Box 14-002844 |
Record Group: 1 UW Record Sub-Group: 4 Record Series: 5 Records Title: UM-System; Board of Curators; Executive Board Files Dates: 1906-1913 Volume: 8.5 cubic feet, 10.68 linear feet
Series Five of Sub-Group Four contains records from the years 1906 to 1914. Along with recording the everyday business of the University, documents in this Series chronicle MU's development in the last years before World War I. The topics discussed and decisions reached by the Board of Curators during this era were central to the rapid growth of both organized sports and scholarly research at the University of Missouri. Series Outline:
Inventory Series Five - Turn of the Century Expansion: 1907-1913 Box 14 FF 1 - Recommendations and appointments; College of Agriculture Reports; Library shelving arrangements; Library enlargement bids; Architect's Reports; librarian regarding his hours and Library conditions; members' fee for the Students' Protective Association and Financial Report; cooperation with the U.S. Forest Service; State Highway Commission formation; ordinance and bond formation (1906). FF 2 - Military Department inspection; School of Philanthropy Board of Directors meeting; recommendations and appointments; clerical employees; summer session expenses; Meriam regarding elementary and high school; Treasurer's Report to the Secretaries of Agriculture and Interior; degree and certificate candidates; Hospital opening to private patients; Collateral Inheritance Tax Report (1906). FF 3 - "Opinions of the Comptroller of the Treasury on the Adams Fund"; departmental needs and expenditures; College of Agriculture Reports; construction and remodeling; clerical and employee list; recommendations and appointments; circular to liquor dealers regarding selling students liquor (1906). FF 4 - University Maintenance Fund deficit; act increasing militia efficiency and promoting rifle practice; methods of financing institutions in other states; separate Engineering Department; recommendations and appointments; charges against Professor Loeb by J.J. Spriggs, a student; U.S. President's visit cancelled; architect regarding commissions; Agriculture Experiment Station Financial Reports; College of Agriculture Reports; Architect's Reports; American Institute of Architects: "Profession Practice...Proper Minimum Charges"; typhoid fever; University owned band instruments; new roof for the President's House; Math Department activities (1906). FF 5 - Collateral Inheritance Tax Report; recommendations and appointments; Agriculture Experiment Station Financial Report; Adams Fund; War Department regarding the Militia Law; cistern water versus city water; Kansas City alumni pledge to Library Building fund; salary inequalities; Missouri State Treasurer regarding appropriations; construction (1906). FF 6 - College of Agriculture Reports; departmental needs and expenditures; Special Committee Report regarding Academic Hall rooms; recommendations and appointments; property owners petition regarding Athletic Field fence; enrollment without payment and incidental fees; payment for Switzler's history; State aid to public education; admission of special students and entrance conditions; Law Dean Report (1906). FF 7 - Ordinance Department communications; medical student's petition regarding attendance at University Medical College of Kansas City; recommendations and appointments; Alumni Association; Collateral Inheritance Tax Reports; UM News Letter admitted as second class mail; Teachers College financial estimate (1906). FF 8 - Annual Report of the Inspector of Accredited Schools; journalism lecturers; "Some Committees"; Governor Folk regarding the Rolla situation; by-laws amendment of the Rules of the Executive Board; recommendations and appointments; Board of Agriculture needs for more office space; Report of the Inspector of Schools to the Committee on Accredited Schools; Collateral Inheritance Tax Report; petition for an Academic Hall elevator; Convocation program (11/24/1906); Ordinance Stores; Guarantee Bonds (1906). 9 - Committee Report regarding the status of Engineering and Military departments; Medical Education Committee regarding students taught in Kansas City; State Taxation for Higher Education; Barnes Hospital agreement regarding graduate medical education; UMR Executive Committee actions; University telephone system; recommendations and appointments; Alumni Association resolution regarding the athletic sports regulation; gym rules; departmental needs and expenditures; Academic Hall room distribution (1906). FF 10 - College of Agriculture Reports; Estimated Expenditures and Income; Collateral Inheritance Tax Report; Max Meyer regarding conditions and damages in his labs; city water analysis; Chuse Engine and Manufacturing contract; main campus granitoid sidewalks; Library Committee Report (1906). FF 11 - Association of Collegiate Alumnae; Guarantee Bonds; sanitary conditions affecting students and faculty; departmental needs and expenditures; recommendations and appointments; statistics (1904-1905); National Association of State Universities regarding valuation, support, buildings, and income by state; St. Louis Star-Chronicle (10/24-25/1906); Kansas City alumni; College of Agriculture Reports (1906). FF 12 - Law Dean's Report; UMR Executive Committee actions; UMR compliance with the Board to reform discipline; reaction to dismissal UMR Director Ladd's dismissal; rules regarding gym uses; Collateral Inheritance Tax Report; American Math Society meeting at Columbia; city water supply; Frederick W. Taylor's address regarding the Comparison of University and Industrial Discipline and Methods (1906). FF 13 - College of Agriculture Reports; recommendations and appointments; departmental needs and expenditures; Academic Department budget; salary inequalities; Laboratory fund divisions; departmental reports regarding conditions; faculty reports of meetings attended; auditorium remodeling; reports to the President regarding works in progress (1906). FF 14 - Salary inequalities; departmental needs and expenditures; classwork; University water supply; Board member responses to meeting notice; candidates for degrees; recommendations and appointments; Architect's Reports; Jesse's memos to the Executive Board; Law Department teachers' academic training and professional qualifications; Collateral Inheritance Tax Reports; State Taxation for Higher Education; Soldiers' Memorial Library Building; Normal School maintenance costs; Library expenses; necessary appropriations (1906). FF 15 - YMCA Building moves; subscription and donations; organization; building funds; H.B. Castlio's will providing building funds; Amended articles of agreement with the University; receipts (1906). FF 16 - Donation receipts; building fund condition; Property Tax Bill; YMCA Constitution; financial statement; "YMCA UMC: A Review of the Academic Year 1910-1911 Showing Its Position in University Life"; insurance; membership list (1909-1910); YMCA short history and activities (1907). FF 17 - Clean Politics (12/4/1913); Abstract of Title to Lots Number 23 and 24; YMCA Building; August A. Busch donation; fund raising; Board of Trustees by-laws; Special Tax Bill (1914). 18. Postcards, approx. 1000, showing architect sketch of proposed YMCA Building by H. Pierce. Most were addressed but none were stamped or sent out
Series Five - Turn of the Century Expansion: 1907-1913 (cont'd) Box 15 FF 1 - Collateral Inheritance Tax Reports; reaction to appeal Collateral Inheritance Tax; Law Dean Report; water supply; recommendations and appointments; UM Mid-Year Convocation program (1/29/1907); Weather Bureau Building; National Association of State Universities statistics (1905-1906); examination of attics and basements; departmental needs and expenditures; degree candidates; Appropriations Act; Visiting Committee Report; Library Committee regarding student entrance fees for the Academic Department and Teachers College; Collateral Inheritance Report (1907). FF 2 - Opposition to the U.S. Copyright Law Amendment; Library Reports; water supply; goods and services bids; books and periodicals ordered; recommendations and appointments; classwork; street paving estimates; Board ruling regarding Hospital admission of private patients; constitutional amendment providing tax for higher education and good roads (1907). FF 3 - Summary of Needs of University departments at Columbia; salary list; Rules of the University; Kansas City Hospital used for University medical instruction; Collateral Inheritance Tax Reports; College of Agriculture Reports; 44th Missouri General Assembly bills and legislation (1907). FF 4 - Law Course curriculum; General Assembly resolution regarding increased annual appropriations for Experiment Stations; UMR Executive Committee minutes; water supply; recommendations and appointments; Collateral Inheritance Tax Reports; Weather Bureau Building; Summer Session appointments and salaries; Rhodes Clay scholarship; six day schedule changed to five day schedule; Military Science or Physical Education required classes; Independent newsclips; University buildings used for Sunday work; College of Agriculture Reports (1907). FF 5 - Jesse regarding UMR administration during Ladd's regime; "Curators Not Liable For Visitors' Expenses" newsclip; Kansas City Alumni circular regarding Library funding; departmental needs and expenditures; Missouri Commission of the Jamestown Exposition; UMR Executive Committee minutes; recommendations and appointments; Babb regarding removing the Rolla School of Mines; State Taxation for Higher Education circular; bills and legislation; act regarding construction appropriations for the Missouri Soldiers' Memorial Building; Read Hall circular; Weather Bureau site; "Inheritance Taxes in American States" Report; Hill regarding special students as candidates for degree (1907). FF 6 - Recommendations and appointments; UMR management of the Co-operative Store; Glee Club engagements; presenting University wants to the Legislature; Ordinance supplies; Annual Report (1906-1907); Babb regarding non-resident enrollment by department; fees for non-resident students; Karnes appointment as Curator; High School Day; transportation and maintenance of cadet battalion to Jamestown Exposition (1907). FF 7 - Recommendations and appointments; smoking in classrooms prohibited; Congress eliminates funds for construction of Weather Bureau Buildings; Committee on Intercollegiate Athletics; College of Agriculture Reports (1907). FF 8 - Library Rules and Regulations; Glee Club financial Reports; printing discipline rules for students; Collateral Inheritance Tax Reports; recommendations and appointments; Librarian's Reports; Committee Report on Exposition Exhibits; Thomas Jefferson Memorial Association and the "Suggested Design for the Memorial to the Author of the Declaration of Independence"; "General List of the Members of the Board of Curators"; College of Agriculture Reports (1907). FF 9 - Student's receiving degrees by department; classwork; resignations, promotions, and appointments; "The Modern Way to use Soap" pamphlet; Medical Faculty recommendations to the Board; faculty and professional meetings; invitation to Joseph Pulitzer's 60th birthday (1907). FF 10 - Recommendations and appointments; St Louis School of Philanthropy; departmental needs and expenditures; Library Fund division (1907-1908); five day schedule Reports; University Song Book publication; College of Agriculture Reports; Law Dean's Report; General Summary of Appraisements; Articulation of Missouri Colleges; Jesse's illness (1907). FF 11 - Resignation of A.R. Hill; Parker Memorial Hospital blueprint; Michigan Agriculture College's 50th Anniversary; Read Hall deficit accounts; 12th Annual Meeting of the North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools; Professor C.W. Hetherington's review; "Analysis of Problems in College Athletics" dissertation; College of Agriculture Reports; Military Science compulsory classes (1907). FF 12 - Recommendations and appointments; extra teachers needed at the School of Physical Education; "Relations Between the UM and Municipal Hospitals of Kansas City"; Law Dean's Report; departmental needs and expenditures; College of Agriculture Reports (1907). FF 13 - Recommendations and appointments; Jamestown Exposition cadets; charges against the University Boarding Club matron; Collateral Inheritance Tax Reports; "Missouri's Negro Population" newsclip; Babb regarding the Morrill Fund division; Law Dean's Report; student drinking and tobacco smoking on campus; University Cadet Band instruments; sidewalk bids; Income and Expenditures Report (1907). FF 14 - Severance regarding the Library arrangement; Hill regarding admission requirements and the relationship with high schools; D. Kinley regarding European trip to study higher commercial education status; Jamestown Exposition and the University Cadet Battalion; College of Agriculture Reports; Laboratory Fund division; recommendations and appointments (1907). FF 15 - Laws Observatory additions; cadet uniform bids and specifications; recommendations and appointments; Glee Club and Athletic Fund deficit accounts; water supply Report; Hill and Waters regarding improvement of rural schools and high school agriculture classes (1907). FF 16 - Recommendations and appointments; Law Dean's Report; Barnes University and Centenary Hospital agreement; Hill's replacement; band instruments guarantees; Student Directory (1907). FF 17 - Jamestown Exposition arrangements; recommendations and appointments; better campus lighting needed; Law Dean's Report; salary increases in St. Louis and Clay Scholarships; Inter-library loan costs; water supply Report (1907). FF 18 - Recommendations and appointments; Collateral Inheritance Tax Reports; College of Agriculture Reports; Librarian's Reports; School of Engineering salaries; candidates for degrees and certificates; Closing Convocation program (1907). FF 19 - Math Department activities and recommendations; Co-operative Store items sold; Academic Hall room assignment; University newsclips regarding printing in Philadelphia; UMR Executive Committee actions; Jesse's illness; recommendations and appointments; departmental needs and expenditures; building repair and remodeling; Collateral Inheritance Tax Report; expense estimate for Elementary and High Schools (1907). FF 20 - University Statutes; alcohol not allowed on campus; departmental needs and expenditures; recommendations and appointments; Hinton regarding erection of Agriculture Building; Jesse's memos to the Executive Board; Summer Session faculty and salaries; coal bids; newsclip regarding claims due Missouri for Civil War damages (1907). Series Five - Turn of the Century Expansion: 1907-1913(cont'd) Box 16 FF 1 - Missouri Agriculture Experiment Station financial Report; UMC Report of the Treasurer to the Secretaries of Interior and Agriculture; Barnes University and Centenary Hospital contract and opinions; sale of bonds for Stephens' College mortgage; Scholarship Funds investment; recommendations and appointments (1907).FF 2 - Dairy and Food Commission and the Medical Department cooperate analyze drugs; Summer Session Report; departmental needs and expenditures; Cold Storage and Ice Making Plant Dairy Building blueprint; recommendations and appointments; Laws Observatory bids and expenditures; State Board of Health regarding clinical facility deficiencies; Clerical Force Report; Manual Training and Shop Work; Power Plant test; Babb's bond (1907). FF 3 - Recommendations and appointments; "Suggested Plan of Organization of the Clinical Work"; Librarian's Reports; Inter-Library loans; by-laws amendments regarding room usage; Meriam regarding the Acting Deanship of Teachers College; College of Agriculture Reports (1907). FF 4 - Mineral and oil prospecting; Butler County land leases; Phelps County Official Map; iron ore in Phelps, Butler, and Wayne Counties; mineral leases; remission of student fees; recommendations and appointments; apportionment of Mechanical Arts Lab deposits; Co-operative Store sells shares; Coal Cars (1907). FF 5 - UMR Executive Committee actions; Agriculture Building insurance; recommendations and appointments; College of Agriculture Reports; Federation of the World; H. Hole illustrated lecture; Diary and Food Commission cooperation with Medical Department; Rhodes-Clay Scholarship Fund investment; remission of student fees; guarantee bonds; Special Tax Bill grading and improving streets (1907). FF 6 - Status claim for University damages during the Civil War; Collateral Inheritance Tax Reports; Law Dean's Reports; recommendations and appointments; W.A. Webb inauguration; golf course petition; Physical Training and Missouri State Playgrounds Association and Athletic League extension work; National Association of State University meeting (11/18-20/1907); boiler insurance; University printing specifications and bids; student discipline for dressing as cadets to take part in Intercollegiate Championships; departmental needs and expenditures (1907). FF 7 - College of Agriculture Reports; Appropriations (1907-1908); Collateral Inheritance Tax Reports; departmental needs and expenditures; Climatology classes; Phelps County mineral lease; experimental research funds; State Water Survey (1907). FF 8 - State Historical Society library catalog; Teachers College Report; Librarian's Reports; typhoid fever cases and water supply analysis; guarantee bonds; Loeb Report regarding forms of taxation and University revenue sources; Laws Observatory insurance; UMR Executive Committee actions; recommendations and appointments (1907). FF 9 - Medical Departmental accredited; recommendations and appointments; Laws Observatory expenses; Hinton regarding University acquisition of property for Medical instruction course; Bulletin of the Missouri State Board of Health; remission of student fees; Defoe regarding fraternity hours; Report regarding student drinking, gambling, officers falsifying records; special students by department; B.M. Duggar contract (1907). FF 10 - Fire protection Reports; Appropriations (1907-1908); hospital services for students and staff; hospital reorganization; Department of Physiology and U.S. Bureau of Fisheries cooperative work; Morrison Observatory court case; salary ranges at other universities; St. Louis School of Philanthropy Report; enrollment increases; "For Pure Milk" newsclip (1907). FF 11 - College of Agriculture Reports; water survey; recommendations and appointments; Missouri College Union program (11/1-2/1907); Collateral Inheritance Tax Report; enrollment increase; building remodeling; remission of student fees (1907). FF 12 - American Math Society Southwestern Section meeting (11/30/1907); UMR Executive Committee actions; remission of student fees; Teachers College Report; "Barnes College Barred from State Board" newsclip; Agriculture High School established; "Laws for Schools of Agriculture" newsclip; College of Agriculture Reports; Hog Cholera; Military Department inspection; McRee Green pamphlet (1907). FF 13 - Phelps County mineral lease; resolutions adopted at the Annual Conference of Teachers in the University; Law Department entrance requirements; newsclips regarding State support of the University; Private Education Institutions; Law Dean's Report; recommendations and appointments; Expenditures (1907); School of Mines receipts and disbursements; Appropriations (1907-1908); Students Enrolled for Each Instructor; required physical education plan; laboratory charges (1907). FF 14 - UMR Photo International Club; committee Reports; Subscription List; Estimate of Expenditures and Income; maintenance increase; new YMCA Building; University pensions; Summary of UMC Needs and presenting them to the legislature; College of Agriculture Reports; Collateral Inheritance Report (1907). FF 15 - Recommendations and appointments; departmental needs and expenditures; Joint Road Laboratory; Engineering enrollment; laboratory mechanic; petition regarding the Machine Shop financial reorganization; Light and Heat Station bills (1907). FF 16 - College of Agriculture Reports; recommendations and appointments; Librarian's Reports; Waters regarding secondary instruction in agriculture; candidates for degrees and certificates; Meeting of Mathematicians and Engineers; Summer Sessions (1901 and 1908); Butler County mineral lease; Law Dean Report; Collateral Inheritance Tax Report; Webster County land leases and administration (1908). FF 17 - University admitted to the Association of American Universities; Committee on Student Affairs regarding fraternity chaperones; recommendations and appointments; joint road lab equipment; departmental needs and expenditures; bill creating the National University at Washington, D.C.; "Sturgis Bill" regarding additional annual appropriations for agriculture colleges; Light and Heat Station bills (1908). FF 18 - Necessary instruments for the operative surgery course; University of Illinois Graduate School opening; Germanistic Society of America brochure; "Missouri has 107,538 Acres of Unappropriated Land" newsclip; College of Agriculture Reports; Columbia Gas Works accounts and law suit; Collateral Inheritance Tax Report (1908). FF 19 - Hydro-electric Power Development course lectures; teaching staff income and salaries statistics; Medical Department committee Report; University of Illinois Graduate School formal opening; Annual Meeting of Missouri Valley Athletic Conference minutes; "Barnes University to be Transferred" newsclip; Grand Commandery of Knights Templar meeting (5/26-27/1908); I.M. Cathey and Son vs. the University court case; Light and Heat Station extension of services (1908). Series Five - Turn of the Century Expansion: 1907-1913 (cont'd) Box 17 FF 1 - Watts Engineering vs. the University court case; Deans and Advisers of Women in State Universities conference; Athletic Department needs; recommendations and appointments to positions; Light and Heat Station bills; I.M. Cathey and Son vs. the University court case; UMR Executive Committee meeting minutes; Appropriations (1908).FF 2 - College of Agriculture Reports; bill to establish engineering experiment stations at land-grant colleges; recommendations and appointments; Collateral Inheritance Tax Report; organization and administration of graduate schools at other universities; mining and engineering experiment stations legislation; lands sale proceeds go to the endowment (1908). FF 3 - Recommendations and appointments; Observatory insurance; Society of College Teachers of Education meeting; Light and Heat Station bills; reactions to the McKinley Bill; by-laws change regarding graduate department administration; J.C. Jones historical sketch; Appropriations (1908). FF 4 - Remission of student fees; leave of absence regulations; Library Reports; recommendations and appointments; UMR Executive Committee actions; Teachers College Extension Work Report; agriculture high school - preparatory school; College of Agriculture Reports; Agriculture Building contract construction (1908). FF 5 - School of Physical Education; legislation regarding military training in civil institutions of learning; Discipline Committee regarding Agnes O'Brien's charges; Council membership; Appropriations (3/1908); Agriculture Building bids; recommendations and appointments (1908). FF 6 - YMCA Building heating; recommendations and appointments; Light and Heat Station expenses; College of Agriculture Reports; faculty salaries; School of Philanthropy; ceramic engineering at other universities; Chair of Ceramics' recommendations (1908). FF 7 - Athletic Department conditions; Animal House contract; School of Philanthropy; Military Science and Physical Training instruction provisions; recommendations and appointments; Collateral Inheritance Tax Report; Appropriations (4/1908); Light and Heat Station bills; Rothwell portrait; salary list; Summer Session expenses (1908). FF 8 - Departments of Chemistry; recommendations and appointments; Cooperative store regarding room improvements; Law Dean Report; College of Agriculture Reports; department enrollment; salary increases; Honorary Degree recipients; Light and Heat Station bills (1908). FF 9 - Cadet uniform bids; recommendations and appointments; salaries; Hill regarding the Medical Department; Hill regarding the inauguration date; newsclip regarding the Carnegie pension fund; Presbyterian Conference of Church and Guild Workers in the State University; Inter-High School "Glee Club" contest; UMR Executive Committee actions; smoke problem in the Light and Heat Station; Department of Animal Husbandry Reports; College and Experiment Station Divisions (1908). FF 10 - Faculty responses to required education; recommendations and appointments; Gray Construction Company bond; Michigan University Hospital Report; Medical Department location; amended by-laws (1908). FF 11 - "Curiosities loaned to MU"; College of Agriculture Reports; committee Report regarding University grounds beautification; UMR chemical supplies; UMC contract with Grasselli Chemical Company; Agriculture Building bids; Annual Report of the Secretary to the University President; recommendations and appointments; School of Philanthropy; Report regarding the Engineering teaching force; Teachers College High School; "Resolutions concerning choice of University Curators to be submitted by Captain J. Frazier"; I. Switzler regarding publication of William Switzler's History; architect's Reports; Collateral Inheritance Tax Report (1908). FF 12 - Medical Department; Agriculture Building construction; Commencement arrangements; recommendations and appointments; College of Agriculture Reports; Agronomy Department; Jesse regarding the Committee on Chaperones; Light and Heat Station bills; Hays, regarding the Weather Bureau Building (1908). FF 13 - Civil Engineering students petition against A.L. Hyde; recommendations and appointments; War Department General Orders regarding detail of officers to educational institutions; Teachers College High School announcement; Medical Department promotions; cadet uniforms bids; Committee on Dean's Residence; College of Agriculture Reports (1908). FF 14 - School of Philanthropy; recommendations and appointments; insurance forms and clauses; Doctor Samuel Ford's biography; Appropriations (6/1908); Kansas City and St. Louis medical classes; tennis courts and gym construction; Pan-American Scientific Congress; Jesse regarding the Law Department admissions policy; extension work in playground organization (1908). FF 15 - President's House repairs; "F.M. Brown Wins in his Libel Cases" newsclip; lands given along Rollins Athletic Field; recommendations and appointments; Missouri Press Association regarding the establishment of the School of Journalism; College of Agriculture Reports; Commencement Program corrections; Summer Session appointments; high school building; Librarian's Reports (1908). FF 16 - Architect's Reports; gym use regulations; Collateral Inheritance Tax Report; recommendations and appointments; Livestock Judging Building; Committee on Fire Protection meeting minutes; Governor Francis regarding Clay Scholarship Fund investment; cadet uniform specifications and bids; Light and Heat Station bills (1908). FF 17 - Dairy Building; Agriculture Dean's Residence contract; M.C. Watson regarding Merriam's charges; recommendations and appointments; Agriculture Building construction; Collateral Inheritance Tax Report; Walter Williams resignation as Curator; Scholarship Funds investment; Light and Heat Station bills; coal bids; Engineering Committee Report regarding the schedule; remission of student fees; Appropriations (1908). FF 18 - College of Agriculture Reports; Missouri Agriculture Experiment Station financial Report; Appropriations (8/1908); salaries; recommendations and appointments; Report of the Treasurer to the Secretary of Interior and Agriculture (1908). FF 19 - Recommendations and appointments; Daily Missourian publishing estimate; Citizens of the City of Poplar Bluff regarding the Iron Furnace construction; Gray Construction Company regarding Agriculture Building payment; Collateral Inheritance Tax Report; employee bonds; Heat and Light Station bills (1908). Series Five - Turn of the Century Expansion: 1907-1913 (cont'd) Box 18 FF 1 - College of Agriculture Reports; refrigeration plants; timber sales and leases; recommendations and appointments; Williams regarding the Missourian publishing; coal bids and contract (1908).FF 2 - Recommendations and appointments; fire extinguishers Report; Agriculture Building construction; Collateral Inheritance Tax Report; building insurance; Law Dean's Report; committee Report regarding military and physical training; Appropriations (9/1908); Light and Heat Station bills; student and faculty directory; post office sub-station (1908). FF 3 - Committee Report regarding the Engineering Experiment Station; Fire Protection Report; remission of student fees (1908). FF 4 - College of Agriculture Reports; Journalism equipment; meetings attended by faculty; recommendations and appointments; remission of student fees. FF 5 - University printing specifications; Inter-Collegiate Athletic football records; Journalism Department Report; Rollins Field petition; advertising solicitation University Missourian; Appropriations (10/1908); Co-op Store improvements; recommendations and appointments; Light and Heat Station bills (1908). FF 6 - Collateral Inheritance Tax, Shelton estate; Committee on Inter-Collegiate Athletics meeting minutes; remission of student fees; Law Dean's Report; Babb regarding general maintenance fund; Journalism Dean's Report; Value and Insurance of Buildings; College of Agriculture Reports; oil test Report; recommendations and appointments; athletics (1908). FF 7 - Collateral Inheritance Tax; architect's Reports; recommendations and appointments; Light and Heat Station bills (1908). FF 8 - Collateral Inheritance Tax Report; Appropriations (11/1908 and 12/1908); recommendations and appointments; Insurance Statement showing the value of buildings; College of Agriculture Reports; Agriculture Building construction; post office sub-station; Light and Heat Station bills; Babb regarding amendment and revision of Missouri Statutes; name change from Curators to Trustees (1908). FF 9 - Student petitions regarding Christmas vacation; committee Report regarding land valuation; architect's Reports; Agriculture Building construction; Babb regarding necessary appropriations; Board of General Appraisers decision; Light and Heat Station bills (1908). FF 10 - List of buildings; construction; unpaid requisitions; UMR Summary of Needs; Committee on Inter-Collegiate Athletics meeting minutes; Collateral Inheritance Tax Report; Endowments and other property; well and refrigerating plant Reports; Light and Heat Station bills; lab fees (1909). FF 11 - College of Agriculture Reports; cooperation with U.S. Bureau of Soils regarding soil survey work; Shelton estate inheritance tax; remission of student fees; Light and Heat Station bills; recommendations and appointments; Committee on Accredited Schools regarding the Zoological Supply Department; Inter-Collegiate Athletics (1909). FF 12 - College of Agriculture Reports; name change from Department to School of Journalism; Appropriations for Maintenance (since 1899); Light and Heat Station bills (1909). FF 13 - Remission of student fees; Inter-Collegiate Athletics; College of Agriculture Reports; recommendations and appointments; Collateral Inheritance Tax (1909). FF 14 - Missourian advertising Report; American Mathematical Society; recommendations and appointments; departmental enrollment and expenditures; UMR recommended appropriations; Light and Heat Station bills; College of Agriculture Reports; water supply analysis; Collateral Inheritance Tax; Inter-Collegiate Athletics (1909). FF 15 - Missouri Electric Light program; "University Salaries for One Month: Comparison of the Cost for Maintenance and Support of the Leading State University of America"; Babb regarding the Read Hall investigation; appropriations resolution; Street Improvement Tax Bills abstract; Collateral Inheritance Tax Report; recommendations and appointments; street paving requisitions; degree candidates; revised University Council by-laws (1909). FF 16 - People paid from the Morrill Fund and Experiment Station-Funds (since 7/l/1908); insurance rates; Light and Heat Station bills; unpaid requisitions; Librarian's Reports; Power House on Horticulture Grounds; 47th Annual Meeting of the Missouri State Teachers' Association; coal bids; payment for University advertisements; Graduate School of Agriculture contributions request (1909). FF 17 - Co-op Store salary manager; Income; Appropriations Bill; Teacher and Officer's names; UMR Summary of Receipts and Disbursements; Collateral Inheritance Tax Statement; recommendations and appointments; Inter-Collegiate Athletics; Bible College of Missouri; Glee and Mandolin Club Statements; cadet uniform specifications; Gray Construction Company payments (1909). FF 18 - Remission of student fees; recommendations and appointments; hospital administration rules; State Historical Society cooperative cataloging; House Appropriations Bill; Savitar assets and liabilities; Executive Board actions summary; University cooperative store comparisons; College of Agriculture Reports (1909). FF 19 - Cadet uniform specifications and bids; Special Tax Bills grading; paving and curbing streets; H.J. Waters resignation; Agriculture Building construction; architect's Reports; Gray Construction Company payments; recommendations and appointments (1909). FF 20 - Coal bids; Agriculture Building furnishings; Collateral Inheritance Tax Special Attorneys; Light and Heat Station development; College of Agriculture Reports; faculty failure to Report grades; Missouri Agriculture Experiment Station financial Report (1909). Series Five - Turn of the Century Expansion: 1907-1913 (cont'd) Box 19 FF 1 - Committee on Distribution of Experiment Station Funds Report; UMR faculty and student assistants; outstanding warrants; UMR Executive Committee meeting minutes; powerhouse; Collateral Inheritance Tax Report; Gray Construction Company Agriculture Building payments; recommendations and appointments; overdrafts (1909). FF 2 - College of Agriculture Reports; Librarian regarding the Agriculture Library; Agriculture Building construction; Journalism equipment; Treasurers Report to the Secretary of Interior and Agriculture; Collateral Inheritance Tax; recommendations and appointments; Organization Department of Physical Education; Deans of Law and Journalism Reports (1909). FF 3 - Employee and coal bonds; College of Agriculture Reports; vaults and library stack bids; Agriculture Building furnishings; Rollins Aid Fund First Annual Settlement from Boone County Trust Company; typewriters (1909). FF 4 - Stenographic bills; recommendations and appointments; Collateral Inheritance Tax; Shelton and Connor estates; athletics and physical education; Military Department needs; I. Switzler regarding Switzier Hall; Dormitory Board recommendations; post office sub-station; Williams regarding Press Week (1909). FF 5 - Remission of student fees; cadet uniform specifications and bids; recommendations and appointments (1909). FF 6 - Heat and Light Station Report; employee bonds; recommendations and appointments; architect's Reports; Collateral Inheritance Tax; General Maintenance Fund ledger sheets; Inter-Collegiate Athletics; College of Agriculture Reports; entrance requirements and athletic eligibility at other universities; Engineering Experiment Station. FF 7 - Co-op Store; Agriculture College Lands bids in Phelps County (1909). FF 8 - Architect's Reports; recommendations and appointments; University funds depository; College of Agriculture Reports; Babb's bond; Connor estate; Collateral Inheritance Tax; Inter-Collegiate Athletics Committee; Committee on Distribution of Experiment Station Funds Report; street paving requisition; University Financial Statement (1909). FF 9 - Recommendations and appointments; Farmers' Banquet; College of Agriculture Reports; Collateral Inheritance Tax Report; goods and services bids; school song prize; circulars regarding President Hill's Minnesota job (1910). FF 10 - Departmental bank statements; Library stacks; Ordinance bond; recommendations, resignations, and appointments; Collateral Inheritance Tax Report; hog cholera serum; Benton Ball, Lathrop Ball, and University Dining Club management and expenses; student petition regarding live stock judging instruction (1910). FF 11 - Preamble and Resolution regarding the State Auditor's refusal to honor Collateral Inheritance Tax requisitions; library budget; Read Hall brochure; Curators court case; Collateral Inheritance Tax (1910). FF 12 - Agriculture Building furnishing fund requisitions; remission of student fees; College of Agriculture Reports; Collateral Inheritance Tax Reports; Martin's quit claim; recommendations and appointments; Chemistry Department reorganization; University Girls Social Regulations; degrees and certificates (1910). FF 13 - College of Agriculture Reports; recommendations and appointments; fees refunded; printing Report; Trial Balance Primary Ledger; Receipts and Expenditures monthly statement; Benton and Lathrop Hall occupant; Collateral Inheritance Tax Reports (1910). FF 14 - Babb's bond; cadet uniform specifications and bids; University vs. U.S. Government for Civil War damages; post office sub-station accounts; cadet transportation; Savitar accounts; recommendations and appointments; 33rd Annual Convention of National Electric Light Association; University Financial Statement; College of Agriculture Reports (1910). FF 15 - Cadet uniform bids and specifications; Collateral Inheritance Tax Report; recommendations and appointments (1910). FF 16 - Rollins Education Aid Fund; Missouri Agriculture Experiment Station financial Report; recommendations and appointments; Collateral Inheritance Tax Reports; Report of the Treasurer to the Secretary of Interior and Agriculture; Light and Heat Station Report; University Financial Statement (1910). FF 17 - Dining Hall remodeling and furnishings; Summer Session payroll; recommendations and appointments; Engineering Experiment Station; cadet rifle practice; decorating Agriculture Dean's Residence; Collateral Inheritance Tax Report; University Financial Statement; shipment damages (1910). FF 18 - Recommendations and appointments; remodeling dining halls; student directory; coal bids; College of Agriculture Reports (1910). FF 19 - College Lands in Laclede County; timber cutting; recommendations and appointments; Light and Heat Station Report; College of Agriculture Reports; insurance (1910). FF 20 - Babb's bond; UMC Buildings and Equipment; insurance; recommendations and appointments; Collateral Inheritance Tax Reports; University Financial Statement; Light and Heat Station extensions; coal bids and contract; remodeling dining halls; deep well contract (1910). FF 21 - University Light and Heat Station connections diagram; Pipes-Reed Book Company claim; recommendations and appointments; College of Agriculture Reports; refunded fees; Financial Statement (1910). FF 22 - Agriculture College Lands; Collateral Inheritance Tax Reports; employee bonds; recommendations and appointments; fraternities and street address; General Electric turbo-generator contract (1910). FF 23 - College of Agriculture Reports; recommendations and appointments; Veterinary Building; insurance; Collateral Inheritance Tax Reports; Law faculty opinion regarding Auditor or Curator's authority to hire local counsel; architect's Reports; Butler and Wayne County mineral leases (1910). FF 24 - Heil Chemical Company settlement regarding stolen platinum; University Financial Statement; recommendations and appointments; Secretaries, Accountants, and Registrars of State Institutions meeting; College of Agriculture Reports; Collateral Inheritance Tax Reports (1910). Series Five - Turn of the Century Expansion: 1907-1913 (cont'd) Box 20 FF 1 - Fraternity and Sorority officers; fee refund; recommendations and appointments; Secretary's Accounts; Collateral Inheritance Tax Reports; College of Agriculture committee Report; Financial Statement; Kansas City School of Medicine; University Dining Club; court case Hall vs. Wilson (1911). FF 2 - UMC and UMR suggested budgets; recommendations and appointments; Financial Statement; fee refunds; Collateral Inheritance Tax Reports; depository selection legislation; Secretary's Accounts (1911). FF 3 - Deficiency and special appropriations; fee refunds; recommendations and appointments; Collateral Inheritance Tax Reports; Stewart lands title; College of Agriculture Reports; Glee Club receipt book (1911). FF 4 - Laclede County College Lands value; Registrars and Accountants meeting minutes; Secretary's Accounts; Mechanic Arts Building fire damage; Journalism Week; recommendations and appointments; Veterinary Building construction; Financial Statement; fire protection Report; Switzler manuscript severance; Collateral Inheritance Tax Reports; University Co-op Store and Missouri Store merger (1911). FF 5 - Secretary's accounts; University Financial Statement; non-appointed cadet deposits for uniforms; Library Budget; recommendations and appointments; local collectors of Collateral Inheritance Tax appointed (1911). FF 6 - Recommendations and appointments; Collateral Inheritance Tax Reports; architect's Reports; Special Tax Bills street improvements; cadet uniform bids and specifications; University Financial Statement (1911). FF 7 - College of Agriculture Reports; University depositary; Babb's bond; cadet uniform bids and specifications; recommendations and appointments; Collateral Inheritance Tax Report (1911). FF 8 - Senate Bill to repeal and amend funding statutes; Babb regarding Secretary Accounts and property valuation; recommendations and appointments; depository bids; street paving requisitions; Secretary's Accounts; Governor Hadley regarding insurance and fire protection; Collateral Inheritance Tax Reports; College Lands inquiries (1911). FF 9 - Recommendations and appointments; College of Agriculture Reports; Rollins Educational Aid Fund; Kansas City certified milk newsclip; Secretary's Accounts; University Financial Statement (1911). FF 10 - Price's bond; fireproof vault doors advertisements; recommendations and appointments; architect's Reports and bills; taxation amendment; College of Agriculture Reports; National Conservation Congress; State University Appropriations; Report of the Treasurer to the Secretary of Interior and Agriculture; Collateral Inheritance Tax Report; Rollins Field gate and fence; Intercollegiate Athletics Financial Reports (1911). FF 11 - Coal bids; coal analysis; dairy barn construction; University Financial Statement; Collateral Inheritance Tax Reports; recommendations and appointments (1911). FF 12 - Veterinary Building contracts and payments; employee bonds; recommendations and appointments; Secretary's Accounts; scholarships and fellowships; "Hadley Would Use UMS Land Grant" newsclip; Collateral Inheritance Tax Report; departmental needs and building repairs (1911). FF 13 - Recommendations and appointments; University typewriters; construction and remodeling of Veterinary Building and Parker Hospital; students excused from military; Babb regarding the expired insurance; Secretary's Accounts; Financial Statement; Collateral Inheritance Tax Reports; Agriculture serum and sales; College of Agriculture and Building Maintenance men and duties; property owner petition regarding the poultry yard location (1911). FF 14 - Printing contract; recommendations and appointments; construction and architect's Reports; University Studies; Financial Statement; Secretary's Accounts; Engineering Experiment Station research regarding Missouri coal and small power plants; Collateral Inheritance Tax Reports (1911). FF 15 - Construction; recommendations and appointments; Collateral Inheritance Tax Reports; College of Agriculture Reports; coal contract; Secretary's Accounts; bond investments (1911). FF 16 - University Faculty Standing Committees; Collateral Inheritance Tax Reports; College of Agriculture Reports; Financial Statement; recommendations and appointments; student buildings erection and lease; student buildings on other campuses; bills regarding the well sinking; Hall vs. Wilson; University vs. Collector of Clinton (1911). FF 17 - Pathology Laboratory needs; recommendations and appointments; Williams regarding photojournalism; University Studies; Summer Session faculty salaries; Investigating Committee of State Board of Agriculture; Poultry Department (1912). FF 18 - Hauling contract specifications; departmental inventories; Financial Statements; College Lands sale; Collateral Inheritance Tax Reports; College of Agriculture Reports; recommendations and appointments; Parker Hospital alterations; architect's Reports; lab deposits; schoolhouse on College lands (1912). FF 19 - Financial Statement; construction and employee bonds; sewer construction bids; architect's Reports; Collateral Inheritance Tax Reports; College Lands lease contract revisions; Physics Building construction; College of Agriculture Reports (1912). FF 20 - Appointments and promotions; construction; recommendations and appointments; Collateral Inheritance Tax Reports; Grasselli Chemical Company contract; sewer specifications and construction; Secretary's Accounts (1912). Series Five - Turn of the Century Expansion: 1907-1913 (cont'd) Box 21 FF 1 - Recommendations and appointments; steam pipe line construction costs; College of Agriculture Reports; Financial Statements; Collateral Inheritance Tax Reports; Physics and Agricultural Chemistry Building construction (1912).FF 2 - Storm sewers construction; Missouri State Medical Association resolution regarding third and fourth years in the Medical Department; recommendations and appointments; Collateral Inheritance Tax Reports; Southern Sociological Congress; prizes and awards; Agricultural Chemistry Building (1912). FF 3 - Student deposit ledger sheets; Collateral Inheritance Tax Reports; Elementary School construction; recommendations and appointments; University Financial Statements; degree and certificate candidates; College of Agriculture Reports; Collateral Inheritance attorney (1912). FF 4 - Cadet uniform bids; QEBH lease; UMR Financial Statement (1912). FF 5 - Miscellaneous labor authorization; rule change for filing communications to the Board; bill regarding alcohol excise tax remission; Parker Hospital alterations; Agriculture Chemistry Building construction; Babb's bond; recommendations and appointments; coal bids; K.L. Chandler suit; College of Agriculture Reports; Financial Statements (1912). FF 6 - Report of the Treasurer to the Secretary of Interior and Agriculture; recommendations and appointments; Summer Session salaries; UMR Executive Committee meeting minutes; Collateral Inheritance Tax Reports; towel service bids; Phelps County road; degree and certificate candidates (1912). FF 7 - College of Agriculture Reports; Journalism Reports; recommendations and appointments; Chandler vs. University; Secretary's Accounts; University Financial Statements; Collateral Inheritance Tax Reports; High School Building lease; coal contract; Athletic Field drain specifications; Probate Judges assess estates (1912). FF 8 - Financial Statement; recommendations and appointments; Collateral Inheritance Tax Reports; employee bonds; Committee on Intercollegiate Athletics; committee appointment; College of Agriculture Reports; Stephens Duryea auto and Oakland Roadster purchase (1912). FF 9 - Recommendations and appointments; College of Agriculture Reports; Financial Statements; Collateral Inheritance Tax Reports; faculty recommends additional fraternity regulations; Suggested Budget (1913-1914); Maintenance Account estimate (1912). FF 10 - College of Agriculture Reports; Agricultural Chemistry Building; University Financial Statement; College Lands sale; Collateral Inheritance Tax Reports; Jackson County State University Scholarship Fund; recommendations and appointments; deep well; UMR recommendation for appropriations and financial statement; paving Hudson Avenue; fraternity and sorority regulations (1912). FF 11 - Eugene Field Monument Association; student petition regarding Hinton's resignation; Curators' Scholarships; Collateral Inheritance Tax Reports; College of Agriculture Reports; University owned Ordinance Stores; Financial Statements; recommendations and appointments; Physics and Agricultural Chemistry Buildings construction; University Fellows; Woman's Christian Temperance Union regarding Clara Hoffman bust (1913). FF 12 - Recommendations and appointments; College of Agriculture Reports; Summer Session faculty; Noyes regarding Preliminary Course in Training School for Nurses; Financial Statements; Collateral Inheritance Tax Reports; Special Appropriations for paving streets and tax bills (1913). FF 13 - Recommendations and appointments; Physics Building construction and furnishing; Webster County College Lands sale; chemical bids; Connor estate; College of Agriculture Reports (1913). FF 14 - Collateral Inheritance Tax Reports; "Allen Place" value; Veterinary Building cost; laboratory appropriations; recommendations and appointments; College of Agriculture Reports; Financial Statements; action against E.E. Morlau (1913). FF 15 - University Fellows; recommendations and appointments; depository contracts; Collateral Inheritance Tax Reports; Debating Board accounts; College of Agriculture Reports (1913). FF 16 - University Financial Statements; Collateral Inheritance Tax Reports; Medical Bulletins and Extension Series Bulletins; recommendations and appointments (1913). FF 17 - Street paving requisitions; State depositories; High School Graduates; University deposit bids; College of Agriculture Reports; recommendations and appointments; "Ideas Gleaned in a Recent Trip of Inspection for the Study of University Business Administration" by J.C. Christensen; Report of the Treasurer to the Secretary of Agriculture and Interior (1913). FF 18 - Summer Session faculty; Financial Statements; recommendations and appointments; University Dining Club members petition (1913). FF 19 - Cadet uniform specifications and bids; University Dining Club - Cafeteria Daily Stock Reports; financial statements; Dormitory Board recommendations regarding the University Dining Club - Cafeteria management and control (1913). Series Five - Turn of the Century Expansion: 1907-1913 (cont'd) Box 22 FF 1 - Sewer specifications and bids; campus map with water lines; recommendations and appointments; Gregory Estate Resolutions; Stock Judging Pavilion and Biological Building bids; University Financial Statements (1913). FF 2 - Collateral Inheritance Tax Reports; recommendations and appointments; depository bonds; coal contracts; Columbia Normal Academy Building; house rentals (1913). FF 3 - Dormitory rules; recommendations and appointments; committee appointed by the Executive Board; agriculture sales; School of Journalism instruction lab; band instruments bid; employee bonds; Collateral Inheritance Tax Reports (1913). FF 4 - Rollins Education Aid Fund accounts; Engineering Lab construction; boiler insurance bids; College of Agriculture Reports; recommendations and appointments; land owners petition regarding the hog-serum plant; Livestock Pavilion bids; fellowships and scholarships; publishers bond; Dunklin County lands and Wisconsin Lumber Company (1913). FF 5 - Consolidated Coal Company regarding bid error; Financial Statements; Agricultural Chemistry Building construction; Collateral Inheritance Tax Reports; School of Journalism lab telegraphic service; recommendations and appointments; University printing specifications; College of Agriculture Reports; College Lands Dent Company (1913). FF 6 - 75th University Anniversary celebration; recommendations and appointments; Missouri Store Company real estate contract; Committee of Intercollegiate Athletics financial Report; city water plant; Engineering student trips; salaries payable from Morrill Fund; Collateral Inheritance Tax Reports (1913). FF 7 - College of Agriculture Reports; typewriter accounts payable; committee Reports regarding the dormitory situation, Legislature's power to appropriate tax money for dorms; Chemistry, Library, and Biology Building construction; buildings removed; faculty by-laws amendments; College Lands sale (1913). FF 8 - Main Campus walkways drawing; Collateral Inheritance Tax Reports; Library construction; Engineering Laboratory addition completed; property purchase for building sites; street paving requisitions (1913).
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