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Record Group: 4 UW
Record Sub-Group: 64
Records Title: UM System; President's Office; Office of Facilities Planning and Development; Administrative Records
Dates: ca. 1934-2013
Volume: 55 cubic feet, 68.75 linear feet

Scope and Content Note

This Sub-Group contains records of the University of Missouri President's subordinate Office of Facilities Planning and Development. Included in this Sub-Group are office correspondence, blueprints, architect's drawings, maps of UM-System campuses and properties, reports from outside consultants, photographs (some aerial views) of UM campuses and facilities, records on microfilm, annual reports to the UM-System administration, capital budget materials (including correspondence), capital appropriations requests, plans for the "Missouri Research Park," research park contracts and agreements, blueprints, annual energy reports, long-range development plan documents, planning project reports, project meeting files, construction reports, memoranda of understanding, letters of agreement, contracts, energy emergency plans, and records concerning utilities easements and buried lines.

Historical Note:

The University of Missouri (UM-System) administrative unit responsible for maintenance and improvement of campus facilities has experienced a number of name changes and administrative reorganizations during its history. Under its original title of Buildings and Grounds, this unit was primarily concerned with maintenance and repair of contemporary campus structures along with the landscaping and general care of campus grounds. In the early 1900's, the Buildings and Grounds Unit's title was changed to Physical Plant Unit. This change reflected the increasing complexity of maintaining physical services (such as lighting, heating, and plumbing) for the rapidly growing University. In 1964, with the creation of a four-campus University of Missouri System, the Physical Plant Unit was combined with University of Missouri Construction (which had existed as a separate unit since 1956) to form the UM Physical Plant and Construction Department. Also at this time, each of the four UM-System campuses appointed individual Superintendents of Facilities.

1980 saw UM-System Physical Plant and Construction Department become the Office of Facilities Management and Planning. Under this title, the office was responsible for all aspects of design, planning, and construction of new facilities on all four of the UM-System campuses. An additional name change occurred in 1987 when the Office's name became Facilities Management Services. Also in 1987, responsibility for oversight of actual construction work was delegated to the Physical Plant Superintendents of individual System campuses. Duties of the Office of Facilities Management Services still included coordination of UM-System Board of Curators recommendations for new construction and repairs to existing facilities, coordination of the selection of architectural firms for UM-System building projects, implementation of uniform UM-System building safety codes, coordination of capital appropriations requests, review and evaluation of construction contracts requiring Board of Curators approval, development of unified data base systems for all UM campuses, and providing assistance to campus staff in resolving construction-related disputes. A final name change came in 1989 when the Office of Facilities Management Services became the current Office of Facilities Planning and Development.

Series Descriptions:

Series 1. - UW:4/81/2 (A85-69)
This Series contains records of the University of Missouri Buildings and Grounds Unit, (1940-1950). Included in this Series are blueprints and drawings of the University of Missouri's Rollins Spring properties, blueprints and drawings of the University of Missouri's Rollins Farm properties, an installation map of the Weldon Spring Ordinance Works, a plan of the William Volker campus of the University of Kansas City (which would become the University of Missouri-Kansas City campus), and a map of UM-System facilities and properties across the state.
Note to Researcher: For more maps and blueprints of UM-system facilities and properties, see Sub-Group 16 of Record Group 1 C, and Sub-Group 13 of Record Group 4 UW.

Series 2. - UW:4/81/3 (A86-19)
This Series contains records of the University of Missouri Physical Plant and Construction Department, (1968-1971). The UM-System Physical Plant and Construction Department would later become the Office of Facilities Planning and Development. Included in this Series are supporting materials prepared by the William Pereira Associates for the University of Missouri Board of Curators in regard to the UM-System Long-Range Master Plan. These reports contained campus maps, campus photographs, and plans depicting future facility and road construction on all of the four UM-System campuses.
(2 OSP, Ellis)
Note to Researcher: For more information concerning the UM-System Master Plan, ask the University Archives staff about collection UW:4/141/9.

Series 3. - UW:4/81/4 (A83-80)
This Series contains records of the University of Missouri Physical Plant and Construction Department, (1965-1974). Included in this Series are aerial photographs of the campuses of the University of Missouri-Columbia (UMC), the University of Missouri-Rolla (UMR), and the University of Missouri Saint Louis (UMSL), photographs of residential areas near these campuses, aerial photographs of University of Missouri Agricultural Experiment Stations and Farms, oversize photographs of Jesse Hall, oversize photographs of Switzler Hall, and a panoramic photographic negative of the MU Francis Quadrangle. Also included are architectural sketches of Columbia's proposed downtown civic center, MU's "University Village" student housing facilities, proposed athletic fields, the proposed MU Medical School and Hospital, and a pedestrian walkway between the proposed Medical School and Conley Avenue.
(1/3 c.f., UMLD1; 2 OSF, Ellis)
Note to Researcher: For more aerial photography and related materials pertaining to University of Missouri campuses and properties, see
Series 1, Sub-Group 37 of Record Group 1 C and Series 14, Sub-Group 6 of Record Group 0 C. To view several of the earliest aerial photographs of the MU campus, see Mizzou From The Air: 1919, an "Online Exhibit" of the University Archives.

Series 4. - UW:4/81/5
This Series contains records of the University of Missouri Office of Facilities Management and Planning, (1979-1982). Included in the Series are printed planning and construction reports relating to construction projects on all UM-System campuses. Titles of reports contained in this Series include, University of Missouri Energy Policy, (1979), University of Missouri-Columbia Central Campus Improvements, (1981), and University of Missouri New Construction and Renovation, (1982).
(1/3 c.f., UMLD1)

Series 5. - UW:4/81/6 (A88-71)
This Series contains records of the University of Missouri UM-System Physical Plant and Construction Department, (1960-1980). Included in this Series are correspondence, contracts, agreements, blueprints, maps, and related records pertaining to facilities at the University of Missouri-Rolla, the University of Missouri-Kansas City, and the University of Missouri-Saint Louis. Also included in the Series is a proposal for the construction of a Mathematical Sciences Center Facility at the University of Missouri-Columbia, (1966). Correspondence topics include elevator maintenance and repair, emergency energy plans, power plant needs and concerns, natural gas services, and relations with and easements for utility companies (such as Kansas City Power and Light and Missouri Utilities).
(1 c.f. 016969; 2 Tubes,

Series 6. - UW:4/81/7 (A91-94; A19-45)
This Series contains microfilmed records of the University of Missouri Physical Plant and Construction Department, (ca. 1934-1987). Series 6 consists of microfilm copies of legal and administrative records concerning construction projects for the University of Missouri-Columbia (MU), the University of Missouri-Rolla (UMR), the University of Missouri-Kansas City (UMKC), and the University of Missouri-St. Louis (UMSL). These records include as-built and other drawings, construction-related correspondence, advertisements for construction bids, advertisements for equipment and materials bids, bids received for supply of materials and services, purchase requisitions, expense vouchers, surveyors' reports, contracts with construction firms, agreements with producers and shippers of construction materials, audit trails, and lawsuit-related records [RESTRICTED]. The construction projects which these records pertain to include, among others, improvements to the MU Golf Course, additions to the Journalism Building (Neff Hall), campus storm sewer expansion, construction of metal dairy barns for the MU College of Agriculture, additions to the Law School Building (then Tate Hall), installation of steel book stacks for Ellis Library, construction of athletic practice fields at MU, construction of laboratory space at MU, erection of concession buildings for MU's Memorial Stadium, new men's dorms, student cafeterias, parking lots, athletic fields, Dental School, Computer Science, Jesse Hall auditorium, and University Hall.
(142 MFR: 2 MFR, MFC; 2 c.f., UMLD1)
Note to Archivist: The box lists for this Series are available online. They can be accessed by
following this link.
Note to Researcher: Series 6 contains some records which are confidential and restricted. See the restrictions note at the end of this finding aid.

Series 7. - UW:4/81/9 (A98-22; A05-69)
This Series contains records of the University of Missouri Office of Facilities Planning and Development, (1982-2002). Some of the records in this Series were created when the UM-System Office of Facilities Planning and Development was known by other names. Included in the Series are copies of annual reports from the System Office of Facilities Planning and Development, guidelines for preparing UM-System Office of Facilities Planning and Development annual reports, and guidelines for preparing annual reports for all UM-System campuses' facilities management units. Included in these reports is information concerning the cost of facilities maintenance, cost of construction projects, expenditures for power plant fuel, private utility service costs, capital funding levels, engineering and design of construction projects, space utilization (classrooms, laboratories, and administrative offices), and personnel of the UM Office of Facilities Planning and Development.
(1 c.f., 013590)
Note to Researcher: Series 7 contains some records which are confidential and restricted. See the restrictions note at the end of this finding aid.

Series 8. - UW:4/81/NP (A98-22)
This Series contains records of the University of Missouri Office of Facilities Planning and Development, (1985-1992). Some of the records in this Series were created when the UM-System Office of Facilities Planning and Development was known by other names. Included in Series 8 are administrative correspondence, capital budget records, capital appropriations requests, and copies of UM-System Office of Facilities Planning and Development annual energy reports.
(8 c.f., 000027, 000028, 000029, 000030, 000033, 000127, 000128, 000237)
Note to Researcher: Series 8 is currently unprocessed. Until processed and inventoried, portions may not be fully available to researchers.

Series 9. - UW:4/81/NP (A99-55)
This Series contains records of the University of Missouri Office of Facilities Planning and Development, (1993). Included in this Series are blueprints, real estate plats, architect's drawings, and construction plans pertaining to the UM-System Missouri Research Park.
(3 c.f., 004765 [longbox])
Note to Researcher: Series 9 is currently unprocessed. Until processed and inventoried, portions may not be fully available to researchers.

Series 10. - UW:4/81/10
This Series contains the Interim Report of the University of Missouri Master Plan, (9/1970). The report was produced for the Board of Curators by the architectural firm of William L. Pereira Associates as part of the research and concept development phases of the long-range development plans for the University's four campuses. According to the Report, it "merely documents the progress to date and established the guidelines by which the individual plans can be finished successfully." The 263-page report includes a section on the UM-System and on each campus with maps, plans, and images of current and future development.
(Env., Ellis)

Series 11. - UW:4/81/11 (A04-26; A07-07; A08-04; A08-79; A10-73)
This Series contains administrative records created and received by the University of Missouri Office of Facilities Management and Planning and its subsequent names, (1973-2008). The records pertain to the development of University Park, the University of Missouri Research Park, Providence Point, and other University of Missouri-System facilities. The records in this Series consists of project and development files, master plans and reports, correspondence, contracts and agreements, meeting minutes, studies, research files, appraisals, photographs, and blueprints. Specific records in the Series include: the University of Missouri-Kansas City Master Plan Report (1998) and Master Development Plan (1994); a University Park traffic study; Kauffman Foundation records; assessments and appraisals of Weldon Springs; correspondence regarding the Agricultural Center; the Research Park Master Development Plan (1988); Conference Center materials, the Records Management Center, and the University of Missouri Library Depository, (1995-1998).
(28 c.f.,
Follow this link for box locations)
Note to Researcher: Series 11 is currently unprocessed. Until processed and inventoried, portions may not be fully available to researchers. Series 11 contains records which are confidential and restricted. See the restrictions note at the end of this finding aid.
Some box lists for this Series are available in paper and some are available online. They can be accessed by following this link.

Series 12. - UW:4/81/12 (A05-20)
This Series contains reports received by the Office of Facilities Planning and Development, (1988-1997). The records consist of Minority Business Activity Reports and some related correspondence and notes. The reports collect statistics from the System campuses regarding minority firms, including the number of Request-for-Proposals sent to minority firms, consultant contracts awarded to minority firms, and construction contracts awarded to minority firms.
(1/3 c.f., UMLD1)

Series 13. - UW:4/81/13 (A07-64)
This Series contains records created or received by the University of Missouri Office of Facilities Planning and Development, (1970-1989). The records consist of University of Missouri Master Plan reports, (1970-1971), and related photographic slides, (1982-1986); Prioritization Asbestos Assessment Study Appendices, (1987); and a Comprehensive Planning Report for the University of Missouri, (1988).
(1 c.f., 006215)
Note to Archivist: The box list for this Series is available online. It can be accessed by
following this link.

Series 14. - UW:4/81/14 (A10-74)
This Series contains records created or received by the University of Missouri Office of Facilities Management and Planning, (1989-2008). The records consist of annual reports, (1989-2003), appropriation requests, (1996-2008), and various planning records.
(1 c.f., 016238)
Note to Archivist: The box list for this Series is available online. It can be accessed by
following this link.

Series 15. - UW:4/81/15 (A10-75)
This Series contains records created or received by the University of Missouri Office of Facilities Management and Planning, (2002). The records consist of general correspondence as well as correspondence with Campus Facilities and with University of Missouri System Administration in University Hall.
(1 c.f., 047553A)
Note to Archivist: The box list for this Series is available online. It can be accessed by
following this link.

Series 16. - UW:4/81/16 (A11-90)
This Series contains records created or received by the University of Missouri Office of Facilities Management and Planning, (ca. 1986-2007, bulk 1993-2000). The records consist of the following types and topics: Missouri Research Park project manuals and plans; Utility Supply Review; facility inventories; utilities master plans; and academic space plans.
(8 c.f., 004766 [long box], 055499, 055502, 055503, 055504, 055508; Tube, Ellis)
Note to Archivist: The box lists for this Series are available online. They can be accessed by
following this link.

Series 17. - UW:4/81/17 (A15-37)
This Series contains administrative and other records created and received by the University of Missouri Office of Facilities Management and Planning, (1981-2008). The records consist of analysis, consultation, design, and other reports for projects from all four campuses. The Series also includes presentation books for Board of Curators meetings, (2000-2005), and a Building Code survey project, (2000).
(14 c.f., 055479, 055500, 013430, 013431, 013432, 013433, 013434, 013437, 013438, 013439, 013440, 013441, 013443, 013444)
Note to Researcher: This Series is currently unprocessed. Until completely processed and inventoried, portions may not be fully available to researchers.
Note to Archivist: The box lists for this Series are available online. They can be accessed by
following this link.

Series 18. - UW:4/81/18 (A20-40)
This Series contains administrative records created and received by the University of Missouri Office of Facilities Management and Development, (1983-2013). The records include the following types and topics: plans of Columbiua campus buildings, contractor and other professional problem files [RESTRICTED], reports, work plans, meetings manuals, directories, Board books, and Columbia campus buildings projects. Many of the records in Series 18 originated during the tenure of Director David Sheahen.
(6 c.f., 051449, 055492, 055506, 055510, 058826, 111429)
Note to Researcher: Series 18 contains records which are confidential and restricted. See the restrictions note at the end of this finding aid.
Note to Archivist: The box lists for this Series are available online. They can be accessed by
following this link.

Restrictions Note: The Archives of the University of Missouri-Columbia is required by law and Board of Curator's policy to restrict access to some files and information. Student records are held as confidential under the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and by University policy. Faculty promotion and tenure records and Academic Personnel files are restricted for 75 years, or the lifetime of the individual. All grievance, disciplinary, and medical records are treated as confidential files. Consultations with legal counsel, both in-house and external, are protected by the attorney/client privilege and will not be released.

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Published by: University Archives
Compiled by Carl Lingle, et al.: December 1999
Revised: 21 May 2020

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