UM-System; Board of Curators: Executive Board Files: Series Two - Growth and Change, 1880-1888 MU stacked logo in yellow and black -- links to main university of missouri at columbia web site MU Libraries -- links to home page of the University Libraries of the University of Missouri at Columbia University Archives -- links to home page of the University Archives of the University of Missouri at Columbia MU stacked logo in yellow and black -- links to main university of missouri at columbia web site University Archives -- links to home page of the University Archives of the University of Missouri at Columbia University of Missouri -- links to home page of the University of Missouri at Columbia spacerHeader graphic


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Call Number:


Record Group: 1 UW
Record Sub-Group: 4
Record Series: 2
Records Title: UM-System; Board of Curators: Executive Board Files
Dates: 1880-1888
Volume: 1/2 cubic foot, 0.62 linear foot

Scope and Content Note

Series Two of Sub-Group Four holds the files of the University of Missouri Board of Curators' Executive Board, generated from 1881 through 1888. This period was an era of significant expansion and growth for the University.

Series Outline:

  1. Series One - Crisis Years: 1863-1880

  2. Series Two - Growth and Change: 1880-1888

  3. Series Three - Destruction and Rebirth: 1889-1897

  4. Series Four - Turn of the Century Expansion (Part One): 1897-1906

  5. Series Five - Turn of the Century Expansion (Part Two): 1906-1913

  6. Series Six - WW I and the Post-War Years: 1914-1920


Series Two - Growth and Change: 1880-1888

Box 1 (cont'd)

FF 2 -
Committee meeting minutes and resolutions; Agriculture College land sale investigation; medical class lecturers; faculty appointments; business management by-laws; Drummond regarding back salary (1881).

FF 3 - Meeting minutes; faculty appointments (11/20/1882).

FF 4 - Meeting minutes; Professor Tracy's services at the New Orleans Exposition; Agriculture College Lands report; plan for steam heating plant; Schweitzer regarding the Chemical Laboratory (1884).

FF 5 - Meeting minutes; B.F. Thomas' resignation; vaccine laboratory location; B.F. Thomas regarding Edison Company negotiations for incandescent lights; University's ledger books request (1885).

FF 6 - Student Directory (1885-1886); meeting minutes; museum specimens purchase; Jackson County lands sale; electric light expenses; departmental needs; "UM Zoological Laboratory Regulations and Suggestions"; Athletic Association land; other state agriculture reports; bookkeeping classes (1886).

FF 7 - Meeting minutes; A.R. Wallace lecture circular; applications for positions and recommendations; J.B. Douglas appointment as superintendent of lands; S.J. Fisher and Company land agent appointment; resignations; School of Political Science established (1887).

FF 7a - Meeting minutes; accounts allowed; lands sale; resignations, applications for positions, recommendations, and appointments; Journal of Agriculture advertisement; "Rules for interpreting and executing the order of the Board" (1887).

FF 7b - Board response to "Suggestions from Various Sources" by Colonel Breckenridge; Paquin financial report as State Veterinarian; departmental equipment and apparatus needed; Professor Ficklin's death; Agriculture College Farm and agriculture course; medical class requests for privy erection; applications for positions and appointments (1887).

FF 7c - Equipment, apparatus, property and cash departmental inventories (1887).

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Prepared: October 1997
Revised: 8 February 2002

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