Community Cornerstone:
Parker Memorial Hospital
Time Capsule
During the demolition of Parker Hall on the University of Missouri-Columbia campus in 2022, a curious find was discovered in the cornerstone of the building. It was a time capsule, originating from the 1899 cornerstone laying ceremony that indicated the beginning of construction. The capsule contained a collection of different items dating between 1873 and 1899, revealing a rich history of the identity of the building as Parker Memorial Hospital and insight into the local community. Parker Memorial Hospital filled many roles: A state-owned hospital; a teaching hospital for the University; and the first public hospital in the area. Even with its grand effect on the community in Columbia during the early 20th century, its origins have been obscured over time. Yet, it is evident that from its time as Parker Memorial Hospital to its time as Parker Hall, this building has played an important role in developing the medical department at Mizzou, and it served the community that built it. This exhibit is divided into five sections.
Published by: University Archives (home page:
Designed and Written by: Kristyna Le, Spring Semester 2023
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