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Box Lists for UW:4/51/24Note to Researcher: These records have not been processed to the level of an inventory and may therefore contain RESTRICTED material not specifically annotated as such and access may be limited in that regard. Please see the RESTRICTIONS NOTE at the end of the box list(s). Box 1 - 012224 [return to top][A15-34] FF - UMC/UMKC/UMSL - Library Science, 1996-2001 FF - UMKC - Bachelor of Arts, Tourism and Hospitality Studies, 2002-2003 FF - UMR - Master's in Architecture, 2003 FF - UMR - BS in Elementary Education, 2003 FF - UMSL - PhD in Metropolitan and Regional Studies, 2002-2004 FF - UMSL - PhD in Counseling Psychology, 1998-2005 FF - UMR - Business Administration, 2000-2003 FF - UMSL - EdS in Marriage, Couple and Family Counseling/Therapy, 2003 FF - UMSL - Archaeology Certificate, 2003-2004 FF - UMR - Elementary Education, 2005-2006 Box 2 - 055891 [return to top][A15-34] FF - Endowed Chairs, 2000-2001 FF - Endowed Chairs, 2001-2002 FF - Endowed Chairs, 2002-2003 Box 3 - 058296 [return to top][A15-34] FF - Performance Indicators, 2006 FF - Accountability, 2007 FF - Assessment - National Survey of Student Engagement, 2005-2006 FF - Associations/Consortiums - Association of American Colleges and Universities, 2007 FF - Associations/Consortiums - AAUP, ca. 2006 FF - Associations/Consortiums - COPHE - Formula Working Group, 2007 FF - Associations/Consortiums - COPHE - Governor's Award for Scholarly Excellence, 2007 FF - Associations/Consortiums - The Learning Alliance, 2006 FF - Associations/Consortiums - Midwestern Higher Education Compact, 2006 FF - Associations/Consortiums - MOHELA, ca. 2007 FF - Associations/Consortiums - COPHE, 2007 FF - Associations/Consortiums - National Association of System Heads, 2007 FF - Awards - Brice Ratchford Memorial Fellowship, 2007 FF - Awards - Curators' Award for Scholarly Excellence, 2007 FF - Awards - Employee Service, 2007 FF - Awards - Faculty and Student Entrepreneur of the Year, 2005, 2007 FF - Awards - Olson Fund for the Arts, 2007 FF - Awards - Pacheco Academic Leadership Award, 2007 FF - Awards - President's Award for Outstanding Teaching, 2007 FF - Awards - President's Award for Research and Creativity, 2007 FF - Awards - Thomas Jefferson Award, 2007 FF - Admissions - Enrollment Management, 2007 FF - Art Loan (State Historical Society to Vice President Lehmkuhle), 2002 FF - Board of Curators - Agendas/Minutes, 2007 FF - Board of Curators - New Curator Orientation, 2005, 2007 FF - Budget - Appropriations, FY2007 FF - Budget - Financial Statements, 2005-2007 FF - Budget - New Decision Item - Extension, 2007 FF - Collected Rules and Regulations - 230.070, Educational Assistance Program, 2007 FF - Collected Rules and Regulations - 310.015, Procedures for Review of Faculty Performance, 2007 FF - Collected Rules and Regulations - 310.080, Regular Faculty Workload Policy, 2007 FF - Collected Rules and Regulations - 320.090, Emeritus Designation, 2007 FF - Collected Rules and Regulations - 330.015, Policy on Conflict of Interest, 2007 FF - Collected Rules and Regulations - 330.065, Consensual Amorous Relationship Policy, 2006 FF - Collected Rules and Regulations - 340.120, Leave for Legal Proceedings, 2007 FF - Collected Rules and Regulations - 340.180, Class Attendance, 2007 FF - Collected Rules and Regulations - 360.015, Academic Administrators with Tenure (Executive Guideline 36), 2007 FF - Collected Rules and Regulations - 390.010, Discrimination Grievance Procedure for Students, 2007 FF - Collected Rules and Regulations - 410.010, Research Involving Humans in Experiments (Executive Order 10), 2007 FF - Collected Rules and Regulations - 420.010, Research Misconduct, 2007 FF - Committees - Kansas City Blue Ribbon Task Force, 2007 FF - Committees - Faculty Committee on Tenure, 2007 FF - Committees - Press Committee, 2007 FF - Committees - UM Campus Security Review Committee, 2007 FF - Committees - Missouri Department of Higher Education - CBHE Committee on Transfer and Articulation, 2007 FF - Committees - Units - Patent, 2007 FF - Conferences - National Forum of University System Chief Academic Officers, 2007 FF - Conferences - Scholarly Communication Conference, 2006-2007 FF - Conferences - Transfer and Articulation, 2006-2007 FF - Conferences - Transfer and Articulation - Registration, 2007 FF - Conferences - UM Transition Conference, 2007 FF - Courses - Course Development, Approval, Life Cycle, 2007 FF - Degree Programs - Health Related Degree Programs in Missouri, 2007 FF - Degrees, 2007 FF - Department of Higher Education (DHE) - Curriculum Alignment Committee, 2007 FF - DHE - Quick Facts, 2007 FF - DHE - State Chief Academic Officers, 2007 FF - Development Program - President's Academic Leadership Institute - Correspondence, 2007 Box 4 - 058348 [return to top][A15-34] FF - Diplomas, 2007 FF - Diversity, 2006 FF - Ethics Law - Decision Makers, 2007 FF - Ethics Law - Monthly Report, 2007 FF - Ethics Law - Personal Financial Disclosure Statement, 2007 FF - Ethics Law - Registration Renewal, 2007 FF - Faculty - Faculty Accomplishment System, 2007 FF - Faculty - Accent Modification Program (Missouri S&T), 2007 FF - Faculty - Effort Policy for University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2007 FF - Faculty - Extension of Probationary Period, 2007 FF - Faculty - Instructional Workload, 2006-2007 FF - Faculty - Non-Tenure Track Long Term Contracts, 2006-2007 FF - Faculty - Regular/Non-Regular Faculty Institutional Research Report, 2006-2007 FF - Faculty - Language Proficiency - Faculty Communication Report, 10/2006 FF - Faculty - Language Proficiency - Faculty Communication Survey, n.d. FF - Faculty - New Faculty Teaching Scholars - Correspondence, 2005 FF - Fiscal Notes, 2007 FF - Grant Opportunities - Searle Scholars, 2007 FF - Grant Opportunities - UMSL/UMKC Centers for International Business Education and Research Grant, 2005 Box 5 - 058349 [return to top][A15-34] FF - Intercampus Faculty Council - Correspondence, 2007 FF - Intercampus Faculty Council, 2006-2007 FF - Legislative - Hearing, 2006-2007 FF - Legislative - Missouri Accountability Portal, 2007 FF - Legislative - Senate Bill 389 (Higher Education Funding), 2007 FF - Library Directors, 2007 FF - Library - Library Directors - Newsletters (Library Systems Office), 2007 FF - Library - Library Systems Offic), 2007 FF - LS-MoAMP - 10 Year Report, 2006 FF - LS-MoAMP - Correspondence, 2007 FF - Miscellaneous Correspondence, 2006 FF - Missouri Department of Mental Health - Contracts, 2007 FF - Planning - Financial Planning Assumptions, 2007 FF - Planning - Performance Measurement, 2007 FF - Planning - Performance Report, 2006-2007 FF - Planning - Program Audit, 2002-2004 FF - Planning - Strategic Initiatives, 2007 FF - Professorship - Curators', 2007 FF - Professorship - Curators' Teaching, 2007 FF - Reports - UM Financial Report, 2006 FF - Reports - Annual Performance Report, 2007 FF - Reports - Operating Budget, 2007-2008 FF - Reports - Actuarial Valuation, 2007 FF - Reports - Appropriations Request for General Operations and Capital Items, FY2009 FF - Reports - Consulting, 2007 FF - Reports - Enterprise Like Operations, 2007 FF - Reports - Minority/Women Business Enterprise Report, FY2006 FF - Reports - Physical Facilities Quarterly Report, 2007 FF - Reports - Quarterly Performance and Projection Report, 2007 FF - Secretary of Education Spelling's Report, 2006 FF - Students - ASUM, 2007 FF - Students - Chronicle Article on Lawsuits, 2006 FF - Students - Class Size, 2004 FF - Students - Criminal Background Checks, 2006-2007 FF - Students - Enrollment Projections IR Report, 2007 FF - Students - Fees, 2007 FF - Students - Financial Aid, 2007 FF - Students - Financial Aid - Attorney General Investigation, 2007 FF - Students - Health Insurance, 2007 FF - Students - Housing Facility, Activity, and Health Service Fees, 2007 FF - Students - Institutional Financial Aid, 2007 FF - Students - Need-Based Financial Aid, 2006 FF - Students - National Survey of Student Engagement, 2006 FF - Students - Parental Notification, 2007 FF - Students - Preferred Lenders, 2007 FF - Students - Show-Me Scholars, n.d. FF - Students - Tuition and Fees, 2007-2008 Box 6 - 058350 [return to top][A15-34] FF - Student Leadership - National Conference on Ethics in America, 2007 FF - Student Scholarship - Restrictive Endowed Scholarships, 2007 FF - Student Scholarship - TWA Scholarships, 2007 FF - Units - Research Board - Appointments, 2007 FF - Units - Research Board - Compromised System, 2007 FF - Units - Research Board - Correspondence, 2007 FF - Units - Research Board - New Application System with DoIT, 2007 FF - Units - Spinal Cord Injuries Program - Appointments, 2007 FF - Units - Spinal Cord Injuries Program - Correspondence, 2007 FF - Units - Spinal Cord Injuries Program - Research Program Proposal, 2006 FF - Units - University Press - Budget, 2006-2007 FF - Units - University Press - Correspondence, 2007 FF - Units - UM/South Africa Exchange Program - Correspondence, 2007 FF - University - Kutaisi, 1997-2007 FF - University - St. Joseph Potential Initiatives, 2007 FF - University - Community College - All-USA Academic Team, 2007 FF - University - Community College - Associate of Arts in Teaching, 2007 FF - University - UM - Priority Goals, 2007 FF - University - UM - Administrative Streamlining, 2007 FF - University - UM - Campus Mediation Services, 2006 FF - University - UM - Cross-Campus Comparisons, 2004-2006 FF - University - UM - Equity Funding, 2007 FF - University - UM - Industrial Relations, 2007 FF - University - UM - Innocence Project, 2007 FF - University - UM - Intellectual Pluralism, 2007 FF - University - UM - International Programs, 1999-2007 FF - University - UM - Measurable Performance Objectives, 2007 FF - University - UM - Memoranda of Understanding (with MOBIUS and with Monterrey Tech), 2007 FF - University - UM - MOBIUS, 2006-2007 FF - University - UM - Peer/Comparator Groups, 1999, 2006 FF - University - UM - Research Officers, 2007 FF - University - UM - Sexual Offender Registration, 2007 FF - University - UM - Strategic Planning, 2007 FF - University - UM - Study Abroad, 2007 FF - University - UM - University of Missouri Academic Officers, 2007 FF - University - UMC - Task Force for Campus Climate and Training, 2005 FF - University - UMC - Correspondence, 2007 FF - University - UMC - Land Grant Mission, 2007 FF - University - UMC - Naming of Building (Strickland Hall), 2007 FF - University - UMC - Sexual Health and Safety Products Plan for Availability, 2007 FF - University - UMKC - Blue Ribbon Task Force, n.d. FF - University - UMKC - Chancellor Memorandum #77, 2007 FF - University - UMKC - Coaching Program, 2005-2006 FF - University - UMKC - Correspondence, 2007 FF - University - UMKC - School of Medicine - Proposal for Tenure Appointment, 2006 FF - University - UMR - Missouri Transportation Institute, 2004-2007 FF - University - UMR - Promotion and Tenure, 2007 FF - University - UMR - Strategic Plan, 2007 FF - University - UMSL - By-Laws, n.d. FF - University - UMSL - Correspondence, 2007 FF - University - UMSL - Institutional Level Review, 2007 FF - University - UMSL - Intellectual Pluralism, 2007 FF - University - UMSL - Mascots, ca. 2006 FF - University - Departments/Offices - Finance and Administration, n.d. FF - University - Departments/Offices - Human Resources, 2007 FF - University - Departments/Offices - Information Technology, 2007 FF - University - Departments/Offices - President's Office, 2006-2007 Box 7 - 059884 [return to top][A15-34] FF - Faculty - Departing Faculty Study, 2004 FF - Faculty - Incentive Compensation Plan, 2004 FF - Faculty - Non-Tenure Track, 2005 FF - Legislative - Briefing Book, 2005 FF - Legislative - Endowed Chairs Hearing, 2004 FF - Legislative - Hearings, 2004 FF - Planning - University of Missouri Strategic Plan, 2004 FF - Program Audit, 2004 FF - Units - Homeland Security - Annual Report, 2004 FF - University - UM - Health Care Professions, n.d. FF - University - UMKC - Strategic Plan, 2004 FF - University - UMKC - Unit Plans, 2005 FF - Planning - University of Missouri Strategic Plan, 1997-2000 Box 8 - 060136 [return to top][A15-34] FF - Mission Enhancement - Web-Based Law Program, 1999-2001 FF - Mission Enhancement - Northwest Missouri Masters in Social Work Program, 1999-2000 FF - Cooperative Education Program - UMR Engineering Management, 1999-2000 FF - Mission Enhancement - Mathematics Education, 1999-2001 FF - Mission Enhancement - System-wide Education Policy, 1999-2000 FF - Cooperative Education Program - Social Work - Diversity, 1999 FF - Cooperative Education Program - Social Work Faculty, 1999 FF - Funding for Results, 2000-2006 FF - Cooperative Degree Program, 2005-2006 FF - Cooperative Degree Program, 2003-2004 FF - Cooperative Degree Program, 1999-2002 FF - Association for Institutional Research (AIR) - Correspondence, 2002-2003 FF - AIR - Post Master's Certification - Proposal/Award, 2001-2002 FF - AIR - Post Master's Certification - Correspondence, 2001 FF - AIR - NPSAS - Correspondence, 2000 FF - AIR - NPSAS - Proposal/Award, 2000 Box 9 - 060138 [return to top][A15-34] FF - Faculty Awards, 2004-2005 FF - Presidential Award for Outstanding Teaching, 2004-2005 FF - Presidential Award for Research and Creativity, 2004-2005 FF - Thomas Jefferson Award, 2005 FF - Faculty Entrepreneur Award, 2004-2005 FF - Student Entrepreneur Award, 2004-2005 FF - Curators' Award for Scholarly Excellence, 2004-2005 FF - Olson Fund for the Arts, 2005 FF - Faculty Awards, 2005-2006 FF - Presidential Award for Outstanding Teaching, 2005-2006 FF - Presidential Award for Research and Creativity, 2005-2006 FF - Faculty and Student Entrepreneur Awards, 2005-2006 FF - Curators' Award for Scholarly Excellence, 2005-2006 FF - Faculty Awards, 2007 FF - Presidential Award for Outstanding Teaching, 2007 FF - Presidential Award for Research and Creativity, 2007 FF - Thomas Jefferson Award, 2007 FF - Faculty Entrepreneur Award, 2007 FF - Student Entrepreneur Award, 2007 FF - Curators' Award for Scholarly Excellence, 2007 FF - Olson Fund for the Arts, 2006-2007 Box 10 - 118553 [return to top][A15-34] FF - Awards - Curators' Award for Scholarly Excellence (CASE), 2006 FF - Awards - Employee Service, 2006 FF - Awards - Faculty Entrepreneur of the Year Award (FEYA), 2006 FF - Awards - Olson Fund, 2006 FF - Awards - Pacheco Academic Leadership Award, 2006 FF - Awards - President's Award for Outstanding Teaching, 2006 FF - Awards - President's Award for Research and Creativity, 2006 FF - Awards - Thomas Jefferson Award, 2006 FF - Awards - Student Entrepreneur of the Year, 2006 FF - Board of Curators - Academic and Student Affairs Agenda Plan, 2006 FF - Board of Curators - Agendas/Minutes, 2006 FF - Board of Curators - Policy on Ethics and Conflict of Interest, 2006 FF - Department of Higher Education - Associate of Arts in Teacher Education Proposal, 2006 FF - DHE - Lower Division Policy Survey, 2006 FF - DHE - Strategic Plan, 2006 FF - University - UM - Criminal Background Checks, 2006 FF - University - UM - Decision Support Project, 2006 FF - University - UM - Emergency Action Plan for University Hall, 2001 FF - University - UM - Employee Engagement Survey, 2006 FF - University - UM - Equity Funding, 2002-2003 FF - University - UM - Extension, 2006 FF - University - UM - Health Care, 2006 FF - University - UM - Homeland Security, 2006 FF - University - UM - Innocence Project, 2002, 2006-2007 FF - University - UM - Intercollegiate Athletics, 2003-2006 FF - University - UM - International Programs, 2005-2006 FF - University - UM - MOBIUS, 2006 FF - University - UM - Next Generation Network, 2006 FF - University - UM - Performance Ratios, 2006 FF - University - UM - Research Officers, 2006 FF - University - UM - Resource Allocation, 2006 FF - University - UM - University of Missouri Academic Officers, 2006 FF - Admissions - Enrollment, Success, and Exceptions Report, 2006 FF - Admissions - Enrollment Summary, Fall 2006 FF - Assessment - Comprehensive Program Assessment, 2006 FF - Professorships - Curators' Teaching Professorship, 2006 FF - Professorships - Sherlock Hibbs Professorships and Chairs (UMC), 2006 FF - Units - State Historical Society - Center for Missouri Studies, 2006 FF - Units - State Historical Society - Correspondence, 2006 FF - Units - Western Historical Manuscript Collection - Correspondence, 2005 FF - Legislature - Cost of College, ca. 2006 FF - Legislative - House Bill 1865, 2005-2006 FF - Units - enhancing Missouri's Instructional Network Teaching Strategies (eMINTS) - Grants, 2006 FF - Units - Research Board - Appointments, 2006 FF - Units - Research Board - Correspondence, 2006 FF - Units - Spinal Cord Injuries Research Program - Research Proposals, 2006 FF - Units - UM/South Africa Exchange Program - Correspondence, 2006 Box 11 - 118554 [return to top][A15-34] FF - University - Community Colleges, 2006 FF - University - Community College - Associate of Arts in Teacher Education, 2006 FF - University - MCCA All-State Academy Team, 2005-2006 FF - University - Northwest Missouri State University, 2006 FF - Academic Calendar, 2008-2009 FF - Associations/Consortiums - AACU, 2006 FF - Associations/Consortiums - American Association of Hispanics in Higher Education, 2006 FF - Associations/Consortiums - ACE, 2006 FF - Associations/Consortiums - COPHE, 2006 FF - Associations/Consortiums - COPHE - Governor's Award for Excellence in Teaching, 2006 FF - Associations/Consortiums - COPHE/MCCA Steering Committee, 2006 FF - Associations/Consortiums - Missouri Association of Blacks in Higher Education, 2006 FF - Associations/Consortiums - MOHELA, 2006 FF - Associations/Consortiums - National College Access Network, 2006 FF - Associations/Consortiums - University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, 2006 FF - Associations/Consortiums - University of Missouri Bioinformatics Consortium, 2006 FF - Budget - Operating Budget, 2006-2007 FF - Budget - Actual Valuation, 2006 FF - Budget - Appropriation Request, 2008 FF - Budget - Audit, 2006 FF - Budget - External Funding, FY2005 FF - Charter School - Imagine School, 2006 FF - Charter School - Southwest Charter School, 2006 FF - Committee - Faculty Committee on Tenure, 2006 FF - Committee - Health Care Task Force, 2006 FF - Committee - Health Care Task Force - Final Report, 2006 FF - Committee - Human Resources Liaison Committee, 2006 FF - Committee - UM Nuclear Consortium Committee, 2006 FF - Committee - Missouri Department of Higher Education - Committee on Transfer and Articulation, 2006 FF - Committee - Units - Patent, 2006 FF - Conferences - Frye Leadership Institute, 2006 FF - Conferences - Missouri Institute on Minority Aging, 2006 FF - Conferences - Scholarly Communication Conference, 2006 FF - Conference - UM Transition, 2006 FF - Cooperative Instructional Development - Nursing, 2006 FF - Courses - Development, Approval, Lifecycle, Queer Theory, 2006 FF - Degrees, 2005-2007 FF - Development Program - Administrative Leadership Development Program - Correspondence, 2006 FF - Faculty - New Faculty Teaching Scholars (NFTS) - Academic Portfolio Retreat, 5/2006 FF - Faculty - NFTS - Evaluation Report, 2003-2004 FF - Faculty - NFTS - Evaluation Report, 2005-2006 FF - Faculty - NFTS - Scholars, 2006-2007 Box 12 - 118555 [return to top][A15-34] FF - Ethics Laws - Designated Decision Makers, 2006 FF - Ethics Law - Monthly Report, 2006 FF - Faculty - Extension of Probationary Period, 2006 FF - Faculty - Faculty Accomplishment System, 2006 FF - Faculty - Instructional Workload, 2005-2006 FF - Faculty - Post-Tenure Review, 2006 FF - Faculty - Language Proficiency - Accent Reduction Program, 2006 FF - Faculty - Language Proficiency - Faculty Communication, 2006 FF - Fiscal Note, 2006 FF - General Officers, 2006 FF - Grants - Show-Me Scholars Initiative, 2006 FF - Grant Opportunities - Missouri Department of Higher Education - Access and Performance in Missouri Higher Education, 2003-2004 FF - Grant Opportunities - GEAR UP - Match Reports, 2006 FF - Grant Opportunities - Kauffman Scholars, 2006 FF - Grant Opportunities - Searle Scholars, 2006 FF - Intercampus Faculty Council, 2005-2006 FF - Institutional Review Board - English Language Proficiency, Fall 2006 FF - Intercampus Student Council Retreat, 8/9/2006 FF - Library - Five-Year Plan, 2004-2008 FF - Library - Remote Storage, n.d. FF - Library Directors, 2006 FF - Louis Stokes Missouri Alliance for Minority Participation (LS-MoAMP) - Budget Documents, 2001 FF - LS-MoAMP - Correspondence (includes DVD, "Former Congressman Louis Stokes Video Message to the LSAMP Bridge to the Doctorate Students", 4/2005), 2001, 2005-2006 FF - LS-MoAMP - Phase 2 Proposal, 2001, 2004 FF - Missouri Department of Mental Health - Contracts, 2006 FF - Mathematics, Engineering, Technology and Science Alliance, 2006 FF - PeopleSoft - Endorsement, 2006 FF - Planning - Strategic Initiatives, 2006 Box 13 - 118556 [return to top][A15-34] FF - Reports - Audit Report of Higher Education Tuition Levels, 2006 FF - Reports - Consulting, 2006 FF - Reports - Graduate Teaching Assistants, n.d. FF - Reports - Measuring Up, 2006 FF - Reports - Operating Budget, FY2007 FF - Reports - Physical Facilities Quarterly Report, 2006 FF - Research - Expenditures and Resource Requirements, 2006 FF - Students - Collegiate Inventors Competition, 2006 FF - Students - Assessment, 2006 FF - Students - Disability, 2006 FF - Students - FERPA, 2006 FF - Students - Financial Aid, 2006 FF - Students - Identification, 2006 FF - Students - IPEDS, 2006 FF - Students - Job Placement and Continuing Education, 2006 FF - Students - National Honor Society for Service, 2006 FF - Students - Organizations, 2006-2007 FF - Students - Parental Notification, 2006 FF - Students - Recruitment, 2006 FF - Students - Scholarships, 2006 FF - Students - Service Learning Opportunities, 2006 FF - Students - Students and Teachers as Research Scientists Program, 2006 FF - Students - Scholarships - Carnahan Memorial Scholarship Fund, 2006 FF - Students - Scholarships - Daniel Hagan Scholarship Program, ca. 2005 FF - Students - Scholarships - TWA, 2006 FF - Sunshine Law Requests, 2006 FF - University - UMC - Discovery Ridge Master Plan, 3/2006 FF - University - UMC - Extension Annual Report, FY2006 FF - University - UMC - Health Care Annual Report, 2005-2006 FF - University - UMC - Honorary Degrees, 2006 FF - University - UMC - MURR Annual Report, FY2005 FF - University - UMC - Missouri Review, 2006 FF - University - UMC - School of Law (includes material on UMKC Law School), 2006 FF - University - UMC- School of Medicine, 2006 FF - University - UMKC - Correspondence, 2006 FF - University - UMKC - Department of Theatre, 2006 FF - University - UMKC - Honor Code, 2006 FF - University - UMKC - Institutional Review, 2004-2006 FF - University - UMKC - School of Law, 2006 FF - University - UMKC - School of Medicine, 2006 FF - University - UMKC - School of Nursing Honor Code, n.d. FF - University - UMKC - School of Pharmacy, 2006 FF - University - UMKC - UMKC Trustees' Endowed Scholars Program Agreement, 2006 FF - University - UMKC - Upward Bound, 2006 FF - University - UMR - Correspondence, 2006 FF - University - UMR - Courtesy Appointments, 2006 FF - University - UMR - Instructor Drop Policy, 2006 FF - University - UMR - Missouri Transportation Institute, 2006 FF - University - UMR - NMR Spectroscopy, 2006 FF - University - UMSL - Correspondence, 2006 FF - University - UMSL - Information Technology Incubator, ca. 2006 FF - University - UMSL - Master Plan, 4/2006 FF - University - UMSL - Office of Academic Affairs Self-Study, 8/2006 FF - University - Departments/Offices - Human Resources, 2005-2006 FF - University - Departments/Offices - Research and Economic Development, 2006 FF - University - Departments/Offices - University Communications, 2006 Box 14 - 057928 [return to top][A15-34] FF - Missouri Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders Advisory Board, 1994-1995 FF - Alzheimer's Board, 1994 (cont'd) FF - Alzheimer's Board - Mailing Lists, 1994 FF - Alzheimer's Program, 1995-1996 FF - Alzheimer's Program - Call for Proposals, Guidelines, Application Forms, etc., FY1995 FF - Alzheimer's Program, FY1996 FF - Alzheimer's Program, FY1997 FF - Alzheimer's Program, FY1998 FF - Alzheimer's Program, 1998-1999 FF - Alzheimer's Program, 1999-2000 FF - Alzheimer's Program, 2000-2001 FF - Alzheimer's Program, 2001-2002 FF - Alzheimer's Program, 2002-2003 FF - Alzheimer's Program - Mailing Lists, 2002-2003 FF - Alzheimer's Program, FY2004 FF - Alzheimer's Program, FY2005 FF - Alzheimer's Program - Mailing Lists, FY2005 FF - Alzheimer's Program - Survey, 2005 FF - Alzheimer's Program, FY2006 FF - Alzheimer's Program - Mailing Lists, FY2006 Box 15 - 059772 [return to top][A15-34] The records in this box pertain to Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorder Award Recipients, 1998-2001 [RESTRICTED] Restrictions Note: The Archives of the University of Missouri-Columbia is required by law and Board of Curator's policy to restrict access to some files and information. Student records are held as confidential under the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and by University policy. Faculty promotion and tenure records and Academic Personnel files are restricted for 75 years, or the lifetime of the individual. All grievance, disciplinary, and medical records are treated as confidential files. Consultations with legal counsel, both in-house and external, are protected by the attorney/client privilege and will not be released. |
Published by: University Archives
Compiled: April 2015
Revised: 21 April 2015
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