Box 1 - UMLD1 |
Record Group: 22 C Scope and Content Note (A87-27; A18-20) Series Descriptions: This Sub-Group is not divided into separate record series. Arrangement of the Sub-Group follows the original, topical and format order. Inventory Box 1 (A87-27) FF 1 - Photographs - Frank N. Barker and Grace McCormack FF 2 - Photographs - Single portraits, group shots, and Frank's high school Senior Class FF 3 - Photographs - Frank Barker - college graduation FF 4 - Photographs - Family group shots, family vacations and outings, pets, birdhouses, fish, and house pictures FF 5 - Photographs - College friends, football game crowds (also includes games' final scores), MU "Engineers on Parade," Women's Athletic Association members in Homecoming Parade (1921), and a "St. Pat's Smoker" invitation FF 6 - Greenfield Public School - Frank Barker's report cards FF 7 - West Point-Annapolis Coaching School in Columbia, Missouri - letter confirming Frank Barker's attendance and grades FF 8 - University of Missouri - Columbia - Grace McCormack's memorabilia FF 9 - University of Missouri - Columbia - St. Patrick's Survey - Engineer's Week Paper, March 17, 1923 FF 10 - University of Missouri - Columbia - Journalism Play Commission - Bambino, a Musical Comedy FF 11 - University of Missouri - Columbia - MU Homecoming Day insert - the St. Louis Democrat, 1921 FF 12 - University of Missouri - Columbia - Frank Barker's MU transcripts FF 13 - University of Missouri - Columbia - Commencement Programs - College of Engineering - Frank Barker, April 25, 1925 FF 14 - News clippings - Frank Barker's Illinois highway job and wedding announcements for Frank and Grace FF 15 - Governor Adlai Stevenson (Illinois) - letter concerning Frank Barker's job FF 16 - Railroad Material - Programs and invitations for luncheons, and pamphlets and brochures concerning the Santa Fe Railway system FF 17 - Holy Bible - Owned by Katie (Neale) Barker and her son Frank Neale Barker FF 18 - Katie (Neale) Barker - scrapbook FF 19 - Photo Album FF 20 - "A Memory of My School Days" - Grace McCormack - scrapbook FF 21 - American Red Cross patches, Alpha Tau Omega Patch and Pin, High School and University Athletic letters, and a 2nd Place Track and Field Ribbon FF 22 - The Bulletin for '16 - Greenfield High School Yearbook, 1916 FF 23 - The Acta - Greenfield High School Yearbook, 1917 and 1918 FF 24 - The Centralian - Central High School in Kansas City, Missouri Yearbook, 1921 (A18-20) FF - Photographs - Miscellaneous (includes photographs of Frank and Grace Barker, Williams-Crookton Line track construction), ca. 1960 FF - Correspondence - Miscellaneous (includes finances, retirement, and will), 1966-1988 FF - Genealogy (Barker), n.d. FF - Newspaper Clippings (most clippings pertain to Barker's resignation from the Illinois State Highway Division in 1953 after which he began working as an engineer for the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railway), ca. 1953-1977, 2012 FF - Fiscal - Miscellaneous, ca. 1983 FF - Identification Cards (includes Barker's engineer's license and his social security card), ca. 1940-1982 OSF 1 Item 1 - Panoramic Photograph - women volunteers of the Allied Charity Drive in Kansas City, 1921 Item 2 - Award Certificate to Grace McCormack from Wyatt School of St. Joseph, MO for perfect school attendance, 1917 Item 3 - Membership Certificate in the Knights of St. Patrick - Erin Go Bragh, 1923 Item 4 - Graduation Diploma for Grace McCormack from Central High School of Kansas City, 1921 Item 5 - Graduation Announcement for the Class of 1921 Item 6 - Admission Certificate for Grace McCormack to attend the Public High School of St. Joseph, Missouri, 1917 Item 7 - BS in Engineering Diploma from MU for Frank Barker, 1923 Item 8 - Graduation Diploma for Frank Barker from Greenfield High School, 1919 Item 9 - Marriage Certificate for Charley W. Barker and Katie M. Neale (Frank Barker's parents), 1895 Item 10 - Presidential Appointment of Frank Barker to the National Highway Safety Advisory Committee, 1968 Item 11 - Broadside Poster for the Sangamon County, Illinois, Traffic Law Conference (Frank Barker pictured), 1951 |
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