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Record Group: 1 C
Record Sub-Group: 36
Records Title: UMC; Administration; Office for Student Development/Office of Student Life
Dates: 1911-2014
Volume: 59 and 1/2 cubic feet, 74.38 linear feet

Scope and Content Note

This Sub-Group contains records of the University of Missouri-Columbia Office for Student Development. Included in this Sub-Group are correspondence, general administrative records, annual reports, statistical reports, fire reports, manuals, event calendars, event programs, posters, newspaper clippings, news releases, newsletters, memorabilia, program proposals, program reports, photographs, photographic negatives, slides, microfilm, and awards and trophies. Also included in this Sub-Group are student organization recognition requests, organizational by-laws, and constitutions. This Sub-Group holds records for the units or division under the Department of Student Life.
Note to Researcher: In 1994, the University of Missouri-Columbia Office for Student Development was renamed "Student Life" and now reports to the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs.

Series Descriptions:

Series 1. - C:1/80/1 (A81-42)
This Series contains records of the University of Missouri-Columbia Office for Student Development (1957-1968). Included in this Series are copies of fire reports relating to fires which occurred in buildings managed by University Housing. These reports give details such as the fire's location, by whom it was discovered, actions taken, likely causes, extent of damage, and corrective measures taken or recommended.
(1 Env., Small Holdings Box 4)

Series 2. - C:1/80/2 (A82-52)
This Series contains eight glass slide negatives of campus buildings and scenes photographed by the University of Missouri-Columbia Office for Student Development (1940-1949). Included in this Series are negatives depicting the South Men's Dormitory, the second floor reading room in Ellis Library, the North facade of Jesse Hall, the First Presbyterian Church (16 Hitt Street), the Baptist Student Union (at the corner of Hitt and University), the B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation building, and Memorial Union (from the Northwest).
(1 Pkg., Ellis)

Series 3. - C:1/80/3 (A83-67)
This Series contains records of the University of Missouri-Columbia Office for Student Development (1950-1953). Included in this Series are eleven reels of 16mm microfilm on which is recorded correspondence of the Residential Life Office. This correspondence is organized by semester and by the gender of the resident.
(11 MFR, MFC)

Series 4. - C:1/80/4 (A84-45; A84-63; A84-72)
This Series contains records of the University of Missouri-Columbia Office for Student Development relating to the UMC Women's Center (1974-1986). Included in this Series are annual reports, operating constitutions, news releases, newsletters, newspaper clippings, event calendars, posters, and event programs. Also included in this Series is a copy of a report entitled, "Summary Paper on the Status of the Women's Center."
(1/2 c.f.: 1/6 c.f., UMLD1; 1/3 c.f., UMLD1)

Series 5. - C:1/80/5 (A86-30; other)
This Series contains records of the University of Missouri-Columbia Office for Student Development (1973-1975, 1982-1986). Included in this Series are reports entitled, Statistical Report of Students, Faculty, and Staff From Other Countries, (1982-1986). This report provides aggregate statistics regarding the international community at MU and information on selected characteristics of international students, academic distribution of international students, and distribution of international students, faculty, and staff by major and area. Information also includes statistics on the country of origin of international students, faculty, and staff, as well as their distribution by region, group, and proportion of total enrollment. Some data for this report was taken from a parallel report entitled, Open Doors: 1984-1985 Report on International Educational Exchange. This Series also includes the following: International Student Directory: Directory and Statistics of Students and Staff from Other Countries, 1973/1974 and 1974/1975 and Mizzou International Directory: A Directory of Faculty with International Qualifications, 1989/1990.
(1 Env., Small Holdings Box 4)
Note to Researcher: Series 5 contains some records which are confidential and restricted. See the restrictions note at the end of this finding aid.

Series 6. - C:1/80/6 and C:1/80/NP (A86-156; A90-97)
This Series contains administrative records of the University of Missouri-Columbia Office for Student Development (1963-1985). Included in this Series are material from a 1984 Advisor's Manual, Associated Students of the University of Missouri (A.S.U.M.) materials (1975-1981), information concerning the Blair Student Organization Center for Student Life budget (1978-1979), Office for Student Development budgets (1979-1981), "Communiversity" (1978-1979), student discipline in higher education, (1963), "Everyday People" (1976-1981), Family Day (1977-1978), classroom adaptations for physically handicapped students, Jesse Auditorium (1975-1982), and UMC research, service, and retention (1978-1980). Also included in this Series are Sol Feinstein Scholarship applications (1978-1980), the 1982 "Report of the School of Social Work," student organization regulations (1968-1979), audit reports of ticket sales by student organizations, (1981-1985), a 1975 UMC student survey, and student activity budgets,(1974-1979).
(3 c.f., 031679, 031680, 038002)

Series 7. - C:1/80/7 (A89-19)
This Series contains records of the University of Missouri-Columbia Office for Student Development relating to Minority Student Affairs. Included in this Series are annual reports of the Office of Minority Student Affairs for the years 1974 through 1977. These reports contain unit reports, statistics, student affirmative action visitation materials, descriptions of activities and resources, budget materials, and objectives and goals.
(1/6 c.f., UMLD1)

Former Series #8 C:1/80/8 (A89-4; A89-42)
UMC; Administration; Office for Student Development/Office of Student; Student Government and Activities Records
This summary description has been enlarged to a full inventory.
Please follow this link to reach the inventory. The former Series contains records of the University of Missouri-Columbia Office for Student Development pertaining to student governments and activities, (1911-1985).

Series 9. - C:1/80/27 (A11-97)
This Series contains administrative records of the Office of Student Life, (1971-2001). The records consist of Graduate Student Association (GSA) records, including meeting minutes, correspondence, budget, committees, funding proposals, grants, handbooks, news clippings, and constitution and by-laws. The GSA records also pertain to the Graduate Faculty Senate and the Graduate-Professional Council. This Series also contains records of the Student Life's Hate Report Committee, (1997-2000).
(4 c.f., 066638, 066639, 066640, 066641)
Note to Researcher: This Series is currently unprocessed. Until completely processed and inventoried, portions may not be fully available to researchers.
Note to Archivist: The box lists for this Series are available online. They can be accessed by
following this link.

Series 10. - C:1/80/10 (A96-35)
This Series contains photographs from the University of Missouri-Columbia Office for Student Development. Included in this Series are two hundred black-and-white photographs of events and participants at the Big Eight Conference on Black Student Government that was held at UMC during February 1994. Also included in this Series are brochures, a map of the campus, and items of conference memorabilia.
(1/3 c.f., UMLD1)

Former Series #11 C:1/80/11 (A94-81)
UMC; Administration; Office of Student Development; Defunct Student Organizations
This summary description has been enlarged to a full inventory.
Please follow this link to reach the inventory.

Series 12. - C:1/80/NP (A89-54)
This Series contains records of the University of Missouri-Columbia Office of Student Development relating to minority and special student programs (1972-1983). Included in this Series are program proposals, minority orientation materials, correspondence concerning minority organizations and programs, program reports, and Black Culture Center correspondence.
(4 c.f., 034009, 034010, 034011, 034012)
Note to Researcher: Series 12 is currently unprocessed. Until completely processed and inventoried, portions may not be fully available to researchers.

Series 13. - C:1/80/NP (A95-37)
This Series contains administrative records of the University of Missouri-Columbia Office of Student Development (1984-1993). Included in this Series are correspondence, reports, statistical graphs, enrollment data, and individual statements regarding staff development.
(2 c.f., 046673, 046676)
Note to Researcher: Series 13 is currently unprocessed. Until completely processed and inventoried, portions may not be fully available to researchers.

Series 14. - C:1/80/12 (A02-25)
This Series contains a slide show prepared by Residential Life (1990-1993, bulk 1992). Included in this Series are 59 color slides showing indoor and outdoor campus scenes. There are photographs of students eating, food services including Brady Commons and the Food Court, students studying, and typical dorm rooms. In addition this Series contains shots of buildings and structures on campus e.g. Memorial Union, Ellis Library, Walter Williams Hall, and the Columns. Campus events such as football games and homecoming floats are also featured in the Series.
(1/6 c.f., UMLD1)

Series 15. - C:1/80/14 (A02-155; A05-03)
This Series contains records related to the development, planning, and implementation of the Summer Welcome Student Orientation Program, (1973-2002, bulk 1985-2000), a "special program of orientation, registration and testing for new students, both freshmen and transfers, entering Mizzou in the fall." The records consist of administrative correspondence and memoranda, program evaluations, schedules, reunion questionnaires, handbook drafts, video tapes, Summer Welcome packet preparation materials, student leader application forms, and student leader training materials. The Series also contains examples of Summer Welcome packets (folders and the materials contained therein) assembled by the Student Life Department. The packets often contain some of the following material: advertisements, booklets, brochures, calendars, campus maps, directories, flyers, guides, handbooks, instructions, mailings, newsletters, pamphlets, and publications. Some of the records in this Series pertain to the Winter Welcome Program.
(3 c.f., 071313, 001322, 001502)
Note to Researcher: Series 15 is currently unprocessed. Until completely processed and inventoried, portions may not be fully available to researchers. Additionally, this Series may contains some records which are confidential and restricted. See the restrictions note at the end of this finding aid.
Note to Archivist: Some box lists for this Series are available online. They can be accessed by
following this link.

Series 16. - C:1/80/15 (A03-12; A05-25)
This Series contains records of the Office of Student Life created by the Black Cultural Heritage Center, (2003, 2005). The records consist of posters announcing the schedule of events for Black History Month. The posters are titled The Souls of Black Folk, (2003) and Niagra Movement: Black Protest Reborn 1905-2005, (2005).
(1 OSF, MC)
Note to Researcher: Posters for Black History Month for years after 2005 can be found in
C:1/23/2 in Record Group 1, Sub-Group 106, Series 2.

Series 17. - C:1/80/16 (A03-44)
This Series contains records from the Office of Student Life, (1979-1997). Topics and record types found in this Series include: Annual Reports, (1979-1984), statistics, publications, correspondence and memoranda regarding recreation and intramural sports; Campus Recreation Committee records; the Wilderness Adventure Program, (1979-1988); and Greek Life, including such topics as Greek Leadership Conference, (1995); Greek Life police reports [RESTRICTED]; Greek compliance with Affirmative Action, chapter training, fundraising, and problems of segregation. Other records pertain to the Savitar, including publicity, and budget drafts; the Center for Student Involvement; Student Activities material, (1980-1995); Student Activities Fee records, (1985-1997); and Summer and Winter Welcome files such as reports, correspondence, and promotional and publicity materials. Additional records in the Series include the Summary Report of Columbia Voluntary Action ; Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention Team (ADAPT); research summaries and reports regarding the Wellness Resource Center, (1996-1997); informational files on campus religious groups; Hate Crimes Reports produced by the Triangle Coalition, (1992-1997); policy and procedural material from the Human Sexuality Committee; the Missouri Undergraduate Panel; the Missouri Students Association; and reports, policies and literature regarding Rape Prevention, (ca. 1980-1995).
(5 c.f.; 012703, 012704, 012705, 012706, 012707)
Note to Researcher: Series 17 is currently unprocessed. Until completely processed and inventoried, portions may not be fully available to researchers. Additionally, this Series contains some records which are confidential and restricted. See the restrictions note at the end of this finding aid.

Series 18. - C:1/80/17 (A04-79)
This Series contains records created and received by the Greek Life division within the Office of Student Life, (1948-1998). The records consist of administrative records, including those relating to grade rankings, membership statistics for the various fraternity or sorority organization on campus, House Directors' seminars, alcohol, parietal rule, and rush week. Also part of the Series are committee files, including minutes, agendas, memoranda, correspondence, press releases, and news clippings, for the University of Missouri's Interfraternity Council (IFC), (1948-1980; 1998-2001) and Panhellenic Association (PHA), (1978-1982). The Series also contains rush week files, (1939-1963; 1987-1991), that include student and house lists, rush rules, news clippings, brochures, and pledge cards.
(1 1/6 c.f.: 1 c.f., 100098; 1/6 c.f., UMLD1)
Note to Researcher: Greek Life has been under the administrative control of a number of different campus offices, including Residential Life.

Series 19. - C:1/80/18 (A05-65)
This Series contains records created and received by the Leadership Development division within the Office of Student Life, (1984-2000). The records consist of correspondence, memoranda, reports, lists, and evaluation surveys. The majority of records pertain to Leadership Awards, (1993-1999), and Chancellor's Leadership Classes, (1984-2000). Included in the Chancellor's Leadership Class records are scholarship applications [RESTRICTED], roster lists [RESTRICTED], evaluations [RESTRICTED], presenters' correspondence, and selection forms.
(1 c.f., 040542)
Note to Researcher: Series 19 contains records which are confidential and restricted. See the restrictions note at the end of this finding aid.
Note to Archivist: The box list for this Series is available online. It can be accessed by
following this link.

Series 20. - C:1/80/19 (A06-78)
This Series contains video tapes created and received by the Office of Student Life, (1991-1998). The video tapes are for the most part promotional materials for Office of Student Life-related programs and themes, including Summer Welcome and campus diversity. The tapes also include other events such as Freshman Convocation, (1997), and Homecoming skits.
(1 c.f., 059347)
Note to Archivist: The box list for this Series is available online. It can be accessed by
following this link. The majority of the video tapes are VHS and many have been transferred to Digital Video and DVD formats; the rest are Betacam.

Series 21. - C:1/80/20 (A08-48; A08-87; A08-102; A13-28)
This Series contains administrative and other records created and received by the Office of Multicultural Affairs and the Multicultural Center, (ca. 1970-2011, bulk 1990-2000). The records consist of correspondence, reports, surveys, meeting minutes, supplementary informational material, flyers, printed and duplicated material, scrapbooks, handbooks, manuals, and University of Missouri-related video tapes of lectures, presentations, and other events. The records pertain to the Office of Multicultural Affairs, the Multicultural Center, and some affiliated student groups, including the Asian American Association, the Four Front Leadership Organization, the Hispanic American Leadership Organization, and others.
(8 c.f., 044493, 044494, 044495, 044539, 072118, 072120, 082523, 082524, 013256; OSF, Ellis)
Note to Researcher: This Series is currently unprocessed. Until completely processed and inventoried, portions may not be fully available to researchers.
Note to Archivist: The box lists for this Series are available online. They can be accessed by
following this link.

Series 22. - C:1/80/21 (A08-74)
This Series contains audio cassette tapes of programs sponsored or otherwise presented by the Women's Center, (1973-2000). The programs are topic-based and presenters include University of Missouri faculty and staff as well as local and other experts. Some topics are: Self-Nurturance, Women and Politics, Feminist Humor, Sexual Harrassment in the Classroom, Women and Madness, Women and Children in Exile, Rape as a Men's Issue, Health Food Fraud, Color Me Wonderful, and Interacting with the Media. The programs include presentations held during the National Women's Studies Association (Midwest Region) meeting in 1984. The Series includes an index to the tapes by subject and title.
(5 1/3 c.f.: 4 c.f., 007979, 010871, 010894, 010914, 010958; 1/3 c.f., 2 Shoeboxes, Ellis)
Note to Researcher: This Series is currently unprocessed. Until completely processed and inventoried, portions may not be fully available to researchers.
Note to Archivist: The box lists for this Series are available online. They can be accessed by
following this link.

Series 23. - C:1/80/22 (A08-77)
This Series contains records created and received by the MU Parents Association division within the Office of Student Life, (1989-2007). The records consist of minutes from Board of Directors meetings, (1989-2005); newsletters, handbooks, and other printed and duplicated materials, including Parents Weekend, (1989); correspondence, memoranda, surveys, and other administrative records; and various photographic prints, slides, and negative of Parents Association events and members, (ca. 2002-2003).
(1 c.f., 062790)

Series 24. - C:1/80/23 (A08-81; A18-07)
This Series contains printed and duplicated material created and received by the Campus Activities division within the Office of Student Life, (2000-2010). The records consist of posters for events such as Mizzou After Dark, Missouri Students Association/Graduate Professional Council (MSA/GPC) Films, and contemporary band concerts; flyers and broadsheets; event tickets and passes; publicity postcards; event schedules and activities guides; buttons and pins; newspaper clippings; and a Summer Welcome t-shirt, (2006).
(1/3 c.f., UMLD1; Poster roll, CB55)

Series 25. - C:1/80/24 (A08-100; A09-07; A10-61)
This Series contains records created and received by the Women's Center, (ca. 1925-2010, bulk 1975-2000). The records consist of a topically arranged news clippings file; printed and duplicated material, including calendars of events and mailers; newsletters; correspondence and memoranda; t-shirts and other promotional materials; and photographs. Also included in Series 25 are Women's Center annual reports, (1975-1986, with gaps), and staff binders, (1976-1993), that contain the "Weekly Reader" to the staff, correspondence, meeting minutes, staff work reports, and other miscellaneous staff communication and information.
(5 c.f., 082489, 082490, 082521, 022367, 002862)
Note to Researcher: Series 25 contains records which are confidential and restricted. See the restrictions note at the end of this finding aid.
Note to Archivist: The box lists for this Series are available online. They can be accessed by
following this link.

Series 26. - C:1/80/25 (A09-09)
This Series contains records created and received by the Office of Student Life, (1970-2004, bulk 1990-1999). The records consist of budgets and other fiscal records for University of Missouri student government organizations, including the Missouri Students Association (MSA), the Associated Students of the University of Missouri (ASUM), the Graduate Professional Council (GPC), the Legion of Black Collegians (LBC), and the Divisional Student Council.
(4 c.f., 013149, 013480, 013482, 016643)
Note to Archivist: The box lists for this Series are available online. They can be accessed by
following this link.

Series 27. - C:1/80/26 (A10-14)
This Series contains records created or received by the Center for Social Justice in the Office of Student Life at the University of Missouri, (n.d.). The records consist of posters and promotional materials designed by a joint venture of the Relationship and Sexual Violence Prevention Center and the MU Council on Violence Against Women.
(OSB, Ellis)

Series 28. - C:1/80/28 (A16-55)
This Series contains records created and received by Mizzou Spirit in the Office of Student Life, (ca. 1995-2014, bulk 1998-2001). The records consist of photographic prints and negatives taken during University of Missouri sporting events, predominantly football. The focus of the photography was Mizzou Spirit's cheering sections, the Tiger's Lair and the Zou Crew, though there are scenes of the sporting events themselves. Also included in the Series are a small group of adminstrative records, printed and duplicated material, newspaper clippings, and video highlights of the 2011-2012 men's basketball season and the 2014 football season.
(1 1/3 c.f.: 1 c.f., UMLD1; OSB, Ellis)
Note to Archivist: The box lists for this Series are available online. They can be accessed by
following this link.

Series 29. - C:1/80/29
This Series contains general printed and duplicated material created by the Office of Student Development, its successor, the Office of Student Life, and some sub-units, (ca. 1980-2004).
(1/6 c.f., Ellis)
Note to Archivist: The box list for this Series is available online. It can be accessed by
following this link.

Series 30. - C:1/80/30 (A20-52)
This Series contains administrative records created and received by the University of Missouri's Office of Student Life, (1980-2010). The records pertain to Student Organizations, Governments, and Activities (SOGA) and to the Organizations Resource Group. The records include the following types and topics: budget, events including Tap Day, the Student Organization Allocation Committee, directories of MU student organizations, meeting minutes, correspondence, activity fees, and photographs.
(9 c.f., 074328, 074329, 074330, 074331, 074332, 074360, 074361, 074363, 074364)
Note to Researcher: This Series is currently unprocessed. Until completely processed and inventoried, portions may not be fully available to researchers.
Series 30 contains records which are confidential and restricted. See the restrictions note at the end of this finding aid.
Note to Archivist: The box lists for this Series are available online. They can be accessed by
following this link.

Restrictions Note: The Archives of the University of Missouri-Columbia is required by law and Board of Curator's policy to restrict access to some files and information. Student records are held as confidential under the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and by University policy. Faculty promotion and tenure records and Academic Personnel files are restricted for 75 years, or the lifetime of the individual. All grievance, disciplinary, and medical records are treated as confidential files. Consultations with legal counsel, both in-house and external, are protected by the attorney/client privilege and will not be released.

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Published by: University Archives
Originally Prepared by Carl Lingle, et al.: June 1999
Revised: 04 June 2020

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