
66Principles and Practice of Plant PropagationW.L. Howard1914UMLD1
70End of Tour ReportA. Lee Jenkins1969UMLD1
72End of Tour ReportC.R. Meeker1968RC#068566
72End of Tour Report, Contract AID/nesa-144Ralph L. Ricketts1971RC#068566
72End of Tour Report, Contract AID/nesa-144Walter T. Wilkening1972RC#068566
72End of Tour Report, Contract AID/nesa-144C.V. Roderick1970RC#068566
72Project Completion Report, Contract AID/nesa-3201972RC#068566
72Report of Consultant in University Administration to Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology, Contract USAID/nesa-144Elmer Ellis5/14/1970RC#068566
72Research Programme of the Faculty of Agriculture, Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology1971RC#068566
72Terminal Report of Research Advisor to Orissa University of Agriculture and TechnologyJ.M. Poehlman1965RC#068566
75Swine Day Program1977RC#068614
76Consultant Report on College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry, Orissa University of Agriculture and TechnologyB.W. Kingrey2/9/1968UMLD1
76History of the American Society of Veterinary Clinical PathologistsHarry H. Berrier1974UMLD1
76Industrial Education at the University of Missouri1946UMLD1
76Research Animal Diagnostic and Investigative Laboratoryn.d.UMLD1
77One Act Plays - No. 1, The Artificial ReefDock Wilson AdamsC:6/20/1UMLD1
77One Act Plays - No. 10, Easy TermsAlexander Adger (James F. Dreher)C:6/20/1UMLD1
77One Act Plays - No. 11, Little LarrySherman CherawC:6/20/1UMLD1
77One Act Plays - No. 12, The Human SacrificeMaxwell Halliday (Joseph Ferguson)C:6/20/1UMLD1
77One Act Plays - No. 13, BoardwalkC. Julius (George Fox)C:6/20/1UMLD1
77One Act Plays - No. 14, Red Is the Color of Apple PolishAllean HaleC:6/20/1UMLD1
77One Act Plays - No. 15, They Walk in DarknessAllean HaleC:6/20/1UMLD1
77One Act Plays - No. 16, The Return of the RajahClay Dabney (Robert Hogan)C:6/20/1UMLD1
77One Act Plays - No. 17, The Thin, Red LineAxel Hume (Robert A. Williams and Lester Gibbs)C:6/20/1UMLD1
77One Act Plays - No. 18, The Review of O'TooleKenneth Kalb and Roger ClarkC:6/20/1UMLD1
77One Act Plays - No. 19, The NeedleCarey LloydC:6/20/1UMLD1
77One Act Plays - No. 2, Thursday DarkeRichard Damon (Stephen R. Allen)C:6/20/1UMLD1
77One Act Plays - No. 20, Phebe, HoneyWilliam MatheusC:6/20/1UMLD1
77One Act Plays - No. 21, The Fuse and the FlameKenneth McNow (Ronald Stephen Preuss)C:6/20/1UMLD1
77One Act Plays - No. 22, What's Best for BostonJohn RamseyC:6/20/1UMLD1
77One Act Plays - No. 23, No Beast So FierceSherwin ScienceC:6/20/1UMLD1
77One Act Plays - No. 24, The Big TimeAlvin ShapiroC:6/20/1UMLD1
77One Act Plays - No. 25, The HeroDonald SmithC:6/20/1UMLD1
77One Act Plays - No. 26, The Link of a ChainGerald T. SmithC:6/20/1UMLD1
77One Act Plays - No. 27, Tomorrow Will ComeGerald T. SmithC:6/20/1UMLD1
77One Act Plays - No. 28, The Best Friend of MalinskiHarold Stephenson (Vincent Williams)C:6/20/1UMLD1
77One Act Plays - No. 29, The ClimbersHarold Stephenson C:6/20/1UMLD1
77One Act Plays - No. 3, ExodusRichard A. ArmstrongC:6/20/1UMLD1
77One Act Plays - No. 30, Some Take the Easy WayHenry Bell (Harold C. Stephenson)C:6/20/1UMLD1
77One Act Plays - No. 31, As Ye Do Unto Others…Michael TimkoC:6/20/1UMLD1
77One Act Plays - No. 32, Alma AusenteC:6/20/1UMLD1
77One Act Plays - No. 33, The OutsiderOliver Wind (Robert O. Wise Jr.)C:6/20/1UMLD1
77One Act Plays - No. 34, The VigilAristophanes (Walter Evans)C:6/20/1UMLD1
77One Act Plays - No. 35, Fear to Bring ChildrenLynn Page Lee (Robin Colver)C:6/20/1UMLD1
77One Act Plays - No. 36, The MusicboxClaire Lawrence (Sheila Farmer)C:6/20/1UMLD1
77One Act Plays - No. 37, Afternoon for a BaptismEsmorelda Schwartz (Linda Dethman)C:6/20/1UMLD1
77One Act Plays - No. 38, Fear of Falling ApplesDene HammondC:6/20/1UMLD1
77One Act Plays - No. 39, The Sound of Eggs BreakingDene HammondC:6/20/1UMLD1
77One Act Plays - No. 4, Only a GameFred AshcraftC:6/20/1UMLD1
77One Act Plays - No. 40, Above the FireCharles Deemer1971C:6/20/1UMLD1
77One Act Plays - No. 41, The Knight-Mare's NestRamon DelgadoC:6/20/1UMLD1
77One Act Plays - No. 42, BAGBarry Knower1971C:6/20/1UMLD1
77One Act Plays - No. 43, Teddy Bears Never Mate in CaptivityDene Hammond1972C:6/20/1UMLD1
77One Act Plays - No. 44, PlottersBenjamin Bradford1971C:6/20/1UMLD1
77One Act Plays - No. 45, I Bring You FlowersWilliam LangC:6/20/1UMLD1
77One Act Plays - No. 46, A Color for Cassandra's DreamDene HammondC:6/20/1UMLD1
77One Act Plays - No. 47, The TherapyRick Morris1972C:6/20/1UMLD1
77One Act Plays - No. 48, WakeDavid SheltonC:6/20/1UMLD1
77One Act Plays - No. 49, BandagesLane Bateman1974C:6/20/1UMLD1
77One Act Plays - No. 5, Get In or Get OutPaul BeechingC:6/20/1UMLD1
77One Act Plays - No. 50, BrailleLane Bateman1974C:6/20/1UMLD1
77One Act Plays - No. 51, There Was an Old Woman Who Lived in a ShoeMark Nielson1974C:6/20/1UMLD1
77One Act Plays - No. 6, Small Openings in a WallOscar Brownstein and Dock AdamsC:6/20/1UMLD1
77One Act Plays - No. 7, Crystal WorldBrown (Anne Bryan)C:6/20/1UMLD1
77One Act Plays - No. 8, First-WatchEd BukyC:6/20/1UMLD1
77One Act Plays - No. 9, Looking for ChipKentuck Jones (Ed Buky)C:6/20/1UMLD1
78Ellis Library Architectural Program and Space Diagram AnalysisPeckham Guyton Albers and Viets1998UMLD1
78LUMIN: Library Automation at the University of MissouriGeorge Rickerson1986UMLD1
78Manual for Xerox - Microfilm Laboratory1968UMLD1
78One Act Plays - No. 52, Shaper Desprey's Talking to YouJohn Judson1973C:6/20/1UMLD1
78One Act Plays - No. 53, JezebelleBuriel Clay II1974C:6/20/1UMLD1
78One Act Plays - No. 54, Alfred Was Dead, to Begin WithDene Hammond1975C:6/20/1UMLD1
78One Act Plays - No. 55, CagedMark Berman1975C:6/20/1UMLD1
78One Act Plays - No. 56, Conjugal RitesDene Hammond1975C:6/20/1UMLD1
78One Act Plays - No. 57, Factor: Allow for Human ErrorNicholas Kryah1975C:6/20/1UMLD1
78One Act Plays - No. 58, The Flight of the DodoRamon Delgado1975C:6/20/1UMLD1
78One Act Plays - No. 59, Final PlayWilliam Lang1976C:6/20/1UMLD1
78One Act Plays - No. 60, Four PlayDene Hammond1976C:6/20/1UMLD1
78One Act Plays - No. 61, The Minstrel ShowLeslie David Perry1976C:6/20/1UMLD1
78One Act Plays - No. 62, MemorabiliaDaryl BusbyC:6/20/1UMLD1
78One Act Plays - No. 63, Gone By MorningHarry Zimbler Jr.1976C:6/20/1UMLD1
78One Act Plays - No. 64, Anna ZengerVirginia I. Cassil1976C:6/20/1UMLD1
78One Act Plays - No. 65, The Love GardenJames SunwallC:6/20/1UMLD1
79Industrial Education at the University of Missouri1951, 1965, 1967, 1969UMLD1
79Library Rulesn.d.UMLD1
79Principles of Wildlife Conservation: A Syllabus of Course Zoology 6Rudolf Bennitt9/1939UMLD1
79Programme of Examinations5/1904UMLD1
79Programme of Examinations1/1905UMLD1
79Schedule of Examinations1/1904UMLD1
79Schedule of Examinations1/1906UMLD1
79Schedule of StudiesSummer 1906UMLD1
82Annual Progress Report on Water Pollution Control Research - Water Pollution Aspects of Strip Mine DrainageArliss D. Ray1965RC#102894
82Radioactive Waste Disposal in the University Environment: Summary of the Data Collected in 1971John H. Tolan9/1973RC#102894
83A Lecture on PetroleumPaul Schweitzer1879RC#102895
83Annual Progress Report on Water Pollution Control Research - Predictions of Ground Water PollutionArliss D. Ray1964RC#102895
83Dairy Biomass Project Technical Reportn.d.Nos. 1-2RC#102895
83General Regulations of the Missouri State Military School1890; 1893; 1894; 1900; 1904; 1907C:29/00/1RC#102895
83Notes on Electrical MachineryH.B. Shawn.d.RC#102895
83Research Reactor Facility Hazards Summary ReportA.H. Emmons, D.G. Fitzgerald and E.L. Cox, eds.7/1/1965RC#102895
83Specifications for the Construction of the Research Reactor Facilities, Vol. I of IV, General Contractual Information2/1/1963RC#102895
83Specifications for the Construction of the Research Reactor Facilities, Vol. II of IV, Architectural and Structural Work2/1/1963RC#102895
84A Partial Bibliography of Books and Materials in English to Be Found in the University of Missouri Library about the Spanish-American War of 1898William A. Martin Jr.1962RC#102896
84The Library of the Future: Storehouse or Storefront?Barbara S. Uehling1986RC#102896
85A Guide to Resources on the History of Saint Louis (Working Paper INS 9)Selwyn K. Troen3/1971RC#102897
85Dynamo Laboratory Manual - Vol. II, Alternating CurrentsH.B. Shaw and A.E. Flowers1910RC#102897
85Facilities Program Plan for the Libraries of the University of Missouri-ColumbiaThomas R. Mason et al.12/1981RC#102897
85Library Science Periodicals: A Title Listing of Periodicals Relating to Library Work and Library Service in the University of Missouri Library5/1972RC#102897
85The Preparation of Copy: Booklet of Information for Users of Printing1/1912RC#102897
86A Descriptive Account of Book CataloguesHenry O. Severance1906UMLD1
86Corps of Discovery: A Musical Journey (excerpts)Michael Ching and Hugh Moffatt2003UMLD1
86Introduction to the University of Missouri and Opening Week Program (title changes to Welcome to the University in 1943 edition)1941, 1943, 1945UMLD1
86Marching Mizzou - into the MillenniumUMLD1
86MU Bandsn.d.UMLD1
86The Thomas Moore Johnson Collection1949UMLD1
87The Affirmative Action Program of University of Missouri-Columbia1983-1984UMLD1
87The Affirmative Action Program of University of Missouri-Columbia1986-1987Parts 1 and 2 of 2UMLD1
87The Affirmative Action Program of University of Missouri-Columbia1987-1988Parts 1 and 2 of 2UMLD1
87The Affirmative Action Program of University of Missouri-Columbia1988-1989Parts 1 and 2 of 2UMLD1
87The Affirmative Action Program of University of Missouri-Columbia and the University Hospitals and Clinics1990-1991UMLD1
87The Affirmative Action Program of University of Missouri-Columbia and the University Hospitals and Clinics1991-1992Folders 1-2 of 2UMLD1
87The Affirmative Action Program of University of Missouri-Columbia and the University Hospitals and Clinics1992-1993Folders 1-2 of 3UMLD1
88The Affirmative Action Program of University of Missouri-Columbia and the University Hospitals and Clinics1992-1993Folder 3 of 3UMLD1
88The Affirmative Action Program of University of Missouri-Columbia and the University Hospitals and Clinics1993-1994Part I, Folders 1-3 of 3; Part IIUMLD1
88The Affirmative Action Program of University of Missouri-Columbia and the University Hospitals and Clinics1994-1995Part I, Folders 1-3 of 3; Part IIUMLD1
88The Affirmative Action Program of University of Missouri-Columbia and the University Hospitals and Clinics1995-1996Part I, Folder 1 of 3UMLD1
89Affirmative Action Plan1999Vol. I, Folders 1-2; Vol. II Folders 1-3; Vol. III Folders 1-3; Vol. IV; Vol. VUMLD1
89The Affirmative Action Program of University of Missouri-Columbia and the University Hospitals and Clinics1995-1996Part I, Folders 2-3; Part II, Folders 1-2UMLD1
90Affirmative Action Plan2000Vol. I, Folders 1-3; Vol. II Folders 1-3; Vol. IIIUMLD1
90Affirmative Action Plan2001Vol. I, Folders 1-2; Vol. II Folders 1-3; Vol. III Folders 1-3; Vol. IVUMLD1
91Affirmative Action Plan2004Vol. I Folders 1-2; Vol. II Folders 1-3RC#003065
91Affirmative Action Plan2006Vol. I Folders 1-3RC#003065
91End of Tour Report, Contract AID/nesa-320Edward J. Constien1971RC#003065
91Horses: A Practical and Scientific ApproachMelvin Bradley1981RC#003065
91Johanne Dybwad, Norwegian ActressCarla Waal1967RC#003065
91Nutrition via Soil Fertility According to the Climatic PatternWilliam A. Albrecht5/1949RC#003065
91Sarapis and Isis - Collected EssaysThomas A. Brady1978RC#003065
91The Albrecht PapersCharles Walters Jr., ed.1975Vols. I-IIRC#003065
92Alternating Current CircuitsMendell P. Weinbach1933RC#003067
92Around the World on a NickelJimmy Bedford1967RC#003067
92End of Tour Report, Contract AID/nesa-144Harold V. Walton1971RC#003067
92Harriet BosseCarla Waal1993RC#003067
92Harvesting Your Milk CropCharles W. Turner1955RC#003067
92How Theatre Happens: Instructor's SupplementStephen M. Archer1978RC#003067
92Machine Milking Efficiency as Influenced by the Normal Formation of the Cow's UdderCharles W. Turner1950RC#003067
92Objectives, Prejudice and Techniques in the Teaching of EconomicsHarry Gunnison Brown1948RC#003067
92Soil Fertility and Animal HealthWilliam A. Albrecht1958RC#003067
92Some Disturbing Inhibitions and Fallacies in Current Academic EconomicsHarry Gunnison Brown1950RC#003067
92The First Twenty Years: A History of the Community Development Society, 1969-1989Lee J. Cary et al.1989RC#003067
92University Bulletin - Extension Series1913-1937Nos. 1-16, 19-87C:18/3/3RC#003067
93University Bulletin - Extension Series1938-1967Nos. 88-105, 107-158C:18/3/3RC#003069
94University Bulletin - Extension Series1968-1974Nos. 159-171C:18/3/3RC#003071
97Handicapped Workers and Veterans Affirmative Action Program1985-1986UMLD1
98Faculty Affirmative Action Utilization Analysis Goals and Timetables as of 11/1/831983UMLD1
98Occupational Employment Data SourcesDavid W. Stephens and Stephanie Taylor2/1980UMLD1
99Briefing for Deans and Administrators (Budget)2/1976UMLD1
100University of Missouri Energy Policyca. 1979UMLD1
102By-Laws Adopted by the Board of Curators1872, 1889, 1893, 1947RC#029977
102By-Laws of the University Council5/28/1909RC#029977
102By-Laws of the University Faculty (and Constitution of the University Council)1911, 1913, 1922, 1924, 1927, 1947, 1951, 1958, 1959, 1967RC#029977
102Collected Rules and Regulations 1969Vols. I-IIIRC#029977
102Collected Rules and Regulations - Indexca. 1970-1986RC#029977
102Miscellaneous Rules and Regulations1941RC#029977
102Rules of the Faculty of the College of Arts and Science1912, 1924RC#029977
102Statutes of the University of Missouri1904, 1906RC#029977
102Suggestions for the Amendment, Revision or Repeal of Statutes Relating to the University of the State of MissouriJ.G. Babb1894RC#029977
102University of the State of Missouri: An act to provide for the institution and support of a State University, approved Dec. 4, 1855; An act concerning the University, approved Dec. 12, 18551855RC#029977
103General Information for Students1937-1938; 1938-1939RC#029978
103Rules and Regulations of the University (title changes to Rules for the Guidance of Students of the University in 1894, Rules and Information for the Guidance of Students in 19111890, 1891, 1894-1895, 1895-1896, 1897-1898, 1898-1899, 1899-1900, 1900-1901, 1901-1902, 1902-1903, 1903-1904, 1907, 1909, 1910-1911, 1911-1912, 1912-1913, 1913-1914, 1914-1915, 1915-1916RC#029978
108Appendices to the Self-Study Report to the North Central Association12/1994UMLD1
108Education in Missouri: An Address Before the UniversityWinfield Scott Chapman6/1/1897UMLD1
108Report of President Daniel Read to the Board of Curators12/14/1875UMLD1
108Self-Study Report to North Central Association1/1985UMLD1
108Self-Study Report to North Central Association12/1994UMLD1
108UMC Self-Study (Report to North Central Association)12/1974UMLD1
109Committee on Strengthening the Preparation of Teachers6/1/1988UMLD1
109Final Report, Committee on Providing Access to Quality Undergraduate Liberal Arts Programs6/8/1988UMLD1
109Final Report, Committee on the Global Economy and International Studies6/1/1988UMLD1
109Institutional Self-Study Report for the North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools Review Visiting Committee2/1971Vols. I-IIUMLD1
109Recommendations for Scientific Research at the University of Missouri1988UMLD1
109Report from the Committee on Access to Engineering Education in Urban Areas1988UMLD1
109Report of the Agenda for Action Advisory Committee on Strengthening Professional Programs1988UMLD1
109Report of the Agenda for Action Committee on Telecommunications1988UMLD1
109Report of the Committee on Reallocation10/1988UMLD1
109Report to the President of the University of Missouri from the Committee on Demonstrating the Value of the University1988UMLD1
110A Plea for the Farmers, Mechanics and Miners of MissouriJames S. Rollins1872UMLD1
110Facilities and Needs of the University of Missourica. 1948UMLD1
110Mizzou Weekly Index1982-2000Vols. IV-XXIUMLD1
110Report of a Visit to the University of Missouri-Columbia for the Commission on Institutions of Higher Learning of the North Central Association of Colleges and SchoolsPhillip Certain et al.4/1995UMLD1
110UMC Basic Institutional Data1/1975UMLD1
111Colloquy on the Future of the University4/5/1971RC#048114
111Examination for Yeater Scholarships8/1896RC#048114
111Instructions to Examiners under the Yeater Scholarship Actn.d.RC#048114
111Personnel Policy Manual 1985RC#048114
111Personnel Policy Manual - superceded policies1983RC#048114
111Preface to Decision9/1971RC#048114
111Preface to Decision5/1971RC#048114
111Rules for the Guidance of the Council and the Faculties10/8/1894RC#048114
112Alternative to the Tentative Policy Statement on the University of Missouri: Its Future1/14/1972RC#048115
112Policy on University-Sponsored Educational Materials (including Copyright)2/19/1971RC#048115
112Strategic Planning at the University of Missouri-Columbia: Funding Campus PrioritiesFall 1995RC#048115
113Employee Relations Manual1977RC#048116
113One Mizzou: 2020 Vision for Excellence: The Strategic Plan of the University of Missouri5/26/2011RC#048116
113Plan for Continuing the Achievement of Equal Opportunity for Students and Faculty - Appendix H, Descriptive Materials for Recruitment and Programming for Black Undergraduate Students1981RC#048116
113Plan for Continuing the Achievement of Equal Opportunity for Students and Faculty - Appendix J, Descriptive Materials for Recruitment and Programming for Black Graduate and Professional Students1981RC#048116
113Plan for Continuing the Achievement of Equal Opportunity for Students and Faculty - First Annual Report8/1982RC#048116
113Plan for Continuing the Achievement of Equal Opportunity for Students and Faculty - Fourth Annual Report8/1985RC#048116
113Plan for Continuing the Achievement of Equal Opportunity for Students and Faculty - Part I7/9/1981RC#048116
113Plan for Continuing the Achievement of Equal Opportunity for Students and Faculty - Second Annual Report8/1983RC#048116
113Plan for Continuing the Achievement of Equal Opportunity for Students and Faculty - Third Annual Report8/1984RC#048116
114Classification Specifications19679 folders; includes updated specifications from later yearsRC#048117
114University of Missouri Bulletin1900-1901Vol. I Nos. 1-8; Vol. II Nos. 1-12RC#048117
115University of Missouri Bulletin1902-1908Vol. III Nos. 1-12; Vol. IV Nos. 1-12; Vol. V Nos. 1-12; Vol. VI Nos. 1-12; Vol. VII Nos. 1-10, 12; Vol. VIII Nos. 1-8, 10-12; Vol. IX Nos. 1-8, 12RC#048118
116University of Missouri Bulletin1909-1914Vol. X Nos. 1-2, 4-12; Vol. XI Nos. 1-2, 4-11; Vol. XII Nos. 1-12; Vol. XIII Nos. 1-8, 10-12; Vol. XIV Nos. 1-12; Vol. XV Nos. 1, 4, 10, 13-16, 18-19, 22, 26, monthly calendarUMLD1
117University of Missouri Bulletin1915-1920Vol. XVI Nos. 1, 7-8, 12-14, 17-19, 26, 29; Vol. XVII Nos. 2, 10, 14-15, 17, 20-21; Vol. XVIII Nos. 1, 3, 5-7, 10-13, 16, 18-20, 33; Vol. XIX Nos. 1, 5, 7, 13, 16--22, 25; Vol. XX Nos. 3-4, 10, 12, 17-23, 25, 27, 32; Vol. XXI Nos. 2, 7-, 10-13, 18-19, 22-23, 28, 34, 36UMLD1
118University of Missouri Bulletin1921-1929Vol. XXII Nos. 1-2, 4, 6-8, 10-14, 17-18, 22-24, 31-32; Vol. XXIII Nos. 2-10, 12-14, 22, 33, 35; Vol. XXIV Nos. 1, 3, 5-7, 10, 12, 14-15, 17-18, 23, 25, 30, 33; Vol. XXV Nos. 1-4, 6-11, 13-15, 25, 28-29, 33-34; Vol. XXVI Nos. 1-5, 11-21, 24, 31, 34; Vol. XXVII Nos. 1-4, 9-10, 12, 14-15, 18-21, 23-24, 33-34, 39, 42-43; Vol. XXVIII Nos. 1-2, 7-8, 12-21, 37-39, 44, 46-48; Vol. XXIX Nos. 1-3, 6-12, 15-16, 18, 21, 27, 38; Vol. XXX Nos. 1-15, 18-19, 33, 35, 42-43, 48UMLD1
119University of Missouri Bulletin1930-1940Vol. XXXI Nos. 1-10, 12, 25-27, 33; Vol. XXXII Nos. 1-2, 5-6, 8-9, 11-13, 15-19, 21, 24, 27-30, 36; Vol. XXXIII Nos. 1-13, 28, 30, 34-36; Vol. XXXIV Nos. 1-6, 13-15, 17, 19, 23; Vol. XXXV Nos. 3-16, 19-20, 23; Vol. XXXVI Nos. 2, 4-14, 16, 22-23; Vol. XXXVII Nos. 1-2, 4, 6-11, 13-16, 18, 20-21, 23, 25; Vol. XXXVIII Nos. 2-12, 17-19, 21, 23-24; Vol. XXXIX Nos. 1-8, 10, 16, 18, 23-24; Vol. XL Nos. 1-8, 12-13, 17-19; Vol. XLI Nos. 1-11, 14, 17-18, 22-24UMLD1
120University of Missouri Bulletin1941-1948Vol. XLII Nos. 1, 3, 3 [sic], 6-13, 18, 21-24; Vol. XLIII Nos. 2-16, 18-19, 24; Vol. XLIV Nos. 1, 4, 7-12, 14-16; Vol. XLV Nos. 1-4, 6-9, 11, 13-14, 17, 20, 20 [sic], 21-22, 24; Vol. XLVI Nos. 1-2, 7, 10-13, 10 [sic], 17-19, 22, 25, 28-29, 31-32, 34; Vol. XLVII Nos. 1-3, 5-11, 13-18, 25-27, 34; Vol. XLVIII Nos. 2-3, 5-6, 8-9, 12 [sic], 11-12, 14-15, 19-24, 30-33; Vol. XLIX Nos. 3-4, 7-8, 10-12, 14-16, 18-23, 25, 29, 32-36UMLD1
121University of Missouri Bulletin1949-1953Vol. L Nos. 1, 4-5, 7-24, 31, 33-36; Vol. LI Nos. 1-2, 4-13, 15, 17, 19-25, 27, 30, 34-36; Vol. LII Nos. 1, 5, 9-12, 15, 17, 19, 21-29, 31-32; Vol. LIII Nos. 1, 6-12, 15, 18-25, 27-29-32, 35-37, 39; Vol. LIV Nos. 1, 5, 8, 10-20, 22, 24, 26-28, 30-32, 35-37, 39-41, 44RC#055287
122University of Missouri Bulletin1954-1958Vol. LV Nos. 1-5, 7-18, 21-24, 26-28, 31-35, 37; Vol. LVI Nos. 1-3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 15-17, 19-21, 23, 26, 28-29, 32-36, 38-39, 41; Vol. LVII Nos. 3, 5, 7-8, 10, 12, 14-16, 19, 21-25, 27, 29, 31-32, 34-35, 38-40, 42; Vol. LVIII Nos. 2-4, 6-8, 10, 15, 17-21, 24-26, 29-32, 36, 38-40, 42-44; Vol. LIX Nos. 3-4, 6-8, 12-13, 18-22RC#055288
123University of Missouri Bulletin1958-1960Vol. LIX Nos. 23-31, 34, 36, 41-43; Vol. LX Nos. 4-7, 12-21, 23, 26-27, 30-34, 37-38, 42-43, 45-47; Vol. LXI Nos. 2-3, 6-7, 9, 11, 14-20, 23-26, 31-32, 34-39, 41-43, 47-48, 52-54, 56-58RC#055289
124University of Missouri Bulletin1961-1963Vol. LXII Nos. 1-7, 11, 13-17, 22-24, 28-29, 33-34, 38-39, 42-44; Vol. LXIII Nos. 1, 3-7, 9-10, 12-17, 19-21, 23-24, 28-32, 36; Vol. LXIV Nos. 1-3, 5, 8-11, 13-15, 17RC#055324
125University of Missouri Bulletin1963-1965Vol. LXIV Nos. 18-23, 25-26, 28, 30-34, 36; Vol. LXV Nos. 3-4, 6-16, 16A, 17, 17A, 18, 18A, 19A, 20, 20A, 21-22, 22A, 23, 23A, 24, 24A, 25-27, 27A, 28, 28A, 29, 29A, 31A, 32A, 34A, 35-38; Vol. LXVI Nos. 1--2, 4, 6-10, 13-17, 19-26, 29-30, 32RC#055338
126University of Missouri Bulletin1965-1967Vol. LXVI Nos. 33-37, 40-44; Vol. LXVII Nos. 2-4, 6-12, 14-29, 32-34, 37-41; Vol. LXVIII Nos. 2-7, 9, 11-28UMLD1
127University of Missouri Bulletin1967-1969Vol. LXVIII Nos. 30, 33-37; Vol. LXIX Nos. 1-7, 9-11, 13-20, 22-26, 28, 31-32, 34-37; Vol. LXX Nos. 1, 3-7, 10-23, 26-30, 32-37UMLD1
128University of Missouri Bulletin1970-1971Vol. LXXI Nos. 1-8, 10-11, 13-17, 19-21, 23-30, 32-35, 37; Vol. LXXII Nos. 1-4, 6-12, 14-21, 23, 25-27, 29-36UMLD1
129University of Missouri Bulletin1972-1976Vol. LXXIII Nos. 1-24, 26-27; Vol. LXXIV Nos. 1-5, 7-26; Vol. LXXV Nos. 1-10, 12-14, 16-25; Vol. LXXVI Nos. 1-26; Vol. LXXVII Nos. 1-9, 11-13, 15-26UMLD1
130University of Missouri Bulletin1977-1980Vol. LXVIII Nos. 1-25; Vol. LXXIX Nos. 1-14, 16-26; Vol. LXXX Nos. 1, 3-7, 9-15, 17-24; Vol. LXXXI Nos. 1-22UMLD1
131University of Missouri Bulletin1981-1992Vol. LXXXII Nos. 1-8; Vol. LXXXIII Nos. 1-4; Vol. LXXXIV Nos. 1-4; Vol. LXXXV Nos. 1-4; Vol. LXXXVI Nos. 1-4; Vol. LXXXVII Nos. 1-4; Vol. LXXXVIII Nos. 1-5; Vol. LXXXIX Nos. 1-4; Vol. XC Nos. 1-5; Vol. XCI Nos. 1-4; Vol. XCII Nos. 1-6; Vol. XCIII Nos. 1-4RC#001100
132University of Missouri Bulletin1993-2007Vol. XCIV Nos. 1-7; Vol. XCVI Nos. 3-7; Vol. XCVIII Nos. 1, 4, 7; Vol. XCIX Nos. 1, 4; Vol. C Nos. 1-4, 7, 9-10; Vol. CI Nos. 1, 3-4, 7; General 1999 Series No. 10 (Graduate Catalog 2001-2003, two copies); Vol. CII Nos. 1-6, 7a, 7b (two copies), 8; Vol. CIII Nos. 3-4; Vol. CIV Nos. 1-4, 8; Vol. CV Nos. 1-5, 7-8; Vol. CVI Nos. 2-3; Vol. CVII No. 5; Vol. CVIII No. 6RC#001134
133University Catalog (bound, combines multiple years)1843-1866RC#001289
133University Catalog (bound, combines multiple years)1845-1865RC#001289
133University Catalog (bound, combines multiple years)1867-1874RC#001289
133University Catalog (bound, combines multiple years)1875-1880RC#001289
133University Catalog (bound, combines multiple years)1876-1877RC#001289
133University Catalog (bound, combines multiple years)1877-1878RC#001289
133University Catalog (bound, combines multiple years)1878-1882RC#001289
133University Catalog (bound, combines multiple years)1881-1886RC#001289
133University Catalog (bound, combines multiple years)1887-1891RC#001289
133University Catalog (bound, combines multiple years)1891-1897RC#001289
134Circular Descriptiva (general information circular about the University, written entirely in Spanish)n.d. (Jesse presidency)RC#004309
134University Catalog (bound, combines multiple years)1892-1896RC#004309
134University Catalog (bound, combines multiple years)1896-1899RC#004309
134University Catalog (bound, combines multiple years)1898-1901RC#004309
134University Catalog (bound, combines multiple years)1902-1903RC#004309
134University Catalog (bound, combines multiple years)1904-1905RC#004309
134University Catalog (bound, combines multiple years)1906-1907RC#004309
135Directory of Students of the University of MissouriE.W. Stephens Publishing Co.1905-1906, 1906-1907RC#008640
135Directory of the Faculty and Students of the University of Missouri1907-1908, 1908-1909, 1909-1910, 1910-1911, 1911-1912, 1912-1913, 1913-1914RC#008640
135List of Names of Students Attending the University1883-1884, 1884-1885, 1885-1886, 1886-1887, 1887-1888RC#008640
135Student/Faculty DirectoryColumbia Missourian1916-1917, 1917-1918, 1919-1920, 1925-1926, 1926-1927, 1927-1928, Summer 1928, 1928-1929, 1929-1930, 1930-1931, Summer 1931, 1931-1932, 1932-1933, Summer 1933, 1933-1934, Summer 1934, 1934-1935, Summer 1935, 1935-1936, Summer 1936, 1936-1937, Summer 1937, 1937-1938, Summer 1938, 1938-1939, Summer 1939, 1939-1940, Summer 1940, 1940-1941, Summer 1941, 1941-1942, Summer 1942, 1942-1943, Summer 1943, 1943-1944, Summer 1944, 1944-1945, Summer 1945, 1945-1946, Summer 1946, 1946-1947, Summer 1947, 1950-1951, 1951-1952, 1952-1953RC#008640
136A Register of the Officers of Instruction and AdministrationUniversity of Missouri10/1913UMLD1
136Student DirectoryUniversity of MissouriFall 1950, Fall 1950 supplement, Winter 1951, Summer 1951, Fall 1951, Summer 1952, Fall 1952, Fall 1955, Fall 1956, Summer 1957, Fall 1957, Summer 1958, Fall 1958, Summer 1959, Fall 1959, Summer 1960, Fall 1960, Summer 1961, Fall 1961, Summer 1962, Fall 1962, Winter 1962, Winter 1963, Summer 1963, Fall 1963, Summer 1964, Fall 1964, Winter 1964, Summer 1965, Fall 1965, Winter 1965, Summer 1966, Fall 1966, Winter 1966, Summer 1967, Fall 1967, Summer 1968, Fall 1968, Winter 1969, Summer 1969, Fall 1969, Winter 1970, Summer 1970, Winter 1971, Summer 1971UMLD1
136Student/Faculty DirectoryColumbia Missourian1953-1954, 1954-1955, 1955-1956, 1959-1960UMLD1
136Student/Faculty DirectoryColumbia Tribune1939-1940, 1940-1941UMLD1
137Directory - Faculty/Staff/StudentsUniversity of Missouri1970-1971, 1971-1972, 1972-1973, 1973-1974, 1974-1975UMLD1
137Directory - Register of the Officers of Instruction and AdministrationUniversity of Missouri10/1915UMLD1
137Faculty DirectoryUniversity of MissouriSummer 1947, Fall 1947, Summer 1948, 1948-1949, Summer 1949, 1949-1950, Summer 1950, Fall 1950, Summer 1951, Fall 1951, Summer 1952, Fall 1952, Summer 1953, 1953-1954, Summer 1954, 1954-1955, Summer 1955, 1955-1956, Summer 1956, 1956-1957, Summer 1957, 1957-1958, Summer 1958, 1958-1959, Summer 1959, 1959-1960, 1960 (revised 1/1/1960), Summer 1960, 1960-1961, Summer 1961, 1961-1962, Summer 1962, 1962-1963, Summer 1963, 1963-1964, 1964-1965, 1965-1966UMLD1
137Office and Telephone DirectoryUniversity of Missouri1966-1967, 1967-1968, 1968-1969, 1969-1970UMLD1
137Official Directory (Teachers and Administrative Officers)University of Missouri1916-1917, 1917-1918, 1918-1919, 1919-1920, 1920-1921, 1921-1922, 1922-1923, 1923-1924, 1924-1925, 1926-1927, 1927-1928, 1928-1929, 1929-1930, 1930-1931, 1931-1932, Summer 1932, 1932-1933, Summer 1933, 1933-1934, Summer 1934, 1934-1935, Summer 1935, 1935-1936, Summer 1936, 1936-1937, Summer 1937, 1937-1938, Summer 1938, 1939-1940, Summer 1940, 1940-1941, Summer 1941, 1941-1942, Summer 1942, 1942-1943, Summer 1943, 1943-1944, Summer 1944, 1944-1945, Summer 1945, 1945-1946, Summer 1946, 1946-1947UMLD1
138Directory - Faculty/Staff/StudentsUniversity of Missouri1975-1976, 1976-1977, 1977-1978, 1978-1979, 1979-1980, 1980-1981, 1981-1982, 1982-1983, 1983-1984, 1984-1985, 1985-1986, 1986-1987, 1987-1988, 1988-1989, 1989-1990, 1990-1991UMLD1
139Directory - Faculty/Staff/StudentsUniversity of Missouri1991-1992, 1992-1993, 1993-1994, 1994-1995, 1995-1996, 1996-1997, 1997-1998, 1998-1999, 1999-2000, 2000-2001, 2001-2002, 2002-2003, 2003-2004, 2004-2005, 2005-2006UMLD1
140A Recommendation regarding Missouri State Military SchoolCaptain Joseph Frazier3/10/1906UMLD1
140Directory - Faculty/Staff/StudentsUniversity of Missouri2006-2007, 2007-2008, 2008-2009, 2009-2010, 2010-2011, 2011-2012, 2012-2013UMLD1
140Directory of Students and Faculty - Christian College/Stephens College/University of MissouriColumbia Missourian1957-1958UMLD1
140Fraternity and Sorority Directory(independently published)1938-1939, 1939-1940UMLD1
140Perspectives in EducationIrvin W. Cockriel, Charles D. Schmitz, and Virginia R. Wheeler1978UMLD1
140Proposal for Development of a Mathematical Sciences CenterUniversity of Missouri1965UMLD1
140Students Register - includes information for students at the University, Christian College, Stephens College, University Academy, and Normal AcademyStudents Register Co.1898-1899UMLD1
141Graduate School Degrees Conferred, 1892-1942University of Missouri (bulletin series)11/1/1943RC#013800
141Graduate School Degrees Conferred, 1892-1948University of Missouri (bulletin series)8/1/1949RC#013800
141Graduate School Degrees Conferred, 1949-1955University of Missouri (bulletin series)11/15/1956RC#013800
141Graduate School Degrees Conferred, 1956-1960University of Missouri (bulletin series)6/1/1961RC#013800
141Graduate School Degrees Conferred, 1961-1965University of Missouri (bulletin series)ca. 1967RC#013800
141Reflections of a DeanHenry E. Bent1982RC#013800
143Announcement of Honors1954-1955, 1955-1956, 1956-1957, 1957-1958, 1958-1959, 1959-1960, 1960-1961, 1961-1962C:0/18/1RC#013833
143Honors Convocation1948-1953Nos. 1-7C:0/18/1RC#013833
144Bequests Programca. 1937RC#013834
144University News Letter11/6/1900-9/3/1901Nos. 17-37C:1/141/21RC#013834
145Campus Disaster Plan1962RC#013862
145University of Missouri Fact Book (various titles)2004, 2006, 2007, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2016C:1/104/00RC#013862
146Pamphlets - Vol. 2, Alumni Addresses - James H. Moss, 1854; Odon Guitar, 1856; John F. Williams, 1858; L.M. Lawson, 1879; S.B. Elkins, 1885; Henry W. Ewing, 1887; Charles E. Yeater, 1890; Sally Gentry Elston, 1893; Hanau W. Loeb, 1894; John H. Duncan, 1895; F.N. Peters, 1897; Louis Theilmann, 1899; William Vincent Byars, 1898UMLD1
146Pamphlets - Vol. 3, Memorials to the (Missouri) General Assembly and its committees1869, 1881, 1883, 1885, 1887, 1892, 1893, 1897, 1901UMLD1
146Pamphlets - Vol. I, Addresses. Titles include Education in Missouri, by Winfield Scott Chaplin, 6/1/1897; An Address by Capt. O.H. Ernst… before the Graduating Class of the Engineering School, 1881; University of the State of Missouri in the Spanish-American War, by George H. English, 1/25/1899; The Trust Company of Today, by Virgil M. Harris, 11/17/1904; Public Schools of Boone County - For the Friends of Education, by W.M. Hatton, ca. 1892; An Address Delivered before the Union Literary Society..., John J. Jacob, 7/2/1858; An Address Delivered before the Union Literary Society..., F.T. Kemper, 7/4/1856; The History of Liberty... an Address Delivered before the Athenaean Society..., Leander Ker, 7/30/1845; Industrial Education, by S.S. Laws, 9/30/1884; Address to the Graduating Class of the State University, by Joseph N. McDowell, 1856; The Proposed Radical Railway Legislation, by H.T. Newcomb, 10/20/1905; The Path of Honor... an Address Delivered before the Union Literary Society..., by William S. Potts, 7/30/1845; Address on Education Delivered in the House of Representatives of Missouri, Daniel Read, 1/18/1867; Address to the House of Representatives by Daniel Read, 2/17/1869; Commencement Address, by Daniel Read, 6/29/1870; Valedictory Address, by W. Renfro Rothwell, 7/4/1854; The Importance of Scientific Research and Need of Educational Reform, by Dr. See, 1/20/1898; Address before the Athenaean Society, by William C. Shields, 7/4/1857; The Secret of Success: An Address Delivered before the Union Literary Society, by William F. Switzler, 7/29/1846; Address... to the Engineering Students, by J.A.L. Waddell, 4/2/1903; Selfism: An Address Delivered before the Union Literary and Athenaean Societies, by Rev. E. Wentworth, 8/23/1848; Address... before the Law Department, by Henry Wollman, n.d.; Convocation Address, Anticipating Requirements, by Wilbur K. Thomas, 9/15/1932UMLD1
146University Bulletin - Arts and Science Series1945-1970Nos. 1-12UMLD1
146University of Missouri News Service (news releases)1930-1936UMLD1
147Alumni Directories1897, 1902, 1906, 1911, 1915, 1917UMLD1
147Announcement of the Missouri University (satire)I. Don't-care-who1853UMLD1
147BA Graduates in Geography, 1929-20009/2000UMLD1
147Homecoming programs and pamphlets1922, 1926UMLD1
147Miscellaneous programs and pamphlets -subjects include club and grill room, n.d.; High School Day, 1910, 1914; Kansas City Society of University Extension, 1892; Farmer's County Fair, 1916; Dedication of Memorial Tower and Memorial Stadium, 11/20/1926; Dedication of Tate Hall, 10/1/1927; Views of Missouri and Elsewhere exhibition of paintings by John S. Ankeney, n.d.; School of Medicine Precommencement Exercises, 5/29/1958; St. Louis Symphony Orchestra, n.d.; Editors Week, 5/1910; 62nd Reunion of the Alumni Association, 6/4/1914; St. Paul's Cathedral Stone, 1925; Presentation of bronze portrait reliefs of James S. Rollins and John H. Lathrop, 6/4/1929; Neff Hall dedication, 5/7/1920; Opening Convocation, 9/15/1932; Glee Club Program, 1904, 1907; Commencement Horse Show Program, 6/1/1915; Inauguration of A. Ross Hill, 12/10-11/1908; Centennial Convocation, 11/1/1939; Convocation, 3/22/1932; 75th Anniversary of University Founding, 6/3/1914; Commencement Week Calendar, 1967; Installation of the Faculty, 10/2/1860; School of Mines and Metallurgy Commencement, 5/26/1916; New University Buildings, ca. 1892; Some Things the State University Has Done for Missouri, n.d.; Inauguration of Stratton D. Brroks, 11/16/1923; Irvin Switzler letter to Curators re Enrollment, 1/31/1906; J.O. Perrine lecture, New Horizons in Communication, 10/27/1948; University Co-operative Store, 9/13/1909; Daniel Read Commencement Address, 6/29/1870; May Day, 5/14/1910; Glee and Mandolin Clubs, 19091860-1967UMLD1
147Mizzou's Top Ten2012UMLD1
147Mortgage Lane: Life in Mid-America at Mid-CenturyLoren Reid1994UMLD1
147The Advisory Council of the University of Missouri12/9-10/1932UMLD1
148A Sketch of the University of the State of MissouriThomas Jefferson Lowryca. 1890UMLD1
148Community Dinner to John Carleton Jones7/28/1926UMLD1
148Ella Victoria Dobbs - A Portrait BiographyVerna M. Wulfekammer1961UMLD1
148Elmer Ellis: Teacher, Scholar and Administrator1961UMLD1
148Exercises in Memory of John Carleton Jones6/3/1930UMLD1
148Fifty Years of Public School TeachingClaude Anderson Phillips1948UMLD1
148Frederick Arnold Middlebush Appreciation Banquet6/10/1954UMLD1
148Memoirs of My Years at the University of MissouriC. Brice Ratchford1996UMLD1
148Memorial Service: Frank Luther Mott11/1/1964UMLD1
148My Road to EmeritusElmer Ellis1988UMLD1
148Official Retirement of President Richard Henry Jesse1891UMLD1
148Ozark Farm Boy to University Professor EmeritusErnest M. Funk6/1975UMLD1
148Ozark Farm Boy to University Professor Emeritus (Revised edition)Ernest M. Funk1990UMLD1
148Presentation of Bronze Portrait Reliefs of Major James Sidney Rollins and President John Hiram Lathrop6/14/1929UMLD1
148Richard Henry JesseHenry O. Severance1937UMLD1
148Serving the University of MissouriJames C. Olson1993UMLD1
148University of Missouri in the Service of the State1953UMLD1
149A History of the University of MissouriFrank F. Stephens1962UMLD1
149A History of the University of Missouri, 1839-1939Jonas Viles1939UMLD1
149Burning of the University of Missouri. January 9, 1892. Descriptive SketchGeorge Armstrong Wauchope1895(two copies)UMLD1
149Industrial Education: Address of S.S. Laws… Before the Mechanics' Exchange, St. Louis, Mo.Samuel Spahr Laws9/30/1884UMLD1
149Memorial of the Curators… Asking for an Appropriation to Erect a Woman's College Home, for the accomodation of Women Students…1871UMLD1
149Mizzou TodayRichard L. Wallace2007UMLD1
149Record Facts relating to the Creation, Location and Maintenance of the College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts and the School of Mines and Metallurgy1/1/1901UMLD1
149The Sesquicentennial Plant Trail1989C:1/145/5UMLD1
149The University of Missouri: An Illustrated HistoryJames and Vera Olson1988(two copies, one signed by the authors to Ruth and Elmer Ellis and the other signed by the authors to Paul and Joan [?] Nagel)UMLD1
149The University of Missouri: First State University in the Louisiana Purchase (Bulletin General Series No. 23)1953C:0/51/3UMLD1
149University of Missouri (viewbook)1904C:0/51/3UMLD1
149University of Missouri at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition1904(two copies)C:0/46/18UMLD1
149View of Some Distinguished Men1/10/1905UMLD1
150A Pictorial Review: The University of Missouri 19751976UMLD1
150Preparing Higher Education Facilities for Handicapped Students: Establishment of the University of Missouri as a Modified Regional University Facility to Serve the Physically HandicappedJohn F. McGowan and Tim Gust2/1968UMLD1
151[untitled informational booklet about the University and Columbia]1925(two copies)RC#001013
1511929 Memorial Union Building Campaign1929RC#001013
151A Proposal for the Educational Use of the Weldon Spring Tract3/1978RC#001013
151A Study of University Organization for Undergraduate Education - A Report to the ChancellorH.C. Schooling, R. Callis and V.A. Metcalf2/1966RC#001013
151Dedication of Lee H. Tate Memorial Law Building10/1/1927RC#001013
151Dedication of the Geology Building5/15/1965RC#001013
151Equitas newsletter2/2003Vol. II No. 3RC#001013
151Harlequin magazine1959Vol. I Nos. 1-3C:22/10/2RC#001013
151Information and Regulations for Students of the Reserve Officers Training Corps1922RC#001013
151Neff Hallca. 1919RC#001013
151The 1977 Memorial Union Student SurveyThomas Hargrove, Roger Eastman and John Carter1977RC#001013
151The Agriculture Building - Dedication5/4/1961RC#001013
151The Memorial Union and Stadium (University Bulletin Vol. XXIV No. 29)10/10/1923RC#001013
151The Order of Exercises and the Addresses at the Dedication of Academic Hall and the New Department Buildings6/4/1895RC#001013
151University of Missouri Divisions at Columbia, Missouri - General Information Relating to $600,000 Memorial Union Building Revenue Bonds1950RC#001013
152Athenaean Society. Address by North Todd GentryNorth Todd Gentry4/1926RC#001629
153Baccalaureate Exercises1895, 1897, 1902, 1903, 5/1925, 7/1925, 6/1926, 7/1927, 6/1928, 7/1928, 6/1929, 7/1929, 6/1930, 7/1930, 5/1931, 7/1931, 6/1932, 6/1933, 7/1933, 6/1934, 7/1934, 6/1935, 7/1935, 5/1936, 6/1937, 8/1937, 6/1938, 7/1938, 6/1939, 7/1939, 6/1940, 7/1940, 6/1941, 8/1941, 8/1942, 6/1943, 6/1944, 6/1945, 6/1946RC#003336
153Commencement programs1848, 1856, 1858, 1860, 1870, 1881, 1884, 1889, 1890, 1891, 1892, 1893C:0/18/1RC#003336
153Event program, Samuel Brody Memorial Lecture1965, 1966, 1967, 1968[Fifth, Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Lectures]RC#003336
154Commencement programs [also includes some other event programs]1892, 1893, 1894, 1895, 1896, 1897, 1898, 1899, 1900, 1901, 1902, 1903, 1904, 1905, 1906, 1907, 1908, 1909, 1910, 1911, 1912, 1913, 1914, 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920, 1921, 1922, 1923, 1924, 1925, 1926, 1927, 1928, 1929, 1930, 1931, 1932, 1933, 1934, 1935, 1936, 1937, 1938, 1939, 1940, 1941, 1942, 1943, 1944, 1945, 1946, 1947, 1948, 1949, 1950, 1951, 1952, 1953, 1954, 1955C:0/18/1RC#004417
155Commencement programs1956, 1957, 1958, 1959, 1960, 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1967, 1968, 1969, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1981 (A&S only), 1982 (order of exercises only), 1985 (summer only), 1986, 1987 (summer only), 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995C:0/18/1RC#005176
156A. Ross Hill Inauguration - bulletins, circulars, etc.1908C:1/9/1UMLD1
156Celebration of the Semi-Centennial7/4/1890C:0/7/3UMLD1
156Commencement programs1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 (incl. Vet Med), 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015C:0/18/1UMLD1
156Commencement Week booklet (leather bound)1921C:0/18/1UMLD1
156Commencement Week booklet (leather bound)1930C:0/18/1UMLD1
156Exercises at the Inauguration of Albert Ross Hill1909UMLD1
156Exercises at the Inauguration of Stratton Duluth Brooks1923UMLD1
156Inaugural Addresses (bound volume) - subjects include dedication of Academic Hall (the Edifice), 1843; James Shannon inauguration, 1850; installation of the faculty, 1860; Daniel Read inauguration, 1867; Samuel S. Laws inauguration, 1876; Richard H. Jesse inauguration, 18911843-1891UMLD1
156Installation of the Faculty10/2/1860UMLD1
156The Motive Power of Life: Commencement AddressCasper S. Yost6/6/1934C:0/18/1UMLD1
156The Presidential Inauguration of C. Peter Magrath: Show Me Tomorrow1985UMLD1
156The Salt of the Earth: Commencement AddressWilliam Vincent Byars6/1/1898(two copies)C:0/18/1UMLD1
156The University of Missouri: Centennial Celebration ProceedingsWilliam J. Young, ed.1940UMLD1
156University of the State of Missouri: An Account of the Semi-Centennial Celebration of Its Founding1890UMLD1
157A Brief History of the University Development FoundationCarol Deering1988UMLD1
157The John M. Dalton Research Center1975UMLD1
158Catalyst3-4/1963Vol. I Nos. 1-2C:22/3/6UMLD1
158Closed Mondays1988-1989Vol. I No. 1; Vol. II No. 1 (two copies of each issue)C:22/00/22UMLD1
158Columbia Free Press1966-1967Vol. I Nos. 1-3; Vol. II Nos. 1-6C:22/3/6UMLD1
158Feature magazine1952Vol. I Nos. 1-2UMLD1
158The Asterisk: A Literary Magazine1938-1939Vol. I Nos. 1-3, 5C:22/00/2UMLD1
158The Black Stocking1944-1945Vol. I Nos. 1-3C:22/00/8UMLD1
158The Columns: The Magazine for Everybody3/1/1912UMLD1
158The Debater's Greensheet9/24/1923Vol. I No. 1UMLD1
158The Hotchkiss School: A PortraitLael Tucker Wertenbaker and Maude Basserman1966Gift of Janet R. Berry; book illustrations by William A. Berry, MU Professor of ArtUMLD1
158The Missouri University Magazine5/1880Vol. II No. 4UMLD1
159MSU Independent1894-1902Vol. I Nos. 1-7; Vol. II Nos. 1, 1 extra, 2, 2 extra, 3, 3 extra, 4-17; Vol. III Nos. 1-2, 2 extra, 3, 3 extra, 4-18; Vol. IV Nos. 1-3, 1 extra, 4-16; Vol. V Nos. 1-7; Vol. VI Nos. 1-8; Vol. VI [sic] Nos. 1-12, 14-27; Vol. VII Nos. 1, 3-5, 7, 9-15; Vol. VIII Nos. 1-16; Vol. IX Nos. 1-31C:22/3/5UMLD1
159The Missouri OutlookApril 1915, May 1915, October 1915, November 1915, February 1916C:22/8/79UMLD1
160MSU Independent1902-1910Vol. X Nos. 2-11, 11 Thanksgiving football special, 12-13, 15-26, 29-30; Vol. XI Nos. 1-33; Vol. XII Nos. 1-33; Vol. XIII Nos. 1-32; Vol. XIV Nos. 1-2, 5-32; Vol. XV Nos. 1-15, 15 [sic], 16-25, Easter special, 26-31 [also includes The Daily Missourian Vol. I Nos. 1-3]; Vol. VXI Nos. 1-32; Vol. XVII Nos. 1-13, 16-25, 24 [sic], 25 [sic], 26-27, 31-32C:22/3/5UMLD1
162Index to Missouri Alumni Quarterly, Vols. I-IV, and Missouri Alumnus, Vols. I-XXC:0/3/2RC#001309
162Index to Missouri Alumnus, Vols. XXI-XXVC:0/3/2RC#001309
167The Tiger Lily4/1901Vol. I No. 1UMLD1
167Varsity Life1911-1912Nos. 1-4UMLD1
168The University Argus1887-1895Vol. I Nos. 3-5; Vol. II Nos. 1, 3-4; Vol. III Nos. 1-4; Vol. IV Nos. 1-4; Vol. V Nos. 1-5; Vol. VI Nos. 1-3; Vol. VII Nos. 2-5; Vol. VIII Nos. 1-4; Vol. IX Nos. 3-5; Vol. X Nos. 1-4; Vol. XI Nos. 1-5; Vol. XII Nos. 1-10; Vol. XIII Nos. 1-8; Vol. XIV Nos. 1-3; Vol. XV [sic] Nos. 4-8C:22/00/1UMLD1
169The University Argus1890-1896Vol. VII Nos. 3-4; Vol. XIV Nos. 1-8 (Nos. 4-8 labeled as Vol. XV); Vol. XV Nos. 1-8; Vol. XVI Nos. 1-2C:22/00/1UMLD1
169The University Argus - Index to Vol. III No. 5, Vol. V No. 5, Vol. VI Nos. 1-3, Vol. VII Nos. 3-5, Vol. VIII No. 1, Vol. IX Nos. 3-5, Vols. X-XV, Vol. XVI Nos. 1-2ca. 1896UMLD1
171For All We Call Mizzou2003RC#019379
171Stir: MU's Student Creative Magazine1990-1998Vol. I No. 1; Vol. II Nos. 1-3; Vol. III Nos. 1-4; Vol. IV Nos. 1-2; Vol. V No. 1; Vol. VI Nos. 1-3; Vol. VII No. 1; Vol. VIII Nos. 1-2; Vol. IX Nos. 1-3; Vol. X Nos. 1-3; Vol. XI Nos. 1-3; Vol. XII Nos. 1-5; Vol. XIII Nos. 1-2C:22/10/8RC#019379
171The Research Park, University of Missourica. 1978C:10/00/3RC#019379
171The University of Missouri Sesquicentennial Keepsake CalendarBart Larson, photographer1989C:0/17/1RC#019379
172University Missourian1871-1880Vol. I Nos. 1-11; Vol. II Nos. 1-10; Vol. III Nos. 1-6; Vol. IV Nos. 1-8; Vol. V No. 6; Vol. VI Nos. 1-8 and 2/1877 supplement; Vol. VII Nos. 1-10; Vol. VIII Nos. 1-10; Vol. IX Nos. 1-3, 5-6, 8-9; Vol. X No. 1RC#019382
175Sinclair Comparative Medicine Research Farm for Studies of Chronic Diseases and Agingn.d.RC#019492
177Socio-Medical Statistics: Self Learning Course in Statistics for the Health SciencesSidney M. Stahl, James D. Hennes and David T.A. Vernon8/1974UMLD1
179Amazonia Agriculture and Land Use Research: Proceedings of the International Conference1982UMLD1
182A Review of Operational and Administrative Experiences by the University of Missouri in the Agricultural University Development Project at the Orissa University of Agriculture and TechnologyWalter T. Wilkening1/1973RC#016353
182Service for India: Second Terminal ReportArnold W. Klemme and J.H. Longwell1962RC#016353
185Joint Committee Report, University Development Project, Assam Agricultural University1970RC#016369
188Joint Committee Report, University Development Project - Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat, India1970UMLD1
188Memorial of the Curators of the University… Relative to the Location of the College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts1869UMLD1
189An Evaluation Study of the Macon County Extension Home Economics ProgramBerthamae HowardFall 1964UMLD1
189Directory of Missouri Cooperative Extension Service State Staff 1914-1960Robert S. Clough4/1973UMLD1
189Extension Evaluation1973UMLD1
189Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology: A Description with Observations and CommentsMalcolm M. Willey and J. Arthur Branch2/16/1968UMLD1
189University of Missouri Assistance to Orissa University of Agriculture and TechnologyM.M. Jones7/1967UMLD1
20034th Annual Conference of the Missouri Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers10/1978UMLD1
200Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh Annual Conference of the Missouri Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers11/1971UMLD1
203Missouri Rice Variety TrialsHarry Minor and Stephen Lankheit1996RC#041121
209Protect Your Soybean Profits: Manage Soybean Cyst Nematode8/1993UMLD1
213A Research Reactor for the University of Missouri - Addendum4/20/1960 RC#045738
214History of the Library of the University of Missouri (manuscript)Henry Ormal Severance1911RC#045739
215Library Studies Project, Summer 1973 ReportS. Craig Moore et al.1973Vols. I-IIRC#046589
215Report of the Temporary Committee on the Library Building5/15/1935RC#046589
226One-Act Plays - The Manroot of the Sun Or Visconde Rosbif and the Viscondessa de MisisipiSol Bidermanca. 1966UMLD1
226University Bulletin General Series1994-1997Vol. XCV Nos. 1-8; Vol. XCVII Nos. 1-6UMLD1
227University Bulletin - Library Series1907-1957Nos. 1-25C:20/2/1UMLD1
OSB 1Mid the Hills of Old Missouri [sheet music]Preston Kendoll1908Ellis
OSB 1Missouri State Song [sheet music]n.d.Ellis
OSB 1Old Missouri [sheet music]Thomas T. Railey1907Ellis
OSB 1Sea Shore Slide, from The Girl and the Bomb [sheet music]Robert R. Miller, Samuel Ayres Jr. and F.W. Perkey1914Ellis
OSB 1When Cupid Plays the Two of Hearts, from The Girl and the Bomb [sheet music]Robert R. Miller, Samuel Ayres Jr. and F.W. Perkey1914Ellis
OSB 1Woo Me, Come Woo Me, from The Girl and the Bomb [sheet music]Robert R. Miller, Samuel Ayres Jr. and F.W. Perkey1913Ellis
ShelfPierce's Complete History of the Independents, 1868-1964J.J. Pierce1964Ellis

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