This Record Series contains University of Missouri-Columbia Men's Intercollegiate Basketball films. Included are basketball game, practice, and team introduction films produced by or in conjunction with the UMC Department of Intercollegiate Athletics. Games and highlight films are arranged by chronological order.
Sub-Series One - 1929-1964
1 - 1929, "Gym Game," opponent unknown, (1 reel of 16 mm film, Digital Video, DVD)
C:31/2/3 (discarded due to condition, unplayable)
2 - 1930, "[Brewer] Field House Game," opponent unknown, (1 reel of 16 mm film, Digital Video, DVD)
C:31/2/3 (UMLD1 FILM2)
3-1938, University of Oklahoma Game, (1 reel of 16 mm film, Digital Video, DVD)
C:31/2/3 (discarded due to condition, unplayable)
4 - 1939, University of Oklahoma Game, (1 reel of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 [Removed 5/7/2007]
5 - 1948, Westminster College Game, (1 reel of 16 mm film, Digital Video, DVD)
C:31/2/3 (UMLD1 FILM2)
6 - 1946 and 1948, Baylor University Games, Highlights, (1 reel of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (073329)
7 - ca. 1940, University of Oklahoma Game, (1 reel of 16mm film, Digital Video, DVD)
C:31/2/3 (discarded due to condition, unplayable)
8 - 16 January 1951, Wichita State College Game, (1 reel of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (037952)
9 - 9 February 1952, Kansas State University Game, (1 reel of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (037958)
10 - ca. 1951-1952, University of Tulsa Game, (1 reel of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (037952)
11 - 14 January 1952, Drake University Game, (1 reel of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (037952)
12 - 3 March 1952, University of Nebraska Game, (1 reel of 16 mm film, Digial Video, DVD)
C:31/2/3 (037952)
13 - 18 January 1953, University of Nebraska Game, (1 reel of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (037952)
14 - 1953, University of Kansas Game, (1 reel of 16 mm film, Digital Video, DVD)
C:31/2/3 (Ellis)
15 - 1954, University of Kansas Game, (1 reel of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (008935)
16 - 4 January 1954, University of Colorado Game, (1 reel of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (037952)
17 - 13 February 1954, University of Houston Game, (1 reel of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (037952)
18 - 1 March 1954, University of Nebraska Game, (1 reel of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (037952)
19 - 13 December 1954, University of Wisconsin Game, (1 reel of 16 mm film, Digital Video, DVD)
C:31/2/3 (008935)
20 - 15 December 1954, University of Arkansas Game, (1 reel of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (008935)
21 - 8 January 1955, University of Nebraska Game, (1 reel of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (037952)
22 - 5 February 1955, University of Oklahoma Game, (1 reel of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (008935)
23 - 28 February 1955, University of Colorado Game, (1 reel of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (037952)
24 - 5 March 1955, University of Kansas Game, (1 reel of 16 mm film, Digital Video, DVD)
C:31/2/3 (037953)
25 - 1 December 1955, University of South Dakota Game, (1 reel of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (037953)
26 - 21 January 1956, Kansas State University Game, (1 reel of 16 mm film, Digital Video, DVD)
C:31/2/3 (037953)
27 - 11 February 1956, Iowa State University Game, (1 reel of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (037953)
28 - 15 March 1956, University of Nebraska Game, (1 reel of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (037953)
29 - 8 December 1956, Purdue University Game, (1 reel of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (037953)
30 - 10 December 1956, University of South Dakota Game, (1 reel of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (037953)
31 - 16 February 1957, University of Kansas Game, (1 reel of 16 mm film; Digital Video; DVD)
C:31/2/3 (037953)
32 - 1957, Iowa State University Game, (1 reel of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (037953)
33 - 19 January 1957, University of Nebraska Game, (1 reel of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (037953)
34 - 5 February 1957, University of Oklahoma Game, (1 reel of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (037953)
35 - 18 February 1957, Marquette University Game, (1 reel of 16 mm film, Digital Video, DVD)
C:31/2/3 (037953)
36 - 23 February 1957, University of Colorado Game, (1 reel of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (037957)
37 - 25 February 1957, Kansas State University Game, (1 reel of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (037957)
38 - 9 December 1957, University of North Dakota Game, (3 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (037957)
39 - 18 December 1957, University of Texas Game, (3 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (037957)
40 - 6 January 1958, University of Nebraska Game, (3 reels of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (073329)
41 - 15 February 1958, University of Oklahoma Game, (2 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (073329)
42 - 22 February 1958, Kansas State University Game, (3 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (037957)
43 - 3 March 1958, University of Colorado Game, (3 reels of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (073329)
44 - 6 December 1958, Purdue University Game, (3 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (037957)
45 - 8 December 1958, Vanderbilt University Game, (3 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (037957)
46 - 17 January 1959, Kansas State University Game, (3 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (037957)
47 - 10 February 1959, Oklahoma State University Game, (3 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (037957)
48 - 21 February 1959, University of Oklahoma Game, (3 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 Box 3 (037957)
49 - 9 March 1959, Iowa State University Game, (3 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (037958)
50 - 1 December 1959, Washington University Game, (1 reel of 16 mm film, Digital Video, DVD)
C:31/2/3 (037958)
51 - 1959-1960, Rice University Game, (1 reel of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (037958)
52 - 9 January 1960, Kansas State University Game, (3 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (037958)
53 - 11 January 1960, University of Nebraska Game, (3 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (037958)
54 - 23 January 1960, University of Tulsa Game, (3 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (037958)
55 - 6 February 1960, University of Oklahoma Game, (3 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (037958)
56 - 20 February 1960, Oklahoma State University Game, (3 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (037958)
57 - 27 February 1960, University of Kansas Game, (3 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (037958)
58 - 9 March 1960, Iowa State University Game, (3 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (037958)
59 - 3 December 1960, University of Arkansas Game, (3 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (037959)
60 - 14 December 1960, Loyola University Game, (3 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (037959)
61 - 2 March 1961, Iowa State University Game, (2 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (037959)
62 - 6 March 1961, University of Nebraska Game, (3 reels of 16 mm film, Digital Video, DVD)
C:31/2/3 (037959)
63 - 11 March 1961, University of Kansas Game (in Brewer Field House), (1 VHS tape, 1 DVD)
C:31/2/3 (VHS, UMLD1 FILM2)
64 - 1 December 1961, University of Southern California Game, (3 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (037959)
65 - 6 December 1961, Washington University Game, (3 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (037959)
66 - 9 December 1961, Northwestern University Game, (3 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (037959)
67 - 16 December 1961, University of Western Ontario Game, (3 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (037959)
68 - 13 January 1962, University of Kansas Game, (3 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (037965)
69 - 18 January 1962, Kansas State University Game, (3 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (037965)
70 - 17 February 1962, University of Nebraska Game, (3 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (037965)
71 - 19 February 1962, Oklahoma State University Game, (3 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (037965)
72 - 1 March 1962, Iowa State University Game, (3 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (037965)
73 - 5 March 1962, University of Colorado Game, (3 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (037965)
74 - 8 March 1962, University of Oklahoma Game, (3 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (037965)
75 - 3 December 1962, Montana State University Game, (2 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (037965)
76 - 8 December 1962, University of Arkansas Game, (2 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (037965)
77 - 10 December 1962, University of Indiana Game, (2 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (037967)
78 - 20 December 1962, University of Tennessee Game, (2 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (037967)
79 - 14 January 1963, University of Kansas Game, (2 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (037967)
80 - 19 January 1963, Iowa State University Game, (2 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (037967)
81 - 2 February 1963, Oklahoma State University Game, (2 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (037967)
82 - 18 February 1963, University of Colorado Game, (2 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (037967)
83 - 23 February 1963, University of Oklahoma Game, (2 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (037967)
84 - 6 March 1963, University of Nebraska Game, (2 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (037967)
85 - 31 November 1963, Air Force Game, (2 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (037967)
86 - 7 December 1963, Washington University Game, (2 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (037967)
87 - 1964, Mexico Olympics Exhibition Game, (3 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (037974)
88 - 6 January 1964, University of Oklahoma Game, (2 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (037967)
89 - 11 January 1964, University of Nebraska Game, (1 reel of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (037972)
90 - 8 February 1964, Oklahoma State University Game, (2 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (037972)
91 - 15 February 1964, Kansas State University Game, (3 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (037972)
92 - 19 February 1964, Kansas State University Game, (2 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (037972)
93 - 29 February 1964, University of Colorado Game, (2 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (037972)
94 - 3 March 1964, Iowa State University Game, (2 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (037972)
95 - 1 September 1964, University of Nebraska Game, (2 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (037972)
96 - 5 December 1964, University of Arkansas Game, (3 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (037972)
Sub-Series Two - 1965-1974
97 - 4 January 1965, University of Colorado Game, (3 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (037972)
98 - 16 January 1965, Kansas State University Game, (3 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (037972)
99 - 6 February 1965, Oklahoma State University Game, (3 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (037974)
100 - 8 February 1965, University of Kansas Game, (3 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (037974)
101 - 13 February 1965, Iowa State University Game, (3 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (037974)
102 - 20 February 1965, University of Oklahoma Game, (3 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (037974)
103 - 1 December 1965, Ohio State University Game, (3 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (037974)
104 - 13 December 1965, Rice University Game, (3 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (037974)
105 - 15 December 1965, Loyola University Game, (3 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (037974)
106 - 3 January 1966, Kansas State University Game, (3 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (037976)
107 - 5 February 1966, University of Kansas Game, (3 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (037976)
108 - 7 February 1966, University of Colorado Game, (3 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (037976)
109 - 12 February 1966, University of Oklahoma Game, (3 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (037976)
110 - 19 February 1966, University of Nebraska Game, (3 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (037976)
111 - 28 February 1966, University of Oklahoma Game, (3 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (037976)
112 - 3 March 1966, Iowa State University Game, (3 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (037976)
113 - 3 December 1966, University of Arkansas Game, (3 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065667)
114 - 1966-1967, Kansas State University Game, (2 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065667)
115 - 1966-1967, Iowa State University Game, (2 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065667)
116 - 1966-1967, Detroit University Game, (3 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065667)
117 - 1966-1967, University of Kansas Game, (3 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065667)
118 - 1966-1967, University of Oklahoma Game, (2 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065667)
119 - 1966-1967, University of Oklahoma Game, (2 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065667)
120 - 16 February 1967, Kansas State University Game, (2 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (037967)
121 - 28 February 1967, University of Nebraska Game, (3 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065667)
122 - 4 March 1967, University of Colorado Game, (3 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065668)
123 - 1 December 1967, Saint Louis University Game, (3 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065668)
124 - 4 December 1967, University of Indiana Game, (3 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065668)
125 - 9 December 1967, Hardin Simmons University Game, (3 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065668)
126 - 18 December 1967, Northwestern University Game, (2 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065668)
127 - 1967-1968, Varsity vs. Freshman Game, (3 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065669)
128 - 8 January 1968, University of Oklahoma Game, (3 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065668)
129 - 9 January 1968, University of Colorado Game, (3 reels of 16 mm film, Digital Video, DVD)
C:31/2/3 (065668)
130 - 22 January 1968, Iowa State University Game, (3 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065668)
131 - 12 February 1968, Oklahoma State University Game, (3 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065669)
132 - 21 February 1968, University of Kansas Game, (1 reel of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065669)
133 - 28 February 1968, Kansas State University Game, (2 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065670)
134 -8 March 1968, University of Nebraska Game, (3 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065669)
135 - 2 December 1968, Utah State University Game, (3 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065669)
136 - 14 December 1968, California State University Game, (3 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065669)
137 - 18 December 1968, Tulane University of Louisiana Game, (3 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065669)
138 - 1968-1969, Varsity vs. Freshmen Game, (1 reel 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065672)
139 - 11 January 1969, University of Kansas Game, (3 reels of 16 mm film, Digital Video, DVD)
C:31/2/3 (065669)
140 - 18 January 1969, Iowa State University Game, (3 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065670)
141 - 3 February 1969, University of Colorado Game, (2 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065670)
142 - 8 February 1969, Oklahoma State University Game, (3 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065670)
143 - 11 February 1969, University of Nebraska Game, (3 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065670)
144 - 22 February 1969, University of Oklahoma Game, (3 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065670)
145 - 24 February 1969, Kansas State University Game, (1 reel of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065669)
146 - 1 December 1969, University of Arkansas Game, (3 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065670)
147 - 9 December 1969, Saint Louis University Game, (3 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065670)
148 - 13 December 1969, Northern Michigan University Game, (3 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065671)
149 - 17 December 1969, California State University Game, (3 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065671)
150 - 1969-1970, Highlights, (1 reel of 16 mm film, Digital Video, DVD)
C:31/2/3 (065672)
151 - ca. 1970, Kent State Game, (1 reel of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (072556)
152 - ca. 1974, "The NABC's Of Basketball," a National Association of Basketball Coaches training film, featuring several college and university coaches. Includes segment on "Shooting" by MU Coach Norm Stewart. (1 reel of 16mm film, Digital Video, DVD)
C:31/2/3 (Ellis)
153 - 5 January 1970, University of Kansas Game, (3 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065671)
154 - 17 January 1970, Iowa State University Game, (4 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065671)
155 - 2 February 1970, University of Colorado Game, (4 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065671)
156 - 9 February 1970, University of Oklahoma Game, (1 reel of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065671)
157 - 16 February 1970, Kansas State University Game, (4 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065671)
158 - 21 February 1970, Oklahoma State University Game, (4 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065672)
159 - 24 February 1970, University of Nebraska Game, (4 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065672)
160 - 3 December 1970, University of Indiana Game, (3 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065672)
161 - 5 December 1970, San Diego State University Game, (3 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065672)
162 - 12 December 1970, University of Oklahoma Game, (3 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065672)
163 - 15 December 1970, Washington University Game, (3 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065672)
164 - 22 December 1970, University of California, Los Angeles, Game, (1 reel of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065672)
165 - 1970-1971, Season Highlights, (1 reel of 16 mm film, Digital Video, DVD)
C:31/2/3 (065673)
166 - 9 January 1971, University of Oklahoma Game, (4 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065673)
167 - 16 January 1971, University of Kansas Game, (4 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065673)
168 - 15 February 1971, Iowa State University Game, (4 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065673)
169 - 27 February 1971, University of Nebraska Game, (4 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065673)
170 - 8 March 1971, University of Kansas Game, (1 reel of 16 mm film, Digital Video, DVD)
C:31/2/3 (065673)
171 - 1 December 1971, Michigan State University Game, (4 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065673)
172 - 4 December 1971, University of Arkansas Game, (4 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065673)
173 - 10 December 1971, University of the Pacific Game, (1 reel of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065674)
174 - 13 December 1971, Saint Francis University Game, (1 reel of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065674)
175 - 1971-1972, Montana State University Game, (4 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065674)
176 - 22 January 1972, Iowa State University Game, (4 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065674)
177 - 1 February 1972, University of Kansas Game, (4 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065674)
178 - 12 February 1972, University of Oklahoma Game, (4 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065674)
179 - 15 February 1972, University of Nebraska Game, (5 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065674)
180 - 19 February 1972, University of Colorado Game, (2 reels of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (112904)
181 - 7 March 1972, Kansas State University Game, (2 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065675)
182 - 1 March 1972, University of Oklahoma Game, (4 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065675)
183 - 18 March 1972, Saint Johns University Game, (1 reel of 16 mm film, Digital Video, DVD)
C:31/2/3 (065675)
184 - 17 November 1972, Chilean National Team Game, (3 reels of 16 mm film, Digital Video, DVD)
C:31/2/3 (065675)
185 - 1 December 1972, University of California, Davis, Game, (4 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065675)
186 - 6 December 1972, Purdue University Game, (4 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065675)
187 - 16 December 1972, University of Tennessee Game, (2 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065676)
188 - 19 December 1972, University of Southern Alabama, (4 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065676)
189 - 30 December 1972, Kansas State University Game, (1 reel of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065676)
190 - ca. 1972, Intra-squad Scrimmage (1 reel of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (072556)
191 - ca. 1972, University of Colorado Game, (4 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065675)
192 - 1972-1973, "Exciting Big 8 Basketball", (1 reel of 16 mm film; 1 VHS Tape, Digital Video)
C:31/2/3 (065677)
193 - 1973, University of Kansas Game, (2 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065676)
194 - 15 January 1973, University of Colorado Game, (4 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065676)
195 - 10 February 1973, Iowa State University Game, (4 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065676)
196 - ca. 1973, Iowa State University Game, (1 reel of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (072556)
197 - 12 February 1973, University of Oklahoma Game, (4 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065676)
198 - 20 February 1973, Kansas State University Game, (2 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065676)
199 - 20 February 1973, Kansas State University Game, (2 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065676)
200 - 3 March 1973, Oklahoma State University Game, (4 reels of 16 mm film, 1 VHS Tape, Digital Video, DVD )
C:31/2/3 (065677)
201 - 10 March 1973, University of Nebraska Game, (4 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065677)
202 - 19 November 1973, Yugoslavian National Team Game, (4 reels of 16 mm film, Digital Video)
C:31/2/3 (065677)
203 - 1 December 1973, Southern Methodist University Game, (4 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065677)
204 - 7 December 1973, Cornell University Game, (2 reels of 16 mm film, Digital Video, DVD)
C:31/2/3 (065677)
205 - 8 December 1973, University of Texas, El Paso Game, (4 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065677)
206 - 15 December 1973, Ohio State University Game, (4 reels of 16 mm film, 1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (065678)
207 - 19 December 1973, University of Ohio Game, (1 reel of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065678)
208 - 1974, East-West All Stars Game, (1 reel of 16 mm film, Digital Video)
C:31/2/3 (065680)
209 - 5 January 1974, University of Texas Game, (4 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065678)
210 - 12 January 1974, Iowa State University Game, (4 reels of 16 mm film; 1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (065678)
211 - 19 January 1974, Kansas State University Game, (5 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065678)
212 - 29 January 1974, University of Kansas Game, (4 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065678)
213 - 2 February 1974, University of Oklahoma Game, (4 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065679)
214 - 9 February 1974, University of Nebraska Game, (3 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065679)
215 - 15 February 1974, University of Nebraska Game, (3 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065679)
216 - 23 February 1974, University of Colorado Game, (2 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065679)
217 - 26 February 1974, Kansas State University Game, (4 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065679)
218 - 2 March 1974, University of Oklahoma Game, (4 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065680)
219 - 30 November 1974, University of Wisconsin, OshKosh Game, (4 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065680)
220 - 7 December 1974, Mississippi State University Game, Show-me Classic, (4 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065680)
221 - 10 December 1974, University of Indiana Game, (3 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065680)
222 - 1974, Oklahoma State University Game, (3 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065679)
Sub-Series Three - 1975-1980
223 - 5 January 1975, Iowa State University Game, (4 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065681)
224 - 18 January 1975, University of Kansas Game, (4 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065680)
225 - 22 January 1975, Oklahoma State University Game, (3 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065680)
226 - 29 January 1975, University of Oklahoma Game, (4 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065681)
227 - 1 February 1975, University of Nebraska Game, (4 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065681)
228 - 5 February 1975, Kansas State University Game, (4 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065681)
229 - 8 February 1975, University of Colorado Game, (4 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065681)
230 - 12 February 1975, Oklahoma State University Game, (4 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065681)
231 - 19 February 1975, University of Kansas Game, (4 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065682)
232 - 5 March 1975, Kansas State University Game, (2 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065682)
233 - 29 November 1975, Fairleigh Dickenson University Game, (3 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065682)
234 - 2 December 1975, University of Toledo Game, (4 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065682)
235 - 5 December 1975, Baylor University Game, (2 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065682)
236 - 6 December 1975, Oklahoma City University Game, (4 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065682)
237 - December 1975, University of Hawaii Game, (2 reels of 16 mm film, Digital Video, DVD)
C:31/2/3 (065682)
238 - ca. 1975, University of Oklahoma Game, (1 reel of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065682)
239 - ca. 1975, Team Highlights, (1 reel of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065682)
240 - 1975-1976, Big 8 Championship Highlights, (1 reel of 16 mm film, Digital Video, DVD)
C:31/2/3 (UMLD1 FILM2)
241 - 1976, Basketball Highlights, (1 reel of 16 mm film; 1 VHS)
C:31/2/3 (065684)
242 - 7 January 1976, Lafayette College Game, (4 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065683)
243 - 12 January 1976, McMurry College Game, (2 reels of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065683)
244 - 21 January 1976, Oklahoma State University Game, (3 reels of 16mm film, Digital Video, DVD)
C:31/2/3 (065683)
245 - 24 January 1976, Iowa State University Game, (3 reels of 16mm film, Digital Video, DVD)
C:31/2/3 (065683)
246 - 28 January 1976, University of Oklahoma Game, (4 reels of 16mm film, Digital Video, DVD)
C:31/2/3 (065683)
247 - 31 January 1976, University of Nebraska Game, (3 reels of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065683)
248 - 4 February 1976, Kansas State University Game, (4 reels of 16mm film, Digial Video, DVD)
C:31/2/3 (065683)
249 - 7 February 1976, University of Colorado Game, (3 reels of 16mm film, Digital Video, DVD)
C:31/2/3 (065684)
250 - 14 February 1976, Iowa State University Game, (4 reels of 16mm film, Digital Video, DVD)
C:31/2/3 (065684)
251 - 21 February 1976, University of Nebraska Game, (4 reels of 16mm film, Digital Video, DVD)
C:31/2/3 (065684)
252 - 6 March 1976, University of Colorado Game, (4 reels of 16mm film, Digital Video, DVD)
C:31/2/3 (065684)
253 - 30 November 1976, University of South Dakota Game, (3 reels of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065684)
254 - 11 December 1976, Florida State University Game, (3 reels of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065684)
255 - 20 March 1976, University of Michigan Game, (1 reel of 16mm film, Digital Video, DVD)
C:31/2/3 (065684)
256 - 1976-1977, Team Highlights, (1 reel of 16mm film, Digital Video, DVD)
C:31/2/3 (065687)
257 - 8 January 1977, University of Kansas Game, (4 reels of 16mm film, Digital Video, DVD)
C:31/2/3 (065685)
258 - 10 January 1977, San Diego State University Game, (4 reels of 16mm film, Digital Video, DvD)
C:31/2/3 (065685)
259 - 12 January 1977, University of Oklahoma Game, (4 reels of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065685)
260 - 15 January 1977, Oklahoma State University Game, (3 reels of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065685)
261 - 19 January 1977, University of Colorado Game, (3 reels of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065685)
262 - 22 January 1977, University of Nebraska Game, (4 reels of 16mm film, Digital Video, DVD)
C:31/2/3 (065685)
263 - 29 January 1977, Iowa State University Game, (4 reels of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065686)
264 - 5 February 1977, Oklahoma State University Game, (4 reels of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065686)
265 - 9 February 1977, University of Kansas Game, (4 reels of 16mm film, Digital Video, DVD)
C:31/2/3 (065686)
266 - 19 February 1977, Kansas State University Game, (4 reels of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065686)
267 - 26 February 1977, Oklahoma State University Game, (4 reels of 16mm film, Digital Video, DVD)
C:31/2/3 (065686)
268 - 3 March 1977, University of Oklahoma Game, (4 reels of 16mm film, Digital Video, DVD)
C:31/2/3 (065686)
269 - 4 March 1977, Kansas State University Game, (3 reels of 16mm film, Digital Video, DVD)
C:31/2/3 (065687)
270 - 2 December 1977, Butler University Game, (4 reels of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065687)
271 - 3 December 1977, University of Texas, El Paso Game, (4 reels of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065687)
272 - 13 December 1977, Valparaiso University Game, (4 reels of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065687)
273 - 16 December 1977, California Polytechnical State University Game, (4 reels of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065688)
274 - 1977-1978, Team Highlights, (1 reel of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065690)
275 - 1977-1978, Intra-squad Scrimmage, (4 reels of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065687)
276 - 7 January 1978, University of Kansas Game, (4 reels of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065688)
277 - 9 January 1978, Marquette University Game, (4 reels of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065688)
278 - 11 January 1978, University of Oklahoma Game, (4 reels of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065688)
279 - 14 January 1978, Oklahoma State University Game, (4 reels of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065688)
280 - 18 January 1978, University of Colorado Game, (4 reels of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065688)
281 - 21 January 1978, University of Nebraska Game, (3 reels of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065689)
282 - 25 January 1978, Kansas State University Game, (4 reels of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065689)
283 - 28 January 1978, Iowa State University Game, (4 reels of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065689)
284 - 1 February 1978, University of Oklahoma Game, (4 reels of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065689)
285 - 25 February 1978, Iowa State University Game, (4 reels of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065689)
286 - 3 March 1978, University of Nebraska Game, (3 reels of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065689)
287 - 4 March 1978, Kansas State University Game, (1 reel of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065689)
288 - 12 March 1978, University of Utah Game, (6 reels of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065690)
289 - 20 November 1978, Bulgarian National Team Game, (4 reels of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065690)
290 - 27 November 1978, Butler University Game, (4 reels of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065690)
291 - 2 December 1978, Eastern Kentucky University Game, (4 reels of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065690)
292 - 3 December 1978, Southern Illinois University Game, (4 reels of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065690)
293 - 5 December 1978, University of Illinois Game, (4 reels of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065691)
294 - 18 December 1978, University of Alabama Game, (4 reels of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065691)
295 - 1978-1979, Team Highlights, (1 reel of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065693)
296 - 10 January 1979, Oklahoma State University Game, (4 reels of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065691)
297 - 13 January 1979, University of Oklahoma Game, (4 reels of 16mm film, Digital Video)
C:31/2/3 (065691)
298 - 17 January 1979, University of Kansas Game, (4 reels of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065691)
299 - 20 January 1979, University of Nebraska Game, (4 reels of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065691)
300 - 24 January 1979, University of Colorado Game, (3 reels of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065692)
301 - 27 January 1979, Kansas State University Game, (3 reels of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065692)
302 - 7 February 1979, University of Kansas Game, (4 reels of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065692)
303 - 14 February 1979, University of Colorado Game, (4 reels of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065692)
304 - 24 February 1979, Iowa State University Game, (4 reels of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065692)
305 - 27 February 1979, Oklahoma State University Game, (4 reels of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065693)
306 - 1 March 1979, Iowa State University Game, (5 reels of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065692)
307 - 2 March 1979, University of Kansas Game, (4 reels of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065693)
308 - 1979, University of Notre Dame Game, NCAA Tournament, (1 Betamax VCR Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112897)
309 - no date, University of Notre Dame Game, (1 Betamax VCR Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112897)
310 - 16 November 1979, Yugoslavian National Team Game, (3 reels of 16mm film, Digital Video)
C:31/2/3 (065693)
311 - 30 November 1979, Southwest Texas State University Game, (2 reels of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065693)
312 - 1 December 1979, San Diego State University Game, (4 reels of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065693)
313 - 7 December 1979, George Washington University Game, (4 reels of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065693)
314 - 8 December 1979, Arkansas State University Game, (4 reels of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065694)
315 - 10 December 1979, University of Southern California Game, (4 reels of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065694)
316 - 15 December 1979, University of North Alabama Game, (4 reels of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065694)
317 - 17 December 1979, Oral Roberts University Game, (4 reels of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065694)
318 - 21 December 1979, Saint Louis University Game, (5 reels of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065694)
319 - 1979-1980, Team Highlights, (1 reel of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (000733)
320 - 1980, All Star Game, (4 reels of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (000733)
321 - 1980, University of Colorado Game, (1 Betamax VCR Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103113)
322 - 2 January 1980, DePaul University Game, (4 reels of 16mm film, Digital Video, DVD)
C:31/2/3 (065695)
323 - 5 January 1980, Lamar University Game, (4 reels of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065695)
324 - 9 January 1980, University of Kansas Game, (4 reels of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065695)
325 - 12 January 1980, University of Nebraska Game, (3 reels of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065695)
326 - 16 January 1980, Iowa State University Game, (4 reels of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065695)
327 - 19 January 1980, Oklahoma State University Game, (3 reels of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (065695)
328 - 23 January 1980, University of Colorado Game, (4 reels of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (000719)
329 - 26 January 1980, University of Oklahoma Game, (4 reels of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (000719)
330 - 30 January 1980, Kansas State University Game, (4 reels of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (000719)
331 - 9 February 1980, University of Kansas Game, (4 reels of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (000719)
332 - 16 February 1980, Oklahoma State University Game, (4 reels of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (000719)
333 - 20 February 1980, University of Oklahoma Game, (4 reels of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (000733)
334 - 26 February 1980, Oklahoma State University Game, (4 reels of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (000733)
335 - March 1980, San Jose State University Game, (3 reels of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (000733)
336 - 8 March 1980, University of Notre Dame Game, (3 reels of 16mm film, Digital Video, DVD)
C:31/2/3 (000733)
337 - 5 December 1980, West Texas State University Game, (4 reels of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (000733)
338 - 6 December 1980, Lamar University Game, (4 reels of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (000734)
339 - 16 December 1980, United States International University Game, (3 reels of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (000734)
340 - 19 December 1980, Saint Louis University Game, (4 reels of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (000734)
341 - 22 December 1980, Brown University Game, (4 reels of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (000734)
Sub-Series Four - 1981-1983
342 - 3 January 1981, Oral Roberts University Game, (4 reels of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (000734)
343 - 1981, Team Highlights, (1 reel of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (000867)
344 - 5 January 1981, Navy Game, (4 reels of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (000734)
345 - 13 January 1981, University of Oklahoma Game, (4 reels of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (000834)
346 - 17 January 1981, Iowa State University Game, (4 reels of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (000834)
347 - 21 January 1981, University of Kansas Game, (4 reels of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (000834)
348 - 24 January 1981, University of Nebraska Game, (4 reels of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (000834)
349 - 28 January 1981, Oklahoma State University Game, (4 reels of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (000834)
350 - 31 January 1981, University of California Game, (4 reels of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (000834)
351 - 5 February 1981, Kansas State University Game, (4 reels of 16mm film, Digital Video, DVD)
C:31/2/3 (000837)
352 - 9 February 1981, University of Kansas Game, (4 reels of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (000837)
353 - 21 February 1981, University of Nebraska Game, (4 reels of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (00837)
354 - 25 February 1981, University of Colorado Game, (1 Betamax VCR Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103113)
355 - 28 February 1981, Kansas State University Game, (4 reels of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (000837)
356 - 3 March 1981, Iowa State University Game, (4 reels of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (000837)
357 - 6 March 1981, University of Kansas Game, (4 reels of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (000867)
358 - 12 March 1981, Lamar University Game, (3 reels of 16mm film; 1 VHS tape of telecast)
C:31/2/3 (000867)
Note to Archivist: The vhs tape of the 1981 Lamar vs MU basketball game is of a telecast of the NCAA Tournament game, donated by Wade Wittmer, (A04-86).
359 - 13 November 1981, Chinese National Team Game, (3 reels of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (000867)
360 - 1 December 1981, Alcorn State University Game, (4 reels of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (000867)
361 - 4 December 1981, East Carolina University Game, (3 reels of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (000867)
362 - 5 December 1981, University of Wyoming Game, (3 reels of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (000867)
363 - 8 December 1981, University of Illinois Game, (4 reels of 16mm film, DVD)
C:31/2/3 (000868)
364 - 12 December 1981, Baylor University Game, (3 reels of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (000868)
365 - 21 December 1981, Youngstown State University Game, (3 reels of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (000868)
366 - 27 December 1981, University of Alabama, Birmingham Game, (5 reels of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (000868)
367 - 28 December 1981, University of Southern California Game, (5 reels of 16mm film, Digital Video, DVD)
C:31/2/3 (000868)
368 - 1981, Oklahoma State University Game, (1 Betamax VCR Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103113)
369 - 1981-1982, Mizzou Hoopla: Championship Style Team Highlights, (1 reel of 16mm film, Digital Video, DVD)
C:31/2/3 (001025)
See also items 36 and 37 in the Miscellaneous Athletic Films.
370 - 1983 or 1984, North Carolina State University, (1 Betamax VCR Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103113)
371 - 2 January 1982, University of Notre Dame, (3 reels 16mm film, Digital Video, DVD)
C:31/2/3 (000868)
372 - 4 January 1982, University of Colorado Game, (4 reels of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (000869)
373 - 6 January 1982, Austin Peay State University Game, (3 reels of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (000869)
374 - 9 January 1982, University of Colorado Game, (1 Betamax VCR Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112897)
375 - 13 January 1982, Oklahoma State University Game, (4 reels of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (000869)
376 - 16 January 1982, University of Nebraska Game, (3 reels of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (000869)
377 - 17 January 1982, University of Louisville Game, (4 reels of 16mm film, Digital Video, DVD)
C:31/2/3 (000869)
378 - 20 January 1982, University of Kansas Game, (4 reels of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (000869)
379 - 23 January 1982, University of Oklahoma Game, (4 reels of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (000991)
380 - 27 January 1982, Iowa State University Game, (4 reels of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (000991)
381 - 30 January 1982, Kansas State University Game, (4 reels of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (000991)
382 - 3 February 1982, University of Colorado Game, (4 reels of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (000991)
383 - 6 February 1982, University of Nebraska Game, (4 reels of 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (000991)
384 - 8 February 1982, University of North Carolina Game, (1 Betamax VCR Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112897)
385 - 9 February 1982, University of Kansas Game, (1 Betamax VCR Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103113)
386 - 13 February 1982, Oklahoma State University Game, (1 Betamax VCR Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103113)
387 - 16 February 1982, Iowa State University Game, (4 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (001025)
388 - 20 February 1982, Georgetown University Game, (1 Betamax VCR Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103113)
389 - 24 February 1982, Kansas State University Game, (3 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (001025)
390 - 2 March 1982, University of Colorado Game, (4 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (001025)
391 - 5 March 1982, University of Nebraska Game, (4 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (001025)
392 - 6 March 1982, University of Oklahoma Game, (4 reels of 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (001025)
393 - 3 March 1982, University of Oklahoma Game : Big 8 Post Season Tournament, (2 U-Matic Tapes)
C:31/2/3 (119450)
394 - 13 March 1982, Marquette University Game, (1 Betamax VCR Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103113)
395 - 19 March 1982, University of Houston Game, (1 Betamax VCR Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103113)
396 - 27 November 1982, University of North Carolina Game, (1 Betamax VCR Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103105)
397 - 30 November 1982, Augustana College Game, (1 Betamax VCR Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103105)
398 - 6 December 1982, Temple University Game, (1 Betamax VCR Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103105)
399 - 8 December 1982, Jackson State University Game, (1 Betamax VCR Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103105)
400 - 11 December 1982, Oregon State University Game, (1 Betamax VCR Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103105)
401 - 13 December 1982, Eastern Illinois State University Game, (1 Betamax VCR Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103105)
402 - 23 December 1982, Washington University Game, (1 Betamax VCR Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103105)
403 - 27 December 1982, Arizona State University Game -Rainbow Classic, (1 Betamax VCR Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103105)
404 - 28 December 1982, University of North Carolina Game -Rainbow Classic, (1 Betamax VCR Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103105)
405 - 29 December 1982, University of Hawaii Game -Rainbow Classic, (1 Betamax VCR Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103105)
406 - 1982, University of Illinois Game, (1 Betamax VCR Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103113)
407 - 1982, Iowa State University Game, Regionals (1 Betamax VCR Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103113)
408 - 1982, Kansas State University Game, (1 Betamax VCR Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103113)
409 - 1982, University of Nebraska Game, (1 Betamax VCR Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103113)
410 - 1983, Team Highlights, (1 reel 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (103105)
411 - 1983, University of Colorado Game -Big 8 Tournament, (1 Betamax VCR Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103105)
412 - 9 January 1983, North Carolina State University Game, (1 Betamax VCR Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103105)
413 - 9 January 1983, The Johnny Orr Show Highlights, (1 Betamax VCR Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103113)
414 - 12 January 1983, University of Northern Iowa Game, (1 Betamax VCR Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103105)
415 - 15 January 1983, University of Dayton Game, (1 Betamax VCR Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103105)
416 - 19 January 1983, Oklahoma State University Game, (1 Betamax VCR Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103105)
417 - 22 January 1983, University of Oklahoma Game, (1 Betamax VCR Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103105)
418 - 23 January 1983, Marquette University Game, (1 Betamax VCR Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103105)
419 - 29 January 1983, University of Nebraska Game, (1 Betamax VCR Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103105)
420 - 5 February 1983, Kansas State University Game, (1 Betamax VCR Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103105)
421 - 8 February 1983, Iowa State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103105)
422 - 12 February 1983, University of Oklahoma Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103105)
423 - 17 February 1983, University of Kansas Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103105)
424 - 19 February 1983, Oklahoma State University Game, (1 Betamax VCR Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103105)
425 - 23 February 1983, University of Colorado Game, (1 Betamax VCR Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103105)
426 - 26 February 1983, University of Nebraska Game, (1 Betamax VCR Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103105)
427 - 1 March 1983, Kansas State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103105)
428 - 3 March 1983, Practice Game, (1 Betamax VCR Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103113)
429 - 5 March 1983, Iowa State University Game, (1 Betamax VCR Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103105)
430 - 11 March 1983, University of Nebraska Game -Big 8 Tournament, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103105)
431 - 13 March 1983, Oklahoma State University Game -Big 8 Tournament, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103105)
432 - 6 November 1983, University of North Carolina Game, (1 Betamax VCR Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103106)
433 - 2 December 1983, Pan-American Games -Show-me Classic, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103106)
434 - 3 December 1983, Samford University Game -Show-me Classic, (1 Betamax VCR Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103106)
435 - 7 December 1983, Washington University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103106)
436 - 11 December 1983, Ohio State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103106)
437 - 22 December 1983, Michigan State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103106)
438 - 28 December 1983, University of Illinois Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103106)
439 - 1983, University of Oklahoma Game, (1 Betamax VCR Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103113)
Sub-Series Five - 1984-1986
440 - 1983-1984, Season Highlights, (1 reel 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (103106)
441 - 7 January 1984, Marquette University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103106)
442 - 11 January 1984, Northern Iowa University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103106)
443 - 14 January 1984, Dayton University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103106)
444 - 18 January 1984, University of Kansas, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103106)
445 - 24 January 1984, Iowa State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103106)
446 - 28 January 1984, Oklahoma State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103106)
447 - 1 February 1984, University of Colorado Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103106)
448 - 8 February 1984, Kansas State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103106)
449 - 11 February 1984, University of Nebraska Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103106)
450 - 15 February 1984, Iowa State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103106)
451 - 18 February 1984, University of Kansas Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103106)
452 - 26 February 1984, Oklahoma State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103106)
453 - 28 February 1984, University of Oklahoma Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103106)
454 - 3 March 1984, Kansas State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103106)
455 - 14 March 1984, Saint Joseph's University Game, (1 Betamax VCR Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103107)
456 - 16 November 1984, Yugoslavia National Team Game, (1 VHS Tape, Digital Video, DVD)
C:31/2/3 (103107)
457 - 19 November 1984, Varsity Practice Scrimmage, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103113)
458 - 26 November 1984, North Dakota State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103107)
459 - 29 November 1984, Baylor University Game, (1 Betamax VCR Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103107)
460 - 3 December 1984, Moorehead State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103107)
461 - 6 December 1984, University of Illinois -"Busch Bragging Rights Game," (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103107)
462 - 8 December 1984, Tennessee Technological University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103107)
463 - 10 December 1984, University of Tennessee Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103107)
464 - 15 December 1984, Michigan State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103107)
465 - 19 December 1984, University of Arizona Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103107)
466 - 22 December 1984, Ohio State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103107)
467 - 30 December 1984, University of North Carolina Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103107)
468 - 1984-1985, Fast Breaking Away Highlights, (1 reel 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (103107)
469 - 5 January 1985, Austin Peay State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103107)
470 - 7 January 1985, Southwest Texas State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103107)
471 - 9 January 1985, Northern Iowa University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103107)
472 - 12 January 1985, Kentucky State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103107)
473 - 16 January 1985, University of Oklahoma Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103107)
474 - 19 January 1985, Iowa State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103107)
475 - 22 January 1985, University of Kansas Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103107)
476 - 2 February 1985, University of Colorado Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103107)
477 - 6 February 1985, Kansas State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103107)
478 - 9 February 1985, Iowa State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103107)
479 - 12 February 1985, University of Kansas Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103107)
480 - 16 February 1985, University of Oklahoma Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103107)
481 - 23 February 1985, University of Nebraska Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103107)
482 - 27 February 1985, University of Colorado Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103107)
483 - 2 March 1985, Kansas State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103107)
484 - 8 March 1985, University of Oklahoma Game - Big 8 Tournament, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103107)
485 - 14 March 1985, St. Joseph's University Game, National Invitational Tournament, (1 Betamax VCR Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112897)
486 - 3 September 1985, Russia vs. USA, WUG Men's Final, Kobe, Japan, (1 Betamax VCR Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103113)
487 - 17 October 1985, Varsity Practice Scrimmage, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103113)
488 - 21 October 1985, Varsity Practice Scrimmage, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103113)
489 - 22 October 1985, Varsity Practice Scrimmage, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103113)
490 - 24 October 1985, Varsity Practice Scrimmage, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103113)
491 - 25 October 1985, Scrimmage, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103113)
492 - 27 October 1985, Practice Scrimmage, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103113)
493 - 29 October 1985, Practice Scrimmage, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103113)
494 - 6 November 1985, Practice Scrimmage, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103113)
495 - 15 November 1985, Irish National Team Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103108)
496 - 16 November 1985, Varsity Practice Scrimmage, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103113)
497 - 19 November 1985, Scrimmage, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103113)
498 - 22 November 1985, Texas Southern University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103108)
499 - 25 November 1985, University of California Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103108)
500 - 29 November 1985, University of North Carolina Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103108)
501 - 30 November 1985, Alaska Methodist University (Anchorage) Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103108)
502 - 7 December 1985, Saint Bonaventure University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103108)
503 - 9 December 1985, Western Illinois University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103108)
504 - 11 December 1985, Middle Tennessee State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103108)
505 - 16 December 1985, Southern Illinois University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103108)
506 - 21 December 1985, University of Illinois Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103108)
507 - 28 December 1985, Villanova University Game, (2 VHS Tapes)
C:31/2/3 (103108)
508 - 1985-1986, Season Highlights, (1 reel 16 mm film)
C:31/2/3 (103108)
509 - 14 January 1986, Oklahoma State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103108)
510 - 18 January 1986, University of Nebraska Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103108)
511 - 21 January 1986, Kansas State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103108)
512 - 25 January 1986, Memphis State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103108)
513 - 28 January 1986, University of Colorado Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103108)
514 - 1 February 1986, University of Oklahoma Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103108)
515 - 8 February 1986, University of Nebraska Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103108)
516 - 9 February 1986, University of Virginia Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103108)
517 - 15 February 1986, Oklahoma State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103108)
518 - 18 February 1986, Iowa State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103108)
519 - 26 February 1986, Kansas State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103108)
520 - 7 March 1986, University of Oklahoma Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103108)
521 - 13 March 1986, University of Alabama -Birmingham Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103108)
522 - 21 November 1986, Turkish National Team Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103109)
523 - 28 November 1986, Arkansas State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103109)
524 - 29 November 1986, Vanderbilt University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103109)
525 - 2 December 1986, University of California Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103109)
526 - 6 December 1986, Southwest Missouri State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103109)
527 - 7 December 1986, Chaminade College of Honolulu Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103109)
528 - 9 December 1986, Drake University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103109)
529 - 14 December 1986, Centenary College of Louisiana Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103109)
530 - 16 December 1986, Austin Peay State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103109)
531 - 30 December 1986, University of Alabama Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103109)
Sub-Series Six - 1987-1989
532 - 1986-1987, Team Highlights, (1 reel 16mm film)
C:31/2/3 (103109)
533 - 3 January 1987, Memphis State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103109)
534 - 5 January 1987, Saint Bonaventure University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103109)
535 - 10 January 1987, University of Oklahoma Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103109)
536 - 14 January 1987, Old Dominion University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103109)
537 - 17 January 1987, Oklahoma State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103109)
538 - 24 January 1987, University of Colorado Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103109)
539 - 28 January 1987, University of Nebraska Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103109)
540 - 4 February 1987, Iowa State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103109)
541 - 7 February 1987, University of Oklahoma Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103109)
542 - 11 February 1987, University of Kansas Game, (1 VHS Tape, Digital Video, DVD)
C:31/2/3 (103109)
543 - 14 February 1987, Oklahoma State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103109)
544 -18 February 1987, University of Nebraska Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103109)
545 - 18 February 1987, Iowa State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103109)
546 - 21 February 1987, University of Colorado Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103109)
547 - 6 March 1987, University of Colorado Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103109)
548 - 7 March 1987, Kansas State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103109)
549 - 12 March 1987, Xavier University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103109)
550 - 4 December 1987, North Texas State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103110)
551 - 5 December 1987, Eastern Michigan University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103110)
552 - 20 December 1987, Czechoslovakian National Team Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103110)
553 - 8 December 1987, Drake University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103110)
554 - 12 December 1987, Memphis State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103110)
555 - 16 December 1987, Virginia Polytechnical Institute and State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103110)
556 - 22 December 1987, University of Illinois Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103110)
557 - 28 December 1987, San Jose State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103110)
558 - 30 December 1987, Alabama State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103110)
559 - 2 January 1988, University of Tulsa Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103110)
560 - 4 January 1988, Southern Illinois University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103110)
561 - 6 January 1988, University of Maryland Game, (1 VHS Tape, Digital Video, DVD)
C:31/2/3 (103110)
562 - 9 January 1988, University of Kansas Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103110)
563 - 16 January 1988, University of Nebraska Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103110)
564 - 20 January 1988, Chicago State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103110)
565 - 23 January 1988, Iowa State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103110)
566 - 30 January 1988, Oklahoma State University, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103110)
567 - 3 February 1988, University of Colorado Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103110)
568 - 6 February 1988, University of Oklahoma Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103110)
569 - 9 February 1988, Kansas State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103110)
570 - 11 February 1988, University of Nebraska Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103110)
571 - 17 February 1988, Iowa State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103110)
572 - 21 February 1988, Oklahoma State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103110)
573 - 24 February 1988, University of Colorado Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103110)
574 - 27 February 1988, University of Kansas Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103110)
575 - 3 March 1988, University of Oklahoma Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103110)
576 - 5 March 1988, Kansas State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103110)
577 - 11 March 1988, Iowa State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103110)
578 - 12 March 1988, University of Oklahoma Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103110)
579 - 17 March 1988, University of Rhode Island Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103110)
580 - 31 October 1988, Missouri Haunted House of Hoops Highlights, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103111)
581 - November 1988, Scrimmage at Palmyra, Missouri Highlights, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103111)
582 - November 1988, Scrimmage at Washington, Missouri Highlights, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103111)
583 - 11 November 1988, Victoria Australia All-States Tournament, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103111)
584 - 18 November 1988, Southern Mississippi State University, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103111)
585 - 20 November 1988, Xavier University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103111)
586 - 23 November 1988, University North Carolina Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103111)
587 - 25 November 1988, Syracuse University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103111)
588 - 28 November 1988, University of Tennessee (Martin) Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103111)
589 - 2 December 1988, Temple University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103111)
590 - 3 December 1988, University North Carolina Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103111)
591 - 7 December 1988, University of Tulsa Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103111)
592 - 10 December 1988, Memphis State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103111)
593 - 16 December 1988, Eastern Washington State College Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103111)
594 - 17 December 1988, University of Ohio Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103111)
595 - 19 December 1988, University of Illinois at St. Louis Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103111)
596 - 21 December 1988, Highlights, Southern University and A and M, Baton Rouge Games, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103111)
597 - 28 December 1988, University of Arkansas Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103111)
598 - 7 January 1989, University of Colorado Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103112)
599 - 10 January 1989, Marathon Oil Company Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103112)
600 - 14 January 1989, Iowa State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103112)
601 - 16 January 1989, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103112)
602 -21 January 1989, Oklahoma State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103112)
603 - 24 January 1989, University of Maryland Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103112)
604 - 1 February 1989, University of Kansas Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103112)
605 - 4 February 1989, Kansas State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103112)
606 - 9 February 1989, University of Oklahoma Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103112)
607 - 11 February 1989, University of Kansas Game, (1 VHS Tape, Digital Video, DVD)
C:31/2/3 (103112)
608 - 19 February 1989, University of Nebraska Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103112)
609 - 22 February 1989, Oklahoma State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103112)
610 - 25 February 1989, University of Oklahoma Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103112)
611 - 28 February 1989, University of Nebraska Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103112)
612 - 10 March 1989, University of Nebraska Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103112)
613 - 19 March 1989, University of Texas Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103112)
614 - 28 December 1989, Morgan State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (103112)
615 - 31 October 1989, Haunted House of Hoops, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112897)
616 - 24 November 1989, Evansville Game- Maui Classic, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112892)
617 - 25 November 1989, Louisville Game- Maui Classic, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112892)
618 - 26 November 1989, University of North Carolina Game - Maui Classic, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112897)
619 - 24-25 November 1989, "Maui No Ka Oi": Maui Classic Highlights, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112897)
620 - 29 November 1989, Athletes in Action (exhibition), (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112892)
621 - 2 December 1989, University of Tennessee (Martin) Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112892)
622 - 4 December 1989, Creighton University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112892)
623 - 6 December 1989, University of Hawaii (Loa) Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112892)
624 - 9 December 1989, Old Dominion Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112892)
625 - 13 December 1989, University of Arkansas Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112892)
626 - 16 December 1989, Bradley University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112892)
627 - 20 December 1989, University of Illinois Game at St. Louis, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112892)
628 - 27 December 1989, Memphis State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112892)
629 - 30 December 1989, University of Nebraska (Kearney) Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112892)
630 - 2 January 1990, Austin Pea State Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112892)
631 - 6 January 1990, Oklahoma State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112892)
632 - 10 January 1990, Southern University and A and M (Baton Rouge) Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112892)
633 - 13 January 1990, University of Nebraska Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112892)
634 - 16 January 1990, Oklahoma State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112892)
Sub-Series Seven - 1990-1992
635 - 20 January 1990, University of Kansas Game, (1 VHS Tape, Digital Video, DVD)
C:31/2/3 (112892)
636 - 23 January 1990, Rutgers University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112892)
637 - 27 January 1990, University of Colorado Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112897)
638 - 31 January 1990, Iowa State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112892)
639 - 4 February 1990, University of Colorado Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112892)
640 - 8 February 1990, Kansas State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112897)
641 - 10 February 1990, University of Nebraska Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112897)
642 - 18 February 1990, University of Oklahoma Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112897)
643 - 21 February 1990, Iowa State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112897)
644 - 25 February 1990, University of Oklahoma Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112897)
645 - 28 February 1990, Kansas State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112897)
646 - 3 March 1990, University of Notre Dame Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112897)
647 - 9 March 1990, University of Colorado Game - Big 8 Tournament, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112897)
648 - 16 March 1990, University of Northern Iowa Game - NCAA East, 1st Round at Richmond, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112897)
649 - 27 November 1990, Rutgers University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112899)
650 - 29 November 1990, University of Florida A and M Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112899)
651 - 1 December 1990, University of Oregon Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112899)
652 - 4 December 1990, Creighton University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112899)
653 - 8 December 1990, University of Arkansas Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112899)
654 -19 December 1990, University of Illinois Game at St. Louis, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112899)
655 - 22 December 1990, Grambling State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112899)
656 - 30 December 1990, University of Texas Game -Pan American, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112899)
657 - 2 January 1991, Memphis State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112899)
658 - 5 January 1991, Oklahoma State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112899)
659 - 9 January 1991, Prairie View A and M Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112899)
660 - 12 January 1991, Kansas State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112899)
661 - 15 January 1991, University of Oklahoma Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112899)
662 - 19 January 1991, University of Kansas Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112899)
663 - 22 January 1991, University of Alaska (Fairbanks) Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112899)
664 - 26 January 1991, Iowa State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112899)
665 - 30 January 1991, University of Nebraska Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112899)
666 - 2 February 1991, University of Oklahoma Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112899)
667 - 6 February 1991, University of Colorado Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112899)
668 - 12 February 1991, University of Kansas Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112899)
669 - 16 February 1991, Oklahoma State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112899)
670 - 23 February 1991, Iowa State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112899)
671 - 27 February 1991, Kansas State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112899)
672 - 3 March 1991, Iowa State University Game - Big Eight Tournament, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112899)
673 - 10 March 1991, University of Nebraska Game - Big Eight Tournament, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112899)
674 - 25 November 1991, Canisius College Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112897)
675 - 30 November 1991, Texas A and M University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112897)
676 - 3 December 1991, Florida A and M University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112897)
677 - 7 December 1991, University of Arkansas Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112897)
678 - 11 December 1991, University of Nebraska (Kearney) Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112903)
679 - 14 December 1991, University of Nevada (Las Vegas) Game, (1 VHS Tape, Digital Video, DVD)
C:31/2/3 (112897)
680 - 21 December 1991, Jackson State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112903)
681 - 23 December 1991, University of Illinois Game at St. Louis, (1 VHS Tape, Digital Video, DVD)
C:31/2/3 (112903)
682 - 28 December 1991, Murray State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112903)
683 - 30 December 1991, University of Eastern Illinois Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112903)
684 - 4 January 1992, University of Oregon Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112903)
685 - 8 January 1992, Memphis State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112903)
686 - 8 January 1992, Memphis State University Game, (3 U-Matic Tapes)
C:31/2/3 (119449)
687 - 11 January 1992, Mexican National Team Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112903)
688 - 13 January 1992, University of Kansas Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112903)
689 - 18 January 1992, University of Nebraska Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112903)
690 - 23 January 1992, Notre Dame University Game, (2 U-Matic Tapes)
C:31/2/3 (119449)
691 - 25 January 1992, University of Colorado Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112903)
692 - 28 January 1992, Marathon Oil Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112897)
693 - 2 February 1992, Oklahoma State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112897)
694 - 5 February 1992, Iowa State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112903)
695 - 5 February 1992, Iowa State University Game, (2 U-Matic Tapes)
C:31/2/3 (119449)
696 - 9 February 1992, University of Oklahoma Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112903)
697 - 12 February 1992, Kansas State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112897)
698 - 12 February 1992, Kansas State University Game, (3 U-Matic Tapes)
C:31/2/3 (119450)
699 - 17 February 1992, University of Nebraska Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112903)
700 - 19 February 1992, University of Colorado Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112903)
701 - 26 February 1992, Iowa State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112903)
702 - 26 February 1992, Iowa State University Game, (4 U-Matic Tapes)
C:31/2/3 (119449)
703 - 29 February 1992, Kansas State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112903)
704 - 4 March 1992, University of Oklahoma Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112903)
705 - 4 March 1992, University of Oklahoma Game, (2 U-Matic Tapes)
C:31/2/3 (119449)
706 - 8 March 1992, University of Kansas Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112903)
707 - 13 March 1992, Iowa State University Game -Big Eight Tournament, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112903)
708 - 19 March 1992, West Virginia Game -NCAA Tournament, also includes 11 December 1993 Southern Methodist University Game and 22 December 1993 Illinois Game (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112903)
709 - 21 March 1992, Seton Hall University Game -Second Round of Big Eight Tournament at Greensboro, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112903)
710 - 28 November 1992, Byelorussia Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112896)
711 - 1 December 1992, Slippery Rock University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112896)
712 - 5 December 1992, Texas A and M University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112896)
713 - 10 December 1992, University of Southern Indiana Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112896)
714 - 12 December 1992, Marathon Oil Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112896)
715 - 19 December 1992, University of Arkansas Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112896)
716 - 23 December 1992, University of Illinois Game at St. Louis, (1 VHS Tape, 1 DVD copy)
C:31/2/3 (112896)
717 - 28 December 1992, University of San Francisco Game - Big Island Invitational Tournament at Hilo, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112896)
718 - 29 December 1992, Chaminade University of Honolulu Game - Big Island Invitational Tournament at Hilo, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112896)
719 - 30 December 1992, Marist College Game - Big Island Invitational Tournament, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112896)
720 - 1991-1992, Basketball Highlights, (1 reel 1-inch C-Format Tape)
C:31/2/3 (119450)
Sub-Series Eight - 1993-1995
721 - 3 January 1993, University of North Carolina (Asheville) Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112896)
722 - 6 January 1993, University of Southern Illinois (Carbondale) Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112896)
723 - 9 January 1993, University of Colorado Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112896)
724 - 11 January 1993, University of Nevada (Las Vegas) Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112896)
725 - 16 January 1993, Iowa State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112896)
726 - 18 January 1993, Coastal Carolina University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112896)
727 - 21 January 1993, Memphis State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112896)
728 - 24 January 1993, Oklahoma University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112896)
729 - 27 January 1993, Notre Dame University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112896)
730 - 30 January 1993, University of Nebraska Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112896)
731 - 1 February 1993, University of Kansas Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112896)
732 - 3 February 1993, California State University (Northridge) Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112896)
733 - 8 February 1993, Kansas State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112896)
734 - 10 February 1993, University of Oklahoma Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112896)
735 - 13 February 1993, University of Kansas Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112896)
736 - 17 February 1993, Iowa State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112896)
737 - 21 February 1993, University of Nebraska Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112896)
738 - 24 February 1993, Oklahoma State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112896)
739 - 27 February 1993, University of Oklahoma Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112895)
740 - 2 March 1993, Kansas State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112896)
741 - 6 March 1993, University of Colorado Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112896)
742 - 12 March 1993, Oklahoma State University Game -Big Eight Tournament, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112895)
743 - 13 March 1993, Iowa State University Game -Big Eight Tournament, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112895)
744 - 14 March 1993, Kansas State University Game -Big Eight Tournament, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112895)
745 - 18 March 1993, Temple University Game -First Round of NCAA Tournament at Salt Lake City, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112895)
746 - 17 November 1993, Verich USA Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112895)
747 - 23 November 1993, Russian Red Army Team Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112895)
748 - 27 November 1993, Central Missouri State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112895)
749 - 2 December 1993, University of Arkansas Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112895)
750 - 6 December 1993, Arkansas State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (not available at present)
751 - 11 December 1993, Southern Methodist University Game see 708
C:31/2/3 (original copy not available at present)
* 22 December 1993, Illinois Game see 708
752 - 30 December 1993, Mercer University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112895)
753 - 2 January 1994, University of Washington Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112895)
754 - 5 January 1994, Southern Illinois University (Carbondale) Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112895)
755 - 8 January 1994, Kansas State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112895)
756 - 12 January 1994, Notre Dame University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112895)
757 - 15 January 1994, University of Colorado Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112895)
758 - 19 January 1994, Iowa State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112895)
759 - 22 January 1994, Oklahoma State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112895)
760 - 24 January 1994, University of Nebraska Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112895)
761 - 31 January 1994, University of Kansas Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112895)
762 - 5 February 1994, University of Oklahoma Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112895)
763 - 9 February 1994, University of Colorado Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112895)
764 - 12 February 1994, Oklahoma State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112895)
765 - 16 February 1994, Iowa State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112895)
766 - 20 February 1994, University of Kansas Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112895)
767 - 23 February 1994, Southeast Missouri State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112895)
768 - 26 February 1994, University of Oklahoma Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112895)
769 - 2 March 1994, Kansas State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112895)
770 - 5 March 1994, University of Nebraska Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112895)
771 - 12 March 1994, University of Nebraska Game -Big Eight Tournament at Kansas City, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112895)
772 - 17 March 1994, Navy Team Game -NCAA West Regional at Ogden, Utah, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112895)
773 - 19 March 1994, University of Wisconsin Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112895)
774 - 24 March 1994, Syracuse University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112895)
775 - 26 March 1994, University of Arizona Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112895)
776 - 21 October 1994, Haunted House of Hoops Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (104594)
777 - 11 November 1994, Argentina Team Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (104594)
778 - 18 November 1994, Marathon Oil Team Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (104594)
779 - 26 November 1994, Chicago State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (104594)
780 - 30 November 1994, Purdue University Game, Great Eight Tournament at Auburn Hills, Michigan, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (104594)
781 - 3 December 1994, University of Arkansas Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (104594)
782 - 6 December 1994, Southeast Missouri State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (104594)
783 - 8 December 1994, Coppin State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (104594)
784 - 17 December 1994, Mercer University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (104594)
785 - 19 December 1994, Liberty University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (104594)
786 - 22 December 1994, University of Illinois Game at St. Louis, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (104594)
787 - 2 January 1995, University of Washington Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (104594)
788 - 4 January 1995, Southern Methodist University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (104594)
789 - 7 January 1995, University of Nebraska Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (104594)
790 - 9 January 1995, University of Kansas Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (104594)
791 - 12 January 1995, Notre Dame University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (104594)
792 - 14 January 1995, Kansas State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (104594)
793 - 22 January 1995, Oklahoma State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (104594)
794 - 26 January 1995, University of Colorado Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (104594)
795 - 30 January 1995, Iowa State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (104594)
796 - 4 February 1995, Kansas State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (104594)
797 - 8 February 1995, Iowa State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (104594)
798 - 11 February 1995, Oklahoma State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (104594)
799 - 18 February 1995, University of Oklahoma Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (104594)
800 - 22 February 1995, University of Nebraska Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (104594)
801 - 1 March 1995, University of Colorado Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (104594)
802 - 4 March 1995, University of Oklahoma Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (104594)
803 - 19 March 1995, University of California (Los Angeles) Game, NCAA West Regional Tournament, 2nd Round at Boise, Idaho (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (104594)
804 - 31 October 1995, Haunted House of Hoops Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112904)
805 - 10 November 1995, Melbourne Magic Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112904)
806 - 17 November 1995, Marathon Oil Team Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112904)
807 - 25 November 1995, Wofford College Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112904)
808 - 27 November 1995, Tennessee State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112904)
809 - 30 November 1995, Southern Methodist University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112904)
810 - 5 December 1995, University of Arkansas Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112904)
811 - 16 December 1995, Arkansas State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112904)
812 - 18 December 1995, Austin Peay State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112904)
813 - 20 December 1995, University of Illinois Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112904)
814 - 28 December 1995, University South Carolina Game, Rainbow Classic, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112904)
815 - 29 December 1995, North Carolina State University Game, Rainbow Classic, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112904)
816 - 30 December 1995, University of Hawaii Game, Rainbow Classic, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112904)
Sub-Series Nine - 1996-1997
817 - 1995-1996, Season Highlights, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112904)
818 - 3 January 1996, Southeast Missouri State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112904)
819 - 6 January 1996, University of Colorado Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112904)
820 - 13 January 1996, George Washington University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112904)
821 - 15 January 1996, University of Oklahoma Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112904)
822 - 21 January 1996, Iowa State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112904)
823 - 24 January 1996, University of Nebraska Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112904)
824 - 27 January 1996, Kansas State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112904)
825 - 29 January 1996, University of Colorado Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112904)
826 - 3 February 1996, University of Oklahoma Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112904)
827 -7 February 1996, University of Nebraska Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112904)
828 - 10 February 1996, University of Kansas Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112904)
829 - 13 February 1996, University of Oklahoma Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112904)
830 - 18 February 1996, University of Maryland Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112904)
831 - 21 February 1996, Kansas State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112904)
832 - 24 February 1996, Iowa State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112904)
833 - 26 February 1996, University of Kansas Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112904)
834 - 9 March 1996, Iowa State University Game, Big Eight Tournament, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112904)
835 - 13 March 1996, Murray State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112904)
836 - 18 March 1996, University of Alabama Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112904)
836 - 9 November 1996, Melbourne Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112901)
838 - 19 November 1996, Marathon Oil Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112901)
839 - 23 November 1996, Chicago State Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112901)
840 - 30 November 1996, Clemson University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112901)
841 - 1 December 1996, Creighton University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112901)
842 - 4 December 1996, University of Arkansas Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112901)
843 - 15 December 1996, South Eastern Missouri State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112901)
844 - 17 December 1996, Northwest Missouri State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112901)
845 - 19 December 1996, Mercer University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112901)
846 - 21 December 1996, University of Iowa Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112901)
847 - 20 December 1996, Southern University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112901)
848 - 21 December 1996, University of Iowa Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112901)
849 - 4 January 1997, Iowa State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112901)
850 - 7 January 1997, University of Colorado Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112901)
851 - 11 January 1997, Oklahoma State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112901)
852 - 14 January 1997, Baylor University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112901)
853 - 18 January 1997, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112901)
854 - 22 January 1997, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112901)
855 - 26 January 1997, University of Texas Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112901)
856 - 28 January 1997, Texas A & M University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112901)
857 - 1 February 1997, Kansas State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112901)
858 - 4 February 1997, University of Kansas Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112901)
859 - 9 February 1997, Wake Forest University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112901)
860 - 12 February 1997, Iowa State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112901)
861 - 15 February 1997, University of Oklahoma Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112901)
862 - 18 February 1997, University of Kansas Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112901)
863 - 22 February 1997, University of Colorado Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112901)
864 - 24 February 1997, Texas Tech University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112901)
865 - 1 March 1997, Kansas State University Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112901)
866 - 6 March 1997, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Game, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112901)
867 - 7 March 1997, University of Texas Game; Big 12 Tournament -2nd Round, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112901)
868 - 8 March 1997, University of Oklahoma Game; Big 12 Tournament -3rd Round, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112901)
869 - 9 March 1997, University of Kansas Game; Big 12 Tournament -Championship, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112901)
870 - 23 December 1997, University of Illinois Game - St. Louis, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112904)
871 - 28 December 1997, University of Illinois Game - St. Louis, (1 VHS Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112901)
872 - no date, MU No. 1 (ABC News), (1 Betamax Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112897)
873 - 1982, Mizzou Hoopla - Univeristy of Missouri Highlights 1981-1982 Season, (1 Betamax Tape)
C:31/2/3 (112897)
874 - 1999-2000 Univeristy of Missouri Tiger Basketball, (1 VHS Tape; runtime: ca. 17 minutes)
C:31/2/3 (Small Holdings Box 2)
Search our Holdings