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Box Lists for UW:4/51/25Note to Researcher: These records have not been processed to the level of an inventory and may therefore contain RESTRICTED material not specifically annotated as such and access may be limited in that regard. Please see the RESTRICTIONS NOTE at the end of the box list(s).
[A20-41] FF - TWA Scholarships, 1997-1998 FF - TWA Scholarships, 1998-1999 FF - TWA Scholarships, 1999-2000 FF - TWA Scholarship Program, 2000-2001 FF - TWA Scholarship Program, 2001-2002 FF - TWA Scholarship Program, 2002-2003 FF - TWA Scholarships, 2003-2004 FF - TWA Scholarships, 2004-2005 FF - TWA Scholarships, 2005-2006 FF - TWA Scholarships, 2006-2007 FF - TWA Scholarships, 2007 FF - TWA Scholarships, 2008-2009 Box 2 - 080328 [return to top][A20-41] FF - Admissions - Enrollment Management, 2008 FF - Admissions - Enrollment, Success and Exceptions Report, 2008 FF - Assessment - Articles, 2008 FF - Assessment - Comprehensive Program Assessment (CPA), 2008 FF - Assessment - CPA - University of Missouri-St. Louis - Nursing, 2008 FF - Associations/Consortiums - AAC&U, 2008 FF - Associations/Consortiums - American Council on Education (ACE), 2008 FF - Associations/Consortiums - Association of Governing Boards (AGB), 2008 FF - Associations/Consortiums - Collaborative on Academic Careers in Higher Education (COACHE), 2008 FF - Associations/Consortiums - Council on Public Higher Education (COPHE), 2008 FF - Associations/Consortiums - COPHE - Governor’s Award for Outstanding Teaching, 2008 FF - Associations/Consortiums - COPHE - Statewide Funding Formula, 2007-2008 FF - Associations/Consortiums - National Association of System Heads (NASH) - Access to Success Initiative, 2008 FF - Associations/Consortiums - National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education, 2008 FF - Awards - Curators’ Award for Scholarly Excellence, 2008 FF - Awards - Employee Service, 2008 FF - Awards - Faculty and Student Entrepreneur of the Year, 2008 FF - Awards - Olson Fund for the Arts, 2008 FF - Awards - Pacheco Academic Leadership Award, 2008 FF - Awards - President’s Award for Outstanding Teaching, 2008 FF - Awards - President’s Award for Research and Creativity, 2008 FF - Awards - Thomas Jefferson Award, 2008 FF - Board of Curators - Agendas/Minutes, 2008 FF - Charter School for the Performing Arts, 2008 FF - Collected Rules and Regulations - 20.110 Department Chair (Executive Guideline 7), 2008 FF - Collected Rules and Regulations - 210.050 Report of Grades, 2008 FF - Collected Rules and Regulations - 220.020 Diplomas and Certificates, 2008 FF - Collected Rules and Regulations - 300.020 Faculty Bylaws - University of Missouri-Kansas City, 2008 FF - Collected Rules and Regulations - 310.035 Non-Tenure Track Faculty (Executive Guideline 35), 2008 FF - Collected Rules and Regulations - 320.035 - Policy and Procedures for Promotion and Tenure (Executive Order 6A), 2008 FF - Collected Rules and Regulations - 340.070 Faculty Leave, 2008 FF - Collected Rules and Regulations - 340.070 Sabbatical Leave, 2008 FF - Collected Rules and Regulations - 340.080 Research Leave, 2008 FF - Collected Rules and Regulations - 340.090 Development Leave, 2008 FF - Collected Rules and Regulations - 360.090 Endowments (Executive Order 2), 2008 FF - Collected Rules and Regulations - 370.010 Academic Grievance Procedures (Missouri University of Science and Technology and University of Missouri-St. Louis), 2008 FF - Collected Rules and Regulations - 370.015 Pilot Academic Grievance Procedures (University of Missouri-Columbia and University of Missouri-Kansas City), 2008 FF - Committees - Faculty Committee on Tenure, 2008 FF - Committees - Department of Higher Education (DHE) - Committee on Transfer and Articulation (COTA), 2008 FF - Committees - DHE - COTA Advisory Council, 2008 FF - Committees - University Press, 2008 FF - Conferences - Conference on Distance Education and Learning, 2008 FF - Conferences - P-16 Summer Institute (State Teams Meeting), 2008 FF - Conferences - Transfer and Articulation, 2008 FF - Conferences - Transfer and Articulation - Registration, 2008 FF - Courses - Course Development, Approval, Lifecycle, 2008 Box 3 - 080341 [return to top][A20-41] FF - Degree Programs - Enrollment Data (New Programs, 1991-2008), 2008 FF - Degrees, 2008 FF - Degrees - Honorary Degree, 2008 FF - Degrees - Honorary Degree Process, 2008 FF - Missouri Department of Higher Education (DHE) - Applied Degree Program Survey, 2008 FF - DHE - Articulation Agreements, 2008 FF - DHE - Budget Reduction in State Funding, 2008 FF - DHE - Coordinated Plan, 2008 FF - DHE - Curriculum Alignment Initiative, 2008 FF - DHE - Budget Request for Higher Education, FY2010 FF - DHE - Language Proficiency Survey - Biennial Report, 2008 FF - DHE - Math Panel, 2008 FF - DHE - Online Programs, 2008 FF - DHE - State Chief Academic Officers, 2008 FF - Development Program - President’s Academic Leadership Institute (PALI) - Leadership Development Program (LDP) Evaluation, 2008 FF - Development Program - New Faculty Teaching Scholars (NFTS) Evaluation, 2007-2008 FF - Development Program - NFTS Evaluation, 2006-2007 FF - Diplomas, 2008 FF - Ethics Law - Designated Decision-Makers, 2008 FF - Ethics Law - Federal Lobbyist Report, 2008 FF - Ethics Law - Monthly Report, 2008 FF - Ethics Law - Personal Financial Disclosure Statement, 2008 FF - Ethics Law - Registration - Lobbyist, 2008 FF - Faculty - Academic Freedom, 2008 FF - Faculty - Deferred Compensation, 2008 FF - Faculty - Extension of Probationary Period, 2008 FF - Faculty - Instructional Workload, 2008 FF - Faculty - National Study of Instructional Productivity (Institutional Research report), 7/2008 FF - Fiscal Notes, 2008 FF - General Officers, 2008 FF - Grant Opportunities - DHE - Improving Teacher Quality Grant, 2008 FF - Grant Opportunities - eMINTS, 2008 FF - Grant Opportunities - Searle Scholars, 2008 FF - Intercampus Faculty Council (IFC), 2007-2008 FF - IFC - Correspondence, 2007-2008 Box 4 - 080343 [return to top][A20-41] FF - Institutional Review Board (IRB) - English Language Proficiency - University of Missouri System Survey Results, Fall 2008 FF - IRB - English Language Proficiency - University of Missouri-Columbia Survey Results, Fall 2008 FF - IRB - English Language Proficiency - University of Missouri-Kansas City Survey Results, Fall 2008 FF - IRB - English Language Proficiency - University of Missouri-St. Louis Survey Results, Fall 2008 FF - IRB - English Language Proficiency - Missouri University of Science and Technology Survey Results, Fall 2008 FF - IRB - Faculty Communication Survey, 2008 FF - Legislative - Campaigning at Mizzou, 2008 FF - Legislative - Hearing (Appropriations), 2008 FF - Legislative - House Bill 1549 (Illegal Alien), 2008 FF - Legislative - Senate Bill 389, 2008 FF - Planning - Accountability Measures and Strategic Planning, 2008 FF - Planning - Effectiveness and Efficiency Accountability Report, 2008 FF - Planning - Performance Report Update, 9/2008 FF - Professorships - Curators’ Professorship, 2008 FF - Professorships - Curators’ Teaching Professorship, 2008 FF - Reports - University of Missouri Financial Report, 2007 FF - Reports - A-133 Audit Report, 2007 FF - Reports - Appropriations Request for Capital Items, FY2008, FY2010 FF - Reports - Appropriations Request for Operations, FY 2008, FY2010 FF - Reports - Consulting, 2008 FF - Reports - Endowed Chairs and Professorships, 2008 FF - Reports - Enterprise-Like Operations, 2008 FF - Reports - External Auditor Reports, 2008 FF - Reports - External Funding Report, FY2007 FF - Reports - Huron Consulting Report ("Review of the Post-Award Research Administration Environment at the University of Missouri: Final Report"), 1/7/2008 FF - Reports - Huron Fiscal Post Award Roles and Responsibilities, 4/10/2008 FF - Reports - Physical Facilities Quarterly Report, 11/2008 FF - Reports - Quarterly Performance and Projection Report, 2008 FF - Students - Higher Education Price Index (HEPI), 2007 FF - Students - Tuition, Required Fees and Student Housing, 2009-2010 FF - Students - Academic Dishonesty, 2008 FF - Students - Academic Service-Learning, 2008 FF - Students - Amethyst Initiative, 2008 FF - Students - ASUM, 2008 FF - Students - Financial Aid, 2008 FF - Students - Illegal Immigration, 2008 FF - Students - Loan Programs, 2008 FF - Students - Parental Notification, 2008 FF - Students - Textbooks, 2008 FF - Students - WeLEAD, 2008 FF - Students - Scholarships - Curators’ Scholarship, 2008 FF - Students - Scholarships - GI Bill, 2008 FF - Students - Scholarships - TWA, 2008 Box 5 - 080345 [return to top][A20-41] FF - Units - eLearning - Compass Knowledge Group Marketplace Environmental Scan, 2008 FF - Units - eMINTS - Grants, 2008 FF - Units - Research Board - Appointments, 2008 FF - Units - Spinal Cord Injury - Appointments, 2008 FF - Units - SCI - Research Program Proposals, 2008 FF - Units - State Historical Society (SHS) - Correspondence, 2008 FF - Units - Western Historical Manuscript Collection - Miller Nichols Library (University of Missouri-Kansas City), 2008 FF - Units - State Historical Society - Space, 2008 FF - Units - University of Missouri South Africa Education Program - Correspondence, 2008 FF - University - Community College - All-USA Academic Team, 2008 FF - Units - University Press - Budget, 2008 FF - Units - University Press - Correspondence, 2008 FF - Units - University Press - Forever Campaign Endowment, 2008 FF - University - University of Missouri - Centers Report, 2008 FF - University - University of Missouri - Conflict of Interest, 2008 FF - University - University of Missouri - Employee Engagement Survey, 2008 FF - University - University of Missouri - Enrollment Managers, 2008 FF - University - University of Missouri - Intellectual Pluralism, 2008 FF - University - University of Missouri - International Programs, 2008 FF - University - University of Missouri - Online Programs, 2008 FF - University - University of Missouri - Peer Groups, 2008 FF - University - University of Missouri - Research Officers, 2008 FF - University - University of Missouri - Sexual Offender Registration, 2008 FF - University - University of Missouri - University of Missouri Academic Officers (UMAO), 2008 FF - University - University of Missouri - University of Missouri 100, 2008 FF - University - University of Missouri - University of Missouri Undergraduate Rankings, 2008 FF - University - University of Missouri - US News and World Report, 2008 FF - University - University of Missouri - Virginia Charitable Solicitation Registration, 2008 FF - University - University of Missouri-Columbia - Correspondence, 2008 FF - University - University of Missouri-Columbia - Faculty By-Laws (300.010), 2008 FF - University - University of Missouri-Columbia - Grievance Procedure, 2008 FF - University - University of Missouri-Columbia - Honorary Degree, 2008 FF - University - University of Missouri-Columbia - Museum of Art and Archaeology, 2008 FF - University - University of Missouri-Kansas City - Chancellor’s Memorandum #35, 2008 FF - University - University of Missouri-Kansas City - Conservatory of Music and Dance, 2008 FF - University - University of Missouri-Kansas City - Faculty By-Laws (300.020), 2008 FF - University - Missouri University of Science and Technology - Correspondence, 2008 FF - University - Missouri University of Science and Technology - Distance Education, 2008 FF - University - Missouri University of Science and Technology - Mission Statement, 2008 FF - University - Missouri University of Science and Technology - Missouri Cares about Teaching (MoCAT) Memorandum of Understanding, 2008 FF - University - University of Missouri-St. Louis - Correspondence, 2008 FF - University - University of Missouri-St. Louis - Faculty By-Laws (300.040), 2008 FF - University - University of Missouri-St. Louis - Mission Statement, 2008 FF - University - University of Missouri-St. Louis - Reaccreditation Self Study, 2008 FF - University Departments/Offices - Finance and Administration, 2008 FF - University Departments/Offices - Government Relations, 2008 FF - University Departments/Offices - Information Technology, 2008 FF - University Departments/Offices - President’s Office, 2008 FF - University Departments/Offices - Research and Economic Development, 2008 FF - University Departments/Offices - Vice President for Academic Affairs, 2008 FF - Voluntary System of Accountability, 2008 Box 6 - 129439 [return to top][A20-41] FF - Accreditation, 2009 FF - Admissions - Enrollment Projections, 2009 FF - Assessment - Arts Measurements, 2009 FF - Assessment - Comprehensive Program Assessment, 2009 FF - Assessment - Guidelines for Assessment Program, 2009 FF - Associations/Consortiums - AAC&U, 2009 FF - Associations/Consortiums - American Council on Education, 2009 FF - Associations/Consortiums - Anti-Defamation League - "Responding to Bigotry and Intergroup Strife on Campus", 2009 FF - Associations/Consortiums - Association of Governing Boards, 2009 FF - Associations/Consortiums - Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities, 2009 FF - Associations/Consortiums - Business Round Table (Springboard Project), 2009 FF - Associations/Consortiums - Collaborative on Academic Careers in Higher Education (COACHE), 2009 FF - Associations/Consortiums - Council on Public Higher Education (COPHE), 2009 FF - Associations/Consortiums - COPHE - Governor’s Award for Outstanding Teaching, 2009 FF - Associations/Consortiums - COPHE/MCCA Steering Committee, 2009 FF - Associations/Consortiums - Delta Cost Project, 2009 FF - Associations/Consortiums - Luman International, 2009 FF - Associations/Consortiums - NASH Access to Success, 2009 FF - Associations/Consortiums - NCAN (National College Access Network), 2009 FF - Awards - Employee Service, 2009 FF - Awards - Curators’ Award for Scholarly Excellence, 2009 FF - Awards - Faculty and Student Entrepreneur of the Year, 2009 FF - Awards - President’s Award for Outstanding Teaching, 2009 FF - Awards - President’s Award for Research and Creativity, 2009 FF - Awards - Thomas Jefferson Award, 2009 FF - Awards - Olson Fund for the Arts, 2009 FF - Board of Curators - Agendas/Minutes, 2009 FF - Board of Curators - Agendas/Minutes, 12/2009 FF - Budget - Budget Reductions, 2009 FF - Budget - Expenditure Reductions - UM, 2009 FF - Budget - State Capital Appropriations Request, FY2011 FF - Budget - Appropriations Request for Operations, FY2011 FF - Collected Rules and Regulations - 340.070 Faculty Leave, 2009 FF - Collected Rules and Regulations - 370-010 Grievance Procedures, 2009 FF - Collected Rules and Regulations - 370.015 Grievance Procedures (Pilot), 2009 FF - Collected Rules and Regulations - 370.020 Faculty Grievances (Executive Order 19), 2009 FF - Committees - Faculty Committee on Tenure, 2009 FF - Committees - Outside-In Task Force, 2009 FF - Committees - P-20 Task Force, 2009 FF - Committees - Department of Higher Education (DHE) - Committee on Transfer and Articulation (COTA), 2009 FF - Committees - Units - University Press, 2009 FF - Conference on Transfer and Articulation, 2009 FF - Conference on Transfer and Articulation - Registration, 2009 Box 7 - 129440 [return to top][A20-41] FF - Degrees, 2009 FF - Missouri Department of Higher Education (DHE) - Challenges in Higher Education, 2009 FF - DHE - Higher Education Student Funding Act, 2009 FF - DHE - Improving Teacher Quality Grant, 2009 FF - DHE - Mission Review, 2009 FF - DHE - Retirement Plans, 2009 FF - DHE - Statewide Chief Academic Officers, 2009 FF - Development Programs - PALI (President's Academic Leadership Institute) - Correspondence, 2009 FF - Ethics Law - Monthly Reports, 2009 FF - Ethics Law - Personal Financial Disclosure Statement, 2009 FF - Faculty - Extension of Probationary Period, 2009 FF - Faculty - Instructional Workload, 2008-2009 FF - Faculty - Tenure, 2009 FF - Fiscal Notes, 2009 FF - General Officers - Agendas, 2009 FF - Legislative - Recommended Policies, 2009 FF - Legislative - Caring for Missourians, 2009 FF - Legislative - HB21 (federal stimulus funds), 2009 FF - P-20 Initiative - Correspondence, 2009 FF - Planning - Department Profiles - University of Missouri-Columbia, 2005-2006 FF - Planning - Department Profiles - University of Missouri-Kansas City, 2005-2006 FF - Planning - Department Profiles - University of Missouri-St. Louis, 2005-2006 FF - Planning - Department Profiles - Missouri S&T, 2005-2006 FF - Professorships - Curators’ Professorships, 2009 FF - Professorships - Curators’ Teaching Professorship, 2009 Box 8 - 129441 [return to top][A20-41] FF - Reports - University of Missouri Financial Report, 2009 FF - Reports - Appropriations Request for Capital Items, FY2011 FF - Reports - Appropriations Request for Operations, FY2011 FF - Reports - Centers and Institutes, 5/31/2007 FF - Reports - Executive Expense Reports, 2009 FF - Reports - External Auditor Report, 2009 FF - Reports - Enterprise-Like Operations, FY2008 FF - Reports - External Funding, FY2008 FF - Reports - Physical Facilities Quarterly Report, 2009 FF - Stimulus Package, 2009 FF - Students - Student Accident and Sickness Renewal, 2009-2010 FF - Students - Allocation of Fees, 2009 FF - Students - Census Data/Compliance, 2009 FF - Students - CHIA (Collegiate Housing and Infrastructure Act), 2009 FF - Students - Fees - Graduate Metro Fee, 2009 FF - Students - High School Counselors, 2009 FF - Students - Missouri Department of Revenue, 2009 FF - Students - Parental Notification, 2009 FF - Students - Social Security Numbers, 2009 FF - Students - Student Legal Services, 2009 FF - Students - Study Abroad, 2009 FF - Students - Scholarships - Ellis Foundation, 2009 FF - Students - Scholarships - Traveling Scholars Program, 2009 FF - Students - Scholarships - TWA, 2009 FF - Sunshine Law Requests, 2009 FF - Units - eLearning - Academic Analytics, LLC, 2009 FF - Units - eLearning - American Humanics, Inc., 2009 FF - Units - eLearning - Correspondence, 2009 FF - Units - eMINTS - Contracts, 2009 FF - Units - eMINTS - MoVIP, 2009 FF - Units - Research Board - Appointments, 2009 FF - Units - Spinal Cord Injuries - Appointments, 2009 FF - Units - Spinal Cord Injuries - Correspondence, 2009 FF - Units - Spinal Cord Injuries - Research Program Proposals, 2009 FF - Units - Western Historical Manuscript Collection - Correspondence, 2009 FF - Units - Western Historical Manuscript Collection - Library Project, 2009 FF - Units - State Historical Society - Strategic Planning, 2009 FF - Units - Western Historical Manuscript Collection - Expansion, 2009 FF - Units - University Press - Budget, 2009 FF - Units - University Press - Correspondence, 2009 FF - Units - University Press - Press Review, 2009 FF - Units - University Press - Strategic Planning, 2009 FF - Units - UMSAEP (University of Missouri South African Education Program) - Correspondence, 2009 FF - University - Community College, 2009 FF - University - University of Missouri - Centers and Institutes, 2009 FF - University - University of Missouri - eLearning, 2009 FF - University - University of Missouri - Intellectual Pluralism, 2009 FF - University - University of Missouri - President’s Staff Meetings, 2009 FF - University - University of Missouri - Shared Services, 2009 FF - University - University of Missouri - University of Missouri Academic Officers (UMAO), 2009 FF - University - University of Missouri-Columbia - RADIL, 2009 FF - University - University of Missouri-Kansas City - Commission on Black Studies Final Report, 2009 FF - University - University of Missouri-Kansas City - Honorary Degree, 2009 FF - University - University of Missouri-Kansas City - International Student Services Fee, 2009 FF - University - University of Missouri-Kansas City - School of Law, 2009 FF - University - Missouri University of Science and Technology - Correspondence, 2009 FF - University - Missouri University of Science and Technology - Promotion and Tenure, 2009 FF - University Departments/Offices - President’s Office, 2009 FF - University Departments/Offices - Research and Economic Development, 2009 Box 9 - 060139 [return to top][A20-41] FF - Faculty Awards, 2008 FF - President’s Award for Outstanding Teaching, 2008 FF - President’s Award for Research and Creativity, 2008 FF - Faculty Entrepreneur, 2008 FF - Student Entrepreneur, 2008 FF - Curators’ Award for Scholarly Excellence, 2008 FF - Olson Fund for the Arts, 2007 FF - Faculty Awards, 2009 FF - President’s Award for Outstanding Teaching, 2009 FF - President’s Award for Research and Creativity, 2009 FF - Thomas Jefferson Award, 2009 FF - Faculty Entrepreneur Award, 2009 FF - Student Entrepreneur Award, 2009 FF - Curators’ Award for Scholarly Excellence, 2009 FF - Olson Fund for the Arts, 2008-2009 FF - Faculty Awards, 2010 FF - President’s Award for Outstanding Teaching, 2010 FF - President’s Award for Research and Creativity, 2010 FF - Faculty Entrepreneur of the Year, 2010 FF - Student Entrepreneur of the Year, 2010 FF - Curators’ Award for Scholarly Excellence, 2010 FF - Olson Fund for the Arts, 2009-2010 Box 10 - 101097 [return to top][A20-41] FF - Articles - "Disrupting College: How Disruptive Innovation Can Deliver quality and Affordability to Postsecondary Education", 2/2011 FF - Articles - "How Robust Are the Findings of ‘Academically Adrift’?", 5-6/2011 FF - Articles - "Managing the Media: Important Tips to Remember", 11/8/2012 FF - Articles - "The Degree Qualifications Profile", n.d. FF - Articles - "The Innovative University: Changing the DNA of Higher Education", 2/2011 FF - Articles - "The Math Emporium: A Silver Bullet for Higher Education", 5-6/2011 FF - Articles - "Universities on the Brink", 2011 FF - Associations/Consortiums - NASH - Access to Success (A@S), 2/2011 FF - Awards - President’s Award Committee Nomination Requests, 2011 FF - Awards - Presidential Award Committee Appointment Letters, 2011 FF - Awards - Presidential Award Committee Requests, 2010 FF - Awards - Presidential Award Supplemental Materials, 2011 FF - Awards - Curators’ Award for Scholarly Excellence, 2011 FF - Awards - Citizenship Award for Leadership, 2011 FF - Awards - Citizenship Award for Mentoring, 2011 FF - Awards - Citizenship Award for Service, 2011 FF - Awards - Curators’ Distinguished Teaching Professor Emeritus Award, 2011 FF - Awards - Economic Development, 2011 FF - Awards - Faculty Award for Community Engagement, 2011 FF - Awards - Faculty Award for Cross-Cultural Engagement, 2011 FF - Awards - Faculty Award for Early Career Excellence, 2011 FF - Awards - Faculty Award for Sustained Excellence, 2011 FF - Awards - Innovative Teaching, 2011 FF - Awards - Intercampus Collaboration, 2011 FF - Awards - Student Entrepreneur, 2011 FF - Awards - Thomas Jefferson, 2011 FF - Board of Curators - Meeting Summary and Agenda, 12/8-9/2011 FF - Board of Curators - Agenda, 10/20-21/2011 FF - Board of Curators - Agenda and Materials, 10/4/2011 FF - Board of Curators - Agenda, 9/12/2011 FF - Board of Curators - Agenda, 8/19-20/2011 FF - Board of Curators - Agenda, 7/22/2011 FF - Board of Curators - Agendas/Minutes, 6/16-17/2011 FF - Board of Curators - Agendas/Minutes, 3/21-22/2011 FF - Board of Curators - Agendas/Minutes, 1/27-28/2011 FF - Board of Curators - MU Law School Rankings Updates, 9/23/2010 FF - Collected Rules and Regulations - 20.035, Program Assessment and Audit, 2011 FF - Collected Rules and Regulations - 200.015, Policy on Academic Inquiry, Course Discussion and Privacy (Executive Order 38), 2011 FF - Collected Rules and Regulations - 210.050, Report of Grades (University of Missouri-Kansas City Online Reporting), 2011 FF - Collected Rules and Regulations - 300.010, Faculty Bylaws of the University of Missouri, 2011 FF - Collected Rules and Regulations - 300.020, Faculty Bylaws (University of Missouri-Kansas City), 2011 FF - Collected Rules and Regulations - 320.035, Policy and Procedures for Promotion and Tenure (Executive Order 6A), 2011 FF - Collected Rules and Regulations - 310.075, Negotiated Faculty Retirement and Contracts (Executive Guideline 30), 2011 FF - Collected Rules and Regulations - 310.035, Non-Tenure Track Faculty (Executive Guideline 35), 2011 FF - Collected Rules and Regulations - 320.040, Nepotism, 2011 FF - Collected Rules and Regulations - 320.091, Emeritus Designation, 2011 FF - Collected Rules and Regulations - 330.015, Policy on Conflict of Interest, n.d. FF - Collected Rules and Regulations - 360.090, Endowments (Executive Order 2), 2011 FF - Collected Rules and Regulations - 370.010, Academic Grievance Procedure, 2011 FF - Committees - Faculty Committee on Tenure, 2011 FF - Degree Programs - MU Executive MBA Program - Fee Issue, 2011 FF - Degrees - Fall Semester Approval, 2011 FF - Degrees, 2011 FF - Missouri Department of Higher Education (DHE) - Enhanced Missouri Student Achievement Study, 2011 FF - DHE - State-Wide Chief Academic Officers (CAO), 2011 FF - DHE - State-Wide CAOs, 4/21/2011 FF - DHE - State-Wide CAOs, 9/26/2011 FF - DHE - State-Wide CAOs, 12/15/2011 FF - Domestic Partner Benefits - Missouri Association of Faculty Senates (MAFS) Recommendations, 11/2011 FF - Domestic Partner Benefits - Related Articles, 2011 FF - Faculty - Extension of Probationary Period, 2011 [RESTRICTED] FF - Faculty - Faculty Accomplishment System (FAS) Questionnaire, 2011 FF - Faculty - Faculty Salary Information, 2011 FF - GEAR UP - Correspondence - New GEAR UP Proposal, 2011 FF - General Officers - Agenda, 11/9/2011 FF - Intercampus Faculty Council (IFC) - Agenda, 11/17/2011 FF - IFC - Agenda and Notes, 10/26/2011 FF - IFC - Agenda and Materials, 5/5/2011 FF - IFC - Information to Assist Curators, Deliberations on University of Missouri Retirement Plans Project, 2/16/2011 FF - IFC - Faculty code of Conduct research, 3/21/2011 FF - IFC - Meeting Minutes, 3/8/2011 FF - Legislative - House Bill No. 352 - STEM, 2011 FF - Performance-Based Funding - COPHE and Potential Measures for Performance Funding, 2011 FF - Performance-Based Funding - Board of Curators F&A Information Item, 12/2011 FF - Performance-Based Funding - DHE Performance Funding Task Force, 2011 FF - Professorships - Correspondence, 2011 FF - Professorships - Renewal - M. Harold Laughlin, MU, 2011 FF - Professorships - Curators’ Professor Emeritus, 2011 FF - Professorships - Curators’ Teaching Professorship, 2011 FF - Professorships - Curators’ Teaching Professorship Emeritus, 2011 FF - Professorships - Curators’ Professorship - MU, Peter Casazza, 2011 FF - Professorships - Curators’ Professorship - MU, Barbara Reys, 2011 FF - Professorships - Curators’ Professorship - MU, Jerry Taylor, 2011 FF - Professorships - Curators’ Professorship - MU, Timothy Trull, 2011 FF - Professorships - Curators’ Professorship - S&T, Gregory Hilmas, 2011 FF - Professorships - Curators’ Professorship - University of Missouri-Kansas City, Kathy Goggin, 2011 FF - Professorships - Curators’ Professorship - University of Missouri-Kansas City, Deepankar Medhi, 2011 FF - Professorships - Ruby M. Hulen Professorship in Urban Affairs - Anthony J. Luppino, University of Missouri-Kansas City, 2011 FF - Professorships - Curators’ Teaching Professorship - University of Missouri-Kansas City, Kathleen Kilway, 2011 FF - Professorships - Curators’ Professor Emeritus - University of Missouri-St. Louis, Jacob Leventhal, 2011 FF - Reports - Endowed Chairs Narrative Template, 2012 FF - Reports - Fall Enrollment, 2011 FF - Reports - Student Success, 2011 FF - Science Education and Quantitative Literacy - MDHE Funding Contract, 2011 FF - Students - Academic Residency Requirements, 2011 FF - Students - Average ACT Scores in Missouri, 2011 FF - Students - Scholarships - Need-Based Endowed Scholarship Matching Program, 2011 FF - Students - Scholarships - TWA, 2011 FF - Units - eLearning - Status Report, 2011 FF - Units - eLearning - Academic Council Meeting Agenda and Materials, 5/6/2011 FF - Units - eLearning - Academic Council Meeting Agenda and Materials, 1/31/2011 FF - Units - eLearning - Academic Council, 2011 FF - Units - eLearning - Tuition and Fees for eLearning Courses and Programs, 2011 FF - Units - eLearning - Xplana Contract, 2011 FF - Units - University Press - Committee Nomination Requests, 2011-2012 FF - University - Community College - College Readiness Standards, 2011 FF - University - Departments/Offices - Human Resources - New DC Plan and Existing TDI Plans, 2011 FF - University of Missouri System - Financial Report, 2011 FF - University of Missouri System - Caring for Missourians, n.d. FF - University of Missouri System - Centers and Institutes, 2011 FF - University of Missouri System - President’s Staff Meeting, 12/5/2011 FF - University of Missouri System - President’s Staff Meeting, 9/26/2011 FF - University of Missouri System - Sichuan Missouri University (China Campus), 2011 FF - University of Missouri System - University of Missouri Academic Officers (UMAO) Agenda and Notes, 12/13/2011 FF - University of Missouri System - UMAO Agenda, 11/18/2011 FF - University of Missouri System - UMAO Agenda and Materials, 10/13/2011 FF - University of Missouri System - UMAO Agenda and Materials, 8/16/2011 FF - University of Missouri System - UMAO Agenda and Materials, 6/16/2011 FF - University of Missouri System - UMAO Agenda and Materials, 6/14/2011 FF - University of Missouri System - UMAO Agenda and Materials, 3/18/2011 FF - University of Missouri System - UMAO, 1/6/2011 FF - University of Missouri System - UMAO, 1/19/2011 FF - University of Missouri System - UMAO, 2/25/2011 FF - University of Missouri System - UMAO Agenda and Materials, 5/20/2011 FF - University of Missouri System - UMAO Agenda and Materials, 4/29/2011 FF - University - University of Missouri-Kansas City - Bloch Gift Agreement, 2011 FF - University - University of Missouri-Kansas City - Spring Break Issue, 3/6/2011 FF - University - Missouri University of Science and Technology - Chancellor’s Professorship, 2011 FF - University - Missouri University of Science and Technology - Promotion and Tenure, 2011 [RESTRICTED] FF - US Department of Education - National Center for Education Statistics - College Affordability and Transparency Lists, 2011 FF - Webinar - Academically Adrift, n.d. FF - Webinar - Academic Bullying, 2011 Box 11 - 124615 [return to top][A20-41] FF - Awards Revamp, 2010 FF - Presidential Faculty Awards, 2011 FF - Presidential Faculty Award - Engagement, 2011 FF - Presidential Faculty Award - Excellence, 2011 FF - Presidential Faculty Award - Innovative Teaching, 2011 FF - Presidential Faculty Award - University Citizenship, 2011 FF - Presidential Faculty Award - Campus Collaboration, 2011 FF - Presidential Faculty Award - Economic Development, 2011 FF - Presidential Award - Student Entrepreneur, 2011 FF - Thomas Jefferson Award, 2011 FF - James and Vera Olson Fund for the Arts, 2010-2011 FF - Curators’ Award for Scholarly Excellence, 2011 FF - TWA Scholarship, 2009-2010 FF - TWA Scholarship, 2010-2011 FF - TWA Scholarship, 2011-2012 Box 12 - 136478 [return to top][A20-41] FF - Articles - "How Will You Measure Your Life?", 2010 FF - Articles - "Rethinking Academic Traditions for Twenty-First-Century Faculty", 2010 FF - Assessment, 2010 FF - Assessment, 2006 FF - Associations/Consortiums - Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U), 2010 FF - Associations/Consortiums - Association of Public Land-Grant Universities (APLU), 2010 FF - Associations/Consortiums - Collaborative on Academic Careers in Higher Education (COACHE), 2010 FF - Associations/Consortiums - COPHE, 2010 FF - Associations/Consortiums - COPHE - Governor’s Award for Excellence in Education, 2010 FF - Associations/Consortiums - Development Dimensions International, Inc. (DDI) - Finding Future Perfect Senior Leaders, 2010 FF - Associations/Consortiums - The Higher Learning Commission - Distance Education Approval, 2010 FF - Associations/Consortiums - Missouri Health Professions Consortium (MHPC), 2010 FF - Associations/Consortiums - Missouri’s Higher Education Partnership, 2010 FF - Associations - National Association of System Heads (NASH) - Access to Success (A2S), 2010 FF - Associations/Consortiums - NASH - A2S - Data Collection Agreement, 2010 FF - Awards - Curators’ Award for Scholarly Excellence, 2010 FF - Awards - Faculty and Student Entrepreneur of the Year, 2010 FF - Awards - Employee Service, 2010 FF - Awards - Olson Fund for the Arts, 2010 FF - Awards - President’s Award for Outstanding Teaching, 2010 FF - Awards - President’s Award for Research and Creativity, 2010 FF - Board of Curators - Agendas/Minutes, 2010 FF - Budget - Budget Performance Report, 2010 FF - Budget - Budget Update, 1/2010 FF - Budget - Operating Budget, FY2011 FF - Collected Rules and Regulations - 300.040, Faculty Bylaws of the University of Missouri-Kansas City, 2015 FF - Collected Rules and Regulations - 470.010, Clinical Psychology Faculty Professional Practice Plan, 2015 FF - Collected Rules and Regulations - 460.070, Allocation of Plan Income, 2015 FF - Collected Rules and Regulations - 460.060, Salary Contract - Base Salary, 2015 FF - Collected Rules and Regulations - 460.050, Cost of Operation of the Plan (Plan Overhead), 2015 FF - Collected Rules and Regulations - 460.030, Participants, 2015 FF - Collected Rules and Regulations - 460.020, Purpose of the Plan, 2015 FF - Collected Rules and Regulations - 460.010, Definitions, 2015 FF - Collected Rules and Regulations - 320.090, Emeritus Designation, 2015 FF - Collected Rules and Regulations - 360.040, Faculty Bylaws of the University of Missouri-St. Louis, 2015 FF - Collected Rules and Regulations - 100.030, Copyright Regulations, 2010 FF - Collected Rules and Regulations - 310.035, Non-Tenure Track Faculty (Executive Guideline 35), 2010 FF - Collected Rules and Regulations - 310.075, Negotiated Faculty Retirements and Contracts (Executive Guideline 30), 2010 FF - Collected Rules and Regulations - 310.080, Regular Faculty Workload Policy, 2010 FF - Collected Rules and Regulations - 460.040, Income, 2015 FF - Committees - MDHE - Committee on Transfer and Articulation (COTA), 2010 FF - Committees - P-20 Task Force - Backup Materials, 2009 FF - Committees - P-20 Task Force - Final Report, 2010 FF - Conference - Governor’s Summit on Higher Education, 2010 FF - Conference - Statewide Workshop - Academic Collaboration, 2010 FF - Degree Programs - Handbook on Degrees, Degree Programs, Policies and Guidelines, 3/1988 FF - Degrees, 2010 FF - Degrees - Spring Semester Approval, 2015 FF - Department of Higher Education (DHE) - Higher Education Student Funding Act, 2010 FF - DHE - Productivity Review, 2010 FF - DHE - Future Issues in Higher Education, 2010 FF - DHE - Statewide Chief Academic Officers, 2010 FF - Endowment Study, 2007 FF - Ethics Law - Monthly Report, 2010-2013 FF - Ethics Law - Personal Financial Disclosure Statement, 2010-2013 FF - Faculty - Extension of Probationary Period, 2010 FF - Faculty - Department Chair Retreat, 2009 FF - Fiscal Notes #1, 2010 Box 13 - 136479 [return to top][A20-41] FF - Fiscal Notes #2, 2010 FF - Fiscal Notes #3, 2010 FF - General Officers, 2010 FF - Grant Opportunities - Kauffman Foundation, 2010 FF - Grant Opportunities - Missouri College Advising Corps (MCAC), 2010 FF - Grant Opportunities - Missouri Department of Higher Education (MDHE) - Improving Teacher Quality Grant, 2010 FF - International Readings, 2010 FF - iTunes Project, 2010 FF - Intercampus Faculty Council (IFC), 2010-2011 FF - IFC, 2009-2010 FF - IFC, 2008-2009 Box 14 - 136480 [return to top][A20-41] FF - Intercampus Faculty Council (IFC) - Academic Integrity Subcommittee, 2010 FF - Legislative - Senate Working Group on Education, 2010 FF - Legislative - Tax Credit Reform, 2010 FF - P-20 Initiative - MU Activities, 2010 FF - Professorships - Curators Professor Emeritus - MU - John Adams, 2015 FF - Professorships - Curators Professor Emeritus - MU - George P. Smith, 2015 FF - Professorships - Curators Professor Emeritus - MU - Bina Gupta, 2015 FF - Professorships - Curators Professor Emeritus - MU - John Jones, 2015 FF - Professorships - Curators Professor Emeritus - MU - Kerby Miller, 2015 FF - Professorships - Curators Professor Emeritus - MU - Norman Gysbers, 2015 FF - Professorships - Curators Professor Emeritus - MU - Frederick vom Saal, 2015 FF - Professorships - Curators Professor Emeritus - MU - Puncky Heppner, 2015 FF - Professorships - Curators Professor Emeritus - MU - M. Harold Laughlin, 2015 FF - Professorships - Curators Professor Emerita - MU - Nancy Flournoy, 2015 FF - Professorships - Curators Professor Emerita - MU - Elaine Lawless, 2015 FF - Professorships - Curators Professor - University of Missouri-St. Louis - Susan Feigenbaum, 2015 FF - Professorships - Curators Professor Emerita - MU - Marilyn Rantz, 2015 FF - Professorships - Curators Professor - University of Missouri-St. Louis - Mark Pope, 2014 FF - Professorships - Curators Professorship, 2010 FF - Professorships - James C. Olson Professorship, 2010 FF - Professorships - Hibbs Professorships and Chairs - MU, 2010 FF - Reports - University of Missouri Financial Report, 2009 FF - Reports - Budget Performance Report, 2010 FF - Reports- Appropriations Request for Capital Items, FY2012 FF - Reports - Appropriations Request for Operations, FY2012 FF - Reports - Consulting, 2009-2010 FF - State Historical Society (SHS) - Memorandum of Understanding re: merger of Western Historical Manuscript Collection and SHS manuscript collections, 2010 FF - Students - Student Data Collection, 2010 FF - Students - Organizations - Conduct Procedures (Missouri S&T), 2010 FF - Students - Scholarships - TWA, 2010 FF - Units - eLearning - Abrazo Partners Report, 2009-2010 FF - Units - eLearning - American Humanics, 2010 FF - Units - eLearning - Board Presentation, 1/2010 FF - Units - eLearning - Correspondence, 2010 FF - Units - eLearning - Consulting Agreement - Michael Anderson, 2010 FF - Units - eLearning - Intellectual Property, 2010 FF - Units - eLearning - MBS, 2009 FF - Units - eLearning - Online Tutoring for Courses, 2010 FF - Units - eLearning - Potential Ideas to Fund, 2009 FF - Units - eLearning - Program Inventory by Campus, 2009 FF - Units - eLearning - Quality Matters Program Subscription Agreement, 2010 FF - Units - eLearning - RFP Proposals, 2010 FF - Units - Spinal Cord Injuries Research Program (SCI) - Research Proposals, 2005-2006 FF - Units - Western Historical Manuscript Collection (WHMC) - Correspondence, 2010 FF - Units - University Press - Budget, 2010 FF - University - University of Missouri - Caring for Missourians, 2010 FF - University - University of Missouri - Centers and Institutes, 2009-2010 FF - University - University of Missouri - Intellectual Pluralism, 2010 FF - University - University of Missouri - University of Missouri Academic Officers (UMAO), 2010 FF - Collected Rules and Regulations - 460.080, Administration of the Plan, 2015 FF - University - University of Missouri-Columbia - National Resource Council Rankings, 2010 FF - University - Missouri University of Science and Technology - Faculty Bylaws (CRR 300.030), 2009-2010 FF - University - Missouri University of Science and Technology - Promotion and Tenure, 2010 [RESTRICTED] FF - University - Departments/Offices - Human Resources - Job Classification and Compensation Review, 1-6/2010 FF - University - Departments/Offices - Human Resources - Pay and Benefits Survey, 2009 Box 15 - 014614 [return to top][A20-41] FF - University of Missouri-Columbia - Program and Center Reviews, 2004-2005 FF - University of Missouri-St. Louis - Program and Center Reviews, 2004-2005 FF - University of Missouri-Rolla - Program and Center Reviews, 2004-2005 FF - University of Missouri-Kansas City - Degree Program Reviews, 2004-2005 FF - University of Missouri-St. Louis - Center Reviews, 2005-2006 FF - University of Missouri-St. Louis - Program Reviews, 2006-2007 FF - University of Missouri-Columbia - Program Reviews, 2005-2006 FF - University of Missouri-Columbia - Program and Center Reviews, 2005-2006 (cont’d) FF - University of Missouri-Columbia - Program and Center Reviews, 2005-2006 (cont’d) FF - University of Missouri-Columbia - Program Reviews, 2006-2007 Box 16 - 065104 [return to top][A20-41] FF - University of Missouri-St. Louis - Program/Center Reviews, 2003 FF - University of Missouri-Columbia - Program/Center Reviews, 2003 FF - University of Missouri-Kansas City - Program/Center Reviews, 2003 FF - University of Missouri-Rolla - Program/Center Reviews, 2003 FF - University of Missouri-Columbia - Center Reviews, 2002-2003 FF - University of Missouri-Columbia - Degree Program Reviews, 2002-2003 FF - University of Missouri-Rolla - Center and Degree Program Reviews, 2002-2003 FF - University of Missouri-St. Louis - Degree Program Reviews, 2002-2003 FF - University of Missouri-St. Louis - Center Reviews, 2002-2003 FF - University of Missouri-Kansas City - Degree Program Reviews, 2002-2003 FF - University of Missouri-Kansas City - Center Reviews, 2002-2003 FF - University of Missouri-Columbia - Degree Program Reviews, 2001-2002 FF - University of Missouri-Columbia - Center Reviews, 2001-2002 FF - University of Missouri-Rolla - Degree Program Reviews, 2001-2002 FF - University of Missouri-Rolla - Center Reviews, 2001-2002 FF - University of Missouri-Kansas City - Center Reviews, 2001-2002 FF - University of Missouri-Kansas City - Degree Program reviews, 2001-2002 FF - University of Missouri-St. Louis - Degree Program Reviews, 2001-2002 FF - University of Missouri-St. Louis - Center Reviews, 2001-2002 FF - University of Missouri-Kansas City/University of Missouri-Rolla/University of Missouri-St. Louis - Degree Program Five-Year Reviews, 1998-1999 FF - Five-Year Program and Center Reviews, 2000-2001 FF - University of Missouri-Columbia - Degree Programs, 1998-1999 FF - Program and Center Reviews, 1999-2000 FF - University of Missouri-Columbia - Degree Program and Center Five-Year Reviews, 1997-1998 FF - University of Missouri-Kansas City/University of Missouri-Rolla/University of Missouri-St. Louis - Degree Program Five-Year Reviews, 1997-1998 FF - University of Missouri-Rolla/University of Missouri-Kansas City/University of Missouri-St. Louis - Center Five-Year Reviews, 1997-1998 FF - University of Missouri-Columbia/University of Missouri-Kansas City/University of Missouri-Rolla/University of Missouri-St. Louis - Program Five-Year Reviews, 1996-1997 Box 17 - 118785 [return to top][A20-41] FF - University - University of Missouri - Administrative Streamlining, 2006 FF - University - University of Missouri-Rolla - Bylaws, 2006 FF - University - University of Missouri-Rolla - Faculty Issue, 2006 FF - University - University of Missouri-St. Louis - Bylaws, 2006 FF - University - University of Missouri-Rolla - CHEM 4, 2006 FF - Legislative - Funding Formula, 2006 FF - Collected Rules and Regulations - 20.040, Vice President for Academic Affairs (Executive Order 2), 2006 FF - Collected Rules and Regulations - 230-010, Educational and Supplemental Course Fees, 2006 FF - Collected Rules and Regulations - 270-060, Intercollegiate Athletics (Executive Order 29), 2006 FF - Collected Rules and Regulations - 310.035, Non-Tenure Track Faculty (Executive Guideline 35), 2006 FF - Board of Curators - Members - John M. Carnahan, 2006 FF - Collected Rules and Regulations - 420.020, Research Misconduct, 2006 FF - Committees - University Press, 2006 FF - Faculty - Language Proficiency - Faculty Communication Report, 2006 FF - Faculty - New Faculty Teaching Scholars (NFTS) - Retention, 2006 FF - Students - Fees, 2006 FF - Students - Advanced Placement, 2006 FF - Units - University Press - Development Board, 2006 FF - Units - University Press - Development Brochure, 2006 FF - Units - University Press - Budget, 2006 FF - Units - University Press - Correspondence, 2006 FF - University - University of Missouri-Rolla - Name Change, 2007 FF - University - University of Missouri-Rolla - Elimination of School/College Administrative Structure, 2007 [RESTRICTED] FF - University - University of Missouri-Rolla - Faculty Bylaws (330.030), 2007 FF - NFTS/President’s Academic Leadership Institute (PALI) - Evaluation, 2006-2007 FF - Collected Rules and Regulations - 100.030, Copyright Regulations, 2007 FF - Collected Rules and Regulations - 100.020, Patent and Plant Variety Regulations, 2007 FF - Charter Schools - Imagine Schools, 2007 [RESTRICTED] FF - Collected Rules and Regulations - 170.060, University Identification and Symbols, 2007 FF - Collected Rules and Regulations - 220.020, Diplomas and Certificates, 2007 FF - Committees - Statewide Health Care Task Force, 2007 FF - Committees - University of Missouri Nuclear Consortium, 2007 FF - Faculty - NFTS - Reception and Dinner, 2007 FF - Faculty - NFTS - Academic Portfolio Retreat, 9/2007 FF - Innovation Square - Transportation Overview, 2010 FF - Innovation Square - Development Summary, n.d. FF - Innovation Square - Development Guidelines, 2010 FF - Innovation Square - Parking Analysis and Strategy, 2010 FF - Innovation Square - Infrastructure Overview, 2010 FF - Innovation Square - Development Regulations, 2010 FF - Grant Opportunities - Lumina/MHEC Regional Tuning Grant, 2011 FF - Office of Research and Economic Development - Presidential Orientation Guide, 2012 FF - Research Leaders Summit - Expanding Research and Economic Development, 2012 FF - Research Foundations Master Plan and Reports, 2012 FF - Students - Scholarship - TWA, 2012 FF - West Virginia Regional Technology Park - Planning Framework, 2013 FF - Reporting - Consulting, 2013-2014 FF - Professorships - Curators’ Professor - University of Missouri-St. Louis - Alexei Demchenko, 2013-2014 Box 18 - 136620 [return to top][A20-41] FF - Collected Rules and Regulations - 170.020, University Press, 2015 FF - Academic Calendar - MU Proposed Academic Calendar, 2012-2013 FF - Budget - FY13 Budget Assumptions as of 11/2011 FF - Business Policy Manual - 1201 Management, Access and Use, 2011 FF - Academic Calendar - University of Missouri-Kansas City Proposed Calendar, Fall 2014 FF - Articles - "Are the Sleeping Giants Awake? Non-Profit Universities Enter Online Education at Scale", 2012 FF - Articles - "Innovation in Higher Education? HAH", 2012 FF - Articles - MDHE Media Fact Sheet - College Board analysis of trends in tuition and fees, n.d. FF - Articles - "Online Learning: MOOC Madness: An Inside Look", 2012 FF - Articles - "Q&A with authors of book arguing that learning is waning in higher ed", 2012 FF - Articles - "Trends in Tuition and Fees, Enrollment, and State Appropriations for Higher Education by State", 2012 FF - Articles - "U-M will be among first to offer courses through groundbreaking online approach", 2012 FF - Associations/Consortiums - National Association of System Heads (NASH) - Access to Success (A2S) MOUs, 2012 FF - Awards - Citizenship Award for Leadership - University of Missouri-Kansas City - Joy Swallow, 2012 FF - Awards - Citizenship Award for Service - MU - John David, 2011-2012 FF - Awards - Economic Development - MU - Thomas Johnson, 2012 FF - Awards - Faculty Award for Community Engagement - MU - Clyde Ruffin, 2012 FF - Awards - Faculty Award for Cross-Cultural Engagement - MU - Rangira Gallimore, 2012 FF - Awards - Faculty Award for Early Career Excellence - University of Missouri-Kansas City - Anthony Caruso, 2011-2012 FF - Awards - Faculty Award for Sustained Excellence - MU - Grace Sun, 2012 FF - Awards - Innovative Teaching - MU - Elizabeth Baker, 2011-2012 FF - Awards - Olson Fund for the Arts, 2012-2013 FF - Awards - President’s Award Committee Appointment Letters, 2012 FF - Awards - Presidential Award Committee Thank You Letters, 2012 FF - Awards - Presidential Award Rejection Letters, 2012 FF - Awards - President’s Award Committee Nomination Requests, 2011 FF - Awards - Presidential Award Supplemental Materials, 2011-2012 FF - Awards - Student Entrepreneur - University of Missouri-Kansas City - Kristin Kenney, 2012 FF - Awards - Thomas Jefferson - MU - Howard Gerhardt, 2011-2012 FF - Board of Curators - Agenda, 6/2012 FF - Board of Curators - Correspondence re: Computerized Grading Software, 2011 FF - Board of Curators - Curator Orientation Booklet, 6/6/2012 FF - Board of Curators - Meeting Summaries and Agendas, 2012 FF - Budget - Appropriations, FY2013 FF - Budget - Budget Assumptions, FY2013-2014 FF - Budget - Budget University of Missouri Slideshow, edited for IFC, FY2013 FF - Business Policy Manual - 1201 Management, Access and Use, 2012 FF - Committees - DHE - Committee on Curriculum and Assessment Pilot Project, 2011 FF - Committees - DHE - COTA - General Education and Credit Transfer Policy, 2011 FF - Committees - DHE - DESE - Common Core Standards, 2012 FF - Collected Rules and Regulations - 180.020, Student Records, 2012 FF - Collected Rules and Regulations - 200.010, Standard of Conduct, 2012 FF - Collected Rules and Regulations - 200.020, Rules of Procedure in Student Conduct Matters, 2012 FF - Collected Rules and Regulations - 200.030, Forms for Use in Disciplinary Matters, 2012 FF - Collected Rules and Regulations - 210.010, Guidelines for Education Programs and Courses, 2012 FF - Collected Rules and Regulations - 210.050, Report of Grades, 2012 FF - Collected Rules and Regulations - 210.080, Policy on Freshman Success, 2012 FF - Collected Rules and Regulations - 220.025, Revocation of a Degree, Diploma, and/or Certificate, 2012 FF - Collected Rules and Regulations - 220.030, Honorary Degrees, 2012 FF - Collected Rules and Regulations - 230.050, Continuing Education Instruction Fee; 230.060, eLearning and Special Program Tuition and Fees, 2012 FF - Collected Rules and Regulations - 310.015, Procedures for Review of Faculty Performance, 2012 FF - Collected Rules and Regulations - 310.035, Non-Tenure Track Faculty (clinical track issue), 2012 FF - Collected Rules and Regulations - 310.035, Non-Tenure Track Faculty (librarian issue), 2012 FF - Collected Rules and Regulations - 320.020, Academic Appointments, 2012 FF - Collected Rules and Regulations - 340.070, Faculty Leave, 2012 FF - Collected Rules and Regulations - 310.035, Non-Tenure Track Faculty (University of Missouri-Kansas City librarians issue), 2012 FF - Committees - Academic/Student Administrative System Oversight (HISTORY), 2012 FF - Committees - Faculty Committee on Tenure, 2012 FF - Degrees - Fall Semester 2012 Approval FF - Degrees - Summer Semester 2012 Approval FF - Degrees - Spring Semester 2012 Approval FF - Degree Programs - New Degree Program Enrollment Tracking, 2012 FF - Degree Programs - Professional Science Master’s, 2012 FF - Missouri Department of Higher Education (DHE) - Improving Teacher Quality Grant, 2012 FF - Domestic Partner Benefits - University of Missouri IFC Report, 2012 FF - Exchange Agreements - Missouri/Kansas - Enrollments (Architecture/Dentistry/Optometry), 2012 FF - Faculty - Average Faculty Salaries of University of Missouri System, 2010-2011 FF - Faculty - Faculty Accomplishment System (FAS) Replacement Project, 2012 FF - Faculty - Faculty conversations with the President, 2012 FF - Faculty - Faculty Compensation Slides, 2012 FF - Faculty - Governance Protocol discussion, 2012 FF - Faculty - Instructional Workload, 2011-2012 FF - Faculty - Grant Funded Faculty and Raises, 2012 FF - Faculty - Missouri Learning Commons, 2012-2013 FF - Faculty - National Council on Teacher Quality, 2012 [RESTRICTED] FF - Faculty - University of Missouri Faculty Scholars (UMFS), 2012 FF - General Officers - Agendas, 2013 FF - General Officers - Retreat Agenda, 6/2012 FF - Grant Opportunities - Innovation Campus Program Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Guidelines, 2012 FF - Initiatives - Liberal Education and America’s Promise (LEAP), 2012 FF - Initiatives - STEM, 2012 FF - Intercampus Faculty Council (IFC) - Agendas, 2012 FF - IFC - Discussion with the President, 10/23/2012 FF - Legislative - Amendment No. 2, "Right to Pray", 2012 FF - Legislative - House Bill 1042 DRAFT - Reverse Transfer, 2012 [RESTRICTED] FF - Performance-Based Funding - Performance Funding Measures, 2012 FF - Planning - University of Missouri System President’s Six Strategic Themes, 2012 FF - Planning - Strategic Planning Efforts, 2012 FF - Professorships - Curators Professor - MU - Nancy Flournoy, 2012 FF - Professorships - Curators Professor - MU - Gerald Hazelbauer, 2012 FF - Professorships - Curators Professor - MU - John R. Jones, 2012 FF - Professorships - Curators Professor - MU - Mian Liu, 2012 FF - Professorships - Curators Professor Emeritus - MU - Robert Reys, 2012 FF - Professorships - Curators Professor - Missouri University of Science and Technology - William Fahrenholtz, 2012 FF - Professorships - Curators Teaching Professor Emeritus - Missouri University of Science and Technology - James J. Bogan Jr., 2012 FF - Professorships - Curators Professor - University of Missouri-St. Louis - Mary Lacity, 2012 FF - Professorships - Curators Professor - University of Missouri-St. Louis - Joyce Mushaben, 2012 FF - Professorships - Curators Professor Emeritus - University of Missouri-Kansas City - Yanching J. Jean, 2012 FF - Professorships - Curators Teaching Professor Emerita - University of Missouri-Kansas City - Carla Klausner, 2012 FF - Professorships - Curators Teaching Professor - University of Missouri-Kansas City - Dennis Merrill, 2012 FF - Professorships - Curators Professor - University of Missouri-Kansas City - Paul Rudy, 2012 FF - Reports - Accountability Measurement System, 2012 FF - Reports - Annual Western Governors University Report, 2012 FF - Reports - Fall Enrollment Report, 2012 FF - Reports - Endowed Chairs Report, 2012 FF - Reports - Member Alliance of States/Complete College America "Missouri 2012", 2011 FF - Reports - Student Success Report, 2012 FF - Students - Academic Residency Requirements, 2012 FF - Students - Tuition and Other Related Enrollment Fees, FY2013 FF - Sunshine Law Requests, 2007 FF - Tour of Missouri, 2007 FF - Transfer and Articulation - Joint Statement on Commitment to Transfer, 2005 FF - Units - eLearning - eLearning Portal Board of Curators Presentation, 2/2012 FF - Units - eLearning - Goals, 2012-2013 FF - Units - eLearning - Tutoring Service Agreement, 2012 FF - Units - eLearning - University of Missouri-Kansas City eLearning Proposal and Agreement, 2012 FF - Units - eLearning - University of Missouri-St. Louis Bachelor of Liberal Studies (BLS) Funding Proposal and Signed Agreement (Phase I), 2012 FF - Units - eLearning - RFP Proposal Agreement - BLS Phase II, University of Missouri-St. Louis, 2012 FF - Units - eLearning - Various Missouri University of Science and Technology Proposals, 2012 FF - Units - University Press - Press Release, President’s Response, VPAA Notification Letters, 2012 FF - University Departments/Offices - Human Resources - Catastrophic Plan, 2012 FF - University Departments/Offices - President Orientation Booklet, 2012 FF - University - University of Missouri - Academic Analytics, 2012 FF - University - University of Missouri - Caring for Missourians Report to the President, 2012 FF - University - University of Missouri - President’s Staff Meeting, 3/19/2012 FF - University - University of Missouri - President’s Staff Meeting, 10/22/2012 FF - University - University of Missouri - Program Additions and Deletions 2002-2012 Report to the Board of Curators, 2012 FF - University - University of Missouri - Trimesters, 2012 FF - University - University of Missouri - University of Missouri Academic Officers (UMAO) Agendas, 2012 FF - University - University of Missouri - University of Missouri Faculty Scholars, ca. 2012 FF - University - University of Missouri - Visiting University of Missouri Graduate Students, 2012 FF - University - University of Missouri - Vice President for Academic Affairs - Goals, 2012-2013 FF - University - University of Missouri-Kansas City - Cooperative DNP Program with Missouri Southern (MSSU), 2012 FF - University - University of Missouri-Kansas City - Correspondence regarding Distinguished Professor Title, 2012 FF - University - University of Missouri-Kansas City - Higher Technology Solutions (HTS) Service Agreement, 2012 FF - University - University of Missouri-Kansas City - Naming Opportunity, Regnier Institute for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, 2012 FF - University - Missouri University of Science and Technology - BS Information Technology Program, 2012 FF - University - Missouri University of Science and Technology - Cooperative Agreement with Future University Egypt, 2012 FF - University - Missouri University of Science and Technology - MOU between Missouri University of Science and Technology and National Defense University, 2009, 2011 FF - University - Missouri University of Science and Technology - Sponsored Student Fee, 2012 FF - University - Missouri University of Science and Technology - Tenure Appointment Letter for Chancellor Cheryl Schrader, 2012 FF - University - Missouri University of Science and Technology - Title Reinstatement, Larry Gragg, 2012 Box 19 - 052771 [return to top][A20-41] FF - Assessment - Climate Assessment Project, 2012 FF - Assessment - Executive Summary of Program Review, 2012 FF - Performance Based Funding - Correspondence, 2012 FF - Units - Athletics - Athletic Master Plan, 2012 FF - University - University of Missouri-Columbia - Distance Education Enrollment Report, 2011-2012 FF - Articles - American Council on Education Recommends 5 MOOCs for Credit, 2/7/2013 FF - Articles - Cracking the Credit Hour (MOOCs), 9/2012 FF - Articles - MOOC Movement, 5/2013 FF - Articles - Old Professors Never Quit, They Just Hang Around, 8/5/2013 FF - Articles - Retiring His "Boomer Butt", 8/6/2013 FF - Articles - State U Online (MOOCs), 4/2013 FF - Articles - They Aren't Retiring, 8/2/2013 FF - Associations/Consortiums - Business-Higher Education Forum - Heartland STEM Project, 2012 FF - Associations/Consortiums - COPHE - Agenda and Meeting Materials, 9/4/2013 FF - Associations/Consortiums - COPHE - Governor's Award for Excellence in Education, 2013 FF - Associations/Consortiums - NASH - Access to Success (A2S) MOUs, 2013 FF - Awards - Student Entrepreneur - Missouri University of Science and Technology - Casey Burton, 2013 FF - Awards - President's Award Committee Chair Appointment Letters, 2013 FF - Awards - Presidential Award Rejection Letters, 2013 FF - Awards - President's Award Committee Appointment Letters, 2013 FF - Awards - Citizenship Award for Leadership - University of Missouri-Kansas City - Michael B. Kruger, 2013 FF - Awards - Thomas Jefferson - MU - Steven Watts, 2013 FF - Awards - Citizenship Award for Mentoring - Missouri University of Science and Technology - Wayne Huebner, 2013 FF - Awards - Citizenship Award for Service - University of Missouri-St. Louis - Vicki Sauter, 2013 FF - Awards - Economic Development - MU - Marilyn J. Rantz, 2013 FF - Awards - Faculty Award for Community Engagement - MU - Wouter Montfrooij, 2013 FF - Awards - Faculty Award for Cross-Cultural Engagement - University of Missouri-St. Louis - Rita Csapo-Sweet, 2013 FF - Awards - Faculty Award for Early Career Excellence - Missouri University of Science and Technology - Suzanna Long, 2013 FF - Awards - Faculty Award for Sustained Excellence - MU - Bahram Mashhoon, 2013 FF - Awards - Innovative Teaching - University of Missouri-St. Louis - Carl Hoagland, 2013 FF - Awards - Intercampus Collaboration - MU - Gayer; University of Missouri-St. Louis - Farberman, Garzon; University of Missouri-Kansas City - King, Rahm, 2013 FF - Awards - Olson Fund for the Arts, 2013-2014 FF - Board of Curators - Meeting Summaries and Agendas, 2012-2013 FF - Board of Curators - Research Update, 11/2013 FF - Board of Curators - Missouri University of Science and TechnologyOrientation Example - Bob Schwartz, 2013 FF - Budget - University of Missouri Operating Budget, FY2014 FF - Charter Schools - State Board of Education Subcommittee, n.d. FF - Collected Rules and Regulations (CRR) - 220.020 Diplomas and Certificates, 2013 FF - CRR - 300.010 Faculty Bylaws of the University of Missouri-Columbia, 2013 FF - CRR - 300.020 Faculty Bylaws of the University of Missouri-Kansas City, 2013 FF - CRR - 300.040 Faculty Bylaws of the University of Missouri-St. Louis, 2013 FF - CRR - 310.015 Procedures for Review of Faculty Performance (committee membership issue), 2013 FF - CRR - 310.035 Non-Tenure Track Faculty (Clinical Track Issue), 2013 FF - CRR - 320.035 Policy and Procedure for Promotion and Tenure (Executive Order 6A), 2013 FF - CRR - 320.050 Employment Status, 2013 FF - CRR - 320.090 Emeritus Designation, 2013 FF - CRR - 450.020/450.030 Overall Plan for Operation of University of Missouri-Kansas City Medical School/Affiliation Agreements, 2013 FF - Committee - 25-Course Transfer Library, 2013 FF - Committee - Faculty Committee on Tenure, 2013 FF - Committee - Missouri Department of Higher Education (DHE) - COTA - Transfer Guideline Changes, 2013 FF - Committee - DHE - Council of Chief Academic Officers (CCAO), 2013 FF - Conference - Missouri Teaching Symposium - Course Redesign, Technology and Scholarship, 2013 FF - Degree Program - Explosives Engineering PhD, MS&T, 2013 FF - Faculty - Faculty 180 - Contract, 2013 FF - Degree Programs - Industrial/Organizational Psychology, 2013 FF - Degrees - Fall Semester, 2013 FF - Degrees - Spring Semester, 2013 FF - Degrees - Summer Semester, 2013 FF - DHE - DESE and Education Testing (MoGEA), 2013 FF - DHE - Follow-Up Program Review, 2013 FF - DHE - Midwest State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement Update, 2013 FF - DHE - MO Completion Academy, 2013 FF - DHE - MO Reverse Transfer Initiative Policy, 2013 FF - DHE - Policy on Remedial Education, 2013 FF - Faculty - Academic Appointment and Titles Guide, 2013 FF - Faculty - Faculty Accomplishment System (FAS) Replacement Project, 2013 FF - Faculty - Instructional Workload Waivers, 2012-2013 FF - Faculty - NTT and Immigration Status, 2013 FF - Faculty - University of Missouri Faculty Scholars (UMFS), 2013 FF - Exchange Agreements - Board Presentation, 2013 FF - Legislative - State Funding Formula (SB437), 2013 FF - Performance-Based Funding - Funding Higher Education in Missouri - Model Proposal, 2013 FF - Performance-Based Funding - Performance Funding and Accountability Measures, 2013 FF - Professorships - Summary Totals, 2013 FF - Professorships - Bess Schooling Professorship in Elementary Education - MU - Lenny Sanchez, 2013 FF - Professorships - Curators Professor - MU - Laura King, 2013 FF - Professorships - Curators Professor - MU - Judith Wall, 2013 FF - Professorships - Curators Professor - MU - Ian Worthington, 2013 FF - Professorships - Curators Professor Emeritus - MU - Marilyn Coleman, 2013 FF - Professorships - Curators Teaching Professor - MU - Michael Budds, 2013 FF - Professorships - Curators Teaching Professor Emeritus - MU - William Bondeson, 2013 FF - Professorships - Curators Professor - Missouri University of Science and Technology - Martin Bohner, 2013 FF - Professorships - Curators Teaching Professor - Missouri University of Science and Technology - David Riggins, 2013 FF - Professorships - Curators Teaching Professor - Missouri University of Science and Technology - VA Samaranayake, 2013 FF - Professorships - Curators Professor - University of Missouri-St. Louis - Mark Burkholder, 2013 FF - Professorships - Curators Professor - University of Missouri-St. Louis - Hung-Gay Fung, 2013 FF - Professorships - Curators Professor - University of Missouri-St. Louis - Janet Lauritsen, 2013 FF - Reports - Fall Enrollment Report, 2013 FF - Reports - Consulting, 2013 FF - Reports - IT Annual Report, 2013 FF - Reports - System Accountability Measures Annual Report, 2013 FF - Student - Scholarship - TWA, 2013 FF - Students - Undergraduate Research Day, 2013 FF - Units - eLearning - Consulting Agreement - True Media, 2013 FF - Units - eLearning - Bachelor of Liberal Arts-Online (BLA-O), 2013 FF - Units - eLearning - Board of Curators Presentation, 11/2013 FF - Units - eLearning - Outcomes, 2013 FF - Units - eLearning - Missouri University of Science and Technology - Blended Science Laboratory Courses, 2013 FF - Units - eLearning - eLearning Update, 2013 FF - Units - eLearning - Missouri University of Science and Technology - Safety Engineering Graduate Certificate, 2013 FF - Units - eLearning - University of Missouri-Kansas City - General Education Online, 2013 FF - Units - eMINTS - MOU with MU College of Education, 2013 FF - Units - Spinal Cord Injury - Research Proposal, 11/2013 FF - Units - Spinal Cord Injury - Quantitative in Vivo Evaluation of Human Spinal Cord Injury, 2013 FF - University - Departments/Offices - Human Resources (HR) - Default Pay Option, 2013 FF - University - Departments/Offices - HR - Retirement Plan Actuarial Assumptions UM, 2013 FF - University - Departments/Offices - HR - University of Missouri Academic Officers (UMAO) Healthcare Reform Update, 2013 FF - University - Departments/Offices - University Relations - June Board of Curators Presentation, 2013 FF - University - University of Missouri - Academic Analytics, 2013 FF - University - University of Missouri - Academic Student Retention Project, 2013 FF - University - University of Missouri - Caring for Missourians - Mental Health, 2013 FF - University - University of Missouri - Course Sharing, 2013 FF - University - University of Missouri - Endowment Funds and Book Publishing Costs/Textbook Compensation, 2013 FF - University - University of Missouri - Fall Enrollment Update to Board of Curators, 9/13/2013 FF - University - University of Missouri - Fall Enrollment Update, 11/2013 FF - University - Missouri University of Science and Technology - King Saud University, 2013 FF - University - University of Missouri - FERPA and ITSM, 2013 FF - University - University of Missouri - Financial Status Report, FY2013 FF - University - University of Missouri - Grade Replacement Policy, 2013 FF - University - University of Missouri - Lease Extension Approval, AT&T Tower at Missouri Research Park, 2013 FF - University - University of Missouri - University of Missouri Academic Officers (UMAO) Agendas, 2013 FF - University - University of Missouri-Columbia - MU Health System Update to Board, 9/13/2013 FF - University - University of Missouri-Columbia - Naming Opportunity - Brady and Anne Deaton Institute for University Leadership in International Development, 2013 FF - University - University of Missouri-Kansas City - Dual Undergrad/Masters and Undergrad/Graduate Certificate Program Proposal, 2013 FF - University - University of Missouri-Kansas City - Standards of Professional Conduct and Honor Council Procedures, School of Medicine, 2013 FF - University - Missouri University of Science and Technology - Mission Statement, 2013 FF - University - Missouri University of Science and Technology - Naming Opportunity - Kent D. Peaslee Steel Manufacturing Research Center, 2013 FF - University - Missouri University of Science and Technology - Promotion and Tenure Decisions, 2013 [RESTRICTED] FF - University - Missouri University of Science and Technology - Title Reinstatement - Larry Gragg, 2013 FF - University - University of Missouri-St. Louis - Student Organization Standard of Conduct and Rules of Procedures in Student Conduct Matters, 2013 FF - University - Departments/Offices - IT - IFC Update Security Awareness Training and Data Classification System, 2013 FF - University - Departments/Offices - President's Office - Board Report, 9/13/2013 FF - University - Departments/Offices - Research - Points of Pride, Board of Curators, 9/13/2013 FF - University - Departments/Offices - Research - Board Presentation, 9/13/2013 FF - University - Departments/Offices - University Relations - IFC Legislative Update, 9/24/2013 FF - University - Departments/Offices - University Relations - Board Presentation, 9/13/2013 FF - Faculty - Faculty Workload, 2013 FF - Faculty - Five-Year Post-Tenure Reviews, 2013 Restrictions Note: The Archives of the University of Missouri-Columbia is required by law and Board of Curator's policy to restrict access to some files and information. Student records are held as confidential under the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and by University policy. Faculty promotion and tenure records and Academic Personnel files are restricted for 75 years, or the lifetime of the individual. All grievance, disciplinary, and medical records are treated as confidential files. Consultations with legal counsel, both in-house and external, are protected by the attorney/client privilege and will not be released. |
Published by: University Archives
Compiled: May 2020
Revised: 28 May 2020
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