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UMC; Student Life and Activities
Record Group 22 C
Inventories and Summaries

This section represents all of the collections contained in Record Group 22, Student Life and Activities. The first page is devoted to collections which have full inventories. A full inventory provides a description of the materials either at the box level or at the folder level and is usually several pages long. Please click on the individual links to review the inventories. The second section highlights the collections with summary descriptions. A summary description briefly outlines the materials in a collection and is usually several paragraphs long. Please click on the link at the bottom of this page to review the summaries.

I. Record Group 22 C Inventories

Record Sub-Group #1
UMC; Student Life and Activities; Memorabilia; Hill-Ehrlich-Fowler Collection: 1890-1957, bulk 1890-1925

Record Sub-Group #2
UMC; Student Life and Activities; Official Student Organizations and Associations; The Student Coalition; Administrative Files: 1970-1996

Record Sub-Group #3
UMC; Student Life and Activities; Student Newspapers; The Maneater: 1955-2005

Record Sub-Group #4
UMC; Student Life and Activities; Memorabilia; Jane Espy Meyer Collection: 1936-1949

Record Sub-Group #5
UMC; Student Life and Activities; Official Student Organizations and Associations; LSV, Senior Women's Group; Organizational Records and Memorabilia: 1908-1991

Record Sub-Group #6
UMC; Student Life and Activities; Yearbooks; Savitar; Photographic Negatives: 1891-1979

Record Sub-Group #14
UMC; Student Life and Activities; Student Union; Administrative and Promotional Records: 1923-1982, bulk 1936-1969

Record Sub-Group #15
UMC; Student Life and Activities; Yearbooks; Savitar; Photographs, Negatives, and Slides: 1989-1996, 2001-2005

Record Sub-Group #16
UMC; Student Life and Activities; Memorabilia; General Small Collections: 1897-1972

Record Sub-Group #17
UMC; Student Life and Activities; Memorabilia; Edwin Shroeder Collection: 1915-1919

Record Sub-Group #18
UMC; Student Life and Activities; Newspapers; MU "Underground" Newspapers: 1915-1916, 1935, 1938, 1955, 1963, 1965-1972, 1975, 1978, 1985-1986, 1988, 1993, 1995

Record Sub-Group #19
UMC; Student Life and Activities; Minority Publications; Publications by, about, and for African-American Students at the University of Missouri-Columbia: 1969-1998

Record Sub-Group #20
UMC; Student Life and Activities; Memorabilia; Templecrone Cooperative; Administrative Records: 1947-1984

Record Sub-Group #21
UMC; Student Life and Activities; Periodicals; Missouri Oven: 1906-1907

Record Sub-Group #22
UMC; Student Life and Activities; Memorabilia; Fred R. Jacoby Collection: 1900-1926

Record Sub-Group #23
UMC; Student Life and Activities; Memorabilia; Frank Neale and Grace (McCormack) Barker Collection: 1895-1968

Record Sub-Group #24
UMC; Student Life and Activities; Memorabilia; Clay T. Davis Collection: 1900-1922

Record Sub-Group #25
UMC; Student Life and Activities; Official Student Organizations and Associations; Legion of Black Collegians; Administrative Records: 1975-1995, bulk 1981-1991

Record Sub-Group #26
UMC; Student Life and Activities; Memorabilia; Chandler, Hirsh and Pike Collections: 1900-1950

Record Sub-Group #27
UMC; Student Life and Activities; Memorabilia; Gerald McKinney Petty Collection: 1919-1922

Record Sub-Group #28
UMC; Student Life and Activities; Student Programs; Student Involvement Records: 1994-1996

Record Sub-Group #29
UMC; Student Life and Activities; Newspapers; MU "Underground" Newspapers: Microfilm: 1915-1995, bulk 1963-1995

Record Sub-Group #31
UMC; Student Life and Activities; Memorabilia; Ralph Gravely Scrapbook: ca. 1919

Record Sub-Group #32
UMC; Student Life and Activities; Student Memoirs/Manuscripts; Donald F. Bittner's Academic Papers: 1960-2003, bulk 1969-1974

Record Sub-Group #34
UMC; Student Life and Activities; Memorabilia; Fred V. Peter Collection, 1921-1980, bulk 1921-1927

Record Sub-Group #35
UMC; Student Life and Activities; Memorabilia; Gordon G. Brown Collection: ca. 1911-1913

Record Sub-Group #36
UMC; Student Life and Activities; Memorabilia; Tonn Collection: 1946-1949

Record Sub-Group #37
UMC; Student Life and Activities; Memorabilia; Wilder Collection: 1907-1912

Record Sub-Group #38
UMC; Student Life and Activities; Newspapers; The MSU Independent: 1897-1909

Record Sub-Group #39
UMC; Student Life and Activities; Student Organizations; Organizational Records: 1945-2001

Record Sub-Group #41
UMC; Student Life and Activities; Prominent Alumni; Donald Sanders Papers: 1958-2007

Record Sub-Group #42
UMC; Student Life and Activities; Prominent Alumni; R. P. (Robert Preston) Dickey Papers: 1944-2002

II. Record Group 22 C Summaries
Additional Record Sub-Groups with shorter summary descriptions

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Published by: University Archives
Originally Prepared: September 2001
Revised: 31 July 2007

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