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Call Number:

Box 1-121724
Box 2-121725
Box 3-121726
Box 4-121727
Box 5-121728

Record Group: 22 C
Record Sub-Group: 32
Records Title: UMC; Student Life and Activities; Student Memoirs/Manuscripts; Donald F. Bittner's Academic Papers
Dates: 1960-2003, bulk 1969-1974
Volume: 5 cubic feet, 6.25 linear feet

Scope and Content Note

(A78-41; A01-136; A03-87)
This Record Sub-Group contains class notes, exams, course syllabi, term papers, news clippings, articles, brochures, and a dissertation created or received by Dr. Donald F. Bittner, during the course of his education at the University of Missouri from 1959 through 1974. This Sub-Group also includes some materials from Bittner's subsequent teaching career.

Note to Archivist: In 2014, Collection C:6/24/7 (A78-41) was integrated with this Inventory. See Box 5, FF 5A, below.

Biographical Note:

Donald Bittner received a B.S. in Education in 1963, a Masters in History in 1970 and a Ph.D. in History in 1974, all from the University of Missouri-Columbia. As of 09/2001, Bittner is a professor of history at the Marine Corps Command and Staff College in Quantico, Virginia.

Series Descriptions:

This Sub-Group is divided into two Series.

Series One consists of notes, syllabi, and supplemental materials created and received by Bittner for coursework, research and teaching undertaken during his years of study at the University of Missouri-Columbia, including a draft of his dissertation.

Series Two consists of research and teaching material created and collected by Bittner during his career following his receipt of the Ph.D. in History from the University of Missouri-Columbia. Also included in this Series is correspondence regarding the donation of Bittner's materials to University Archives.

Series Outline:

  1. Coursework, teaching, and research
  2. Post-University of Missouri material


Series One - Coursework, teaching and research
Box 1

FF 1 - History 1 - Western Civilization I, Fall 1960

FF 2 - History 1 - Western Civilization I (teaching assistant), Fall 1969

FF 3 - History I - Western Civilization I (teaching assistant), 1970-1973

FF 4 - History 2 - Western Civilization II, Winter 1960

FF 5 - History 121 (grader), Winter 1969 [RESTRICTED]

FF 6 - History 231, Winter 1961

FF 7 - History 231 (grader), Summer 1969

FF 8 - History 231 (teaching assistant), 1970-1974

FF 9 - History 231 (teaching assistant), 1970-1974 (cont'd)

FF 10 - History 309, Winter 1969

FF 11 - History 321, Fall 1961

FF 12 - History 322, Winter 1969

FF 13 - History 323 Winter 1970

FF 14 - History 323, Winter 1970 (cont'd)

FF 15 - History 323, Winter 1970 (cont'd)

FF 16 - History 325, Winter 1971

FF 17 - History 331 (grader), Summer 1969

FF 18 - History 333 (grader; also includes syllabus for History 221), Summer 1970

Series One - Coursework, teaching, and research (cont'd)
Box 2

FF 1 - History 334, Winter 1969

FF 2 - History 334 (grader), Summer 1970

FF 3 - History 335, Winter 1963

FF 4 - History 336, Fall 1962

FF 5 - History 337, Winter 1963

FF 6 - History 337, Winter 1969

FF 7 - History 341, Summer 1968

FF 8 - History 342, Fall 1962

FF 9 - History 342, Fall 1962 (cont'd)

FF 10 - History 347, Fall 1968

FF 11 - History 357, Winter 1962

FF 12 - History 400, ca. 1970

FF 13 - History 401, Summer 1968

FF 14 - History 401, Winter 1969

FF 15 - History 423, Summer 1969

FF 16 - History 434 and 433, Fall 1969 - Winter 1970

Series One - Coursework, teaching, and research
Box 3

FF 1 - History 434 and 433, Fall 1969 - Winter 1970 (cont'd)

FF 2 - History 433, Fall 1970

FF 3 - History 435, Fall 1967 and Winter 1970

FF 4 - History 435, Fall 1967 and Winter 1970 (2/3)

FF 5 - History 435, Fall 1967 and Winter 1970 (3/3)

FF 6 - History 480, Summer 1970

FF 7 - History 489, Winter 1969

FF 8 - History 489, Winter 1969 (cont'd)

FF 9 - Political Science 352, Fall 1969

FF 10 - Political Science 352, Fall 1969 (cont'd)

FF 11 - Political Science 354, Fall 1970

FF 12 - Political Science 356, Summer 1970

FF 13 - Western Art, Winter 1963

FF 14 - German 11, Summer 1968

FF 15 - Dissertation, Chapter 1

FF 16 - Dissertation, Chapter 2

FF 17 - Dissertation, Chapter 3

Series One - Coursework, teaching, and research (cont'd)
Box 4

FF 1 - Dissertation, Chapter 4

FF 2 - Dissertation, Chapter 5

FF 3 - Dissertation, Chapter 6

FF 4 - Dissertation, Chapter 7

FF 5 - Dissertation, Chapter 8

FF 6 - Dissertation, Chapter 8 (cont'd)

FF 7 - Dissertation, Chapter 9

FF 8 - Dissertation, Chapter 10

FF 9 - Dissertation, Chapter 11

FF 10 - Dissertation, Chapter 11 (cont'd)

FF 11 - Dissertation Chapter 12

FF 12 - Dissertation Chapter 12 (cont'd)

FF 13 - Dissertation Chapter 13

FF 14 - Dissertation - End-notes, bibliography, illustrations, and miscellanea

FF 15 - Miscellaneous - Ph.D. material (includes scholarship and fellowship material), 1970-1974

FF 16 - Ph.D. Examination, 1971

FF 17 - Miscellaneous - Notes, papers, and handouts, n.d.

Series One - Coursework, teaching, and research (cont'd)
Box 5

FF 1 - Miscellaneous - Notes, papers, and handouts, n.d. (cont'd)

FF 2 - Appraisal of UMC Department of History's Undergraduate European History Surveys 1974-1975, 1975

FF 3 - Foundations of Western Civilization 1E - Syllabus, 1974

FF 4 - History of Modern Europe 10E - Syllabus, 1973

FF 5 - Contemporary Europe 231E - Syllabus, 1971

FF 5A - College of Arts and Sciences - History Department - Graduate Studies Committee (includes History Department committee assignments and Graduate Studies Committee reports, memoranda, agendas, minutes, notes), 1972-1974

Series Two - Post-University of Missouri material
Box 5 (cont'd)

FF 6 - Northern Virginia Community College - Western Civilization materials, 1977-1978

FF 7 - "Meeting of Minds" - Correspondence and Publicity Brochures, 1977-1984

FF 8 - "Meeting of Minds" - Mail Brochure, 1971

FF 9 - "Meeting of Minds" - Mail Brochure, Volume I, 1976-1977

FF 10 - "Meeting of Minds" - Mail Brochure, Volume II, 1976-1978

FF 11 - "Meeting of Minds" - Mail Brochure, Volume IV, 1979

FF 13 - "Meeting of Minds" - Mail Brochure, Volume V, 1981

FF 14 - Miscellaneous Articles and News Clippings, 1973-1997

FF 15 - Correspondence (regarding donation of papers to University Archives, University of Missouri-Columbia; biographical abstract and curriculum vitae), 1978, 2001-2003

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Published by: University Archives
Originally Prepared by Becca Scott: September 2001
Revised: 13 February 2014

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