OSF 1-MC |
Record Group: 0 Scope and Content Note (various; A97-99, A10-69, A19-16, A24-11) Note to Archivist: The Board of Curators of the University of Missouri does not hold copyrights to every item in this collection. Series Descriptions: This Record Sub-Group is divided into seven record series arranged by topic. Items within each series are in chronological order. Series Outline:
Inventory Series One - University Promotion OSF 1 Item 1 (A10-69) - Photographic Poster: "University of the State of Missouri at Columbia - Outside Views," 13 images, captions contain: Rollins Athletic Field, Laws Observatory, Green House, Old Columns, club House, Agricultural Hall, Engineering, Power House, Law, Chemistry, Mechanic Arts, Biology-Geology, and Academic Hall, 56 x 77 cm, ca. 1910 Item 2 (A10-69) - Photographic Poster: "University of the State of Missouri at Columbia - Interior Views," 20 images, captions contain: Gymnasium, Physiological Laboratory, Engineering Testing Laboratory, Engine Room, Qualitative Chemical Laboratory, Physical Laboratory, Agricultural Museum, Biological Museum, Benchwork in Wood, Bacteriological Laboratory, General Library, Chapel, Archaeology, Ladies' Parlor, and Law Library, 56 x 77 cm, ca. 1910 Item 3 - Poster: University of Missouri School of Journalism 75th Anniversary, 43 x 28 cm, 1983 (2 copies) Item 4 - Poster: University of Missouri Sesquicentennial Celebration, Calendar of Events on reverse, 53 x 41 cm, 1989 (2 copies) Item 5 - Poster: University of Missouri Sesquicentennial Celebration, 53 x 41 cm, 1989 (4 copies) Item 6 - Poster: "The Columns and Jesse Hall - Photograph by Wilbur E. Garret, photojournalism, '54," view from north through columns toward Jesse Hall, snow and ivy on columns, 61 x 46 cm, n.d. (2 copies) Item 7 (A19-16) - Poster: "Mizzou tiger Football 'Game Day'" (signed by Bart Larson) - color - 46 x 61 cm, n.d. Item 8 - Poster: University of Missouri "There's Only 1 Mizzou, Go Tigers!" 64 x 48 cm, n.d. (2 copies) Series Two - Lectures/Presentations/Commencements OSF 2 Item 1 - Poster: University of Missouri Twelfth Anniversary of the Fire, Memorial Convocation, Address by Dr. W. L. Sheldon, "What it Means to be a Citizen, and What We Ought to Mean by Love of Country," 37 x 27 cm, 9 January 1904 Item 2 - Poster: University of the State of Missouri Convocation, Address by Supt. G. V. Buchanan, "Compulsory Education," 41 x 28 cm, 29 January (no year) Item 3 - Duplicate: Scanned page from "American Men of Science," particularly, Prof. Henry Baldwin Ward, not connected to taxidermist Ward, 28 x 22 cm, [handwritten 1927] Item 4 - Poster: University Auditorium, University Lecture, Henry B. Ward, "The Relations of Animals to Disease," 30 x 19 cm, 14 May (no year) Item 5 - Poster: University Lecture, Hon. Walter B. Stevens, "The Special Correspondent," 30 x 19 cm, 11 May (no year) Item 6 - Poster: University Lecture, Mr. B. B. Herbert, "The National Editorial Association," 30 x 19 cm, 20 April 1906 (2 copies) Item 7 - Poster: University of Missouri Ninety-Ninth Commencement, 35 x 28 cm, Baccalaureate 8 June, Class Day 12 June, Commencement 13 June 1941 Item 8 - Poster: Summer Commencement, 35 x 28 cm, Baccalaureate 3 August, Commencement 8 August 1941 Item 9 - Poster: Read Hall, Information First Serires, Dr. Max Wolfe "Russia and Postwar Europe," Mme. Yeeping Shen Hsu "Demonstration of Chinese Painting," Dr. Earl Connette "Types of Musical Experience," 28 x 22 cm, 9, 16, 23 February [stamped 1945] Item 10 - Poster: Two University Assemblies, Address by Dr. Hubert Herring, "Where We Stand with Latin America-With Some Observations from the Recent Conference in Mexico City" and "The Puzzle of Argentine," 28 x 22 cm, 25 April 1945 Item 11 - Poster: Arts and Science Week, Address by Dean Harlan Hatcher, "The American Scholar: 1946," 30 x 23 cm, 6 December 1946 Item 12 - Poster: Library Auditorium, Assembly Lecture, Dr. O. H. Mowrer, "The Challenge of Normality," 30 x 28 cm, 9 March [stamped 1950] Item 13 - Poster: Arts and Science Week, Calendar of Events, 31 x 23 cm, 1-8 December [stamped 1951] Item 14 - Poster: American Chemical Society, Ernest C. Crocker, "The Chemistry of Flavors and Odors," 28 x 22 cm, 13 December [stamped 1951] Item 15 - Poster: O. M. Stewart Lecture, Department of Physics, Prof. André Guinier on "Recent Progresses in X-Ray Crystallography and their Applications," 28 x 22 cm, 5 February 1953 Item 16 - Poster: Sociology and Psychology Departments and Alpha Pi Zeta, Two Public Lectures, Dr. Theodore M. Newcomb, "How Not to be Creative," and "Communicative Behavior," 28 x 22 cm, 14 March 1955 Item 17 - Poster: O. M. Stewart Lecture, Department of Physics, Prof. Leonard Schiff, "High Energy Physics at Stanford University," 28 x 22 cm, 26 April 1955 Item 18 - Poster: O. M. Stewart Lecture, Department of Physics, Mr. Wiley Ley, "Rockets and Guided Missiles," 28 x 22 cm, 9 December 1955 Item 19 - Poster: American Chemical Society, F. J. Rauscher, "Coal Hydrogenation Chemicals," 28 x 22 cm, 12 February (no year) Item 20 - Poster: University of Missouri Department of History, Arnaldo Momigliano, "The Herodotean and Thucydidean Traditions," 31 x 23 cm, 2 April 1965 (2 copies) Item 21 - Poster: University of Missouri Department of History, John H. Hardy, "Civic Spirit in the 13th Century Italian Town," 31 x 23 cm, 7 April 1967 Item 22 - Poster: Union Auditorium, Studs Terkel, "Working: Its Past and Future," 28 x 22 cm, 23 March [handwritten 1979] Item 23 - Poster: Union Auditorium, Studs Terkel, "Working: Its Past and Future," 28 x 22 cm, 23 March [handwritten 1979] Item 24 - Poster: Jesse Auditorium, Guest Speakers: Astronaut Linda Godwin and Astrophysicist Gerald Fishman, 58 x 43 cm, 17 October 1996 Item 25 - Poster: University of Missouri Department of Philosophy Presents: "The Logic and Illogic of the Design Argument," A lecture by Elliot Sober, Allen Auditorium, 28 x 22 cm, 21 September 2001 Item 26 - Poster: 5th Annual MU Life Sciences and Society Symposium, "Darwin's Ongoing Revolution: Evolutionary Thought in Emerging Fields," 82 x 63 cm, 13-15 March 2009 Series Three - Campus Activities OSF 3 Item 1 - Poster: University of Missouri Museum of Classical Archaeology, 400 Old Testament Bible Picture, Illustrated by J. James Tissot, 53 x 36 cm, 15-19 December 1905 Item 2 - Poster: Hobo Convention, 71 x 51 cm, 20 April 1907 [very fragile] Item 3 - Poster: Read Hall, "Scandals of 1945," 32 x 24 cm, 5-6 April 1956 Item 4 - Poster: Read Hall, "Stag Party Smoker," Prize Fight: Scotty Hamilton and Ed Lucas, 32 x 24 cm, 16 April [handwritten 1945] Item 5 - Poster: Read Hall, Campus Quiz, 32 x 24 cm, 2 May [stamped 1945] Item 6 - Poster: Read Hall Committees, Petition for Music Recreation, Art Coffee Hour, and Publicity, 31 x 23 cm, [stamped 28 August 1947] Item 7 - Poster: Read Hall, Fred Kaler, "Exploring the Classics," Listening Hour Series, 31 x 23 cm, 26 October and 2, 9, 16, 23 November [stamped 1947] Item 8 - Poster: Read Hall, Dancing Lessons for Beginners, 30 x 21 cm, 9 October-20 November [stamped 1947] Item 9 - Poster: Read Hall, Dr. Ruth Shaw Wylie, "Romanticism in Music," 32 x 24 cm, 21, 28 September and 15, 12 October [stamped 1947] Item 10 - Poster: Read Hall Music Committee, Dr. Ruth Shaw Wylie, "Music of Our Times," "Modern Music has Rhythm," "Modern Music has Melody," "Modern Music has Harmony," and "Modern Music has Form and Meaning," 32 x 24 cm, 7, 14, 21, 28 November ca. 1947 Item 11 - Poster: Read Hall, Homecoming Coffee Hour for Alumni, Dance, Fred Kaler commentary on "Mozart," 31 x 23 cm, 15-16 November [stamped 1947] Item 12 - Poster: Read Hall, Baby Show, 31 x 23 cm, 22 November [stamped 1947] Item 13 - Poster: SGA, General Election, 31 x 25 cm, 13 April [stamped 1948] Item 14 - Poster: Join Tiger Claws University Pep Squad, Waters Auditorium, 30 x 23 cm, every Thursday [stamped 1948] Item 15 - Poster: Read Hall, Summer Carnival and Street Dance, 32 x 24 cm, 17 July [stamped 1948] Item 16 - Poster: Read Hall, Dancing Lessons, 31 x 23 cm, Tuesdays and Thursdays, October [stamped 1948] Item 17 - Poster: "When is Tiger Night?" 32 x 24 cm, [stamped 29 September 1948] Item 18 - Poster: Read Hall, Free Dance, every Saturday, 32 x 24 cm, [stamped 9 October 1948] Item 19 - Poster: "Mizzouites!!! Come to the Rally!" Brewer Field House, 33 x 25 cm, 12 November [stamped 1948] Item 20 - Poster: Jesse Hall--Read Hall, Tiger Stomp with Artie Shaw, 31 x 23 cm, 7 October 1949 Item 21 - Poster: Homecoming Pep Parade and Rally, Brewer Field House, 28 x 22 cm, 28 October [handwritten 1949] Item 22 - Poster: Read Hall, Petition for Policy Board, Director of Budget and Finance, Coffee Hour Co-Chairman, Recreation Chairman, Publicity Chairman, Personnel Director, Art Cha Item 23 - Poster: Read Hall, Leap Year Party, 31 x 23 cm, 8 March [stamped 1952] Item 24 - Poster: MU Activities Calendar and Student Union Activities Board Application, 28 x 22 cm, 1953-1954 Item 25 - Poster: Jesse Auditorium, 1956 Cavalcade of Stars, June Christy, Four Freshmen, and Errol Garner Trio, 48 x 31 cm, 14 February 1956 Item 25a - Poster: Museum of Art and Archaeology - Missouri Murals: Studies for the State Capitol Decoration, 84 x 60 cm, 1989 Item 26 - Poster: Polo Returns to the University of Missouri, First Annual Benefit Polo Match, Reactor Field, 43 x 28 cm, 21 September 1991 Item 26a - Poster: Museum of Art and Archaeology - Brazilian Naive Art, 71 x 56 cm, 1992 Item 27 - Poster: School of Journalism, On the Beat, First International Conference on Rock 'n' Rap, Mass Media and Society, 71 x 56 cm, 3-6 February [handwritten 1993] Item 28 - Poster: MSA/GPC, Swing into Mizzou Activities Mart, Stotler Lounge, 60 x 29 cm, 16 February 1993 Item 29 - Poster: Chart a Voyage of Access Awakening, 8th Annual Wheel-A-Thon, 57 x 44 cm, 31 March-27 April [handwritten 1994] Item 30 - Poster: The NAMES Project AIDS Memorial Quilt, 43 x 28 cm, 4 September 1996 Item 31 - Poster: MSA/GPC Activities Mart and Advisors Forum, 43 x 28 cm, 4 September 1996 Item 32 - Poster: MSA/GPC, International Bazaar, Lowry Mall, 43 x 28 cm, 25 October 1996 Item 33 - Poster: Grad Fair 1996, Hearnes Center Field House, 43 x 28 cm, 22 November 1996 Item 34 - Poster: Tigers for Life, Hearnes Center Field House, 43 x 27 cm, 9 April 1997 Item 35 - Poster: RAIN Salute to Life Walk, 43 x 28 cm, 1997 Item 36 - Poster: Living with Decreased Vision, 43 x 28 cm, 10 October (no year) Item 37 - Poster: Administrative Services Expo 2000 (Illustration "Dying Trees by the River" by Frank Stack, signed), 78 x 46 cm, 29 April 2000 Item 38 - Poster: Missouri Archaeology Month, 61 x 46 cm, September 2001 Item 39 - Poster: MU Women's History Month, 43 x 28 cm, March 2005 Item 40 - Poster: "Fifty Golden Years: Highlights from the Permanent Collection 1957-2007," Museum of Art and Archaeology, 36 x 45 cm, 2007 Item 41 - Door Hanger: University of Missouri Black History Month Schedule of Activities, 23 x 11 cm, February 2007 (2 copies) Item 42 - Poster: University of Missouri Black History Month Schedule of Activities, 57 x 43 cm, February 2007 (2 copies) Item 43 - Poster: University of Missouri Museum of Art and Archaeology Presents "Art in Bloom," 51 x 36 cm, 16-18 March 2007 Item 44 - Poster: Missouri Department of Student Activities Events Calendar, 61 x 46 cm, Spring 2008 Item 45 - Poster: MSA/GPC Film Schedule, 61 x 46 cm, Spring 2008 Item 46 - Poster: University of Missouri Black History Month Calendar of Events, 43 x 28 cm, February 2008 (3 copies) Item 47 - Poster: University of Missouri Life Sciences Week, 43 x 28 cm, 14-18 April 2008 (2 copies) Item 48 - Poster: MSA/GPC, Relationship and Sexual Violence Prevention Center - Calendar of Events, 56 x 43 cm, Spring 2012 Item 49 - Poster: MSA/GPC, Mizzou Zombie Week Calendar of Events, 43 x 28 cm, 27 September-5 October 2013 Item 50 - Poster: University of Missouri Museum of Art and Archaeology Presents: Free Showings of Past True/False Film Festival Films, 35 x 16 cm, n.d. Item 51 - Poster: Duplicate Bridge, Student Union, 31 x 23 cm, every Wednesday (no year) Item 52 - Poster: SGA, Rothwell Gymnasium, Married Students' Christmas Dance, 31 x 23 cm, 12 December (no year) Item 53 - Poster: Square Dance, Student Union, 32 x 24 cm, n.d. Item 54 - Poster: "The Missouri Student, Subscribe Today!" Read Hall, 33 x 24 cm, n.d. Item 55 - Poster: Student Union, Book Pool, 32 x 25 cm, 1-16 February (no year) Item 56 - Poster: Film Classics, Student Union, "Long Voyage Home," "One Foot in Heaven," "Tight Little Island," "Grapes of Wrath," 36 x 29 cm, January (no year) Item 57 - Poster: Film Classics, Student Union, "Rhapsody in Blue," "Viva Zapata," "Gentleman's Agreement," "How Green was My Valley," "Jim Thorpe-All American," "All the King's Men," 36 x 30 cm, September-October (no year) Series Four - Writing Contests OSF 4 Item 1 - Poster: The Dramatic Arts Club One Act Play Contest, 35 x 28 cm, 1922-1923 Item 2 - Poster: The Dramatic Arts Club Eight Annual One Act Play Contest, 35 x 28 cm, 27 March 1930 Item 3 - Poster: Mahan Poetry Prizes, 38 x 28 cm, 1930-1931 Item 4 - Poster: Mahan University Essay Prizes, Fifth Annual Contest, 30 x 26 cm, 14 January 1935 (2 copies) Item 5 - Poster: Thirteenth Annual One Act Play Contest, 27 x 24 cm, 27 March 1935 Item 6 - Poster: Mahan Story Prizes, Seventh Annual Contest, 24 x 19 cm, 3 May 1937 Item 7 - Poster: Mahan Creative Writing Contests, 33 x 25 cm, 1943-1944 (2 copies) Item 8 - Poster: Mahan Creative Writing Contests, 33 x 25 cm, 1944-1945 Item 9 - Poster: Mahan Creative Writing Contests, 33 x 25 cm, 1945-1946 Item 10 - Poster: Mahan Creative Writing Contests, 33 x 25 cm, 1947-1948 Item 11 - Poster: Mahan Creative Writing Contests, 35 x 28 cm, 1948-1949 (2 copies) Item 12 - Poster: Mahan Creative Writing Contests, 35 x 28 cm, 1949-1950 (2 copies) Item 13 - Poster: Mahan Creative Writing Contests, 35 x 28 cm, 1950-1951 (2 copies) Item 14 - Poster: University Short Story Contest, 34 x 28 cm, 5 May (no year) Series Five - Debates/Forensics Activities OSF 5 Item 1 - Poster: Forensics Activities Debate, "Resolved: That the Voting Age Be Reduced to 18 Years," University of Missouri vs. State University of Iowa, 36 x 28 cm, 13 April [handwritten 1944] Item 2 - Poster: Forensics Activities Presents: Three Foreign Language Films, "Three Lucky Fools" April 27, "Chapayev" May 18, and "Der Hauptmann von Kopenick" 25 May, 56 x 36 cm, [handwritten 1944] Item 3 - Poster: Forensics Activities, The March of Time Forum Edition: "India," "New England," "South Africa," and "Airways of the Future," 20 x 15 cm, 16 January 1945 Item 4 - Poster: Forensics Activities Debate, "Should Missouri Adopt the Proposed Constitution? Is it Time to Change?" University of Missouri vs. Saint Louis University, 32 x 24 cm, 20 February [stamped 1945] Item 5 - Poster: Debate Squad Tryouts and Tentative Calendar, 31 x 24 cm, 9 October 1945 Item 6 - Poster: Forensics Activities, The March of Time Forum Edition: "Russia at War," "The New South," "Men of Medicine," and "Sweden," 31 x 23 cm, 30 October [handwritten 1945] Item 7 - Poster: Forensics Activities Debate, "Should we Have Peacetime Military Training?" University of Missouri vs. University of Wichita, 32 x 24 cm, 25 April [handwritten 1946] Item 8 - Poster: Forensics Activities, Stephens Oratorical Contest, 32 x 24 cm, 15 March [handwritten 1949] Item 9 - Poster: Athenaean Society Presents a Debate, "Resolved: The Influence of Women Has Increased, Is Increasing, And Should Be Diminished," University of Missouri vs. University of Minnesota, 32 x 24 cm, 26 April [handwritten 1949] Item 10 - Poster: Parliamentary Debate, "Direct Election of the President" University of Missouri vs. University of Kansas, 32 x 24 cm, 25 October [handwritten 1949] Item 11 - Poster: Parliamentary Debate, "Is the British Empire Decadent?" University of Missouri vs. Oxford University, 32 x 24 cm, 22 November [handwritten 1949] Item 12 - Poster: Forensics Activities, Stephens Oratorical Contest, 32 x 24 cm, 12 April [handwritten 1950] Item 13 - Poster: Public Debate, "Should Western Germany be Rearmed?" University of Missouri vs. State University of Iowa, 28 x 22 cm, 21 March [handwritten 1950] Item 14 - Poster: Missouri Northwestern Debate, "Resolved: That a World Federation Should be Established," 51 x 35 cm, 1 December (no year) Series Six - Concert Series/Performances OSF 6 Item 1 - Poster: Kansas City Philharmonic Orchestra, University Concerts, Brewer Field House, 23 x 15 cm, 2 December 1935 Item 2 - Poster: Mino Martini, University Concerts, Brewer Field House, 27 x 18 cm, 24 October 1938 Item 3 - Poster: Grace Moore, University Concerts, Brewer Field House, 26 x 17 cm, 17 November 1941 Item 4 - Poster: James Melton, University Concerts, Brewer Field House, 27 x 19 cm, 18 February 1942 Item 5 - Poster: Vladimir Horowitz, University Concerts, Brewer Field House, 24 x 17 cm, 9 April 1942 Item 6 - Poster: Jan Peerce, University Concerts, Brewer Field House, 23 x 15 cm, 12 Arpil 1943 Item 7 - Poster: University of Missouri Theatre Workshop, Twenty First Season, "My Sister Eileen," "Claudia," "Gilbert and Sullivan Comic Opera," and "Arsenic and Old Lace," 30 x 22 cm, [handwritten 1942-1943] Item 8 - Poster: University of Missouri Theatre Workshop, Twenty Second Season, "Papa is All," "Angel Street," "Tomorrow the World," and "Life with Father," 30 x 23 cm, [handwritten 1943-1944] Item 9 - Poster: University of Missouri Theatre Workshop, Twenty Third Season, "Tomorrow the World," "Uncle Harry," "Angel Street," and "Life with Father," 30 x 23 cm, [handwritten 1944-1945] Item 10 - Poster: Bidu Sayao, University Concerts, Brewer Field House, 24 x 17 cm, 11-13 November 1946 Item 11 - Poster: Read Hall Music Committee Presents, Herbert Gould, 32 x 23 cm, 16 January [stamped 1948] Item 12 - Poster: Eleanor Steber, University Concerts, Brewer Field House, 24 x 19 cm, 12-13 October 1950 Item 13 - Poster: University of Missouri Theatre Workshop, Twenty Ninth Season, "Two Blind Mice," "Shadow and Substance," "Ah Wilderness," and "Goodbye Mr. Fancy," 23 x 19 cm, [handwritten 1950-1951] Item 14 - Poster: Ferruccio Tagliavini, University Concerts, Brewer Field House, 24 x 17 cm, 25-26 April 1951 Item 15 - Poster: The Azuma Kabuki Dancers and Musicians, University Concerts, Jesse Auditorium, 23 x 15 cm, 28 February 1956 Item 16 - Poster: Rosa Ponselle Prima Donna Soprano, University Concerts, Brewer Field House, 18 x 9 cm, 30 March (no year) Item 17 - Poster: Casadesus, University Concerts, Brewer Field House, 24 x 18 cm, 28-29 March (no year) Item 18 - Poster: The Robert Shaw Chorale, University Concerts, Brewer Field House, 25 x 18 cm, 19-20 October (no year) Item 19 - Poster: Jennie Towrel, University Concerts, Brewer Field House, 27 x 19 cm, 5-6 December (no year) Item 20 - Poster: Firkusny, Internationally Celebrated Pianist, Columbia Artists Management, 27 x 19 cm, n.d. Item 21 - Poster: Lauritz Melchior, University Concerts, Brewer Field House, 27 x 19 cm, 13-14 October 1948 Item 22 - Poster: The Robert Shaw Chorale and Orchestra-Company of 50, 27 x 19 cm, n.d. Item 23 - Poster: Eleanor Steber, Soprano, Metropolitan Opera Association, 26 x 19 cm, n.d. Item 24 - Poster: Risë Stevens, University Concerts, Brewer Field House, 27 x 21 cm, 25-26 April n.d. Item 25 - Poster: Coolidge Quartet, University Concerts, Columbia Concerts Corporation, 29 x 21 cm, n.d. Item 26 - Poster: University Concerts 1941-1942 Season, The Coolidge String Quartet, Grace Moore, James Melton, Vladimir Horowitz, Vladimir Golschmann, St. Louis Symphony Orchestra, Brewer Field House, Jesse Auditorium, 56 x 35, 17 November, 8-11 December, 18 February, 28 March, 9 April 1941-1942 Item 27 - Poster: Department of Music, The University Orchestra, University Auditorium, Directed by Paul Van Bodegraven, 36 x 28 cm, 25 January [stamped 1942] Item 28 - Poster: Department of Music, Summer Session Concerts, Herbert Gould Singer, Rogers Whitmore Violinist, Jesse Auditorium, 36 x 28 cm, 9 July 1942 Item 29 - Poster: Department of Music, Summer Session Chorus, Directed by Herbert Gould, assisted by the University String Quartet, University Auditorium, 36 x 28 cm, 30 July 1942 Item 30 - Poster: Department of Music, The University Orchestra, Concert, Conducted by Paul Van Bodegraven, Jesse Auditorium, 36 x 28 cm, 29 November (no year) Item 31 - Poster: Department of Music, The University Orchestra, Concert, Conducted by Paul Van Bodegraven, Ellsworth MacLeod pianist, 36 x 28 cm, 23 May (no year) Item 32 - Poster: University of Missouri Orchestra Tour, Conducted by George C. Wilson, Jefferson City and Brookfield, 48 x 33 cm, 1 April 1947 Item 33 - Poster: University Concert Series, Twenty Third Season, photos of: Robert Shaw Chorale, Risë Stevens, Thor Johnson, Vladimir Golschmann, Jennie Towrel, the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra, and the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra, 56 x 43 cm, 19-20 October, 5-6 December, 30-31 March, and 25-26 April, 1949-1950 Item 34 - Poster: We Always Swing Jazz Series, Strings Attatched, 60 x 39 cm, 15 October, 12 November, 8 December, 17 January, 6 February, 15 March, 18 April, 1997-1998 Item 35 - Poster: The French Club Presents: "The Man Who Married a Dumb Wife" and "Rosalie," Baptist Student Center, 50 x 35 cm, 1 May (no year) OSF 7 Item 1 - Poster: "Beware - Notice - New Freshies and Academics," rules of behavior, "in Honor of Quarter Centennial," 36 x 22 cm, n.d. Item 2 - Poster: University of Missouri Savitar Advertisement of Job Openings, 43 x 28 cm, Applications due 1 November 1994 Item 3 - Poster: University of Missouri Alumni Association True Tiger 2001-2002 Calendar and Mizzou Information Technology Checklist, 68 x 41 cm, 2001-2002 Item 4 - Poster: 12th Annual Edition, "Who's Who at Mizzou," (student leaders), includes calendar, 89 x 58 cm, 2003-2004 Item 5 - Poster: "Mizzou - The Magazine of the Mizzou Alumni Association - YES-E-C! - Mizzou Enters a New Era," 61 x 46 cm, 2012 Item 6 - Poster: Salute to Black History [contains images of Xavier Billingsley, Rhea Taylor, Michael Middleton, Muriel and Eliot Battle, Neal E. Boyd, Clyde Ruffin, Cynthia Frisby, William Moore, and Nathan Stephens], 51 x 69 cm, 2013 Item 7 - Poster: "Mizzou Must-Reads: Professors celebrate the University of Missour's 175th anniversary by recommending 175 influential books," 71 x 57 cm, 2014 (2 copies) Item 8 - Poster: University of Missouri Printing Services and Digiprint Centers Advertisement with a Tiger and a Football, 51 x 15 cm, n.d. Item 9 - Pamphlet: E.Z. Living with E.Z. Charge, Campus Dining Services pamplet, 22 x 9 cm, n.d. Item 10 - Poster: E.Z. Streets, Campus Dining Services map, 43 x 28 cm, n.d. Item 11 - Poster: "Teachers Notice Good Opportunities," University of Missouri College of Education, book recommendations from Education faculty, 48 x 28 cm, n.d. Item 12 - Poster: University of Missouri College of Engineering, 43 x 28 cm, n.d. (2 copies) Item 13 - Poster: University of Missouri Printing Services and Digiprint Centers Advertisement, Jungle Theme, 45 x 30, n.d. (2 copies) Item 14 - Poster: "A New Stereotype is Long Overdue" - Library and Information Science, University of Missouri, 61 x 40 cm, n.d. Item 15 - Poster: "Get Your Face in a Book: Smart reads from Mizzou's top professors," 71 x 58 cm, n.d. (2 copies) Item 16 - Broadside/Flyer (linen): "Warning! Notice is hereby given that any person who shall ride or drive any horse or other animal, or any vehicle, on any sidewalk or footway...," 27 x 18 cm, 1904 |
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