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* Columbia

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Online Exhibits

* Archival
* General

MU Libraries

Box Lists for UW:4/51/22

Note to Researcher: These box lists are taken from those provided by the originating office. They have not been verified for accuracy by the staff of University Archives.

Box 1 - 001547


FF - Academic Calendar (Common) 2000-2001

FF - Academic Calendar (Common) 2000-2001 Correspondence

FF - Academic Calendar (Common) 1999-2000

FF - Academic Calendar (Common) 1999-2000 Correspondence

FF - Academic Calendar (Common) 1998-99

FF - Academic Calendar (Common) 1998-99 Correspondence

FF - Administrative Systems Project (ASP) Recommendations

FF - Administrative Systems Project

FF - Admission Enrollment Management Reports

FF - Admissions Exceptions

FF - Admissions DAR

FF - Admissions Core Course Requirements

FF - Admissions Enrollment Summary

FF - Admissions Freshman Correspondence

FF - Admissions Requirements

FF - Admissions Residency Requirements

FF - Associations/Consortiums AAHE (American Association for Higher Education)

FF - Associations/Consortiums AAU (Associations of American Universities)

FF - Associations/Consortiums ASUM (Associated Students of UM)

FF - Associations/Consortiums CEPA (Consortium for Educational Policy Analysis)

FF - Associations/Consortiums CHEA (Council for Higher Education Accreditation)

FF - Associations/Consortiums CONAHEC (Consortium for North American Higher Education Consortium)

FF - Associations/Consortiums COPHE (Council on Public Higher Education)

FF - Associations/Consortiums MABHE (Missouri Association of Blacks in Higher Education)

FF - Associations/Consortiums MAC (Missouri Assessment Consortium)

FF - Associations/Consortiums MISCON (Midwest Superconductivity Consortium)

FF - Associations/Consortiums MTC (Missouri Technology Corporation)

FF - Associations/Consortiums NASH (National Association of System Heads)

FF - Associations/Consortiums NASULGC

FF - Associations/Consortiums NMEC (Northwest Missouri Education Consortium)

FF - Associations/Consortiums SEMEC (Southeast Missouri Educational Consortium)

FF - Awards Curators Award for Scholarly Excellence

FF - Awards Employee Service

FF - Awards Olson Fund for the Arts

FF - Awards President's Award for Outstanding Teaching

FF - Awards President's Award for Research & Creativity

FF - Awards Thomas Jefferson

FF - Board of Curators New Curator Orientation

FF - Board of Curators Technology Oriented Class Sessions

FF - Budget Appropriations

FF - Budget Financial Results of Enterprise- Like Operations

FF - Budget FY 2001

FF - Budget Operating Budget

FF - Budget Quarterly Revenue & Expenditure Report

FF - Budget - VPAA Office FY200 1-2005

FF - CBHE Chief Academic Officers

FF - CBHE Correspondence

Box 2 - 001595


FF - Education Continuing Education

FF - Employee Benefits

FF - Ethics Law Monthly Expenditure Reports

FF - Executive Guidelines

FF - Executive Orders

FF - Faculty Academic Achievements

FF - Faculty Compensation ?99

FF - Faculty Emeritus Titles

FF - Faculty Extension of Probationary Penod/Reg Term Appt.

FF - Faculty Grievance Procedures

FF - Faculty - Intercampus Collaboration Program Education Oversight Committee

FF - Faculty Intercampus Collaboration Program - Nursing

FF - Faculty Intercampus Collaboration Exchange Program - Political Science

FF - Faculty Postsecondary Data Survey

FF - Faculty Performance

FF - Faculty - Tenure Correspondence

FF - Faculty - Tenure Post Tenure Review

FF - Fellowships C. Brice Ratchford Memorial

FF - Fellowships Phillips Petroleum

FF - Fiscal Notes

FF - Funding For Results (FFR) (CBHE) Advisory Board

FF - Funding for Results (FFR) Campus Level

FF - Funding For Results (FFR) 1 Correspondence

FF - Funding For Results (FFR) State Level

FF - General Officers Correspondence

FF - Grant Opportunities Miscellaneous

FF - Grant Opportunities Searle Scholars

FF - Grants & Contracts

FF - HAMP Board of Governors

FF - Heartland Alliance for Minority Participation (HAMP) Executive Council

FF - Heartland Alliance for Minority Participation (HAMP) Planning Committee Report

FF - IFC Correspondence

FF - IFC - Agendas/Minutes - October 21, 1999

FF - IFC - Agendas/Minutes May 19, 1999

FF - IFC - Agenda/Minutes April 13, 1999

FF - IFC - Agenda/Minutes March 19, 1999

FF - IFC - Agenda February 18, 1999

FF - IFC - Agenda/Minutes January 15, 1999

FF - IFC Retreat - July 5-6, 1999

FF - RAMP Strategic Planning

FF - Institute for Instructional Development (ID)

FF - IFC Academic Grievance

FF - IFC Academic Grievance Procedures

FF - K-16 Correspondence - File K-16 Correspondence - File 2

FF - K-16 Correspondence - File 1

Box 3 - 001596


FF - K-16 Coalition Correspondence

FF - K-16 NSF Funding

FF - K-16 Initiative NASH Educational Trust K-16 Institute 98

FF - K-16 Initiative Statewide Math Initiative

FF - Mathematics Technical Advisory Committee Recommendations

FF - K-16 Funding

FF - Initiatives

FF - Statewide Mathematics Initiative

FF - Knight Collaborative CR1 (Collegiate Results Instrument)

FF - Knight Collaborative Final Report of Activities

FF - Knight Collaborative Correspondence

FF - Legislative Congressional Hearing on Higher Education

FF - Library Correspondence

FF - Library Directors

FF - Library Library Deposit

FF - Library Storage Facility

FF - Miscellaneous Campus (Material Forwarded)

FF - Miscellaneous Correspondence

FF - Planning Background Materials #1

FF - Planning Background Materials #2

FF - Planning Performance Indicators

FF - Planning Resource Plan

FF - Planning Strategic Issues, Options, and Planning

FF - Planning Strategic Planning Steering Committee

FF - Professorships Curators Professorship

FF - Professorships Distinguished Teaching Professors

FF - Reports Consulting Reports

FF - Research Correspondence

FF - Research Data

FF - Research External Funding

FF - Research Funding

FF - Research Private Research Sponsorship

Box 4 - 001599


FF - Units - Research Board Correspondence - File 2

FF - Units - Research Board Analysis

FF - Units - Research Board Correspondence - File 1

FF - Units - University Press Budget

FF - Units - University Press Correspondence

FF - Units - University Press Library Journal

FF - Units - University Press October 1 Event (Reopening)

FF - Units - WHMC Correspondence

FF - University, University of System Maryland

FF - University - UM Memorandum of Understandings (MOU)

FF - University - UM Public Policy Institute

FF - University - UM Research Officers

FF - University - UM - Tobacco Settlement

FF - University - UM UMAO (UM Academic Officers) - File 2

FF - University - UM UMAO (UM Academic Officers) - File 1

FF - University - UMC Chancellor

FF - University - UMC CIGA - Advisory Board

FF - University - UMC CIGA - Two Year Evaluation -99

FF - University - UMC College of Arts & Science

FF - University - UMC College of Education

FF - University - UMC College of Engineering

FF - University - UMC Correspondence

FF - University - UMC - Independent Studies - High School Degree

FF - University - UMC Missouri Technology Park

FF - University - UMC Office of Technology

Box 5 - 001601


FF - University - UMC Office of Research

FF - University - UMC School of Law

FF - University - UMC School of Medicine

FF - University - UMC School of Nursing

FF - University - UMKC Accreditation

FF - University - UMKC Advanced Preparation Program

FF - University - UMKC Chancellor

FF - University - UMKC Correspondence

FF - University - UMKC Department of Music

FF - University - UMKC Gear-Up Grant Program

FF - University - UMKC School of Medicine

FF - University - UMKC Self-Study Report

FF - University - UMR Boeing contract

FF - University - UMR Correspondence

FF - University - UMR Self-Study Report

FF - University - UMSL Correspondence

FF - University - UMSL Fiscal Practices

FF - University - UMSL School of Optometry

FF - University Departments/Offices Human Resources

FF - Video Network Correspondence

FF - Video Network Funding

FF - Video Network NMECfMissouri Western - Surcharge Agreement

FF - Video Network Reports

FF - Video Network UMVN - Fall 1999

Box 6 - 001681


FF - President's Academic Leadership Institute (PALI) LDP 2000 (MO Leadership Development Program) Oct. 2000-Sept. 2001

FF - PALI LDP 2000 (MO Leadership Development Program) Oct. 2000-Sept. 2001, Meeting Plans, Meeting Materials

FF - PALI LDP 2000 - #3 Follow-Up Session 7-9-01 Capitol Plaza, Jefferson City "Negotiation- Working With Difficult People" (Marc Frankel-Triangle)

FF - PALI LDP 2000 - #2 Follow-Up Session 4-25-01 Capitol Plaza, Jefferson City "Decision Making & Problem Solving" (Rob Williams-Triangle)

FF - PALI LDP 2000 - #1 Follow-Up Session 1-26-01 Capitol Plaza, Jefferson City "Managing Change" (Rob Williams- Triangle)

FF - Decision Making & Meeting Management 4-25-01

FF - Managing Change LDP 1-26-0 1

FF - Leadership Development Program Oct. 2000

FF - PALI LDP 2000- Conference Oct. 2-5 Lodge of Four Seasons

FF - PALI LDP 2000 -Conference Oct. 2-5 Case Studies from Triangle, Meeting Plans, Meeting Materials

FF - PALI LDP 2000 - Conference Oct. 2-5 Lodge of the Four Seasons - Mtg. Follow-UP

FF - PALI LDP 2000 UMC lunches 2 Mon 11:30-1:30 Univ. Club Ruth Brent

FF - PALI LDP 2000 UMC 05-22-0 1 Work Session on Orientation for New Dept. Chairs- Reynolds

FF - PALI UMC 11-06-00 LDP Group #1 Lunch - Tiger Lounge RAC

FF - PALI UMC 09-07-00 Chairs MTG UMC 2000 Dept Chair Retreat; Innsbrook Conference Center

FF - PALI UMKC 12-08-00 LDP Group #1 Lunch - Houston's on the Plaza

FF - PALI LDP 2000 UMKC #2 LDP Group Lunch 3-19-01 -University Center, Chan's Dining Rm, w/Randy Pembrook, Wm Eddy

FF - PALI LDP 2000 UMR Lunches 1' Thursday 11:30-1:30 Zeno's (Dan/Debra)

FF - PALI UMR 11-22-00 LDP Group #1 Lunch - Zeno's

FF - PALI UMR 1-08-0 1 LDP Group #2 Lunch - Zeno's

FF - PALI LDP 2000 UMSL Lunches 3rd Wednesday; 12-1:30 Lombardo's

FF - PALI UMSL 11-30-00 LDP Group #1 Lunch - Duff's

FF - PALI UMSL 011-10-00 LDP Group #2 Lunch- Lombardo's

FF - Leadership Development Program 2000 Final Evaluation Report

Box 7 - 021731


FF - Funding For Results (FFR) State Level

FF - Fiscal Notes - File I

FF - General Officers Retreat-May, 2000

FF - General Officers

FF - Grant Opportunities FIPSE - Communication Department

FF - Grant Opportunities FIPSE - Virtual Enterprise Collaboration

FF - Grant Opportunities Searle Scholars Program

FF - HAMP Budget

FF - Heartland Alliance for Minority Participation (HAMP) Statewide Alliance

FF - Heartland Alliance for Minority Participation (HAMP) Correspondence

FF - IFC Agendas/Minutes December 8, 2000

FF - IFC Agendas/Minutes November 10, 2000

FF - IFC Agendas/Minutes October 6, 2000

FF - IFC Agendas/Minutes September 8, 2000

FF - IFC Agendas/Minutes Retreat - July 10-11, 2000

FF - IFC Agendas/Minutes May 12, 2000

FF - IFC Agendas/Minutes March 17, 2000

FF - IFC Agendas/Minutes February 25,2000

FF - IFC Agendas/Minutes January 14, 2000

FF - ISC (Intercampus Student Council) Correspondence

FF - K- 16 Correspondence

FF - K- 16 Initiative Mathematical Technical Advisory Committee

FF - K-16 Mathematics Technical Advisory Committee

FF - K-16 Coalition MoSTEP

FF - K- 16 Request for Information

FF - K- 16 Staff Liaison Committee

FF - KCMSD-HEP Kansas City Missouri School District - Higher Educ. Partnership

FF - Legislative Correspondence

FF - Library Library Directors

FF - Library Merlin

FF - Miscellaneous Campus (Material Forwarded)

FF - Miscellaneous Correspondence

Box 8 - 021714


FF - Missouri Scholars 100 Program

FF - Missouri Scholars 100 Program Teacher Appreciation Banquet

FF - Planning Balanced Scoreboard

FF - Planning Correspondence

FF - Planning Instructional Learning Paradigm

FF - Planning Strategic Planning Steering Committee

FF - Planning Synergies

FF - Professorships Curators' Professorship

FF - Professorships Distinguished Teaching Professorship

FF - Reports Consulting Report

FF - Research Facilities & Administrative (F&A) Cost Recovery

FF - Research Research Expenditures

FF - Research Quality Management Plans

FF - Research Research Reactor (MURR)

FF - Software Programs SAP Alliance - Agreement

FF - Softward Programs - SAP Correspondence

FF - Software Program - SAP Fund Raising

FF - Student Campus Security Act/Clery Act

FF - Student Fees

FF - Student FERPA (Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act)

FF - Student Housing

FF - Student Internships

FF - Student - Dual Credit Correspondence

FF - Student Dual Credit Policies

FF - Student - Scholarship Curators Scholars

FF - Student - Scholarship Truman/Rhodes/Marshall Workshop

FF - Student - Scholarship TWA

FF - Technology Copyright

FF - Technology Internet II

FF - Technology Missouri Learners Network

FF - Technology Portals

FF - Technology Technology Park at Fort Leonard Wood

Box 9 - 021715


FF - Units - Alzheimer's Advisory Board

FF - Units - ALzheimer's Correspondence

FF - Units - Research Board Correspondence

FF - Units - Research Board Non-Regular Faculty Eligibility

FF - Units - State Historical Society McKee Gym

FF - Units - University Press Budget

FF - Units - University Press Correspondence

FF - Units - Press Development Board

FF - Units - University Press Reviews

FF - Units - WHMC Correspondence

FF - University - UM Collected Rules and Regulations Review

FF - University - UM Fall Faculty Tour

FF - University - UM Memorandum of Understandings (MOU)

FF - Units - WHMC Problems

FF - University - UM Missouri Seed Capitol Fund (Prolog)

FF - University - UM Public Policy Institute

FF - University - UM Research Officers

FF - University - UM (The) Russell Report

FF - University - UM UMAO (UM Academic Officers)

FF - University - UM Healthcare

FF - University - UMC HIPPA

FF - University - UMC Independent Studies - High School Degree

FF - University - UMC Office of Research

FF - University - UMC Missouri Campus Compact

FF - University - UMC MU Direct

FF - University - UMC School of Education

FF - University - UMC School of Law

FF - University - UMC Student Success Center

FF - University - UMKC Accreditation

FF - University - UMKC Advanced Preparation Program

FF - University - UMKC Chancellor

FF - University - UMKC Correspondence

FF - University - UMKC High School/College Program

FF - University - UMKC School of Law

FF - University - UMKC School of Medicine

FF - University - UMKC School of Nursing

FF - University - UMKC Social Work

FF - University - UMSL Center for Emerging Technologies

FF - University - UMSL MO State Comprehensive Initiative for Workforce Enhancement

FF - University - UMSL School of Optometry

FF - University- UMSL Science Enrichment Programs

FF - University - Departments/Offices Human Resources - VERIP

FF - University Department's/Office's President Bi-Weekly Meetings

FF - Video Network Quality Reports

FF - Video Network Technology '00

Box 10 - 025273 [return to top]


FF - Academic - Audit, 2001

FF - Academic - Calendar (Common) 2002-2003, 2001

FF - Academic - Calendar (Common) 2002-2003 - Correspondence, 2001

FF - Academic - Calendar 2003-2004 - Correspondence, 2001

FF - Administrative - Delegation of Authority, 2001

FF - Administrative Systems Project (ASP) - Academic Job Titles, 2001

FF - ASP - Correspondence, 2001

FF - ASP - Grants Module, 2001

FF - ASP - Steering Committee, 2001

FF - ASP - HR, 2001

FF - ASP - University Integrated Data System (UIDS), 2001

FF - Admissions - Data, 2001

FF - Admissions - Enrollment and Exceptions Report, 2001

FF - Admissions - Enrollment Management, 2001

FF - Admissions - Requirements, 2001

FF - Associations/Consortiums - American Association for Higher Education (AAHE), 2001

FF - Associations/Consortiums - Consortium for Educational Policy Analysis (CEPA), 2001

FF - Associations/Consortiums - CONAHEC

FF - Associations/Consortiums - Council on Public Higher Education in Missouri (COPHE), 2001

FF - Associations/Consortiums - Educational Policy Analysis - UMC/UMKC/UMSL, 2001

FF - Associations/Consortiums - MABHE, 2001

FF - Associations/Consortiums - Midwestern Higher Education Committee (MHEC), 2001

FF - Associations/Consortiums - MOBIO, 2001

FF - Associations/Consortiums - MODLA, 2001

FF - Associations/Consortiums - Missouri Technology Corporation, 2001

FF - Associations/Consortiums - Northwest Missouri Education Consortium (NMEC), 2001

FF - Associations/Consortiums - Southwest Missouri Educational Consortium (SEMEC), 2001

FF - Associations/Consortiums - Statewide Bioinformatics, 2001

FF - Associations/Consortiums - UM Bioinformatics Consortium, 2001

FF - Associations/Consortiums - University of Missouri Bioinformatics Center, 2001

FF - Awards - Curators Award for Scholary Excellence, 2001

FF - Awards - Employee Service, 2001

FF - Awards - Faculty Entrepreneurship of the Year, 2001

FF - Awards - Olson Fund for the Arts, 2001

FF - Awards - President's Award for Outstanding Teaching, 2001

FF - Awards - President's Award for Research and Creativity, 2001

FF - Benefits - Short-term Disability Programs, 2001

FF - Board of Curators - Correspondence, 2001

FF - Board of Curators - New Curator Orientation, 2001

FF - Board of Curators - Minutes, 2001

FF - Budget - Appropriations, 2001

FF - Budget - Financial Reports for YE 6-30-01, 2001

FF - Budget - Financial Results of Enterprise-like Operations, 2001

FF - Budget - Quarterly Revenue and Expenditures Report, 2001

Box 11 - 025274 [return to top]


FF - CBHE A+, ca. 2001

FF - CBHE Chief Academic Officers

FF - CBHE CAO Conflict Resolution Committee, ca. 2001

FF - Collected Rules and Regulations Sections for Review, ca. 2001

FF - CBHE Correspondence, ca. 2001

FF - CBHE Educational Summit, ca. 2001

FF - CBHE Plan "The Coordinated Plan for Missouri Higher Education", ca. 2001

FF - CBHE Policies for Prog/Courses Delvd at Ext Sites, ca. 2001

FF - CBHE Collected Rules and Regulations, ca. 2001

FF - CBHE Funding Formula, ca. 2001

FF - Charter Schools, ca. 2001

FF - Committee - Battelle Steering Committee, ca. 2001

FF - Committee - Cost Containment, ca. 2001

FF - Committee - Faculty Committee on Tenure, ca. 2001

FF - Committee - Library Search, ca. 2001

FF - Committee - President's Academic Leadership Institute, ca. 2001

FF - Committee - Working Group on Collaboration, ca. 2001

FF - Committee - CBHE COTA (Committee on Transfer & Articulation), ca. 2001

FF - Committee - Student Fee Task Force Graduate and Professional, ca. 2001

FF - Committee - Units Patent Committee, ca. 2001

FF - Committee - Units Intellectual Property Rights, ca. 2001

FF - Committee - Units University Press, ca. 2001

FF - Conference UM Transfer Conference, ca. 2001

FF - Cooperative Instructional Development Technology/Entrepreneurship, ca. 2001

FF - Economic Development, ca. 2001

FF - Eduprise Survey, ca. 2001

FF - Eduprise, ca. 2001

FF - Eduprise Retreat (April 13-14, 2000), 2000

FF - Ethics Law Designated Decision-Maker, ca. 2001

FF - Ethics Law Monthly Expenditure Reports, ca. 2001

FF - Ethics Law Personal Disclosure, ca. 2001

FF - Faculty - Faculty Performance Shares Program, ca. 2001

FF - Faculty - Leave of Absence, ca. 2001

FF - Faculty - Performance, ca. 2001

FF - Faculty - President's Academic Leadership Institute, ca. 2001

FF - Faculty - PALI - Correspondence, ca. 2001

FF - Faculty - PALI - Recruitment & Retention Project, ca. 2001

FF - Faculty - Turnover, ca. 2001

FF - Faculty - New Faculty Teaching Scholars Program, ca. 2001

FF - Faculty - Language Proficiency Correspondence, ca. 2001

Box 12 - 025275 [return to top]


FF - Faculty - Language Proficiency English, ca. 2001

FF - Faculty Language Proficiency Reports, ca. 2001

FF - Faculty Extension of Prob PeriodlReg Appt, ca. 2001

FF - Faculty - Tenure Post Tenure Review, ca. 2001

FF - Faculty - Tenure Post Tenure Review - Collected Rules & Regs, ca. 2001

FF - Fiscal Note, ca. 2001

FF - Fiscal Note, ca. 2001

FF - Fiscal Note, ca. 2001

FF - Funding for Results (FFR) Advisory Council, ca. 2001

FF - Funding for Results (FFR) State Level, ca. 2001

FF - FFR Campus Level, ca. 2001

FF - General Education, ca. 2001

FF - Grant Opportunities FIPSE, ca. 2001

FF - Grant Opportunities Searle Scholars, ca. 2001

FF - HAMP - Board of Governor's, ca. 2001

FF - HAMP - Correspondence, ca. 2001

FF - HAMP - Proposal for Funding, ca. 2001

Box 13 - 025279 [return to top]


FF - HAMP - Grant Proposal, ca. 2001

FF - HAMP - Site Coordinators, ca. 2001

FF - HAMP - Statewide Initiative, ca. 2001

FF - HAMP - Early College Awareness, ca. 2001

FF - IFC - AgendaJMinutes December 14, 2001

FF - IFC - Agenda November 21, 2001

FF - IFC - Agenda/Minutes October 19, 2001

FF - IFC - Agenda/Minutes September 21, 2001

FF - IFC - Agenda/Minutes Retreat August 2-3, 2001

FF - IFC - Agenda/Minutes May 18, 2001

FF - IFC - Agenda/Minutes February 16, 2001

FF - IFC - Agendas/Minutes January 12, 2001

FF - IFC - Correspondence, ca. 2001

FF - Intercampus Student Council (ISC) Correspondence, ca. 2001

FF - K-12 Scorecard, ca. 2001

FF - K-16 Coalition Achievement Gap Elimination, ca. 2001

FF - K-16 Initiative Articles, ca. 2001

FF - K-16 Initiative Correspondence, ca. 2001

FF - K-16 Grant Data Form, ca. 2001

FF - K-16 Initiative Internet 2/K-20 Initiative, ca. 2001

FF - K-16 Partnerships, ca. 2001

FF - K-16 Initiative Reports, ca. 2001

FF - K-16 Coalition Achievement Gap Elimination - RFI, ca. 2001

FF - Knight Collaborative CR1 (College Results Instrument) Project, ca. 2001

FF - Legislative Correspondence, ca. 2001

FF - Legislative Hearings, ca. 2001

FF - Legislative Transfer Legislation, ca. 2001

FF - Library - Library Directors, ca. 2001

FF - Louis Stokes-Missouri Alliance for Minority Participation (LS-M0AMP), ca. 2001

Box 14 - 025613 [return to top]


FF - Miscellaneous Campus (Material Forwarded), ca. 2001

FF - Missouri Scholars Academy Teacher Appreciation Program, ca. 2001

FF - Planning Academic Affairs Divisional Plan, ca. 2001

FF - Planning Academic Planning, ca. 2001

FF - Planning Balanced Scorecard, ca. 2001

FF - Professorships Curators' Professor, ca. 2001

FF - Professorships Distinguished Teaching Professors, ca. 2001

FF - Reports Consulting, ca. 2001

FF - Reports PEER Report, ca. 2001

FF - Research - Correspondence, ca. 2001

FF - Research - DESE Contracts, ca. 2001

FF - Research - Institutional Research Board, ca. 2001

FF - Research - Research Expenditures, ca. 2001

FF - Research - Institutional Review Board (IRB), ca. 2001

FF - Research - Officers, ca. 2001

FF - Software Programs - SAP Alliance Agreement, ca. 2001

FF - Software Programs - SAP Alliance - Correspondence, ca. 2001

FF - Software Program - SAP Strategic Plan, ca. 2001

FF - Software - SAP Transition, ca. 2001

FF - Student Campus Security Act/Clery Act, ca. 2001

FF - Student Fees, ca. 2001

FF - Student GPA, ca. 2001

FF - Students Graduate Research Assistants, ca. 2001

FF - Student Housing, ca. 2001

FF - Student International, ca. 2001

FF - Student Military Service, ca. 2001

FF - Student Parental Notification, ca. 2001

FF - Student Records Retention, ca. 2001

FF - Student Transfer, ca. 2001

FF - Student - Dual Credit Correspondence, ca. 2001

FF - Student - Scholarships TWA, ca. 2001

FF - Technology Copyright, ca. 2001

FF - Technology Internet2/k2O, ca. 2001

FF - Technology Missouri Learner's Network, ca. 2001

FF - Technology Missouri Technology Fund, ca. 2001

FF - Technology Missouri Technology Plan, ca. 2001

FF - Technology - Technology Report Card, ca. 2001

FF - Telecommunication TCRC, ca. 2001

FF - Units - Alzheimer's Advisory Board, ca. 2001

FF - Units - Alzheimer's Correspondence, ca. 2001

FF - Units - OTSP Annual Report, ca. 2001

FF - Units - OTSP Correspondence, ca. 2001

FF - Units - OTSP Financial Plan, ca. 2001

FF - Units - OTSP Issuance/Disclosure, ca. 2001

FF - Units - OTSP MSMC (Missouri Soybean Merchandising Council), ca. 2001

FF - Units - OTSP Office Space, ca. 2001

FF - Units - OTSP Technology Transfer Showcase, ca. 2001

FF - Units - OTSP Trademarks, ca. 2001

FF - Units - Research Board Appointments, ca. 2001

FF - Units - Research Board Correspondence, ca. 2001

FF - Units - Research Board Faculty Complaint, ca. 2001

FF - Units - Research Board, ca. 2001

FF - Units - University Press Budget, ca. 2001

FF - Units - University Press Correspondence, ca. 2001

FF - Units - Press Development Board, ca. 2001

FF - Units - University Press Reviews, ca. 2001

Box 15 - 026070 [return to top]


FF - Units - WHMC Correspondence, ca. 2000-2001

FF - Units - WHMC Danforth Papers, ca. 2000-2001

FF - University Departments/Offices Assistant to Pres for Federal Relations, ca. 2000-2001

FF - University - Department/Offices General Counsel, ca. 2000-2001

FF - University - UM Bioinformatics Center, ca. 2000-2001

FF - University - UM Community of Scholars, ca. 2000-2001

FF - UM Economic Impact, ca. 2000-2001

FF - Univ - UM Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), ca. 2000-2001

FF - University - UM Missouri Seed Capital Fund (Prolog), ca. 2000-2001

FF - University - UM Outreach and Extension, ca. 2000-2001

FF - University - UM Presidential Search, ca. 2000-2001

FF - University - UM Records Management, ca. 2000-2001

FF - University - UM Research Officers, ca. 2000-2001

FF - University - UM Technology Transfer Showcase, ca. 2000-2001

FF - UM - Tobacco Settlement - Life Sciences Bioinformatics Working Group, ca. 2000-2001

FF - University - UM Tobacco Settlement - Life Sciences, ca. 2000-2001

FF - University - UM - UM Economic Impact Project, ca. 2000-2001

FF - University - UM UMAO (UM Academic Offices), ca. 2000-2001

FF - Univ - UMC College of Veterinary Medicine, ca. 2000-2001

FF - University - UMC Correspondence, ca. 2000-2001

FF - University - UMC Information Technology - Strategic Plan, ca. 2000-2001

FF - University - UMC Missouri Campus Compact, ca. 2000-2001

FF - University - UMC School of Medicine, ca. 2000-2001

FF - University - UMC Social Work, ca. 2000-2001

FF - University - UMKC Correspondence, ca. 2000-2001

FF - University - UMKC School of Medicine, ca. 2000-2001

FF - University - UMR Continuing Education, ca. 2000-2001

FF - University - UMR Correspondence, ca. 2000-2001

FF - University - UMR Parental Leave Proposal, ca. 2000-2001

FF - University - UMR School of Management and Info Systems, ca. 2000-2001

FF - University - UMSL Correspondence, ca. 2000-2001

FF - University - UMSL Mineral Area College, ca. 2000-2001

FF - University - UMSL School of Optometry, ca. 2000-2001

FF - University - UMSL School of Social Work, ca. 2000-2001

FF - Video Network - UMVN - Fall 2001

FF - UMVN Winter 2001

FF - Video Network Correspondence, ca. 2000-2001

FF - Video Network Proposal, ca. 2000-2001

FF - Committee - Unites Patent Committee, 2000

FF - Committee - Units University Press, ca. 2000

FF - Committee - Units Western Historical Manuscripts Collection, 2000

FF - Committee - Public Policy Correspondence, 2000

FF - Committee - Public Policy Stakeholders, 2000

FF - Conference - Transfer & Articulation, 2000

FF - Knight Collaborative CR1 Project, 2000

FF - Knight Collaborative CR1 (Collegiate Results Instrument) Survey, 2000

FF - Units - OTSP Akkadix, 2000

FF - Units - OTSP Capsule Pipeline Research, 2000

FF - Units - OTSP Correspondence, 2000

FF - Units - OTSP Issuance/Disclosures, 2000

FF - Units - OTSP Missouri Soybean Merchandising Council - Agreements, 2000

FF - Units - OTSP Revenue Estimate, 2000

FF - Units - OTSP Intellectual Property Principles, 2000

FF - Units - OTSP Intellectual Property Rights, 2000

FF - Units - OTSP Waiver of Copyright - Theil, 2000

FF - Units - OTSP Waiver Copyright - Zou, 2000

FF - Units - OTSP Zhejiang University Partnership, 2000

FF - University Zhejiang University, 2000

FF - University - UM System Administration Forum, 2000

FF - University - UMC CAFNR - Teaching & Learning, 2000

FF - University - UMC "Colleagues Circles" - New Faculty Mentoring Program, 2000

FF - University - UMC School of Law - Special Applicant, 2000

FF - University - UMC School of Medicine, 2000

FF - University - UMC School of Nursing, 2000

FF - University - UMR Physics Learning Center, 2000

FF - University - UMSL Correspondence, 2000

FF - Committee - Units Western Historical Manuscript Collection - Operations, 1999

Box 16 - 059878 [return to top]


FF - Faculty - Faculty Performance Share Plan, 2001

FF - Faculty - Post Tenure Review, 2001 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Faculty Language Proficiency - Chronology of Deliberations of Policy Development, 2001

FF - Committee - Student Fee Task Force, 2000

FF - Committee - Student Fee Task Force Graduate & Professional, 2000

FF - Eduprise, 2000

FF - General Officers, 2000

FF - HAMP - Supplemental Award, 2000

FF - Planning - University of Missouri Strategic Plan, 2000

FF - Student Scholarships - Truman, Rhodes & Marshall, 2000 [RESTRICTED]

Box 17 - 059879 [return to top]


FF - Associations/Consortiums - Missouri Bioinformatics Research Network, 2002

FF - Economic Development - Innovation U., 2002

FF - Legislative - Data Reference Book, 2002

FF - Mission Enhancement, 2002

FF - Planning - University of Missouri Strategic Plan, 2002

FF - University UM - Mission Legislative Academy, 2002

FF - Mission Enhancement, 1999

FF - Planning - Strategic Bench Marks, 1999

FF - Planning - University of Missouri Strategic Plan, 1999

Box 18 - 059883 [return to top]


FF - Mission Enhancement, 2001

FF - Planning - University of Missouri Strategic Plan, 2001

FF - University-UMSL - Delaware Study, 2001

FF - Legislative - Data Reference Book, 2001

FF - Research Foundation, 2003

Box 19 - 131647 [return to top]


FF - Administrative - Costs, ca. 2002

FF - Administrative - Delegation of Authority, ca. 2002

FF - Administrative Systems Project - Census Date, ca. 2002

FF - Administrative Systems Project - Grants Module, ca. 2002

FF - Administrative Systems Project - SEVIS, ca. 2002

FF - Administrative Systems Project - Student Administration, ca. 2002

FF - Administrative Systems Project - Student Records, ca. 2002

FF - Associations/Consortiums - CEPA, ca. 2002

FF - Associations/Consortiums - CONAHEC, ca. 2002

FF - Associations/Consortiums - COPHE, ca. 2002

FF - Associations/Consortiums - MAC (Missouri Assessment Consortium), ca. 2002

FF - Associations/Consortiums - MABHE (Missouri Association for Blacks in Higher Education), ca. 2002

FF - Associations/Consortiums - MHEC (Midwestern Higher Education Commission), ca. 2002

FF - Associations/Consortiums - MTC (Missouri Technology Corporation), ca. 2002

FF - Associations/Consortiums - NASULGC, ca. 2002

FF - Associations/Consortiums - NFSCAO (National Forum of System Chief Academic Officers), ca. 2002

FF - Associations/Consortiums - NMEC, ca. 2002

FF - Associations/Consortiums - PALI (President's Academic Leadership Institute), ca. 2002

FF - Associations/Consortiums - UMBC (UM Bioinformatics Consortium), ca. 2002

FF - Awards - Curator's Award for Scholarly Excellence, ca. 2002

FF - Awards - Employee Service, ca. 2002

FF - Awards - Faculty Entrepreneur of the Year, ca. 2002

FF - Awards - Olson Fund for the Arts, ca. 2002

FF - Awards - President's Award for Research & Creativity, ca. 2002

FF - Awards - Thomas Jefferson, ca. 2002

FF - Bioterrorism, ca. 2002

FF - Benefits - Educational Fee Reductions for Departments, ca. 2002

FF - Board or Curators- Agenda/Minutes, ca. 2002

FF - Budget, ca. 2002

FF - Budget - Capital Appropriations Request, ca. 2002

FF - Budget - External Funding, ca. 2002

FF - Budget - Financial Results of Enterprise-Like Operations, ca. 2002

FF - Budget - Financial Statements & Independent Auditor's, ca. 2002

FF - Budget - FY 2004, ca. 2002

FF - Budget - Moody Report, ca. 2002

FF - Budget - Operating Budget, ca. 2002

FF - Budget - State Budget Review Proposal, ca. 2002

FF - CBHE - Chief Academic Officers, ca. 2002

FF - CBHE - Clarifying Comments, ca. 2002

FF - CBHE - Correspondence, ca. 2002

FF - CBHE - Homeland Security Steering Committee, ca. 2002

FF - CBHE - Mission Review, ca. 2002

FF - CBHE - Student Financial Assistance Programs, ca. 2002

FF - Collected Rules and Regulations, ca. 2002

FF - Collected Rules and Regulations - Copyright Policy (100.030), ca. 2002

FF - Collected Rules and Regulations - Program Discontinuation, ca. 2002

Box 20 - 131648 [return to top]


FF - Committee - Accountability Matrix, ca. 2002

FF - Committee - Ad Hoc UM Policy Issue Working Group, ca. 2002

FF - Committee - Battelle Steering Committee, ca. 2002

FF - Committee - Communication Strategy, ca. 2002

FF - Committee - Early Childhood Education Program Committee, ca. 2002

FF - Committee - Faculty Incentive Committee, ca. 2002

FF - Committee - Faculty Incentive Committee, ca. 2002

FF - Committee - Faculty Committee on Tensure, ca. 2002

FF - Committee - Grant Incentive Committee, ca. 2002

FF - Committee - Health Sciences Legislative Agenda, ca. 2002

FF - Committee - Intellectual Property Policy, ca. 2002

FF - Committee - Life Sciences Research Committee, ca. 2002

FF - Committee - RedAc - Meeting Availability, ca. 2002

FF - Committee - RedAc - Members, ca. 2002

FF - Committee - Student Fee Task Force, ca. 2002

FF - Committee - Task Force on Reduction of Academic Costs, ca. 2002

FF - Committee - Video Policy Committee, ca. 2002

FF - Committee - Working Group on Collaboration, ca. 2002

FF - Conflict of Interest, ca. 2002

FF - COTA (Committee on Transfer & Articulation), ca. 2002

FF - Committee-CBHE - COTA - Dual Credit Survey, ca. 2002

FF - Committee-CBHE - Early Childhood Education, ca. 2002

FF - Committee-Units - Patent Committee, ca. 2002

FF - Committee-Units - Patent Committee (Sub-committee-Review the Sharing Rules for Royalties), ca. 2002

FF - Committee-Units - Patent Committee (Sub-Committee-Update Patent Committee Duties), ca. 2002

FF - Committee-Units - University Press, ca. 2002

FF - Conference - Governors Conference on Higher Education, ca. 2002

FF - Conference - Homeland Security & Force Protection, ca. 2002

FF - Conference - Summit on Life Science, ca. 2002

FF - Conference - UM Transfer Conference, ca. 2002

FF - Cooperative Instructional Development (CID) - Education, ca. 2002

FF - Cooperative Instructional Development (CID) - Engineering, ca. 2002

FF - Cooperative Instructional Development (CID) - MU Direct, ca. 2002

FF - Cooperative Instructional Development (CID) - Nursing, ca. 2002

FF - Cooperative Instructional Development (CID) - Policy, ca. 2002

FF - Degrees, ca. 2002

FF - University - UM - Diploma, ca. 2002

FF - Diplomas, ca. 2002

FF - Economic Development, ca. 2002

FF - Economic Development - International, ca. 2002

FF - Employees - Grant Funded, ca. 2002

FF - Ethics Law - Designated Decisionmakers, ca. 2002

FF - Ethics Law - Personal Disclosure, ca. 2002

FF - Ethics Law - Monthly Expenditure Reports, ca. 2002

FF - Executive Guidelines, ca. 2002

FF - Executive Orders, ca. 2002

FF - Faculty - Extension of Probationary Tenure Requests, ca. 2002

FF - Faculty - President's Academic Leadership Institute, ca. 2002

FF - Faculty PALI - LDP - Final Evaluation Report, ca. 2002

FF - Faculty NFTS - Teaching Renewal Conference, ca. 2002

FF - Faculty - Travel, ca. 2002

FF - Faculty NFTS - National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE), ca. 2002

FF - Faculty NFTS - Correspondence, ca. 2002

FF - Faculty PALI - Recruitment & Retention Project, ca. 2002

FF - Faculty - Faculty Performance Shares, ca. 2002

FF - Faculty Charter Schools - House Bills, ca. 2002

FF - Faculty - Compensation, ca. 2002

FF - Faculty - Contract and Payment, ca. 2002

FF - Faculty - Parental Leave, ca. 2002

FF - Faculty Language Proficiency - Correspondence, ca. 2002

Box 21 - 131649 [return to top]


FF - Faculty - Language Proficiency - English Language Proficiency Survey, ca. 2002

FF - Faculty - Language Proficiency - CBHE 2002 Biennial Report, ca. 2002

FF - Funding for Results - Correspondence, ca. 2002

FF - General Education, ca. 2002

FF - General Officers, ca. 2002

FF - Grant Opportunities - FIPSE, ca. 2002

FF - Grant Opportunities - NSF, ca. 2002

FF - Grant Opportunities - FIPSE - Assessment, ca. 2002

FF - Grant Opportunities - Searle Scholar's Program, ca. 2002

FF - IFC Agenda/Minutes - December 19, 2002

FF - IFC Agenda/Minutes - November 25, 2002

FF - IFC Agenda/Minutes - November 6, 2002

FF - IFC Agenda/Minutes - October 11, 2002

FF - IFC Agenda/Minutes - September 11, 2002

FF - IFC Agenda/Minutes - August 5-6, 2002

FF - IFC Agenda/Minutes - May 3, 2002

FF - IFC Agenda/Minutes - April 12, 2002

FF - IFC Agenda/Minutes - March 8, 2002

FF - IFC Agenda/Minutes - February 15, 2002

FF - IFC Agenda/Minutes - January 9, 2002

FF - IFC - Correspondence, ca. 2002

FF - IFC - Members (2002-2003)

FF - ISC - Correspondence, ca. 2002

FF - K-16 - Task Force on Achievement Gap Elimination, ca. 2002

FF - K-16 - Correspondence, ca. 2002

FF - K-16 - Mathematics, ca. 2002

FF - K-16 - Report, ca. 2002

FF - K-16 - Coalition - Achievement Gap Elimination Report (Final), ca. 2002

FF - K-16 - Articles, ca. 2002

FF - Legislative - Candidate Forums, ca. 2002

FF - Legislative - Correspondence, ca. 2002

FF - Legislative - Show-Me Life Sciences Conference, ca. 2002

FF - Life Sciences, ca. 2002

FF - Legislative - Life Sciences - MLSTCC Proposal, ca. 2002

FF - LS-MOAMP - Board of Governors, ca. 2002

FF - LS-MOAMP - Correspondence, ca. 2002

FF - LS-MOAMP - Budget, ca. 2002

FF - LS-MOAMP - Minority Scholars - Ford Fellowships, ca. 2002

FF - LS-MOAMP - Site Coordinators, ca. 2002

FF - LS-MOAMP - NSF Site Visit, ca. 2002

FF - LS-MOAMP - SMET Enrollment Report, ca. 2002

FF - Miscellaneous - Campus (Forwarded Material), ca. 2002

FF - Missouri Scholars Academy Teacher Appreciation Banquet, ca. 2002

FF - Planning - Academic Planning, ca. 2002

FF - Planning - Balanced Scoreboard, ca. 2002

FF - Planning - Financial Planning Assumptions, ca. 2002

Box 22 - 131650 [return to top]


FF - Planning - Performance Indicators, 2001-2002

FF - Planning - Strategic Indicators, 2002

FF - Planning - Strategic Planning Steering Committee, 2002

FF - Professorships - Curators', 2002

FF - Professorships - Distinguished Teaching, 2002

FF - Reports - consulting, 2002

FF - Research - Research Expenditures, 2002

FF - Research - Institutional Research Board, n.d.

FF - Research - External Funding, 2002

FF - Research - MTC Review and Recommendations, 2002

FF - Statewide Initiative for Workforce Enhancement, 2001

FF - Software - SAP - Agreement, 2002

FF - Software - SAP - Budget, 2001

FF - Software - SAP - Equipment, 2002

FF - Software - SAP - Correspondence, 2002

FF - Software - SAP - Proposal, 2002

FF - Software Programs - SAP - University Alliance Agreement, 2000

FF - Student - ACT Assessment and Reporting, 2002

FF - Student - Alcohol Study (Binge Drinking), 2002

FF - Student - Campus Security Act (clery Act), 2002

FF - Student - Drug and Alcohol Use Survey, 2002

FF - Student - Employee Increases, 2002

FF - Student - Fees, 2002

FF - Student - FERPA, 2001

FF - Student - Freshmen Success, 2001

FF - Student - GRE Tests and Services, 2002

FF - Student - International, 2002

FF - Student - Parental Notification UM Update, 2002

FF - Student - Transfers, 2002

FF - Student - Dual Credit - Study on Dual Credit Evaluatioin, 2002

FF - Student - Scholarship - Curators' Scholarship, 2002

FF - Student - Scholarship - TWA, 2002 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Surveys - Graduate Student Survey, 2002

FF - Technology - Biotechnology, 2002

FF - Technology - Copyright, 2000

FF - Technology - Missouri Technology Fund, 2001

FF - Transfer and Articulation - General Education, 2002 (cont'd)

FF - Units - SCI (Spinal Cord Injuries Research Program), 2002

FF - Units - State Historical Society - Correspondence, 2002

FF - Units - Alzheimer's - Correspondence, 2002

FF - Units - Alzheimer's - Members, 2002

FF - Units - Alzheimer's - Spinal Cord Injury, 2002

FF - Units - Office of Technology and Special Projects (OTSP) - Adolor Pharmaceutical Contract, 2002

FF - Units - OTSP - Araha Project, 2002

FF - Units - OTSP - Battelle, 2001

FF - Units - OTSP - Biomed Valley Partnership, 2000

FF - Units - OTSP - Budget, 2002

FF - Units - OTSP - Capsule Pipeline Center, 2002

FF - Units - OTSP - Copyright Policy, 2002

FF - Units - OTSP - Correspondence, 2002

FF - Units - OTSP - IP Language, 2002

FF - Units - OTSP - Foreign Language Department Chairs, 2002

FF - Units - OTSP - Issuance-Disclosures, 2002-2003

FF - Units - OTSP - Publication Waiver, 2002

FF - Units - OTSP - Technology Transfer Showcase, 2002

FF - Units - OTSP - Vandemark, 2001-2002

FF - Units - Research Board - Appointments, 2002

FF - Units - Research Board - Non-Regular Faculty, 2002

FF - Units - Research Board - Report, 2002

FF - Units - University Press - Budget, 2002

FF - Units - University Press - Correspondence, 2002

FF - Units - University Press - Davidson Agreement, 2002

FF - Units - University Press - Development Board, 2002

FF - Units - Western Historical Manuscript Collection (WHMC) - Carnahan Papers, 2002

FF - Units - WHMC - Correspondence, 2002

FF - Units - WHMC - Gift Accounts, 2002

FF - Units - WHMC - Research Fee, 2002

FF - University - Missouri Western State College, 2002

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FF - University UM - Equity Funding, ca. 2002

FF - University UM - Finance and Administration, ca. 2002

FF - University UM - HIPPA, ca. 2002

FF - University UM - Memorandom of Understanding (MOU), ca. 2002

FF - University UM - Nursing Deans, ca. 2002

FF - University UM - Private Fundraising, ca. 2002

FF - University UM - Procurement, ca. 2002

FF - University UM - Research Officers, ca. 2002

FF - University UM - Social Work Directors, ca. 2002

FF - University UM - Social Work Event, ca. 2002

FF - University UM - UMAO, ca. 2002

FF - University UMC - Academic Plan, ca. 2002

FF - University UMC - College of Business, ca. 2002

FF - University UMC - Correspondence, ca. 2002

FF - University UMC - Enrollment Management Plan, ca. 2002

FF - University UMC - Harry S. Truman School of Public Affairs, ca. 2002

FF - University UMC - Life Sciences Technology Incubator Facility , ca. 2002

FF - University UMSL - Bylaws, ca. 2002

FF - University UMSL - Correspondence, ca. 2002

FF - University UMC - LSUROP, ca. 2002

FF - University UMC - M - Cells, ca. 2002

FF - University UMC - Mathematics Department, ca. 2002

FF - University UMC - MURR (Research Reactor), ca. 2002

FF - University UMC - MU Hospital & Clinics Advisory Task Force, ca. 2002

FF - University UMC - School of Law, ca. 2002

FF - University UMC - School of Medicine, ca. 2002

FF - University UMC - Strategic Plan, ca. 2002

FF - University UMC - Strategic Faculty Program, ca. 2002

FF - University UMC - Strategic Indicators, ca. 2002

FF - University UMC - Technology Incubator, ca. 2002

FF - University UMC - Graduate Research Symposium, ca. 2002

FF - University UMKC - Academic Plan, ca. 2002

FF - University UMKC - Correspondence, ca. 2002

FF - University UMKC - Enrollment Management Plan 2002, ca. 2002

FF - University UMKC - High SchoollCollege Program, ca. 2002

FF - University UMKC - Leave Policy, ca. 2002

FF - University UMKC - Life Sciences Task Force, ca. 2002

FF - University UMKC - Master Plan, ca. 2002

FF - University UMKC - Medical Residency, ca. 2002

FF - University UMKC - School of Biological Sciences, ca. 2002

FF - University UMKC - School of Law, ca. 2002

FF - University UMKC - School of Medicine, ca. 2002

FF - University UMKC - Strategic Indicators, ca. 2002

FF - University UMKC - Strategic Plan, ca. 2002

FF - University UMR - Academic Plan, ca. 2002

FF - University UMR - Bylaws, ca. 2002

FF - University UMR - Charter Schools, ca. 2002

FF - University UMR - Correspondence, ca. 2002

FF - University UMR - International Delivery of Courses/Programs, ca. 2002

FF - University UMR - Master Plan, ca. 2002

FF - University UMR - Nanotechnology, ca. 2002

FF - University UMSL - CORTEX, ca. 2002

FF - University UMSL - General Education, ca. 2002

FF - University UMSL - Incubator, ca. 2002

FF - University UMSL - Labor & Education Market Analysis, ca. 2002

FF - University UMSL - Master Plan, ca. 2002

FF - University UMSL - Mineral Area Community College, ca. 2002

FF - University UMSL - Public Policy Research Center, ca. 2002

FF - University UMSL - Publication Restriction, ca. 2002

FF - University UMSL - Radio Advertisements, ca. 2002

FF - University UMSL - Strategic Indicators, ca. 2002

FF - University UMSL - Strategic Planning, ca. 2002

FF - University Departments/Offices - Govermnental Relations, ca. 2002

FF - University Departments/Offices - Human Resources, ca. 2002

Box 24 - 131652 [return to top]


FF - University - Tobacco Petition, ca. 2002

FF - University UM - Tobacco Settlement-Life Sciences, ca. 2002

FF - Academic Audit (2000)

FF - Student - Alcohol Study (Binge Drinking) (2000)

FF - University UIvISL - John Thomas College of Naturopathic Medcine (2000)

FF - Units OTSP - MSMC (2000)

FF - Units OTSP - MSMC Akkadix (2000)

FF - Units OTSP - MSMC Adm. Option Agreement (2000)

FF - Inter-Institutional Agreement of Coop - ITESM (2001)

FF - General Offices (2001)

FF - Faculty - Extension of Probationary Period, ca. 2002

FF - Education - Continuing Education (2000)

FF - Planning - Strategic Planning Steering Committee (2001)

FF - Executive Orders (2001)

FF - Charter School - House Bills (2000)

FF - Degrees (2001)

FF - University Departments/Offices - Human Resources VERIP (2002)

FF - University Departments/Offices - Legal Sunshine Law, ca. 2002

FF - University Departments/Offices - VP Finance/Administration, ca. 2002

FF - Video Network - UMVN Winter 2002, ca. 2002

FF - Video Network - Fall 2002, ca. 2002

FF - Video Network - Summer 2002

Box 25 - 059880 [return to top]


FF - Academic Audit UMC, UMKC, UMR, UMSL, 2003

FF - Commission on the Future of Higher Education Committee, 2003

FF - Conflict of Interest Working Group Committee, 2003

FF - Department of Higher Education Chief Academic Officers Meeting Materials, August 2003

FF - Economic Development - UM System, 2003

FF - Exchange Agreement

FF - Life Sciences - Battelle Report, 2003

FF - Systems Planning - Balanced Scorecard, 2003

FF - Systems Planning - Resource Allocation, 2003

Box 26 - 059881 [return to top]


FF - Systems Planning - Strategic Plan, 2002-2003

FF - UMC Program Audit, 2003

FF - UMKC Program Audit, 2003

FF - UMR Program Audit, 2003

FF - UMSL Program Audit, 2004

FF - Missouri's Budget Problem - Moody Report, 2003

FF - Northwest Missouri State University/UM Systems Merger - Overview, 2004

FF - Northwest Missouri State University/UM Systems Merger - Overview, 2004 (cont'd)

FF - Northwest Missouri State University/UM Systems Merger - Enrollment Management/Registration, 2003

FF - Northwest Missouri State University/UM Systems Merger - Scorecard & Dashboard Implementation, 2003

FF - Northwest Missouri State University/UM Systems Merger - Student Affairs, 2003

Box 27 - 059882 [return to top]


FF - K-16 Coordinating Board for Higher Education Actions, 1999-2000

FF - K-16 Summer Meeting Materials, 2000

FF - K-16 Achievement Gap Elimination, 2002

FF - K-16 Background Materials, 1997-1999

FF - K-16 Summer Meeting Materials, 2002

Box 28 - 059885 [return to top]


FF - Academic Calendar, 2004-2005

FF - ACT - Report by the National Commission on Writing, 2003

FF - Administrative Systems Project - Concours Report Group, 2002-2003

FF - Administrative Systems Project - Correspondence, 2003

FF - Administrative Systems Project - Grants Module, 2003

FF - Administrative Systems Project - Human Resources, 2003

FF - Administrative Systems Project - PeopleSoft, 2003

FF - Administrative Systems Project - Student Records, Folder Empty

FF - Administrative Systems Project - SEVIS, 2003

FF - Admissions - Affirmative Action, 2003

FF - Admissions - Core GPA, 2003

FF - Admissions - Correspondence, 2004

FF - Admissions - DAR Folder 1, 2003

FF - Admissions - DAR Folder 2, 2003

FF - Admissions - Enrollment Management, 2003

FF - Admissions - Freshmen Enrollment, Success & Exceptions Report, 2002

FF - Admissions - Freshmen Enrollment, 2001

FF - Admissions - Impact of Truth in Tuition Legislation U of Illinois, 2004

FF - Admissions - Intercampus, 2003

FF - Admissions - Professional Schools Admission Requirements

FF - Admissions - Registration Process, 2003

FF - Admissions - Transfer Students, 2003

FF - Admissions - Affirmative Action, 2003

FF - Academic Quality Improvement Project

FF - American Association of State Colleges and Universities, 2003

FF - American Council on Education, 2003

FF - American Council of Learned Societies, 2003

FF - The Associated Students of the University of Missouri Folder 1, 2003

FF - The Associated Students of the University of Missouri Folder 2, 2003

FF - The Associations of American Universities, 2003

FF - Consortium for North American Higher Education Collaboration, 2003

FF - Council on Public Higher Education, 2003

FF - Coeur Business Group - Creating a Competitive Life Sciences Capability, 2003

FF - Missouri Assessment Consortium, 2003

FF - Midwestern Higher Education Commission, 2003

FF - Missouri Biotechnology Association, 2003

FF - Missouri Technology Corporation - Meeting Agenda & Service Agreement, 2003

FF - NASULGC, 2003

FF - National Council for Science and the Environment, 2003

FF - Northwest Missouri Educational Consortium, 2003

FF - North Missouri Graduate Education Consortium, 2003

FF - Northwest Missouri Education

FF - Research Alliance of Missouri - Meeting Agenda, 2003

FF - Science Coalition, 2003

FF - Southeast Missouri Educational Consortium Folder 1, 2003

FF - Southeast Missouri Educational Consortium Folder 2, 2003

FF - SHEEO - Student Success Statewide P-16 Systems

FF - Statewide Bioinformatics, 2003

FF - Learning Alliance - Agreement, 2003

FF - University Corporation of Atmospheric Research, 2003

FF - University of Missouri Bioinformatics Consortium, 2003

FF - Curator's Award for Scholarly Excellence [RESTRICTED]

FF - Employee Service Awards, 2003

FF - Faculty Entrepreneur of the Year, 2003

FF - Olson Fund for the Arts, 2003

FF - President's Award for Outstanding Teaching, 2003 [RESTRICTED]

FF - President's Award for Outstanding Teaching, 2002 [RESTRICTED]

FF - President's Award for Research and Creativity, 2003 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Thomas Jefferson Award, 2003 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Board of Curators - Vision 2020 Workshop, 2002

FF - Board of Curators - Agenda & Minutes, 2003

Box 29 - 059886 [return to top]


FF - Board of Curators - New Curator Orientation, 2003

FF - Board of Curators - Student Report to Board, 2003

FF - Budget Report, 2003

FF - Appropriations Requests, 2005

FF - Capital Appropriations Requests, 2004-2005

FF - Financial Status Report, 2003

FF - Operating Budget, 2004

FF - Financial Audit, 2002

FF - Operating Budget, 2002-2004

FF - Budget - Quarterly Performance and Projection Report, 2003

FF - Quarterly Revenue and Expenditure Report, 2003

FF - Coordinating Board for Higher Education Meeting Materials, 2002

FF - Coordinating Board for Higher Education Chief Academic Officers, 2003

FF - Coordinating Board for Higher Education Correspondence, 2003

FF - Coordinating Board for Higher Education Clarifying Statement, 2002

FF - Coordinating Board for Higher Education Delivery of Lower Division Coursework Policy, 2003

FF - Coordinating Board for Higher Education Department of Higher Education News, 2003

FF - Coordinating Board for Higher Education General Education

FF - Coordinating Board for Higher Education Mission Differentiation/Associate Degree Delivery, 2003

FF - Coordinating Board for Higher Education Outcome Measures, 2003

FF - Charter Schools, 2003

FF - Intercollegiate Athletics Collected Rules and Regulations, 2003

FF - Collected Rules and Regulations Copyright Policy, Folder Empty

FF - Board of Curators Academic Affairs Work Plans, 2002

FF - Board of Curators Communication Strategy Steering Committee, 2003

FF - Conflict of Interest Committee, 2003

FF - Entrepreneurship Committee, 2003

FF - Executive Task Force on UM Homeland Security, 2003

FF - Faculty Committee on Tenure, 2003

FF - Grant Incentive Committee, 2003

FF - Homeland Security Task Force Committee, 2003

FF - Learning Opportunities in Entrepreneurship Committee, 2003

FF - Life Science Steering Committee, 2003

FF - Mission Review Committee, Folder Empty

FF - Reporting Strategies Task Force, 2003

FF - Student Fee Task Force, Folder Empty

FF - Department of Higher Education Committee on Transfer and Articulation - Folder 1, 2003

FF - Coordinating Board for Higher Education Committee on Transfer and Articulation - Folder 1, 2003

FF - Coordinating Board for Higher Education Committee on Transfer and Articulation - Folder 2, 2003

FF - Patent Committee, 2003

FF - University Press Committee, 2003

FF - Western Historical Manuscript Collection Operations Committee, 2003

FF - Alternative Teacher Certification Conference, 2003

FF - Association for the Study of Higher Education Conference, 2003

FF - Education Summit, 2003

FF - Education Trust Winter K-16 Conference, 2003

FF - Governor Conference - Overview of Missouri Budget

FF - Homeland Security and Force Protection Conference, 2003

FF - Job Summit Conference, 2003

Box 30 - 059887 [return to top]


FF - Conferences - Missouri Summit on Agroterrorism, 2004

FF - Conferences - National forum of System Chief Academic Officers (NFSCAO), 5/2003

FF - Conferences - RAM [Research Alliance of Missouri] Technology Transfer Summit, 11/2003

FF - Conferences - SBIR/STTR [Small Business Innovation Research/Small Business Technology Transfer], 2003-2004

FF - Conferences - Science and Technology, 2003

FF - Conferences - Summit on Life Sciences, 7/2003

FF - Conferences - UM Transfer and Articulation, 3/2003

FF - Conferences - UM Transfer Conference, 2003

FF - Cooperative Instructional Development (CID) - Nursing, 2002-2003

FF - DHE [Department of Higher Education] - Collegiate Learning Assessment, 2003

FF - Diploma, 2003-2006

FF - Educational Data, 2003

FF - Economic Development, 2003

FF - Employees - Grant-Funded, 2003

FF - Ethics Law - Monthly Report, 2003-2004

FF - Ethics Law - Personal Financial Disclosure, 2002-2003

FF - Exchange Agreements - MOLKS - Correspondence, 2003

FF - Exchange Agreements - MOLKS - Enrollments, 2003

FF - Exchange Agreements - RSMO - Enrollment, 2003

FF - Executive Order #6 (Delegation of Responsibility), 2003

FF - Financial Reports, Year Ending 6/30/2003

FF - Faculty - Extension of Probation Period Request, 2002-2003

FF - Faculty - Grievances, 2002-2003

FF - Faculty - President's Academic Leadership Institute Advisory Board, 2003

FF - Faculty - Instructional Workload, 2003

FF - Faculty - Language Proficiency - English Language Proficiency TA Report, 2002-2003

FF - Faculty - Language Proficiency - Comments, 2003

FF - Faculty - Language Proficiency - Survey Results, Fall 2002

FF - Faculty - NFTS [New Faculty Teaching Scholars], 2003-2004

FF - Faculty - NFTS - Correspondence, 2002-2003

FF - Faculty - NFTS - Teaching Renewal Conference, 2002-2003

FF - Faculty - Post-Tenure Review, 2003

FF - General Officers - Meeting Minutes, 2003

FF - Grant Opportunities - FIPSE [Fund for the Improvement of Post-Secondary Education], 2003

FF - Grant Opportunities - Fulbright Scholars, 2003

FF - Grant Opportunities - Kauffman Collegiate Network, 2003

FF - Grant Opportunities - Lumina, 2003

FF - Grant Opportunities - National Science Foundation, 2003-2004

FF - Grant Opportunities - Searle Scholars Program, 2003

FF - Grant Opportunities - Missouri Partnership for Innovation, 2002

FF - HAMP [Heartland Alliance for Minority Participation] - Annual Report, 1997

FF - HAMP - Brochures Phase I, 1998

FF - HAMP - Memorandum of Understanding with Missouri Association for Blacks in Higher Education (MABHE), ca. 2003

FF - HAMP - Program Evaluation (by Stein), 1998

FF - Higher Education Reauthorization Act, 2003

FF - Iraqi US and Project, 2003

FF - Intercampus Faculty Council (IFC) - Correspondence, 2003

FF - IFC - Agenda/Minutes, 11/21/2003

FF - IFC - Agenda/Minutes, 10/29/2003

FF - IFC - Agenda/Minutes, 9/12/2003

FF - IFC - Retreat, 8/2003

FF - IFC - Agenda/Minutes, 5/28/2003

FF - IFC - Agenda/Minutes, 3/19/2003

FF - IFC - Agenda/Minutes, 2/28/2003

FF - IFC - Agenda/Minutes, 1/31/2003

FF - IFC - Workload Subcommittee, 2003

FF - Missouri Innovation Center, 2003

FF - Intercampus Student Council (ISC) - Correspondence, 2003

FF - K-16 - Correspondence, 2003

FF - K-16 Initiative - Educational Trust Publications, Winter 2003

FF - K-16 Initiative - Funding, 2002-2003

FF - K-16 - Grant Award Summary, 2002

FF - K-16 - AGE (Achievement Gap Elimination) - Report, 2002

FF - K-16 - Teacher and Administrative Supply and Demand, 2002-2003

FF - Last Chance for Animals, 2003

FF - Learning Alliance for Higher Education, 2003

FF - Legislative - Correspondence, 2003

Box 31 - 059888 [return to top]


FF - Legislative - Hearings, 2003

FF - Legislative Requests, 2002-2003

FF - Legislative - Senate Bill 648, 2003

FF - Legislative - Senate Bill 450 (Health Care), 2003

FF - Legislative - Show-Me Life Sciences Conference, 1/2003

FF - Library - Library Services and Technology Act Federal Grant Program, 2003

FF - Libraries - Patriot Act, 2003

FF - Life Sciences - Kansas City Area Life Sciences Institute, Inc., 2002-2003

FF - Life Sciences, 2003-2004

FF - Life Sciences - UMC Life Sciences Center, 2003

FF - Life Sciences - Research at UMR, 2003

FF - LS-MoAMP [Louis Stokes-Missouri Alliance for Minority Participation] - Annual Report and Brochure, 2003

FF - LS-MoAMP - Budget, 2003

FF - LS-MoAMP - Meetings with President Floyd, 2003

FF - LS-MoAMP - Program Evaluation/NSF Site Visit, 2003

FF - LS-MoAMP - Site Coordinators Meeting, 2003

FF - LS-MoAMP - Budget Documents, 2001-2002

FF - LS-MoAMP - How to Use WebAMP Data Reporting System, 2002

FF - LS-MoAMP Partnerships - MABHE [Missouri Association of Blacks in Higher Education] Activities and Friends, 2002

FF - Memorandum of Understanding - Los Alamos, 2003

FF - Measuring Up - Missouri Report Card, 2002

FF - Miscellaneous - Campus - Forwarded Material, 2003

FF - Missouri Legislative Academy, 2003

FF - Missouri Legislative Academy, 2002

FF - Missouri Scholars Academy, 2003

FF - Missouri Transportation Institute, 2003

FF - Planning - Academic Planning, 2002

FF - Planning - Strategic Planning Steering Committee, 2003

FF - Professorships - Curators', 2003

FF - Professorships - Distinguished Teaching Professor, 2003

FF - Public Policy and Higher Education, 2003

FF - Reports - Consulting Reports, 2003

FF - Research Alliance of Missouri, 2003

FF - Research Alliance of Missouri, 2003 (cont'd)

FF - Research - Funding, 2003

FF - Research - Lumina Foundation for Education, 2003

FF - Research - Correspondence, 2003

FF - Sexual Orientation, 2003

FF - Shaw Group, 2003

FF - SAP - Correspondence, 2003

FF - Software - SAP - Grants, 2002-2003

FF - Software Program - SAP Equipment, 2003

FF - Software - SAP - Proposal, 2003

FF - Student - ACT Assessment and Reporting, 2003

FF - Students - Advising, 2003

FF - Student - Alcohol Study (Binge Drinking), 2003

FF - Student - Assessment, 2003

FF - Students - ASUM, n.d.

Box 32 - 059889 [return to top]


FF - Students - Attendance - Missouri High School Grads 4-year colleges, 2001

FF - Student Bill of Rights, 2002

FF - Student Class Rank

FF - Student Core GPA, 2003

FF - Student Performance and Geographical Data, 2001

FF - Diversity - Race-Neutral Alternatives in Postsecondary Education, 2003

FF - Educational Data - Projected High School Graduation Rates

FF - Graduate Student Reviews and Statistics, 2002

FF - Graduate Student Survey, 2003

FF - Students - Hispanic Report, 2003

FF - International Student Enrollment, 2003

FF - Student Loan Obligations, 2003

FF - Student Military Obligation, 2003

FF - National Survey of Student Engagement, 2001-2002

FF - Student Need-based Aid

FF - Students - Parental Notification, 2003

FF - Students - Price Response in Higher Education

FF - Relative Earnings of College Graduates, 2003

FF - Students - Safety, Disaster Preparedness, Study Abroad, 2003

FF - Students Abroad - Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, SARS

FF - Students - Service Learning, 2003

FF - Students - Study Abroad, 2003

FF - Students - Suspension, Transfer Credit, Academic Dishonesty

FF - Trans World Airlines Scholarships, 2003

FF - Teaching and Learning - Economics 300 Course Syllabus, 1998

FF - Transfer Technology - Commercialization - Ward Hills

FF - Technology Transfer - Sugar Creek, MO

FF - Telecommunications - Nevada TeleCenter Executive Committee Meeting Agenda, 2002


FF - Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders Studies - Approval of Awards, 2003

FF - Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders - Research Program Call for Proposals, 2003-2004

FF - Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders Board Members, 2003

FF - UM Homeland Security Correspondence, 2003

FF - Battelle Report - Life Sciences & Missouri's Economic Future: An Opportunity to Build "One Missouri", 2003

FF - Office of Technology & Special Projects Brochure

FF - Office of Technology & Special Projects Copyright Policy

FF - Office of Technology & Special Projects Issuance & Disclosures, 2003

FF - Office of Technology & Special Projects - Missouri Soybean Merchandising Council, 2003

FF - Office of Technology & Special Projects - Prolog Company, 2002

FF - Office of Technology & Special Projects - Rolla, 2001

FF - Office of Technology & Special Projects - Site Visit, 2003

FF - Office of Technology & Special Projects - Request for Space in McReynolds Hall, 2003

FF - Office of Technology & Special Projects - Technology Transfer Showcase, 2003

FF - Spinal Cord Injury Research Program Advisory Board, 2003

FF - University of Missouri Research Board - Appointments, 2003

FF - University of Missouri Research Board Report, 2002

FF - University of Missouri Press - Budget, 2003

FF - University of Missouri Press - Correspondence, 2003

FF - University of Missouri Press - Davidson Trust Agreement, 2002

FF - University of Missouri Press - Development Board, 2003

FF - University of Missouri Press - Reviews, 2002

FF - WHMC Correspondence, 2003

FF - WHMC Personnel, 2003 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Missouri Southern University - Collaborative Graduate Programming

FF - North Central Missouri College - Articulation Agreement

FF - University Outreach & Extension - Small Business Development Centers

FF - Southwest Missouri State University

FF - Associated Students of the University of Missouri, 2003

FF - Concealed Carry Statute

FF - Incidental Expenditures

FF - UMR Privates Businesses, 2003

FF - Equity Funding, 2003

FF - Food and Drug Administration/Center for Veterinary Medicine - Center for Excellence, 2003

FF - HIPPA - Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act, 2003 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Resources & Planning Committee - Mission Statements

Box 33 - 059890 [return to top]


FF - University - UM - Missouri Innovation Center, 2003

FF - University - UM - Non-Discrimination Policy, 2003

FF - University - UM - Northwest Merger, 2003

FF - Northwest Missouri State University, 2003

FF - University - UM - Performance Leadership, 2003

FF - UM - Performance Program, 2003

FF - University - UM - Research Park/Incubator, 2003

FF - UM - Reporting Task Force, 2003-2004

FF - University - UM - Research Officers, 2003

FF - University - UM - State Higher Education Data Center, 2003

FF - University - UM - Student Affairs Organizational Charts, 2003

FF - University - UM - UM/UMC Consolidation, 2003

FF - University - UM - Technology Park at Fort Leonard Wood, 2003

FF - University - UM - UMAO [University of Missouri Academic Officers], 2003

FF - UM - UMAO, 2003-2004

FF - University - UM - Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, 2003

FF - University - UM - Bunn Report [on cuts to academic programs], ca. 1986

FF - University - UM - Space Utilization Study, 2002

FF - University - UM - Life Sciences Tobacco, 2001

FF - University - UM - Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, 2002

FF - University - UMC - Author Agreement, 2003

FF - University - UMC - Center for Emerging Technologies, 2003

FF - Units - UMC - College of Veterinary Medicine, 2003

FF - University - UMC - Danforth Plant Science Center, 2003

FF - University - UMC - Dean's Advisory Council, 2003

FF - University - UMC - Employee Assistance Program, 2003

FF - University - UMC - Harry S. Truman School of Public Affairs, 2003

FF - University - UMC - [Business] Incubator, n.d.

FF - University - UMC - Minority Graduate Education Program, 2000, 2002

FF - University - UMC - Mission Statement, 2003

FF - University - UMC - Panhellenic Association, 2003

FF - University - UMC - Publication Waiver, 2003

FF - University - UMC - RADIL, 2003-2004

FF - University - UMC - School of Social Work, 2003

FF - University - UMC - Strategic Plan, 2003

FF - University - UMC - Undergraduate Research Symposium, 7/2003

FF - University - UMC - Utz Village, 2003

FF - University - UMKC - Chancellor Emeritus, 2003

FF - University - UMKC - Library, 2003

FF - University - UMKC - Life Sciences Millennium Committee, 2003

FF - University - UMKC - Life Sciences Task Force, 2003

FF - University - UMKC - School of Dentistry, 2003

FF - University - UMKC - School of Law, 2003

FF - University - UMKC - Strategic Plan, 2003

Box 34 - 059891 [return to top]


FF - University - UMR - Bylaws, 2003

FF - University - UMKC - Convocation, 2003

FF - University - UMR - Correspondence, 2003

FF - University - UMR - Residency Policy, 2003

FF - University - UMR - Strategic Compensation, 2003

FF - University - UMSL - Advanced Credit Program, 2003

FF - University - UMSL - AFA-BFA Articulation Agreement [with St. Louis Community College], 2003

FF - University - UMSL - Chancellor, 2003

FF - University - UMSL - Correspondence, 2003

FF - University - UMSL - Summer Pay Policy, 2003

FF - University - UMSL - Residential Life Master Plan, 3/2003

FF - University - UMSL - Technopolis, 2003

FF - University - Department/Office - HR Transition Assistance Payments, 2003

FF - University - Department/Office - Legal - Sunshine Law, 2003

FF - University - Department/Office - President's Office, 2003

FF - UM Department/Office - State and Federal Relations, 2003

FF - UMVN [University of Missouri Video Network], Fall 2003

FF - UMVN, Winter 2003

FF - Video Network - Network Charges, 1998

FF - Video Network - Reliability, 1998

FF - Video Network - Recommendations, 2002

Box 35 - 073444 [return to top]


FF - Mission Enhancement - Accountability Measures

FF - Mission Enhancement - Faculty Internship Program, 1998

FF - Mission Enhancement - File 1 - Presentations and Goals, 1997

FF - Mission Enhancement - File 2 - Proposals and Requests, 1997

FF - Mission Enhancement - File 3 - Summaries, 5 Year Plan, MU, UMSL,UMR and UMKC Plans, 1997

FF - Mission Enhancement - File 4 - Presentation to Board of Curators, 1997

FF - Mission Enhancement - Senate Bill 340, 1997

FF - Mission Enhancement Brochure, 1998

FF - Mission Enhancement - Year Three Projected Baseline Funding FY2001, 1999

FF - Mission Enhancement - Year Three Appropriations Requests FY2001, 2000

FF - Mission Enhancement - Year Two Allocations FY2000, 1998-1999

FF - Mission Enhancement - Year Two Projected Baseline Funding FY2000, 1999

FF - Mission Enhancement - Educational Initiative and Water Quality - Impact on Year Two Budget

FF - Mission Enhancement - Year Two Funding Requests FY2000, 1999

FF - Mission Enhancement - Year One Allocations FY1999, 1999

FF - Mission Enhancement - Year One Projected Baseline Funding FY1999, 1998

FF - Mission Enhancement - Correspondence and FY1999 Expenditure of Funds and Outcomes Achieved Report

FF - Mission Enhancement - FY1999 Expenditures

FF - Mission Enhancement - Year 1, FY1999 Funding Requests

FF - Mission Enhancement - UMKC Life Sciences Institute, 1999

FF - Mission Enhancement - Outcome Measures, 1998

FF - Mission Enhancement - Presentation to Board of Curators, 1997 and Alumni Alliance, 1999

FF - Mission Enhancement - Budget FY2001-2002, 2000

FF - Mission Enhancement - FY2002 Funds Request, 2000

FF - Mission Enhancement - Planning Guidelines for FY2001-2002 Appropriations Requests, 2000

FF - Mission Enhancement - Libraries Request FY2002, 2000

Box 36 - 073445 [return to top]


FF - Mission Enhancement - Accountability Measures, 2001-2006

FF - Mission Enhancement Requests, FY 2003

FF - Mission Enhancement - Outcome Measures, 2001

FF - Mission Enhancement - Accountability Measures, 1998, 2002

FF - Mission Enhancement - Articulated Agreements, 1998-2001

FF - Mission Enhancement - Correspondence, 2002

FF - Mission Enhancement Data Group, 1997

FF - Mission Enhancement Request, FY 2004

FF - Mission Review, 2002

Box 37 - 127967 [return to top]


FF - Leadership Development Program, LDP) Follow-up Session - Decision Making & Meeting Management, July 29, 2002

FF - LDP Managing Change with Triangle Associates - Meeting Materials, July 12, 2002

FF - LDP Alumni Follow-up, April 22, 2002

FF - LDP Alumni Follow-up, Feb 1, 2002

FF - LDP Class Follow-up Sessions - Nomination Form, LDP Brochure, 2001

FF - Academic Leadership Institute General Consulting Agreement, 2001

FF - LDP Final Evaluation Report, 2001

FF - LDP Evaluation, 2001

FF - LDP Consultant Phone Call Follow-up Schedule, 2001

FF - LDP Conference Agenda and Materials, Oct 1-4, 2001

FF - LDP Follow-up Session - Negotiation, July 9, 2001

FF - LDP Alumni Follow-up Session with Lee Bolman, Mar 13, 2002

FF - LDP Nomination Forms - Invited to Participate, 2001

FF - LDP Nominees - Invitation Letters, 2001

FF - LDP - President Pacheco Appreciation Letters, 2002

FF - LDP Planning Book, 2001

FF - LDP Brochures and Nomination Information, 2001

FF - LDP Participant Contact Information, 2001 [RESTRICTED]

FF - LDP Evaluation and Executive Summary, 2001

FF - Academic Leadership Institute General Consulting Agreement, 2000

FF - LDP Evaluation and Executive Summary, 2000

FF - LDP Follow-up Sessions, Jan, April, July 2000

FF - LDP Nominations, 2000

FF - LDP Program, Sept, 2000

FF - LDP Congratulations Letters, 2000

FF - LDP Letters of Appreciation, 2000

Box 38 - 127968 [return to top]


FF - Academic Affairs Advisory Committee Meeting, June 9, 2000

FF - Leadership Development in Organizational Consulting, Steven Graham, Debra Robinson

FF - President's Academic Leadership Institute, PALI - Networking Services, 2000

FF - PALI Advisory Committee Meeting, Mar 9-10, 2000

FF - PALI Advisory Committee Meeting Materials, Mar 9-10, 2000

FF - PALI Advisory Committee Meeting, Sept 25, 2000

FF - PALI Advisory Committee Meeting Notes and Materials, Jan 11, 2001

FF - PALI Advisory Committee Meeting - Annual Summary, Nominations, Evaluation, June 20, 2001

FF - PALI Advisory Committee Meeting, Oct 30, 2001

FF - PALI Advisory Committee Information & Correspondence, 2000

FF - PALI Website

Box 39 - 055892 [return to top]


FF - Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Grant - Proposal Signature Routing Sheets, 2/2004

FF - Dr. Melvin Bernstein, Department of Homeland Security, 9/15/2003

FF - Ameren Demonstration, 8/11/2004

FF - Cybersecurity Subcommittee Meeting, 3/8/2004

FF - AG-T Proposal Statistics, 2004

FF - FAPRI [Food and Agriculture Policy Research Institute] US Baseline Briefing Book, 3/2004

FF - DHS Grant - Reviewer Critique, 2004

FF - Kansas State University - Postharvest Food Protection and Defense, 2003-2004

FF - Proposal, Midwest Alliance Homeland Security Center for Foreign Animal and Zoonotic Disease Defense, 2/2004

FF - Cerner Corporation - Memorandum of Understanding and Non-Disclosure Agreement, 2004

FF - LANL [Los Alamos National Laboratory] - Memorandum of Understanding, 2003

FF - DHS Grant - Site Visit - Questions Asked During Visit, 2004

FF - DHS - Site Visit - Conference Center and Lodging Reservations, 2004

FF - DHS - Site Visit - Agenda, 2004

FF - DHS Grant - Site Visit - Participant Handout, 2004

FF - DHS Grant - Site Visit - Reviewer Notebook, 2004

FF - DHS Grant - University of Missouri-Rolla, 2004

FF - DHS Grant - University of Texas Medical Branch, 2004

FF - DHS Grant - Washington University St. Louis, 2004

FF - DHS Grant - University of Nebraska, 2004

FF - DHS Grant - Iowa State University, 2004

FF - DHS Grant - BSL Information, 2004

FF - DHS Grant - Broad Agency Announcement (BAA), 2004

FF - DHS Grant - Budget, 2004

FF - DHS Grant - Communication, 2004

FF - DHS Grant - Confidential Disclosure Agreement, 2004

FF - DHS Grant - DHS Correspondence, 2004

FF - DHS Grant - Detection and Surveillance, 2004

FF - DHS Grant - FAPRI, 2004

FF - DHS Grant - KSU Exercises and Training, 2004

FF - DHS Grant - KSU Carcass Disposal, 2004

FF - DHS Grant - LANL RRES [Risk Reduction and Environmental Stewardship], 2004

FF - DHS Grant - MRI [Midwest Research Institute] Program Management, 2004

FF - DHS Grant - Letters of Support, 2004

FF - DHS Grant - References, 2004

FF - DHS Grant - Vaccine Development, 2004

FF - DHS Grant - Cerner Corporation, 2004

FF - DHS Grant - Donald Danforth Plant Science Center, 2004

FF - DHS Grant - Kansas State University, 2004

FF - DHS Grant - MRI, 2004

FF - DHS Grant - Mississippi State, 2004

FF - Homeland Security Related White Papers, 2003

FF - Website Contract, 2004

FF - -Agroterrorism: The Threat to America-s Breadbasket-, 2003-2004

FF - Homeland Security (HS) Task Force - Weekly Updates, 2003-2005

FF - HS Task Force - Initial Planning Notes, 2003

FF - HS Task Force - Meeting, 3/13/2003

FF - HS Task Force - Meeting, 5/27/2003

FF - HS Task Force - Meeting, 6/25/2003

FF - HS Task Force - Meeting, 5/13/2003

FF - HS Task Force - Meeting, 5/27/2003

FF - HS Task Force - Meeting, 8/14/2003

FF - HS Task Force - Meeting, 10/9/2003

FF - HS Task force - Meeting, 3/11/2004

FF - Missouri Summit on Agroterrorism, 12/5/2003

FF - Homeland Security Annual Report, 2004

FF - Homeland Security Site Visit, 2004

Box 40 - 073439 [return to top]


FF - Departmental Academic Audits, 2002-2003

FF - Assessment - General Education, 1999

FF - Assessment - Miscellaneous, 1999

FF - Assessment - Storage and Maintenance of Outcomes, 1999

FF - Awards - Curators Award for Scholarly Excellence, 2000

FF - Awards - Employee Service, 2000

FF - Benchmarking - KPMC Consulting, 2000

FF - Board of Curators - Members - Thomas E. Atkins, 2001

FF - Board of Curators - Members - Theodore C. Beckett, 1995-2001

FF - Board of Curators - Members - Angela Bennett, 2003

FF - Board of Curators - Members - Paul T. Combs, 1995-1998

FF - Board of Curators - Members - Malaika B. Horne, 1994-2001

FF - Board of Curators - Members - Mary L. James, 1999-2004

FF - Board of Curators - Members - John A. Mathes, 1997-2003

FF - Board of Curators - Members - M. Sean McGinnis, 1999-2001

FF - Board of Curators - Members - Anne C. Ream, 2001-2005

FF - Board of Curators - Members - Connie Hager Silverstein, 1999

FF - Board of Curators - Members - Paul W. Steele, 1997-2001

FF - Board of Curators - Members - Hugh E. Stephenson, Jr., 1996

FF - Board of Curators - Orientation, 5/29/1997

FF - Board of Curators - Orientation, 1/2003

FF - Charter Schools, 1998

FF - Committees - Health Care Task Force (empty folder)

FF - Committees - Student Fee Task Force, 2003

FF - Committees - UM System Task Force on Health Disparities, 2004

FF - Degrees, 2003

FF - DHE [Missouri Department of Higher Education] - State Chief Academic Officers, 8/23-28/2003

FF - Ethics Law - Designated Decision Makers, 2003

FF - Faculty - Code of Conduct, 2003

FF - Faculty - Contract and Payment, 2003

FF - HAMP [Heartland Alliance for Minority Participation] - Annual Report, 2000

FF - HAMP - Phase 1 Agreement and Budget, 1995-1999

FF - HAMP - Research Symposium and Campus Activities, 2001

FF - HAMP - Site Coordinators Meeting, 2001

FF - DESE [Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education - Missouri Teacher Preparation Institution Profiles, 7/1999

FF - LS-MoAMP [Louise Stokes-Missouri Alliance for Minority Participation] - Annual Report, 2003

FF - Students - FERPA, 2002

FF - Students - Financial Aid, 2003

FF - Students - Dual-Credit - Correspondence, 2003

FF - Units - Alzheimer-s Advisory Board, 2003

FF - UM System - Faculty Recruitment and Retention Project, 2001

FF - UM System - Strategic Plans, 1/2003

Box 41 - 073440 [return to top]


FF - Fiscal Notes, 2002

FF - Fiscal Notes, 2003

FF - Fiscal Notes, 2003 (cont-d)

FF - Fiscal Notes, 2004

Box 42 - 073441 [return to top]


FF - Academic Audit, 2004

FF - Academic Calendar (Common), 2005-2006

FF - Administrative - Administrative Leadership Development Program [ADLP] - Correspondence, 2004

FF - ADLP, 2004

FF - Administrative System Project - Academic Job Titles, n.d.

FF - Admissions - Enrollment Management, 2004

FF - Admissions - Capacity Model, 2004

FF - Admissions - Enrollment, Success and Exceptions Report, 2003-2004

FF - Associations/Consortiums - AAHE (American Association for Higher Education), 2004

FF - Associations/Consortiums - ACE [American Council on Education], 2004

FF - Associations/Consortiums - ASUM (Associated Students of the University of Missouri], 2004

FF - Associations/Consortiums - College Parents of America, 2004

FF - Associations/Consortiums - COPHE, 2004

FF - Associations/Consortiums - COPHE/MCCA Steering Committee, 2004

FF - Associations/Consortiums - Education Alliance, 2004

FF - Associations/Consortiums - The Learning Alliance - Agreement, 2004

FF - Associations/Consortiums - MABHE [Missouri Association for Blacks in Higher Education], 2004

FF - Associations/Consortiums - MAC [Missouri Assessment Consortium], 2004

FF - Associations/Consortiums - MHEC [Midwestern Higher Education Compact], 2004-2005

FF - Associations/Consortiums - MOBio [Missouri Biotechnology Association], 2004

FF - Associations/Consortiums - MOHELA, 2004

FF - Associations/Consortiums - MTC [Missouri Technology Corporation], 2004-2005

FF - Associations/Consortiums - NASULGC, 2004

FF - Associations/Consortiums - NMEC [Northwest Missouri Educational Consortium], 2004

FF - Associations/Consortiums - RAM [Research Alliance of Missouri], 2004

FF - Associations/Consortiums - Bioinformatics (UMBC - University of Missouri Bioinformatics Consortium), 2004

FF - Awards - CASE [Curators- Award for Scholarly Excellence], 2004

FF - Awards - Employee Service, 2004

FF - Awards - FEYA [Faculty Entrepreneur of the Year Award], 2004-2005

FF - Awards - Pacheco Academic Leadership Award, 2004

FF - Awards - President-s Award for Outstanding Teaching, 2004-2005

FF - Awards - President-s Award for Research and Creativity, 2004-2005

FF - Awards - Student Entrepreneur of the Year, 2004

FF - Awards - Tax Treatment, 2004

FF - Awards - Thomas Jefferson Award, 2004-2005

FF - Benefits, 2004

FF - Benefits - Education Fee Reduction, 2004

FF - Board of Curators - Academic Affairs Work Plan, 2004

FF - Board of Curators - Agendas/Minutes, 2004-2005

FF - Board of Curators - Correspondence, 2004

FF - Budget - Appropriations Request for Capital Items, 2006

FF - Budget - Appropriations Request for Operations, 2006

FF - Budget - Financial Report, 2004

FF - Budget - Financial Status Report, FY2004

FF - Budget - Actuarial Valuation, 2004

FF - Budget - Appropriations Request for Operations (Preliminary Review), 2006

FF - Budget - Capital Projects, 2004-2006

FF - Budget - External Funding, 2004

FF - Budget - Financial Statements (UM System and University of Missouri Health System), FY2003 and FY2004

FF - Budget, FY2003

FF - Budget - Operating Budget, FY2004-2005

FF - Budget - Physical Facilities Quarterly Reports, 2004

FF - Budget - Quarterly Performance and Projection Reports, 2004

FF - Budget - Retirement Trust Actuarial Report, 5/2004

Box 43 - 073442 [return to top]


FF - Campus Mediation Service, n.d.

FF - Charter School, 2004

FF - CBHE [Coordinating Board for Higher Education] - CAO [Chief Academic Officers], 2003

FF - Collected Rules and Regulations, 2004

FF - Collected Rules and Regulations - 310.080 (Faculty Workload), 2004

FF - Committees - Battelle Steering Committee, n.d.

FF - Committees - COFHE [Commission on the Future of Higher Education], 2004

FF - Committees - COFHE, 2004 (cont-d)

FF - Committees - COFHE, 2004 (cont-d)

FF - Committees - Early Childhood Education Program Committee, 2004

FF - Committees - Education Fee Review, 2004

FF - Committees - Effort Reporting, 2004

FF - Committees - Faculty Committee on Tenure, 2004

FF - Committees - FAS [Faculty Accomplishment System] Users Group, 2004

FF - Committees - Grant Incentive, 2003

FF - Committees - Incentive Program Review, 2004

FF - Committees - Information Technology Steering Committee, 2004

FF - Committees - Reporting Strategies Task Force, 2004

FF - Committees - Task Force on Health Disparities, 2004

FF - Committees - Tuition and Fee Task Force, 2004

FF - Committees - CBHE - COTA (Committee on Transfer and Articulation), 2003-2004

FF - Committees - Units - University Press, 2003-2004

FF - Committees - Units - Patent Committee, 2004

FF - Comprehensive Program Review, 2004

FF - Conferences - American Campus and Alcohol Regional Conference, 10/2004

FF - Conferences - Governor-s Conference on Higher Education, 12/2004

FF - Conferences - Missouri Association of Realtors, 8/2004

FF - Conferences - NFSCAO (National Forum of System Chief Academic Officers), 5/2004

FF - Conferences - Summit on Life Sciences, 7/2004

FF - Conferences - Undergraduate Research Conference, 4/2004

FF - Cooperation Institute Development (CID) - Nursing, 2004

FF - Degrees, 2004

FF - DHE [Missouri Department of Higher Education] - CAO [Chief Academic Officers], 2004

FF - DHE - Campus-Based Reviews, 2004

FF - DHE - Collegiate Learning Assessment, 2004

FF - DHE - Commissioner of Higher Education Position and Focus Groups, 2004

FF - DHE - Commissioner Search, 2004

FF - DHE - Correspondence, 2004

FF - DHE - Institutional Performance Review, 2004

FF - DHE - Lumina Study, 2004

FF - DHE - UM Performance Review and Planning Sessions, 2004

FF - Diploma, 2004

FF - Economic Development, 2004

FF - Education Alliance, 2004

FF - Ethics Law - Decision Makers, 2004

FF - Ethics Law - Monthly Report, 2004-2005

FF - Executive Guideline 25 (Program Assessment and Viability Audit), 2004

FF - Executive Order, 2004

FF - Faculty - Nine- and Twelve-Month Appointments, 2004

FF - Faculty - Compensation Policy, 2004

FF - Faculty - ELP [English Language Proficiency], 2004

FF - Faculty - Tenure Probationary Extension Request, 2004

FF - Faculty - Faculty Accomplishment System (FAS), 2004

FF - Faculty - Non-Regular, 2004

FF - Faculty - Post-Doctoral Titles, 2004

FF - Faculty - Workload Policy, 2004

FF - Faculty - Review and Performance, 2004

FF - Faculty - Termination, 2002-2004

FF - Faculty - Departing Faculty Study - Correspondence, 2001-2003

FF - Faculty - Departing Faculty Study - Interviews, 2003

FF - Faculty - Departing Faculty Study - IRB [Institutional Review Board], 2003

FF - Faculty - Departing Faculty Study - Literature and Articles, 2001-2004

FF - Faculty - Departing Faculty Study - Renewal Trends and Projections, 2001-2003

FF - Faculty - Departing Faculty Study - Report, 2004

FF - Faculty - Language Proficiency - Biennial Report, 2004

FF - Faculty - Language Proficiency - Report, 2004

FF - Faculty - NFTS [New Faculty Teaching Scholars Program] - contracts, 2002-2004

FF - Faculty - NFTS - Evaluation Reports, 2001-2003

Videotape - -Campus Conversations: Peter Seldin and Wilbert McKeachie-, 10/26/2001 (2 copies)

FF - Faculty - NFTS, 2004

FF - Faculty - NFTS, 2004-2005

FF - Faculty - NFTS - Evaluation, 2004

FF - Faculty - Post-Tenure Review, 2003

FF - Fort Leonard Wood Institute, 2004

FF - Fort Leonard Wood - Board of Directors, 2004

Box 44 - 073443 [return to top]


FF - General Officers, 2004

FF - Grant Opportunity - Copyright, 2003-2004

FF - Grant Opportunities - Fulbright Scholar Program, 2004

FF - Grant Opportunities - Kauffman Foundation, 2004

FF - Grant Opportunity - Keck Foundation, 2004

FF - Grant Opportunities - Lumina, 2003

FF - Grant Opportunity - MDOC [Missouri Department of Corrections], 2003-2004

FF - Grant Opportunities - Missouri Campus Compact, 2004

FF - Grant Opportunities - NSF [National Science Foundation], 2003-2004

FF - Grant Opportunities - NSF - I-Cube (Innovation Information Infrastructure], 2004

FF - Grant Opportunity - Searle Scholars, 2004

FF - Idaho National Lab, 2004

FF - IFC [Intercampus Faculty Council] - Agenda/Minutes, 12/8/2004

FF - IFC - Agenda/Minutes, 11/10/2004

FF - IFC - Agenda/Minutes, 10/6/2004

FF - IFC - Agenda/Minutes, 9/8/2004

FF - IFC - Agenda/Minutes - Retreat, 8/9-10/2004

FF - IFC - Agenda/Minutes, 4/14/2004

FF - IFC - Agenda/Minutes, 2/18/2004

FF - IFC - Agenda/Minutes, 1/21/2004

FF - Innovation Center, 2003

FF - Innovation Centers - CET (Center for Emerging Technologies), 2002-2004

FF - Innovation Centers - Joplin, 2002-2003

FF - Innovation Centers - Missouri Innovation Center MBDP [Missouri Business Development Program], 2004

FF - Innovation Centers - Missouri Small Business Development Center, n.d.

FF - Innovation Centers - Partners in Innovation, n.d.

FF - Innovation Centers - MoFAST, n.d.

FF - Innovation Centers - Prolog, 2004

FF - ISC [Intercampus Student Council] - Correspondence, 2004

FF - K-16 - Resources, 2004-2005

FF - Legislative - HB 1242, 2004

FF - Legislative - Hearing, 2003-2004

FF - Legislative - Jobs Now, 2004

FF - Legislative - Legislative Agendas and Strategies, 2004

FF - Legislative - Stem Cells, 2004

FF - Library - Library Directors, 2003-2004

FF - Life Sciences - Correspondence, 2004

FF - Life Sciences - Cloning, 2003

FF - Life Sciences - Endowed Chairs, 2004

FF - Life Sciences - Kauffman Foundation, 2003-2004

FF - Life Sciences - Legislative, 2004

FF - Life Sciences - Research Board, 2004

FF - Life Sciences - Stem Cell Research, 2004

FF - LS-MoAMP [Louis Stokes Missouri Alliance for Minority Participation] - Board of Governors Meeting, 10/13/2004

FF - LS-MoAMP - Budget Documents, 2004

FF - LS-MoAMP - Correspondence, 2004

FF - LS-MoAMP - Governor-s Award, 2004

FF - LS-MoAMP - Meetings and Correspondence w/Lehmkuhle, 2004

FF - LS-MoAMP - Phase 2 Cooperative Agreement, 2001

FF - LS-MoAMP - Phase 2 Data Files, 2004

FF - LS-MoAMP - Phase III, 2004

Box 45 - 073446 [return to top]


FF - -Measuring Up: The National Report Card on Higher Education-, 2004

FF - Miscellaneous - Forward to Campus, 2004

FF - Missouri Legislative Academy, 2004

FF - Missouri Scholars Academy - Teacher Appreciation Banquet, 2004

FF - PeopleSoft, 2004

FF - Planning - Academic Affairs Priorities, n.d.

FF - Planning - Financial Planning Assumptions, 2004

FF - Planning - Health Care Strategic Plan, 2004

FF - Planning - Strategic Initiatives, 2004

FF - Planning - Strategic Initiatives - UMC, 9/2004 [contains CD-ROMs]

FF - Planning - Strategic Initiatives - UMKC, 2004

FF - Planning - Strategic Initiatives - UMR, 2004

FF - Planning - Strategic Initiatives - UMSL, 2004

FF - Planning - Strategic Plan Working Documents Website, n.d.

FF - Professorships - Curators- Professorship, 2004

FF - Professorships - DTP [Distinguished Teaching Professor], 2004

FF - Professorships - Thomas P. Weil Distinguished Professor, 2003

FF - Property [includes former Whiteman Air Force Base launch sites], 2004

FF - Reports - Measuring Up, 2004

FF - Reports - Consulting, 2004

FF - Research Board - Appointment, 2004

FF - Research - Funding, 2003

FF - Research - IRB [Institutional Review Board], 2004

FF - Students - Class and Section Sizes, 2004

FF - Students - Fees, 2004

FF - Students - Financial Aid, 2004

FF - Students - FLSA (Fair Labor Standards Act), 2004

FF - Students - Honor Codes, 2004

FF - Students - GI Bill, 2004

FF - Students - GoalQuest, 2004

FF - Students - International, 2004

FF - Students - Parental Notification, 2004

FF - Students - Partners in Prevention, 2004

FF - Students - Progression Rate Indicator, 2004

FF - Students - Residence Halls, 2004

FF - Students - Students and Stress, 2003

FF - Students - Transfer, 2004

FF - Students - Tuition for Undocumented Students, 2004

FF - Students - Undergraduate Research Day, 4/5/2005

FF - Students - Vaccination Requirement, 2004

FF - Students - Dual Credit - Correspondence, 1997-2004

FF - Students - Scholarships - TWA, 2004

FF - Technology Transfer, 2004

FF - Technology Transfer/Commercialization - Coeur Group, 2003-2004

FF - Technology Transfer - Pangloss Analytics Inc. (Ward Hills), 2004

FF - Technology Transfer - Shaw Group, ca. 2003

FF - Technology Transfer - Sugar Creek, 2004

FF - Telecommunications - TCRC [Telecommunications Community Resource Center], 2004

FF - Transfer and Articulation, 2004

Box 46 - 073447 [return to top]


FF - University Hall Disaster Recovery Plan, 2004

FF - Units - eMINTS [enhancing Missouri Instructional Networked Teaching Strategies], 2004

FF - Units - WHMC, 2004

FF - Units - ADRD [Alzheimer-s Disease and Related Disorders] Advisory Board - Approval of Awards, 2004

FF - Units - ADRD Advisory Board, 2004

FF - Units - ADRD Advisory Board - Correspondence, 2004

FF - Units - Cooperation Initiatives - Correspondence, 2004

FF - Units - Homeland Security - Cerner Corporation, 2004

FF - Units - Homeland Security - Correspondence, 2004

FF - Units - Homeland Security - Grant Proposal, 2004

FF - Units - Homeland Security - Midwest Institution for Biodefense Research, n.d.

FF - Units - Homeland Security - Site Visit, 2004

FF - Units - Homeland Security - Updates, 2004

FF - Units - Homeland Security - Web Page, 2004

FF - Units - Intercampus Projects - Updates, 2004

FF - Units - Patent - Correspondence, 2004

FF - Units - Patent - Issuance/Disclosures, 2004

FF - Units - OTSP [Office of Technology and special Projects] - AAAS [American Association for the Advancement of Science] Site Review, 10/2003

FF - Units - OTSP - Audit, 5/2004

FF - Units - OTSP - Biomed Valley, 2004

FF - Units - OTSP - Budget, 2004, 2006

FF - Units - OTSP - Correspondence, 2004

FF - Units - OTSP - Foundation, 2004

FF - Units - OTSP - Idaho National Lab, 2004

FF - Units - OTSP - Issuance/Disclosure, 2003-2004

FF - Units - OTSP - Patent Donation Agreement, 2004

FF - Units - OTSP - Publication Restriction, 2004

FF - Units - OTSP - Santarus, 2004

FF - Units - OTSP - Shaw Group, 2004

FF - Units - OTSP - Statistics, 2004

FF - Units - OTSP - Tax Implications, 2004

FF - Units - OTSP - Technology Transfer Showcase, 2004

FF - Units - Research Board - Correspondence, 2004

FF - Units - Research Board - Retreat, 9/2004

FF - Units - SAP - Correspondence, 2004

FF - Units - SAP - Proposal, 2004

FF - Units - SCI [Spinal Cord Injuries Research Program] - Advisory Board, 2004

FF - Units - SCI - Correspondence, 2004

FF - Units - SCI - Proposal, 2004

FF - Units - University Press - Budget, 2004

FF - Units - University Press - Correspondence, 2003-2004

FF - Units - University Press - Development Board, 2004

FF - Units - WHMC - Executive Director, 2004

FF - University - Arizona State University, 2004

FF - University - Hickey College, 2004

FF - University - Southwest Missouri State University, 2004-2005

FF - University - Southwest Missouri State University - Name Change, 2004

FF - University - Saudi Arabia/Iraq, 2004

FF - UM System - ALDP (Administrative Learning Development Program), 2004

FF - UM System - Decision Support Project, 2004-2005

FF - UM System - Executive Performance Program, 2004

FF - UM System - Funding Equity, 2003-2004

FF - UM System - Graduate Deans, 2004

FF - UM System - HIPAA [Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act], 2003

FF - UM System - Information Repository - Correspondence, 2004

FF - UM System - Northwest Missouri State University - Memorandum of Understanding, 6/2003

FF - UM System - Network Infrastructure Security Audit, n.d.

FF - UM System - Program Audit, 2004

FF - UM System - Provost Orientation, 2004

FF - UM System - Research Officers, 2004

FF - UM System - Resource Allocation, 2004

FF - UM System - South Africa Education Program, 2004

Box 47 - 073448 [return to top]


FF - UM System - Strategic Plan, 2004

FF - UM System - Technology Park at Fort Leonard Wood, 2004

FF - UM System - UMAO [University of Missouri Academic Officers], 2004

FF - UM System - Virtual/Telecampus Initiative, 2004

FF - UMC - College of Veterinary Medicine, 2004

FF - UMC - Correspondence, 2003-2004

FF - UMC - Danforth Plant Science Center, 2003-2004

FF - UMC - Grievance Procedure, 2000-2005

FF - UMC - Grievance Review Task Force - Final Report, 2004

FF - UMC - Incubator, 2004

FF - UMC - Information Literacy Program, n.d.

FF - UMC - Institute of Public Policy, 2003-2004

FF - UMC - MURR (Research Reactor) - Annual Report, 2003

FF - UMC - NCA [North Central Association] Site Visit, 11/2004

FF - UMC - NCA Site Visit - Self-Study, 11/2004

FF - UMC - RADIL [Research Animal Diagnostic Laboratory], 2004

FF - UMC - Strategic Planning, 2004

FF - UMKC - Affirmative Action Plan, 2004

FF - UMKC - Bio Med Discoveries, 2004

FF - UMKC - Carnegie Classification, 2004

FF - UMKC - Compensation Plan, 2004

FF - UMKC - Correspondence, 2003-2004

FF - UMKC - Nepotism, 2004

FF - UMKC - Orthodontic Education Company, 2004

FF - UMKC - Restructuring, 2004-2005

FF - UMKC - School of Dentistry, 2004

FF - UMKC - School of Law, 2004

FF - UMKC - School of Medicine, 2004

FF - UMKC - School of Pharmacy, 2004

FF - UMKC - Shock/Trauma Research Center, 2004

FF - UMKC - Strategic Plan, 2004-2005

FF - UMKC - Theatre Program, 2004

FF - UMKC - Search for Vice Chancellor for Research, n.d.

FF - UMR - Chancellor, 2004

FF - UMR - Charter School - Confluence Academy, 2004

FF - UMR - Correspondence, 2003

FF - UMR - Delta Higher Education Association, 2004

FF - UMR - Honorary Degree, 2004

FF - UMR - International - Ceylinco, 2004

FF - UMR - MTI [Missouri Transportation Institute], 2004

FF - UMR - Strategic Plan, 2004

FF - UMR - Technology Transfer, 2004

FF - UMSL - By-Laws, 2004

FF - UMSL - Center for Emerging Technologies, 2004

FF - UMSL - Correspondence, 2003-2004

FF - UMSL - GUST (Gulf University for Science and Technology), 2004

FF - UMSL - Korean Academy of Science and Technology, 2004-2005

FF - UMSL - Mascot, 2004

FF - UMSL - Redevelopment Plans [for 7840 Natural Bridge Site], n.d.

FF - UMSL - Strategic Plan, 2004

FF - University Departments/Offices - Human Resources, 2004

FF - University Departments/Offices - Information Systems, 2004

FF - University Departments/Offices - President, 2004

Box 48 - 131688 [return to top]


FF - Urban & Metropolitan Studies - Program Proposal UMSL, 1999

FF - Occupational Therapy - Program Proposal UMKC, 1998

FF - History PhD - Program Proposal UMSL, 1996-1997

FF - Masters/Certification Middle and Secondary Mathematics Teachers, 1999

FF - Engineering- Management of Technology - Program Proposal, UMR, 1998

FF - Master of Health Sciences and Master of Physical Therapy - Correspondence, UMC, UMR, 1997

FF - Bachelor Environmental Engineering & Environmental Science - Program Proposal, UMR, 1997

FF - Bachelor Environmental Engineering & Environmental Science - Faculty Curriculum Vitae and Program Proposal, UMR, 1997

FF - PhD Environmental Engineering & Environmental Science - Program Proposal and Faculty Curriculum Vitae, UMR, 1997

FF - UMC/UMSL Proposed Co-op in Economics - Correspondence, 1997

FF - Bachelor Biomedical Sciences - College of Veterinary Medicine - Correspondence, 1996

FF - Off-Site Delivery of MED in Special Education, 2001

FF - Off-Site Delivery of MED in Information Science and Learning Technologies, 2001

FF - Off-Site Delivery of MED in Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis, 2001

FF - Off-Site Delivery of MED in Practical Arts and Vocational-Technical Education, 2001

FF - Program Change Forms, UMSL, 2000

FF - Off-Site Delivery of MED - Lincoln University, 2001

FF - Community Education and Educational Studies Programs, UMSL, 2002

FF - Off-Site Delivery of Masters in Manufacturing Engineering, UMR/UMSL, 2002

Return to UW:4/51/22 summary

Restrictions Note: The Archives of the University of Missouri-Columbia is required by law and Board of Curator's policy to restrict access to some files and information. Student records are held as confidential under the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and by University policy. Faculty promotion and tenure records and Academic Personnel files are restricted for 75 years, or the lifetime of the individual. All grievance, disciplinary, and medical records are treated as confidential files. Consultations with legal counsel, both in-house and external, are protected by the attorney/client privilege and will not be released.

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Compiled: June 2006
Revised: 25 March 2011

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