Record Group: 22 C Record Sub-Group: 26 Records Title: UMC; Student Life and Activities; Memorabilia; Chandler, Hirsh and Pike Collections Dates: 1900-1950 Volume: 1/6 cubic foot, 0.21 linear foot Scope and Content Note (A98-57) Series Descriptions: This Sub-Group is not divided into separate record series. Arrangement of the Sub-Group follows the creating office's original order.Inventory Box 1 FF 1 - Tiger Decal, n.d. FF 2 - J. M. Chandler of Jonesburg, Missouri - Ledger showing cash on hand and expenses while a student at MU, 1900-1903 FF 3 - Gertrude Louise Hirsch materials - Women's Athletic Association - handbook and description of activities; "M" Women's Club - felt letter awarded for earning 1000 points through sports activities; news clippings - sports captains (Hirsch - hiking captain), hockey squad, and men's track meet; Dance Drama program; photograph of Pathfinders hiking club; photo album containing 30 black and white prints with identification - sports activities, Journalism buildings and bridges, garden in back of Read Hall, dorm room, Home Economics, Farmer's Fair Queen's floats, bulletin board at Ninth and Elm, and a sterling silver ring with the University Seal, 1930-1932 FF 4 - Rexford C. Pike material - "Welcome Visitors" booklet given to people at graduation showing "Things to See and Do in Columbia", 1950
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