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Call Number:


Record Group: 22 C
Record Sub-Group: 26
Records Title: UMC; Student Life and Activities; Memorabilia; Chandler, Hirsh and Pike Collections
Dates: 1900-1950
Volume: 1/6 cubic foot, 0.21 linear foot

Scope and Content Note

This Sub-Group contains University of Missouri-Columbia student memorabilia received by the Office of Alumni Relations from J.M. Chandler, Gertrude Hirsch, and Rexford Pike . Included in this Sub-Group are an early UMC Tiger decal, n.d., expense and income ledgers kept by Chandler while an MU student, 1900-1903, Women's Athletic Association materials (including a copy of the first Women's Athletic Association handbook), photographs of the garden behind Read Hall, women's sports events, the Farmers Fair float parade, and the bulletin board which stood at Ninth and Elm Streets in Columbia, Missouri, 1930-1932. Also included are a sterling silver ring bearing the University Seal, 1930, and a "Welcome Visitors" informational booklet for visitors attending the 1950 UMC Commencement ceremony.

Series Descriptions:

This Sub-Group is not divided into separate record series. Arrangement of the Sub-Group follows the creating office's original order.


Box 1

FF 1 - Tiger Decal, n.d.

FF 2 - J. M. Chandler of Jonesburg, Missouri - Ledger showing cash on hand and expenses while a student at MU, 1900-1903

FF 3 - Gertrude Louise Hirsch materials - Women's Athletic Association - handbook and description of activities; "M" Women's Club - felt letter awarded for earning 1000 points through sports activities; news clippings - sports captains (Hirsch - hiking captain), hockey squad, and men's track meet; Dance Drama program; photograph of Pathfinders hiking club; photo album containing 30 black and white prints with identification - sports activities, Journalism buildings and bridges, garden in back of Read Hall, dorm room, Home Economics, Farmer's Fair Queen's floats, bulletin board at Ninth and Elm, and a sterling silver ring with the University Seal, 1930-1932

FF 4 - Rexford C. Pike material - "Welcome Visitors" booklet given to people at graduation showing "Things to See and Do in Columbia", 1950

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Published by: University Archives
Originally Prepared by David Snead: August 1999
Revised: 08 October 2002

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