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Box Lists for UW:4/51/9

Note to Researcher: These records have not been processed to the level of an inventory and may therefore contain RESTRICTED material not specifically annotated as such and access may be limited in that regard. Please see the RESTRICTIONS NOTE at the end of the box list(s).

Box 1 - 042079 [return to top]

[A76-39; A77-41]

FF - Academic Affairs - Equipment Inventory (includes mechanical drawings of University Hall), 1969-1971

FF - Academic Affairs - Personnel, 1968-1973 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Academic Program Evaluation Account, 1972

FF - Academic Program Evaluation Account, 1972 (cont'd)

FF - Academic Program Evaluation Account, 1972-1974

FF - Administrative and Fiscal Council, 1972

FF - Administrative and Fiscal Council, 1973

FF - Arts and Science Deans, 1968, 1972-1975

FF - Benchmark Committee, 1972-1975

FF - Columbia Campus - Academic Planning, 1972-1975 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Distinguished Professorship, 1971-1972

FF - Education Deans, 1972-1973

FF - Faculty Responsibilities, 1970-1971, 1973

FF - Faculty Evaluation, 1971-1973

FF - Further Education for Professionals, 1973

FF - Geology/Geophysics - University of Missouri-Rolla Evaluation, 1971

FF - Graduate Deans, 1971

FF - American Council on Education (ACE) - 57th Annual Meeting, 10/1974

Box 2 - 042080 [return to top]

[A76-39; A77-41]

FF - Graduate Teaching Assistants, 1970-1971

FF - Donald Lindberg (consultant for Health Sciences), 1971-1972

FF - Mid-America State Universities Association (MASUA), 1972-1973

FF - Missouri - Miscellaneous Academic Reports, 1969-1973

FF - Open University, 1973-1974

FF - Material from Other Universities - C-M, 1969-1974

FF - Material from Other Universities - N-P, 1970-1975

FF - Material from Other Universities - Texas, 1971-1973

FF - Material from Other Universities - W, 1970-1975

FF - Paul C. Nagel, 1970-1973

FF - Promotion and Tenure, 1971-1973

FF - Provosts/Deans of Faculties, 1971-1973

FF - Quality Statement, 1971

FF - Quality Statement, 1972

FF - University of Missouri-Rolla, 1971-1972

FF - University of Missouri-Rolla, 1973

Box 3 - 042105 [return to top]

[A76-39; A77-41]

FF - Preface to Decision - Mission, 1971

FF - Preface to Decision - Program, 1971

FF - Preface to Decision - Resources, 1971

FF - Preface to Decision - Organization, 1971

FF - Preface to Decision - Governance, 1971

FF - New Academic Programs, 1969-1971

FF - Visits to Rolla Campus, 1969-1970

FF - University-Wide Extension Proposals, 1971

FF - University of Missouri-Kansas City - Collective Response to "Preface to Decision", 3/31/1971

FF - University of Missouri-Rolla - Combined Responses to "preface to Decision", 4/5/1971

FF - University of Missouri-St. Louis - Response to "Preface to Decision", 1971

FF - University-Wide Office of Research - Combined Proposal, 3/31/1971

FF - University of Missouri-Columbia - School of Medicine - Response to "Preface to Decision", 3/3/1971

FF - Official Drafts of "Preface to Decision", 1971

FF - Retreat Project - Responses by Individuals to "Preface to Decision", 1971

FF - "Preface to Decision" - Drafts of Correspondence, ca. 1971

FF - Academic Planning - Other Universities, 1972

FF - Retreat Project, 1/1971

FF - High Hill (Ranch Roy-L), 1971

FF - Agenda for Action, 1971-1972

FF - Preface to Decision, 1971

FF - University of Missouri-Columbia - Advice on Role and Scope, 1971-1972

FF - University of Missouri-Kansas City - Advice on Role and Scope, 1969, 1971-1972

FF - University of Missouri-Rolla - Advice on Role and Scope, 1971

FF - University of Missouri-Rolla - Advice on Role and Scope, 1972

FF - University of Missouri-St. Louis - Advice on Role and Scope, 1969, 1971-1972

FF - "University of Missouri-Columbia: Alternative to the Tentative Policy 'Statement of the University of Missouri: Its Future'", 1/14/1972

FF - General Comments on Role and Scope, 1971-1972

FF - Tentative Statements/Drafts of Role and Scope, 1971

FF - Tentative Statements/Drafts of Role and Scope, 2-4/1972

Box 4 - 042133 [return to top]

[A76-39; A77-41]

FF - Tentative Statements/Drafts for Role and Scope, 6/1972-1/1973

FF - Evaluation Steering Committee, 1971

FF - Evaluation Steering Committee, 1972

FF - Spring Evaluations, 1972

FF - Fall Evaluations, 1972

FF - Evaluation Steering Committee, 1973-1974

FF - Evaluation of Learning Resources, 12/1973

FF - Evaluation of Research - Step I, 10/1973

FF - Extension Evaluation, General, 1972-1974

FF - Academic Plan - Extension, 1975

FF - Campus Philosophy Statements - University-Wide Data, 1975

FF - Tables of the Academic Plan for Research - University of Missouri-Columbia, ca. 1975

FF - Academic Plan - Part II: Divisions (A-L), 1975

FF - Academic Plan - Part II: Divisions (M-V), 1975

FF - Academic Plan for Research - University of Missouri-Kansas City, 1975

FF - Academic Plan for Extension - University of Missouri-Kansas City, 1975

FF - Academic Plan for Research - University of Missouri-Rolla, 1975

FF - Academic Plan for Extension - University of Missouri-Rolla, 1975

FF - Academic Plan for Research - University of Missouri-St. Louis, 1975

FF - Academic Plan for Extension - University of Missouri-St. Louis, 1975

Box 5 - UMLD1 [return to top]

[A76-39; A77-41]

FF - Office of Research - "Report to the President on Status of Research Centers for Step Two - Evaluation of Research", 6/1/1974

FF - "The University of Missouri Academic Plan 1975-1985: Philosophy Statement - Part I, Degree Programs", 9/12/1974

FF - "The Development of a Research Inventory: A Progress Report", 4/21/1975

FF - "Academic Planning, Part II - Research", 9/2/1975

FF - Academic Plan, Part II - Research - Inventory and Projections, 11/10/1975

FF - Academic Affairs Committee, 12/1975

FF - Academic Plan, Part II - Research - Inventory and Projections, 2/17/1976

FF - Academic Plan, Part II - Research - Inventory and Projections, 4/5/1976

FF - Academic Plan, Part II - Correspondence with Board of Curators Academic Affairs Committee, 4/20/1976

FF - Academic Plan, Part II - Research - Inventory and Projections, 4/20/1976

FF - Academic Plan, Part II - Research - Inventory and Projections, 4/30/1976

FF - Academic Plan, Part III - Extension, 1975-1976

Box 6 - UMLD1 [return to top]

[A76-39; A77-41]

FF - Step II - Evaluation of Research, 1972-1974

FF - University of Missouri-Columbia - Office of Research - "Self-Study Report for Review of Research Administration", 6/1973

FF - University of Missouri-Kansas City - Graduate Studies - Office of Research Administration - "Step I: Review of Research Management", 7/1/1973

FF - University of Missouri-Rolla - "Step I: Review of Research Administration", 7/1/1973

FF - University of Missouri-St. Louis - Office of Research Administration - Self-Study, 7/1/1973

FF - University-Wide Office of Research - "Step I: Program for Reappraisal", 7/1/1973

FF - University of Missouri Office of Industrial Development Studies - "University of Missouri Resources for Economic Development", 11/5/1973

Return to UW:4/51/9 summary

Restrictions Note: The Archives of the University of Missouri-Columbia is required by law and Board of Curator's policy to restrict access to some files and information. Student records are held as confidential under the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and by University policy. Faculty promotion and tenure records and Academic Personnel files are restricted for 75 years, or the lifetime of the individual. All grievance, disciplinary, and medical records are treated as confidential files. Consultations with legal counsel, both in-house and external, are protected by the attorney/client privilege and will not be released.

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Compiled: April 2020
Revised: 21 June 2021

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