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Topical Guide:
Film and Video

  • Many of the items included in this guide are one-of-a-kind films in fragile condition; therefore, they may not be available for patron viewing.
  • Researchers wishing to view VHS tapes and 16 mm films may do so at the University Archives when a University Archives staff member is available to assist the researcher.
  • Viewing times will be dictated by staff availability.
  • Although University Archives is currently unable to provide viewing access to the other moving image formats (e.g., S-VHS, Betacam, 35 mm film) occasionally found in the holdings, the staff of University Archives will attempt to faciliate access to recordings in the collections as much as possible.

Note to Researcher: The University of Missouri-Columbia campus Record Groups below are denoted by a 'C' prefix (such as C:1/25/2). University of Missouri System-Wide and Central Administration Record Groups contain a 'UW' prefix (as in UW:4/0/2).

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University-Wide Records

UW:4/2/1 Series 1
UM System; Presidents' Office; John C. Weaver Administrative Records, 1967

This collection contains materials pertaining to the inauguration of University of Missouri President John C. Weaver, including a 16mm film of the inaugural proceedings.

UM-System; President's Office; University Relations; Promotional Films, 1964-1986

This collection contains University of Missouri System University Relations promotional films, in a variety of formats and depicting events and individuals on all four MU campuses. Topics of these films include commencement exercises, public service announcements, sporting events, departmental films, and historical occasions and anniversaries related to the University of Missouri.

UM-System; President's Office; University Relations; Films and Videotapes, 1975-1992

This collection contains broadcast video tapes and 16mm films produced by and for University Relations. Subjects of these videotapes include Leaders of Distinction Interviews, University Extension programs, Missouri Tomorrow, Marching Mizzou, the FBI Census, a UMC graduation ceremony, and a multimedia production entitled "University of Missouri Animation."

Columbia Campus Records

C:0/3/4 Series 19
UMC; University General; Alumni Association; Photographs, Films, and Related Materials, 1972

This collection contains one film of campus interviews with MU students. The Alumni Association sponsored the film, and the School of Journalism made it. The film exists on one 16 mm reel, 10.5" in diameter.

C:0/3/11 Series 2
UMC; University General; Alumni Association; Photographs, Films, and Related Materials, ca. 1970-1988

This collection contains student recruiting films produced by or in conjunction with the MU Alumni Association.

C:0/3/NP Series 3
UMC; University General; Alumni Association; Photographs, Films, and Related Materials, 1993

This collection contains film and audio-visual slide show versions of a promotional presentation entitled Capture the Spirit 1993.

UMC; Administration; Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs - Vice Chancellor for Students, Personnel, and Auxiliary Services; Minority Student Programs; Administrative Records, 1998

This collection contains records from Minority Student Programs, including five VHS tapes of the opening of the new Black Culture Center and the presentation of awards.

UMC; Administration; Office of Equal Opportunity; Audio and Video Tapes, 1976-1990

This collection contains video tapes (both VHS and 3/4" formats) generated by the University of Missouri-Columbia Office of Equal Opportunity.

C:1/32/14 Series 1
UMC; Administration; Office of the Provost; Printed and Duplicated Material, 2000-2002

This collection contains a promotional video tape (VHS) for the 2000-2001 University Concert Series.

UMC; Administrative; Provost's Office; Honors College Seminar Lecture Video Tapes, 1985

This collection contains U-matic format video tapes from 1985 of seminar lectures sponsored by the Honors College. Lectors include Charles Mullet and Dr. Herbert Schooling.

C:1/34/8 Series 8
UMC; Administration; Vice Provost for Minority Affairs and Faculty Development (VP MAFD); Administrative Records, 1988-2000

This Series contains general administrative records created and received by the Office of the Vice Provost for Minority Affairs, International Programs and Faculty Development, including training and informational video tapes.

C:1/80/21 Series 22
UMC; Administration; Office of Student Life; Women's Center; Programs, 1973-2000

This collection contains audio cassette tapes from the Women's Center. The tapes contain recordings of various programs and events sponsored or related to the Women's Center at the University of Missouri.

C:1/121/4 Series 3
UMC; Administration; Office of Development and Alumni Relations; Administrative Records, 1970-1992

This collection contains records of the University of Missouri-Columbia Office of Development and Alumni Relations, including video tapes of such events as homecoming celebrations.

C:1/142/1 Series 16
UMC; Administration; University Relations Division; Photographs, Negatives and Administrative Records, 1967-1969

This collection contains motion picture films produced by the University of Missouri-Columbia Office of University Relations (formerly Office of Public Information).

C:1/142/2 Series 17
UMC; Administration; University Relations Division; Photographs, Negatives and Administrative Records, 1985-1993

This collection contains motion picture films produced for the University of Missouri-Columbia's Office of University Relations (formerly Office of Public Information). Included in this Series are nearly three dozen promotional reel-to-reel films and Beta videocassettes made for O.P.I. by the Blue Sky Communications Corporation.

C:1/142/3 Series 30
UMC; Administration; Office of Public information; Films, ca. 1960s

This Series contains twelve short 16mm reels of film created and received by the Office of Public Information, (ca. 1960s). Included in the film segments are images of Francis Quadrangle, the Arts & Science Building, the Agriculture Building, footage of campus laboratory and dormitory facilities, and commencement.

C:3/1/31 Series 11
UMC; College of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources, Photographic Collections, 1984

This collection contains a videocassette of Eugene Poirot explaining the elements of his "Second Market" farm program.

C:3/16/4 Series 3
UMC; College of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources; Department of Agricultural Economics; Administrative Records, 1977

This collection contains videotapes of Agricultural Economics 50 course lectures. These tapes were made for use as instructional television materials.

C:3/16/5 Series 3
UMC; College of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources; Faculty Papers, 1855-2002

This Series contains two video tapes (U-matic format), one titled "International Affairs and U.S. Agriculture" (1981), and the other titled "One View of Agriculture" (1982).

C:3/18/NP Series 9
MC; College of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources; Faculty Papers, 1958-1990

This Series contains office working files and research records created by UMC Professor Emeritus of Agricultural Engineering, Ken McFate, including video tapes.

C:3/22/1 Series 6
UMC; College of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources; Department of Dairy Science; Administrative Records, 1920-1974

This collection contains records of the UMC Department of Dairy Science, including a motion picture film concerning ice cream melting research.

UMC; College of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources; Office of Extension and Agricultural Information; Video Tapes, 1975-1989

This collection contains a sampling of video recordings produced by the Extension Service of the College of Agriculture. Topics of the films range from assortments of public service announcements (PSA) to reports on Missouri's most prominent archaeological sites.

C:3/25/NP Series 1
UMC; College of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources; Department of Extension and Agricultural Information; Administrative Records, 1983-1991

This collection contains records of the University of Missouri-Columbia College of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources' Extension and Agricultural Information Unit, including twenty-four VHS videocassettes on themes and subjects relating to Agricultural Extension.

C:3/37/5 Series 5
UMC; College of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources; Agricultural Extension Service; Administrative Records, 1955-1960

Included in this Series are five 16mm reel-to-reel Kinescope films of the Agricultural Extension Service-sponsored KOMU-TV program entitled, "RFD - MU Farm Show." The Kinescope process was an attempt to make the film speed match that of the television screen's raster speed.

C:3/44/NP Series 1
UMC; College of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources; School of Natural Resources; Administrative Records, 1998

This Series contains records of the University of Missouri-Columbia College of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources' School of Natural Resources, including a video entitled, "Canoeing on 11-Point."

UMC; College of Human Environmental Sciences; Dean's Office; Campbell-Harrison House Records, 1936-1989

This collection contains records of the University of Missouri-Columbia College of Human Environmental Sciences (formerly the College of Home Economics) Dean's Office, including a motion picture film entitled, "A Live-In Classroom," about the "Home Management House" organized to give students who could not afford regular housing expenses the opportunity to attend the University of Missouri.

UMC; College of Human Environmental Sciences; Department of Food and Nutrition; Film and Video Productions, 1972

This collections contains three reels of 16mm film, pamphlets, newspaper clippings, correspondence, memoranda relating to eight 30 second and seven 60 second TV spots produced by the University of Missouri-Columbia College of Human Environmental Sciences Department of Nutrition (in cooperation with University of Missouri Extension, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and Communico Incorporated), intended to advise low-income families concerning how to improve their nutrition and how to stretch their food-buying dollars.

UMC; College of Arts and Science; Photographs and Videos, 1998

This collection holds one VHS cassette video produced by the University of Missouri-Columbia College of Arts and Science. This video was recorded during the February 24, 1998, College of Arts and Science Distinguished Alumni Awards Ceremony.

C:6/30/4 Series 3
UMC; College of Arts and Science; School of Fine Arts; Department of Music, 1999

This collection contains one VHS videocassette from the UMC Department of Music. This 75-minute video contains Jane Allen's Memorial Concert.

C:8/1/17 Series 19
UMC; College of Education; Dean's Office; Printed and Duplicated Materials, 1988-1997

This Series contains video tapes, both commercial and amateur productions, relating to the College of Education (COE), COE courses, or general education issues. Included among the video tapes are television newscasts, a COE event with Chancellor Charles Kiesler, (1994), education-related programs, and a football brunch with Larry Smith, (1994).

C:8/5/1 Series 1
UMC; College of Education; Instructional Materials Laboratory; Printed and Duplicated Materials, 1962-2004

This collection contains video masters produced by the State Fair Community College (SFCC). Topics of the videos include architectural drafting, construction, micro-processor fundamentals, and welding.

C:8/25/1 Series 1
UMC; College of Education; Department of Curriculum and Instruction; Administrative and Program Records, 1970-1979

This Series holds office records generated by Department of Curriculum and Instruction and pertain to projects such as the "Teaching Legal Rights and Responsibilities Project," the "Basic Concepts in Government and Economics" video lesson series, including 24 VHS cassettes, a synopsis of content, and an instructor's guide for an elementary level course.

UMC; College of Engineering; Ralph Louis Scorah Collection; Personal Papers and Photographs, 1907-1971

This collection contains records collected by Ralph Louis Scorah, a professor in the College of Engineering, including numerous reels of film that have recorded various experiments that Mr. Scorah conducted.

C:10/8/4 Series 12
UMC; Graduate School and Office of Research; Vice Provost for Research and Office of Research; Administrative Records, 1993-2000

The collection contains a number of VHS tapes concerning the University of Missouri Research Reactor (MURR): The MURR 1993, MURR 20th Anniversary, (1994), MURR: 30 Years of Excellence, (1997) and a KOMU News report regarding the reactor, (2000).

C:10/8/17 Series 24
UMC; Graduate School and Office of Research; Vice Provost for Research and Office of Research; Administrative Records, 1986-1994

The collection contains a number of VHS tapes of MURR events and video productions, (1986-1994).

C:11/1/1 Series 1
UMC; School of Journalism; Dean's Office; Administrative Records, ca. 1933

This collection contains home movie film taken by UMC School of Journalism Dean Walter Williams and his wife Sara. Included in this Series are film clips shot during a world trip taken by Mrs. Williams and MU students, as well as local scenes of Columbia, Missouri, and UMC campus scenes, such as the Francis Quadrangle Columns, Jesse Hall, the Chancellor's/President's residence, and other buildings on Red (West) campus.

C:11/13/5 Series 5
UMC; School of Journalism; Photographs, ca. 1953-1956

This collection contains two commercially produced films concerning the MU School of Journalism. "Missouri J School" was made by the Southwestern Bell Company. The second film (untitled) is one of a series of "campus visit" films produced by the Phillips Petroleum Company. Both films are black-and-white and in 16mm format; both also include voice-over narration.

C:11/6/4 Series 3
UMC; School of Journalism; KOMU-TV; Administrative Records, 1970-1972

This collection holds film clips of programs broadcast on the UMC School of Journalism's television station, KOMU. The subjects of these films vary from portions of an Orange Bowl football game broadcast to a report on Brown Recluse spider research.

C:11/6/6 Series 8
UMC; School of Journalism; KOMU-TV, Video Productions, and Printed and Duplicated Material, 1973-1992

This Series holds u-matic video tapes of the University of Missouri School of Journalism's Missouri Forum television program (1973, 1984-1992, with gaps). The programs in this Series vary widely in content but often feature political figures and deal with legislative and governmental topics as well as day-to-day events and activities on the Columbia campus.

UMC; School of Journalism; KOMU; Sports Program Video Tapes, 1986-1993

This collection contains Beta-format videotapes of two sports programs produced by KOMU-TV: "The Norm Stewart Show," and "This Week in Mizzou Football."

C:15/00/1 Series 1
UMC; School of Nursing; Photographic and Film Materials, 1958

This collection consists of one film, Nursing, MU Style, produced by F. Kuffel, Jr. The film is a recruitment tool designed to illustrate both the academic and social aspects of the University of Missouri-Columbia nursing program.

C:12/6/1 Series 1
UMC; School of Law; Photographs and Videotapes, 1998

This collection contains visual materials from a variety of sources concerning events at the University of Missouri-Columbia Law School. The collection consists of videos, photos and images received from sources such as the Law School, alumni and video production services. One VHS tape is entitled, "The University of Missouri School of Law: The Tradition Continues."

C:23/12/1 Series 1
UMC; University Hospital and Clinics; Children's Hospital and Women's Center; Administrative Records and Telethon Broadcast Tapes, 1986-1998

This collection contains broadcast videotape masters of Children's Miracle Network Telethon broadcasts from the Children's Hospital of the University of Missouri-Columbia Hospital and Clinics. These programs, modeled on such nationally known productions such as the annual "Muscular Dystrophy Telethon," were held to raise funds for care children.

C:23/16/1 Series 3
UMC; University Hospitals and Clinics; Clinical Information Services; Administrative Records, 1984-1999

This Series contains records created by the University of Missouri-Columbia University Hospital and Clinic's Clinical Information Services Department, including New Resident Orientation VHS video tapes.

C:24/2/3 Series 3
UMC; Committees; International Affairs Council; Sponsored Lecture, 1986

This Series contains two U-matic video tapes of a lecture by Richard van der Ross, Rector of the University of the Western Cape, (1986). The lecture concerns educational policy in South Africa. Dr. van der Ross was introducted by MU Provost Lois DeFleur.
Note to Archivist: The tapes have been transferred into a digital format.

UMC; Intercollegiate Athletics; Director of Athletics; Administrative Records, 1934-1978

This collection contains records created or received by the University of Missouri-Columbia Office of the Director of Athletics, including a 1970-1971 Football Highlight Reel.

C:31/2/3 and C:31/2/5
UMC; Intercollegiate Athletics; Films, 1929-1997

This collection Sub-Group contains game, practice, season highlight, and team introduction films produced by or in cooperation with the Department of Intercollegiate Athletics of the University of Missouri-Columbia. Programs featured include men's and women's basketball, football, baseball, fencing, gymnastics, wrestling, track and field, cross country, marching bands, wrestling, as well as "unknown sport."

UMC; Intercollegiate Athletics; Memorabilia, 1938-1940

This Series contains a DVD recording of films from the Archives featuring players and staff from the 1938 through 1940 seasons as well as a travelogue of the 1940 Orange Bowl trip to Miami, Florida. Period music and captions identifying players and personnel have been added to the film footage..

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Published by: University Archives
Originally Prepared by Rob Ryan: July 2004
Revised: 20 February 2009

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