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Box Lists for C:1/80/27Note to Researcher: These records have not been processed to the level of an inventory and may therefore contain RESTRICTED material not specifically annotated as such and access may be limited in that regard. Please see the RESTRICTIONS NOTE at the end of the box list(s). Box 1 - 066638 [return to top][A11-97] FF - Funding Requests, 1990-1991 FF - Receipts, 1989-1991 FF - Budget, 1989-1992 FF - Who's Who, 1986-1987 FF - Graduate Faculty Senate, 1985-1986 FF - Funding Proposals, 1986-1987 FF - Graduate Faculty Senate, 1987-1988 FF - Graduate-Professional Council (GPC), 1987-1988 FF - GPC, 1989 FF - Graduate Faculty Senate, 1988-1989 FF - Graduate Student Association (GSA) - Agenda and Minutes, 1987-1988 FF - GSA Minutes, 1988-1989 FF - Parking, 1978-1979 FF - GSA Executive Board Minutes, 1974-1975 FF - Committee Representatives, n.d. FF - Budget, 1975-1976 FF - Resume Service, 1983 FF - Resume Service, 1983 (cont'd) FF - Departments/Areas by Sectors, 1982-1983 FF - Ideas, 1978 FF - GSA General File, 1980-1983 FF - GSA General Council Meeting, 3/7/1983 FF - Clippings, 1984-1985 FF - GSA Parking Survey, 1978-1980 FF - 15-hour 400-level Course Requirement, 1983-1984 FF - Computer Issue, 1983-1984 FF - Computing Issue, 1983 FF - Student Retention, 1983 FF - TA Grievance Procedure [includes 1/26/1983 issue of Campustown Journal], 1981-1983 FF - Incoming Correspondence, 1979-1980 FF - GSA Roster, 1979-1980 FF - Chancellor's Criteria Selection Committee, 1981 FF - Schedule of GSA General Council Meetings, 1979-1980 Box 2 - 066639 [return to top][A11-97] FF - GSA - Meeting Minutes, Membership, and Correspondence, 1997-1999 FF - Graduate Faculty Senate (GFS)- Handbook, 1997-1998 FF - Graduate Faculty Senate - Correspondence and Meeting Minutes, 1999 FF - Forms - Graduate Student Association Authorization to Release Funds, 1999, 2001 FF - Receipts, 1996-2000 FF - Community Service Award, 1999-2000 FF - Computer Information, 1998 FF - Miscellaneous - Tax Exempt Form, Minutes, Procedures and Social Committee, and GSA Letterhead, 1997-2001 FF - Conference Travel Scholarships and Grants, 1998-1999 FF - Budget, 1999-2001 FF - Travel Grants, 2001 FF - Financial Support of Graduate Students, 1983-1984 FF - Scholarships/Fellowships, 1983-1984 FF - Graduate Faculty Senate, 1998-1999 FF - Committee on Committees/SOGA, 1985 FF - GSA - Correspondence, Meeting Agendas and Minutes, and Statistical Information, 1982-1983 FF - Expenditure Approvals, 1983-1984 FF - GSA - Correspondence, Meeting Agendas and Minutes, 1982-1983 FF - Graduate School Committees, 1978-1979 FF - Graduate School Committees and Graduate Faculty Senate, 1978-1979 FF - List of GSA Executive Board Members, 1979-1980 FF - "Tax Information for Graduate Students," ca. 1973 FF - Invoice List - GSA Expenditures, 1974-1975 FF - Financial Records, 1984 FF - Ledger showing GSA members' attendance at meetings, and financial transactions, 1981-1985 FF - Transaction Records, 1982-1983 FF - Budget, 1979-1982 FF - GSA, 1983-1984 FF - GFS - Academic Affairs Committee, 1982-1983 FF - Budget and Expenditure Records, 1981-1983 FF - Funding and Expenditure Approvals, 1982-1983 FF - Executive Board Minutes, 1973-1974 FF - Student Wage Study Committee, 1973-1974 FF - Missouri Students Association (MSA), 1973-1975 FF - Fund Requests - Unprocessed, 1975-1980 FF - GSA Budget Proposal, 1974-1975 FF - Calculator III, n.d. FF - Calculator II, n.d. FF - GSA Elections - Petitions Officers, 1973-1976 FF - Council Notices and Minutes, 1975-1976 FF - Minutes of Executive Board, 1974-1975 FF - GSA Council Minutes and Notes, 1973-1974 FF - Budget, 1971-1974 FF - Executive Board Minutes, 1972-1973 FF - Rosters, 1977-1980 FF - Human Subjects Committee, 1980-1981 Box 3 - 066640 [return to top][A11-97] FF - Council Notices and Minutes, 1972-1973 FF - Graduate Faculty Senate, 1973-1974 FF - Budget, 1973 FF - Orientation Packet, 1978 FF - General Office Files, 1999-2001 FF - Superior Achievement Award, 1982 FF - Budget, 1995-1997 FF - Budget, 1997-1999 FF - Superior Graduate Student Awards, 1997-1998 FF - Meeting Minutes, 1996-1998 FF - Who's Who among Students in American Universities and Colleges, 1997 FF - GSA Picnic, 1999 FF - Child Care, 2000 FF - Degree Requirements, 2000 FF - GSA Constitution and By-Laws, n.d. FF - GSA Logo, n.d. FF - Expenditure Approvals, 1978-1979 FF - Executive Board Minutes, 1978-1979 FF - General Council Minutes, 1978-1979 FF - Office Move, 1977-1978 FF - Budgets, 1976-1978 FF - Computer Policy, 1978-1979 FF - Committees - External, 1978-1979 FF - Incoming Correspondence, 1978-1979 FF - Budget, 1977-1979 FF - Board of Curators, 1978-1979 FF - Sector Organization, n.d. FF - GSA Expenditures - Invoice List, 1976-1977 FF - General Council Minutes, 1977-1978 FF - Who's Who, 1977-1978 FF - Graduate Faculty Senate, 1977-1978 FF - Incoming Correspondence, 1977-1978 FF - Outgoing Correspondence, 1977-1978 FF - Requests for Funding, 1971-1974 FF - GSA Meeting Minutes - Executive Board and General Council, 1976-1977 FF - GSA Expenditure Approvals, 1977-1978 FF - Chancellor Barbara Uehling - Biographical Materials, 1979 FF - GPC, 1985-1986 FF - General Office Files, 1992-1994 FF - Meeting Minutes, 1986-1987 FF - MSA Budget, 1985-1986 FF - Graduate Faculty Senate, 1985-1986 FF - Expenditure Approvals, 1989-1990 FF - Summary Statements, 1992 FF - Summary Statements, 1991-1992 FF - Summary Statements, 1990-1991 FF - Budget, 1991-1993 FF - Receipts, 1991-1992 FF - GSA Funding Requests, 1993 FF - National Association of Graduate Students, 1988 FF - Teaching Assistants - Orientation and Training, 1987-1988 FF - Social Committee, 1987-1988 FF - Health Insurance Survey, n.d. FF - Constitution Revision Committee, n.d. FF - GPC, 1986-1987 Box 4 - 066641 [return to top][A11-97] FF - "How to Set Up a Press Conference", 1999 FF - Press Releases, 1998 FF - Articles about Hate Report, 1998 FF - Press Conference - Press Kits, 4/7/1999 FF - "How to Organize Tips on Events", 1999 FF - Hate Museum Images and Materials, 4/14/1999 FF - Media Plan Contact Info, 1998 FF - Maneater Rate Card, 1998-1999 FF - Hate Crime Legislation, 1999 FF - Related Articles, 1998-1999 FF - Non-Discrimination Clause, 1998 FF - Office of Multicultural Affairs - Student of Color Survey, 1998 FF - Hate Report in the Classroom, 1998-1999 FF - National Conference on Race and Ethnicity in American Higher Education, 1999 FF - Hate Report - "Erase the Hate", 1997 FF - Hate Report, 1998 FF - "Ollie" - Hate Report Logo, 1999 FF - Hate Report, 1999 FF - General Correspondence, 1998-1999 FF - Letters of Commendation, 1997-1998 FF - Committee Chair Manual, 1999 FF - Budget/Account, 1998-1999 FF - Contracts/Business Policies, 1998 FF - Missouri Unions - Building Reservations, 1998-1999 FF - Student Organizations Information, 1999 FF - Internet, 1999 FF - Membership List, 1999-2000 FF - Hate Report Committee Member Manual, Fall 1998 Restrictions Note: The Archives of the University of Missouri-Columbia is required by law and Board of Curator's policy to restrict access to some files and information. Student records are held as confidential under the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and by University policy. Faculty promotion and tenure records and Academic Personnel files are restricted for 75 years, or the lifetime of the individual. All grievance, disciplinary, and medical records are treated as confidential files. Consultations with legal counsel, both in-house and external, are protected by the attorney/client privilege and will not be released. |
Published by: University Archives
Compiled: October 2011
Revised: 18 October 2011
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