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Record Group: 8 C
Record Sub-Group: 26
Records Title: UMC; College of Education; Instructional Materials Laboratory; Printed and Duplicated Materials
Dates: 1962-2012
Volume: 108 cubic foot, 135 linear foot

Scope and Content Note

This Record Sub-Group contains printed and duplicated materials created by the Instructional Materials Laboratory. The materials in this Sub-Group are classroom instruction guides, workbooks, reference manuals, catalogs, and newsletters. Also included are instructional video tapes.

Series Descriptions:

Series 1. - C:8/5/1 (A04-05; A06-62; A09-53; A12-59; A17-01; Vertical File)
This Series contains printed and duplicated materials produced by the Instructional Materials Laboratory (IML), (1962-2012). The majority of the materials in this Series encompass the various editions of publications (instructional guides and references) produced by IML. These instructional materials include the following curricula: Agricultural Education, Business Education, Career and Guidance, Family and Consumer Sciences, Health Occupations, Technology Education, Industrial Education, Marketing Education, and Special Populations. Among the instructional topics are automotive technology, dairy production, residential care, and secretarial and office technology. Also included in the Series are IML catalogs, IML newsletters, and Missouri Vocational Education (MOVE) planning calendars. Forming a further part of the Series are video masters produced by the State Fair Community College (SFCC). These video masters were transferred into the custody of IML by SFCC in 1997. Topics of the videos include architectural drafting, construction, micro-processor fundamentals, and welding.
(108 c.f.,
Follow this link for box locations.)
Note to Researcher: Editions of IML publications still in print should be obtained directly through the Assessment Resource Center at the University of Missouri-Columbia. Contact information for the ARC is available here: Assessment Resource Center.
Note to Archivist: Documentation regarding the SFCC transfer and the contents of the videos are attached to the collection's box list. Extensive box lists for the entire Series are available.

Restrictions Note: The Archives of the University of Missouri-Columbia is required by law and Board of Curator's policy to restrict access to some files and information. Student records are held as confidential under the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and by University policy. Faculty promotion and tenure records and Academic Personnel files are restricted for 75 years, or the lifetime of the individual. All grievance, disciplinary, and medical records are treated as confidential files. Consultations with legal counsel, both in-house and external, are protected by the attorney/client privilege and will not be released.

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Published by: University Archives
Compiled by Blain Cerney: August 2002
Revised: 29 June 2012

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