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Record Group: 6 C
Record Sub-Group: 14
Records Title: UMC; College of Arts and Science; Faculty Papers and Academic Personnel Records
Dates: 1900-2016
Volume: 93 and 5/6 cubic feet, 117.29 linear feet

Scope and Content Note

This Record Sub-Group contains University of Missouri-Columbia College of Arts and Science faculty records. Included in this Sub-Group are staff registers, personnel files, reprints and drafts of publications, personal and professional correspondence, lecture notes and other course materials, research materials, unpublished manuscripts, minutes of meetings and other committee materials, memorabilia, curriculum vitae, employment cards, biographical and autobiographical sketches, personal journals, audio recordings, and photographs.
Note to Researcher: Additional records of individual faculty members and their work may be located under their specific department (either as Inventories or Summaries) within the College of Arts and Science.

Series Descriptions:

Series 1. - C:6/1/4 (A80-48)
Moved to
Record Group 6, Sub-Group 10, Series 10.

Series 2. - C:6/9/1 (A89-37; A99-17)
This Series contains UMC College of Arts and Science faculty personnel files, (ca. 1948-1987, 1991). Included in this Series are personnel search records, Curriculum vita, copies of publications, fellowship and grant records, correspondence, sabbatical leave reports, salary recommendations, teacher and course evaluations, awards and honors records, and Cumulative Faculty Record files.
(7 c.f., 036107, 036108, 036109, 036110, 036111, 036112, 036113)
Note to Researcher: Series 2 contains some records which are confidential and restricted. See the restrictions note at the end of this finding aid.
For additional personnel records for Arts and Science faculty, see the following Series:
C:6/1/6 and C:6/1/8. Furthermore, complete faculty files are kept by individual departments.

Series 3. - C:6/20/3 (A75-3)
This Series contains UMC College of Arts and Science Department of English academic personnel records, (ca. 1946-1974). Included are correspondence, photographs, resumes, recommendations, evaluations, academic position search files, and interview notes.
(1 c.f., 013588)
Note to Researcher: Series 3 contains some records which are confidential and restricted. See the restrictions note at the end of this finding aid.
Note to Archivist: For additional personnel records, (ca. 1946-2015), of faculty in the Department of English, see

Series 4. - C:6/14/1B (A90-131)
This Series contains autobiographical audio tape recordings created in 1976 by UMC Department of Art Professor and noted Missouri artist, Frederick Shane. Included in this Series are six reel-to-reel tapes on which Shane describes his life and career (ca. 1920-1976). Professor Shane's comments cover his methods and techniques of painting, his education, and friends, such as President Harry S Truman and artists Thomas Hart Benton, Adolf Dehn, and Art Young.
(1/3 c.f., Ellis)
Note to Researcher: For more about the life and work of Professor Frederick Shane, see
Record Group 6 C, Sub-Group 1.
Note to Archivist: A content outline for the six reels is available in the box along with the tapes.
Copies of the six reel-to-reel tapes were made by University Archives at the request of Fredrick Shane in 1976 and sent to the Smithsonian Archives for American Art. The copies were deaccessioned by the SAAA in 2004 and returned to University Archives; they are included in this Series. Copies of relevant correspondence between Shane, SAAA, and University Archives were also sent to University Archives by SAAA in 2004; they are attached to the paper box list. Technical note: The tapes were recorded at 7 1/2 ips.

Series 5. - C:6/36/1 (A88-45)
This Series contains papers of UMC Division of Biological Sciences Professor Gary Yoshinori Kikudome, (ca. 1944-1984). Included in this Series are reports and scholarly papers written by Professor Kikudome, some dating to his years as a student at the University of Michigan and the University of Illinois.
(1/2 c.f., UMLD1)

Series 6. - C:6/16/1 (A75-52)
This Series contains teaching and research materials created by UMC Department of Botany Professor Jacob Levitt, (1946-1973). Included in this Series are correspondence files, reports, tests, class notes, class rolls, and other materials pertaining to Professor Levitt's research on potatoes. Also included in the Series are reprints of articles on potato research published in the Soviet Union, and documents relating to grant Levitt received from the National Science Foundation, the Office of Naval Research, and the Atomic Energy Commission.
(2 1/2 c.f.: 2 c.f., UMLD1; 1/2 c.f., Ellis)
Note to Researcher: Series 6 contains some records which are confidential and restricted. See the restrictions note at the end of this finding aid.

Series 7. - C:6/17/3 (A86-39)
This Series contains correspondence of UMC Department of Chemistry Professor, Henry E. Bent, (ca. 1966-1983). Included in the Series are nominations of Professor Bent for the Thomas Jefferson Award (1976, 1979, and 1980) and nominations of Professor Bent for the Faculty Alumni Award (1968 and 1969).
(Env, Small Holdings Box 5)

Series 8. - C:6/19/2 (A75-24; A80-23; A84-102; A87-114)
This Series contains correspondence, publications and miscellaneous papers of UMC Department of Economics professor, Harry Gunnison Brown, (ca. 1921-1980). Included in the Series are photocopied correspondence files, copies of MU employment cards, a vitae, a copy of Brown's book entitled The Economics of Taxation, copies of some of Professor Brown's journal articles, and a photograph of Professor Brown. Also included in this Series is information concerning Brown's death in 1975, a 1983 pamphlet entitled In Memoriam, and miscellaneous personal records of Professor Brown and his wife.
(2/3 c.f., Ellis; Env., Ellis)

Series 9. - C:6/20/10 (A86-56)
This Series contains a collection of fifteen short stories authored by UMC Department of English Professor Donald F. Drummond, (ca. 1950-1970). Included in the Series are multiple drafts and revisions of several short stories.
(1/6 c.f., UMLD1)

Series 10. - C:6/20/2 (A78-23)
This Series contains papers of UMC Department of English Professor Robert L. Ramsay, (ca. 1945). Included in the Series are manuscript copies of Professor Ramsay's interpretations of Diodorus with numerous handwritten annotations.
(2/3 c.f., Ellis)

Series 11. - C:6/20/6 (A79-15)
This Series contains papers of UMC Department of English Professor, Edward H. Weatherly, (ca. 1925-1971). Included in the Series are committee records, correspondence, galley proofs, grade books, examinations, general course materials, and student files. Also contained in this Series are a few committee records from the papers of UMC Department of English Professor, A. H. R. Fairchild (ca. 1921-1946).
(4 2/3 c.f.: 4 c.f., 048172, 048181, 048890, 048901; 2/3 c.f., Ellis)
Note to Researcher: Series 11 contains some records which are confidential and restricted. See the restrictions note at the end of this finding aid.

Former Series #12 - C:6/22/3 (A76-59)
This Series has been enlarged to a full inventory.
Please follow this link to reach the inventory. This Series contains papers of Professor William A. Tarr of the University of Missouri Department of Geology, (1908-1937).

Series 13. - C:6/22/4 (A90-13; A00-48)
This Series contains office files of UMC Department of Geology Professor, Clayton Henry Johnson, Jr., (ca. 1932-1987). Included in this Series are correspondence, speeches, course materials, consulting records, grant records, employment records, and student advisee files. Also included in this Series files for MU Geology Professors M. G. Mehl and Walter D. Keller. The records of Walter D. Keller include Walter D. Keller Geology Newsletters, (1942-1945), which was compiled by James F. Wescott and presented at a luncheon on April 8, 2000, and materials pertaining to the National Science Foundation Earth Science Institute.
(2 c.f., 022218, 022219)
Note to Researcher: Series 13 contains some records which are confidential and restricted. See the restrictions note at the end of this finding aid.

Series 14. - C:6/23/2 (A78-24)
This Series contains memorabilia collected by UMC Department of Germanic and Slavic Languages Professor Elsa Nagel, (ca. 1920-1950). Included in the Series are event programs and informational bulletins produced by organizations, such as Pi Lamda Theta and the YMCA, in which Professor Nagel was active. There is also a copy of the "Charter of Independent Women," (ca. 1936), an organization for which Professor Nagel was a faculty advisor.
(Env, Small Holdings Box 4)

Series 15. - C:6/23/1 (A75-2)
This Series contains copies of journal articles, book reviews, theses abstracts, project reports, and study guides written by UMC Department of Germanic and Slavic Languages Professor, Adolph E. Schroeder, (ca. 1946-1988).
(1/6 c.f., UMLD1)

Series 16. - C:6/24/5 (A86-104; A88-42)
Moved to
Record Group 6, Sub-Group 23, Series 4
Note to Researcher: Series 16 contains some records which are confidential and restricted. See the restrictions note at the end of this finding aid.

Series 17. - C:6/24/4 (A84-74)
Moved to
Record Group 6, Sub-Group 23, Series 3

Series 18. - C:6/24/6 (A76-65)
Moved to
Record Group 6, Sub-Group 23, Series 5

Series 19. - C:6/28/3 (A93-16)
This Series contains reprints of publications authored by UMC Department of Mathematics Professor Joseph L. Zemmer, (ca. 1950-1986).
(1/6 c.f., UMLD1)

Series 20. - C:6/33/1 (A76-63)
This Series contains office files created by UMC Department of Political Science Professor, Louis G. Kahle, (ca. 1946-1975). Included in this Series are correspondence files, project reports, memoranda, and minutes of meetings. Topics in the Series include professional conferences and associations, by-laws, regulations, and policies of the UMC College of Arts and Science, academic freedom, tenure, computer research, national scholarships and grants, the U.S. State Department's Foreign Development Program, instructional television, procedures for advising students, and definition of the "superior student."
(4 1/6 c.f.: 4 c.f., 048025, 048026, 048032, 048038; 1/6 c.f., Ellis)

Series 21. - C:6/35/4
This Series contains materials relating to the career of UMC Department of Romance Languages Professor Mildred Johnson, (ca. 1955-1975). Included in this Series are newspaper clippings of publication announcements for works by Professor Johnson and a 1975 Columbia Missourian article in which Johnson recalls her years at the University of Missouri.
(Env, Small Holdings Box 4)

Series 22. - C:6/35/2 (A77-49)
This Series contains teaching materials and memorabilia collected by UMC Department of Romance Languages Associate Professor, Frances Maupin, (ca. 1955-1972). Included in the Series are newsletters, brochures, and photographs relating to Foreign Language Week at MU and nation-wide, foreign language institutes, Spanish-speaking scholars visiting UMC, and students attending Summer sessions at Instituto Tecnologico de Monterrey, Mexico.
(OSF, Ellis; 1/6 c.f., UMLD1)
Note to Researcher: For a photograph of Associate Professor Frances Maupin, see
UMC Archives Record Group 6 C, Sub-Group 29.

Former Series #23 - C:6/35/3 (A79-21; A04-75)
This Series has been enlarged to a full inventory.
Please follow this link to reach the inventory. This Series contains papers of UMC Department of Romance Languages Professor, Edmund Trombly, (ca. 1922-1958).

Series 24. - C:6/35/5 (A80-31)
This Series contains publications and related materials of UMC Department of Romance Languages Professor, Vern G. Williamsen, (ca. 1969-1980). Included in this Series are three books written by Professor Williamsen, reviews of his works by other scholars, reviews written by Williamsen, and materials relating to the 1979 Summer School at Xalapa, Mexico.
(1/3 c.f., UMLD1)

Series 25. - C:6/37/3 (A87-67)
This Series contains papers of UMC Department of Sociology Professor, James L. McCartney, (ca. 1965-1974). Included in the Series are correspondence files, professional conference and symposium materials, letters of recommendation, journal publications, and lecture notes. Also included in the Series are documents relating to the American Association of University Professors, middle management training for correctional personnel, personal pronoun usage by scientists, and a survey regarding excellence in graduate departments.
(2 c.f., 014988, 014989)

Series 27. - C:6/38/2
This Series contains papers of UMC Department of Communications (formerly Speech and Dramatic Art) Professor, Frances McCurdy, (ca. 1954-1973). Included in the Series are correspondence files, memoranda, committee meeting minutes, posters, play programs, rehearsal schedules, newspaper clippings, press releases, prompter books, play scripts, photographs, audition announcements, instructions for stage crews, and oral interpretation judging instructions and evaluation sheets.
(3 c.f., 004341, 004342, 004344)

Series 28. - C:6/38/4 (A94-101)
This Series contains an audio tape recording of UMC Department of Theatre (formerly Speech and Dramatic Art) Professor Donovan Rhynsburger reading Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol," (ca. 1970-1972). Also included in the Series is a copy of Rhynsburger's script and copies of programs for the performance.
(1/6 c.f., UMLD1)

Series 29. - C:6/38/9 (A80-34; A81-7; A81-54; A84-18)
This Series contains papers of UMC Department of Communications Professor Charlotte Wells, (ca. 1967-1979). Included in the Series are correspondence files, course materials, newspaper clippings, copies of publications, and documents pertaining to awards won by Professor Wells, as well as to her retirement from teaching.
(2/3 c.f., UMLD1)

Series 30. - C:6/40/1 (A84-41)
This Series contains an autobiographical manuscript by UMC Department of Zoology Emeritus Professor, Winterton C. Curtis, (ca. 1953). This work traces Curtis' life from his birth, in 1875, through 1901, when he began teaching at the University of Missouri. Also included in this Series are newspaper clippings relating to Curtis' life and career.
(1/6 c.f., UMLD1)
Note to Researcher: For the scrapbook Professor Curtis kept concerning the Scopes "Monkey Trial," see
Record Group 0 C, Sub Group 14.

Series 31. - C:6/37/NP (A96-128)
This Series contains professional papers of Professor of Sociology, Robert Habenstein. Included in this Series are correspondence files and records pertaining to research projects, advisee dissertations, articles for publications, student papers, course materials, lecture notes, reference materials, the Center for Aging, Kinship research projects, aspects of Aging (Gerontology), and a "Boarding Home Study."
(23 c.f.,
Follow this link for box locations.)
Note to Researcher: Series 31 contains some records which are confidential and restricted. See the restrictions note at the end of this finding aid. Series 31 is currently unprocessed. Until processed and inventoried, some portions of this Series may not be fully available to researchers.

Series 32. - C:6/35/6 (A80-27)
This Series contains a hand-written dissertation, authored by 1898 MU Graduate, Hugh Allison Smith. This work is dedicated to MU Romance Languages Professor, Raymond Weeks. The text is entirely in French.
(Env, Small Holdings Box 4)

Series 33. - C:6/17/6 (A03-86)
This Series contains records received from Edwin M. Kaiser, Professor of Chemistry in the College of Arts and Science. The Series consists of Kaiser's research notebooks and those of some of his students, (1964-1983). The majority of the notebooks are from students and contain documentation of experiments done as part of various courses.
(2 c.f., 024302, 024304)
Note to Researcher: Kaiser's notebooks contain his own research and that of his graduate and undergraduate research students relating to the chemistry of carbanions from methylated nitrogenous heterocycles and a variety of other active-hydrogen compounds. Many of the reactions describe the early preparation and use of multiple anions in organic synthesis.

Series 34. - C:6/14/5 (A05-61; A13-51; A13-80)
This Series contains records received from Lawrence Rugolo, Professor of Art in the College of Arts and Science, (ca. 1958-1969). The records consist of brochures, invitation cards, programs, and schedules of events designed by Rugolo for Department of Art and other University arts-related events. Included in the Series are University of Missouri Cultural Events brochures, Fine Arts Center Gallery schedules, and University of Missouri Department of Art Exhibition invitations and announcements, (ca. 1958-1969). A number of the final printed and duplicated items include the associated preliminary design artwork and layout. Also part of the Series are photographic slides and prints depicting Rugolo's set design for the Missouri Workshop production of An Italian Straw Hat, (1964).
(5/6 c.f.: 1/6 c.f., UMLD1; OSB, Ellis; OSF, Ellis)
Note to Archivist: The box lists for this Series are available online. They can be accessed by
following this link.

Series 35. - C:6/31/2 (A08-50)
This Series contains personal correspondence between MU Professor of Philosophy William Donald Oliver and Christopher Stray, (1974-1979). The correspondence addresses to a certain extent Oliver's ideas about philosophy in addition to personal views on more mundane subjects. According to Stray, the correspondence "record[s] a dialogue between a professional philosopher and a researcher interested in philosophy." A few of the letters were written by Oliver's wife, Anne, after the death of Oliver in July 1978.
(FF, Small Holdings Box 1)
Note to Researcher: The correspondence dates to a period after W. Donald Oliver had retired from the University of Missouri and moved to Austria.

Series 36. - C:6/22/6 (A11-15)
This Series contains teaching and research records of Geology Professor William D. Johns, (ca. 1960-1998). The majority of the records consist of course materials, (1970-1997), including transparencies, notes, syllabi, course outlines, bibliographies, and examinations [RESTRICTED]. Among the courses taught by Johns and represented in this Series are Principles of Geology, Physical Geology, Mineralogy, Clay Mineralogy and Petrology, Mineral and Energy Resources, and X-Ray Mineralogy. Also included in the Series are research data and publications related to Johns' work with X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopic (XPS) analysis of 2:1 clays. The Series also contains some faculty administrative records, including annual activity update reports [RESTRICTED].
(3 and 2/3 c.f.: 3 c.f., 117274, 117275, 117276; OSB, Ellis)
Note to Researcher: Series 36 contains some records which are confidential and restricted. See the restrictions note at the end of this finding aid.
William D. Johns began teaching at the University of Missouri in 1970 as Professor in the Department of Geology. Prior to coming to the University of Missouri, he taught at the University of Illinois and Washington University in St. Louis. In 1979, in 1983/84, and again in 1994, Johns was a guest professor in the Institute of Petrology at the University of Vienna, where he was able to study clay layers in the Vienna Basin. Johns' research also focused on the catalytic effects of clay, to which end he set up a carbon isotope laboratory at the University of Missouri. Johns retired in 1997 and was distinguished as Professor Emeritus of Geology. He died in Minneapolis, Minnesota, in March 2015.
Note to Archivist: The box lists for this Series are available online. They can be accessed by
following this link.

Series 37. - C:6/36/2 (A11-60)
This Series contains faculty records of Karen Cone, faculty member in the Division of Biological Sciences. The records, (1987-2009, bulk 2002-2008), pertain to Cone's work with the Interdisciplinary Plant Group and Food for the 21st Century and consist of a curriculum vitae from 2008, news clippings regarding Cone's work, correspondence and evaluation material for a review of the Plant Cluster Food for the 21st Century funded programs [RESTRICTED], (2008), a letter of appointment, and photographs of Cone and some of her colleagues, laboratory staff, and students.
(1/6 c.f., UMLD1)
Note to Researcher: Series 37 contains records which are confidential and restricted. See the restrictions note at the end of this finding aid.

Series 38. - C:6/23/6 (A12-86)
This Series contains professional publications of faculty members of the University of Missouri's Department of Germanic and Slavic Languages and its successor, the Department of German, Russian, and Asian Studies, (1981, 1990-1997). The publications are by Dennis Mueller and Barbara Mueller and include Kurze Krimis, Elementary German I, Elementary German II, and Elementary German III. The Elementary German series was published through the Center for Independent Study at the University of Missouri.
(1/6 c.f., UMLD1)

Series 39. - C:6/23/7 (A14-61)
This Series contains professional papers of Department of Germanic and Slavic Languages faculty member Dennis Mueller, (1967-1978). The records consist of the following types and topics: book reviews, offprints, correspondence, Erste Schritte, and administrative records [RESTRICTED].
(1/6 c.f., UMLD1)
Note to Researcher: Series 39 contains records which are confidential and restricted. See the restrictions note at the end of this finding aid.
Note to Archivist: The box list for this Series is available online. It can be accessed by
following this link.

Series 40. - C:6/19/5 (A15-47)
This Series contains professional papers of Department of Economics and Department of Agricultural Economics Professor Stanley Ray Johnson, (1962-1985). The records consist mostly of Johnson's professional and academic correspondence [RESTRICTED] and memoranda [RESTRICTED] but also includes some paper drafts and publications offprints as well as a few sets of teaching and lecture notes in his specialty of econometrics.
(4 c.f., 124715, 124717, 124718, 134367)
Note to Researcher: Series 40 contains records which are confidential and restricted. See the restrictions note at the end of this finding aid.
Stanley Johnson received degrees in Agricultural Economics from Western Illinois University (Bachelor of Arts, 1961), Texas Technological College (Master of Science, 1982), and Texas A&M University (Ph.D., 1966). He began teaching at the University of Missouri in 1964, receiving promotion to Associate Professor in 1967 and to Professor in 1970. His appointment was initially in the School of Business and Public Administration before receiving the additional appointment in the College of Agriculture in 1966. Johnson left the University of Missouri at the end of 1984 to become the Director of the Agricultural Economics Research Center at Iowa State University.
Note to Archivist: The box lists for this Series are available online. They can be accessed by
following this link.
These records were deaccessioned by the Special Collections Department of the Iowa State University Library in March 2015 prior to being transferred to and accessioned by University Archives at the University of Missouri.

Series 41. - C:6/36/8 (A16-37)
This Series contains teaching material of Robin C. Kennedy, (1980-2004), who taught various Botany courses in the Division of Biological Sciences. The records consist of course syllabi, lecture material, transparencies, quizzes and examinations, laboratory assignments, handouts, and other supplemental material.
(2 c.f., 042498, 042533)
Note to Archivist: The box lists for this Series are available online. They can be accessed by
following this link.

Series 42. - C:6/36/11 (A19-34)
This Series contains professional teaching and research papers of Division of Biological Sciences Professor Raymond D. Semlitsch, (1973-2015, bulk 1973-2009). The records consist of teaching and lecture materials, including lecture notes, transparencies, and informational materials such as journal articles, and some of Semlitsch's research materials, publications, and manuscripts.
(6 c.f., 013909, 013910, 013911, 013912, 013913, 013914)
Note to Researcher: Series 42 contains records which are confidential and restricted. See the restrictions note at the end of this finding aid.
Raymond Semlitsch received degrees from the State University College at Buffalo, New York (Bachelor of Arts in Biology, 1975), the University of Maryland (Masters of Science in Zoology, 1979) and the University of Georgia (Ph.D. in Zoology, 1984). He began teaching at the University of Missouri in 1993 as an Associate Profesor, being promoted to Professor in 1999. Semlitsch became Curators' Professor in the Division in 2004. Prior to his work at the University of Missouri, Semlitsch taught at Memphis State University and at the University of Zurich. Semlitsch's expertise was in the area of the ecology of amphibians.
Note to Archivist: The box lists for this Series are available online. They can be accessed by
following this link.

Series 43. - C:6/33/8 (A21-39)
This Series contains a 1943 publication by Professor of Political Science William L. Bradshaw entitled "County Government Manual for the Missouri Constitutional Convention of 1943."
(Vol, Small Holdings Box 10)

Series 44. - C:6/20/18 (A21-77)
This Series contains professional papers of Department of English Professor John "Jack" Richard Roberts, (1973-2016). The records consist of correspondence, book reviews and annoucements, royalty agreements, and other records pertaining mostly to Roberts' publication of three bibliographies of John Donne.
(1/6 c.f., UMLD1)
Note to Researcher: John R. Roberts was appointed Associate Professor of English at the University of Missouri in 1968. He was promoted to the rank of Professor in 1973. Roberts served as department chairman from 1974 until 1980. He received the Catherine Middlebush Chair in English in 1982. Roberts retired in 2000. He died in Columbia, Missouri, in May of 2017.
Note to Archivist: The box list for this Series is available online. It can be accessed by
following this link.

Restrictions Note: The Archives of the University of Missouri-Columbia is required by law and Board of Curator's policy to restrict access to some files and information. Student records are held as confidential under the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and by University policy. Faculty promotion and tenure records and Academic Personnel files are restricted for 75 years, or the lifetime of the individual. All grievance, disciplinary, and medical records are treated as confidential files. Consultations with legal counsel, both in-house and external, are protected by the attorney/client privilege and will not be released.

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Compiled: January 1999
Revised: 16 December 2021

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