Displayed below is the photograph of William L. Parker that was placed in the time capsule. The photograph was taken and printed by Columbia, Missouri photographer Joseph Lewis Douglass. Its mounting board separated into three parts due to the conditions in the time capsule. A developed image penetrated the fibers of the photographic paper so it is seen as a "ghost image" on the layer of paper still attached to the mounting board. In addition, a "ghost image" was also transferred to the glassine paper covering of the photograph, something that may have occurred due to the developing processes of the original photograph.

Layer 1 - Bottom layer of mounting board.

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Layer 2 - Top layer of mounting board with paper fibers from layer of photographic paper showing a "ghost image" of the photograph.

[C:0/45/11 OSF 1]

Layer 3 (front and back) - Top layer of photographic print.

[C:0/45/11 OSF 1]

Layer 4 (front and back) - Glassine covering for the photograph showing a "ghost" of the photographic print.

[C:0/45/11 OSF 1]

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