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Call Number:

Box 1-UMLD1
Box 2-UMLD1
Box 3-UMLD1
OSB 1-Ellis
OSF 1-Ellis

Record Group: 0 C
Record Sub-Group: 48
Records Title: UMC; University General; Memorabilia; Luther M. Defoe
Dates: 1887-1940
Volume: 1 cubic foot, 1.25 linear feet; 1 OSB, 1 OSF, 1 MFR

Luther Defoe, 1907 Savitar
Luther Defoe from the 1907 Savitar

Scope and Content Note

(A82-60; A91-121)
This Record Sub-Group contains materials collected mainly by Mrs. Cora Eitzen Defoe during her husband's tenure as a faculty member at the University of Missouri, (1906-1939). Included in this Record Sub-Group are programs from banquets, dances, concerts, oratory contests, plays, and festivals; as well as photographs, newspaper clippings, diplomas, and certificates.

Biographical Note:

Professor Luther Marion Defoe came to the University of Missouri in 1881 as a student. After graduating, he remained with the University until his death in 1933; except for a few brief periods, including study at Harvard ca. 1893 and Cambridge in 1903. He served as a professor of Mathematics and of Engineering (Mechanics). At the commencement ceremony of 1904, the University officially installed Defoe as its official Tutor, in recognition of the helpful role Defoe had already been playing in the lives of students for years. In fact, the popular professor eventually came to be known as "Daddy" Defoe. He also became an unofficial "dean of men" during his disciplinary committee chairmanship from 1907 to 1925. Defoe retired in 1932 as professor emeritus.

Series Descriptions:

This Record Sub-Group is not divided into series. It is arranged topically.

Note to Researcher: For Informal History of Astronomy, see Record Group 6 C, Sub-Group 26,Series 2. For a photograph of Professor and Mrs. Defoe, see Record Group 6 C, Sub-Group 29, Series 2. For material relating to Professor Defoe's part in the removal of President Laws, see Record Group 1 C, Sub-Group 22, Series 1. For more material about the Round Table Club and Walter Williams, see Record Group 1 C, Sub-Group 5. For additional information concerning Luther M. Defoe, see the State Historical Society of Missouri, formerly by the Western Historical Manuscript Collection.

Note to Researcher: Some of the records in this Sub-Group are restricted and cannot be made available to the public (see restrictions note at the end of this page).

Note to Archivist: The original accession information for this collection is not known. A82-60 refers to the microfilming of the newspaper and clippings portion of the collection. Due to its poor condition, the newsprint was microfilmed and removed to a separate box (OSB 1) in the collection. A91-121 refers to the addition of Luther Defoe's 1908 Knight of St. Patrick Certificate and two black-and-white photographs of Luther Defoe added in 1991 as Items 6 and 7 in OSF 1.


Box 1

FF 1 - Alumni (contains Alumni Luncheon menus; event programs; copies of Missouri Alumnus; correspondence), 1904-1921

FF 2 - Art Lovers Guild (contains catalogues of exhibits held at Museum of Classical Archaeology, University of Missouri), 1907-1913

FF 3 - Athletics - miscellaneous (contains event programs, relating to women's basketball, Gymnastic Society, women's gymnasium, track and field meet), ca. 1904-1905

FF 4 - Boarding and Dining Clubs (contains pamphlets, programs, and invitations), 1903-1908

FF 5 - Building dedications (including Academic Hall and New Department Building, Laboratory Schools, and Eckles Hall), 1895-1939

FF 6 - Chautauqua (contains programs from presentations in Columbia ), ca. 1912-1916

FF 7 - College of Agriculture (contains History of College of Agriculture February, 1938; and banquet programs, including Farmers, Gamma Alpha, Mumford [American Society of Animal Production]; invitation to Farmers' party; materials related to Northeast Missouri Industrial and Agricultural Association convention and Missouri Farm Bureau Federation annual meeting), 1908-1938

FF 8 - College of Arts and Science (contains event programs and a catalogue of art works by John Ankeney); 1929, 1934

FF 9 - Columbia, Missouri - general (contains two publications: Picturesque Columbia, Souvenir Gems of 1900, and Columbia, the Coming City of Central Missouri, 02/15/1910); 1900-1910

FF 10 - Commencement - programs, 1902-1916

FF 11 - Commencement - related items (contains invitations, dance programs, horse show programs), 1904-1940

Box 2

FF 1 - Commercial Club (contains event programs, bulletins, and pamphlets), 1911-1916

FF 2 - Concert programs, 1887-1937

FF 3 - Correspondence - miscellaneous (contains a letter concerning Homecoming program, a Christmas card from Walter Williams, a dinner program from Daniel Boone Tavern, and an invitation to Exchange National Bank fiftieth anniversary open house), 1915-1932

FF 3a - Dance programs (contains program and newspaper clipping from 1901 "Hobow's Convention;" and dance cards from Sigma Chi Post-Lentin Dance, M.S.U. Junior Prom, Band Reception Informal, Firemen's Annual Ball, and Sigma Phi Epsilon Informal Dance), ca. 1901-1915

FF 4 - Defoe's death and dedication of Defoe Hall (contains printed funeral remarks from Forest C. Donnell, President Walter Williams, and W.B. Smith; 6 photographs of Defoe Hall dedication; printed dedication remarks from President F.A. Middlebush and A. Oliver; correspondence and newspaper clippings), 1933, 1940

FF 5 - Football (contains score cards and programs; including "Official Football Program, Dedication Day," from dedication of Memorial Stadium, 11/20/1926), 1904-1926

FF 6 - Glee and Mandolin Club (contains programs of concerts and events), 1901-1909

FF 7 - Grading System (contains "New System of Grading," "Report of the Committee on Statistics on the Grades Reported by the Teachers from Semester Beginning February, 1910, to the Semester Ending June, 1912," and "Report of Statistics on Scholarship of Fraternities, Sororities, Athletics, etc. Second Semester 1910-1911"), 1908-1912

FF 8 - High School Days (contains programs and announcements), 1905-1910

FF 9 - Memorials and tributes (contains programs, invitations, and correspondence concerning recognition dinners, memorial services, and tributes for various individuals and organizations; including Defoe, Edwin W. Stephens, Woodrow Wilson, John Pickard, Dr. Henry O. Severance), 1896-1938

FF 10 - Memorial Union and Missouri Union (contains materials concerning old Missouri Union, Memorial Union drive and construction), 1916-1924

FF 11 - Military (contains dance programs, band concert programs, rosters, and two publications; Missouri Council of Defense...Aims and Objects and A day with the ROTC at the University of Missouri), 1902-1923

FF 12 - Miscellaneous (contains programs for events and organizations, including Missouri State Conference of Charities and Corrections, Forty-second General Assembly, Missouri Society of Teachers of English and Modern Language, Missouri Folklore Society, The Macabees Great Camp Convention, Jefferson Day Banquet, Ad Club Carnival, Pioneer Dinner of the State Historical Society of Missouri, Lions Club Annual Banquet, American Telephone and Telegraph Company, Harvard War Memorial, Sacred Heart Church; and publications, including Hannibal, Missouri: A Delightful City..., Mother Goose in War Time; publications and correspondence related to Harvard University; and anti-saloon and temperance pamphlets), ca. 1901-1931

Box 3

FF 1 - Missouri University Co-operative Store (contains copy of by-laws, and poster offering reward for assistance in robbery case), 1906

FF 2 - Oratorical Programs (including Union Literary Society, Bliss Lyceum, Athenaean Society, Stephens Medal Oratorical Contest, Philalethean Society, and the University of the State of Missouri Department of Elocution), 1891-1907

FF 3 - Phi Beta Kappa (includes dinner and banquet menus, correspondence with North Dakota chapter), 1905-1913

FF 4 - Phi Mu Alpha (contains concert programs, St. Louis Symphony Orchestra historical summary, program of compositions by Professor Emeritus William H. Pommer), ca. 1910-1939

FF 5 - Play programs (from performances given by various groups, including the senior class, Colburn Shakespearean Players, University Women, and Women's Athletic Association), 1914-1915

FF 6 - Real estate lot sale (contains newspaper clippings and posters showing plots for sale, and one pamphlet entitled Lot Purchasers. List of Shoe Factory Subscribers Who are Entitled to Draw Lots), ca. 1906-1913

FF 7 - Round Table Club (contains programs, menus, correspondence, photographs, and newspaper clippings), ca. 1919-1930

FF 8 - Savitar (contains a pamphlet on promotion, and a booklet, Color in Advertising, by H. Stephens Press), ca. 1903, 1923

FF 9 - School of Journalism (contains materials from Journalism Week events, a telegram to Walter Williams, a facsimile of July 26, 1808, and a copy of Missouri Gazette volume 1, number 3 page one), 1914-1930

FF 10 - Sigma Delta Chi (contains correspondence regarding Gridiron Court), 1929

FF 11 - Songs and Cheers (contains five pieces showing words to various songs and cheers of university), n.d.

FF 12 - Student Information (contains various booklets, including Summer School of Science - Second Year, Examination for Yeater Scholarships, Announcement of Fourth University Branch Summer School, Rules for the Guidance of Students, The Cecil Rhodes Scholarships for Missouri, La Universidad del Estado de Missouri...Circular Descriptiva, Registration, Second Semester, 1896-1912, and other general information), 1896-1912

FF 13 - Students' Protective Association (contains one copy of constitution, and one copy of news article concerning this association that provided a plan of mutual insurance), ca. 1906

FF 14 - Women's Club (contains programs from Missouri Federation of Women's Clubs and University Women's Dinner), 1906, 1934

FF 15 - YMCA and YWCA (contains one copy of On the Quad; a Handbook of What, How and When at the University of Missouri Presented by YMCA and YWCA, one copy of A Students' Building for Social and Religious Purposes, invitations, tickets, and a menu), ca. 1903-1909


FF 1 - William E. Curtis - Columbia Daily Tribune (contains four newspaper clippings concerning his visit to Columbia), 01/1906

FF 2 - A. Ross Hill Inauguration - University Missourian (contains 4 pages of newspaper clipping concerning Ross, his life, inauguration, related events), 12/11/1908

FF 3 - University Missourian "Stunt" (contains 8-page edition of newspaper put out as a "stunt" by Journalism students), 02/11/1909

FF 4 - Celebration of Seventy-fifth Anniversary of the Foundation of University - University Missourian (contains copy of 10-page souvenir edition of newspaper), 06/02/1914

FF 5 - Centennial of Boone County - Columbia Herald-Statesman volume 2, number 7(contains 56-page issue of souvenir paper concerning Columbia, Boone County, university and other schools, etc.), 1915

FF 6 - Memorial Tower and Stadium Dedication (contains 6 pages of Columbia Missourian, 2 pages of St. Louis Globe-Democrat), 11/1926

FF 7 - University - General (contains 13 newspaper clippings from Columbia Missourian concerning university departments, schools, colleges, deans, and student health), ca. 08/1933

FF 8 - University of Missouri Press Bulletin, volume 1, number 32 (includes articles concerning Henry O. Severance, student honor groups, commencement, E.B. Branson, F.F. McKenzie, ROTC awards), 05/15/1937

FF 9 - Anniversary Edition Columbia Missourian, "100 years of University of Missouri & 30 years of School of Journalism and Columbia Missourian," 01/30/1939

FF 9A - Anniversary Edition Columbia Missourian (continued), 01/30/1939


Item 1 - Pi Mu Epsilon - certificate of membership - L.M. Defoe, 12/17/1927

Item 2 - University of Missouri - Master of Science diploma - Mrs. L.M. (Cora) Defoe, 06/03/1896

Item 3 - University of Missouri Normal School certificate - Cora A. Eitzen, 06/04/1891

Item 4 - Tau Beta Pi - certificate of membership - L.M. Defoe, 09/08/1903

Item 5 - Harvard University - Bachelor of Arts diploma - L.M. Defoe, 06/28/1893

Item 6 - Knight of St. Patrick - certificate - L.M. Defoe, 03/17/1908

Item 7 - Photographs of L.M. Defoe (2 oversize black and white prints), n.d.


[Microfilm of contents of OSB 1 above]

Restrictions Note: The Archives of the University of Missouri-Columbia is required by law and Board of Curator's policy to restrict access to some files and information. Student records are held as confidential under the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and by University policy. Faculty promotion and tenure records and Academic Personnel files are restricted for 75 years, or the lifetime of the individual. All grievance, disciplinary, and medical records are treated as confidential files. Consultations with legal counsel, both in-house and external, are protected by the attorney/client privilege and will not be released.

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Published by: University Archives
Originally Prepared by Susannah Sodergren: June 2004
Revised: 27 June 2018

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