Call Number:
Box 1-015689
Record Group: 3 C Record Sub-Group: 16 Record Series: 1 Records Title: UMC; College of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources; Dean's Office; Administrative Records Dates: 1948-1988 Volume: 19 cubic feet, 23.75 linear feet Scope and Content Note (A85-113; A85-114) Series One - Administration, Accessions A85-113 and A85-114 Box 1 FF 1 - Dean's Diary (Lennon), 1983 FF 2 - Staff Meetings, 1962-1967 FF 3 - Staff Meetings, 1978 FF 4 - Staff Meetings, 1979-1982 FF 5 - Staff Retreat, 09/02/1980 FF 6 - Associate Deans General, 1977-1979 FF 7 - Associate Deans General, 1975-1976 FF 8 - Associate Deans General, 1971-1974 FF 9 - Schell Bodenhamer, Associate Dean for Extension, 1972-1974 FF 10 - Departmental Chairmen - General, 1972-1974 FF 11 - Departmental Chairmen - Meeting Handouts, 1975-1978 FF 12 - Departmental Chairmen - Meetings, 1979-1983 FF 13 - Budget - Record of Capital Requests, 1968-1977 FF 14 - Budget - Record of Capital Requests, 1978-1980 FF 15 - Budget - Additional Operating Funds for Research, Fiscal Year 1972-1977 FF 16 - Budget - Reductions Options and Impacts, 04-05/1975 FF 17 - Budget - Request, 1976-1977 FF 18 - Long Range Capital Facility Budget, 1976-1978 FF 19 - Supporting Funds for Operations of the Missouri Agricultural Experiment Station, 1953-1976 FF 20 - Capital Budget Requests, 1976-1978 FF 21 - Budget Allocations from University Administration to Departments, 1977-1978 Series One - Administration, Accessions A85-113 and A85-114 (cont'd) Box 2 FF 1 - Budget, 1977-1978 FF 2 - Budget, 1977-1978 (Presentation Resource Management Council, 05/17-18/1977 FF 3 - Federal Legislative Budget Effort, 1977-1978 FF 4 - Budget Cooperative Extension, 1977-1978 FF 5 - Legislative Budget Request, 1977-1978 FF 6 - Executive Budget Request, Fiscal Year 1977-1978 FF 7 - State Budget Clippings, 1977-1978 FF 8 - Departmental Budget Requests, 1977-1978 FF 9 - Agricultural Experiment Station Capital Requests, 1977-1978 FF 10 - Budget - Legislative Budget Request, 1978-1979 FF 10a - Budget - Development Fund Proposals Submitted, 12/28/1982 FF 11 - Salary Comparisons, 1973-1979 FF 12 - Salary Analysis for State Agricultural Experiment Station, Forestry School, Colleges of 1890 and Tuskegee Institute, 1964-1980 FF 13 - Minnesota Salary Data Report, Academic Year 1973-1975 FF 14 - Administration Memos, Procedural Series and Policy Series, 1960-1978 FF 15 - Agricultural Experiment Station Memos, 1959-1965 FF 16 - Administration Memos, Committee Appointment Series - 1975-1978 FF 17 - Committees - General, 1974-1980 FF 18 - College of Agriculture Policy Committee, 1970-1973 FF 19 - C.A.P.C., College of Agriculture Policy Committee, 1974-1979 FF 20 - C.A.P.C., 1980-1983 Series One - Administration, Accessions A85-113 and A85-114 (cont'd) Box 3 FF 1 - Executive Committee, 1970-1975 FF 2 - Executive Committee, 1976-1979 FF 3 - Executive Committee, 1980-1982 FF 4 - Beef Cattle Testing Station Advisory Committee, 1960-1978 FF 5 - Commodity Planning Steering Committee - Panels, 1981-1982 FF 6 - Commodity Planning Commodity Hearings, 1981-1982 FF 7 - Commodity Planning - Panel Memberships, 1983 FF 8 - Commodity Planning - Evaluation of Issues and Needs Forms, n.d. FF 9 - Commodity Planning - Color Code Charts, 1982 FF 10 - Commodity Planning - Grain, 1981-1982 FF 11 - Commodity Planning - Forage, Pasture, n.d. FF 12 - Commodity Planning - Sheep and Goats, 1981-1982 FF 13 - Commodity Planning - Poultry and Rabbits, 1982 FF 14 - Commodity Planning - Ornamentals and Turf, 1982 FF 15 - Commodity Planning - Horses and Other Animals, 1982 FF 16 - Commodity Planning - Fruit, Vegetables and Nuts, 1982 FF 17 - Commodity Planning - Forestry, 1982 FF 18 - Commodity Planning - Dairy, 1982 FF 19 - Commodity Planning - Cotton, Tobacco and Oil Seeds, 1982 FF 20 - Commodity Planning - Beef, 1982 FF 21 - Commodity Planning - Wildlife and Fisheries, 1982 FF 22 - Commodity Planning - Swine, 1982 FF 23 - Steering Committee on Energy, 1973-1978 FF 24 - Hotel and Restaurant Industry Advisory Committee Correspondence, 1969-1974 FF 25 - Swine Day Committee, 1975 FF 26 - Swine Research And Liaison Committee - Pork Producers, 1971-1981 FF 27 - Swine Testing Station and Advisory Committee, 1958-1980 FF 28 - University of Missouri Extension Advisory Council, 1974 FF 29 - Seed Policy Committee, 1971-1980 FF 30 - Foundation Seed Advisory Committee, 1978-1981 FF 31 - Technology for International Agricultural Livestock Management Committee, 1979-1981 FF 32 - Tours and Special Career Information Programs Committee, 1968-1975 FF 33 - Travel Policy Committee, 1979-1981 FF 34 - Undergraduate Advisement Committee, 1974-1975 Series One - Alumni, Accessions A85-113 and A85-114 (cont'd) Box 4 FF 1 - College of Agriculture Alumni Activities, 1969-1978 FF 2 - Citation of Merit Award General Agriculture Recipients, 1958-1971 FF 3 - Agriculture Alumni Nominating Reports, 1965-1981 FF 4 - Agriculture Alumni Association Honorary Membership Nominees, 1964 and 1977-1978 FF 5 - Citation of Merit Farmers Award Recipients, 1966-1980 FF 6 - General Awards, 1973-1980 FF 7 - Agriculture Alumni Association Honorary Membership Recipients, 1966-1980 FF 8 - Citation of Merit Award Science Nominees, 1971-1980 FF 9 - Citation of Merit Award Science Recipients, 1966-1980 FF 10 - Citation of Merit Award Agribusiness Recipients, 1966-1980 FF 11 - Agriculture Alumni Long Range Planning Committee, 1971-1974 FF 12 - Agriculture Alumni Directory, 1963 FF 13 - Agriculture Alumni Problems, 1962 FF 14 - Agriculture Alumni Association General Correspondence with Board Members and Officers, 1974-1982 FF 15 - Agriculture Alumni Membership Campaigns, 1971-1980 FF 16 - UMC Alumni Association Correspondence, 1971-1981 FF 17 - Agriculture Alumni Association Correspondence, 1978-1980 FF 18 - Agriculture Alumni Association Correspondence with President, 1965-1980 FF 19 - Alumni Board Meeting, 07/26/1979 FF 20 - Agriculture Science Awardees, 1979-1981 FF 21 - Agriculture Day Finances, 1980 FF 22 - District Meetings, 1971-1978 FF 23 - Agriculture Alumni Newsletter, Directory, and correspondence, 1973-1978 FF 24 - Agriculture Alumni Board Meeting, 04/05/1973 FF 25 - Agriculture Alumni Annual Pre-game Luncheon Fall Board Meeting, 1972-1973 Buildings, Facilities, and Land FF 26 - Alteration, New Construction Project Requests, Agriculture, Fiscal Year 1979-1980 FF 27 - Alteration, New Construction Project Requests, Arts and Science, Fiscal Year 1979-1980 FF 28 - Alteration, New Construction Project Requests - Education, Ellis Library, Home Economics, Law, and Student Affairs, Fiscal Year 1979-1980 Series One - Buildings, Facilities, and Land, Accessions A85-113 and A85-114 (cont'd) Box 5
FF 1 - Animal Science Center, 1978-1981 [includes photos and plans] FF 2 - Calf Barn, Bull Barn, Abattoir, Environmental and Climatic Lab, 1971-1977 FF 3 - Clean Room Facility, 1972-1973 FF 4 - Curtis Hall, 1968-1979 FF 5 - Dalton Research Center, 1978 FF 6 - Diagnostic Laboratory, 1965 FF 7 - Eagleton USDA Lab, 1977 FF 8 - Fish Disease Lab, 1973 FF 9 - Greenhouse Requests for Space and Capital Needs, 1966-1981 FF 10 - Horse Barn, 1966-1979 FF 11 - Livestock Center, 1966-1982 [includes photos] FF 12 - Livestock Pavilion (old), 1969-1970 FF 13 - Peace Corps Training Facility (Pierpont Property Project), 1966 FF 14 - Plant Science Requests for Space - Capital Needs, 1966-1980 FF 15 - Poultry Buildings, 1980 FF 16 - Real Properties Facilities Management, 1978-1981 FF 17 - Real Properties Facilities Management, 1973-1975 FF 18 - Research Lab for Low Level Radiation, 1964-1979 FF 19 - Sanborn Field - dedication as National Historic Landmark (includes photos), 06/08/1965 FF 20 - Sheep Barn, 1969 FF 21 - Space Surveys Plans and Projections UMC campus, 1968-1971 FF 22 - Space Use Classroom, Laboratory and other, 1968-1980 FF 23 - Soil Testing and Plant Analysis Lab, 1981 FF 24 - University Development Fund Project Proposals, 1974-1978 FF 25 - Veterinary Science Building, 1962-1973 FF 26 - Waters Hall Renovation, 1979-1981 FF 27 - Weldon Spring (Special Study on), 1947 and 1974 Departments FF 28 - Annual Reports, 1975-1980 FF 29 - Reorganization Studies, 1971-1972 FF 30 - Agricultural Program Review, 1978 FF 31 - Teaching - General, 1977-1979 FF 32 - Teaching - General, 1980-1983 FF 33 - Presentation to Chancellor Regarding Teaching, 05/02/1979 Series One - Departments, Accessions A85-113 and A85-114 (cont'd) Box 6 FF 1 - Faculty Salary Averages, 1978-1979 FF 2 - Faculty Salary Averages, 1979-1980 FF 3 - Student Credit Hours by Department, 1975-1980 FF 4 - Enrollments by Degree Program within Departments, 1979 FF 5 - Summer Faculty Development Program, 1981 FF 6 - Faculty photos, slides, and vita, 1982-1984 FF 7 - Agricultural Economics, 1983 FF 8 - Proceedings of the National Agricultural Policy Symposium, 1983 FF 9 - Agricultural Economics, 1982 FF 10 - Agricultural Economics, 1981 FF 11 - Agricultural Economics, 1980 FF 12 - Agricultural Economics, Self Study Part 1, 1980 FF 13 - Agricultural Economics, Self Study Part 2, 1980 FF 14 - Agricultural Economics, 1972-1979 FF 15 - Agricultural Editor, 1981-1983 FF 16 - Agricultural Editor, 1979-1981 FF 17 - Agricultural Editor, Self Study, 1978 Series One: Departments, Accessions A85-113 and A85-114 (cont'd) Box 7 FF 1 - Agricultural Education, 1981-1982 FF 2 - Agricultural Education Self Study, 1980 FF 3 - Agricultural Education, 1974-1980 FF 4 - Agricultural Engineering, 1982-1983 FF 5 - Agricultural Engineering, 1981 FF 6 - Agricultural Engineering, 1980 FF 7 - Agricultural Engineering, Self Study, 1980 FF 8 - Agricultural Engineering, 1976-1979 FF 9 - Agronomy, 1983 FF 10 - Agronomy, 1982 FF 11 - Agronomy, 1982 FF 12 - Agronomy, 1981 FF 13 - Agronomy, 1981 FF 14 - Agronomy, 1980 FF 15 - Agronomy, 1980 Series One - Departments, Accessions A85-113 and A85-114 (cont'd) Box 8 FF 1 - Agronomy, 1979 FF 2 - Agronomy, 1979 FF 3 - Agronomy, Annual Reports, 1978-1982 FF 4 - Agronomy, Publications, 1983-1984 FF 5 - Animal Sciences, 1982-1983 FF 6 - Animal Sciences, Lloyd Lewellen, 1981-1982 FF 7 - Animal Sciences, 1981 FF 8 - Animal Sciences, 1980 FF 9 - Animal Sciences, 1978-1979 FF 10 - Animal Sciences, 1967-1976 FF 11 - Atmospheric Science, 1978-1983 FF 12 - Atmospheric Science, Self Study, 1980 FF 13 - Biochemistry, 1980-1983 FF 14 - Biochemistry, 1971-1979 FF 15 - Biochemistry, Space-Schweitzer Hall, 1977-1982 Series One - Departments, Accessions A85-113 and A85-114 (cont'd) Box 9 FF 1 - Chemical Labs, 1981-1982 FF 2 - Chemical Labs, 1979-1980 FF 3 - Dairy Husbandry Self Study, 1977 FF 4 - Dairy Science, 1979-1983 FF 5 - Dairy Science, 1977-1978 FF 6 - Entomology, 1980-1983 FF 7 - Entomology, 1978-1979 FF 8 - Extension Annual Reports, 1981-1982 FF 9 - Extension Annual Reports, 1979-1981 FF 10 - Extension Annual Reports, 1977-1979 FF 11 - Agricultural Extension Review, 1979 FF 12 - Extension Comprehensive Review Team Six Evaluation Teams Reports, 1979 FF 13 - Extension Study Commission, 1977-1978 Series One: Departments, Accessions A85-113 and A85-114 (cont'd) Box 10 FF 1 - Extension, 1983 FF 2 - Extension 1982 FF 3 - Extension, 1981 FF 4 - Extension, 1981 FF 5 - Extension, 1980 FF 6 - Extension, 1980 FF 7 - Extension, 1979 FF 8 - Extension, 1977-8 FF 9 - Extension, 1966-1976 FF 10 - Extension Education, 1960-1982 FF 11 - Extension Education, Self Study, 1980 FF 12 - Extension I.P.M., Integrated Pest Management, 1981-1983 FF 13 - Extension I.P.M., 1978-1980 FF 14 - MU - Lincoln University, Comprehensive Research and Extension Program Plan, 1978-1980 FF 15 - Extension - Missouri Renewable Resources Extension Plan - Five-Year Plan, 1982 Series One - Departments, Accessions A85-113 and A85-114 (cont'd) Box 11 FF 1 - Food Science and Nutrition, 1981-1982 FF 2 - Kansas City Industries Tour, 05/05/1981 FF 3 - Food Science and Nutrition, 1979-1980 FF 4 - Food Science and Nutrition Internal Review Workbook, 1977 FF 5 - Forestry, Fisheries, and Wildlife, 1982-1983 FF 6 - Forestry, Fisheries, and Wildlife, 1981 FF 7 - Forestry, Fisheries, and Wildlife, 1980 FF 8 - Forestry, Fisheries, and Wildlife, 1978-1979 FF 9 - Forestry, Fisheries, and Wildlife, Self Evaluation, 12/1976 FF 10 - Home Economics, 1972-1983 FF 11 - Horticulture, 1982-1983 FF 12 - Horticulture, 1981 FF 13 - Horticulture, 1980 FF 14 - Horticulture, 1978-1979 Series One - Departments, Accessions A85-113 and A85-114 (cont'd) Box 12 FF 1 - FF 2 - Plant Pathology, 1979-1982 FF 3 - Plant Pathology, Review, 1980 FF 4 - Poultry Science, 1978-1982 FF 5 - Rural Sociology, 1981-1983 FF 6 - Rural Sociology, 1977-1980 FF 7 - Veterinary Medicine, 1974-1983 General Information and Correspondence FF 8 - Fact Book College of Agriculture, 1963 FF 9 - First Centennial: a hundred years of progress of American Agriculture, 1974 FF 10 - Brief Historical Notes by Dr. John H. Longwell, 03/18/1971 FF 11 - Like It Is - the University Today, 1962-1971 FF 12 - Agriculture Year 2000 - Food for the 21st Century, 1983 FF 13 - Agricultural Hall of Fame, 1967-1977 FF 14 - Agricultural Institute St. Louis, 1977-1979 FF 15 - Agricultural Engineering Innovator Award, 1972-1974 FF 16 - Farm Family of the Year Award, 1972-1974 FF 17 - President Ellis's Speech - Arlie House, "Role of Land-Grant University in Agricultural Research" 02/24/1966 FF 18 - M.E. Ensminger Agri-services Foundation, 1978-1980 FF 19 - Business and Public Administration, UMC, 1980-1982 FF 20 - Cash Receipts from Farm Marketing regression on trends - states adjoining Missouri, 1975 FF 21 - Cash Receipts from Farm Marketing regression on trends - states adjoining Missouri, percentage increase, states adjoining Missouri FF 22 - Comparison Other Midwest States with Missouri Cumulative State Appropriations to Agriculture Experiment Station, 1953-1963 (Inclusive) FF 23 - Economic Growth, 1965-1970 FF 24 - Engineering UMC, 1979-1983 FF 25 - Lay Leaders Conference, 1978 FF 26 - Livestock Business Advisory Services, 1973 FF 27 - MO Electric Association Incorporated 1961, 1975 FF 28 - News articles, 1983-1984 FF 29 - Nursing UMC, 1981-1982 Series One - General Information and Correspondence, Accessions A85-113 and A85-114 (cont'd) Box 13 FF 1 - Short Courses and Conference Series Developments, 1967-1980 FF 2 - Student Unrest 1966-1973 (UMC and national) FF 3 - Rod Turnbull - Kansas City Board of Trade, 1971-1981 FF 4 - Cordell Tindall, 1979 Graduate Program: FF 5 - Graduate School, 1980-1983 FF 6 - Graduate School, 1979 FF 7 - Graduate School, 1977-1978 FF 8 - Graduate School, 1975-1976 FF 9 - Graduate School, 1974 FF 10 - Graduate School, 1969-1973 FF 11 - Graduate School, Graduate Faculty Senate Handbook, 1972-1982 FF 12 - Search Committee, Graduate Dean and Vice Provost for Research [RESTRICTED], 1979 FF 13 - Graduate Nutrition, 1972-1981 International Programs: FF 14 - International - General, 1982-1983 FF 15 - International - General, 1981 FF 16 - International - General, 1980 Series One - International Programs, Accessions A85-113 and A85-114 (cont'd) Box 14 FF 1 - International - General, 1979 FF 2 - International - General, 1978 FF 3 - International - General, 1974-1977 FF 4 - International - Doug Ensminger, 1970-1983 FF 5 - International - Staff Development Conference Lincoln, Nebraska, 03/16/1983 FF 6 - International - Title XII, 1976-1979 FF 6a - International - Title XII, cont'd FF 6b - International - Title XII, cont'd FF 7 - International - Farmers and World Affairs, 1969-1979 FF 8 - International - Center for the Study of Soviet Agriculture, 1978 FF 9 - International - India, 1960-1975 FF 10 - International - India; Publications and Reports, 1960-1974 FF 11 - International - Morocco, 1980-1982 FF 12 - International - Small Ruminants, 1979-1981 FF 13 - International - International Soybean Network, 1978 FF 14 - International - Portugal, 1981 FF 15 - International - Ecuador, 1977-1979 FF 15a - International - Findley Bill, 1974-1975 Missouri Programs: FF 16 - Missouri Egg Merchandising Council, 1970-1982 FF 17 - Missouri Egg Merchandising Council Meeting Minutes, 1970-1977 Series One - Missouri Programs, Accessions A85-113 and A85-114 (cont'd) Box 15 FF 1 - Missouri Farm Bureau Federation, 1981-1983 FF 2 - Missouri Farm Bureau Federation, 1979-1980 FF 3 - Missouri Farm Bureau Federation, 1975-1978 FF 4 - Missouri Farm Bureau Federation, 1966-1974 FF 5 - Missouri Farm Bureau Federation, 1960-1965 FF 6 - Missouri Farm Bureau Federation, Resolutions Committee, 1976-1979 FF 7 - M.F.A., Missouri Farmers Association, 1959-1982 FF 8 - M.F.A., Fred V. Heinkel Distinguished Professorship in Agriculture, 1964-1974 FF 9 - M.F.A., Fertilizer Case, 1978-1979 FF 10 - Fertilizer Advisory Committee, 1972-1981 FF 11 - Fertilizer and Limestone Advisory Faculty Committee Meetings, 1976-1982 FF 12 - Fertilizer Law Regulations, 1959-1972 FF 13 - Fertilizer Fee Foundation, 1978 FF 14 - 5-State Fertilizer Meeting, Kansas City, Missouri, 10/18/1978 FF 15 - Fertilizer Control Service Publications, 1976-1983 FF 16 - Fertilizer Control Service Tonnage Reports, 1975-1983 FF 17 - Fertilizer Control Service Audit Reports, 1969-1981 FF 18 - Fertilizer Control Service Correspondence, 1975-1983 FF 19 - American Association of Plant Food Control Officials Annual Meeting, 1978 FF 20 - Agricultural Liming Materials Report, 1977-1983 Series One - Missouri Programs, Accessions A85-113 and A85-114 (cont'd) Box 16 FF 1 - Limestone Control Services Advisory Committee, 1976-1979 FF 2 - Producer and Legal (Liming Act) Counsel Correspondence, 1976-1979 FF 3 - Missouri Limestone Producers Association, 1958-1981 FF 4 - Limestone Advisory Council Correspondence, 1976-1982 FF 5 - Limestone and Liming Materials, 1976-1981 FF 6 - Liming Material, (not in compliance), 1977-1979 Missouri Legislature and Legislators: FF 7 - Missouri Legislative Rosters, 1966-1981 FF 8 - Agriculture Policy or Farm Policy, 1962-1980 FF 9 - Foreign Land Sales, 1978 FF 10 - Legislative Tour, 1975-1978 FF 11 - Missouri Congressional Delegation, 1972-1981 FF 12 - Eagleton Visit, 07/0l/1974 National Association Of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges, N.A.S.U.L.G.C. FF 13 - General, 1979-1981 FF 14 - Commission on Energy and Environment, 1978-1979 FF 15 - C.A.S.T., Council for Agricultural Science and Technology, 1979-1982 FF 16 - Division of Agriculture, 1974-1982 FF 17 - International Affairs Committee, 1977-1980 FF 18 - Senate Executive Committee, 1976-1979 FF 19 - Senate Executive Committee Meeting, Washington, D.C., 02/13-14/1979 FF 20 - Council for Agricultural Research, Extension, and Teaching, 1979-1982 Series One - Research Centers and Farms, Accessions A85-113 and A85-114 (cont'd) Box 17 FF 1 - Research - General, 1982-1983 FF 2 - Research - General, 1981 FF 3 - Research - General, 1980 FF 4 - Research - General, 1979 FF 5 - Research - General, 1979 FF 6 - Research - General, 1972-1977 FF 7 - Research - General, 1962-1971 FF 8 - Research Publications - General, 1983-1984 FF 9 - Centers and Farms - Maps FF 10 - University Farms General, 1960-1980 FF 11 - Report of Visit to Agricultural Experiment Stations in Kentucky, Tennessee, and Illinois by Cromwell, Hogan, Dyer, and L'Hote, 1960 FF 12 - Statements regarding Proposed Closing of Centers, 1975 FF 13 - Outlying Centers Study Team, 1977 FF 14 - Annual Reports Research Centers, 1979-1980 FF 15 - Pictures Advisory Committee Members and Listings, 1973-1974 FF 16 - Area Centers Advisory Committee, 1971-1976 FF 17 - Field Day Committee, 1973-1980 FF 18 - Field Days, 1968-1983 FF 19 - Area Centers General Correspondence, 1967-1983 FF 20 - Budget Centers, 1977-1980 Series One - Research Centers and Farms, Accessions A85-113 and A85-114 (cont'd) Box 18 FF 1 - Delta Center Correspondence (other than Advisory Committee), 1981-1982 FF 2 - Delta Center Correspondence (other than Advisory Committee), 1980 FF 3 - Meeting on Expanded Soybean Research at Portageville (Delta), 09/11/1980 FF 4 - Congressman Bill Emerson's Visit to Delta Center Portageville, 08/13/1981 FF 5 - Cotton Ginning Delta Center, 1981 FF 6 - Delta Center Capital Improvements, 1968-1975 FF 7 - Farmers Bureau and M.F.A. Meetings at Delta Center, 1975 FF 8 - Rice Research Delta Center, 1976 FF 9 - Plant Health Clinic Delta Center, 1974-1975 FF 10 - Delta Center Advisory Lists of Committee Members, 1960-1982 FF 11 - Delta Center Correspondence with Advisory Comm., 1975-1981 FF 12 - Delta Center Minutes of Advisory Comm., 1959-1980 FF 13 - Delta Center Research Reports, 1959, 1982 FF 14 - Delta Center Roger Rhodes Farm, 1976-1980 FF 15 - Delta Center Bootheel Politics, 1968-1980 FF 16 - Delta Center - Search Superintendent [RESTRICTED], 1982 FF 17 - Forage Systems Research Center Linneus, Missouri (Cornett Farm) Correspondence, 1972-1982 FF 18 - Forage Systems Research Center Field Days, 1972-1979 FF 19 - Cornett Farm Research Plans, 1966-1974 FF 20 - Cornett Farm Open House, 04/04/1976 FF 21 - Greenley Farm (Northeast Missouri) Dedication, 10/06/1974 FF 22 - Greenley Farm Correspondence, 1968-1973 FF 23 - Greenley Farm Correspondence (except Committee Members), 1976-1980 FF 24 - Greenley Farm Correspondence with Advisory Committee, 1970-1977 FF 25 - Greenley Farm Field Days, 1977-1981 FF 26 - New Franklin Horticulture Research Farm Field Lab, 1979 FF 27 - North Missouri Center Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes, 1962-1983 FF 28 - North Missouri Correspondence (except Committee Members), 1970-1981 FF 29 - North Missouri Long Range Planning, 1964-1972 FF 30 - North Missouri Field Days, 1979-1981 Series One - Research Centers and Farms, Accessions A85-113 and A85-114 (cont'd) Box 19 FF 1 - J. C. Penney Farm, 1969-1982 FF 2 - Research Park UMC, 1962-1978 FF 3 - Rocheford Farm, 1963-1981 FF 4 - Schnabel Woods, 1977-1978 FF 5 - Sinclair Farm, 1965-1982 FF 6 - South Farms, 1968-1983 FF 7 - Southwest Center Site Selection Report, 1958 FF 8 - Southwest Center Correspondence (except Committee Members), 1979-1980 FF 9 - Southwest Center Correspondence with Advisory Committee, 1961-1980 FF 10 - Southwest Center Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes, 1962-1975 FF 11 - Southwest Center 10th Anniversary, 11/05/1969 FF 12 - Southwest Center Field Days, 1979-1981 FF 13 - Southwest Center Horticulture Research, 1979 FF 14 - Swine Testing Station Southwest Center, 1971-1979 FF 15 - Swine Research, 1982 FF 16 - Timmons Farm General, 1949-1982 FF 17 - Weldon Spring Research and Development, 1979-1981 FF 18 - Weldon Spring Research and Development, 1982 FF 19 - Weldon Spring Property, Includes history of the acquisition, 1980 FF 20 - Wurdack (Hugo) Farm 60-82 Restrictions Note: The Archives of the University of Missouri-Columbia is required by law and Board of Curator's policy to restrict access to some files and information. Student records are held as confidential under the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and by University policy. Faculty promotion and tenure records and Academic Personnel files are restricted for 75 years, or the lifetime of the individual. All grievance, disciplinary, and medical records are treated as confidential files. Consultations with legal counsel, both in-house and external, are protected by the attorney/client privilege and will not be released. |
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