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Box Lists for UW:4/72/19

Note to Researcher: These records have not been processed to the level of an inventory and may therefore contain RESTRICTED material not specifically annotated as such and access may be limited in that regard. Please see the RESTRICTIONS NOTE at the end of the box list(s).

Box 1 - 059910 [return to top]


FF 1 - UWC - Mayibuye Centre, n.d.

FF 2 - UWC - Informational Materials, 1985-2006

FF 3 - Materials from UWC, 1996 [mostly newsletters and other P/D)

FF 4 - Archbishop Desmond Tutu Honorary Degree from UMKC, 9/1990

FF 5 - UMSAEP (UM South African Educational Program) - Meeting, 9/5/1996

FF 6 - Mizzou Magazine, Spring 2007 [includes article re: UM/South Africa history]

FF 7 - Program, Inaugural Conference of International Education Association of South Africa, 1/1997

FF 8 - Conference Proceedings, "American Grantmaking in South Africa", 6/1988, and "Women and Children at Risk in Southern Africa", 4/1990

FF 9 - Conference Proceedings, "Stabilizing Democracy in South Africa: The Challenges of Post-Apartheid Development", 2/23/1994

FF 10 - Institute of International Education - Information Exchange, Working Paper #1: "U.S. Foundation Giving to Enhance Educational Opportunities for Black South Africans", 5/1987

FF 11 - "A Framework for Transformation", n.d.

FF 12 - Wally Morrow Publications, 1992-1993

FF 13 - African National Congress - "The Reconstruction and Development Programme: A Policy Framework", 1994

FF 14 - Possible UM/UWC MBA Program, 1999

FF 15 - Material from UWC, 1999

FF 16 - Material from UWC, 2000

FF 17 - Material from UWC, 1998

FF 18 - Institute of International Education - Information Exchange, Working Paper #2: "South Africans Speak II: Discussion Forum Presentations 1990-1991", 4/1992

FF 19 - Provincial Administration: Western Cape - Department of Economic Affairs, Agriculture and Tourism - "Green Paper: Preparing the Western Cape for the Knowledge Economy of the 21st Century", n.d.

FF 20 - UWC - Lifelong Learning Indaba, 2002

FF 21 - UWC - Tertiary Education Linkage Project (TELP): Lifelong Learning, 2001

FF 22 - TELP, 8/2002

FF 23 - TELP, 2002

FF 24 - UWC - On Campus newsletter, 2003

FF 25 - UWC - National Science Foundation (NSF) Summer Program, 2003

FF 26 - UM/UWC Tenth Anniversary Celebration, 1996

FF 27 - UWC Senate International Relations Committee, 1992

FF 28 - UM Appropriations/Mission Enhancement Request, FY1999

FF 29 - UM Mission Enhancement and Appropriations, FY1999

FF 30 - UM Resource Allocation, 2003

FF 31 - UWC Faculty of Natural Sciences - Building Design (images on small format CD-ROM), 2004

FF 32 - UWC Faculty of Natural Sciences - Building Design - Estimate No. 2, 2004

FF 33 - UM Mission Enhancement Document, 9/25/1997

FF 34 - UWC - Vice-Chancellor's Report, 1989

FF 35 - UWC - Annual Review, 1998

FF 36 - "Learning Cape" Festival, 2003

FF 37 - Institute of International Education - "U.S. Independent Sector Involvement in South Africa: A Report to the Southern Africa Grantmakers' Affinity Group", ca. 1995

FF 38 - UWC - Strategic Planning Workshop, 9/15/1999

FF 39 (legal) - University of Missouri Executive Visit to the University of the Western Cape (UWC), 1998

Item - UWC Faculty of Natural Sciences - Building Design Report, ca. 2004 [2 copies]

Item - UWC New Buildings for the Earth and Biological Sciences Funding Proposal, ca. 2003

Box 2 - UMLD1 [return to top]


Video Tape (VHS) - UM/UWC - Celebrating the Partnership (running time: 00:12:30), ca. 1997

Video Tape (VHS) - UM/UWC - Academic Exhange Program - Comments by Desmond Tutu and others (running time: 00:06:32), 1993 [2 copies]

Video Tape (VHS) - UM/UWC - Health Mission Seminar - Tape 1, 1991

Video Tape (VHS) - UM/UWC - Health Mission Seminar - Tape 2, 1991

Video Tape (VHS) - University of the Western Cape - Fund Raising, 1990 [2 copies]

Video Tape (VHS) - South Africa - Cape Town and the Cape Peninsula (by Francisca Oboh), April-May, 1993

Video Tape (S-VHS) - Owen van den Berg, 1996

Box 3 - UMLD1 [return to top]


Video Tape (VHS) - University of the Western Cape - Ron Turner Honorary Degree presented by Desmond Tutu, 1997 [PAL format?]

Video Tape (VHS) - UM/UWC Exchange Program Teleconference, 1988

Video Tape (VHS) - UWC Convocation and Honorary Degree Ceremony for Desmond Tutu (presentation speech by Ron J. Turner), 2002

Video Tape (VHS) - UWC Graduation and Honorary Degree Ceremony for Ron J. Turner - Tape 1 (presentation by Desmond Tutu), 1997

Video Tape (VHS) - UWC Graduation and Honorary Degree Ceremony for Ron J. Turner - Tape 2 (presentation by Desmond Tutu), 1997

Video Tape (VHS) - MU/UWC 10th Anniversary, 1996

Video Tape (VHS) - UM/UWC Celebrating the Partnership (updated version), 1998

Video Tape (VHS) - University of Missouri-St. Louis - The Global Citizen Award (Desmond Tutu), 2000

Video Tape (VHS) - UM/UWC Exchange Program - (various sound bites with revisions; running time 00:06:20), 1993

Video Tape (VHS) - University of Missouri-Kansas City - Honorary Degree Ceremony for Desmond Tutu, 1990

Box 4 - UMLD1 [return to top]


Film (16mm; color; optical audio; runtime: ca. 15 minutes) - University of Missouri - Food Spots (fifteen 30-second advertisement spots on making good consumer food choices from the University/Agricultural Extension Service; theme is "Money Don't Come Easy"), ca. 1970s

Film (16mm; color; optical audio; runtime: ca. 12 minutes) - University of Missouri - Extension Division - Commodity Distribution Office (ten 60-second adverstisement spots produced as part of the Expanded Food and Nutrition Program of the Extension Division for the Commodity Distribution Office), ca. 1970s

Film (16mm; b/w; no audio; 3 reels; runtime: ca. 7 minutes) - A/B-roll footage (interior and exterior staged scenes in Centralia High School, Centralia, Missouri; for a University Day production by John Voth [?]), ca. 1966-1968

Film (16mm; b/w; no audio; runtime: ca. 2 1/2 minutes) - A/B-roll footage (views of students studying; mentoring; Office of Instructional Television production), ca. 1960s

Film (16mm; b/w; optical audio; run time: ca. 5 minutes) - Laboratory School - Spanish Studio (kinescope test from VR-660; students presenting short scenes in Spanish; transfer log from Acme Film Laboratories included), ca. 1960s

Film (16mm; b/w; optical audio; run time: ca. 5 minutes) - Laboratory School - Preparation for Science Laboratory (kinescope test from video tape; narrated by W. H. Raby; shot in the Instructional Television studio; Supervisor of Biology James Cofer interviews two student teachers; transfer log from Acme Film Laboratories included), ca. 1960s

Film (16mm; b/w; no audio; runtime: ca. 3 minutes) - A/B-roll footage (Laboratory School [?] audio-visual center and hallway; footage used by Ron Turner for his dissertation), ca. 1970

Film (16mm; b/w; no audio; 3 reels; runtime: unknown) - Unidentified footage, n.d.
Note to Archivist: Condition of film splices makes viewing difficult.

Video Tape (CV 1/2-inch; b/w; audio; runtime: ca. 18 1/2 minutes) - University of Missouri Commencement (includes introduction by Chancellor John Schwada of honorary degree recipient Walter Cronkite, a short portion of Cronkite's "The Case for Dissent" speech, and remarks from President John Weaver), 1970
Note to Researcher: A transcription of Cronkite's complete speech is available here.

Video Tape (U-matic; color; audio; runtime: ca. 24 minutes) - Richard van der Ross - Question and Answer Session (following his speech to the public at the Univeristy of Missouri), October 8, 1986

Video Tape (U-matic; color; audio; runtime: ca. 34 minutes) - Interview by Ronald J. Turner of Jan Persens, Professor of Mathematics and Chairman of the University of Western Cape's Senate Committee on International Relations, and of Nicky Morgan, Professor of Business Science and Economics and Dean of the Faculty at the University of Western Cape, November 2, 1993

Video Tape (VHS; color; audio; runtime: ca. 8 1/2 minutes) - Introduction to the New Univeristy of Ulster (dub of slide show), 1995

Video Tape (VHS) - The Global Citizen Award presented to Archibishop Desmond Tutu (tape from the Instructional Technology Center, University of Missouri-St. Louis), May 18, 2000

Return to UW:4/72/19 summary

Restrictions Note: The Archives of the University of Missouri-Columbia is required by law and Board of Curator's policy to restrict access to some files and information. Student records are held as confidential under the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and by University policy. Faculty promotion and tenure records and Academic Personnel files are restricted for 75 years, or the lifetime of the individual. All grievance, disciplinary, and medical records are treated as confidential files. Consultations with legal counsel, both in-house and external, are protected by the attorney/client privilege and will not be released.

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