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Box Lists for UW:1/0/1

Note to Researcher: These records have not been processed to the level of an inventory and may therefore contain RESTRICTED material not specifically annotated as such and access may be limited in that regard. Please see the RESTRICTIONS NOTE at the end of the box list(s).

Box 1 - UMLD1


Env. - St. John (New Madrid County) Levee and Drainage District Bond, 1921

Env. - St. John Levee and Drainage District Bonds, 1918

Env. - Washington MO Direct (City Hall) Obligation Bond, 1923

Env. - East St. Louis and Suburban Collateral Trust Bonds, 1925

Env. - Inter-River (Butler County) Drainage District Bonds, 1921-1923

Env. - Elsberry (Lincoln and Pike Counties) Drainage District Bonds, n.d.

Env. - Elsberry Drainage District Bonds, n.d.

Env. - Elsberry Drainage District Bonds, 1926

Env. - Elsberry Drainage District Bonds, n.d.

Env. - State of Missouri, County of Jasper, School District of Joplin Bonds, 1931

Env. - Little River Drainage District Bonds, 1916-1918

Env. - Maplewood MO School District Bond, n.d.

Env. - Marshall MO School District Bonds, 1928

Env. - Marshall MO School District Bonds, 1928

Env. - Phelps County Road Bonds, 1920

Env. - St. Louis County Road Bonds, 1930

Env. - State of Missouri Road Bonds, n.d.

Env. - Mahan, n.d.

Env. - United States Fourth Liberty Loan Gold Bonds, n.d.

Env. - Wabash Railway Company Bonds, n.d.

Env. - Wellsville MO Sewer Bonds, 1929

Env. - Hannibal MO School District Bonds, 1924

Env. - Boatmen's Bank shares, 1914

Env. - Charleston MO Sewer Bonds, 1914

Env. - Clayton (St. Louis County) School District Bond, n.d.

Env. - Desloge MO School District Bond, 1930

Env. - Desloge MO School District Bond, 1930

Env. - Grand River (Linn and Livingston Counties) Drainage District Bonds, 1922

Env. - Grand River Drainage District Bonds, 1922

Env. - Jefferson City (Cole County) Bonds, n.d.

Env. - Hayti (Pemiscot County) Special Road District Bonds, 1922

Env. - Independence MO School District Bonds, 1928

Env. - Hayti Special Road District Bonds, 1922

Env. - Kansas City Park and Boulevard Improvement Bonds, n.d.

Env. - Kansas City Park and Boulevard Improvement Bond, n.d.

Env. - Mississippi County Levee District Bonds, n.d.

Env. - Kennett MO Water Works Bonds, 1914

Env. - New Madrid County Drainage District Bonds, 1926

Env. - Kansas City (Jackson County) School District Bonds, n.d.

Env. - Kansas City School District Bonds, 1931

Env. - Kansas City School District Bonds, n.d.

Env. - Kansas City School District Bonds, n.d.

Env. - Kansas City School District Bonds, n.d.

Env. - Jackson County Road and Bridge Bonds, 1929

Env. - Jackson County Road and Bridge Bond, 1933

Env. - Jackson County Bonds, 1928

Env. - Bollinger County Road Bonds, n.d.

Env. - Bollinger County Bonds, 1926

Env. - Bollinger County Road Bonds, 1920

Env. - Bollinger County Road Bonds, 1920

Env. - Bollinger County Road Bonds, n.d.

Env. - Bollinger County Road Bonds, n.d.

Env. - Bollinger County Road Bonds, n.d.

Env. - Cole and Moniteau Counties Capital Drainage District Bonds, 1919

Env. - Bloomfield MO Bonds, 1926

Env. - Bloomfield MO Bonds, 1928

Env. - St. John Levee and Drainage District Bonds, 1926

Env. - St. Louis County Road Bonds, n.d.

Env. - Paris MO Ice Plant Bonds, 1927

Env. - St. Francis Levee District Bonds, 1927

Env. - State of Missouri Road Bond, 1930

Env. - State of Missouri Road Bonds, 1931

Env. - Edina MO Public Sewer System Bond, 1924

Env. - Edina MO Public Sewer System Bonds, 1924

Env. - Edina MO Public Sewer System Bonds, 1924

Env. - Edina MO Public Sewer System Bond, 1923

Env. - Iron County Bonds, 1928

Env. - Mexico (Audrain County) School District Bonds, 1929

Env. - Normandy (St. Louis County) Consolidated School District Bonds, n.d.

Env. - Normandy Consolidated School District Bonds, 1931

Env. - St. Charles County Road Bonds, 1925

Env. - St. Charles MO School District Bonds, 1928

Env. - Richland (Pulaski County) School District Bonds, 1930

Env. - Cameron MO School District Bonds, 1914

Env. - Princeton MO Fire Department Bond, 1924

Env. - United States Treasury Bond, n.d.

Env. - Princeton MO Fire Department Bond, 1924

Env. - State of Missouri Road Bond, n.d.

Env. - Kingfisher (Kingfisher County) OK Street Improvement Bonds, 1926

Env. - Audrain County Public Hospital Bonds, 1919

Env. - Pemiscot Drainage District Bonds, 1922

Env. - Pemiscot Drainage District Bonds, 1922

Env. - Sedalia MO School District Bonds, 1919

Env. - Holt County Consolidated School District Bonds, 1927

Env. - University of Missouri Stadium Corporation Mortgage Deed of Trust Field House Gold Bond, 1929

Env. - University of Missouri Stadium Corporation Mortgage Deed of Trust Field House Gold Bond, 1929

Env. - Diffenbaugh Fund (Jackson County Road and Bridge Bonds), n.d.

Env. - University of Missouri Stadium Corporation Mortgage Deed of Trust Field House Gold Bond, 1929

Env. - Esther (St. Francis County) School District Bonds, 1922

Env. - Cameron School District Bonds, 1914

Env. - Cameron School District Bonds, 1914

Env. - Wayne County Courthouse Bond, 1929

Env. - Wayne County Courthouse Bond, 1929

Env. - Gold Note of U.S. Treasury Note, n.d.

Env. - Columbia MO School District Bonds, 1926

Env. - Columbia MO School District Bond, 1926

Env. - Chillicothe (Livingston County) Public Park Improvement Bond, 1929

Env. - Chillicothe Public Park Improvement Bond, 1929

Env. - Hope (Daviess County) Drainage District Bonds, 1923

Env. - State of Missouri Road Bond, n.d.

Env. - State of Missouri Road Bond, n.d.

Env. - Westboro (Atchison County) Road District Bonds, 1916

Env. - Princeton MO Fire Department Bonds, 1924

Env. - Normandy MO School District Bonds, 1927

Env. - North Fabius River (Scotland and Schuyler Counties) Drainage District Bonds, 1923

Env. - St. Louis County Road Bond, 1933

Env. - St. Louis County Road Bonds, n.d.

Env. - Mississippi County Road Bonds, 1917

Env. - Pemiscot County Drainage District Bonds, 1923

Env. - Hayti MO Bond, 1928

Env. - Scott County Levee District Bonds, 1927

Env. - Kennett MO Sewer Bonds, 1914

Env. - Hermann MO Water Works Bonds, 1914

Env. - Pemiscot County Drainage District Bonds, 1926

Env. - St. Louis MO Public Buildings and Improvement Bond, n.d.

Env. - Clayton (St. Louis County) School District Bond, 1930

Env. - Jasper MO Water Works and Electric Light Bonds, 1924

Env. - Kansas City Park and Boulevard Improvement Bonds, n.d.

Env. - Kansas City Blue River Improvement Bonds, n.d.

Box 2 - UMLD1


FF - State Purchasing Agent, 1933-1937

FF - Purchasing Agent Problem, Supplementary, 9/1937

FF - Purchasing Procedure; Inquiries sent to other schools, 1937

FF - "University Purchasing and the State Purchasing Agent", 10/22/1937

FF - State Purchasing Agent Act (includes "An Analysis of the State Purchasing Act as It Effects the University of Missouri"), 8/1937

FF - State Purchasing Agent, legal opinions regarding, 1934-1943

FF - Welch Hall, 1922-1923

FF - Trust Funds, 1948-1949

FF - University account passbooks, 1918-1922

FF - State Budget Officer, 1934

FF - Depository Agreements, 1945-1949

FF - Exchange National Bank, Correspondence, 1946-1949

Box 3 - UMLD1


FF - Centralization of University Banking Practices, 5/18/1973

FF - Columbia Savings Bank, Correspondence, 1946-1948

FF - Boone County National Bank, Correspondence, 1947-1949

FF - International Communications Program Pledge Cards, 1958-1959

FF - Missouri House of Representatives; Appropriations Sub-Committee of Committee on Universities and Colleges, Campus Visit, 2/17/1953

FF - Appraisal Report, Kinsolving Estate, Dunklin County MO, 6/29/1944

Note: Negative film from this folder was removed and placed in OSF 1.

FF - Kinsolving Lands, Lawrence County KY, 1953

FF - Gaines Case (contains copies of Supreme Court decision only), 12/12/1938

Box 4 - UMLD1


FF - Professor Max Meyer's Speech before Southern Society of Philosophy and Psychology, 4/18/1930

FF - Newspaper clippings and correspondence related to Sex Questionnaire, 1929

FF - Board Orders regarding Sex Questionnaire and President Brooks, 1929-1930

FF - Executive Board Testimony Transcript, 3/19/1929

FF - AAUP "Report on the Dismissal of Professor DeGraff and the Suspension of Professor Meyer", 2/1930

FF - Exhibits regarding Sex Questionnaire, 1929-1930

FF - Materials related to "mimeographed pages used by Meyer for Advanced women students", 1929

FF - Bagby, James (includes copy of original questionnaire), 1929

FF - Exhibits, Meyer Case, 1929-1930

Box 4A - Ellis


Roll - Petition - "We, the undersigned, students of the University of Missouri...", 1929

Roll - Petition - "We, the undersigned, in the interest of fair play...". 1929

Roll - Petition - "We, the undersigned, member of the class in 'The Family'...", 1929

FF - Petition - "We, the undersigned women of Columbia...", 1929

FF - Petition - "We, the undersigned citizens of Columbia...", 1929

FF - Petition - "We, the undersigned alumni and former students...", 1929

FF - Depositions, Horn Case (Templecrone Fire), 1949

Box 5 - UMLD1


FF - Correspondence regarding Memorial Union and Stadium pledges, 1921-1928

FF - Correspondence regarding pledges, 1925-1926

FF - Correspondence regarding pledges, 1926

FF - Correspondence regarding pledges, 1926-1927

FF - Correspondence regarding pledges, 1926-1927

FF - Correspondence regarding pledges, 1927

FF - Payments lists (Memorial Union and Stadium), ca. 1927

Box 6 - UMLD1


FF - Payments Lists and correspondence, 1927

FF - Payments Lists and correspondence, 1926-1930

FF - Cancelled checks, account books and receipts, 1921-1930

Box 7 - UMLD1


FF - Stock Transfers, University Co-op Store, 1907

FF - University Co-op Store, 1912-1929

FF - Stock Owners Index, University Co-op Store, 1907

Box 8 - UMLD1


FF - Stock Owners Index, University Co-op Store, 1907

Box 9 - UMLD1


FF - Memorandum regarding need for addition to Power Plant facilities, ca. 1954

FF - "Investigation and Report of Present and Future Steam Power Plant Requirements for University of Missouri", 10/24/1953 (four copies)

FF - Senate Bill 106 (regarding state teacher's colleges), 4/8/1943

FF - House Bills 564 and 575 and Senate Bill 160 (regarding separation of School of Mines from University), 1941

FF - "Biennial Report of the Board of Curators to the General Assembly", annotated, 1930-1940

Box 10 - UMLD1


FF - Founders' Day Banquet programs, 2/14/1939

FF - Contributions for Centennial Bench, ca. 1939

FF - Correspondence regarding Discipline Survey, 1931

FF - Discipline Committee, 1933-1934 [Restricted]

FF - Discipline Committee, 1932-1933 [Restricted]

FF - Discipline Committee, 1931-1932 [Restricted]

FF - "Provisional Rules of Procedure in Student Disciplinary Matters", 1/18/1968

Box 11 - UMLD1


FF - By-Laws and Duties of the Board of Curators and Executive Committee of the School of Mines, 1893-1915

FF - Rolla Campus, 1909

FF - Rolla Campus, 1941

FF - By-Laws of the Board of Curators, 1947, 1965-1968

FF - "Miscellaneous Rules and Regulations", 1941, 1949

FF - Campus Disaster Plan, 1962

FF - General (Parker) Hospital, 7/1951

FF - Jefferson City Elementary School Survey, 1929-1930

FF - Undergraduate Scholarships, 1954

Box 12 - UMLD1


FF - Publicity (news clippings), 1931-1933

FF - News Clippings, 1932-1933

FF - University of Missouri Studies: Social Science Series, Vol. II Nos. 2-4, 1908-1909

FF - University Advisory Council Minutes, 1932-1933

FF - Register of Members of Advisory Council, 1932-1933

Box 13 - 040356


FF - "Transcript of Proceedings Had in the Matter of the Hearing of Doctor Max F. Meyer, Pursuant to a Resolution Passed by the Board of Curators May 2, 1930", 5/16-17/1930

FF - Copy of Transcript in FF 1

FF - Transcript of Testimony regarding AAUP Investigation, 5/18/1929

FF - Transcript of Testimony Heard by Members of Special Committee of AAUP regarding Questionnaire, 5/17-18/1929

FF - Copies of Transcript in FF 4

FF - Photos of Max Meyer, n.d.

FF - Transcript of Proceedings Regarding Max Meyer Hearing, 4/6/1929

FF - Teachers and Employees Association, 1928-1935

FF - Teachers and Employees Association, Ledger Book, 1929-1935

FF - Photos - Moot Court, School of Law, ca. 1897; Jefferson Monument, ca. 1893

OSF 1 - Ellis


Item 1 - Negative film of Kinsolving Estate from Box 3 FF 6

OSF 2 - Ellis


Item 1 - Certificates and university diplomas for Theodore Edward Friedemann, 1896-1923

Return to UW:1/0/1 summary

Restrictions Note: The Archives of the University of Missouri-Columbia is required by law and Board of Curator's policy to restrict access to some files and information. Student records are held as confidential under the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and by University policy. Faculty promotion and tenure records and Academic Personnel files are restricted for 75 years, or the lifetime of the individual. All grievance, disciplinary, and medical records are treated as confidential files. Consultations with legal counsel, both in-house and external, are protected by the attorney/client privilege and will not be released.

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Compiled: December 2007
Revised: 21 June 2021

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