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Call Number:

Box 1 - UMLD1
OSF 1 - MC

Record Group: 22 C
Record Sub-Group: 23
Records Title: UMC; Student Life and Activities; Memorabilia; Frank Neale and Grace (McCormack) Barker Collection
Dates: 1895-1983, 2012
Volume: 1 cubic foot, 1.25 linear feet; 1 OSF

Scope and Content Note

(A87-27; A18-20)
This Sub-Group contains memorabilia and biographical information concerning Frank Neale Barker, an MU Alumnus who received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering in 1923. While at MU, Barker met his future wife, Grace McCormack, also an MU student. The items in this collection document Frank and Grace's lives up to and beyond their days at the University of Missouri-Columbia. Items include photographs of family, friends, MU football games, Women's Athletic Association events, and the "Engineers on Parade." However, many of the people and places in the photographs are unidentified. Materials in this Sub-Group also include report cards and transcripts, school certificates and graduation diplomas, correspondence from Governor Adlai Stevenson, newspaper clippings, Santa Fe railroad information, scrapbooks, and high school yearbooks. This collection also includes a presidential appointment to the US Highway Safety Advisory Commission, a broadside for a highway traffic law conference in 1951, marriage certificate for Barker's parents, an "erin go bragh" membership certificate, and a panoramic photograph of Allied Charity Drive volunteers in Kansas City, 1921.

Series Descriptions:

This Sub-Group is not divided into separate record series. Arrangement of the Sub-Group follows the original, topical and format order.


Box 1


FF 1 - Photographs - Frank N. Barker and Grace McCormack

FF 2 - Photographs - Single portraits, group shots, and Frank's high school Senior Class

FF 3 - Photographs - Frank Barker - college graduation

FF 4 - Photographs - Family group shots, family vacations and outings, pets, birdhouses, fish, and house pictures

FF 5 - Photographs - College friends, football game crowds (also includes games' final scores), MU "Engineers on Parade," Women's Athletic Association members in Homecoming Parade (1921), and a "St. Pat's Smoker" invitation

FF 6 - Greenfield Public School - Frank Barker's report cards

FF 7 - West Point-Annapolis Coaching School in Columbia, Missouri - letter confirming Frank Barker's attendance and grades

FF 8 - University of Missouri - Columbia - Grace McCormack's memorabilia

FF 9 - University of Missouri - Columbia - St. Patrick's Survey - Engineer's Week Paper, March 17, 1923

FF 10 - University of Missouri - Columbia - Journalism Play Commission - Bambino, a Musical Comedy

FF 11 - University of Missouri - Columbia - MU Homecoming Day insert - the St. Louis Democrat, 1921

FF 12 - University of Missouri - Columbia - Frank Barker's MU transcripts

FF 13 - University of Missouri - Columbia - Commencement Programs - College of Engineering - Frank Barker, April 25, 1925

FF 14 - News clippings - Frank Barker's Illinois highway job and wedding announcements for Frank and Grace

FF 15 - Governor Adlai Stevenson (Illinois) - letter concerning Frank Barker's job

FF 16 - Railroad Material - Programs and invitations for luncheons, and pamphlets and brochures concerning the Santa Fe Railway system

FF 17 - Holy Bible - Owned by Katie (Neale) Barker and her son Frank Neale Barker

FF 18 - Katie (Neale) Barker - scrapbook

FF 19 - Photo Album

FF 20 - "A Memory of My School Days" - Grace McCormack - scrapbook

FF 21 - American Red Cross patches, Alpha Tau Omega Patch and Pin, High School and University Athletic letters, and a 2nd Place Track and Field Ribbon

FF 22 - The Bulletin for '16 - Greenfield High School Yearbook, 1916

FF 23 - The Acta - Greenfield High School Yearbook, 1917 and 1918

FF 24 - The Centralian - Central High School in Kansas City, Missouri Yearbook, 1921


FF - Photographs - Miscellaneous (includes photographs of Frank and Grace Barker, Williams-Crookton Line track construction), ca. 1960

FF - Correspondence - Miscellaneous (includes finances, retirement, and will), 1966-1988

FF - Genealogy (Barker), n.d.

FF - Newspaper Clippings (most clippings pertain to Barker's resignation from the Illinois State Highway Division in 1953 after which he began working as an engineer for the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railway), ca. 1953-1977, 2012

FF - Fiscal - Miscellaneous, ca. 1983

FF - Identification Cards (includes Barker's engineer's license and his social security card), ca. 1940-1982


Item 1 - Panoramic Photograph - women volunteers of the Allied Charity Drive in Kansas City, 1921

Item 2 - Award Certificate to Grace McCormack from Wyatt School of St. Joseph, MO for perfect school attendance, 1917

Item 3 - Membership Certificate in the Knights of St. Patrick - Erin Go Bragh, 1923

Item 4 - Graduation Diploma for Grace McCormack from Central High School of Kansas City, 1921

Item 5 - Graduation Announcement for the Class of 1921

Item 6 - Admission Certificate for Grace McCormack to attend the Public High School of St. Joseph, Missouri, 1917

Item 7 - BS in Engineering Diploma from MU for Frank Barker, 1923

Item 8 - Graduation Diploma for Frank Barker from Greenfield High School, 1919

Item 9 - Marriage Certificate for Charley W. Barker and Katie M. Neale (Frank Barker's parents), 1895

Item 10 - Presidential Appointment of Frank Barker to the National Highway Safety Advisory Committee, 1968

Item 11 - Broadside Poster for the Sangamon County, Illinois, Traffic Law Conference (Frank Barker pictured), 1951

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Originally Prepared: July 1999
Revised: 09 July 2018

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