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Record Group: 3 C
Record Sub-Group: 47
Records Title: UMC; College of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources; Memorabilia Collections
Dates: 1907-2004
Volume: 3 and 2/3 cubic feet, 4.58 linear feet

Scope and Content Note

This Sub-Group contains memorabilia of the University of Missouri-Columbia College of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources. Included in this Sub-Group are items pertaining to Agriculture Club banquets, Farmers' Week and Farmers' Week banquets, Farmers' County Fair, Farm and Home Week, Short Course banquets, and the College of Agriculture Centennial. Printed materials in this Sub-Group include event programs and schedules, banquet menus, texts of addresses delivered at celebrations, promotional posters, news releases, invitations, guide books, Farm Forum booklets, and announcements. Also included in this Sub-Group are photographs, reel-to-reel video films, audiotapes, scrapbooks, committee meeting minutes, and two gavels made of wood from "Sam Jordan Oak."
Note to Researcher: For memorabilia of UMC Professor of Agricultural Chemistry, Albert G. Hogan, see Record Group 3 C, Sub-Group 44, Series 2. For memorabilia of MU College of Agriculture students, see Record Group 0 C, Sub-Group 6, Series 7, and Record Group 22 C, Sub-Group 16, Series 17. For other memorabilia relating to the UMC College of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources, see Record Group 17 C, Sub-Group 1, and Record Group 17 C, Sub-Group 2.

Series Descriptions:

Series 1. - C:3/35/1
This Series contains memorabilia pertaining to special events sponsored by the College of Agriculture (1907-1970). Included in this Series are materials produced for Agriculture Club banquets, Farmers' Week and Farmers' Week banquets, Farmers' County Fair, Farm and Home Week, Short Course banquets, and the MU College of Agriculture Centennial. Printed materials in this Series include event programs and schedules, banquet menus, texts of addresses delivered at celebrations, promotional posters, news releases, invitations, guide books, Farm Forum booklets, and announcements. Also included in the Series are a tie tack pin from the College of Agriculture Centennial celebration (1970) and a panoramic photograph of the 1915 Farmers' Fair.
(1/3 c.f., Ellis; OSF, MC; Pkg, MC)
Note to Researcher: For photographs of some of the special events mentioned in Series 1, see
Record Group 3 C, Sub-Group 29, Series 6. For more on Agriculture Day, see Record Group 3 C, Sub-Group 26, Series 17.
Note to Archivist: A digital scan of the 1912 County Fair poster is stored with Digital Media.

Series 2. - C:3/1/22 (A81-5)
This Series contains memorabilia relating to the UMC College of Agriculture's Centennial celebration and the College's Farm Forum Awards. Included in this Series are correspondence and booklets concerning the Farm Forum Awards recipients and honorees (1945-1967).
(1/6 c.f., UMLD1)
Note to Researcher: For two 16mm video films of Dean Kiehl's Centennial Luncheon address see
Record Group 3 C, Sub-Group 26, Series 16.

Series 3. - C:3/32/1
This Series contains mementos of the UMC College of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources Centennial Celebration (ca. 1967-1972). Included in this Series are four notebooks and one scrapbook of correspondence, news releases, photographs, Centennial Award nomination blanks, and meeting minutes of Centennial Committees. Also included in this Series are copies of The Centennial Report, 1870-1970, of the College of Agriculture, by Dean Emeritus John Longwell, and the College of Agriculture Centennial Lecture Series, containing the texts of addresses delivered as part of the celebration.
(5/6 c.f.: 2/3 c.f., UMLD1; 1/6 c.f., UMLD1; Pkg, Ellis)

Series 4. - C:3/1/42 (A98-90)
This Series holds items of memorabilia relating to the UMC College of Agriculture. Included in this Series are two gavels made from the "Sam Jordan Oak," a tree planted to commemorate Missouri's first county extension agent (ca. 1965), and a framed cloth applique given to Dean Roger Mitchell by the Prince of Songkla University, Thailand, (1993). Also included in the Series are eleven audiocassette tapes of interviews with contemporary and former Deans, Professors Emeritus and other prominent individuals associated with the UMC College of Agriculture (1985-1989).
(1/3 c.f., UMLD1)

Series 5. - C:3/35/3 (A05-07)
This Series contains memorabilia concerning the celebration of the 100-year anniversary of the College of Agriculture's annual Barnwarming festivities, (1915-2004). The Series includes issues and photocopies of The Barnyard Post, (1946, 1955, 1962-1965), prints and photocopies of Barnwarming photographs, alumni correspondence regarding memories of Barnwarming, a 'Ruf Nex' wooden key, (1942), Farmers Fair denim jackets, (1941), and a Barnwarming Dance program, (1915). The Series also contains copies of the publication, entitled The Barnyard Post II: Aggies Celebrate a Century of Barnwarming, (2004), created for the 2004 Anniversary Celebration.
(1 c.f., 001079)
Note to Archivist: Many of the items were received by Kirsten Smarr, Director of External Relations in the Office of the Dean, CAFNR as donations for the Anniversary Celebration.

Series 6. - C:3/35/4 (A13-21)
This Series contains memorabilia of Barnwarming in the College of Agriculture at the University of Missouri, (1920, 1940). The memorabilia consist of a 1920 Barnwarming dance card and a small piece of plywood printed with "Barnwarmin' '40" around a circular logo.
(FF, Small Holdings Box 2)
Note to Archivist: The memorabilia in this Series comes from Warren Dearborn House (Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, 1925) and his brother William B. House (Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, 1941, Master of Arts, 1949, and Doctor of Philosophy, 1958). The material was donated by Alan S. House, son of William B. House.

Series 7. - C:3/35/5 (A21-17)
This Series contains memorabilia of the Farmers' Fair, (1916). The memorabilia consist of a commemorative luggage tag for the 1916 Farmers' Week. The tag was "presented with the compliments of the State Board, at the expense of the Commercial Club of Columbia, Missouri." The tag was collected by College of Agriculture alumnus Edgar W. Bergmann.
(Env, Small Holdings Box 3)
Note to Archivist: The memorabilia in Series 7 was donated by Beverly J. Bergman whose husband Paul Bergman had used his father's Farmers' Week luggage tag in his youth.

Series 8. - C:3/35/6 (A23-63)
This Series contains memorabilia pertaining to the College of Agriculture at the University of Missouri, (1925-1926). The memorabilia consist of a scrapbook of newspaper and other publication clippings of obituaties, tributes, and statements upon the death of Henry Jackson Waters on October 26, 1925.
(Env., Ellis)

Series 9. - C:3/35/7 (A24-08)
This Series contains memorabilia of the University of Missouri's College of Agriculture, (1911). The memorabilia consist of a scrapbook of newpaper clippings and printed and duplicated material pertaining to the running of the College of Agriculture's Special Agricultural Lecture Train on the Wabash, Frisco, and Burlington lines in March of 1911. Also included are advertisement flyers and broadsides. The newspaper clippings are almost entirely from Missouri newspapers and range in date from February 8th to April 8th, 1911. The scrapbook is introduced by a short memorandum to the Executive Board of the Curators from April 3rd, 1911.
(1/6 c.f., UMLD1; OSF, Ellis)

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Published by: University Archives
Originally Prepared by Carl Lingle: February 1999
Revised: 10 April 2024

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