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Record Group: 4 UW
Record Sub-Group: 56
Records Title: UM-System; President's Office; Vice President for Academic Affairs; Administrative Records
Dates: 1965-2015
Volume: 342 and 2/3 cubic feet, 428.33 linear feet

Scope and Content Note

This Sub-Group contains Records of the University of Missouri President's subordinate Office of Vice President for Academic Affairs. Included in this Sub-Group are correspondence, memoranda, copies of news articles, minutes of meetings, meeting agendas, newspaper clippings, transmittal letters, Role and Scope Proposals, working drafts of proposals, position papers, press reports, editorials, department evaluations, degree program evaluations, University of Missouri and University of Kansas exchange agreements, mission statements, cooperative degree program records, and telecommunications infrastructure development records. Also included in the Sub-Group are discretionary reports, reports regarding Sinclair Research Farm, reports regarding the Environmental Trace Substances Research Center (ETSRC), records relating to the Missouri Research Assistance Act (MRAA) and the Alzheimer's and Related Disorders Program, campus academic plans, alphabetized general working files from the Vice President's Office. This Sub-Group also includes a draft versions of responses to UM-System President C. Brice Ratchford's "Preface to Decision" and "Agenda for Action" initiatives, collated copies of 1975 Academic Plans (relating to research programs and University Extension) submitted by the four UM campuses, and task force reports from the Budgetary Task Force, the Student Fee Structure Task Force, the Student Information Systems Policy Committee, and the Hospital Task Force.

This Sub-Group also contains copies of Board of Curators recommendations and resolutions, copies of official policies, subject files, copies of new degree program proposals, speech transcripts, brochures, vitae, audit reports, policies and regulations, campus academic calendars, records relating to exchange agreements with Anhui, Lanzhous and Zhengzhous Universities in China, Weldon Spring Awards materials, records and reports of the Committee on Distribution of Health Professionals, records and reports of the Committee to Improve the University of Missouri (also known as the "Knight Committee"), duplicate program review records, assessment records, and Leadership Workshop records. Additionally included are fiscal reports, publicity files, information sheets, records of compliance with U.S. Department of Agriculture and National Institutes of Health regulations, copies of "Animal Care and Use Protocols," Searle Scholarship records, Burlington Northern Scholarship records, meeting minutes of the Doctoral Council, records of the Academic Affairs Council, records of the Advisory Panel on Engineering and Applied Science, records of the Student Information System (SIS), records of the Patents and Licenses Committee, records of the University Planning Task Force (UPTF), records of the Coordinating Board for Higher Education (CBHE) Task Force on Critical Choices for Higher Education, records relating to cooperation with the U.S. Department of Defense, and Staff Advisory Council records.

Series Descriptions:

Series 1. - UW:4/51/3
This Series contains records of the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs, (1965-1970). The records in this Series were created or received by UM-System Coordinator of Professional Education, Dr. Robert Laur. Included in this Series are correspondence, reports, news articles, meeting minutes, and meeting agendas. Topics include data processing, a new School of Medicine for the University of Missouri-Kansas City, professional education, student fees, undergraduate education, student discipline, administration of health-related programs, and UM-System wide improvement funding.
(1 1/3 c.f.: UMLD1)
Note to Researcher: Series 1 contains records which may be confidential and restricted. See the restrictions note at the end of this finding aid.

Series 2. - UW:4/51/4
This Series contains records of the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs, (1968-1971). The records in this Series were created or received by UM-System Coordinator of Undergraduate Education, Dr. Paul Nagel. Included in this Series are correspondence, reports, newspaper clippings, published articles, and planning records from the four UM-System campuses. Topics include staff meetings, curricula, the Educational Advisory Committee, faculty improvement funds, graduate education, undergraduate education, libraries, the Undergraduate Council, the Graduate Council, and general concerns of the four UM-System campuses.
(1 1/3 c.f., UMLD1)

Series 3. - UW:4/51/6 (A74-21; A82-4)
This Series contains records of the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs, (1972-1973). Included are copies of evaluation team reports (drafted by teams of academicians from outside the UM-System) regarding the strengths and weaknesses of schools, colleges, departments, and programs of the four UM-System campuses. Also included in this Series are transmittal letters and responses from UM-System faculty and administrators to the evaluation results. Series 3 also includes information on patent and copyright guidelines.
(2 1/6 c.f.: 2/3 c.f., UMLD1; 1 c.f., 007925; 1/3 c.f., UMLD1; 1/6 c.f., UMLD1)
Note to Researcher: Series 3 contains some records which are confidential and restricted. See the restrictions note at the end of this finding aid.
Note to Archivist: The box lists for this Series are available online. They can be accessed by
following this link.

Series 4. - UW:4/51/7 (A74-21; A77-41)
This Series contains records of the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs, (1971-1975). Included in this Series are correspondence, press reports, editorials, position papers, department evaluations, degree program evaluations, campus academic plans, program academic plans, records relating to development of Doctoral Faculty, and records relating to development of UM-System academic plans.
(6 c.f., 007709, 007753, 007777, 007912, 007917, 007918)
Note to Researcher: Series 4 contains some records which may be confidential and restricted. See the restrictions note at the end of this finding aid.
Note to Archivist: The box lists for this Series are available online. They can be accessed by
following this link.

Series 5. - UW:4/51/8 (A75-27; A77-12)
This Series contains records of the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs, (1968-1976). Included in the Series are correspondence, meeting minutes and reports of UM-System committees. Topics include admission requirements, role and scope issues, establishment of degree programs, curtailment of degree programs, degree program accreditation, the "University of Mid-America," UM-System publication policies, ID-cards, tuition policies, promotion and tenure policies, University governance reorganization, faculty concerns, student concerns, Library reports, quality statements, stipend "X" (pay for graduate assistants and teaching aids), the 1973 "State of the University" conference, and the educational experience of students at the University of Missouri.
(3 1/3 c.f.: 3 c.f., 018858, 019708, 019709; 1/3 c.f., UMLD1)
Note to Researcher: Series 5 contains records which may be confidential and restricted. See the restrictions note at the end of this finding aid.

Series 6. - UW:4/51/9 (A76-39; A77-41)
This Series contains records of the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs, (1968-1976). Many of the records in this Series were created or received by C. Brice Ratchford, UM-System President, (1971-1976) and Dr. Paul Nagel, UM-System Vice President for Academic Affairs, (1970-1974). Included in this Series are draft responses to President C. Brice Ratchford's "Preface to Decision" and "Agenda for Action" initiatives, role and scope documents, general administrative correspondence, and collated copies of 1975 Academic Plans (submitted by each of the four System campuses and relating to planning for research and extension activities). Topics include the Administrative Fiscal Council, the Benchmark Committee, the Evaluation Steering Committee, distinguished professorships, faculty responsibilities, faculty evaluation, the "open-university," graduate teaching assistants, and the Mid-American State Universities Association.
(4 2/3 c.f.: 4 c.f., 042079, 042080, 042105, 042133; 1/3 c.f., UMLD1; 1/3 c.f., UMLD1)
Note to Researcher: Series 6 contains records which may be confidential and restricted. See the restrictions note at the end of this finding aid. For more on UM-System Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dr. Paul Nagel, see Series 2 and Series 7 of this Sub-Group. For more on the career of University of Missouri President C. Brice Ratchford, see
Sub-Group 22 of Record Group 4 UW.
Note to Archivist: The box lists for this Series are available online. They can be accessed by following this link.

Series 7. - UW:4/51/10 (A78-45)
This Series contains records of the University of Missouri Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs, (1972-1977). The records in this Series were created or received by Vice Presidents for Academic Affairs Paul Nagel, (1970-1974), Robert McFarland, (1974-1975), and Melvin George, (1975-1985). Included in this Series are correspondence, memoranda, copies of UM-System Board of Curators resolutions, copies of official policies, meeting minutes, reports of Doctoral Council activities, publications, and newspaper clippings. Topics include the Academic Planning Council, graduate stipend supplementation, graduate student records, Doctoral Administrative Centers, the "Graduate Centers Concept," indirect cost rates, the UM-System microwave network, the "Academic Common Market," and the Mid-American State University Association (MASUA).
(1 2/3 c.f.: 1 c.f., 046349; 2/3 c.f., Ellis)
Note to Researcher: For more on UM-System Vice President for Academic Affairs and Interim UM-System President (1996-1997) Melvin George, see Series 9 and 10 of this Sub-Group,
Sub-Group 16 of Record Group 3 C and the UMC Archives vertical file. For more on UM-System Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dr. Paul Nagel, see Series 2 and Series 6 of this Sub-Group.

Former Series #8 UW:4/51/11
This Series has been enlarged to a full inventory. Please follow this link to reach the inventory. This Series contains records of the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs, mostly from the tenure of Melvin George as Vice President for Academic Affairs, 1974-1979.

Former Series #9 UW:4/51/12 (A80-59) and UW:4/51/13 (A81-51)
This Series has been enlarged to two full inventories, one for each collection number. Please follow this link to reach the inventory for UW:4/51/12 (A80-59), which contains contains correspondence, reports, and other materials created by Mel George and others from the UM-System Office of the Vice-President for Academic Affairs that pertain to the introduction of new degree programs into the UM system, as well as reports and related materials from a number of task forces and committees, 1972-1979. Please follow this link to reach the inventory for UW:4/51/13 (A81-51), which contains records of the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs, including records of the meetings of the Board of Curators, tenure regulations, summaries of Doctoral Council Meetings, and new degree programs, 1972-1981.

Series 10. - UW:4/51/14, and UW:4/51/NP (A86-58; A90-22)
This Series contains records of the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs, (1979-1988). These records were created or received by Vice President for Academic Affairs, Melvin George. Included are administrative records and correspondence regarding the UM-System Weldon Spring Awards, exchange agreements with Anhui, Lanzhous, and Zhengzhou Universities in China, and the visit of a University of Missouri delegation (including Melvin George) to the Peoples Republic of China.
(8 c.f., 033354, 033355, 033356, 033357, 033387, 030887, 030888, 015807)
Note to Researcher: Part of Series 10 is currently unprocessed. Until processed and inventoried, portions may not be fully available to researchers. For more on the career of UM-System Vice President for Academic Affairs and Interim System President (1996-1997) Melvin George, see Series 7 and 9 of this Sub-Group.

Former Series #11 UW:4/51/15
UM System; President's Office; Office of Vice President for Academic Affairs; Academic and Administrative Program Evaluation Records
This summary description has been enlarged to a full inventory.
Please follow this link to reach the inventory.

Series 12. - UW:4/51/16 (A86-89)
This Series contains records of the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs, (1980). Included in this Series are administrative correspondence, committee meeting agendas, committee meeting minutes, a copy of a 1979 Report on Health Professions by the UM-System Committee on Expanded Health Professions Education, a copy of the final report of the Health Professionals Committee on Distribution, rural health reports, and miscellaneous reports and background materials. Among topics addressed are the Western Missouri Area Health Education Center (AHEC), Health Sciences meetings, and breakfast meetings.
(1/3 c.f., UMLD1)

Series 13. - UW:4/51/17 (A96-81)
This Series contains records of the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs pertaining to the "Committee to Improve the University," (1984-1987). This committee, created to study the UM-System's organizational structure as required by the 1984 "Toward Excellence" long-range planning document, was also known as the "Knight Committee," after it's Chairman, Charles F. Knight. Included in the Series are files of committee correspondence, committee meeting minutes, committee notes and memoranda, and copies of the Committee's final report.
(2/3 c.f., UMLD1)
Note to Researcher: Staff Director for the Committee to Improve the University was Vice President Richard L. Wallace, who became University of Missouri-Columbia Chancellor in 1997. For more on the career of Chancellor Wallace, see
Series 1, Sub-Group 33 of Record Group 4 UW and Series 4, Sub-Group 16 of Record Group 3 C.

Series 14. - UW:4/51/NP (A87-49; A87-97; A88-24)
This Series contains records of the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs, (1976-1984). Included in the Series are general correspondence and related materials. Topics include University Wide Extension, the University of Missouri-Columbia (UMC), The University of Missouri-Rolla (UMR), The University of Missouri-Kansas City (UMKC), the University of Missouri-Saint Louis (UMSL), the Coordinating Board for Higher Education (CBHE), the UM-System Environmental Trace Substances Research Center (ETSRC), ETSRC personnel, affirmative action initiatives, degree programs offered off-campus, UM-System degree program inventories, intercampus projects, comparative medicine, Sinclair Research Farm, and the dissolution of the "University of Mid-America" (1976).
(10 c.f., 015765, 015766, 015767, 015768, 015769, 015770, 015771, 015287, 017259, 017260)
Note to Researcher: Series 14 is currently unprocessed. Until processed and inventoried, portions may not be fully available to researchers. Series 14 contains some records which are confidential and restricted. See the restrictions note at the end of this finding aid. For more on the UM-System's Sinclair Research Farm, see Series 18 and 22 of this Sub-Group, as well as
Series 1, Sub-Group 16 of Record Group 3 C and Series 1, 2, and 4, Sub-Group 42 of Record Group 4 UW.

Series 15. - UW:4/51/NP (A89-80)
This Series contains records of the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs, (1979-1988). Included in this Series are correspondence, assessment records, degree program proposals, degree program inventory changes, records of a 1979-1981 "Duplicate Degree Program Review," and records of administrative units reporting to the Vice President for Academic Affairs.
(9 c.f., 033000, 031430, 031326, 033957, 033788, 033790, 016940, 016780, 016782)
Note to Researcher: Series 15 is currently unprocessed. Until processed and inventoried, portions may not be fully available to researchers.

Series 16. - UW:4/51/NP (A90-139, A00-115)
This Series contains records of the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs, (1981-1987, 1994). Included in this Series are correspondence, records of the UM-System "Leadership Workshop," and "International Files" maintained by the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs. Also included are FAHIM documents.
(7 c.f., 035320, 035321, 068395, 068396, 068398, 068399; 009732)
Note to Archivist: Box 7 was created in June 2011 to properly house all the records in this Series. No new materials were added.
Note to Researcher: Series 16 is currently unprocessed. Until processed and inventoried, portions may not be fully available to researchers.

Series 17. - UW:4/51/NP (A93-55, A00-161)
This Series contains records of the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs, (1974-1989). This Series includes correspondence, fiscal reports, and general administrative records along with administrative records concerning the Student Information System (SIS).
(4 c.f., 002260, 002267, 073524, 073525)
Note to Researcher: Series 17 is currently unprocessed. Until processed and inventoried, portions may not be fully available to researchers.

Series 18. - UW:4/51/NP (A94-69)
This Series contains records of the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs, (1966-1994). Included in the Series are correspondence, historical records (such as Charles Sinclair's Will), publicity files, information sheets, copies of five-year plans, research reports, records of the Sinclair Research Farm Advisory Committee, peer review reports, self studies, and records regarding compliance with National Institutes of Health and U.S. Department of Agriculture regulations for animal care and use. Also included in Series 18 are Sinclair Comparative Medicine Research Center (SCMRC) Animal Care and Use Protocols, records of the UM Occupational Health Program, photograph albums of the Sinclair family, and topographical maps and aerial photographs of the Sinclair Research Farm.
(5 c.f., 103095, 103096, 103097, 103098, 103099;
Note to Researcher: Series 18 is currently unprocessed. Until processed and inventoried, portions may not be fully available to researchers. For more on the operations of the UM Sinclair Research Farm, see Series 14 and 22 of this Sub-Group, as well as Series 1, Sub-Group 16 of Record Group 3 C, and Series 1, 2, and 4, Sub-Group 42 of Record Group 4 UW.

Series 19. - UW:4/51/NP (A95-36)
This Series contains records of the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs, (1978-1988). Included in this Series are chronologically organized, general subject correspondence files, administrative records, and related materials pertaining to the Missouri Research Assistance Act.
(4 c.f., 065329, 065330, 065331, 065332)
Note to Researcher: Series 19 is currently unprocessed. Until processed and inventoried, portions may not be fully available to researchers.

Series 20. - UW:4/51/NP (A96-34, A00-120)
This Series contains records of the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs, (1988-1994). Included in this Series are correspondence, audit reports, buildings plans and facilities, injury reports, organizational charts, records of the Board of Curators meetings and resolutions, and alphabetized, general administrative files created by the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs. Topics include Sinclair Comparative Medicine Center, the Environmental Protection Agency, and lagoons.
(4 1/3 c.f.; 4 c.f.: 068394, 071329, 071330, 071331; 1/3 c.f., Ellis)
Note to Researcher: Series 20 is currently unprocessed. Until processed and inventoried, portions may not be fully available to researchers. Box lists are available for all the boxes in this Series.

Series 21. - UW:4/51/NP (A98-49)
This Series contains records of the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs, (1970-1992). Included in the Series are correspondence, Missouri Research Assistance Act administrative records, Weldon Spring administrative records, Burlington Northern Scholarship records, Searle Scholarship records, long range planning records, records of the "Student Fees Task Force," and meeting agendas, meeting minutes, and resolutions of the UM Doctoral Council. Also included in Series 21 are animal care records, records from UM-System councils and advisory groups, records of UM-System academic association memberships, records of the Academic Affairs Council, records of the 1989 "Nurse Consulting Visit," Patents and Licenses records, records pertaining to the Western Historical Manuscripts Collection, and Coordinating Board for Higher Education (CBHE) records (including office files of the CBHE President). Additionally, this Series holds "Agenda for Action Committees," records of the "Toward Excellence" program, assessment records, records pertaining to the U.S. Department of Defense (and it's association with "Midwestern University"), records of the Advisory Panel on Engineering and Applied Science, faculty promotion and tenure files, faculty teaching load records, degree program background material, and University Extension records.
(63 c.f.,
Follow this link for box locations.)
Note to Researcher: Series 21 is currently unprocessed. Until processed and inventoried, portions may not be fully available to researchers. The Series contains some records which are confidential and restricted. See the restrictions note at the end of this finding aid.

Series 22. - UW:4/51/NP (A98-126, A00-116)
This Series contains records of the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs, (1971-1994). The Majority of records in this Series were created or received by UM-System Vice President for Academic Affairs, Richard L. Wallace (named University of Missouri-Columbia Chancellor in 1997). Included in this Series are new degree program records; Sinclair Research Farm records consisting of correspondence and closing out documents; materials pertaining to closing of the UM-System Environmental Trace Substances Research Center (ETSRC); long range planning records; UM-System mission statement documents, role and scope documents, cooperative degree program records; and records of University of Missouri exchange agreements with the University of Kansas. Also found in this Series are records relating to the development of the telecommunications infrastructure including background information, possible consultants, and inventory documents.
(6 c.f., 071549, 071550, 071551, 071691, 072648, 105312)
Note to Researcher: Series 22 is currently unprocessed. Until processed and inventoried, portions may not be fully available to researchers. For more on the career of Chancellor Wallace, see
Series 1, Sub-Group 33 of Record Group 4 UW. For more on the operations of the UM-System Sinclair Research Farm, see Series 18 and 14 of this Sub-Group, as well as Series 1, Sub-Group 16 of Record Group 3 C, and Series 1, 2, and 4, Sub-Group 42 of Record Group 4 UW.

Series 23. - UW:4/51/NP (A99-59; A00-114; A01-20)
This Series contains records of the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs, (1992-1995). Included in this Series are Missouri Research Assistance Act (MRAA) Award files, MRAA grant proposals, promotion and tenure records, radiation safety reports, research safety documents, UM-System research reactor records, records of the Advisory Council on the 21st Century and the Advisory Committee on the 21st Century (2020), admissions records, assessment records, resources and planning files, distance education records, records of the Coordinating Board for Higher Education's Task Force on Critical Choices for Higher Education, records of UM relations with professional associations and with other Universities, UM Extension records, Staff Advisory Council records, patents and licensing materials, alphabetical office records (1994, 1995), and "Campus Files" pertaining to the four UM-System campuses. Also included in Series 23 are records relating to past Curators, the Medical Review Panel, telecommunications (including the 1995 final report), Resident Centers in St. Charles and Jefferson County (1995), and the Advisory Review Panel Assessment of Ellis Library Space Needs (1995).
(50 c.f.,
Follow this link for box locations.)
Note to Researcher: Series 23 is currently unprocessed. Until processed and inventoried, portions may not be fully available to researchers. Series 23 contains some records which are confidential and restricted. See the restrictions note at the end of this finding aid.

Series 24. - UW:4/51/NP (A99-96)
This Series contains records of the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs, (1988-1995). Included in this Series are records pertaining to UM Research Board projects, such as the Alzheimer's and Related Disorders Program.
(10 c.f., 103170, 103171, 103172, 103173, 103174, 103175, 103176, 103177, 103178, 103179)
Note to Researcher: Series 24 is currently unprocessed. Until processed and inventoried, portions may not be fully available to researchers. Series 24 contains some records which are confidential and restricted. See the restrictions note at the end of this finding aid.

Series 25. - UW:4/51/18 (A02-07)
This Series contains records from the Office of Vice President for Academic Affairs, (1969-2001, bulk 1985-1995). Included in this Series are records concerning the various schools, colleges, departments, divisions, centers, institutes and programs, particularly the Bachelor, Master, Ph.D, and certification academic/degree programs, of all four branches of the University of Missouri: Columbia (UMC), Kansas City (UMKC), Rolla (UMR), and Saint Louis (UMSL). Records relate to degree programs, program reviews (1977-1997), degree program inventories, (1975-1997), five year program reviews (1989-1996), center reviews, correspondence, and accreditation documentation.
(10 c.f., 122378, 122379, 122380, 122381, 122382, 122383, 122384, 122385, 122386, 122387)
Note to Researcher: Series 25 is currently unprocessed. Until processed and inventoried, portions may not be fully available to researchers.
Note to Archivist: The box lists for this Series are available online. They can be accessed by
following this link.

Series 26. -UW:4/51/19 (A02-43)
This Series contains records from the Office of Vice President for Academic Affairs, (1996). Included in this Series are correspondence, agenda, meeting minutes, budgets, reports, contracts, handbooks, program documentation, analyses, surveys, etc. concerning the following: admissions, Alzheimer's, assessment, associations, awards, Board of Curators, bylaws, Coordinating Board for Higher Education (CBHE), committees, conferences, consortium, continuing education, cooperative and collaborative programs, discrimination, distance education, dual credit, employees, Exchange Agreement, faculty, Funding For Results (FFR), grant opportunities, Heartland Alliance for Minority Participation (HAMP), Intercampus Faculty Council (IFC), K-12, K-16, language proficiency, Library, funds and foundations, planning, professorship, Public Broadcasting System (PBS), research, science, councils, student issues such as disability, enrollment, tuition, and fees, technology, telecommunications, Telecom, tenure [Restricted], scholarships, Patents and Licensing, University Press, Western Historical Manuscript Collection (WHMC), Eastern Asia University, UMC, UMKC, and UMSL Schools, Colleges, departments, and administration, and student complaints and faculty grievances [Restricted].
(10 c.f., 069970, 069971, 070070, 070071, 070072, 070073, 070074, 070075, 070076, 070077)
Note to Researcher: This Series is currently unprocessed. Until processed and inventoried, portions may not be fully available to researchers. Series 26 contains some records which are confidential and restricted. See the restrictions note at the end of this finding aid.
Note to Archivist: A thorough paper box list exists for this collection.

Series 27. -UW:4/51/20 (A03-18)
This Series contains administrative and other records of the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs, (1997). Included among the records are correspondence, memoranda, minutes, agendas, reports, notes, brochures, pamphlets, publications, and transparencies. Topics addressed in these records include: Access programs, awards, Southeast Missouri Educational Consortium, Admissions Task Force, Educational Access Advisory Committee, Student System Planning Group, Indirect Cost Recovery, Cooperative Instructional Development (CID) for Math and Nursing, distance education, Higher Education Governance Corporation, Humanities on the Hill, Knight Collaborative-Pew Higher Education Roundtable, Intercampus Student Council (ICS), Heartland Alliance for Minority Participation (HAMP), Missouri Scholars 100 Program, program rankings, alcohol policies, Computing and Information Technology, and the Luke Lamb report. Also included in the Series are promotion and tenure records [RESTRICTED] and complaint and grievance documentation [RESTRICTED].
(7 c.f., 007342, 007396, 008130, 008443, 008450, 008597, 008791)
Note to Researcher: This Series is currently unprocessed. Until fully processed and inventoried, portions may not be available to researchers. Series 27 contains some records which are confidential and restricted. See the restrictions note at the end of this finding aid.
Note to Archivist: A detailed paper box list is available for this collection.

Series 28. -UW:4/51/21 (A04-15)
This Series contains administrative records created or received by the UM-System Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs, (1982-2000, bulk 1995-1998). The records consist for the greater part of correspondence, memoranda, minutes, agendas, surveys, reports, and evaluations. The general administrative records in the Series pertain to the following: admissions, awards, UM-System committees, Dual Credit programs, the Faculty Intercampus Collaboration program, Intercampus Faculty Council, Heartland Alliance for Minority Participation (HAMP), and individual UM-System units and campuses. Other records in the Series pertain to the Research Board, (1996-1997), including technical reports, project descriptions, peer reviews [RESTRICTED], and final reports; Faculty competitions and awards, including the Jefferson and the Olson awards, (1982-1997); and the Institute for Instructional Development, (1995-1997).
(23 c.f.,
Follow this link for box locations.)
Note to Researcher: This Series is currently unprocessed. Until fully processed and inventoried, portions may not be available to researchers. Series 28 contains some records which are confidential and restricted. See the restrictions note at the end of this finding aid.
Note to Archivist: Detailed paper box lists are available for this collection.

Series 29. - UW:4/51/22 (A06-43; A07-77; A11-07)
This Series contains administrative records created or received by the UM-System Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs, (1994-2006). The records consist mostly of correspondence, memoranda, meeting minutes and agendas, reports, and relevant supplemental materials. The records pertain to individual UM-System units and campuses as well as general UM-System administration. Select topics addressed by the records in this Series include meetings of the Intercampus Faculty Council, the academic calendar, admissions, the budget, faculty tenure and post tenure review, faculty grievance procedures, the Heartland Alliance for Minority Participation (HAMP), the Video Network, the President's Academic Leadership Institute (PALI) and Leadership Development Program (LDP), and various campus and system departments, programs, and units.
(48 c.f.,
Follow this link for box locations.)
Note to Researcher: This Series is currently unprocessed. Until completely processed and inventoried, portions may not be fully available to researchers. Series 29 contains some records which are confidential and restricted. See the restrictions note at the end of this finding aid.
Note to Archivist: The box lists for this Series are available online. They can be accessed by following this link.

Series 30. - UW:4/51/23 (A11-06)
This Series contains records created and received by the UM-System Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs, (1992-2003). The records consist of approved Research Board grant proposals, (1998-2001) [RESTRICTED], and various administrative and fiscal records of the Research Board, including accounting and expenses, (1992-2001), not-appointed faculty, (1992) [RESTRICTED], and Research Board meetings, (1992, 1996-2003) [RESTRICTED].
(10 c.f., 046159, 005771, 059763, 059764, 059765, 059766, 059767, 059768, 059769, 059770)
Note to Researcher: This Series is currently unprocessed. Until completely processed and inventoried, portions may not be fully available to researchers. Series 30 contains records which are confidential and restricted. See the restrictions note at the end of this finding aid.
Note to Archivist: Detailed paper box lists are available for this collection.

Series 31. - UW:4/51/24 (A15-34)
This Series contains administrative records created and received by the University of Missouri System's Office of the Vice President for Academic Affair, (1994-2009). The record consist of the following types and topics: correspondence, memoranda, reports, various academic units from the four University of Missouri campuses, endowed chair positions, the collected rules and regulations, system-wide committees, conferences, the Faculty Accomplishment System, language proficiency, Intercampus Faculty Council, libraries, Missouri legislation, faculty awards, and New Faculty Teaching Scholars. The Series also contains records pertaining to the Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders Program, its advisory board, and its funding recipients [RESTRICTED].
(15 c.f., 012224, 055891, 058296, 058348, 058349, 058350, 059884, 060136, 060138, 118553, 118554, 118555, 118556, 057928, 059772)
Note to Researcher: This Series is currently unprocessed. Until completely processed and inventoried, portions may not be fully available to researchers. Series 31 contains records which are confidential and restricted. See the restrictions note at the end of this finding aid.
Note to Archivist: The box lists for this Series are available online. They can be accessed by
following this link.

Series 32. - UW:4/51/25 (A20-41)
This Series contains administrative records created and received by the University of Missouri System's Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs, (1988-2015). The records consist of the following types and topics: correspondence, memoranda, reports, campus academic units, subordinate administrative units, University of Missouri Collected Rules and Regulations, TWA scholarship files, committee records, State agencies, associations and consortia, Board of Curators, awards, professorships, e-learning, and degree program and center reviews.
(19 c.f., 060137, 080328, 080341, 080343, 080345, 129439, 129440, 129441, 060139, 101097, 124615, 136478, 136479, 136480, 014614, 065104, 118785, 136620, 052771)
Note to Researcher: This Series is currently unprocessed. Until completely processed and inventoried, portions may not be fully available to researchers. Series 32 contains records which are confidential and restricted. See the restrictions note at the end of this finding aid.
Note to Archivist: The box lists for this Series are available online. They can be accessed by
following this link.

Restrictions Note: The Archives of the University of Missouri-Columbia is required by law and Board of Curator's policy to restrict access to some files and information. Student records are held as confidential under the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and by University policy. Faculty promotion and tenure records and Academic Personnel files are restricted for 75 years, or the lifetime of the individual. All grievance, disciplinary, and medical records are treated as confidential files. Consultations with legal counsel, both in-house and external, are protected by the attorney/client privilege and will not be released.

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Published by: University Archives
Compiled by Carl Lingle: November 1999
Revised: 05 April 2021

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