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Call Number:

OSB 1 - Ellis
OSB 2 - Ellis
OSB 3 - Ellis

Record Group: 22 C
Record Sub-Group: 3
Records Title: UMC; Student Life & Activities; Newspapers; MSU Independent
Dates: 1895-1909, bulk 1906-1907
Volume: 0.92 cubic feet, 1.15 linear feet

Scope and Content Note

(A83-34; various)
This Sub-Group contains issues of the University of Missouri student newspaper known as the MSU Independent (1897-1909). This student-oriented publication was produced by the Missouri Student Union and featured articles and editorials on topics relating to student life and activities, including athletics, the YMCA and YWCA, and debate; as well academics, administration, faculty, alumni, speakers, and the town of Columbia.

Historical Note:

The history of the M.S.U. Independent begins in late February, 1894 as members of the anti-fraternity organization, the "M.S.U. Barb," decided during the same month as the group's creation, to fill the need that they saw for a new biweekly newspaper on campus. Two other newspapers existed at Missouri State University at the time. "The Argus" was a monthy magazine published by the literary societies. "The Tiger" was a weekly newspaper published by the fraternities. The new publication's first editor, Albert J. McCulloch suggested its name. The first issue arrived on March 3, 1894, containing four pages. Only seven issues were published during that first year, with illustrations beginning in the fifth issue. The 1894-1895 school year saw the publication of 17 more issues. By the following year, both "The Argus" and "The Tiger" had ceased publication. The final issue of the Independent was published on May 22, 1910.

Series Descriptions:

This Record Sub-Group is not divided into series. The Sub-Group is arranged alphabetically.

Note to Researcher: This Series is not a complete publication run; several issues of the MSU Independent are missing. Ask UMC Archives staff about collection C:0/46/11 Record Group 0 C, Record Sub-Group 12, Series 10 containing a copy of the M.S.U. Tiger. Copies of Blackout, a student newspaper published by the Black Student Union, can be found in Box 1 of C:1/31/1 Record Group 1 C, Sub-Group 30, Series 1. Follow this link for Minority Student Publications at Record Group 22 C, Sub-Group 19.


FF 1 – contains bound volume of issues 1-33 of Volume 14 (September 15, 1906 to June 8, 1907)

This box also contains the following separate issues:

Volume 2, June 1, 1895 (No. 17), Commencement Number

Volume 3, September 14, 1895 (No. 1)

Volume 3, September 28, 1895 (No. 2)

Volume 3, October 12, 1895 (No. 3)

Volume 3, October 12, 1895 (Extra No. 3)

Volume 3, October 26, 1895 (No. 4)

Volume 3, November 9, 1895 (No. 5)

Volume 3, November 23, 1895 (No. 6)

Volume 3, December 7, 1895 (No. 7)

Volume 3, January 1, 1896 (No. 8)

Volume 3, January 11, 1896 (No. 9)

Volume 3, January 25, 1896 (No. 10)

Volume 3, February 8, 1896 (No. 11)

Volume 4, September 12, 1896 (No. 1)

Volume 4, September 26, 1896 (No. 2)

Volume 4, October 12, 1896 (No. 3)

Volume 4, October 17, 1896 (Extra No. 1)

Volume 4, October 26, 1896 (No. 4)

Volume 4, November 9, 1896 (No. 5)

Volume 4, November 21, 1896 (No. 6)

Volume 4, December 19, 1896 (Christmas number)

Volume 4, January 23, 1897 (No. 9)

Volume 4, February 6, 1897 (No. 10)

Volume 4, February 20, 1897 (No. 11)

Volume 4, March 6, 1897 (No. 12)

Volume 4, March 20, 1897 (No. 13)

Volume 4, April 17, 1897 (No. 15)

Volume 4, May 6, 1897 (No. 16), Oratorical Number

Volume 6, February 16, 1898 (No. 3), (3 copies)

Volume 6, March 19, 1898 (No. 5)


Volume 7, December 21, 1899 (No. 7), Christmas, '99 Edition, (2 copies)

Volume 7, March 23, 1900 (No. 12)

Volume 7, June 1, 1900, Commencement Issue

Volume 8, September 15, 1900 (No. 1)

Volume 8, September 29, 1900 (No. 2)

Volume 8, October 13, 1900 (No. 3)

Volume 8, October 27, 1900 (No. 4)

Volume 8, November 10, 1900 (No. 5)

Volume 8, November 30, 1900 (No. 6)

Volume 8, December 18, 1900 (No. 7)

One page of advertisements, front and back, ca. 1900

Volume 8, January 12, 1901 (No. 8)

Volume 8, February 2, 1901 (No. 9)

Volume 8, February 14, 1901 (No. 10), Girl's Edition, Valentine Number, (signed by Elizabeth Gentry, author)

Volume 8, March 2, 1901 (No. 11)

Volume 8, March 16, 1901 (No. 12)

Volume 8, March 30, 1901 (No. 13), (2 copies)

Volume 8, April 16, 1901 (No. 14)

Volume 8, May 4, 1901 (No. 15), Young Men's Christian Association Issue

Volume 8, May 25, 1901 (No. 16)

Volume 9, September 14, 1901 (No. 1)

Volume 9, April 23, 1902 (No. 28)

Volume 9, May 21, 1902 (No. 31)

Volume 10, February 12, 1903 (No. 17), Girls' Number

Volume 10, April 9, 1903 (No. 25)

Volume 10, May 11, 1903 (No. 29), Representative Number

Volume 11, September 16, 1903 (No. 2), (3 copies)

Volume 11, September 23, 1903 (No. 3)

Volume 11, September 30, 1903 (No. 4)

Volume 11, October 7, 1903 (No.5)

Volume 11, October 14, 1903 (No. 6)

Volume 11, October 21, 1903 (No. 7)

Volume 11, October 28, 1903 (No. 8)

Volume 11, November 4, 1903 (No. 9)

Volume 11, November 11, 1903 (No. 10)

Volume 11, November 23, 1903 (No. 11), Tigers' Souvenir, Thanksgiving, (2 copies)

Volume 11, December 9, 1903 (No. 13)

Volume 11, January 8, 1904 (No. 14)

Volume 11, January 13, 1904 (No. 15)

Volume 11, January 23, 1904 (No. 16)

Volume 11, May 6, 1904 (No. 30)

Volume 11, May 20, 1904 (No. 32)

Volume 11, May 27, 1904 (No. 33)

Volume 12, September 17, 1904 (No. 1), Inaugural Number

Volume 12, September 24, 1904 (No. 2)


Volume 12, January 14, 1905 (No. 14), (photocopy)

Volume 12, February 11, 1905 (No. 12), (1 original, 1 photocopy)

Volume 12, March 18, 1905 (No. 23) Engineers Edition

Volume 12, March 25, 1905 (No. 24), (2 copies)

Volume 12, April 1, 1905 (No. 25), (2 copies)

Volume 12, April 15, 1905 (No. 27)

Volume 12, April 29, 1905 (No. 29)

Volume 12, May 16, 1905 (No. 31) Lawyers Edition

Volume 12, May 27, 1905 (No. 33)

Volume 13, February 14, 1906 Girls' Number

Volume 14, February 9, 1907 (No. 19), Girls' Number (2 copies)

Volume 14, March 23, 1907 (No. 24), Engineers' Number (2 copies)

Volume 14, April 13, 1907 (No. 26), Association Number

Volume 14, May 4, 1907 (No. 29) High School Day

Volume 15, April 25, 1908 (No. 26) Independent Farmer

Volume 16, October 18, 1908 (No. 4)

Volume 16, December 13, 1908 (No. 11), Inaugural Number

Volume 16, May 2, 1909 (No. 28)

Volume 17, September 26, 1909 (No. 2)

Restrictions Note: The Archives of the University of Missouri-Columbia is required by law and Board of Curator's policy to restrict access to some files and information. Student records are held as confidential under the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and by University policy. Faculty promotion and tenure records and Academic Personnel files are restricted for 75 years, or the lifetime of the individual. All grievance, disciplinary, and medical records are treated as confidential files. Consultations with legal counsel, both in-house and external, are protected by the attorney/client privilege and will not be released.

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Published by: University Archives
Originally Prepared by Susannah Sodergren: December 2003
Revised: 08 January 2016

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