Record Group UW 4, Sub-Group: 51, Series 23; Box Locations MU stacked logo in yellow and black -- links to main university of missouri at columbia web site MU Libraries -- links to home page of the University Libraries of the University of Missouri at Columbia University Archives -- links to home page of the University Archives of the University of Missouri at Columbia MU stacked logo in yellow and black -- links to main university of missouri at columbia web site University Archives -- links to home page of the University Archives of the University of Missouri at Columbia University of Missouri -- links to home page of the University of Missouri at Columbia spacerHeader graphic


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Record Group UW 4, Sub-Group: 51, Series 23
Box Locations


50 c.f. at the UM Records Center:


Box 1 - 040075 - MRAA Award Files (M-W); Grant Proposals, 1993
Box 2 - 040077 - MRAA Award Files (A-M); Grant Proposals, 1993
Box 3 - 068397 - Promotion and Tenure Records, 1993
Box 4 - 071328 - Radiation Safety, 1993
Box 5 - 071328 - Radiation Safety and MURR (Research Reactor), 1993
Box 6 - 071335 - Advisory Committee on the 21st Century (2020), 1993
Box 7 - 071685 - Admissions, 1993
Box 8 - 071686 - Admissions, 1993
Box 9 - 071688 - Assessment, 1993
Box 10 - 104083 - Alphabetical Subject files; A - Compensation Management, 1993
Box 11 - 104084 - Alphabetical Subject files; Computing Services - Extension, 1993
Box 12 - 104085 - Alphabetical Subject files; F - Grievances, 1993
Box 13 - 104086 - Alphabetical Subject files; H - Medical, 1993
Box 14 - 104087 - Alphabetical Subject files; Medical - Faculty CMTE on Tenure, 1993
Box 15 - 104088 - Alphabetical Subject files; Resources D Planning CMTE - Z, 1993
Box 16 - 104089 - Alphabetical Subject files; Admissions, COPHE, Distance Education, 1993
Box 17 - 104090 - A-Z Campus Files (UMC), 1992-1993
Box 18 - 104091 - Coordinating Board for Higher Education (CBHE) records; task force on Critical Choices for Higher Education, 1992-1993
Box 19 - 104092 - Associations with other Universities, 1992-1993
Box 20 - 014093 - Extension, 1993
Box 21 - 104094 - Patents and other Departments; "GO"; Staff Advisory Council, 1993
Box 22 - 104095 - Units such as Press, WHM; IFC, 1993
Box 23 - 104096 - Campus files; 1992-1993


Box 24 - 040082 - Research Safety and UM Archives Office files; 1994
Box 25 - 071336 - Advisory Committee on the 21st Century (2020), 1994
Box 26 - 106062 - Alphabetical Subject files; Academic Appointments - Associations, 1994
Box 27 - 106063 - Alphabetical Subject files; Association (National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges (NASULGC) - Land Grant Committee, 1994
Box 28 - 106064 - Alphabetical Subject files; Committee - Distance Learning, 1994
Box 29 - 106065 - Alphabetical Subject files; Diversity - Funding Balance, 1994
Box 30 - 106066 - Alphabetical Subject files; FFR - K, 1994
Box 31 - 106067 - Alphabetical Subject files; L - Planning, 1994
Box 32 - 106068 - Alphabetical Subject files; Planning - R, 1994
Box 33 - 106069 - Alphabetical Subject files; S - Telecommunications
Box 34 - 106070 - Alphabetical Subject files; Telecommunications - Units, 1994
Box 35 - 106071 - Alphabetical Subject files; Units - Videos, 1994
Box 36 - 106072 - Past Curators & Medical Review Panel, 1994


Box 37 - 070246 - Alphabetical Subject files; Academic Cal - Associations (NASLUGC), 1995
Box 38 - 070247 - Alphabetical Subject files; Associations (UCAR) to CBHE Correspondence, 1995
Box 39 - 070248 - Alphabetical Subject files; CBI - Cooperative/Collaborative Programs, 1995
Box 40 - 070249 - Alphabetical Subject files; CORD/AIT - Faculty: Emeritus Titles, 1995
Box 41 - 707511 - Alphabetical Subject files; Faculty - Hamp, 1995
Box 42 - 070609 - Alphabetical Subject files; Honorary Degrees - Library, 1995
Box 43 - 070610 - Alphabetical Subject files; Mail - Reports, Leaves of Absence, 1995
Box 44 - 070611 - Alphabetical Subject files; Research - Technology, Mark Price Report, 1995
Box 45 - 070612 - Alphabetical Subject files; Telecommunications, Computer Science Telecommunications (CST) - Units, Western Historical Manuscript Collection (WHMC)
Box 46 - 070613 - Alphabetical Subject files; University Cooperative Programs, Nursing - University Club, Audit, 1995
Box 47 - 071338 - Advisory Review Panel Assessment of Library Space Needs, 1995
Box 48 - 071689 - Telecommunications, 1995
Box 49 - 071690 - Telecommunications, 1995
Box 50 - 072652 - Resident Centers in St. Charles and Jefferson County, 1995

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Published by: University Archives
Compiled by Carl Lingle: November 1999
Revised: 15 November 2001

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