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Box Lists for C:1/80/21Note to Researcher: These records have not been processed to the level of an inventory and may therefore contain RESTRICTED material not specifically annotated as such and access may be limited in that regard. Please see the RESTRICTIONS NOTE at the end of the box list(s). Box 1 - 007979 [return to top][A08-74] Tape 1 - Radical Feminism. Robin Morgan 2-23-73 Tape 2 - missing Tape 3 - Feminism. Catherine Simpson 3-10-76 Tape 4 - An Overview of the Women's Movement - Changing Sex Roles I. Tape 5 - An Overview of the Women's Movement - Changing Sex Roles II. Tape 6 - missing Tape 7 - Women and Anger. Helen Roehlke Tape 8 - Aging. Anne Waterson Tape 9 - Self-Nurturance. Jeanine Lindstrom Tape 10 - Fear of Achievement in Women. Barbara Bank Tape 11 - Feminist Therapy. Jane Dolan & Linda Grave Tape 12 - Women in Transition - Panel I. Tape 13 - Women in Transition - Panel II. Tape 14 - Women: Changing Lifestyles & Expectations. Bev Prosser-Gelwick Tape 15 - Women in Power. Helen Roehlke 9-19-75 Tape 16 - Women and Politics. Mary Lou Bussabarger Tape 17 - Leadership for Women. Sharon Pope Tape 18 - Sex & Society Symposium. Panel Tape 19 - New Freedom for Women. Panel Tape 20 - What's Undermining the Feminist Movement? Debra Law Tape 21 - Cont. Issues in the Feminist Movement. Barbara Bank Tape 22 - missing Tape 23 - Financial Aid for Returning Women Students. Tape 24 - Voices of History. B&PW's Foundation Tape 25 - missing Tape 26 - Body Awareness. Marlene Grissom Tape 27 - Women Studies In-service Education. Feminist Press Tape 28 - Self-Help Clinics. Debra Law Tape 29 - Your Body Not Your Doctor's. Debra Law Tape 30 - Menopause: Miracle, Magic, Mystery. Anne Watson Tape 31 - The World Women Want. BPW Foundation Tape 32 - Women and Alcohol. Cheryl Esser Tape 33 - International Women. BPW Foundation Tape 34 - Women and Religion. Jeanine Lindstrom Tape 35 - missing Tape 36 - Women and Arts Series: Poetry Readings 2-25-77 Tape 37 - Day Care. Jean Bryant 9-8-75 Tape 38 - Pampers. Tape 39 - Automechanics. Tape 40 - Automechanics. Tape II Tape 41 - Assertion Training. Tape 42 - missing Tape 43 - missing Tape 44 - missing Tape 45 - The Rabbit Died: A Look at Contraception. Human Sex Ed Panel Tape 46 - missing Tape 47 - How to Get Your Parents to Treat You? Tape 48 - missing Tape 49 - How to be a Whole Person in a Married Society. Tape 50 - Sexism and Health Care. Tape 51 - A Look At Feminism. Jeanine Lindstrom 9-13-77 Tape 52 - Don't Worry Your Pretty Little Head-Answering the Stereotype. V. Keith 9-27-77 Tape 53 - Black Women vs. Black Men In the Job Market. Betty Anderson Tape 54 - Blondie & Dagwood: Women in the Comics. Jean Palmquist 10-4-77 Tape 55 - Feminine Myths & Symbols. Jan Silverstein 10-18-77 Tape 56 - Side II The Feminine Sub-Culture: Conversation w/Nancy Reeves. Tape 57 - Bicycle Maintenance. Lynn Ellis & Margie Kelly 10-26-77 Tape 58 - missing Tape 59 - Issues of Reproductive Freedom. Part I Tape 60 - Issues of Reproductive Freedom. Part II Tape 61 - Women as Pawns of Power. Peggy Johnson Tape 62 - Double Jeopardy: To Be Black and Female. Avis Graham Tape 63 - Women in the Counter Culture. Corless Smith Tape 64 - Women in Non-Traditional Careers. Tape 65 - Work Study Students as Pawns. Cathy Peterson 11-1-77 Tape 66 - Feminist Economic Network. Beverly Buthwoman 2-13-76 Tape 67 - Starting Your Own Business. Kelly Walton & Barbara Azar 11-2-77 Tape 68 - From Freud to Suicide. Nancy Lark Tape 69 - Feminism & Fertility. G. Greer Tape 70 - Feminism & Fertility Part II. G. Greer Tape 71 - Informal Talk at the Women's Center. Part I Tape 72 - Informal Talk at the Women's Center. Part II Tape 73 - Ideological Changes in the Civil Rights Movement. Priscilla Robinson. Tape 74 - The Black Woman's Self Image. Muriel Battle Tape 75 - Invisible Women. Dr. Ingeborg Mauksch Tape 76 - Working as a Collective. Wendy Hermance & Asha Kirby 11-3-77 Tape 77 - Women & Alcoholism. Barb Quinlan & Pat Craig 11-8-77 Tape 78 - Professionalism as a Radicalizing Experience. Robin Remington Tape 79 - How to Take Care of Yourself Before Your Doctor Has To. Dr. Dorthy Rodgers. Tape 80 - Women and Their Fear of Sports. Joann Rutherford Tape 81 - Activism By Mail: Effective Letter Writing. Enya Sullivan & Margie Kelly. 11-15-77 Tape 82 - Don't Mess With a Woman-Self Defense. Renata Maiorino Tape 83 - International Women. A Panel Tape 84 - A New Look In Sports. Jean Cerra Tape 85 - The Hassles of Birth Control. Barbara Levin & Anne Watterson Tape 86 - Black Women, White Women, Friends And/Or Enemies. Mabel Grimes Tape 87 - The Cancer Campaign: Uterine Cancer. Nancy Gardner Tape 88 - Personal Financing. Edith Wright 12-1-77 Tape 89 - Liberte', Egalite', Soroite': Women Talk About the Law. Joan Krauskopf and Denise Phillips. Tape 90 - Women in Norway. Carla Marston Tape 91 - What Happens IF ERA Doesn't Pass? Anne Carmen 1-19-78 Tape 92 - Aging Across The Life Cycle. Ellen Biddle Tape 93 - Women and spirituality. Hildreth, Smith, Cook Tape 94 - Liberating Legal Issues. Betty Wilson Tape 95 - International Women Talk About Women. Janet Chow, Alla Kholeif, Raquel, Lopez. Tape 96 - Non-Traditional Careers. Cole, Lacy, Brukardt Tape 97 - So You Want to be a Doctor? Tobin, Marla 1-30-78 Tape 98 - Black Women: A History of Beauty Standards. Elinore Reynolds 2-1-78 Tape 99 - Sister Celebration: Taking God the Father Out of Religion. Gail Joreleman. 2-2-78 Tape 100 - Professional Approach to Job-Seeking. Ramona Howard Tape 101 - Concerns of the Professional Black Woman. L. Williams Tape 102 - Women and Politics. Chris Hofer Tape 103 - Biography: Muriel Battle. 2-6-78 Tape 104 - Women and Prisons. Lou Ann Tanner Tape 105 - Success: What it Takes and What it Takes Out of You. Liz Barnes 11-29-76 Tape 106 - Biography: Judge Ellen Roper. 2-9-78 Tape 107 - You'll Never Believe What I Dreamt Last Night. Tricia Wilmoth 2-27-78 Tape 108 - How to Develop a Realistic Life Plan. Hetty Jardine, Cheryl Branham, Tom Rakes. 2-15-73 Tape 109 - missing Tape 110 - Practical Legislative Skills. Hofer, King, Laughlin Tape 111 - Handling Negative Emotions. Vicky & Jim Straub 3-1-78 Tape 112 - If At First You Do Succeed: Sex Roles & Achievement. Candy Detchon 3-2-78 Tape 113 - One of These Days-Pow Right in the Kisser. W.A.V.A.W. Nexus Nichols, Pat Higgins. 3-8-78 Tape 114 - Black Women/White Women: Friends or Enemies? Mabel Grimes 3-9-78 Tape 115 - Housewifery As a Viable Career Option. Anne Seymore 2-16-78 Tape 116 - Birthing: Choices in Maternity Health Care. Levin, Cooper, Jenkins, Kormeier, Reichlin. 3-15-78 Tape 117 - Away from Mother Helper: The Nurturing Man. Michael Kay 3-16-78 Tape 118 - Women in Authority. Dr. Elizabeth Heimbruger. 3-21-78 Tape 119 - Half The World Is Woman - A Decade for Women (Side 1), An Equal Share of Bare Survival (Side 2). Tape 120 - missing Tape 121 - Surviving as a Woman in Management. Dr. Jeanne Nolan 3-23-78 Tape 122 - The Co-optation of the Women's Liberation Movement. Julie Foster 4-3-78 Tape 123 - Backlash Against Feminism: Reactionary Trends Panel. Nancy McKerrow, Enya Sullivan, Julia Foster. 4-3-78 Tape 124 - Class & Feminism Panel. Vicky Keith, Julia Foster, Kris McKay, Kathy Laughlin, Annette Czernecki, Margie Kelly. Tape 125 - Feminist Communities. Ann Strack, Jean Palmquist, Vicky Suter 4-6-78 Tape 126 - Another Reality: The Female System. Ann Wilson Schaef 3-27-78 Tape 127 - Body Image. Dr. Mary-Jeanette Smythe 4-10-78 Tape 128 - View from the Other End of the Speculum. Panel-V. Keith, B. Levin, L. Pietrefesa, B. Walters, C. Patqe C. Myers. 4-12-78 Tape 129 - missing Tape 130 - missing Tape 131 - Feminist WICCA. Vicky Keith 4-17-78 Tape 132 - Marriage in a Changing Society. Dr. Marion Typpo 4-24-78 Tape 133 - From Pom-Pom Girl to Athlete: Women's Attitudes in Sports. Jo Ann Rutherford. 5-1-78. Tape 134 - Outdoor Self-Sufficiency. Members of UMC Wilderness Adventure. 5-3-78 Tape 135 - Teaching Young Children: Growing Beyond Sexual Stereotypes. Linda Herrick-Sackis. 6-19-78. Tape 136 - Women in Politics: A View from Inside. Commissioner Alberta Slavin. 6-26-78 Tape 137a - Care and Maintenance of Our Bodies. (Tape 1.) Dale Ames, Jeanne Bumberry, Louise Pdetrafesa, Dorothy Rodgers. 7-20-78 Tape 137b - Care and Maintenance of Our Bodies. (Tape 2.) Dale Ames, Jeanne Bumberry, Louise Pdetrafesa, Dorothy Rodgers. 7-20-78 Tape 138 - Legislative Update: ERA. Ann Carmen, Coord. UMC Women's Studies. Tape 139 - Relaxation. Tricia Welmoth. 8-11-77 Tape 140 - Personal Art. Edith Jordan. 10-12-77 Tape 141 - Take Care of Yourself Before Your Doctor has To. Dr. Dorothy Rodgers Tape 142 - Interview with Meile Shain. Tape 143 - Superwomen Concept. Beverly Prosser-Gelwick. Tape 144 - How to Start a Women's Organization. Connie Atkinson, Jan Horton 7-24-78 Tape 145 - Nervous About Exams? Dr. Candace S. Detcher. 8-31-78 Tape 146 - Gambling With Your Health: Are You Satisfied? UMC Women's Health Collective. 9-5-78 Tape 147 - Woman's Self-Help. Louise Bauschard. 9-1-78 Tape 148 - Smoking: How to Kick the Habit. Cindy Godwin. 9-11-78 Tape 149 - Alcohol: Use and Abuse Among Women. Christi Roberts. 9-13-78 Tape 150 - Dealing with Divorce. Joan Dollam. 9-18-78 Tape 151 - The Second Time Around: Remarriage. Panel 9-20-78 Tape 152 - Making a Comeback: Entering the Work Force. Mary Blancett. 9-21-78 Tape 153 - Update: The Baake Decision. Jackie McClain. 9-26-78 Tape 154 - Update: Rape and Abuse. Maureen Wheeler, Nexus Nichols. 9-27-78 Tape 155 - Update: ERA. Ann Carmen, Coord. UMC Women's Studies. 9-28-78 Tape 156 - Controversies In Contraception. Sandy Hale. 10-2-78. Tape 157a - Women's Sexual Dysfunction. Dr. Joseph Lambert, Ms. June Herborn. 10-4-78 Tape 157b - Women's Sexual Dysfunction. Dr. Joseph Lambert, Ms. June Herborn. 10-4-78 Tape 158 - Women's Sexual Fantasies. Wanda Morgan. 10-5-78 Tape 159 - missing Tape 160 - missing Tape 161 - missing Tape 162 - Women on T. V. Where are all the Feminists? Kate Lester. 10-16-78 Tape 163 - Black Women in the Media. Debra Jefferson. 10-19-78. Tape 164a - An Inside Look at Women's Publishing. Tape A & B. Barbara Grier. 10-20-78 Tape 164b - An Inside Look at Women's Publishing. Tape A & B. Barbara Grier. 10-20-78 Tape 165 - Black Feminism. Panel. 10-23-78 Tape 166a - The Discrimination Complaint: How to Keep Your Sanity. Jackie McClain. 10-25-78 Tape 166b - The Discrimination Complaint: How to Keep Your Sanity. Jackie McClain. 10-25-78 Tape 167a - Rape: Trial Techniques in Prosecution and Defense. Tape A & B Patrick Williams. 11-1-78 Tape 167b - Rape: Trial Techniques in Prosecution and Defense. Tape A & B Patrick Williams. 11-1-78 Tape 168 - Jogging: Recreating Body & Soul. Suzanne Dunlap. 11-1-78. Tape 169 - missing Tape 170 - Living With Contradictions. Suzanne Dunlap. 11-8-78 Tape 171 - Women in the Military. ROTC Women's Board. 11-13-78 Tape 172a - Buying Your Own Home. Eleanor Arendt. 11-15-78 Tapes A. Tape 172b - Buying Your Own Home. Eleanor Arendt. 11-15-78 Tapes B. Tape 173 - So You Want to be a Lawyer? UMC Women's Law Caucus. 11-16-78 Tape 174 - Raising Feminist Sons. Loretta Williams, Linda Herrick-Sackis 11-27-78 Tape 175 - missing Tape 176 - Single Parenting. Dr. Carolyn Farquhan. 11-30-78 Tape 177 - missing Tape 178 - How to get Along With Your Roommate. Kathy Hotelling & Bill Connor. 1-22-79 Tape 179 - KMOX/CBS Radio-At Your Service. St. Louis, MO. Vicki Keith & Jackie McClain. 1-24-79 Tape 180 - missing Tape 181a - Sisters in Brotherhood. Tape A. 1-25-79 Tape 181b - Sisters in Brotherhood. Tape B. 1-25-79 Tape 182 - Update: ERA Tactics After the Extension. Anne Carman. 1-29-79 Tape 183a - Update Current Legislation, National & State. Tape A. Vicki Keith & Margie Sable. 1-31-79 Tape 183b - Update Current Legislation, National & State. Tape B. Vicki Keith & Margie Sable. 1-31-79 Tape 184 - Update: Title IX. Jackie McClain 2-1-79 Tape 185 - A Feminist Primer. Vickie Keith. 2-5-79 Tape 186 - Women in Higher Education. Dr. Sheila Aery. 2-7-79 Tape 187 - Feminist Utopias: Visions of the Future. Julie Foster, Margie Sable. 2-8-79 Tape 188 - Feminist Humor. Kathleen Laughlin. 2-12-79 Tape 189 - Swedish Message. Karen Kaupanger. 2-14-79 Tape 190 - Women & Credit. Sandra Branson. 2-19-79 Tape 191 - Del Martin at K. C. Conference. 2-21-79 Tape 192 - Financial Planning for Two Career Families. Dr. Sandra Helmich. 2-21-79 Tape 193 - Personal Financing for Poverty-Stricken Students. Alma J. Owens 2-22-79 Tape 194 - missing Tape 195 - Making Responsible Sexual Decisions. UMC Human Sexuality Education Panel. 2-28-79 Tape 196 - "Masturbation" Myths & Facts. Louise Pietrafesa. 3-1-79 Tape 197 - Assertion in the Job Hunt. Bonnie Zelenack. 3-5-79 Tape 198 - Sexual Harassment in the Classroom. Vickie Keith. 3-7-79 Tape 199 - missing Tape 200 - Loving Through the U. S. Mail. Roberta Meyerson, Jackie McClain, Leanne White. 3-14-79 Tape 201 - Becoming Functionally Non-Sexist: For Men. Blase Bova, Manny Brandt, Phil Harris. 3-15-79 Tape 202 - Writing Your Own Wedding Vows. Rev. Gail Joralmon & Panel. 3-15-79 Tape 203a - Miriom Dyak: Poetry Reading. 3-19-79 Tape 203b - missing Tape 204 - Psychological Effects of Birth Control. 3-19-79 Tape 205 - The Curse: A Cultural History of Menstruation. 3-22-79 Tape 206 - Vegetarianism. Project EAT-Educating Appetites for Tomorrow. 4-2-79 Tape 207 - Basics of Gardening. Val Andrew, Wally Palm. 4-4-79 Tape 208 - Kicking the Junk Food Habit. Project EAT-Educating Appetites For Tomorrow. 4-5-79 Tape 209 - Androgyny: Best of Both Worlds. Dr. Barbara Bank 4-9-79 Tape 210 - Women & Anger. Dr. Linda Moore. 4-11-79 Tape 211 - Debate: Schlafly & Decrow. 4-11-79 Tape 212 - Developing Self-Esteem. Leslie Hummer, Phil Winger. 4-12-79 Tape 213 - Consumer Feminism The National Boycott. Julie Foster, Rev. Gail Joraliman. 4-18-79 Tape 214 - Protest Letter Writing. Cathy Hess. 4-19-79 Tape 215 - An Ideal Childcare Plan for UMC: One View. Alberta Hahn 4-23-79 Tape 216 - missing Tape 217 - Fitness From A Feminist Perspective. Louise Pietrafesa. 6-18-79 Tape 218 - Discussion: Black Macho & Myth of the Superwoman. 6-21-79 Tape 219 - Iranian Women. Panel 6-25-79 Tape 220a - Women's Health Cycles. Dr. Pat Ludeman 6-27-79 Tape 220b - Women's Health Cycles. Dr. Pat Ludeman 6-27-79 Tape 221a - Feminist Burn Out. Ann Strack 6-28-79 Tape 221b - Feminist Burn Out. Ann Strack 6-28-79 Tape 222 - Women Traveling: Alone and Together. Mary Small, Jo Cece, Betsy Braznell. 7-2-79 Tape 223 - missing Tape 224 - Divorce: With & Without a Lawyer. Betty Wilson. 7-11-79 Tape 225a - missing Tape 225b - Mothers/Daughters. Marge Van Diggelan, Barbara Dew Lokitz. 7-12-79 Tape 226 - Interview With Muriel Battle, Principal West Jr. High. 7-16-79 Tape 227 - Powerful Women in Education. Dr. Shaila Aery - Asst. to Chancellor. 7-18-79 Tape 228 - Powerful Women in Education. Anita Bond, President St. Louis School Board. 7-20-79 Tape 229 - Mirror, Mirror on the Wall: Beauty in America. Debbie Pursiful, Charlotte Navarre. 7-23-79 Tape 230a - An Evening for Returning Women Students. Panel: Kay Grebirg, 7-25-79 Facilitator. Tape 230b - An Evening for Returning Women Students. Panel: Kay Grebirg, 7-25-79 Facilitator. Tape 231 - The Women's Room-Book Review. Suzanne Dunlap. 7-26-79 Tape 232 - Women & Nukes: Silkwood & Beyond. Susan Haim, Missourians for Safe Energy. 9-5-79 Tape 233 - missing Tape 234 - Women's Sexual Fantasies. Dr. Wanda Morgan. 9-10-79 Tape 235 - Who's Doing the Dishes Tonight? Kathy Hotelling, Bill Conners. 9-17-79 Tape 236 - missing Tape 237 - Being Single Again. Panel. 9-20-79 Tape 238 - Gynecology: Fears, Questions & Misconceptions. Dr. Dorothy Rodgers. 9-24-79 Tape 239 - Alternatives to Traditional Childbirth. Melinda Jenkins, RN, Dr. Coleen Kivlahan-Family Practice, Nina Mewmer, The Farm. 9-26-79 Tape 240 - In Search of Twiggy: Weight Control. Project EAT. 9-27-79 Tape 241 - Black Women's Network. Betty Roberts. 10-1-79 Tape 242 - missing Tape 243 - Let the Buyer Beware: Choosing a Therapist. Ann Strack CAPS. 10-8-79 Tape 244 - Integrating Body & Mind. Karen Kaupanger. 10-8-79 Tape 245 - Building Self Esteem. Dr. Vickie Straub. 10-11-79 Tape 246 - The Civil Rights & The Women's Movement: A Comparison. Dr. Carolyn Dorsey10-15-79 Tape 247 - introduction to Columbia's Women's Community. 10-19-79 Tape 248 - Violence in the Family. Althea Harris, Lois Bryant. 10-22-79 Tape 249 - The Changing Family/Future Options. Dr. Marilyn Blossom. 10-24-79 Tape 250 - More on Community Child Care. Alberta Hahn. 10-25-79 Tape 251 - missing Tape 252a - Sexual Harassment. Vicky Keith. 10-31-79 Tape 252b - Sexual Harassment. Vicky Keith. 10-31-79 Tape 253 - Have You Ever Met a Mirror You Really Liked? Dr. M. J. Smythe 11-5-79 Tape 254 - I Spent Four Years in College for This? Sandy Olson, Adult Program Specialist CPPC. 11-8-79 Tape 255 - Status of Women in a Communist Country. Carrie Baer. 11-12-79 Tape 256 - Cultural Differences: Employment of Women. Panel. 11-15-79 Tape 257 - missing Tape 258 - Interpersonal Tug of War. Lou Ann Knowlan, Counselor UNC. Tape 259 - Feminist Utopias: Vision of the Future. Vicky Keith & Panel. 11-27-79. Tape 260 - Feminist Revolution: How Can It Be Done? Rev. Jeanine Linstrom & Panel. 11-28-79. Tape 261 - Power in Numbers: Women, Math & Statistics. Dr. Jean Seabaugh & Panel. 11-29-79. Tape 262 - Women in Administration. Dr. Bea Litherland, UMC College of Home Ec. 12-3-79. Tape 263 - Demystifying the Budget. Sadra Helmick. 12-5-79 Tape 264 - Dynamics of Tokenism. Jackie McClain, Affirmative Action, UMC 12-6-79 Tape 265 - Women and Therapy. Nan Frautshi, Doctoral Candidate, Clinical Psychology. 1-21-80. Tape 266 - Insanity: A Patrichial Concept. Louise Pietrafesa. 1-23-80 Tape 267 - Feeling Good About Yourself. Dr. Harriet Jardine. 1-24-80 Tape 268 - Yoga & Relaxation. Joan Rosenberg, Residence Hall Counselor. 1-28-80. Tape 269 - Feminist Fat Awareness Group. Panel Discussion. 1-28-80 Tape 270 - White Beauty Standards for Black Women. Panel Discussion. 1-30-80 Tape 271 - Sex On Wheels. Aggie Jenny, Rusk Rehabilitation Counselor. 2-4-80 Tape 272 - Assertion in the Bedroom. Karen Schulthesis, CSL Human Sexuality Ed. Program. 2-6-80 Tape 273 - Female Sexual Dysfunction. Dr. Carla Anderson, Psychologist. 2-7-80. Tape 274 - missing Tape 275 - Masturbation. Human Sexuality Education panel. 2-14-80 Tape 276 - Women and Honor: Some Notes on Lying. Ann Strack. 2-18-80 Tape 277 - Communication Between Women. Lou Ann Knowlan, Counselor. 2-20-80 Tape 278 - Our Founders as Feminists: A Look at Sororities. Vicky Keith 2-21-80. Tape 279 - Anger Toward the Men You Love. Vicki Campbell. 2-25-80 Tape 280 - Women and Anger. Nan Frautschi, Intern, UMC Women's Center. 2-27-80. Tape 281 - missing Tape 282 - In Search of the Non-Sexist Man. Suzanne Dunlap, Counseling Dept. 3-3-80. Tape 283 - Marriage: Making Mine Different. Panel Discussion. 3-5-80 Tape 284 - Marriage: Some Considerations. Laurie Sullivan. 3-6-80 Tape 285 - The Woman Leader: Psychodynamic Considerations. Dr. Elizabeth Morgan Heimburger, Assoc. Prof. Psychiatry. 3-10-80. Tape 286 - Games Mother Never Taught You: Corporate Gamesmanship for Women. Ann Carmen, Women Studies Coord. 3-13-80. Tape 287 - Is There Life After Graduation? CPPC Staff. 3-17-79 Box 2 - 010871 [return to top][A08-74] Tape 288 - Tape 289 - Job Interviews: Answering Illegal Questions. Jackie McClain, Manager Staff Relations, Affirm. Action. 3-19-80 Tape 290 - missing Tape 291a - Dealing with a Friend Who's Been Raped. Pam Mauch - AARCC Trainer. 4-3-80 Tape 291b - Dealing with a Friend Who's Been Raped. Pam Mauch - AARCC Trainer. 4-3-80 Tape 292 - Weapons: What Women Should Know. Sgt. Ann Roling-UM Police Dept. 4-7-80 Tape 293 - Martial Arts as Self-Defense for Women. Kristy Connor, Black Belt. 4-9-80 Tape 294 - Talking About Self-Defense. Vicky Keith/OPEN DISCUSSION 4-10-80 Tape 295a - The Pathology of Oppression. Flo Kennedy 4-9-80 Tape 295b - The Pathology of Oppression. Flo Kennedy 4-9-80 Tape 295c - The Pathology of Oppression. Flo Kennedy 4-9-80 Tape 296 - Depression. Pam Mauch & Sandy Olson, Pride in Mizzou Week. 4-15-80 Tape 297 - Women and Judaism. Linda Saiger, Hillel Foundation 4-14-80 Tape 298 - Women, Christianity & the Spiritual Quest 4-16-80 Rev. Jeannine Lindstrom, Dir. Stephen's College Women Studies. Tape 299 - Sexual Myths in Greek Mythology. Dr. Ted Tarkov 4-16-80 Tape 300 - Women in the Black Church. Rebecca Colbert, 2nd Baptist Church. 4-17-80 Tape 301 - Black Mothers & Daughters. 4-21-80 Tape 302 - Human Biology & Feminist Theory. Sex Equality Reconsidered, Dr. Alison Jagger, Philosophy, U of Cincinnati. 3-21-80 Tape 303 - Breaking From Mom: Can It Be Done. Marilyn White, Dir. of Counseling, Stephens. 4-23-80 Tape 304 - missing Tape 305 - Networking. Lee Solomon, Dean of Arts & Sciences, Wash. U. Tape 306a - Should There Be a Black Women's Studies. Jonella Butler, Afro-American Studies - Smith. Tape 306b - Should There Be a Black Women's Studies. Jonella Butler, Afro-American Studies - Smith. Tape 307 - Black Women's Role in the Women's Movement. Jonella Butler, Afro-American Studies - Smith. Tape 308 - The Incompatibility of Racism Sexism in Education. Wilma Scott Heide, Women's Studies Visiting Scholar. Tape 309a - Anthropology, The Study of Woman which Includes Men. Wilma Scott Heide. Tape 309b - Anthropology, The Study of Woman which Includes Men. Wilma Scott Heide. Tape 310 - Women and Peace. Wilma Scott Heide, Barbara Ehrenreich. Tape 311 - The Ungodliness of Religion. Wilma Scott Heide. Tape 312 - The Seemlessness of Scholarship and. Action - More Future Search and Less Research. Wilma Scott Heide. Tape 313 - Women, Overweight and Power. Louise Pietrafesa. Tape 314 - Swedish Massage. Karen Kauparger. Tape 315 - Mid Life Passages.. Dr. Harriet Jardine. Tape 316 - Rape Awareness. Nancy Satz. Tape 317 - Don't Mess with a Woman - Physical Self_Defense. Renata Majorino. Tape 318a - Legislative Hearings on Adult Abuse Bill - Debate Jeff City. Tape 318b - Legislative Hearings on Adult Abuse Bill - Debate Jeff City. Tape 319 - What You Don't Know about Money Can Cost You a Bundle. Mary Epstein. Tape 320 - Country Wimmin. Artemis; Dragon Wimmin Collective. Tape 321 - Astrology. Scott Newell - Astrologer. Subject: Psychological Issues/Lifestyles. 7/9/80. Tape 322 - Assertion. Nan Frautschi. Tape 323 - How to Buy a Car. Joan Clark. Tape 324 - Weight Training for Women. Pat Easton. Tape 325 - Male Female Systems. Vicki Keith. Tape 326 - missing Tape 327 - missing Tape 328 - Role Of Body Image In Personal Relationships. Dr. M. J. Smythe Tape 329 - Politics of Jealousy. Louise Pietrafesa. Tape 330 - Dynamics Of Divorce. Dr. Vicki Straub. Subject: Relationships- marriage 9/10/80 Tape 331 - Long Distance Relationships. Sandy Olson Tape 332 - There's No Place Like Home- Making Yours Safe. Sgt. Ann Roling UMC Police Tape 333 - Verbal Self Defense. Vicky Keith. Tape 334 - Weapons: What Women Should Know. Sgt. Ann Roling, Capt Jack Watring UMC Police. Tape 335 - The Ecology of Rape. Anne Fullman. Tape 336 - Dealing With a Friend Who's Been Raped. Susan Moss Tape 337 - Women From All Red Nations. Margie Bauker. Tape 338 - Self Indulgence For the Body. Karen Kaupanger. Tape 339a - Building Self Esteem. Dr. Carla Anderson. Tape 339b - Building Self Esteem. Dr. Carla Anderson. Tape 340 - Enhancing Personal Power. Sandy Olson, Lu Ann Knowin. Tape 341 - Woman Battering. Katherin Lowe. Tape 342 - Incest: Daughter Rape. Eilleen Reichert. Tape 343 - Issues: Black and White Women. Michelle Wallace. Tape 344 - Legal Rights in Employment. Jackie McClain. Tape 345 - Building Self Confidence . Louise Pietrafesa. Tape 346 - Sexual Harassment. Vicki Keith UMC Women's Center. Tape 347 - Academic Women/Discussion. Joyce Miller President National Coalition of Labor Unions for Women. Tape 348 - Women and Underemployment. Mary Heppner and panel CPPC Tape 349 - missing Tape 350 - Update: ERA. Ann Carman Coordinator Women Studies. Tape 351 - Pioneer Women- Super Women vs. Women Place. Susan Garth and Linda Pickle. Tape 352 - Feminist Utopias. Debbie Bryer and Beth Barnhill Facilitators Feminist Utopia Novels. Tape 353 - How ERA Can Affect Your Life. Linda Locke and Panel Women's Studies Tape 354 - Black Women: A Natural Coalition . Sandy Nickel UMC Speech Dept. Asst. Professor and Althea Harris Local Atty. Tape 355 - Winterizing Your Home. Wally Palm Women Center Staff Tape 356 - Women's Health Collective. Columbia's Women's Health Collective Tape 357 - From Pills to Prophylactics. Janet Hibel Intern, Human Sexuality Education Program. Tape 358 - Presidential Candidates: How They Stand on Women's Issues. Linda Locke 1980 Delegate to Democratic Convention Tape 359 - Budgeting and Finances: Competences Needed for Administration. Dr. Ria Frijters Vice Chancellor for Administration. Tape 360 - Organizational Communication Patterns . Sharon Yoder Director University Relations UMC. Tape 361 - Step Parenting. Margie Hanington. Tape 362 - Teenage Sexuality: A Parental Perspective. Linda Hickman Coordinator Fulton Family Planning and Karla Myers, Education Director, Planned Parenthood of Central Missouri. Tape 363 - Leadership Characteristics needed in the Decision making Process. Dr. Shaila Aery. Tape 364 - Cooperative Conflict Resolution with Children. Linda Bryan and panel. Tape 365 - Is Witch Hunting Back? A Look at the Moral Majority. Susan James Tape 366 - Fighting the Backlash. Linda Locke, State Coordinator, N.O.W. Tape 367 - But I Haven't Studied in Years. Vicky Keith. Tape 368 - A Thoughtful Approach to Weight Control: Feeling Good. Louise Pietrafesa. Tape 369 - Foodaholics: Are You One? Louise Pietrafesa. Tape 370 - Interview with Norma Fisk on Education and Feminism. Norma Fisk. Tape 371 - There's Only So Much Time. Dr. Marilyn Wendland. Tape 372 - Women and Language Diane Hunter and Donald Lance. Tape 373 - Breaking Up Is Hard To Do . Suzanne Dunlap. Tape 374 - Racism and Sexism in Instructional Materials. Dr. Beryl Banfield. Tape 375 - Discrimination. Jackie McCain. Tape 376 - Sexual Harassment. Vicky Keith. Subject: violence/Harassment Tape 377 - WAVAW Women Against Violence Against Women. Report by Valerie Gordon. Tape 378 - Body Maintenance. Women's Health Collective, Jean Sax and panel. Tape 379 - Losing Weight: A Way of Life. Louise Pietrafesa. Tape 380 - Swedish Massage. Karen Kaupanger. Tape 381 - missing Tape 382 - Stress in Black Women. Barbara Horrell. Tape 383 - Feminist Criticism of Reagan's Inaugural Speech. Sandy Nickel and Joleen Koester. Tape 384 - The Dating Game. Vicky Keith and Guy Conway. Tape 385 - missing Tape 386 - missing Tape 387 - Toxic Shock Syndrome. Pam Smith and Diane Brukardt. Tape 388 - Salvaging Friendships from Love's Debris. Panel. Tape 389 - What You Don't Know About Money Can Cost You A Bundle. Mary Epstein. Tape 390 - The High Cost of Being Female: A Labor Force Analysis. Joyce Shackett. Tape 391 - What You Should Know About Recession, Depression, Inflation. Deb Tinnin. Tape 392 - Verbal Bondage: Women and Language. M. J. Smythe and Dawn Van Beek. Tape 393 - Misogynous Concepts. Jeanine Lindstrom. Tape 394 - Feminist Rhetoric: From Elizabeth Cady Stanton to Wilma Scott Heide. Sandra Nickel. Tape 395 - Women's Studies: Courses in a Capsule. Donna Kuizenga. Tape 396 - Behind Every Great Man... No More, Women as Leaders. Paulette Grimes. Tape 397 - Rape at UMC. Ann Roling and Panel. Tape 398 - Martial Arts as Self-Defense. Kristy Connors. Tape 399 - missing Tape 400 - Witchcraft Revisited. Artemis. Tape 401 - The Politics of Virginity. Louise Pietrafesa. Tape 402 - missing Tape 403 - When Mom and Dad ARE Growing Old. Millie Zimmerman. Tape 404 - My Sister/Myself. Sandy Olsen and Marlis Denning. Tape 405 - Going Home For The Summer. Colleen Voss. Tape 406 - When Mom's an Alcoholic. Kathy Burack. Tape 407 - Hortense Alger vs. The Machiavellian Princess. The Advice Popular Books Give Women Seeking Managerial Success. Jolene Koester. 3/5/81 Tape 408 - Women's Studies: Branching Out From English. L. Fowler, J. Cohn, D. Pahnos. NCTE Convention Nov. 1976. Tape 409 - A New Beginning: Eliminating Sex Stereotyping in Early Childhood Education. Project on Sex Stereotyping in Education. Tape 410 - Sexism in Reading Materials. Doris Gunderson, Norma Willson. San Diego Convention Nov. 1975. Tape 411 - Women's Studies In-service Education: 1. Florence Howe - Introduction; 2. Elaine Showalter - Literature; 3. Mary Rothschild - History; 4. Selma Greenberg - Socialization Tape 412 - Origin, Problems and Operation of the Women's History Library. Laura X. 8/31/73. Tape 413 - On Developing a Women's Studies Program. Carmen Nickel. 4/9/80. Tape 414 - Point of Interest. Anne Carman with T. Krynski. 4/7/80. Tape 415 - Point of Interest. Future of Women Conference Speakers Bernard, Miller, and Du Bois. 11/10/80. Tape 416 - Point of Interest. Betty Cook Rottman with T. Krynski International Seminar on Women. 6/22/81 Tape 417 - Legislating Women's Place: The Effect of State Policy on Women without Men. Nancy Davis. 4/20/81 Tape 418 - Marge Piercy. Poetry Reading at William Woods College. 5/5/81. Tape 419 - Pornography. Susan Griffin. Part I 4/21/81. Tape 420 - Pornography. Susan Griffin. Part II 4/21/81. Tape 421 - Is There a Full Moon Tonight, Honey? Lunarception. Victoria Lewis, Irvine Sobelman. 6/17/81. Tape 422 - An Ounce of Protection is Worth a Pound of Mace: Home Security. Sgt. Ann Roling. 6/18/81. Tape 423 - Summer Solstice Celebration. Artemis Silverowl. 6/21/81. Tape 424 - Sleeping Single in a Double Bed: Coping with Divorce. Donna Koechig. 6/24/81. Tape 425 - Sleeping Single in a Double Bed: Coping with Divorce (cont.) Donna Koechig. 6/24/81. Tape 426 - When Captain Kangaroo's on Strike: Dealing with Your Children. Mary Jo Hude. 6/25/81. Tape 427 - Professional Dress for Business Women. Jean Griffin with Eileen Lineberry. Nov. 1978. Tape 428 - Are Women's Reproductive Rights Threatened? Marilyn Katz. 3/9/81 Tape 429 - Moleskin for the Soul: Outdoor Women. Jamie Conglose. 7/1/81. Tape 430 - Jockey Free Luggage: Traveling Solo or with Other Women. Panel. 7/15/81. Tape 431 - You Think Just Like a Woman: A Compliment for Today's Managers. Louise Pietrafesa. 7/16/81. Tape 432 - There's a Poet in Our Midst. 7/22/81. Tape 433 - Rape Prevention. Ann Fullman. 7/23/81. Tape 434 - Contraception: Beyond Saran Wrap and Rubber Bands. Jean Galliher. 9/2/81. Tape 435a - My Doctor/Myself. Jean Sax, Sharon Lee. 9/2/81. Tape 435b - My Doctor/Myself. Jean Sax, Sharon Lee. 9/2/81. Tape 436 - Wizard of Os. Demystifying Gynecology. Deb Plattner, Dorothy Rodgers. 9/3/81. Tape 437a - missing Tape 437b - missing Tape 438 - Can Ma Bell Keep Us Together? Long Distance Loving. Sandy Gault, Mable Grimes, Terra Brackman. 9/10/81 Tape 439 - Drinking Beer, Dating Boys, Losing Weight. Patty Blake. 9/14/81. Tape 440 - How Men View Women. David Patterson, Guy Conway, Al Keeler. 9/16/81. Tape 441 - Concentration and Relaxation. Mary Lou Bussabarger. 2/4/81. Tape 442 - missing Tape 443 - Fantasies of Revolution. Panel. 11/6/80. Tape 444 - missing Tape 445 - The Big "O": Orgasm, Myth and Fact. Louise Pietrafesa. 9/13/79. Tape 446 - Potpourri of Health Care Alternatives. Panel. 2/18/81. Tape 447 - The Politics of Rape. Lynn Baumhoff. 9/21/81. Tape 448 - A No Between Friends Still Means No. Phyllis Hopkins. 9/23/81. Tape 449a - Street Hassling: A Prelude to Rape. Vicky Keith. 9/24/81. Tape 449b - Street Hassling: A Prelude to Rape. Vicky Keith. 9/24/81. Tape 450 - missing Tape 451a - Journal Writing. LuAnn Knowlan. 9/30/81. Tape 451b - Journal Writing. LuAnn Knowlan. 9/30/81. Tape 452 - The Special Stresses of Women's Lives. Linda Moore. 10/1/81. Tape 453 - Lesbianism. 101: An Intro. S.W. 2/11/80 Tape 454 - Taking Control of Your Life. Gwen Hendrix. 9/28/81 Tape 455 - Pornography. Dr. Judy Jones 10/2/81 Tape 456 - Sex 101: The Facts of Life. Lucinda Baker, Community Planned Parenthood. 10/7/81 Tape 457 - Sexuality or Intimacy: Must you Choose? Janie Henry Child and Family Development. Doctorial Candidate. 10/7/81 Tape 458 - Womyn Friends. Dorthy Sikyta, Lynn Baumhoff 10/12/81 Tape 459 - Choosing Single Parenthood 10/14/81 Tape 460 - N.0.W. vs. Ashcroft. Betty Wilson 10/15/81 Tape 461 - The Woman in Your Life. Marilyn Burk, Instructor: Single Living 10/15/81 Tape 462 - Correct Line Feminism: The Question of Political Correctness 10/19/81 Tape 463 - Racism In the Women's Movement 10/21/81 Tape 464 - Class as a Feminist Issue 10/ 22/81 Tape 465 - Men and Women: Variation on a Theme. Vicki Keith 10/26/8] Tape 466 - Christianity and Feminism. Jill Raitt: Chairperson, Dept. of Religious Studies, 10/28/81 Tape 467 - If Women Ran the World. Karen Presly, Jolene Koester 10/29/81 Tape 468 - U.M.C. Women Basketball. JoAnn Rutherford 11/7/81 Tape 469 - Update: State and Nat'l Legislation. Linda Locke, State Coordinator N.0.W. 11/11/81 Tape 470 - Update: Human Life Amendment 11/12/81 Tape 471 - Civil Disobedience 11/18/81 Tape 472 - Assessment of an Old Problem: Age Discrimination. Barbara Burns 11/30/81 Tape 473 - Growing Older, Does Life End at 30 ??? 12/2/81 Tape 474 - missing Tape 475 - Child Advocacy 12/7/81 Tape 476 - Who's Teaching Our Preschoolers 12/9/81 Tape 477 - It's Our Little Secret, Incest and Child Abuse 12/10/81 Tape 478 - Mothers Without Custody 1 28/82 Tape 479 - Conflict and Resolution for Children 1/27/82 Tape 480 - Psychology of Love. Dr. Dorthy Haecker 2/1/82 Tape 481 - Ozzie and Harriet Go to Washington 2/1/82 Tape 482 - Raising Feminist Sons. 1/25/82 Tape 483 - Gone With the Wind: Reagan and Affirmative Action 2/4/82 Tape 484 - Fathering Daughters. Panel Discussion 2/11/82 Tape 485 - Women Take Back The Track. Ben Londeree 2/15/82 Tape 486 - Sailing Through the Goal Posts of Life: Sports as a Game Plan for Success 11/5/81 Tape 487 - Shelly Douglas on Feminism/Civil Disobedience 11/6/8] Tape 488 - Is the Moral Majority Either? Susan James 11/9/81 Tape 489 - Mission Impossible: Ratifying the E.R.A. 2/3/82 Tape 490 - Violence against Women. Judy Jones 2/5/82 Tape 491 - Feminism Builds Strong Men: Living with Feminist. Panel 2/8/82 Tape 492 - Dealing with Sexism: For Men Only. Bob Arkin & David Patterson 2/10/82 Tape 493 - What's the Game Plan: Title IX Issues at U.M.C. Jean Cerra 2/18/82 Tape 494 - Massage and Body Image. Ester Siegel 2/22/82 Tape 495 - Feeling Good About Yourself: Building Self Esteem 4/24/82 Tape 496 - Feeling Good About Yourself: Managing Your Time 4/25/82 Tape 497 - Men and Women of the Corporation- A Book Review. Jolene Koester 3/1/82 Tape 498 - The Job Interview: Snappy Answers to Illegal Questions Sue Strom, Michele Boyer 3/3/82 Tape 499 - If Adam Smith Had Been a Woman: Eve's Economics. Alma J. Owen 3/8/82 Tape 500 - The Buck Stops Where?: Money & Relationships. Ann Covington 3/10/82 Tape 501 - Who Asks, Who Pays? Dating Finances & Expectations. Panel 3/11/82 Tape 502 - A Cross Cultural Look at Sexuality. Panel 3/24/82 Tape 503 - Dating Rituals: Non Verbal Messages. M.J. Smythe 3/25/82 Tape 504 - History of Feminism in America. Linda Kerber 3/26/82 Tape 505 - Pioneer Women: Uncovering Your Heritage. Ann Neel, Prof. of Sociology- University of Puget Sound 3/31/82 Tape 506 - Racism & Sexism: Expressions of Oppression. Carolyn Dorsey, Dorthy Haecker 4/5/82 Tape 507 - Male-Female Relationships in Black Culture. Co-Sponsored by Black Culture Center 4/8/82 Tape 508 - Alternatives to Traditional Marriage 4/12/82 Tape 509 - Me, Myself, and Mom: Mother/Daughter Relationships Jeanne and Luci Lee 4/15/82 Tape 510 - Language: His and Hers. Kay Henry 4/12/82 Tape 511 - Biography: Dr. Bea Litherland. College of Home Ec. U.M.C. 4/19/82 Tape 512 - Biography: Dr. Ria Frijters: Vice-Chancellor for Administrative Services. U.M.C. 4/22/82 Tape 513 - Biography: Dr. Barbara Uehling. Chancellor U.M.C. 4/26/82 Tape 514 - Women in Literature: Write on Women. Sarah Womac 4/26/82 Tape 515 - Anti-Semitism, A Feminist Issue 4/29/82 Tape 516 - Is That Really a Fat Girl in Your Mirror? Marcia Smith 5/3/82 Tape 517 - When Mom's an Alcoholic- Summer Allen 5/5/82 Tape 518 - Kinky Cures for Cramps. Columbia Women's Health Center 5/6/82 Tape 519 - The Current Status of Women's Studies in the U.S. Florence Howe [Why Women's Studies Conference] 11/9/77 Tape 520 - Women in the University, Faculty, and Administration. Carol Konek [Why Women's Studies Conference] 11/9/77 Tape 521 - The Role of Women's Studies in a Liberal Arts Curriculum. Sally Kitch [Why Women's Studies Conference] 11/9/77 Tape 522 - The Philosophy of Women's Studies. Sheila Ruth [Why Women's Studies Conference] 11/9/77 Tape 523 - The Philosophy of Women's Studies . Sheila Ruth [Why Women's Studies Conference] 11/9/77 Tape 523B missing Tape 524 - Women in the University, Faculty, and Administration. Carol Konek [Why Women's Studies Conference] 11/9/77 Tape 524B The Role of Women's Studies in a Liberal Arts Curriculum. Sally Kitch [Why Women's Studies Conference] 11/9/77 Tape 525 - Current Feminist Theory. Adele Mueller [Why Women's Studies Conference] 11/9/77 Tape 526 - Panel Discussion: Howe, Kitch, Konek, Ruth [Why Women's Studies Conference] Tape 527 - Storytelling. Naomi Woodspring. 4/2/82 Tape 528 - missing Tape 529 - Safe Camping. P.J. McClain 6/24/82 Tape 530 - Rag, Mama, Rag: Premenstrual Syndrome. Sue Richman, R.N. P.H. Robin Power R.N. 6/28/82 Tape 531 - The Fiscal Future of the Women's Center. Roland Buck. Dir. Office of Student Dev. 6/30/82 Tape 532 - Beyond the E.R.A.: An Independence Day Speakout. 7/1/82 Tape 533 - Beyond Wonder Woman: Feminist Science Fiction. Dorthy Haecker 7/7/82 Tape 534 - The Obsession: A Book Review About Body Image. Luci Lee-staff 7/8/82 Tape 535 - Sexuality; His and Hers. Margie Sable 7/19/82 Tape 536 - Children and Sexuality. Roseann Grotjan. 7/22/82 Tape 537 - Avoiding Procreation. Jeanne Galliher, Coordinator: Reproductive Health Services 8/8/82 Tape 538 - Overview of the Women's Movement. Jeannie Lindstrom Elliot, Coordinator Women's Studies Stephens College 8/9/82 Tape 539 - Ain't I A Woman? Betty Roberts 9/13/82 Tape 540 - Black Woman's Organization in Missouri: A Historical Perspective. Francise Wilson 9/16/82 Tape 541 - Ending Relationships: Caring Closure, Marlys Denny M.S. Counseling 9/20/82 Tape 542 - What' a Wheelchair Between Lovers? Donna and Steve Phillips 9/22/82 Tape 543 - Politics of Monogamy: Jesse Lawson, Women Studies Instructor 9/23/82 Tape 544 - Women of Spirit: Ruth Wiggins 9/27/82 Tape 545 - Women of Spirit: Sue Gerard 9/29/82 Tape 546 - Women of Spirit: Zoe Bower 9/30/82 Tape 547 - Taking Our Education Seriously; Anita Estelle, Lisa Gerick, Karen Small 10/4/82 Tape 548 - Playing Fair: Sex Role Stereotyping in P.E. Mary Hoferek 10/6/82 Tape 549 - Sneak Previews: Next Semester's Women's Studies Courses. Dorthy Haecker, Director of Women Studies Program 10/7/82 Tape 550 - Financial Planning for Widows and Divorced Women. Mary Epstein 10/11/82 Tape 551 - Money Matters: On Financial Planning. Fran Beach, Financial Analyst 10/13/82 Tape 552 - Financial Aid Update: George Brooks, Director of Financial Aid U.M.C. 10/14/82 Tape 553 - Women and the Arms Race. Diana Rowe 10/18/82 Tape 554 - The Women's Pentagon Action. Panel Discussion. 10/20/82 Tape 555 - Memories of a Newborn. Karen Kaupanger and Lou Swacker 10/25/82 Tape 556 - Spinning a Yarn; Stories for Free Children. Tina Hobbs, Dir. Children's Programming K.O.P.N. 10/28/82 Tape 557 - missing Tape 558 - A Business of our Own. Gail Shenn, Pat Easton, Kathryn Dundon 11/3/82 Tape 559 - Surviving the Death of a Parent. E. Joyce Schulte 11/10/82 Tape 560 - Artificial Insemination: The Myths, The Facts, The Controversy. Dr. Ferris 11/11/82 Tape 561 - Finding Each Other Without Losing Yourself. Jim & Vicki Straub 9/9/81 Tape 562 - Handguns: What Women Should Know. Maj. Jack Watring 11/18/82 Tape 563 - Women and Appearance. Dorothy Haecker 11/29/82 Tape 564 - Women's History Resources. Andrea Hinding 11/23/82 Box 3 - 010894 [return to top][A08-74] Tape 565 - Confronting Racist Behavior. Carolyn Dorsey, Coordinator, Black Studies Program @ UMC 1/18/83 Tape 566 - Reading The Fine Print: Sexism and the Media. Barb Luebke, Asst. Prof. News Editorial, UMC 1/19/83 Tape 567 - Surviving the Sexist Classroom. Dorothy Haecker, Deborah Pursifull, Pam Reich, Karen Small, Kathryn Stock 1/20/83 Tape 568 - This Land is Thailand. Toom Ramanum 1/24/83 Tape 569 - There's More to Argentina Than Evita. Magdalena Garcia Pinto, Asst. Prof. Romance Languages, UMC 1/26/83 Tape 570 - Couple Communications. Luci Lee and Bob Chaney 1/31/83 Tape 571 - ET, Phone Home. Patty Blake, Ph.D. candidate, Counseling Psychology UMC 2/7/8 3 Tape 572 - Living with Feminists. Bill Bennett, Olaf Kula, Rob McDaniels, Dick Thoreson 2/9/83 Tape 573 - Marriage and Your Legal Rights. Nanette Laughrey, Attorney 2/10/83 Tape 574 - Beyond the Nail Biting, Picking Fights and Sleepless Nights. Karen Switzer, Missouri Department of Social Services 2/14/83 Tape 575 - Dreams: Weaving an Interpretation. Karen Kaupanger, co-owner, Swedish Massage Center 2/16/83 Tape 576 - I'm Late, I'm Late. Vera Elleson, Ph.D. candidate, Counseling Psychology UMC 2/17/83 Tape 577 - Feminine Writing: Do Women Write Differently? Margo Glantz, Mexican Writer 2/17/83 Tape 578 - Reflections on Inequality and the History Of Women. Kim Lacy Rogers, Visiting Asst. Prof.. History, UMC. 2/21/83 Tape 579 - The Feminist Body Politic. Dorothy Haecker, Director Women's Studies at UMC 2/23/83 Tape 580 - Is There Feminism After The Second Sex? Donna Kuizenga, Assoc. Prof. Romance Languages, UMC 2/24/83 Tape 581 - Singing A Sister Song. Charlotte Navarre, KOPN 2/28/83 Tape 582 - A Reel Good Time: Women and Film. Sharon Buzzard, Ph.D. candidate English UMC 3/3/83 Tape 583 - Once upon a Time.... Zoe Baur, storyteller 3/7/83 Tape 584 - Divorce and You: Conference. Part One Eric Rofes 2/12/83 Tape 585 - Divorce and You: Conference. Part Two Eric Rofes 2/12/83 Tape 586 - Divorce and You: Conference. Part Three Betty Wilson 2/12/83 Tape 587 - Non-sexist Stories Are Not Fairy Tales. June De Weese, UMC librarian and Irene Fitzgerald, Prof. Emeritus of Education UMC 3/9/83 Tape 588 - Alternatives to Handguns. Joan Hansen, officer UMPD 3/21/83 Tape 589 - You've Got A Friend. Luci Lee, Women's Center Staff 3/24/83 Tape 590 - A Look From The Inside Out: Reformism. Carrie Francke, Asst. Attorney General of Missouri 3/28/83 Tape 591 - Sandra and the Supremes. Cheryl Block, Assoc. Prof. Law at UMC 3/3 0/8 3 Tape 592 - MSA: The Male Student Association? Sarah Luthens, Student Activist UMC 3/31/83 Tape 593 - Linking Women Resources: The Classroom/Community Connection. Feminist Survival Conference, Part One. Kristen Watts-Penny 4/1/83 Tape 594 - MRNWSA: International Feminism. Feminist Survival Conference, Part Two. Betty Cook Rottman and Linda Richter 4/1/83 Tape 595 - Lesbian Survival. Feminist Survival Conference. Part Three. 4/2/83 Tape 596 - Radical Feminism: At Home In the Classroom? Feminist Survival Conference, Part Four. 4/2/83 Tape 597 - missing Tape 598 - Feminist Therapy. Panel of Feminist Therapists. 4/6/83 Tape 599 - Catherine Comet, Conductor of St. Louis Symphony. 3/25/83 Tape 600 - We've Come A Long Way. Karla Myers. 4/21/83 Tape 601 - Assertion in the Bedroom. 4/20/83. Tape 602 - Diet: Don't Try It. Rusty Foltz, RD, and Luci Lee. 6/20/83. Tape 603 - Sun Fun Overdone? Dr. Phillip Anderson. 6/22/83. Tape 604 - Use It, Don't Abuse It. Renata Maiorino. 7/18/83. Tape 605 - When a Drink Provides The Link. Kristi Roberts, PhD. 6/23/83. Tape 606 - No More Qualms About Hairy Palms: Informed Talk About Masturbation. Tape 607 - A Reading of Love Stories. Dorothy Haecker, Lisa Gerick, Deborah Pursifull, and Dorothy Sikyta. 7/27/83. Tape 608 - Eating Disorders: The New Epidemic. Bev Gelwick. 4/14/83. Tape 609 - You Should Be Dancin'. Debbie Moseley. 4/13/83. Tape 610 - Women You Can Look Up To: Women in Constellations. Richard Hamilton, TA - UMC Classical Studies. 7/13/83. Tape 611 - It's Everywhere, It's Everywhere. Dorothy Sikyta & Kathryn Stock. Tape 612 - All The Right Places: Swedish Massage. Karen Kaupangler. 7/19/83. Tape 613 - The Color Purple: A Review of Alice Walker. Frances Wilson. Tape 614 - East Wind: An Alternative Community. 4/28/83. Representatives from East Wind, cooperative community in Arkansas. Tape 615 - Adoption. Althea Harris. 4/25/83. Tape 616 - Living Well Enough Alone. Connie Beacher. 4/27/83. Tape 617 - Taking Your Own Stories Seriously. Enya Gracechild. 7/25/83. Tape 618 - Macho, Move Over. Mid-Mo. Men's Resource Group. 6/29/83. Tape 619 - Wilderness Women Don't Sing The Blues. Margo Farnsworth. Tape 620 - Easy Come, Easy Go: Pros & Cons of Casual Sex. Panel. Tape 621 - Here's Another Theory, Dearie: Women & Cooperatives. Panel. Tape 622 - Equality: Who Needs It? Schafly-Weddington Debate. Sponsored by AWS. 4/12/83. Tape 623 - Naming and/or Claiming Your Sexuality. Margie Sable. 4/18/83. Tape 624 - Shrink to Fit: Choosing a Therapist. Dorothy Sikyta. 4/7/83. Tape 625 - Women Friends. Connie Beacher. 9/12/83. Tape 626 - How To Survive the Loss of a Love. Joan Rosenberg. 9/15/83. Tape 627 - Drinking Beer, Dating Boys, and Losing Weight. Patty Blake. Subject: "How to" Self-sufficiency. Tape 628 - The Medical Exam. Representative from Family Services Shelter for Abused Women. 9/20/83. Tape 629 - The Police Investigation. Steve Monticelli. 9/21/83. Tape 630 - The Legal Side. Joe Moseley. 9/22/83. Tape 631 - D.A. Divilbiss: Chief Librarian, Missouri Supreme Court Library. D.A. Divilbiss. 9-27-83 Tape 632 - Classy and Classic Comebacks. India McCanse. 10-3-83. Tape 633 - The Battle isn't Over. Dorothy Haecker. 10-5-83. Tape 634 - My Sister's Keeper. Laura Hacquard. 10-6-83. Tape 635 - Marjorie Marlin: Assoc. Professor of Psychology and Social Research UMC. 9-29-83. Marjorie Marlin. Tape 636 - Judy Moore: Vice President of Coldwell Bankers. Judy Moore. 9-28-83. Tape 637 - The Analysis. Dorothy Sikyta. 9-19-83. Tape 638 - Too Much, Too Little, Too Early. Karla Myers. 10-10-83. Tape 639 - Beyond Rhythm And Blues. Jeanne Galliher. 10-12-83. Tape 640 - Menopause: The Pause that Refreshes? Delores Hemphill. 10-13-83. Tape 641a - Women & Honesty. Joan Rosenburg. 10-19-83. Tape 641b - Women & Honesty. Joan Rosenburg. 10-19-83. Tape 642a - Women & Depression. Helen Roehlke. 10-20-83. Tape 642b - Women & Depression. Helen Roehlke. 10-20-83. Tape 643 - Pre-Menstrual Syndrome. RMS Support Group. 10-26-83. Tape 644 - Women & Anger. Kathy Reese. 10-27-83. Tape 645 - Stress Management for Women. Marilyn White. 10-31-83. Tape 646 - Shiatsu Massage. Santa Falcone-Grannis. 11-3-83. Tape 647 - To Thine Own Self Be True. Vera Elleson. 1-30-84. Tape 648 - Looking at it & Liking It. Renata Mairoino. 2-1-84. Tape 649 - missing Tape 650 - I'm Not a Feminist, But... Sheila Greenberg. 2-6-84. Tape 651 - When Mom's An Alcoholic. Laurel Harlan. 10-24-83. Tape 652 - Angela Davis Speaking During a Conference. Angela Davis. 2-4-83. Tape 653 - Angela Davis Speaking During a Conference. Angela Davis. 2-4-83. Tape 654 - Racism in the Women's Movement. Mabel Grimes. 2-15-84. Tape 655 - Hispanic Women's Voices. Magdalena Garcia-Pinto. 3-8-84. Tape 656 - 19th Century Women and Their Doctors. Nancy Theriot. 3-12-84. Tape 657 - Menstruation: Don't Let it Cramp Your Style. Martha Pickens. 3-14-84. Tape 658 - Women's Cancer. Dr. Mary Muscato. 3-15-84. Tape 659 - That's Not in My Job Description. Luci Lee. 3-26-84. Tape 660 - But I Can't Read Your Mind, Love. Lisa Emmenegger & Jeff Bessey. 4-2-84 Tape 661 - As You Like It. Staff of Columbia Reproductive Health Services. 4-4-84. Tape 662 - Women of the Cloth. Jeanine Elliot. 4-9-84. Tape 663 - Liberation Theology. Kay Klinkenborg. 4-16-84. Tape 664 - Images of Women in Athletics. Jean Cerra. 4-23-84. Tape 665 - Images of Women in the Third World. Podge Webster and Jennifer Scott. 4-26-84. Tape 666 - Women, Race, and Class. Dorothy Haecker and Frances Wilson. 4-30-84. Tape 667 - Commentary on the Future of Women's Education & the Role of Women in Higher Education. Dr. Patsy Sampson. 5-7-84. Tape 668 - Women and Leadership. Dr. Sharon Pope. 5-9-84. Tape 669 - Women in Secondary Education. Dr. Muriel Battle. 5-10-84. Tape 670 - Time Management. Vera Elleson. 6-11-84. Tape 671 - All Stressed Up and No Place To Go. Joan Rosenburg. 6-13-84. Tape 672 - In A Different Voice: Book Review. Beth Paige. 6-14-84. Tape 673 - Out of Sight, Out of Mind. Lisa Polette. 6-20-84. Tape 674 - missing Tape 675 - Summertime, and The Livin' Ain't Easy: A Discussion of Rape. Joan Hansen & India McCanse. 6-27-84. Tape 676 - Living With Strength. Renata Maiorino. 6-2884. Tape 677 - Summer Love. Patty Blake. 6-27-84. Tape 678 - Lesbian Community: A Discussion of Issues. Panel Discussion. 7-11-84. Tape 679 - Our Siblings, Ourselves. Panel Discussion. 7-12-84. Tape 680 - Images of War, Images of Peace. Panel. 7-16-84. Tape 681 - Equity In The Classroom. Linda Jones. 7-19-84. Tape 682 - Tennis Anyone. Sarah Luthens. 11-28-83. Tape 683 - Women's Voices. Frances Wilson. 11-30-83. Tape 684 - Acts of Violence. Lynn Taylor. 3-1-84. Tape 685 - Women in Latin America. Dr. Ecilda Haensel. 8-03-84. Tape 686 - Missouri Women Preachers. Elaine Lawless. 9-11-84 Tape 687a - Nuts and Bolts. India McCanse, Luci Lee. 9-17-84. Tape 687b - Comparative Feminist Ideologies. Dorothy Haecker. 9-19-84. Tape 688 - Feminist Pedagogy. Women's Studies Student Roundtable. 9-20-84. Tape 689 - Families Resolving Conflict. Network of Parenting for Peace and Justice. 9-26-84. Tape 690 - Black Families. Lois Bryant. 9-27-84. Tape 691 - Sexuality and Aging. Center for Aging Studies, UMC. 10-1-84. Tape 692 - Teenage Sexuality. Delores Hemphill. 10-3-84. Tape 693 - Adult Children of Alcoholics. Marion Typpo, Jill Hastings. 10-8-84. Tape 694 - PMS. Lana Jacobs. 10-10-84. Tape 695a - A Rape is a Rape. Nancy Moffitt, Dorothy Sikyta. 10-15-84. Tape 695b - A Rape is a Rape. Nancy Moffitt, Dorothy Sikyta. 10-15-84. Tape 696 - Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Lisa Polette. 10-17-84. Tape 697 - Incest. Luci Lee, Lisa Smith. 10-18-84. Tape 698 - Election Preview: A Woman's Perspective. Jackie White, Kathryn Lowe. 10-31-84. Tape 699a - Marta Alicia Riviera. Marta Alicia Riviera. 11-5-84. Tape 699b - Marta Alicia Riviera. Marta Alicia Riviera. 11-5-84. Tape 700 - Confronting Racist Behavior. Carolyn Dorsey. 11-5-84. Tape 701 - Teach Your Teachers Well. Panel Discussion; Women's Center Staff [ al]. 11-7-84. Tape 702 - A Juggling Act. Patty Blake. 11-8-84. Tape 703 - Menopause: The Pause that Refreshes? Ann Stapleton. 11-14-84. Tape 704 - The New Right. Zillah Eisenstein. 11-16-84. Tape 705 - The Legacy of Reagan Zillah Eisenstein 11-16-84 Tape 706a - A Difficult Decision. Jeanne Galliher, R.H.A. 11-28-84. Tape 706b - A Difficult Decision. Jeanne Galliher, R.H.A. 11-28-84. Tape 707 - missing Tape 708 - Affirmative Action. Karen Cottledge-Touzeau. 12-05-84. Tape 709 - Adoption. Althea Harris. 12-06-84. Tape 710 - Humor and Stereotypes: A Woman's Perspective. Nancy Walker. 1-28-85. Tape 711 - Stress-Busters. Joan Rosenburg. 1-31-85. Tape 712 - Double Jeopardy: Black and Female. Local Black Female Professionals. 2-04-85 Tape 713 - Black Women on a White Campus. Lynn Reader, Benita Williams. 2-06-85. Tape 714 - Anorexics, Athletes, and Amazons: The Body-Culture Connection. Nancy Theriot, Visiting Asst. Professor, UMC History Dept. 2-11-85. Tape 715 - Good Things We've Done. Laura Philpott. 2-13-85. Tape 716 - Beyond Harriet Tubman. Mary Lenox, Dean of Library and Information Sciences, UMC. 2-14-85. Tape 717 - Fighting Abuse. Deb Bryer. 2-18-85. Tape 718 - Against Rape. Karolin Solorzano, India McCanse. 2-21-85. Tape 719 - If I Were a Carpenter. . . Karen Northup, Jaye Wright. 2-25-85. Tape 720 - Is There Life After Graduation? Rebecca Sanderson 2-28-85 Tape 721 - A Double Bind? Gayle Miller, Executive Director, Opportunity Unlimited. 3-11-85. Tape 722 - Where Do I Turn? Leslie Schneider & Dorothy Sikyta of Columbia Human Rights Commission. 3-14-85. Tape 723 - Feminist Therapy. Laurel Harlan, N.S.W., Co-owner of Human Dynamics; Pam Mauch, Ph.D., Kathy Reese, Ph.D. 3-25-85. Tape 724 - missing Tape 725 - In a Different Voice. Judy Kraybill. 3-28-85. Tape 726 - Making Yourself Miserable? Nan Sloan. 4-03-85. Tape 727 - Bulimia: Epidemic of the 80's. Barbara Bauer, Ph.D., Center for Family and Individual Counseling. 4-04-85. Tape 728 - Dangerous Bedfellows. Human Sexuality Education and Alcohol Education Programs of OSD. 4-08-85. Tape 729a - Lesbian Sexuality. Jo Ruprecht. 4-10-85. Tape 729b - Lesbian Sexuality. Jo Ruprecht. 4-10-85. Tape 730a - Women in Greek Myth. Mary Rosenthal Lefkowitz. 2-25-85. Tape 730b - Women in Greek Myth. Mary Rosenthal Lefkowitz. 2-25-85. Tape 731a - Lesbian Health Issues. Diana Wright, Nan Sloan, Laurel Harlan, Karma Uldall. 4-10-85. Tape 731b - Lesbian Health Issues. Diana Wright, Nan Sloan, Laurel Harlan, Karma Uldall. 4-10-85. Tape 732 - As You Like It: Assertion in the Bedroom. Carla Anderson, Ph.D., Center for Family and Individual Counseling. Tape 733 - Initiating and Maintaining an Intimate Relationship. Patty Blake, Counselor, Columbia College. 4-15-85. Tape 734 - Politics of Jealousy. Dorothy Haecker, Director, Women Studies, UMC. 4-17-85. Tape 735 - Divorce: A Long and Winding Road. Betty Wilson, Attorney. 4-18-85. Tape 736 - Recommended Readings. Deb Pursifull; Leslie Miller, Poet-in-Residence at Stephens College. 4-22-85. Tape 737 - With a Little Help from Our Friends. Betty Cook Rottmann, Co-Founder Missouri Women's Network. 4-24-85. Tape 738 - I'm a Feminist But I Wear Make-up. Lisa Polette, M.S.W. 4-25-85. Tape 739 - All the Right Moves Dawn Hutchins, Professional Belly Dancer and Teacher 4-29-85 Tape 740 - Family Therapy. Karen Schiess, Therapist, Center for Family and Individual Counseling. 5-6-85. Tape 741a - Workshop on Apartheid. Hillary Shelton, (see also #746). 7-2-85. Tape 741b - Workshop on Apartheid. Hillary Shelton, (see also #746). 7-2-85. Tape 742 - Body Image: Every Body has One. Lisa Polette, M.S.W. 6-16-85. Tape 743 - Fear of Success. Marta Nolin. 6-24-85. Tape 744 - I Think I Can. . . Joan Rosenberg. 6-27-85. Tape 745 - Give Peace a Chance. Peaceworkers Panel Discussion. 7-1-85. Tape 746 - Racism: Focus on Apartheid. Hillary Shelton, Midwest Coordinator and Missouri State Director of National Organization of Black University and College Students. 7-2-85. Tape 747 - Pornography: A Legislative Update. Anita Estelle. 7-3-85. Tape 748 - Sexual Assault. Boone County Task Force on Sexual Assault. 7-8-85. Tape 749 - Battered Women. Mary Magestro, Counselor of Battered Women. 7-10-85. Tape 750 - Victim Assistance. Patty Blake, Director of Victim/Witness Services, Boone County. 7-11-85. Tape 750a - Three Approaches to Feminist Therapy. Diane McDermott, Sherry Opadchey, etc. [Session 1 - National Women's Studies Association (Midwest Region) April 5-7, 1984] Tape 750b - Three Approaches to Feminist Therapy. Diane McDermott, Sherry Opadchey, etc. [Session 1 - National Women's Studies Association (Midwest Region) April 5-7, 1984] Tape 751 - A Model for Integrating Lesbian Issues into the Classroom. Laurie Roades, Elaine Webster, etc.[Session 1 - National Women's Studies Association (Midwest Region) April 5-7, 1984] Tape 752 - Women As the Weakened Sex. Lauri Appelbaum - Who is Irma Brown? Betty Rose Dudley - A Study of Power in Battering Relationships. Ruth Zupan [Session 2 - National Women's Studies Association (Midwest Region) April 5-7, 1984] Tape 753 - Rural Women Around Us. Deborah Fink [Session 2 - National Women's Studies Association (Midwest Region) April 5-7, 1984] Tape 754 - A Longitudinal Study of College Men's and Women's Perceptions of Faculty/Administration Support. Kitty Dickerson, Jeanette Bowker - The Measurement of Nurse Bias Against Female Patients. Leslie Lovejoy and Richard Weiner - Perceptions about the Thoughts of a Rapist. Nora Ebersbach, Richard Weiner [Session 1 - National Women's Studies Association (Midwest Region) April 5-7, 1984] Tape 755 - Curriculum Transformation: Integrating Feminist Scholarship into Traditional Courses. Mary Ann Campbell, Anne Bristow, etc. [Session 3 - National Women's Studies Association (Midwest Region) April 5-7, 1984] Tape 756 - Between Mothers and Daughters: Stories Across a Generation- The Mother-Daughter Relationship in Short Stories by U.S. Women - Writers, 1848-1980. Susan Koppelman [Session 3 - National Women's Studies Association (Midwest Region) April 5-7, 1984] Tape 757 - Romantic Friendships among Nineteenth Century Women Writers. Kathy Hickok [Session 3 - National Women's Studies Association (Midwest Region) April 5-7, 1984] Tape 758 - Women's Words: Voices of Women in Literature. Jean Sloop, Edith Hinrichs [Session 4 - National Women's Studies Association (Midwest Region) April 5-7, 1984] Tape 759 - Broken Identification Mechanism. Jennifer Mee - The Impact of Women's Studies on My Life: Hidden Treasures in Higher Education. Gail Thompson - The Women's Studies Experience: A Student Definition. Ruth Riley, Donna E. Dees [Session 4 - National Women's Studies Association (Midwest Region) April 5-7, 1984] Tape 760 - Sexism in the Schools: Has Anything Changed? Nancy Smith, Mary M Harris, etc. [Session 4 - National Women's Studies Association (Midwest Region) April 5-7, 1984] Tape 761 - Sexism in the Schools: Has Anything Changed? Nancy Smith, Mary M Harris, etc. [Session 4 - National Women's Studies Association (Midwest Region) April 5-7, 1984] Tape 762 - Sharing Resources Toward Common Goals: Clerical Workers and Women's Studies. Susan Copeland Wilson, Donna M. Dees [Session 4 - National Women's Studies Association (Midwest Region) April 5-7, 1984] Tape 763 - Disability CR Workshop. Susan Koppelman [Session 4 - National Women's Studies Association (Midwest Region) April 5-7, 1984] Tape 764 - Writing the Difference: Women's Writing from Three National Perspectives. Magdalena Garcia-Pinto, Nancy Locke, etc. [Session 5 - National Women's Studies Association (Midwest Region) April 5-7, 1984] Tape 765 - Abuse in Lesbian Relationships: Voices of Victims. Mary Ellen Gard, Debra Bryer [Session 5 - National Women's Studies Association (Midwest Region) April 5-7, 1984] Tape 766 - The Feminist Book Press: Its Role in the Marketplace of Ideas. Carolyn Hudson - Party Papers Coverage of the 'American Fair'. Karen List - News of Women: UPI Coverage. Barbara Luebke [Session 5 - National Women's Studies Association (Midwest Region) April 5-7, 1984] Tape 767 - Is Romance Dysfunctional? Suzanna Rose [Session 6 - National Women's Studies Association (Midwest Region) April 5-7, 1984] Tape 768 - Female Elementary Eduaction Student's Perceptions of Male and Female Elementary Education Professors. Judy Pickle. [Session 6 - National Women's Studies Association (Midwest Region) April 5-7, 1984] Tape 769 - Redefining Liberal Education through Feminist Pedagogy. Stephens Senior Colloquium/Design [Session 6 - National Women's Studies Association (Midwest Region) April 5-7, 1984] Tape 770 - Sinful Sisters: Historical Interpretations of Female Criminality and Implications for Present Policies and Treatment Programs for the Female Offender. Kris Furlought [Session 6 - National Women's Studies Association (Midwest Region) April 5-7, 1984] Tape 771 - Women and Technology: Tensions Between Liberations and Oppression. Carole Isaccs, Minake Murayama, etc. [Session 7 - National Women's Studies Association (Midwest Region) April 5-7, 1984] Tape 772 - Two-Collar Families. Panel of Dual-Career Couples. 7-18-85. Tape 773 - Teach Your Children Well. Linda Jones, Elementary Librarian, Columbia Public Schools. 7-22-85. Tape 774 - The Feminization of Poverty. Diane Booth, M.S.W., Executive Director of the Job Center. 9-9-85. Tape 775 - They Do More Than Hold Up Half the Sky. Susan Neese, Program Director for Women in International Development, UMC. 9-11-85. Tape 776 - missing Tape 777 - Dispelling the Myths. Raeona Nichols, Rape Educator, UMC Women Center. 9-16-85. Tape 778 - Rape: Legal Issues. Joe Moseley, Boone County Prosecuting Attorney. 9-19-85. Tape 779 - Feeling Safe Inside and Out. Renata Maiorino, Instructor, UMC Health Physical Education Dept. 9-25-85. Tape 780 - The Black Woman: The Myth and the Reality. Carolyn Dorsey, Assoc. Professor, Higher & Adult Education & Foundations, UMC. 9-26-85. Tape 781 - Mentoring. June De Weese, Chair, Chancellor's Committee on the Status of Women and Social Science Librarian, UMC. 9-30-85. Tape 782 - Sexual Harassment Goes to College. Laura Hacquard, Coordinator, UMC Women's Center. 10-2-85. Tape 783 - That's the Way the Budget Bounces. Joan Rutherford, UMC Women's Basketball Coach. 10-3-85. Tape 784 - Silent Scripts. Dorothy Haecker, Director, UNC Women Studies Dept. 10-7-85. Tape 785 - Women's Issues: World Issues. Carrie Francke, Missouri Delegate to the UN International Women's Conference. Nairobi, Kenya. 10-8-85. Tape 786 - What's a Woman (or Man) to Do? Dawn Hodi, Program Coordinator, UMC Women's Center. 10-14-85. Tape 787 - Child of My Womb. Althea Harris, Coordinator, Family Adoption and Counseling Service. 10-16-85. Tape 788 - Women's Studies Preview. Dorothy Haecker, Director, UMC Women's Studies Department. 10-21-85. Tape 789 - Clinic Violence. Jeanne Galliher, Coordinator, Columbia Reproductive Health Services. 10-23-85. Tape 790 - Happiness and Change. Michael DiBenedetto, M.Ed.; Barbara Fichenauer, M.S.W., Therapist at Human Dynamics. 10-17-85. Tape 791 - Clinic Violence. Jeanne Galliher, Coordinator, Columbia Reproductive Health Services. 10-23-85. Tape 792 - Comparable Worth. Debra Cheshier. 10-24-85. Tape 793 - After the Pill. India McCanse, Director of Education, Planned Parenthood of Central Missouri. 10-28-85. Tape 794 - Health Implications of Sexual Activity in an Enlightened Sexual Age. Dr. Anne Rosenow, Associate Dean of Research and Director of Graduate Studies, UMC School of Nursing. 10-29-85. Tape 795 - The Unmaking of a Woman: An Outward Bound Story. Lezlie Laws Couch, Ph.D. 10-30-85. Tape 796a - Listening to Your Inner Wise Woman. Joan Dallam, Ph.D., Director of Counseling, Stephens College. 10-31-85. Tape 796b - Listening to Your Inner Wise Woman. Joan Dallam, Ph.D., Director of Counseling, Stephens College. 10-31-85. Tape 797 - missing Tape 798 - Is There Feminism After the Second Sex? Donna Kuizenga, Associate Professor, Romance Languages, UMC. 11-14-85. Tape 799 - Native Vision. Jeannie Sky, Counselor. 11-21-85. Tape 800 - A Woman's Place. . .in Broadcasting. Jean Gaddy Wilson, Research on Media in the 80's, UMC School of Journalism. 12-2-85. Tape 801 - A Woman' s Place. . . in Medicine. American Medical Student Association. 12-4-85. Tape 802 - You Are Qualified! Virginia Gravel, Career Counselor. 1-27-86. Tape 803 - Imposter Syndrome. Carolyn Vail, Intern, UMC Counseling Service. 1-29-86. Tape 804 - Financial Planning. Mary Boyd, Financial Planning Consultant. 1-30-86. Tape 805a - El Salvador: Is It Worth Dying For? Panel. 2-3-86. Tape 805b - El Salvador: Is It Worth Dying For? Panel. 2-3-86. Tape 806 - History of the Abortion Movement and Legislation. Jeanne Galliher, Counselor, Reproductive Health Services. 2-5-86. Tape 807 - Strategies for Survival. Karen Cottledge-Touzeau, UMC Director of Employee Relations and Affirmative Action. 2-11-86. Tape 808 - Lead On. Mary E. Bryant, Director of Public Affairs, Planned Parenthood Affiliates of Missouri. 2-12-86. Tape 809 - A Different Definition of Leadership. Diane Skomars McGrath, Married Partner to the President of the University of Missouri. 2-13-86. Tape 810 - Juggling Multiple Roles. Ann Elise Kaiser, Intern, UMC Counseling Services. 2-17-86. Tape 811 - "Choosing Children" Film. 2-19-86. Tape 812 - A Right of One's Own. Diana Blackwell, Columbia National Organization for Women (NOW). 2-20-86. Tape 813 - Personal Power. Marya Kyril, Intern, UMC Counseling Services. 3-3-86. Tape 814 - Lesbian Health Issues. Diana Wright, M.D., and Nan Sloan, M.S.W. 3-5-86. Tape 815 - Feminist Images of Healing. Dorothy Haecker, Director, Women Studies at UMC. 3-6-86. Tape 816 - Barrier-Free Relationships: Addressing Disability Issues. Carma Messerli, Student Services Advisor, Access Office, Office for Student Development, UMC. 3-10-86. Tape 817 - Assessment of Black Educators in Predominantly White Colleges and Universities. Aretha Jones, Coordinator of Student Services, Minority Student Programs, Office for Student Development, UMC. 3-12-86. Tape 818 - Stranger in a Strange Land. Tona Henderson and Susan Rutan, Travellers. 3-13-86. Tape 819 - It's a Potter's Life. Sue Gerard, Potter. 3-26-86. Tape 820 - Quilters, Old and New. Shirley Troth, Quilters' Guild. 3-27-86. Tape 821 - Women and Spirituality. Rita Brock, Director of Women Studies, Stephens College. 3-31-86. Tape 822 - Visions of Peacemaking: The Personal and the Political. Deb Pursiful and other Women Studies students from Stephens College. 4-2-86. Tape 823 - A Book of Dreams. Joan Dallam, Ph.D., Director of Counseling Services, Stephens College. 4-3-86. Tape 824 - Educated Women in China Since the Revolution in 1949. Tani Barlow, Assistant Professor of History, UMC. 4-7-86. Tape 825 - The Woman Teacher as Problem. Dina Copelmean, Assistant Professor of History, UMC. 4-9-86. Tape 826 - Thatcher and the Feminists in Great Britain. Dorothy Shelston, Visiting Guest Lecturer, Women Studies and Education, UMC. 4-10-86. Tape 827 - missing Tape 828 - missing Tape 829a - Rural Farm Women. Judy Heffernan, Research Associate, Rural Sociology, UMC. 4-24-86. Tape 829b - Rural Farm Women. Judy Heffernan, Research Associate, Rural Sociology, UMC. 4-24-86. Tape 830 - Women Gathering. Deb Bryer, Mary Ellen Gard, and Shelda Eggers, Feminists. 4-28-86. Box 4 - 010914 [return to top][A08-74] Tape 831 - Seduction Through Subliminal Advertising. Birgit Wassmuth, Associate Professor, Advertising, UMC. 4-30-86. Tape 832 - The Rational Woman in the Attic: Women Making Sense. Catherine Parke, Associate Professor of English, UMC. 5-1-86. Tape 833 - Body Image. Ann Elise Kaiser and Vicki Keeling-Wallace. 6-16-86. Tape 834 - Feminist Images of Healing. Dorothy Haecker, Director, Women Studies, UMC. 6-18-86. Tape 835 - Children Having Children. India McCanse, M.Ed., Director of Education, Planned Parenthood of Central Missouri. 6-23-86. Tape 836 - School-Based Health Clinics. Coleen Kiulahan, M.D., Medical Director, Boone County Health Department, Columbia. 6-25-86. Tape 837 - Community: A Way of Life. Carolyn Brittell. 6-30-86. Tape 838 - Breastfeeding. Trish Vandiver. 7-7-86. Tape 839 - Taking Our Bodies Back. Diana Wright, M.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Child Health and Medicine, UMC. 7-9-86. Tape 840 - Menopause. Maureen Brown, Nurse Practitioner, Instructor, UMC School of Nursing. 7-10-86. Tape 841 - Women and Aging. Dr. Anne Rosenow, Professor and Associate Dean of Research, UMC School of Nursing. 7-14-86. Tape 842 - Women and Homelessness. Lana Jacobs, Loaves and Fishes Soup Kitchen and St. Francis House of Hospitality. 7-16-86. Tape 843 - Women and Alcohol. Laurel Harlan, M.S.W., Therapist and Co-owner of Human Dynamics. 7-17-86. Tape 844 - Swedish Massage. Karen Kaupanger, Massage Therapist, Teacher and Owner of Swedish Massage Center. 7-23-86. Tape 845 - missing Tape 846 - Rape on Trial. Joe Moseley, Boone County Prosecuting Attorney. 9-10-86. Tape 847 - Date Rape. Raeona Nichols and Keith Buescher. 9-11-86. Tape 848 - Family Talk. India McCanse, M.Ed., Director of Education and Training, Planned Parenthood. 9-15-86. Tape 849 - Mothers & Daughters, Daughters & Mothers. Luci Lee and Dr. Jean Lee. 9-17-86. Tape 850 - Greenham Women Against Cruise Missiles. Rae Street. 9-19-86. Tape 851 - Women Rising. Women Rising in Resistance. 9-25-86. Tape 852 - Adult Survivors of Incest. Barb Brockman, M.S.W., Clinic Coordinator at Family Counseling Center. 9-29-86. Tape 853 - Recovery: Anorexia and Bulimia. Panel of Health Care Professionals. 10-2-86. Tape 854 - Striving for the Excellence Within Us. Kim Dude, Assistant Director, Residential Life Programs. 10-6-86. Tape 855 - For Your Own Good. Deborah Pursiful, Feminist. 10-9-86. Tape 856 - Hand-Me-Downs. Liz Barnes, Author. 10-15-86. Tape 857 - Women Studies at UMC: Review and Preview. Dorothy Haecker, Director, UMC Women Studies. 10-20-86. Tape 858 - Women Studies Resources. June DeWeese, Social Science Librarian, UMC. 10-23-86. Tape 859 - Women in the Black Church. Paulette Grimes, Assistant Director, Student Development, Minority & Special Student Programs. 10-27-86. Tape 860 - Women Returning to School. Vickie Keeling-Wallace and Laura Hacquard, Coordinator, UMC Women's Center. 10-29-86. Tape 861 - Russian Women. Dr. Carla Lee Anderson, Center for Family and Individual Counseling. 10-30-86. Tape 862 - Feminist Ideologies. Dorothy Haecker, Director, UMC Women Studies. 11-3-86. Tape 863 - Balancing Our Lives. Betty Scott, Associate Professor, Music, UMC. 11-5-86. Tape 864 - Women's Cancer. Dr. Ann Rosenow, Professor, Associate Dean for Research and Director of Graduate Studies, UMC School of Nursing. 11-10-86. Tape 865 - Women Smoking. Tom DiLorenzo, Ph.D., Director of Smoking Clinic and Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychology, UMC, and Vanessa Selby. 11-12-86. Tape 866 - Pre-Menstrual Syndrome. Maureen Brown, Nursing Practitioner, Instructor, UMC School of Nursing. 11-13-86. Tape 867 - Pornography. Sarah Luthens, Citizens for Media Responsibility Without Law. 11-17-86. Tape 868 - Women and Divorce. Betty Wilson, Attorney. 11-19-86. Tape 869 - Changing Roles of Women in Judaism. Kerry Hollander, Program Coordinator, Hillel Foundation. 2-5-87. Tape 870 - Personal Decisions. India McCanse, Director of Education, Planned Parenthood of Central Missouri. 2-9-87. Tape 871 - Corsets, Nose Rings, & Diets: Tools of the Trade. Barbara Bauer, Ph.D., Psychologist, Center for Family & Individual Counseling. 2-16-87. Tape 872 - Humming and Beckoning: An Alternative to Dieting. Karen Fitzgerald, Groups and Counseling Intern, UMC Women's Center. 2-17-87. Tape 873 - The Genesis of Gender. Carole Myscofski, Assistant Professor, Religious Studies, UMC. 2-19-87. Tape 874 - Voices of the Heart: A Woman's Struggle for Spirituality in Modern Times. Susan Tobin. 2-27-87. Tape 875 - Test Anxiety. Karen Fitzgerald, Groups and Counseling Intern, UMC Women's Center. 3-2-87. Tape 876 - The Healer's Apprentice. Deborah Pursiful, Feminist. 2-4-87. Tape 877 - What's a Mother to Do? Scottie Daugherty, Disengaged Mother, and Kay Gerard, Shared-Time Mother. 3-4-87. Tape 878 - Putting Your Best Foot Forward. Nancy Ellerman, M.A., Educational and Counseling Psychology; Career Planning and Placement Center, UMC. 3-9-87. Tape 879 - Women, Race, and Class. Dorothy Haecker, Director, UMC Women Studies, and Fances Jones-Sneed, Research Associate, Graduate School. 3-11-87. Tape 880 - Gifted Women: Developmental Issues and Contemporary Concerns. Kathy Berry. 3-12-87. Tape 881 - Your Cancer IQ. Kathie Reid, Consultant, Women's Cancer Control Program, Cancer Research Center. 3-26-87. Tape 882 - missing Tape 883 - Grief and the College Student. Joyce Schulte, M.Ed., Pain and Stress Specialist. 3-31-87. Tape 884 - Humor and Gender. Michael Johnson. 4-1-87. Tape 885 - Sexual Harassment. Luci Lee. 4-2-87. Tape 886 - Femicide: The Killing of Women by Male Partners. Karen Stout, M.S.W., Assistant Professor of Social Work, UMC. 4-6-87. Tape 887 - People United for Peace. Panel. 4-8-87. Tape 888 - You've Got It! Karen Fitzgerald, Groups and Counseling Intern, UMC Women's Center. 4-13-87. Tape 889 - Ought To, Have To, Should. Karen Fitzgerald, Groups and Counseling Intern, UMC Women's Center. 4-13-87. Tape 890 - Communication With Children Through Laughter. Michael Johnson. 4-16-87. Tape 891 - Whole Brain Thinking. Kim Dude, Assistant Director, Residential Life Programs, UMC. 4-20-87. Tape 892 - My Self and My Friends. Barbara Bank, Associate Professor, Sociology, UMC. 4-23-87. Tape 893 - Don't Fall Off the Rice Paddy: The Side Effects of Walking in the Himalayas. Julie Youmans, Traveler. 4-27-87. Tape 894 - Discover Yourself in Your Dreams. Pam Dougherty, Dreamer. 2-11-87. Tape 895 - Spinning From a Broken Web: Christianity and Feminism. Rita Nakashima Brock, Director, Women Studies, Stephens College. 2-12-87. Tape 896 - New Name, Old Problem Acquaintance Rape. Karolin Solorzano, Law Student & Rape Education Intern, UMC, and David Towle, M.A. 2-25-87. Tape 897 - The Way We Were. Betty Scott, Professor, Music, UMC. 3-5-87. Tape 898 - Muscle Magic. Karen Kaupanger, Massage Therapist, Teacher and Owner, Swedish Massage Center. 6-18-84. Tape 899 - Rape Education. Raeona Nichols. 6-26-86. Tape 900 - Wit as a Weapon: Verbal Self-Defense. India McCanse, M.Ed., Director of Education and Training, Planned Parenthood. 12-3-86. Tape 901 - It's in the Stars! Linda Mazuranic, Astrologer. 6-17-87. Tape 902 - Body Image: To See Ourselves. Lorraine Fay, Exercise Counselor, Rader Institute, Columbia Regional Hospital. 6-18-87. Tape 903 - Women, Children, and AIDS. India McCanse, M.Ed., Director of Education, Planned Parenthood. 6-22-87. Tape 904 - missing Tape 905a - Touch for Health. Karen Kaupanger, Massage Therapist, Teacher and Owner A&B of Swedish Massage Center. 7-1-87. Tape 905b - Touch for Health. Karen Kaupanger, Massage Therapist, Teacher and Owner A&B of Swedish Massage Center. 7-1-87. Tape 906 - Your Bias is Showing. Dawn Hodi, M.Ed., Counselor, Family Counseling Center, and Laura Hacquard, Coordinator, UMC Women's Center. 7-6-87. Tape 907 - Buddhist and Native Approaches to Health and Healing. Melissa Herrmann, M.A., Buddhist and Western Psychology, Naropa Institute, Boulder, Colorado. 7-8-87. Tape 908 - How Do I Keep From Losing Me & Still Be Close to You? Karen Fitzgerald, Groups & Counseling Intern, UMC Women's Center. 7-13-87. Tape 909 - Stressed for Success. Katy Swafford, Program Coordinator, UMC Women's Center. 7-15-87. Tape 910 - Women's Voices. Kathy Reese, Ph.D., Psychologist, Private Practice. 7-16-87. Tape 911 - "A Little to the Left, Dear"--It's Your Perfect Right. India McCanse, M.Ed., Director of Education, Planned Parenthood, and Dawn Hodi, M.Ed., Counselor, Family Counseling Center. 7-20-87. Tape 912 - Casting the Circle: Self-Discovery Through the Motherpeace Tarot. Dorothy Sikyta (The Magician), Pamela McClure (The Hierophant), and Kay Gerard (The Lovers). 7-22-87. Tape 913 - Women in the Middle. Eileen Jackson, Clinical Instructor, School of Nursing, UMC. 7-23-87. Tape 914 - Rape: The Myths and Facts. Karolin Solorzano, Rape Education Intern, UMC Women's Center. 9-14-87. Tape 915 - Rape As a Men's Issue. Bernie Herschberger, Cal Johnson, Ted Solomon, and Bob Tyler, Concerned Men. 9-15-87. Tape 916 - Rape: The Medical Perspective. Patti McGann, M.D., and Robert Woods, Johnson Fellow. 9-17-87. Tape 917 - Date Rape. Laura Hacquard, Coordinator, UMC Women's Center, David Towle, Ph.D. Candidate in Counseling Psychology, and Karolin Solorzano, Rape Education Intern, UMC Women's Center. 9-17-87. Tape 918 - missing Tape 919 - Advocacy for Victims. Patty Blake, Victim Advocate, Boone County Prosecuting Attorney's Office. 9-18-87. Tape 920 - More Month than Money? Roberta Glover, Manager of Financial Services, Job Center. 9-21-87. Tape 921 - Corsettes, Nose Rings, and Diets: Tools of the Trade. Barbara Bauer, Ph.D., Psychologist for Family and Individual Counseling Center. 9-24-87. Tape 922a - missing Tape 922b - Women Who Love Too Much. Luci Lee & Lisa Schriever-Cleri, M.Ed., Counseling; Therapists at Human Dynamics. 10-1-87. Tape 923 - Significant Turtles: Or It Hurts to Hug a Shell. Cal Johnson. 10-1-87. Tape 924 - Nuclear Awareness and the Flight from Freedom. Susan Tobin. 10-5-87. Tape 925 - Legal Aspects of Biotechnological Developments. Judge Charles B. Blackman, Supreme Court of Missouri. 10-7-87. Tape 926 - The Feminization of Poverty. Diane Booth, Executive Director, Planned Parenthood. 10-15-87. Tape 927 - missing Tape 928 - Just the Facts. UMC Women's Center Staff. 10-29-87. Tape 929 - Voting: An Informed Choice. Carolyn Leuthold, League of Women Voters. 11-2-87. Tape 930 - Pornography. Women's Center Staff: Fay Elliott, Ann Shanklin, and Patty Ritchie. 11-9-87. Tape 931 - Men Who Abuse Women. Bernie Herschberger. 11-12-87. Tape 932 - Women in the Bible. Carole N. Lunde, Minister, Unity Center of Columbia. 11-19-87. Tape 933 - AIDS. Dean Anderson, Assistant Director, Mid-MO. AIDS Project. 11-30-87. Tape 934 - Listening With a Feminist Ear. Laura Hacquard, Coordinator, UMC Women's Center, and Dr. Joan Dallam, Director of Stephens College Counseling Services. 12-2-87. Tape 935 - I Gotta Be Me--At Home. Rebecca A. Sanderson. 12-3-87. Tape 936 - Dual Career Relationships. Thom Rakes and Denise Matroni. 1-21-88. Tape 937 - Adult Children of Alcoholics. Pepper Phillips, Intern, UMC Counseling Center. 1-21-88. Tape 938 - On Being A Gentle Man. Chuck Zanone and a group of men working on being. 2-2-88. Tape 939 - A Book of Dreams. Joan Dallam, Ph.D., Director of Counseling Services, Stephens College. 2-4-88. Tape 940 - Contraceptive Technology. India McCanse, Director of Education, Planned Parenthood. 2-8-88. Tape 941 - The Rest of the Story. Karolin Solorzano, Rape Education Intern, UMC Women's Center. 2-11-88. Tape 942 - Overcoming Procrastination. Judy Shipp, Intern, UMC Counseling Center. 2-15-88. Tape 943 - Women's Role in Creating a More Peaceful World. Mid-MO. Nuclear Weapons Freeze; Marinell James and Gail Plemmons. 2-17-88. Tape 944 - Femicide. Karen Stout, Assistant Professor, UMC School of Social Work. 2-18-88. Tape 945 - The Women's Voice in Health Care: A Feminist Look at Care-giving Roles for Women. Eileen Jackson, Instructor, UMC School of Nursing. 2-22-87. Tape 946 - Homophobia: It Hurts Us All. Dorothy Haecker, Director, UNC Women Studies 2-24-88. Tape 947 - Lesbian Health Issues. Patty McGann, M.D. 2-25-88. Tape 948 - The College Obstacle Course. Laura Hacquard, Coordinator, UMC Women's Center. 2-29-88. Tape 949 - Influence Tactics and the Male/Female Salary Gap. Tom Dougherty, Associate Professor, Management, UMC. 3-2-88. Tape 950 - Women's Voices From the Past. A Group of Women. 3-10-88. Tape 951 - Reclaiming Our Past: One Woman's Story. Ann Shanklin, Groups and Counseling Intern, UMC Women's Center. 3-21-88. Tape 952 - PMS: Pre-Menstrual Syndrome. Christy M. Henley, D.C. 3-22-88. Tape 953 - What's A Mother To Do? Scottie Daugherty, Disengaged Mother, and Kay Gerard, Shared-Time Mother. 3-23-88. Tape 954 - Symbolism and Goddess Worship. Carole Myscofski, Assistant Professor, Religious and Women Studies, UMC. 3-24-88. Tape 955 - The Woman in Your Life is You. Margo Frost. 3-28-88. Tape 956 - Women Who Love Too Much. Luci Lee and Lisa Schriever-Cleri, M.Ed., Counseling; Therapists at Human Dynamics. 3-29-88. Tape 957 - The Wizard of Herbs. Roger Lenhardt, Owner of Hummingbird Hill Herb Nursery. 4-4-88. Tape 958 - "The Rabbit That Sang for Snow." Rosemary Whitacre, Puppeteer and Storyteller at KOPN. 4-6-88. Tape 959 - In the Best Interest of the Children. Betty Wilson, Attorney. 4-7-88. Tape 960 - At Ease. Carma Messerli, Coordinator, Office for Students with Disabilities, OSD. 4-11-88. Tape 961 - Risk Factors in the Development of Eating Disorders. Denise Wilfley. 4-12-88. Tape 962 - Too Anxious For Words? Lori Jensen, Intern, UMC Counseling Center. 4-14-88. Tape 963 - Circles of Self-Reclamation. Dorothy Sikyta, Feminist. 4-20-88. Tape 964 - Sexual Harassment. Chancellor Everhart, Larine Cowan, Dean Ruth Leys, and Deborah Allen, Ph.D. 5-6-87. Tape 965a - What's the Big Deal? The Ugly Truth About Sexual Harassment of Students. Professor Billie Wright Dziech, University of Cincinnati. 5-6-87. Tape 965b - What's the Big Deal? The Ugly Truth About Sexual Harassment of Students. Professor Billie Wright Dziech, University of Cincinnati. 5-6-87. Tape 966a - Sexual Harassment in the Workplace. D'Ann Campbell; Diane Rausch, Ph.D. 5-6-87. Tape 966b - Sexual Harassment in the Workplace. D'Ann Campbell; Diane Rausch, Ph.D. 5-6-87. Tape 967a - Pre-Menstrual Syndrome (PMS). Katherine Dalton, M.D. 6-19-85. Tape 967b - Pre-Menstrual Syndrome (PMS). Katherine Dalton, M.D. 6-19-85. Tape 968a - Women and Anger: Reshaping. Old Learning Workshop. Kathy Reese, Ph.D., Psychologist, Private Practice. 3-30-88. Tape 968b - Women and Anger: Reshaping. Old Learning Workshop. Kathy Reese, Ph.D., Psychologist, Private Practice. 3-30-88. Tape 969 - Homeopathy: Vibrational Medicine. The Medicine of the Future. Dina Shriever, homeopathic Consultant. 6-27-88. Tape 970 - To See the Signs. Peg McLaughlin, Education Specialist, Counseling Psychology, and Guidance Counselor for Raytown C2 School District. 6-28-88. Tape 971 - Lesbian Community. Panel. 7-6-88. Tape 972 - The Woman in Your Life is You. Margo Frost. 7-11-88. Tape 973 - missing Tape 974 - Sticks and Stones. Laura Hacquard, Coordinator, UMC Women's Center. Tape 975 - Are You What You Eat? Margaret Flynn, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, Nutrition, Family and Community Medicine. 7-20-88. Tape 976 - Who Is Mr. Wonderful? Margo Frost. 7-25-88. Tape 977 - Rape: The Myths and Facts. Karolin Solorzano, Rape Education Intern, UMC Women's Center. 9-12-88. [Rape Awareness Week] Tape 978 - Rape as a Men's Issue. Bob Tyler, et al. 9-12-88. [Rape Awareness Week] Tape 979 - Rape on Trial. Joe Moseley, Boone County Prosecuting Attorney. 9-14-88. [Rape Awareness Week] Tape 980 - Rape in Marriage & Advocacy for Victims. Colleen Coble, Outreach Coordinator, The Shelter, Comprehensive Human Services. 9-14-88. [Rape Awareness Week] Tape 981a - Counseling Victims of Rape. Raeona Nichols, Ph.D. Candidate, Counseling Psychology, UMC, and Therapist at Human Dynamics, and Hope Hills, Assistant Professor of Educational and Counseling Psychology, UMC. 9-15-88. [Rape Awareness Week] Tape 981b - Counseling Victims of Rape. Raeona Nichols, Ph.D. Candidate, Counseling Psychology, UMC, and Therapist at Human Dynamics, and Hope Hills, Assistant Professor of Educational and Counseling Psychology, UMC. 9-15-88. [Rape Awareness Week] Tape 982 - Date Rape. Laura Hacquard, Coordinator, and Karolin Solorzano, Rape Education Intern, UMC Women's Center. 9-15-88. [Rape Awareness Week] Tape 983 - Offenders: Who Are They? Karen Fitzgerald, Ph.D. Candidate, Counseling Psychology, UMC and Therapist for Missouri Sexual Offender Program 9-15-88 [Rape Awareness Week] Tape 984 - Sex, Power, and the American Myth. Ann Simonton, former model and current Coordinator of Media Watch. 9-15-88.[Rape Awareness Week] Tape 985 - Burdens of Beauty and Loving the Beautiful. Rita Nakashima Brock, Director of Women's Studies at Stephens College. 9-26-88. Tape 986 - A Ground-Level View of Classism. Rusty Price and Ten Ciacchi. 10-5-88. Tape 987 - Women and Children in Exile. Teri Ciacchi, M.S.W., Community Outreach for Homeless Mentally Ill, and Carolyn Cook, M.S., C.H.E., Extension Assistant, UMC Home Economics Extension Center. 10-12-88. Tape 988 - Cancer: Being Informed and Taking Control. Margaret Mier, M.S.W., Speakers Bureau and Chair, Cancer Research Center. 10-13-88. Tape 989 - Women, Children, and AIDS. Diane Brukardt, M.D., and June Ann Humphrey. 10-24-88. Tape 990 - Sexism in Language. Charlene Buckley, M.Ed., Counseling Psychology. 10-27-88. Tape 991 - What Do Feminist Witches Do on Halloween? Molly Whitefeather, Debi Bond, and Dorothy Sikyta, Feminist Trick or Treaters. 10-31-88. Tape 992 - Feminism is Not a Four-Letter Word. Panel. 11-2-88. Tape 993 - Friendship: Between Men. Barry Row, Intern, UMC Counseling Center. 11-9-88. Tape 994 - I Gotta Be Me--At Home. Jeannine Pope. 11-28-88. Tape 995 - YMCA-YWCA Student Volunteer Opportunities. Phil Steinhaus, Director of UMC YMCA-YWCA. 1-19-89. Tape 996 - Using the Tarot for Self-Exploration: A Beginner's Guide. Susan Tobin. 1-23-89. Tape 997 - missing Tape 998 - Know Your Genes. Kathy Morris, M.S.S.W., Medical Genetic Services, Child Health Department, UMC Hospital and Clinics. 1-30-89. Tape 999 - Music for Our Ears. Crystal Set Feminists, KOPN. 2-1-89. Tape 1000 - Legal Issues in Marriage. Betty Wilson, Attorney. 2-2-89. Tape 1001 - Maintaining Sanity in an Insane System: New Age Study Techniques. Marinell Miller. 2-6-89. Tape 1002 - missing Tape 1003 - The Ways of the Future: New Birth Control Technology. Teri Blume, Community Health Educator, Planned Parenthood. 2-9-89. Tape 1004 - NOW: The Feminization of Power. Naomi Ritter, Professor of German Studies, UMC. 2-15-89. Tape 1005 - On Being a Gentleman. Chuck Zanone. 2-22-89. Tape 1006 - OM or AMEN or OMEIN: Jewish Feminist Poetry. Kerry Hollander, Program Coordinator, Hillel Foundation. 3-1-89. Tape 1007 - Women's Ways of Knowing: A Book Review. Dawn Hodi, M.Ed., Therapist at Family Counseling Center. 3-6-89. Tape 1008 - "Come We Labrish"--The Caribbean Woman as Writer. Geta LeSeur, Assistant Professor, Women Studies, UMC. 3-8-89. Tape 1009 - "Wanawake" Means Women in North Kiru, Zaire. Dora A. Rowles, Peace Corps Volunteer. 3-9-89. Tape 1010 - Legal Issues for Lesbians and Gays. Dan Viets, ACLU Attorney. 4-3-89. Tape 1011 - Goddesses and Their Pets. Heather Wolford and Margo Frost, Pet Lovers. 4-10-89. Tape 1012 - missing Tape 1013 - Dependency in Relationships. Katy Swafford and Laurie Kramer, Therapists, Human Dynamics. 6-19-89. Tape 1014 - Each One Must Pull One Up into the Sun, All of Us Must Live or None. Teri Ciacchi, M.S.W., Community Outreach for Homeless Mentally Ill, and Carolyn Cook, M.S., C.H.E.., Extension Assistant, UNC Home Economics Extension Center. 6-19-89. Tape 1015a - missing Tape 1015b - missing Tape 1016 - Women in the World of Work: Should We Have a "Mommy Track?" Margo Frost, Program Coordinator, UMC Women's Center. 6-26-89. Tape 1017 - Homeopathic Medicine. Dina Schriever, Homeopathic Consultant and Pre-Med Nutrition Student, UMC 6-27-89 Tape 1018 - In Search of Day Care. Lucille Martin, Director of Golden Moments Montessori Center; Pat Miller, Director of Kids' Depot; and Kathy Thornburg, Professor of Human Development and Family Studies. 7-12-89. Tape 1019 - Cape Cod Fantasies: Books for Summer Reading. Carol Jauquet and Raeona Nichols. 7-20-89. Tape 1020 - Interview with Adrienne Rich. KBIA Fresh Air Program. 6-28-89. Tape 1021 - "The Changer and the Changed:" Dealing with Life Transitions. Raeona Nichols, Therapist, Human Dynamics, and Jeannine Pope, Women's Center Staff. 9-7-89. Tape 1022 - What Can You Do About It? Outlets for Activism. Volunteer Panel-- (Mid-Missouri Nuclear Freeze, WAND, Greens, Amnesty International, Habitat for Humanity) 9-11-89 Tape 1023 - Effective Rape Education: Tips for Programming and Training Your Staff. Kim Dude, Assistant Director of Residence Hall Programs, UMC, and Laura Hacquard, Coordinator, UMC Women's Center 9-21-89 Subject Rape Tape 1024 - Abusive Relationships. Pat Glasier, Program Director, The Shelter, Comprehensive Human Services. 9-21-89. Tape 1025 - Immediate Afterwards: Medical and Police Procedures. Nancy Moffitt, Sergeant, UMPD, and William Musick, M.D., Attending Physician, UNC Hospital and Clinics Emergency Room. 9-21-89. Tape 1026 - Rape as a Men's Issue. Cal Johnson, Mike Korman, Grant O'Neal, and Ted Solomon. 9-21-89. Tape 1027 - Rape on Trial: Issues in Prosecution. Joe Moseley, Boone County Prosecuting Attorney. 9-21-89. Tape 1028 - Family and Friends: How to Help. Laura Hacquard, Coordinator, UMC Women's Center, and Raeona Nichols, Therapist, Human Dynamics. 9-21-89. Tape 1029 - Date Rape. Jessica Hinz, Rape Education Intern, UMC Women's Center. 9-21-89. Tape 1030 - Safer Sex. Teri Blume, Community Health Educator, Planned Parenthood of Central Missouri. 10-9-89. Tape 1031 - Historical Perspectives on Women's Health. Ann Stapleton, M.S.N., University Physicians Women's Health Center. 10-11-89. Tape 1032a - Healthy Alternatives: Holistic Practitioners in Columbia. Linda Ivy, Karen Kaupanger, Dina Schriever, Christy Henley, Sharon Lee, and Marc Reeder, Holistic Health Practitioners. 10-18-89. Tape 1032b - Healthy Alternatives: Holistic Practitioners in Columbia. Linda Ivy, Karen Kaupanger, Dina Schriever, Christy Henley, Sharon Lee, and Marc Reeder, Holistic Health Practitioners. 10-18-89. Tape 1033 - Dependency in Relationships. Katy Swafford and Laurie Kramer, Therapists, Human Dynamics. 10-23-89. Tape 1034 - All Stressed Up and No Place to Go. Katy Swafford and Judy Denney, Staff, Stress Lab, UMC Counseling Services. 10-26-89. Tape 1035 - Home Care for the Elderly, Disabled, and AIDS Victims Eileen Jackson, RN , MSN 11-1-89 Tape 1036 - Ourselves, Growing Older. Deb Bryer and a panel of women from the Boone County Council on Aging. 11-9-89. Tape 1037 - Transforming Anger. Diane LaMar, M.Ed. 11-15-89. Tape 1038 - Sexual Harassment Goes to College Laura Hacquard, Coordinator, UMC Women's Center. 11-16-89. Tape 1039 - Pornography, Inequality, and Violence. Beth Cohen, Program Coordinator, UMC Women's Center. 11-27-89. Tape 1040 - Gay Men in Therapy. Victor Estevez, Associate Professor, Classical Studies. 5-89. Tape 1041 - Introduction to Feminism I. Darlaine Gardetto, Assistant Professor of Women's Studies and Sociology, UMC. 1-22-90. Tape 1042 - missing Tape 1043 - Introduction to Feminism II. Laura Hacquard, Coordinator, and Beth Cohen, Program Coordinator, UMC Women's Center. 1-29-90. Subject Feminist Theory Tape 1044 - Panel of Pro-Feminist Men. Mark Lehman, Robin Perso, David Towle, Jim Wilkie, and Chuck Zanone. 1-31-90. Tape 1045 - Loving Yourself: Self-Esteem. Diane LaMar, M.Ed. 2-5-90. Tape 1046 - "For Colored Girls Who Have Considered Suicide When the Rainbow is Enuf." Reader's Theater Presentation. 2-7-90. Tape 1047 - Women in Islam. Carole Myscofski, Assistant Professor, Religious Studies, UMC, and Jacqueline El-Sayed, Ph.D. Candidate, Mechanical Engineering, UMC. 2-12-90. Tape 1048 - Black Male/Female Relationships: Historical Basis of Present Realities. Lois Bryant, Assistant Professor, Human Development and Family Studies, UMC. 2-14-90. Tape 1049 - African-American Women as Objects & Creators of History. Juliet E. K. Walker, Associate Professor, History, University of Illinois 2-16-90 Tape 1050 - Malcolm X. Suniata Cha Jua, Instructor, MU History Department. 2-21-90. Tape 1051 - Panel of Undergraduate Men. Panel. 2-22-90. Tape 1052 - Bad-Ass Women and Colored Girls Black Women's History According to Them. Geta LeSeur, Assistant Professor, Women Studies and English, MU. 2-26-90. Tape 1053 - Anti-Rape Activism on the MU Campus. Amy Fortune, Allyson Hawkins, Karlan Massey, Raeona Nichols, and Laura Hacquard. 3-5-90. Tape 1054 - Feminist Research in the Social Sciences. Mary Jo Neitz, Interim Director, Women Studies Program, and Associate Professor of Sociology, MU. 3-8-90. Tape 1055 - Women in Local Politics. Mary Anne McCollum, Mayor, City of Columbia, and Executive Director, Associated Students of the University of Missouri. 3-14-90. Tape 1056 - Female Potential & Cohesiveness: A Woman-Centered View of Pre-History. Sarah Meadors, M.A. Candidate, Anthropology, MU. 3-15-90. Tape 1057 - Women in the Physical Sciences. Patricia Plummer, Professor, Physics and Chemistry, MU. 3-26-90. Tape 1058 - Feminist Christian Theology. Coletta Eichenberger, Ordained Minister, The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), and Women Studies Instructor, Stephens College. 3-29-90. Tape 1059 - Friendships Between Lesbian and Straight Women. Panel. 4-2-90. Tape 1060 - Women in Sports. Joann Rutherford, Ph.D., Head Coach, Women's Basketball, MU. 4-5-90. Tape 1061 - Different Ways. Carma Messerli, Coordinator, MU Access Office; Bonnie Vegiard, M.A. Candidate, English, MU, and Women's Center Staff; and Kathleen Weinschenk. 4-9-90. Tape 1062 - Reproductive Rights Update. Teri Blume, Community Health Educator, Planned Parenthood of Central Missouri. 4-12-90. Tape 1063 - Midwifery in Columbia. Sharon Lee, Certified Nurse Midwife, and other members of NAPSAC (National Association of Parents and Professionals for Safe Alternatives in Childbirth). 4-16-90. Tape 1064 - Free Health Care For Battered Women in the Rural South. Laura Stolle-Schmidt, Former Community Worker Intern, Appalachian Student Health Coalition of Vanderbilt University. 4-19-90. Tape 1065 - Breast Self-Exam And Gynecological Exams. Beth Cohen, Gynecological Teaching Associate, MU Medical School, and program Coordinator, MU'S Women's Center. 4-23-90 Tape 1066 - Intimacy In Men's Relationships. Evan Frost, physical therapist, Columbia Regional Hospital; and Chuck Zanone, Ph. D. candidate, Counseling Psychology, MU. 5-2-90 Tape 1067 - We Won't Play Nature To Your Culture: Feminism And The Contemporary Art Scene. Karen Kleinfelder, Assistant Professor, Art History, MU. 6-18-90 Tape 1068 - Women in the Woods. Part I: Introduction To Wilderness Living. Shannon Humphrey and Pam McClure, Wilderness Instructors. 6-20-90 Tape 1069 - Women In The Year 2000. *Karen Touzeau, Assistant Vice Chancellor for Personal and Affirmative Action, MU. 6-21-90 Tape 1070 - Getting Political. Barbara, R.N., and M.A. Candidate, Social Psychology, MU. 6-26-90. Tape 1071 - Blooming Into Your Light: Women And Yoga. Part I. Katie Walker, Yoga Instructor, Chautauqua Center, Columbia. 6-26-90 Tape 1072 - Children Of Alcoholics. Part I. Marianne Goedinghaus, M.S., and Ph.D. Candidate, Counseling Psychology, MU. 6-28-90 Tape 1073 - The Women's Movement In Europe: A Travelogue. Dina Evens, Senior, Women's Studies and Journalism, MU. 7-3-90 Tape 1074 - Does Objectivity Really Exist? Leslie Matthews, Ph.D. Candidate, Agronomy and Plant Molecule Biology, MU. 7-9-90 Tape 1075 - Preventative Health Care For Women. Edith Mitchelle, M.D., Associate Professor of Medicine, MU. Medical School 7-1 1-90 Tape 1076 - Retail Therapy: Buying Our Way Out Of Sorrow? Laura Hacquard, Coordinator MU Women's Center 7-16-90 Tape 1077 Global Home Economics. Carolyn Cook, Research Associate, MU, and 1985 M.S. Graduate of MU. College Of Human Environmental Services 7-23-90 Tape 1078 - Women and Anger. Shelly Ossara, Therapist in Private Practice, Center for Family and Individual Counseling, Columbia 7-23-90 Tape 1079 - Meditation For Beginners. Beth Cohen, Certified Lripaly Yoga Researcher, and Ph.D. Candidate in Counseling Psychology, MU. 7-25-90 Tape 1080a - Battered Women In Prison...Hearing In Fulton. *Dr Barbara Falk and Attorney Bob Ramsey 10-17-89 Tape 1080b - Battered Women In Prison...Hearing In Fulton. *Dr Barbara Falk and Attorney Bob Ramsey 10-17-89 Tape 1081 - Feminist Politics And Sexual Revolution: Issues And Controversies. Arlain Gardetto, Assistant Professor, Sociology, MU. 9-5-90 Tape 1082 - Back To The Future. Madelyn van der Hoogt, Editor, Weaver's Magazine, and owner/director, The Weaver's School 9-5-90 Tape 1083 - Gay Bashing: Just Another Form Of Oppression. Clifford Moyers, gay rights activist and columnist for the Columbian Daily Tribune 9-6-90 Tape 1084 - Healing from Childhood Sexual Abuse. Luci Lee, Ph.D., Psychologist in Training, Center for Family and Individual Counseling, Columbia 9-12-90 Tape 1085 - What Is Normal Sexual Behavior? Beth Cohen, Ph.D. Candidate, Counseling Psychology, MU. 9-13-90 Tape 1086 - Rape Hurts Everyone. *Laura Hacquard Coordinator, MU Women's Center 9-17-90 [Rape Awareness Week] Tape 1087 - Sex, Lies & Video Tapes. Jessica Hinz and Allyson Hawkins, Rape Educators, MU; Laura Hacquard, Coordinator, MU Women's Center 9-17-90 [Rape Awareness Week] Tape 1088 - Dissembling A Rape Culture. Pat Glaiser, Program Director, and Susan Wallach, Counselor, The Shelter, Columbia 9-18-90 Tape 1089 - Not For Women Only-Rape as A Men's Issue. Grant O'Neal and a Panel Of Concerned Men 9-18-90 Tape 1090 - I Have A Friend Who... Raeona Nichols, therapist, Human Dynamics; Shelly Ussan, Ph.D., therapist, Center for Family And Individual Counseling 9 -20-90 Tape 1091 - Aids: It's Our Problem. Colleta Eichenberger, Director of Community Affairs, Planned Parenthood of Columbia, and Dean Anderson, Residence Hall Coordinator, and Vice Chair of the Board of Directors, Mid-Mo Aids Project 9-25-90 Tape 1092 - Erotica vs. Pornography. Jeannine Pope, Rape Educator, MU. Women's Center, and Head Resident, William Woods College 9-25-90 Tape 1093 - Liberating Masturbation. Bea Walsh Ph. D. Candidate, Counseling Psychology, MU, and MU Counseling Center 9-27-90 Tape 1094 - Feminism In The Black Culture. Reverend Hannah Toomey, Fifth Street Christian Church 10-1-90 Tape 1095 - History of Childbirth. Sharon Lee, Certified Nurse Midwife 10-03-90 Tape 1096 - Cultivating A Personal Spirituality. Dina Schriever, Natural Health Practitioner and spiritual adept 10-04-90 Tape 1097 - Incest In Our Communities. Marsha Utain, M.S. Counseling Center, Licensed Marriage Counselor, Family, Child Counselor 10-05-90 [Breaking the Silence: A Conference on Rape and Sexual Trauma] Tape 1098 - Therapeutic Techniques For Dealing with Sexual Trauma. Marsha Utain, M.S. Counseling, Licensed Marriage, Family, Child Counseling 10-05-90[Breaking the Silence: A Conference on Rape and Sexual Trauma] Tape 1099 - missing Tape 1100 - Police Sensitivity. Raeona Nichols, Therapist, Human Dynamics, Columbia, & Laura Hacquard, Coordinator, MU Women's Center 10-05-90 [Breaking the Silence: A Conference on Rape and Sexual Trauma] Tape 1101 - Working With Sex Offenders. Mark Maddox, Ph.D., Director of Psychology, Fulton State Hospital; Adjunct Faculty Member, Dept. of Psychology, MU. 10-05-90 [Breaking the Silence: A Conference on Rape and Sexual Trauma] Tape 1102 - Male Victims Of Rape. Pat Glaiser, Program Director, The Shelter, Comprehensive Human Services, Columbia 10-05-90 [Breaking the Silence: A Conference on Rape and Sexual Trauma] Box 5 - 010958 [return to top][A08-74] Tape 1103 - Planning A Rape Awareness Week. Laura Hacquard, Coordinator, MU Women's Center; Melissa Bondy, Residence Hall Coordinator, MU; Allyson Hawkins, Counselor and Rape Educator, MU Women's Center 10-05-90 [Breaking the Silence: A Conference on Rape and Sexual Trauma] Tape 1104 - Community Crisis Intervention. Charlene Buckley, M. Ed., Executive Director of Advocate Services for Abused Women and Organizer of the Sexual Assault Response Team in St. Louis 10-05-90 [Breaking the Silence: A Conference on Rape and Sexual Trauma] Tape 1105 - Art Therapy With Survivors. Carol Rodan, Ph.D. Counseling Psychologist, Mayer and Bauer and MU Counseling Center 10-05-90 [Breaking the Silence: A Conference on Rape and Sexual Trauma] Tape 1106 - Rape As A Men's Issue. Michael Dibenedetto, M. ed. Counseling, Licensed Professional Counselor In Private Practice; Mark Lukin, MA, Licensed Professional Counselor, Human Dynamics; Bob Dupuis, member, BRAVO; Larry Wilson, member, BRAVO 10-05-90 [Breaking the Silence: A Conference on Rape and Sexual Trauma] Tape 1107 - Peer Education In Rape. Raeona Nichols, therapist, Human Dynamics and Peer Rape Education Coordinator, MU Women's Center; Laura Hacquard, Coordinator, MU Women's Center 10-05-90 [Breaking the Silence: A Conference on Rape and Sexual Trauma] Tape 1108 - Sex. Lies. and Videorapes. Jessica Hinz, Rape Education Intern, MU Women's Center, and Allyson Hawkins, Counselor and Rape Educator, MU Women's Center 10-05-90 [Breaking the Silence: A Conference on Rape and Sexual Trauma] Tape 1109 - DNA Testing. Tom Grants, Serology Section Supervisor, Missouri State Highway Patrol Forensic Laboratory 10-05-90 [Breaking the Silence: A Conference on Rape and Sexual Trauma] Tape 1110 - How Sweet Thy Sound: A History of Gospel. Carol Waits, Choir Leader 10-08-90 Tape 1111a - Blooming Into Your Light: Women And Yoga. Part 2. Katie Walker, Yoga Instructor, Chautauqua Center, Columbia 10-10-90 Tape 1111b - Blooming Into Your Light: Women And Yoga. Part 2. Katie Walker, Yoga Instructor, Chautauqua Center, Columbia 10-10-90 Tape 1112 - In The Best Interest Of The Children. Betty Wilson, Attorney, Columbia 10-11-90 Tape 1113 - Spirituality And Healing. Peggy Dawson, Instructor, Occupational Therapy, MU 10-15-90 Tape 1114 - A&B Panic Disorder. Bernard Beitman, M.D, Full Professor of Medicine and Psychiatry, MU; Internationally known Panic Disorder researcher and clinician 10-17-90 Tape 1115 - Women's Mysteries: Menstruation Rites In Contemporary Witches. Mary Jo Neitz, Interim Director, Women's Studies Program, and Associate Professor, Sociology, MU 10-18-90 Tape 1116 - The Baha'i Faith: A Religion For The New Age. Barbara Willenburg, member of the Baha'i faith 10-22-90 Tape 1117 - Images Of Women In Lesbian Art. Debi Bond, Women's Studies Major, MU 10-24-90 Tape 1118 - Newsworthy. Patricia Koener, producer, The Feminist News, KOPN; Frieda Werden and Katherine Davenport, directors and producers, The Women's International News Gathering Service 10-25-90 Tape 1119 - Different Voices. Krista Rattcliff, Professor, English, MU and Elaine Lawless, Associate Professor, English, MU 10-07-90 Tape 1120 - American Audio Prose Library. Kay Bonetti, Director, American Audio Prose Library 11-12-90 Tape 1121a - Diets, Corsettes And Nose-Rings: All In The Quest For Beauty. Barbara Bauer, Ph.D., Psychologist in private practice, Columbia 11-13-90 Tape 1121b - Diets, Corsettes And Nose-Rings: All In The Quest For Beauty. Barbara Bauer, Ph.D., Psychologist in private practice, Columbia 11-13-90 Tape 1122 - The Double Critical Standard In the Tales and Essays of Henry James. Dr. Mary Kitterman, Dean of Faculty, Stephens College 11-15-90 Tape 1123 - Phoenix Books. Anne Shelly, manager of Phoenix Books, Kansas City 11-29-90 Tape 1124a - Women and Anger. Shelly Ossna, Ph. D., therapist, Center for Family and Individual Counseling, Columbia 12-05-90 Tape 1124b - Women and Anger. Shelly Ossna, Ph. D., therapist, Center for Family and Individual Counseling, Columbia 12-05-90 Tape 1125 - Counseling Rape Victims. Hope Hills and Raeona Nichols 09-17-87 Tape 1126 - Re-Visioning The Encounter. Marita Ugarter, Instructor of Women's Studies 01-24-90 Tape 1127 - Sex, Race and the Status of the Single Parent. Teresa Aquinaldo, Coordinator of the Women Studies Group, William Woods College, and Instructor of Women's Studies, MU 01-28-90 Tape 1128 - Ageism: Ignoring Our Roots. Deb Bryer, Individual Care Manager, Boon County Council on Aging 01-31-90 Tape 1129 - "E Pluribus Urum" (One Thousand from Many). Mable Grimes, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Human Development and Family Studies, MU. 02-04-90 Tape 1130 - Cultural Racism. Panel Discussion 02-05-91 Tape 1131 - Woman & Minorities In The Year 2000. Karen Touzeau, Assistant Vice Chancellor for Personal Services-Affirmative Action, MU. 02-07-91 Tape 1132 - Eco-Feminism: Fighting Global Dominance. Betty Robertson, Environmental Activist 02-14-91 Tape 1133 - Polygamy And Women's Status In The African Society. VaiIes Daka Maiwanda, Ph.D. Candidate, Sociology, MU. 02-22-90 Tape 1134 - "South Africa Belongs To Us." William E. Robertson, Chairman, Community Development Extension, MU. 02-27-90 Tape 1135 - Men The Privileged Gender? Marc Lukin, Licensed Counseling Psychologist 02-28-9 1 Tape 1136 - Daughtery Of Freemen And Staring Seamstresses. Susan Porter Benson, Associate Professor of History, Undergraduate Advisor Of History, MU. 03-04-90 Tape 1137 - Why Were We So Angry? Darline Gardetto, Associate Professor of Sociology 03-07-9 1 Tape 1138 - Idolized Women: Goddesses of the Ancient World. Sue Landon, Associate Curator of the Museum of Art and Archaeology, and visiting Associate Professor of Art and Archaeology 03-11-91 Tape 1139 - Violence against Women. Pat Glazier, Director Of the Shelter for Battered Women 03-14-91 Tape 1140 - Fertility Options In The 90's. Jennifer Baskett, Clinical Nurse Specialist, Fertility Clinic MU 03-28-9 1 Tape 1141 - Women And Sports. Jill Murphy, M.D. 04-01-91 Tape 1142 - missing Tape 1143 - Heart Healthy Eating On A Tight Budget. Barbara Willenberg, M.S., Nutritionist, University Extension at MU and co-author of Food Sleuth Nutrition Column, Columbia 04-08-91 Tape 1144 - Avoiding Elevatory and Other Health Practices. Susan Schnuck M.D., Director of the Women's Health Center and Associate Professor of Medicine at MU; Ann Stapleton, R.N. :C., and Maureen Brown, R.N. C. Practitioner at the Women's Health Center 04-10-91 Tape 1145 - Physiology, of Menstruation. Patricia Vandiver Ph.D., Psychology. 4/11/91 Tape 1146 - Sexual Harassment. Maureen Gerrity Wheeler, Licensed Attorney, Legal educator for MU Student Legal Services. 4/22/91 Tape 1147 - Health Food Fraud: Biting The Silver Bullet. Milinda Hemmelgarn, MS, RD, Associate State Specialist for Food and Nutrition Extension and Co-author of Food Sleuths Nutrition Column, Columbia Daily Tribune. 4/25/91 Tape 1148 - Introduction To Breathwork. Gregory Westwood, Certified Transformational Therapist. 6/12/91 Tape 1149 - Mirror, Mirror. Bonnie Vanguard, Program Coordinator, MU Women's Center. 6/13/91 Tape 1150 - Politics Of Birth Control. Collette Eichenberger; Ordained Minister Disciples of Christ, and community Affairs Director; Planned Parenthood 6/20/91 Tape 1151 - Color Me Wonderful, Adrienne Hoard, Associate Professor of Art, MU, Color Theorist. 6/24/9 1 Tape 1152 - The Myths and Facts about Rape. Katie Mooney, Women's Center Peer Rape Educator 6/27/91 Tape 1153 - Writing Your Living Will. Sandra Scott, PhD, JD, Professor of Law, MU. 7/8/91 Tape 1154 - Peace And The Environment. Chris DeFacio and Franci Carney, Peace Activists with the Mid-Missouri Nuclear Freeze. 7/17/91 Tape 1155 - Ecofeminism. Gaia Guirl-Stearley, Women's Center Staff 7/18/91 Tape 1156 - What Is Power And Who Has It? Laura Hacquard, Coordinator, MU Women's Center 9/9/91 Tape 1157 - New Visions At Women Studies. Sharon Welch, Ph.D., Director of Women Studies. 9/11/91 Tape 1158 - The ABCs of Rape: Attitudes, Beliefs and Consequences. Allyson Hawkins, Women's Center Rape Education Coordinator, Marc Lukin Therapist, Human Dynamics. 9/16/91 [Rape Awareness Week] Tape 1159 - Someone You Know: How To Help A Friend. Raeona Nichols, Therapist, Human Dynamics, Shelly Ossana, Ph. D, Therapist, Center for Family and Individual Counseling. 9/17/91 [Rape Awareness Week] Tape 1160 - Men Stopping Rape. Grant O'Neal, Rape Educator, Ph.D. Candidate, Counseling Psychology, Ted Solomon, MS, Therapist, Family Counseling Center 9/17/91 [Rape Awareness Week] Tape 1161a and 1161b Beyond Bathroom Walls: Institutional Responses to Rape. Laura Hacquard, coordinator, MU Women 's Center, Suzanne Holland, MU Assistant Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, Joe Moseley, Boone County Prosecuting Attorney, Cathy Scroggs, MU Assistant Director Residential Life, Greek Life. 9/17/91 [Rape Awareness Week] Tape 1162 - Rape On Trial, Maureen Gerrity Wheeler, Attorney, coordinator of Student Legal Services. 9/18/91 [Rape Awareness Week] Tape 1163 - Someone You Know: How To Help A Friend. Jessica Hinz, Women's Center Rape Education Intern; Deb Goldfine, Women's Center Counseling Intern. 9/18/91 [Rape Awareness Week] Tape 1164 - Rape In The Family. Luci Lee, Ph. D., Psychologist, Center for Family and Individual Counseling 9/19/91 [Rape Awareness Week] Tape 1165 - missing Tape 1166 - Homophobia, The Fear That Divides Us. Laura Hacquard, Coordinator; Women's Center, Dean Anderson, Residence Hall coordinator 9/23/91 Tape 1167 - The Powerful Women: Finding Your Assertive Self. Bonnie Vanguard, Women's Center Program coordinator 9/26/91 Tape 1168 - "Get Thee To The Kitchen!" Women In 19th Century Political Cartoons, Liz Fakazis, MA Candidate, MU School of Journalism; Women's Center Staff 9/30/91 Tape 1169a - Healing From Childhood Sexual Abuse. Luci Lee, Ph.D., Psychologist, and Shelly Ossan, Ph.S., Therapist, Center for Family and Individual Counseling, Columbia. 10/2/91 Tape 1169b - Healing From Childhood Sexual Abuse. Luci Lee, Ph.D., Psychologist, and Shelly Ossan, Ph.S., Therapist, Center for Family and Individual Counseling, Columbia. 10/2/91 Tape 1170 - A Language or Symbols: Reading The Tarot. Wendy Whiteside, Tarot Practitioner 10/3/91 Tape 1171 - Sexuality And Personal Power. Coletta Eichenberger; Director of Community Affairs, Planned Parenthood of Central Missouri. 10/7/91 Tape 1172 - Outraged and Outrageous: Twenty Years or Feminist Humor. Nancy Myers. 10/10/91 Tape 1173 - What's In It For Us? Women and Religion. Reverend M. Dickmann Reverend N.A. Durham, Sister Agnes Schlereth, Reverend H. Toomey and Reverend T. Whistler. 10-16-91 Tape 1174 - Transforming Anger. Diane LaMar 10-21-91 Tape 1175 - Womyn and Words. Krista Ratcliffe, Ph.D. 10-23-91 Tape 1176 - Women and Alcohol: A Socio-cultural Perspective. Debbie Wehmeyer 10-28-91 Tape 1177 - Apply Now! Loans, Grants and Scholarships for Women. Kathy Bass. 11-11-91 Tape 1178 - Developing Your Mind Power. Terry Nemeth, Director of School of Metaphysics. 11-13-91 Tape 1179 - Born Too Soon? The Triumphs and Trials of a Woman of Genius. SOR Juana Ines De La Cruz and Pat Gulmez. 11-20-91 Tape 1180 - Your Money, Your Power. Mark Haim, Director of Peace works. 11-21-91 Tape 1181 - Mirror, Mirror: Women and Body Image. Bonnie Vanguard, Women Center Staff. 11-25-91 Tape 1182 - Develop your Creative Mind. Terry Nemeth, Director of School of Metaphysics. 12-4-91 Tape 1183 - What Tomorrow Brings. Laura Hacquard, coordinator, Women's Center MU 1-27-92 Tape 1184 - Black Sororities: What Do They Offer African-American Women Today? Aretha Jones, Delta Sigma Theta, Coordinator Student Services and Leadership Development; Mabel Grimes, Assistant Professor, AKA; Sharon Bell, AKA; Karen Bishop, AKA. 2-3-92 Tape 1185 - Portraits of Women in West Africa. Kerry Clark., MS Candidate Agronomy MU, returned Peace Corps Volunteer, Mali. 2-6-92 Tape 1186 - Beloved: Toni Morrison's Sacred Text. Sue Crowley, lecturer Religious Studies, Honors College Coordinator of the Humanities Sequence. 2-12-92 Tape 1187 - U'R/Black Women United In Recovery. 2-19-92 Tape 1188 - A Way Out? Women and Children In Poverty. Robin Acree, Chairperson Reform Organization of Welfare. 2-20-92 Tape 1189 - Women in the Civil Right Movement. Carolyn Dorsey, Associate Professor Higher and Adult Education, MU. 2-27-92 Tape 1190 - Black Women On the Left. John A. McClendon, Coordinator of the Black Culture Center 3-2-92 Tape 1191 - A History of Rape. Jeannine Pope, MA Candidate Community Development, former Women's Center Staff 3-4-92 Tape 1192 - Ritual: The New Mass Hysteria? Dorthv Sikyta, therapist in private practice. 3-9-92 Tape 1193 - Men vs. Patriarchy. Bob Bender, Professor of English; Ron Farmer, Adjunct Associate Professor of Religious Studies; Glenn Godd, Assistant Professor of Psychology; Pack Mattheews, political activist and educator; and Marc Lukin, PhD Candidate, Educational and Counseling Psychology. 3-10-93 Tape 1194 - Peers Against Rape: A Performance. Peer Rape Educators, Peer Rape Education Program, MU Women's Center 3-12-92 Tape 1195 - Endometriosis. Lindy Ford RN-C, nurse practitioner 3-16-92 Tape 1196 - Perspectives on Lesbian and Gay History: Some Explorations. Susan Porter Benson, Associate Professor of History, MU; members of her independent study group. 3-18-92 Tape 1197 - Singing For Our Lives: Women's Music Across The Years. Kim Jackson, KOPN Producer; Beth Kennon, Women's Center Staff. 3-19-92 Tape 1198 - How Dare You Assume I'd Rather Be Thin! Debi Bond, Women's Center Staff 4-16-92 Tape 1199 - Folklore: Expanding The Canon. Elaine Lawless, Ph.D., Associate Professor of English; Kathy Whitson, Ph.D., candidate in English. 4-29-92 Tape 1200 - Yours, Mine and Ours. Mary Greer, Attorney. 6-22-92 Tape 1201 - Song of the Soul: Women's Music as a Discography of Lesbian Lives. Pam "Skippy" Cooper and Kim Jackson. 6-23-92 Tape 1202 - Myths and Facts about Date Rape. Women's Centers Peer Rape Educators. 6-29-92 Tape 1203 - Feminism and Vegetarianism: The Parallels. Jenny McBride, Women's Center Staff and Heather Ryan, Vegan. 7-1-92 Tape 1204 - Endometriosis: A Continuing Discussion, Kathy Evans, R.N.C. 7-6-92 Tape 1205 - Chiropractic: A Philosophy of Wellness. Olivia Grajeda, Chiropractic Physician. 7-15-92 Tape 1206 - The Organic Alternative. Deni Durnam, Eridu Farm and member of Missouri Organic Association. 7-16-92 Tape 1207 - American Association of University Women. 7-20-92 Tape 1208 - The Men's Movement: A Feminist Critique. Jeannine Pope, Masters Candidate in Community Development. 7-29-92 Tape 1209 - Black Sororities. What They Mean To African-American Women Today. 9- 10-92 Tape 1210 - Math Anxiety -Is It Keeping You Down? Carol Howald, Learning Skills Specialist 9-21-92 Tape 1211 - Finding a Feminist Lawyer. Karolin Solorzano, attorney. 9-23-92 Tape 1212 - The Courage to Question. Mary Jo Neitz, Associate Professor Sociology, MU. 9-24-92 Tape 1213 - Interacting With the Media. Patty Faber, Media Committee Member, Columbia Stonewall Coalition. 9-24-92 Tape 1214 - When Home is Where the Hurt is. Pat Glazer, The Shelter for Battered Women. 10-1-92 Tape 1215 - Prosecution of Child Abuse Cases. Lisa Schriewer-Clervi, M.Ed., LPC 10-5-92 Tape 1216 - No More Silence: Child Abuse and Incest Perpetrated by Women. Luci Lee, Ph.D. on staff, Center for Family and Individual Counseling; Tracy Edinger, Women's Center Staff. 10-12-92 Tape 1217 - Incest - Id Really Rather Not Talk about It. Kimberly Smith, MSW. 10-14-92 Tape 1218 - Ballot Power. Barb Carter, Women's Rights Activist; Mary Mosley, MO NOW Political Action Committee, 10-19-92 Tape 1219a - Suing Your Abuser, David Clohessy, political consultant and sexual abuse survivor; Becky Randles, Attorney. 10-21-92 Tape 1219b - Suing Your Abuser, David Clohessy, political consultant and sexual abuse survivor; Becky Randles, Attorney. 10-21-92 Tape 1220 - Male Victims of Incest. Shelly Ossana, Ph.D. on staff MU Counseling Center and Center for Family and Individual Counseling 10-26-92 Tape 1221 - Liz Barnes: A Reading. 10-28-92 Tape 1222 - When Therapy Goes Wrong. Raeona Nichols Ph.D. Staff Psychologist, MU Counseling Center; Luci Lee, Ph.D. in private practice at Center for Family and Individual Counseling 11-2-92 Tape 1223 - Choice Within Choice. Coletta Eichenberger, Director of Community Affairs, Planned Parenthood; Dr Robert Black, M.D., Professor of Family and Community Medicine, MU; Greg Robinson, Attorney-at-law, minister Oakland Christian Church. 11-4-92 Tape 1224 - Apply Now! Grant and Scholarships for Women. Kathy Bass, MU Financial Aid Office. 11-9-92 Tape 1225 - Mary Daly Discussion Group. 11-12-92 Tape 1226 - Reclaiming Your Creative Self. Carole Rodon, Ph.D., Psychologist in private practice at Mayer and Bauer and Senior Staff at the MU Counseling Center 11-18-92 Tape 1227 - Rape Hurts Everyone. Laura Hacquard, Coordinator of the Women's center 9-14-92 [Rape Awareness Week] Tape 1228 - In Celebration of Audre Lorde. 1-27-93 Tape 1229 - Two Societies (1965-1968). 2-4-93 Tape 1230 - Loving Yourself: Self-Esteem. Diane LaMar, M.Ed., Licensed Professional Counselor in private practice. 2-8-93 Tape 1231 - Power (1967-1968). 2-10-93 Tape 1232 - The Promised Land (1967-1968) 2-11-93 Tape 1233 - No More Silence: Child Abuse and Incest Perpetrated by Women. Ann Fischer, Ph.D. candidate Counseling Psychology, MU; Tracy Edinger, Women's Center Staff 3-1-93 Tape 1234 - ToniAlicePauleGloriaBebeTerry: The Fabulous Black Women of the 90s. Geta LeSeur, Asst. Professor English MU 3-8-93 Tape 1235 - Spiritual Journey to Brazil. Mary Lenox, Dean of Library and Informational Science. 3-11-93 Tape 1236 - A Healing Legacy: Preventing and Coping With Breast Cancer, In Memory of Perri Van Vleck. Elisa Sims, RN, Ellis Fischel Cancer Hospital. 4-5-93 Tape 1237 - Midwifery in Columbia. Sharon Lee, certified nurse midwife. 4-7-93 Tape 1238 - Diets, Corsettes and Nose Rings: All in the Quest of Beauty. Barbara Bauer, psychologist in private practice with Bauer, Roden and Associates. 4-8-93 Tape 1239 - HIV Prevention for Youth. Joyce Hunter, MSW 7-25-91. Tape 1240 - Lesbian and Gay Runaway and Homeless Youth. Jay Coburn. 7-25-91. Tape 1241 - Homophobia: A Public Health Hazard. Hilda Hidalgo, Ph.D. 7-26-93. Tape 1242a - Homophobia: The Hate Within, The Hate Without. Richard Isay, MD, Paul Kawater and Panel. 7-27-91 Tape 1242b - Homophobia: The Hate Within, The Hate Without. Richard Isay, MD, Paul Kawater and Panel. 7-27-91 Tape 1243 - Our Gender-ation. Frankie Marrs and Zacharv Wiley, cofounder Transgender Alliance. 9-27-93 Tape 1244 - Lesbian Identities in Community: Presentations to the American Folklore Society Conference, Part 1. 9-29-93 Tape 1245 - missing Tape 1246 - Sharing Life through Poems and Stories. Mary Lenox, Dean of Library and informational Science. 10-7-93 Tape 1247 - Single Parenting: The Road to Success. Deanna Pledge, Ph.D. candidate counseling psychology, MU, therapist in private practice. 11-1-93 Tape 1248a - missing Tape 1248b - Interpreting Dreams for Self-Awareness. Terryll Nemeth, Director, School of Metaphysics. 11-13-93 Perceptions, Personal power, Religion/Spirituality. Tape 1249 - missing Tape 1250 - missing Tape 1251 - Rape As A Weapon of War. Helen Neville, Assistant Professor Psychology, MU. 11-17-93 Tape 1252 - Empowering Ourselves Through Childbirth Sharon Lee, RN, CNM, Midwife 02-09-94 Tape 1253 - Laughter as Therapy. Carla L. Anderson, Ph.D. Licensed Psychologist. 03-03-94 Tape 1254a - Everything You Wanted To Know About Lesbians But Were Afraid To Ask. Panel Discussion. 3-30-94 Tape 1254b - Everything You Wanted To Know About Lesbians But Were Afraid To Ask. Panel Discussion. 3-30-94 Tape 1255 - False Memory "Syndrome". Marianne Goedinghaus, Ph.D. Candidate, MU Counseling Intern. 04-06-94 Tape 1256a - "Counseling Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Clients. Panel Discussion. 10-19-94 Tape 1256b - "Counseling Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Clients. Panel Discussion. 10-19-94 Tape 1257 - It's A Man's World,-Unless Women Vote. Panel Discussion. 11-02-94 Tape 1258 - Loving Yourself: Self-Esteem. Diane Lamar, M.ED Licensed Professional Counselor. 11-02-94 Tape 1259 - Alternative Fertilization : 50 Ways to make a Baby. Pam Pearn, mother. 11-09-94 Tape 1260 - Women and AIDS. Deb Doxsee, M.A., J.D., R.N., Ph.D. Student, Counseling Psychology. 11-30-94 Tape 1261 - One Woman's Experience of Outward Bound. Mary Penrod. 10-20-94 Tape 1262a - The Personal can be Political. Crow Woman. 10-26-94 Tape 1262b - The Personal can be Political. Crow Woman. 10-26-94 Tape 1263a - Black Feminist Thought. Dr. Helen Neville, Assistant Professor of Psychology at UM-Columbia. 02-02-95 Tape 1263b - Black Feminist Thought. Dr. Helen Neville, Assistant Professor of Psychology at UM-Columbia. 02-02-95 Tape 1264 - The Dating Game: Patterns of Lesbian Courtship. Suzanna Rose, Assistant Professor of Psychology- UMSL. 02-13-95 Tape 1265 - So What Now? Diane Peters 2-16-1995 Tape 1266 - Male and Female". Petr Gardner, Professor of Anthropology. 02-22-95 Tape 1267 - Students As Parents, Parents As Students. Panel Discussions. 02-23-95 Tape 1268 - Rape as a Political Tool. Dr. Magdalena Garcia, Professor of Romance Language and Director of Women's Studies at UMC. 4-5-95 Tape 1269 - Legal Issues for Women with Aids. Karolin Solorzano. 4-12-95 Tape 1270 - Sizeism. Aldra Robinson. 4-13-1995 Tape 1271 - Adult Survivors of Incest. Linda Wolzon 4-18-1995 Tape 1272 - Sexual Politics: Gays, Bisexuals, Lesbians 2nd the State of Missouri. Leah Edelman 4-19-1995 Tape 1273 - Matrilineality: Native Women at the Center. Unknown Convener. 11-7-1996 Tape 1274a - Older Lesbian Women Coming Out. Judith Davis n.d. Tape 1274b - Older Lesbian Women Coming Out. Judith Davis n.d. Tape 1275 - Through these Doors: MU Women Who Have Made Their Mark. Diane Ayotte. 3-5-1996 Tape 1276 - Sex, Lies and Stirrups: Women's Sexual Health Heather McQueen, MSW and Lynn Fair. 3-19-1996 Tape 1277 - Women and Daytime Talk Shows: Strategic Silences and the Power of Talk. Dr. Mary Ellen Brown, MU Department of Communications. 3-20-1996 Tape 1278 - Beyond Kinsey: Sexuality in the 90's. Karen Conner, MU Psychology Intern, MU Counseling Center. 3-28-1996 Tape 1279 - Lady Sings The Blues. Charlotte McCloskey, MU Women's Center Staff. 4-9-1996 Tape 1280 - Breast Cancer Awareness: In Memory of Perri Van VIeck. Elisa Simms, R.N. 4-10-1996 Tape 1281 - Sacred Practices of All Hallows Eve: Lifting The Veil Between The Two Worlds. Dr. Mary Jo Neitz, Professor of Sociology and Women's Studies. 10-30-1996 Tape 1282 - 500 Years of Genocide Kent Blansett and Travis Willingham 11-13-1996 Tape 1283 - Women In Cuba Lorraine Crouch, Maureen Doyle and Cindy Holsiner 2-12-1997 Tape 1284 - Aromatherapy - Message for Healing Kandace Cahill, Holistic massage 2-13-1997 Tape 1285 - Women & Investry Stephanie Westwood -Financial Planner 2-15-1997 Tape 1286 - International Opportunities Representatives from the International Center 2-18-1997 Tape 1287 - Women in Investing Advanced Stephanie Woodward Rothermich of Insurance & Financial Management 2-22-1997 Tape 1288 - Procrastination MU Counseling Center Staff & Pass Peer Educators 2-25-1997 Tape 1289 - Women's Safe Sexual Health Heather McQueen 4-10-1997 Tape 1290 - Math Anxiety. MU Counseling Center Staff. 10-1-1997 Tape 1291 - Helping a Friend. MU Peer Rape Educators 10-14-1997 Tape 1292 - Drum Magic Jess Fairman 10-15-1997 Tape 1293 - Monster Boys and Prematurely Nice Guys Patrick Kane 10-16-1997 Tape 1294 - Current Issues in Women's Athletics Sarah Reesman 10-22-1997 Tape 1295 - Dream Interpretation for Self Awareness Paul Madar 10-29-1997 Tape 1296 - Sex and Drugs Danny Trujillo 11-4-1997 Tape 1297 - Words of Power Elizabeth R. Jones 11-5-1997 Tape 1298 - Natural Ways to Deal with Stress Scott Nirmaier and Patty Clover 11-12-1997 Tape 1299 - Sex, Lies and Stirrups: Women's Sexual Health 10-30-1997 Tape 1300 - On the Wings of Women Veterans 11-11-1997 Tape 1301 - Feeling Burned Out? 11-13-1997 Tape 1302 - Budgeting and Debt Management 2-12-1998 Tape 1303 - Meditation: A Breath for Life 2-13-1998 Tape 1304 - Loving Yourself: Self Esteem 2-18-1998 Tape 1305 - Feminist Anti-Pornography Legislation 2-19-1998 Tape 1306 - Aromatherapy and Massage Kandace Cahill Tape 1307 - Violent "Romance" in the Media 3-12-1998 Tape 1308 - The Impact of Breast and Cervical Cancer Rep. from the American Medical Women's Association Inc. 4-8-1998 Tape 1309 - Menopause: Let's Talk About It 4-1-1998 Tape 1310 - "Ellen" One Year Later n.d. Tape 1311 - In The Meantime Kim Mosely and Mary Seager 10-7-1998 Tape 1312 - Breaking Bad Habits ADAPT Peer Educators 10-8-1998 Tape 1313 - Stronger Together: Uniting Against Sexual Violence Peer Rape Educators 9-22-1998 Tape 1314 - Women and Alcohol Sharon Robedea 10-1-1998 Tape 1315 - Armchair Activism Jen Matthews, Women's Center Staff 11-4-1998 Tape 1316 - Interpreting Dreams for Self-Awareness Terryll Nemeth, Director of the School of Metaphysics 11-13-1993 Tape 1317 - Caribbean Feminism Winter Semester 1999 Tape 1318 - How to Give an Effective Interview Tape 1319 - Volunteering in Women's Issues Tape 1320 - Cancer for Women 10-6-1999 Tape 1321 - Interior Decorating Kenna Weber, Interior Designer for MU 11-18-1998 Tape 1322 - Combat Your Fear of Computers 10-27-1999 Tape 1323 - Sexual Harassment: A Discussion for Students Noor Azar-Gardner and Noel English, Vice Provost for Minority Affairs Office 2-9-2000 Tape 1324 - Visualization: Turn on Your Whole Mind Christine Andrews, The School of Metaphysics 2-17-2000 Tape 1325 - Self-Esteem for Women 3-15-2000 Tape 1326 - Self-Defense Options for Women Panel of Self-Defense Experts and Instructors 2-23-2000 Tape 1327 - Dreams Reveal Your Inner Wisdom Daniel Salmo, The School of Metaphysics 4-6-2000 Tape - Crisis Intervention Women's Center Staff Training. Kathy Brock. Fall 1994 Tape - Crisis Intervention. 10-9-1997 Tape - Drumming HER-story. Victoria Day. 11-29-2000 Tape - Recognizing the Signs of an Abusive Relationship. 4-18-2001 Tape - Emergency Contraception. 10-4-2001 Tape - My Gender Workshop. 10-24-2001 Tape - Journaling Your Life. Jennifer Matthews. 9-28-2000 Tape - Body, My Body. Kim Daniels, PhD, Staff Psychologist, MU Counseling Center. 10-4-2000 Tape - Safer and Sexier Sex. Betsy Smith, Columbia/Boone County Health Department. 10-18-2000 Tape - Drawing in the Circle. Clare Austen, minister. 11-1-2000 Tape - Decorating Ourselves: All Dressed Up and Everywhere to Go. Erika Paterson and Nikole Potulsky, 11-8-2000 Tape - Watch Your Drink. PSA Versions A and B. n.d. Tape - Know Thyself: Get What You Want from Sex. n.d. Tape - Inner Dreams. n.d. Tape - Crisis Intervention. Deb Goldfine. n.d. Tape - Changing Roles and Stereotypes of Native American Women. n.d. Tape - Working with International Students. n.d. Tape - Women Dependency and Relationships. n.d. Tape - Black Women's Sororities. Lamara Warren. n.d. FF - List of Women's Center Recorded Programs, ca. 1973-2000 Box 6 - Ellis [return to top][A08-74] Subject Index Cards - A through R Box 7 - Ellis [return to top][A08-74] Subject Index Cards - R through W Speaker Index Cards - A through Z Restrictions Note: The Archives of the University of Missouri-Columbia is required by law and Board of Curator's policy to restrict access to some files and information. Student records are held as confidential under the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and by University policy. Faculty promotion and tenure records and Academic Personnel files are restricted for 75 years, or the lifetime of the individual. All grievance, disciplinary, and medical records are treated as confidential files. Consultations with legal counsel, both in-house and external, are protected by the attorney/client privilege and will not be released. |
Published by: University Archives
Compiled: September 2008
Revised: 09 September 2008
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