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Record Group: 3 C
Record Sub-Group: 45
Records Title: UMC; College of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources; Department of Agricultural Economics; Administrative Records
Dates: 1936-2012
Volume: 35 1/6 cubic feet, 43.96 linear feet

Scope and Content Note

This Sub-Group contains records of the University of Missouri-Columbia College of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources' Department of Agricultural Economics. Included in this Sub-Group are correspondence files, faculty publications, faculty personnel updates, newsletters, research reports, teaching materials, course outlines, award nominations, committee minutes and reports, and video cassette tapes.
Note to Researcher: For annual reports of the Agricultural Economics Department, see Record Group 30 C, Sub-Group 2, Series 1.

Series Descriptions:

Series 1. - C:3/16/7 (A90-88)
This Series contains records of the UMC Department of Agricultural Economics (1939). Included in this Series are materials relating to the federally sponsored, Rural Rehabilitation Project in Grundy County, Missouri. This effort was one of only eleven such projects in the United States. It was supervised by UMC Professor of Agricultural Economics, Eugene A. Wilkening.
(Env, Small Holdings Box 4)

Series 2. - C:3/16/3 (A87-3; A87-24; A97-93; A00-147)
This Series contains records created by UMC Professor Emeritus of Agricultural Economics, Harold F. Breimyer (1940-2000). The bulk of the records were created during Breimyer's tenure at the University of Missouri-Columbia (1966-1984) but this Series also includes records created both before Breimyer came to the University and after his selection as Professor Emeritus in 1984. The records consist of correspondence files (1952-2000), copies of publications and articles (1940-2000), committee records (1973-1985), and course documents (1967-1990). Publications include the Agriculture Extension Working Papers series; On The Economy press releases; and the Economic and Marketing Information bulletin, which Breimyer edited. Also included in this Series are proceedings from the Seminar on Agricultural Marketing and Policy (1973-1985), professional as well as departmental materials, and photographs.
(20 c.f., 015829, 015830, 015831, 015832, 015833, 015834, 015835, 070044, 070045, 070046, 070047, 103769, 103770, 103930, 103931, 104273, 104274, 105365, 105366, 105399)
Note to Researcher: Professor Breimyer passed away on 19 March 2001 in Columbia, Missouri. Portions of this Series are unprocessed. Until fully processed and inventoried, these portions may not be fully available for research.

Series 3. - C:3/16/4 (A90-6)
This Series contains records of the UMC Department of Agricultural Economics (1977). Included in this Series are videotapes of Agricultural Economics 50 course lectures. These tapes were made for use as instructional television materials.
(2 c.f., 036127, 036128)

Series 4. - C:3/16/8 (A95-89)
This Series contains records of the UMC Department of Agricultural Economics (1940-1994). The bulk of materials in this Series were created by or in cooperation with UMC Professor Emeritus of Agricultural Economics, Albert R. Hagan (1959-1984). Included in this Series are correspondence files, research papers, publications, teaching materials, study results, evaluations of farming techniques, and suggestions for improvements in farming practices.
(2 c.f., 041623, 041624)
Note to Researcher: For more on "Balanced Farming," see
Record Group 3 C, Sub-Group 26, Series 17.

Series 5. - C:3/16/2 (A85-44)
This Series contains records of the UMC Department of Agricultural Economics (1965-1985). The bulk of materials in this Series were created by UMC Professor Emeritus of Agricultural Economics Kenneth B. Boggs. Included in this Series are course outlines and other teaching materials Professor Boggs used in his Agricultural Economics 50 and Market Structure in the American Economy courses. Also included in this Series are committee records for the A.S.C. Advisory Committee, the College Relations Committee, and the State College Committee on Beginning Agricultural Economics.
(4 c.f., 017245, 017246, 017247, 017248)
Note to Researcher: For videos of Professor Boggs' teaching an Agricultural Economics 50 class, see Series 3 (above). Series 5 contains some records which are confidential and restricted. See the restrictions note at the end of this finding aid.

Series 6. - C:3/16/NP (A97-114)
This Series contains records of the UMC Department of Agricultural Economics pertaining to the Missouri Institute of Cooperatives (1968-1996). Included in this Series are committee meeting minutes and committee generated reports.
(2 c.f., 105109, 105110)
Note to Researcher: Series 6 is currently unprocessed. Until thoroughly processed and inventoried, portions may not be fully available for research.

Series 7. - C:3/42/NP (A95-19; various)
This Series contains records of the UMC Department of Agricultural Economics pertaining to the Farm Management Recognition Program, (1970-1988). Also included in this Series are issues and a publication list of the Farm Management Newsletter, (1960-2012), and issues of Agribusiness Newsletter, (1970-1978).
(1 c.f., 006800)
Note to Researcher: Series 7 is currently unprocessed. Until thoroughly processed and inventoried, portions may not be fully available for research.
According to former editor Joyce White, at one point during the 1960s the Farm Management Newsletter was produced in two versions: one on blue letterhead (noted as FMB) with content intended for Extension field agents and one on red letterhead (noted as FM) intended for both field agents and farmers.
Note to Archivist: The box list for this Series is available online. It can be accessed by
following this link.

Series 8. - C:3/16/11 (A02-06)
This Series contains records of the UMC Department of Agricultural Economics (1934-1989). The materials in this Series were created or collected by UMC Professor of Agricultural Economics, Albert R. Hagan. Records include the following: Agriculture Economics 312, 390, and 422 class papers, case studies, assignments, and transparencies; Balanced Farming data (1944-1985), evaluations, studies, and reports (1940-1956), historical background and description (1934-1960) with a special report covering development of program prior to 1941, procedures, plans, booklets, articles, guides, and pamphlets; biographical data for Hagan; newspaper articles; conference, tour, meeting, and workshop pamphlets and booklets (ca. 1949-1980); correspondence (1945, 1962); fencing diagrams; financial analyses and economic evaluations (1955-1969); handbooks and planning workbooks (ca. 1980s); livestock information, brochures, pamphlets and reports (1964-1973); papers from or for short courses, presentations, programs, etc. (ca. 1950-1980); record keeping books, workbooks, and forms. A few records in this Series relate to Taiwan, Barbados, Nepal, South Korea, Philippines, Tanzania, and Tunisia. A significant portion of the records in the Series are Balanced Farming data concerning the following farms: Bodenhausen, Burge, Castle, Esser, Flandermeyer, Hill, Sandidge, Kiehl, Kusgen, Niebruegge, Lenz, Nienhueser, Nierman, Oetting, Ozark Fisheries, McGregor, Harrold, Payne, Riekhof, Schlutius, Siem Brothers, and a state of Colorado farm. Some of the counties involved are: Clinton, Cooper, Lafayette, and Camden. Also included in this Series are many photographs, mounted prints, and negatives concerning the following topics: Animal Husbandry class farm management tour (08/25/1955 - 08/26/1955); antique farm equipment; Balanced Farming Action Day (1955), award winners (1954), exhibit (02/27/1953), field day (07/1964), and trailer display; Brewer farm (1953); farm buildings and structures; Callaham farm; County Fair (1955); fencing; Flandemeyer farm; Gentry County farms; Grow Grass Day (1948); Lafeyette County farms; Lewis County farms; livestock; Mercer County Field Day; Osage County farms; Saline County farms; Stacker farm (09/1943); and other various farm scenes with people, buildings, land, crops, and livestock. Photographs without dates in the Series are considered to be taken from 1940-1960. Lastly, included in this Series are aerial prints of farms, general county maps, Lafayette County soil map, farm ownership maps, and Tanzania maps (1956-1967).
(2 2/3 c.f.: 2 c.f., 122388, 122389; 1/3 c.f., UMLD1; 1/3 c.f., UMLD1; OSF, MC)

Series 9. - C:3/16/13 (A04-107)
This Series contains administrative records from the Department of Agricultural Economics, (1957-1994). The records originated from the Department Chair or Unit Leader and pertain entirely to Professor of Agricultural Economics Jerry G. West. Chairmen or unit leaders during the period include Elmer Kiehl, V. James Rhodes, Charles L. Cramer, Bruce Bullock, and Brady J. Deaton. The records consist of administrative correspondence and memoranda; nomination packets for the Amoco Foundation, Inc. Teaching Award, (1976-1977), the NACTA Teacher Fellow Award, (1991), the NACTA Regional Outstanding Teacher Award, (1991), and the William Kemper Teaching Excellence Award, (1993-1994); and a faculty personnel file, (1957-1969).
(1/3 c.f., UMLD1)
Note to Researcher: Jerry Glenn West began teaching at the University of Missouri in 1958, attaining the rank of Professor in 1964. West taught at the University until his death in December 1993.

Series 10. - C:3/16/14 (A18-03)
This Series contains administrative records from the Department of Agricultural Economics, (1962-1988). The records consist of meeting minutes (with some agendas and related correspondence) for departmental Faculty Meetings.
(1/6 c.f., UMLD1)

Series 11. - C:3/16/15 (A21-71)
This Series contains administrative and other records, (1936-2003), pertaining to the Department of Agricultural Economics, the Agricultural Economics Club, and the Social Sciences Unit. The records include Agricultural Economics administrative files and faculty information, Agricultural Economics Club correspondence, meeting minutes, account ledger, charter, and constitution, and Social Sciences Unit annual reports, (1993-2000).
(1 c.f., 054196)
Note to Archivist: The box list for this Series is available online. It can be accessed by
following this link.

Restrictions Note: The Archives of the University of Missouri-Columbia is required by law and Board of Curator's policy to restrict access to some files and information. Student records are held as confidential under the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and by University policy. Faculty promotion and tenure records and Academic Personnel files are restricted for 75 years, or the lifetime of the individual. All grievance, disciplinary, and medical records are treated as confidential files. Consultations with legal counsel, both in-house and external, are protected by the attorney/client privilege and will not be released.

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Published by: University Archives
Originally Prepared by Carl Lingle, et al.: February 1999
Revised: 11 November 2021

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