Call Number:
Box 52-017222
Record Group: 3 C Record Sub-Group: 16 Record Series: 4 Records Title: UMC; College of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources; Dean's Office; Administrative Records Dates: 1948-1988 Volume: 5 cubic feet, 7.25 linear feet Scope and Content Note (A86-118 and A86-157) Inventory Series Four - Administration, Accessions A86-118 and A86-157Box 52 FF 1 - Fertilizer, Agricultural Lime, 1980-1982 FF 2 - Food for the 21st Century, general, 1983 FF 3 - Food for the 21st Century, general (cont'd), 1983 FF 4 - Food for the 21st Century, general (cont'd), 1983 FF 5 - Food for the 21st Century, Meeting Summaries, 1981-1982 FF 6 - Tunisia, 07/01-08/1984 FF 7 - India, 11/11/1984 and 12/0l/1984 Agriculture Alumni Association:
FF 8 - Membership Renewal Letters, 1984-1985 FF 9 - Directory, 1984 FF 10 - Update Miscellaneous, 1983-1985 FF 11 - Finances, 1983-1985 FF 12 - Correspondence, 1983-1985 FF 13 - Correspondence (cont'd), 1983-1985 FF 14 - Correspondence (cont'd), 1983-1985 FF 15 - Agriculture Science Week and Agriculture Barbecue miscellaneous, 1985 FF 16 - Agriculture Barbecue, miscellaneous correspondence, 1983-1985 FF 17 - Agriculture Day Barbecue, 1984 FF 18 - Award Recipients, 1985 FF 19 - Awards and Nominating Committee, 1983 FF 20 - Recipients, 1983 FF 21 - Award Recipients, 1981-1983 Series Four - Other Colleges, Schools, and Divisions, Accessions A86-118 and A86-157 (cont'd) Box 53
FF 1 - Arts and Science, 1983-1984 FF 2 - Arts and Science Biological Sciences, 1983-1984 FF 3 - Business and Public Administration, 1982-1984 FF 4 - Extension, 1983-1984 FF 5 - Graduate School, 1983-1984 FF 6 - Home Economics, 1983 FF 7 - Journalism, 1983-1984 FF 8 - Law, 1983-1984 FF 9 - Library and Information Science, 1983-1984 FF 10 - Public and Community Services, 1983-1984 FF 11 - Veterinary Medicine, 1983-1984 Administration: FF 12 - Search Committee Provost [RESTRICTED], 1980 and 1986 FF 13 - Provost Bunn, 1983-1985 FF 14 - Provost, 1983-1986 FF 15 - Brouder, Gerald, Associate Provost, 1984-1986 FF 16 - Jackson, Otis, Assistant Provost, 1983-1986 FF 17 - Wallace, Richard, Associate Provost, 1984 FF 18 - Yeager, John, 1984-1986 (including a copy of "Report of the Committee to Improve the University of Missouri" (the "Knight Report") FF 19 - Stucky, Duane, 1984-1986 FF 20 - "UMC Institutional Directions," 1983 FF 21 - "Program and Facilities Assessment Phase I College of Agriculture," by M.I.R.A. [RESTRICTED], October 1983 FF 22 - Timmons Farm, 1984 FF 23 - Wurdack Farm, 1982-1986 FF 24 - Budget Requests, 1982-1983 FF 25 - Alteration and Improvement Project Requests, 1982-1983 FF 26 - Federal Budget, 1981 FF 27 - Program Improvement Proposals, 1980-1981 FF 28 - Special Equipment, 1981-1982 FF 29 - Faculty Development Program, 1981-1983 FF 30 - Budget and Request for Program Improvements, 1982-1983 FF 31 - Appropriations Request Operations and Capital Items, 1981-1982 FF 32 - Appropriations Request for Operations Agricultural Experiment Station and Instruction, 1980-1981 FF 33 - Capital Improvements - History 1870-1978 (listing, short histories, publications) FF 34 - Legislative Budget Request, 1977-1978 FF 35 - Legislative Budget Request and Resource Management Program, 1975-1976 FF 36 - E. Kiehl Recognition Letters (copies), 1979 FF 37 - Search Committee Dean, College of Agricultural Director, Agricultural Experiment Station [RESTRICTED], 1979-1980 Series Four - Administration, Accessions A86-118 and A86-157 (cont'd) Box 54 FF 1 - Dean's Staff Retreat, 1982 FF 2 - History (papers written by Faculty, publications, correspondence regarding College, research centers, capital improvements, progress of research), 1970-1978 FF 3 - Agricultural Policy Center, 1983 FF 4 - Max Lennon - Miscellaneous (including photograph), 1983 FF 5 - Students - General, 1983-1984 FF 6 - Seminars on Deferred Giving, 1972-1973 FF 7 - Roberts, Kay K., 1984 FF 8 - College of Agriculture Foundation, 1983 FF 9 - Governor's Conference on Agriculture, 12/09-11/1984 FF 10 - Research and Innovation Committee - M.C.S.&T., 05/22/1985 FF 11 - M.F.A., 1981-1984 FF 12 - Missouri Farm Bureau Federation, 1983 FF 13 - Missouri Soybean Merchandising Council, 1979-1985 FF 14 - Kansas City Agribusiness Council, 1982-1984 FF 15 - Drought Committee, 1980 FF 16 - Missouri State Fair, 1983-1985 FF 17 - Missouri State Department of Education, 1972-1985 FF 18 - Missouri State Department of Agriculture, 1983-1985 FF 19 - Governor's Task Force on Rural Development, 1983-1984 FF 20 - Rhone-Poulenc Incorporated, 1985 FF 21 - "Agriculture in the Twenty-First Century Conference Paper," 04/11-13/1983 [includes slides] FF 22 - Area Center Audits, 1978-1983 FF 23 - Audit Experiment Station Operations, 1979-1980 International: FF 24 - International, general, 1983-1984 FF 25 - Board for International Food and Agricultural Development (B.I.F.A.D.), Agency for International Development (A.I.D.), 1983 FF 26 - India-U.S. Land Grant Dean's Visit, 1984 FF 27 - Pakistan Trip, 1983 FF 28 - China, Korea Trip, 1985 FF 29 - People's Republic of China Exchange, 1979-1982 FF 30 - Mid-America International Agricultural Consortium (M.I.A.C.), 1983 FF 31 - Small Farm Family Improvement Budget Expenditures, 1980-1982 FF 32 - Farming Systems Support Project (F.S.S.P.), 1982-1984 FF 33 - Farming Systems Support Project (cont'd), 1982-1984 FF 34 - Mann, Fred (USDA - 53 319R 0 63), 1980 FF 35 - Indefinite Quantity (I.Q.C.), 1978 FF 36 - TC 110-5 Course, USDA, Extension Course, 1982-1983 FF 37 - Bolivia (I.Q.C. WO#10), 1979 FF 38 - Peru Presidential Mission Technology Support, 1981-1982 FF 39 - Peru, Mann - one month, 1983 FF 40 - Contracts (TC 110-17), 1983 FF 41 - Contracts (TC 110-5), 1983 Series Four - International, Accessions A86-118 and A86-157 (cont'd) Box 55 FF 1 - University - U.S.A.I.D. Relationship, 1978-1983 FF 2 - A.I.D. Projects, 01/1982 FF 3 - Proposed Projects, 1983 FF 4 - References and Reports [RESTRICTED], 1976-1984 FF 5 - Management Analysis Center, Incorporated (M.A.C.) Study, 1981-1982 FF 6 - B.I.F.A.D. Registry of Institutional Resources (R.I.R.), 1982-1983 FF 7 - Memo of Understanding (A.I.D. and Universities), 1981 FF 8 - Brazil, 1978-1980 FF 9 - Nicaragua, 1980 FF 10 - Saudi Arabia, 1976 and 1981 FF 11 - Portugal, 1981 FF 12 - Haiti, 1982 FF 13 - Mexico, 1980-1981 FF 14 - Korea, 1979-1982 FF 15 - B. Misra (India), 1982 FF 16 - Visitors, miscellaneous, 1975-1983 FF 17 - George Simmons and A. S. Ali (India), 1981-1982 FF 18 - The Doctors Sun (Albert and Grace), 1980-1981 FF 19 - Meetings, Conferences and Seminars - International Seminar, 1984 FF 20 - Meetings, Conferences and Seminars - B.I.F.A.D. Regional Conference, 1984 FF 21 - Meetings, Conferences and Seminars - Farming Systems Workshop, 1984 FF 22 - Title XII President's Breakfast (Famine Prevention and Freedom from Hunger), 1976 FF 23 - Title XII, Conference, 08/23-24/1976 FF 24 - Title XII, Breakfast, 07/1979 FF 25 - Title XII, Matching Funds Information, 1979-1980 FF 26 - Title XII, Outside Funding Incentives, 1980-1982 FF 27 - Title XII, UMC Title XII Committee, 1978-1980 FF 28 - B.I.F.A.D. Interest Questionnaire, 1977-1979 FF 29 - C.U.S.U.R.D.I., Council of U.S. Universities for Rural Development in India, Meeting, 04/18/1977 FF 30 - Strengthening Grant Conference, 1982 FF 31 - Library (list of publications), 1980-1981 FF 32 - A.I.D. Evaluation [RESTRICTED], 03/1982 FF 33 - Title XII Report, 1984 FF 34 - Committees - International Agriculture Steering Committee, 1981-1982 FF 35 - Committees - International Agriculture Steering Committee, 1982-1984 FF 36 - International Center, 1979-1984 FF 37 - Tom Billings, 1981-1986 FF 38 - Charles Oberbeck, 1980-1982 FF 39 - Dave Miller, 1983-1984 FF 40 - Victor Lambeth, 1982-1984 FF 41 - Fred Mann, 1978-1984 FF 42 - Mid-America International Agricultural Consortium (M.I.A.C.), correspondence, 1976-1983 FF 43 - M.I.A.C., Morocco Dryland Farming, 1979-1984 Series Four - International, Accessions A86-118 and A86-157 (cont'd) Box 56 FF 1 - M.I.A.C., Morocco, Annual Report, 1983-1984 FF 2 - M.I.A.C., Center for Excellence, Dryland Farming, 1982-1983 FF 3 - M.I.A.C., Indirect Costs, 1981-1982 FF 4 - Dean's Office, 1978-1984 FF 5 - Correspondence - general (outside), 1984 FF 6 - Agricultural Economics - general, 1979-1984 FF 7 - Agronomy - general, 1979-1984 FF 8 - Rural Sociology - general, 1979-1985 FF 9 - Department Guidelines, Faculty selection, promotion, and tenure, 1975-1980 FF 10 - Evaluations [RESTRICTED], 1974-1980 FF 11 - Other Appointment Notices, 1969-1980 FF 12 - College Agriculture Committee Adjunct Professor Titles Review [RESTRICTED], 1983-1985 FF 13 - Review Committee Awarding Professor's Titles [RESTRICTED], 1982-1983 Salary Review: FF 14 - Guidelines Joint Appointment, 1980 FF 15 - Tenure - Resource Material [RESTRICTED], 1983-1984 FF 16 - Non-Tenured Faculty [RESTRICTED], 1981-1983 FF 17 - College Salary Guidelines, 1974-1982 FF 18 - Salary Review [RESTRICTED], 1981-1982 FF 19 - Salary Justification Forms [RESTRICTED], 1981-1982 FF 20 - Faculty Quality Improvement, salary recommendations [RESTRICTED], 1978-1979 FF 21 - Promotion and Tenure - Promotions [RESTRICTED], 1979 FF 22 - Promotions [RESTRICTED], 1980 FF 23 - Promotions [RESTRICTED], 1981 FF 24 - Promotions [RESTRICTED], 1982 FF 25 - Promotions [RESTRICTED], 1983 FF 26 - Promotions [RESTRICTED], 1984 FF 27 - Promotion and Tenure Appeals [RESTRICTED], 1982 FF 28 - Salary and promotion appeal [RESTRICTED], 1978-1982 FF 29 - Salary and promotion grievance [RESTRICTED], 1981-1985 FF 30 - Tenure review [RESTRICTED], 1981 FF 31 - Promotion review, Forestry [RESTRICTED], 1982-1983 FF 32 - Tenure review [RESTRICTED], 1983-1984 FF 33 - Tenure review [RESTRICTED], 1983 Restrictions Note: The Archives of the University of Missouri-Columbia is required by law and Board of Curator's policy to restrict access to some files and information. Student records are held as confidential under the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and by University policy. Faculty promotion and tenure records and Academic Personnel files are restricted for 75 years, or the lifetime of the individual. All grievance, disciplinary, and medical records are treated as confidential files. Consultations with legal counsel, both in-house and external, are protected by the attorney/client privilege and will not be released. |
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