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Record Group: 31 C
Record Sub-Group: 1
Records Title: UMC; Intercollegiate Athletics; Films
Dates: 1929-1997
Volume: 202 cubic feet, 262 linear feet

Scope and Content Note

This Record Sub-Group contains game, practice, season highlight, and team introduction films produced by or in cooperation with the Department of Intercollegiate Athletics of the University of Missouri-Columbia. Formats within this Sub-Group include 16mm film and VHS and Beta videotape. Color and black-and-white films are included, as are court level, wide angle, and close-up perspectives.

Note to Researcher:

  • Many of the items in this Sub-Group are one-of-a-kind films in fragile condition; therefore, they may not be available for patron viewing.
  • Researchers wishing to view VHS tapes and 16 mm films may do so at the University Archives when a University Archives staff member is available to assist the researcher.
  • Viewing times will be dictated by staff availability.
  • University Archives is currently unable to provide viewing access to the other moving image formats (e.g., S-VHS, Betacam, 35 mm film) occasionally found in the holdings.

Additional football and women's basketball film and video tape can be found in C:31/2/7.

Series Descriptions:

This Record Sub-Group is divided into four record series. Arrangement within each series follows chronological order.
Note to Researcher: Due to the continuing addition of new accessions to the end of Series Four, it no longer follows a strict chronological arrangement.

Series One contains women's basketball game, practice, team, and highlight films.

Series Two contains men's basketball game, practice, team, and highlight films.

Series Three holds men's football game, scrimmage, team, and highlight films.

Series Four is comprised of baseball, track and field, and miscellaneous sports films.

Note to Researcher: Clicking on the lines below will take one to the series inventories.

Series Outline:

  1. Series One - Women's Basketball Films

  2. Series Two - Men's Basketball Films

  3. Series Three - Men's Football Films

  4. Series Four - Miscellaneous Sports Films

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Published by: University Archives
Originally Prepared: August 1999
Revised: 10 July 2003

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