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Record Group: 3 C
Record Sub-Group: 51
Records Title: UMC; College of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources; Agricultural Extension Service; Administrative and Others Records
Dates: 1914-2007
Volume: 18 and 1/3 cubic feet, 22.92 linear feet

Scope and Content Note

This Sub-Group contains records of the University of Missouri-Columbia College of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources' Agriculture Extension Service (AES). Included in this Sub-Group are correspondence, employment summaries, AES director's reports, brief histories of AES, fiscal year reports, lists of staff members, publications, circulars, posters, newsletters, committee materials, "Kinescope" videos produced for television and files concerning various grant-funded programs. The Sub-Group also contains records from CAFNR Extension progams such as the Sustainable Agriculture Extension Program.
Note to Researcher: For more about the Agricultural Extension Service, see Record Group 4 UW, Sub-Group 61.

Series Descriptions:

Series 1. - C:3/37/1 (A80-20; A80-22)
This Series contains records of the UMC Agricultural Extension Service, (1945-1963). Included in this Series are Agricultural Extension Service director's reports, brief histories of AES, and fiscal year reports.
(1/3 c.f., UMLD1)
Note to Researcher: For more on the UMC Agricultural Experiment Station, see
Record Group 25 C.

Series 2. - C:3/37/4 (A88-16)
This Series contains posters created by the UMC Agricultural Extension Service (1916-1917). Included in this Series are the following: one copy, AES Poster Bulletin #1, "Kill the Hessian Fly Now!" (June 1916); one copy, AES Poster Bulletin #2, "Use Pure-Bred Sires!" (July 1916); one copy, AES Poster Bulletin #3, "Seed Corn Selection" (October 1916); three copies of AES Poster Bulletin #4,"Control Garden Insects, What To Do", (April 1917); one copy, AES Poster Bulletin #5, "Make Pork on Forage" (April 1917); and one copy, AES Poster Bulletin #6, "Increase the Nation's Food Supply: Raise a War Crop" (April 1917).
Note to Researcher: For more early posters relating to the UMC College of Agriculture, see
Record Group 3 C, Sub-Group 33, and "Cows On The Lawn," a University Archives' online photographic exhibit.

Series 3. - C:3/37/3 (A88-2)
This Series contains records of the UMC Agricultural Extension Service's chapter of the national extension honors fraternity, Epsilon Sigma Phi (1931-1984). Included in this Series are a history of the national organization, a copy of the chapter constitution and bylaws, an explanation of initiation procedures, lists of chapter officers, lists of members, meeting minutes, awards and memorials for members, committee materials, and chapter correspondence.
(1 1/3 c.f., UMLD1)

Series 4. - C:3/37/8 (A95-107; A96-3)
This Series contains records of the UMC Agricultural Extension Service's Women's Extension Club (1950-1995). Included in this Series are a brief history of the club by Bernice Burkholder (1995), and mimeographed booklets containing lists of officers, membership, committees, and events and programs for the academic years 1950-1951, 1958-1959, 1970-1971, and 1971-1972.
(Env, Small Holdings Box 5)

Series 5. - C:3/37/5 (A94-25)
This Series contains records of the UMC Agricultural Extension Service (1955-1960). Included in this Series are five 16mm reel-to-reel Kinescope films of the AES-sponsored KOMU TV program entitled, "RFD - MU Farm Show." The Kinescope process was an attempt to make the film speed match that of the television screen's raster speed. These "RFD" programs were later used by both county Extension Service agents and by participants in the UMC College of Agriculture's "India Program."
(1/3 c.f., UMLD1)
Note to Researcher: For more on the UMC College of Agriculture's India Program, see
Record Group 3 C, Sub-Group 27, Series 3.
Note to Archivist: All five of the film reels in Series 5 have been converted to Digital Video and DVD formats. All but the film "Feed Chain Program" where discarded in 2018 due to the deteriorated condition of the films.

Series 6. - C:3/37/NP (A99-86)
This Series contains records of the UMC Agricultural Extension Service's Animal Science Program (1950-1994). Included in this Series are budgets, departmental reviews and plans, personnel information and histories, as well as records pertaining to swine testing programs, beef meetings, draft horse seminars, Animal Science field days, and livestock awards.
(2 c.f., 114781, 114782)
Note to Researcher: This Series is currently unprocessed. Until it is completely processed and inventoried, portions may not be fully available to researchers.

Series 7 - C:3/37/NP (A01-94)
This Series contains records of the UMC Agriculture Extension Service (1991-1995). Included in this Series are Beginnings Program (program for Missouri's pregnant and parenting teens) information, administrative records and files; RFP files; focus committee files; publicity; strategic planning information; Homelessness Project census data; grant information; shelter questionnaires, newsletters, and final grant report.
(3 c.f., 037129, 037130, 037133)
Note to Researcher: This Series is currently unprocessed. Until it is completely processed and inventoried, portions may not be fully available to researchers.

Series 8. - C:3/37/9
This Series contains published reports, guides, and other printed and duplicated material issued by the Agriculture Extension Service, (1923-2003). Topics include reports of the Extension Service's Work, Pork, and Farm Management. Also included in Series 8 are copies of the UMC Agricultural Guides and the MU Science and Technology Guides, (1965-2003).
(4 c.f., 046252, 123654, 066527, 029951 )
Note to Archivist: The box lists for this Series are available online. They can be accessed by
following this link.

Series 9. - C:3/37/10 (A06-12)
This Series contains records created by the Agricultural Extension Service of the University of Missouri-Columbia, (1914-2004). The records consist of employment summary sheets for Agricultural Extension agents and other staff [RESTRICTED].
(4 c.f., 001297, 001299, 001300, 001301)
Note to Researcher: Series 9 contains records which are confidential and restricted. See the restrictions note at the end of this finding aid.

Series 10. - C:3/37/11 (A14-30)
This Series contains administrative and other records of and pertaining to the Sustainable Agriculture Extension Program, (1986-2007). The records consist of the following types and topics: correspondence, reports, grants, conference material, photographic material, audio-visual material, Professional Development Program, North Central Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE), Missouri Organic Association (MOA), Sustaining People through Agriculture Network (SPAN), local foods, and small farms.
(3 c.f., 056280, 056281, UMLD1)
Note to Researcher: The majority of these records stem from John Ikerd and Laura Ann Bergman.
A number of the video tapes have been transferred to a digital format.
Series 10 contains records which are confidential and restricted. See the restrictions note at the end of this finding aid.
Note to Archivist: The box lists for this Series are available online. They can be accessed by
following this link.

Series 11. - C:3/37/12
This Series contains printed and duplicated material created by of the University of Missouri Extension Division and the Cooperative Extension Division, (1968-1990). The material consists of two publication runs: Beef Cattle Feeding Newsletter, (1968-1990), and Swine Production Newsletter, (1968-1989). The two earliest issues of Swine Production Newsletter are entitled Swine Newsletter.
(1 c.f., 133030)
Note to Researcher: Some of the years of the newsletters include an index.

Restrictions Note: The Archives of the University of Missouri-Columbia is required by law and Board of Curator's policy to restrict access to some files and information. Student records are held as confidential under the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and by University policy. Faculty promotion and tenure records and Academic Personnel files are restricted for 75 years, or the lifetime of the individual. All grievance, disciplinary, and medical records are treated as confidential files. Consultations with legal counsel, both in-house and external, are protected by the attorney/client privilege and will not be released.

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Published by: University Archives
Originally Prepared by Carl Lingle: February 1999
Revised: 24 October 2023

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