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Record Group: 1 UW
Record Sub-Group: 7
Records Title:UM System; Board of Curators; Miscellaneous Files
Dates: 1839-2024
Volume: 13 and 1/6 cubic feet; 16.46 linear feet

Scope and Content Note

This Sub-Group contains miscellaneous records of the University of Missouri Board of Curators. Included are correspondence, hearing transcripts, photographs, reports, newspaper clippings, meeting minutes, memorabilia, pamphlets, Presidential search candidate files, petitions, resolutions, and video cassettes.

Series Descriptions:

Series 1. - UW:1/0/1 (A75-33)
This Series contains miscellaneous records of the University of Missouri Board of Curators (1883-1968). Included are correspondence, transcripts, photographs (including an early image of the Jefferson Monument at MU), reports, newspaper clippings, and meeting minutes pertaining to Board of Curators' financial investments, dismissal of Professor Max Meyer, construction and dedication of Memorial Union and Memorial Stadium, the Teachers and Employees' Association, the Discipline Committee, the Cooperative Book Store, the University Power Plant, the MU Centennial, employment of married women, the Medical School Hospital, State appropriations for the University, Curator appointments, University owned real estate, administrative rules of the Board of Curators, and court cases involving the University (including the Lloyd Gaines case and Supreme Court decision).
(5 1/3 c.f.: 1 1/3 c.f., UMLD1; 1/3 c.f., Ellis; 2 2/3 c.f., UMLD1; 1 c.f., 040356; 2 OSF, Ellis)
Note to Researcher: Series 1 contains some records which may be confidential and restricted. See the restrictions note at the end of this finding aid. For more on the 1930 dismissal of Psychology Professor Max Meyer for use of a "Sex Questionnaire," see
Sub-Group 8 of Record Group 1 C.
Note to Archivist: The box lists for this Series are available online. They can be accessed by following this link.

Series 2. - UW:1/0/2 (A82-76)
This Series contains miscellaneous records of the University of Missouri Board of Curators. Included is a 1977, hand-lettered "Declaration of Thanks" to the Curators from the UMC Art Department, in regard to their approval of the awarding of BFA and MFA degrees.

Series 3. - UW:1/0/3 (A91-121)
This Series contains miscellaneous records and other materials relating to the University of Missouri Board of Curators (1839-1956). Included in the Series are items removed during the final clearance of the "Jesse Hall vault." Among these items are the University's original seal (in a hand-operated press), Phi Beta Kappa chapter membership information for 1901-1916 classes, Phi Beta Kappa chapter secretary and treasurer reports, the original MU Phi Beta Kappa chapter's charter (1901), account books for Welch Hall (women's residence hall) for the years 1921-1924, blue prints and drawings of various structures proposed and built on the MU campus, records of an attempt (the "Rucker Bill") to separate the Missouri State School of Mines and Metallurgy from the University of Missouri (1948-1949), and a Board of Curators appointment limitation protest petition. Also included in this Series are records of the Committee on the Problem of Administrative Reorganization and Supervision of Intercollegiate Athletics (1932-1933), of Walter Miller Classical Scholarship land transactions, of the War Assets Administration and MU's acquisitions of war surplus buildings and equipment (1946-1949), of the application for an MU-operated radio station, and of regulations and planning for the Medical School and Hospital. Additionally included in this Series are panoramic photographs of Francis Quadrangle (ca. 1892), a copy of the Sever Technological Institute Proposal (n.d.), and certificates of awards (Grand Prize, Gold Metal, Silver Metal, and Bronze Metal) from the Louisiana Purchase Centennial Exposition held in St. Louis in 1904, the Louis and Clark Centennial Exposition held in Portland, Oregon in 1903, and the Pan-American Exposition held in Buffalo, New York in 1901.
(2 1/3 c.f.; 1 c.f., 040260; OSB, Ellis;
TU - 117, 118, 119, 120; Seal Press, Ellis)
Note to Researcher: The original MU Seal is on display in the reading room of University Archives.

Series 4. - UW:1/0/4 (A75-33)
This Series contains miscellaneous records of the University of Missouri Board of Curators pertaining to the establishment of a School of Medicine at MU (1945-1954). Included are correspondence, reports, construction bids, meeting minutes, and informational pamphlets. Topics include the need for enhanced medical education in Missouri and the debate over whether to build the School of Medicine in Columbia or in Kansas City.
(1 c.f., UMLD1; OSB, Ellis)
Note to Researcher: For more on the establishment of MU's School of Medicine, see Series 3 of this Sub-Group.

Series 5. - UW:1/0/5 (A87-43; A95-145)
This Series contains miscellaneous records of the University of Missouri Board of Curators pertaining to presidential searches (1954-1984 ). Included are search materials primarily for candidates who reached the personal interview level. Only a few documents were retained concerning those candidates who were eliminated earlier in the process. Materials concerning candidates who did reach the interview level include resumes, letters of recommendation, photographs, correspondence, and Search Committee "action sheets." Additionally included are newspaper clippings regarding President Ratchford's resignation, charges of "Empire Building," and the "Lobbying Plan Controversy."
(1 c.f., 015427)
Note to Researcher: Series 5 contains some records which are confidential and restricted. See the restrictions note at the end of this finding aid.

Series 6. - UW:1/0/6 (A95-145)
This Series contains miscellaneous records of the University of Missouri Board of Curators concerning Divestiture of MU's South African Investments (1984-1987). Included are correspondence, newspaper clippings, petitions, resolutions, copies of Curators' meeting minutes, hearing witness lists, and audio cassette tapes of an October 1987 Curators' Finance Committee hearing on investment procedures, and of a December 1987 Finance Committee meeting as well as an undated recording of the "State Senate Hearings" concerning "Bailey and McVeigh."
(1/6 c.f., UMLD1)

Series 7. - UW:1/0/7 (A94-60)
This Series contains miscellaneous records of the University of Missouri Board of Curators. Included are two VHS videotapes on which are recorded a meeting of the Curators' Advisory Committee on Educational Technology which was held on February 20, 1992. Total running time for the two tapes is one hour and forty-five minutes (Digital Video and DVD transfers of the tapes are available).
(FF, Small Holdings Box 10)

Series 8. - UW:1/0/8 (A75-33)
This Series contains miscellaneous records of the University of Missouri Board of Curators. Included is a 1968 "Certificate of Appreciation" from the 11th District of the United States Army Corps of Engineers to the MU Board of Curators in recognition of the training given the 5503D Army Hospital by the MU School of Medicine.
(FF, Small Holdings Box 9)

Series 9. - UW:1/0/9 (A00-91)
This Microfilmed Series contains UMC Program Cut Protests sent to Chancellor Barbara Uehling and the Board of Curators (1982). This series contains hundreds of letters of protest and complaint about planned program cuts and eliminations resulting from the need to reduce the MU budget by 12%. The letters and petitions are in general response to the Chancellor's letter of explanation of 11 May 1982, which specified program eliminations. Letters of protest and petitions came from faculty, program administrators, staff, alumnae, administrators of other institutions of higher education, civic and business leaders, and MU students. These letters are organized by the specific program cut proposed. A last section of the file contains clippings and letters from individuals and groups protesting the general cuts and not specific program cuts.

Series 10. - UW:1/0/10 (A00-92)
This Microfilmed Series contains files of the MU branch of the YMCA Board of Trustees during the organizations early years (1904-1914). This series contains land purchase and improvement records for the parcel purchased by the campus YMCA for construction of a building. Also included are insurance policies, and fiscal records documenting the gathering of funds and the construction of the YMCA building. The series includes in addition to letters supporting the YMCA construction program copies of by-laws, constitutions, amendments, articles of incorporation, plat maps and building plans, and membership and contributor and bequest lists.

Series 11. - UW:1/0/11 (A04-27; A04-82; A19-44; A24-56)
This Series contains memorabilia of the Board of Curators, (ca. 1970-2024). The Series consists of robes worn (until 1999) by members of the Board of Curators during ceremonial functions such as the University's annual commencement ceremonies. Also included in the Series is a photograph of President C. Brice Ratchford with the Curators in these robes, (ca. 1970). Series 11 also includes a robe and hood from Curator Mary L. James, (2005), which represents the style of robes used starting in 2000, and a robe used by curators between December 2016 and May 2024.
(3 c.f., 013603, 014680, 027992)

Series 12. - UW:1/0/12 (A24-58)
This Series contains administrative records of the Board of Curators, (1978-2024). The records consist of formal resolutions and one memorandum of cooperation made by the Board. The resolutions honor retiring Board curators, secretaries, and student representatives, as well as University of Missouri administrators, including chancellors and presidents, anniversaries, and recognitions of individuals' contributions to the success of the University.
(1/3 c.f.: OSB, Ellis)
Note to Researcher: Some of the resolutions do not have a complete set of signatures and may be drafts or duplicate copies.

Restrictions Note: The Archives of the University of Missouri-Columbia is required by law and Board of Curator's policy to restrict access to some files and information. Student records are held as confidential under the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and by University policy. Faculty promotion and tenure records and Academic Personnel files are restricted for 75 years, or the lifetime of the individual. All grievance, disciplinary, and medical records are treated as confidential files. Consultations with legal counsel, both in-house and external, are protected by the attorney/client privilege and will not be released.

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Published by: University Archives
Compiled: October 1997
Revised: 20 December 2024

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