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Box Lists for UW:4/72/17Note to Researcher: These box lists are provided by the originating office. They have not been verified for accuracy by the staff of University Archives. Furthermore, since these records have not been processed to the level of an inventory, there may be RESTRICTED material not specifically annotated as such and access may be limited in that regard. Please see the RESTRICTIONS NOTE at the end of the box list(s).
[A11-100] FF - Commercial Ag Meeting, 7/11/2000 FF - Commercial Agriculture - Definition and Strategic Plan, 2000-2001 FF - Lincoln University - Children, Youth and Families at Risk, 2001 FF - Lincoln University - Small Farm Family Program, 1998-2001 FF - Missouri Alternatives Center (MAC), 2001 FF - Missouri Program Performance, Evaluation and Reporting System (MPPERS), 1996-1998 FF - Missouri Rural Opportunities Council, 1999-2000 FF - NASULGC - Extension Committee on Organization and Policy (ECOP), 1998-2001 FF - NASULGC - ECOP/SPC Joint Meeting, 10/2001 FF - NASULGC - Joint ECOP/SPD and ESOP Planning Meeting, 2/2002 FF - NASULGC - ESCOP-PC/ECOP/SPC, 10/2000 FF - NASULGC - Extension Directors/Administrators Conference, 2/2000 FF - NASULGC - North Central Extension Leadership Development (NELD), 1995-2002 FF - NASULGC - Strategic Planning Council, 2002 FF - NASULGC - Strategic Planning Council, 2001-2002 FF - NASULGC - Strategic Planning Council, 2001 FF - NASULGC - Strategic Planning Council, 2000-2001 FF - NASULGC - Strategic Planning Council, 1999 FF - NASULGC - Strategies for Enhanced Management, 2001 FF - North Central Regional Center for Rural Development (NCRCRD), 1997-2002 Box 2 - 003438 [return to top][A11-100] FF - Administration - Board of Curators, 2000 FF - Administration - General, 2000-2002 FF - Administration - Staff Meetings (Ollar/Turner/Sobrero), 2000-2001 FF - Administration - Vice President for Outreach/Director of Extension Meetings, 2000-2001 FF - Affirmative Action Correspondence, 1999-2001 FF - Conferences and Meetings - National Extension Directors/Administrators Meeting, 2/2000 FF - Conferences and Meetings - Annual Conference, 2001 FF - Conferences and Meetings - Balanced Scorecard, 8/2000 FF - Conferences and Meetings - Business and Industry Planning Meeting, 3/15/2001 FF - Conferences and Meetings - Cambio de Colores, 3/2002 FF - Conferences and Meetings - Columbia Values Diversity Celebration, 1/2002 FF - Conferences and Meetings - Family, Career and Community Leaders of America Presentation, 5/1/2001 FF - Conferences and Meetings - Farm Family Day at Missouri State Fair, 8/31/2001 FF - Conferences and Meetings - Farm Family Day, 8/12/2002 FF - Conferences and Meetings - House Resolution Ceremony, Jefferson County, 5/2002 FF - Conferences and Meetings - Community Development, 1/2001 FF - Conferences and Meetings - Community Viability, 3/2000 FF - Conferences and Meetings - Legislative Day, 2/21/2001 FF - Missouri Conversation on Youth Development, 1/22/2002 FF - Conferences and Meetings - National Conference for Community and Justice Teleconference, 5/2001 FF - Conferences and Meetings - National Science Foundation, Chicago, 6/14/2001 FF - Conferences and Meetings - Nutritional Science Extension Tour, 6/14/2001 FF - Conferences and Meetings - Tools for Shaping the Future of Quality Community Development Programs, 9/14/2001 FF - Conferences and Meetings - University Continuing Education Association Meeting, St. Louis, 1/12/2001 FF - Councils - Missouri Extension County Council Leadership Council (MECCLC), 2001 FF - Change Agent States for Diversity, 2001 FF - Change Agent States for Diversity, 2000-2001 (cont'd) FF - MECCLC, 1999-2001 FF - Cultural Competency, 2001 FF - Cultural Competency Institute: Enhancing Our Capacity to Be Inclusive, 11/2001 FF - Evaluation and Accountability System for Extension, 2000 Box 3 - 003439 [return to top][A11-100] FF - Extension Committee on Organization and Policy (ECOP) Joint Task Force - Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP), 2002 FF - ECOP Meeting Minutes, 7/1999-10/2000 FF - National Extension Directors Meeting, 2/20-22/2002 FF - ECOP Budget Committee Meeting, 2/19/2002 FF - Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service (CREES) White Papers and Budget Meeting, May 2002 FF - ECOP Budget Committee Meeting, February 2002 FF - Board on Agriculture Budget Committee Meeting, February 2002 FF - ECOP and Board on Agriculture Budget Folder, May 2001 FF - ECOP Budget Committee, November 2001 FF - ECOP Meeting, January 2002 FF - AESOP Emails, February 2002 FF - ECOP/Board on Human Sciences/EFNEP Liaison Team, 2002 FF - ECOP Budget Committee Agenda and Materials, January 2002 FF - Program Resources Conference Call, January 2002 FF - ECOP Meeting, 7/22-24/2002 FF - ECOP Budget Committee Meeting, August 2002 FF - ECOP Conference Call, May 2002 FF - Budget and Advocacy Committee (BAC) Conference Call, August 2002 FF - BAC Conference Call, October 2002 FF - ECOP Budget Committee Assembled Documents, April 2002 FF - ECOP Budget Committee Materials FF - ECOP Budget Committee, Fall 2002 FF - Council on Extension, Continuing Education, and Public Service (CECEPS) Annual Meeting, November 2002 FF - BAC, Board on Agriculture Assembly, 2002 FF - ECOP Budget Committee and CSREES White Papers, 2002 FF - ECOP Budget Committee, September 2002 FF - Proposals from Advocacy Firms, August 2002 FF - ECOP Meeting Agendas, Materials, Summaries, 7/23-24/2002 FF - BAC Conference Call, April 2002 FF - BAC Conference Call, July 2002 FF - ECOP Meeting Materials, February 2002 FF - ECOP Goals, Actions and Progress Chart, November 2002 Booklet - Reports, Accounts and Student Statistics, 1990-1992 Booklet - Steering Committee on the Future Development on Higher Education - Interim Report on Technical Working Group Booklet - Special Support Program for Peace and Reconciliation - Ireland, 1995-1999 Booklet - Report of the Steering Committee on the Future Development of Higher Education, 1995 Box 4 - 010391 [return to top][A11-100] FF - Board of Curators Meeting, December 14-15, 2000 FF - Extension Presentation - Dr. Lynn Pike, 12/14/2000 FF - Board of Curators Special Meeting, November 2000 FF - Board of Curators, October 20, 2000 FF - Board of Curators, 2001 FF - 2000-2001 Operating Budget FF - 2002 Operating Budget Request FF - 2001 Strategic Planning Steering Committee FF - 2000 Strategic Planning FF - Manuel Pacheco FF - 2001 World Congress Ag Forum, St. Louis FF - President's Staff Meetings FF - 2001 General Officer Meetings FF - 2000-2001 Steve Lehmkuhle FF - 2001 Ken Hutchinson FF - 2001 Ralph Caruso (IT planning and functional excellence) FF - 2001 Futuring Task Force FF - 2001 Ollar, Turner and Sobrero Meetings FF - 2000 Ollar, Turner and Sobrero Meetings FF - 2001, 2002 Columbia Values Diversity FF - 2001 Professional Development Experience (PDE) AA/EEO Update FF - June 2002 - Jim Jarman FF - 2001 FIR Processes Post PS FF - 1999-2001 UOE Human Resources FF - 2001, 2002 - PD349 Recruiting FF - 2001 Charlotte George [RESTRICTED] FF - 2001 Recruiting/Hiring Plan FF - 1991 Draft State Specialists Role FF - 1999 Regional Information Technology Specialist FF - 2001 VPO/DE Meetings FF - January 1999 MFA Meeting FF - 2000-2001 UMEA Meetings FF - 2001 Commercial Ag FF - 2001 Premier Beef Marketing Program FF - 2000, 2001 MALMRI Meetings Box 5 - 011919 [return to top][A11-100] FF - PDE 118/E1040 CDA Course 1 -Buliding Communities for Grass Roots FF - PDE 141/E1043 CDA Course 2-Empowering Communities for the Future FF - PDE 365/E1220 UO/E Responds to Disaster Needs: In-Box Exercise #2 FF - PDE 344/E1032 Cambio De Colores (Change of Colors): Latinos in Missouri FF - PDE 360/E1101 Local Economic Analysis FF - PDE 192/E1047 Design for Learning FF - PDE 347/E1035 Mentoring New Regional Specialists in UO/E FF - PDE 377/E1431 N.C. Regional Funding Opportunity Workshop (Specialized) Not for open enrollme FF - Professional Implementation Experience (PIE) 378/E1432 PREP Training (Specialized) Not for open enrollment FF - PDE 379/E1437 Managing Your Unseen Employee: The Ventilation System FF - PIE/PDEs SF 2003 FF - PIE 374/E1299 Relatives as Parents Not for open enrollment FF - PDE 376/E1407 Sheep and Meat Goat Production Strategies for MO Ext. Spec. FF - PDE 118/E1040 CDA I - Building Communities from the Grassroots FF - PDE 142/E126l CDA III - Creating Capacity for Dynamic Communities FF - PDE 192/E1047 Design for Learning FF - PDE 366/E11257 Fund-Raising Basics via ITV FF - PIE 365/E1220 UOIE Responds to Disaster Needs: In-Box Exercise FF - PDE367/E1258 Fund-Raising Basics (Not for Open Enrollment) FF - PDE 368/E1259 Successful Grant Proposals via ITV FF - PDE 369/E1262 Successful Grant Proposals (Not for Open Enrollment) FF - PDE 370/E1263 Building the Toolkit - Res. for Leading 4-H Youth Dev. Prog. FF - PDE 371/E1256 Change Agents States for Diversity Conference (CASD) FF - PIE 372/E1260 Named Programs of the Business Develpoment Unit FF - PDE 373/E1275 North Central Administrative Leadership Seminar FF - Winter/Spring 2003 FF - PDE 118/E1040 CDA 1 - Building Communities from the Grassroots FF - PDE 14l/E1043 CDA 2 - Empowering Communities for the Future FF - PDE 292 NC Urban Extension Conference FF - PDE 344/E1032 Cambio de Colores FF - PDE 360/E1101 Basic Local Economic Analysis FF - PIE 36l/E1216 Named Programs for Business Development Unit. FF - PDE 362/E1217 School-Age Care and Positive Youth Development FF - PDE 363/E1218 Understanding Missouri County Finance FF - PIE 364/E1219 Imp of Supporting Divorced Parents and their Children: A Program for Educational Professionals FF - PDE 365/E1220 UO/E Responds to Disaster Needs: In-Box Exercise FF - WS 2002 FF - PDE 118-CDA I FF - PIE 355-Junior Master Gardener FF - PIE 357-Named Programs FF - PDE 358-Doing the Right Thing FF - PIE 329-MAPPP FF - PIE 359-Financial Security FF - Specialized PDE Barry Oshry's, The Organization FF - WSO2 Decline Letters FF - PIE/PDE Budget Letter Drafts WSO2 FF - PDE 353 - HES Professional Development FF - PDE 118 Course 1 - Community Development Academy: Building Communities from the Grassroots FF - PDE 141 Course II - Community Development Academy: Empowering Communities for the Future FF - PIE 327 Implementing the Precision Agriculture Masters (PAM) Program Eduational Curriculum FF - PIE 328 Horticultural Insect Diagnostics Pertinent to Teaching Master Gardner Programs FF - PIE 329 National Satellite Downlink Conference on Maltreatment and Adolescent Pregnancy and Parenting Program FF - PIE 330 Reproductive Management Tools and Techniques IV FF - PIE 331 Names Programs using the Program Logic Model FF - PIE 332 Experience in Community Enterprise and Leadership (EXCEL) - So What? FF - PIE 333 Incorporating Farm-A-Syst and Home-A-Syst in Local Water Quality Programming FF - PIE 334 Aging Well FF - PIE 335 Building Financial Skills of Low-Income Missourians FF - PDE 336 The What, Why, and How of Developing a Community Leadership Program (The Excel Approach) FF - PDE 340 Working Effectively with Adult Learners: Understanding and Strategies FF - PDE 338 Recent Developments in Faorge Crop Science FF - PDE 339 OSEDA: Taking the Extension Educator Beyond the Numbers FF - PDE 341 Tools for Shaping the Getting There From Here 21St Century Programs FF - PDE 342 Value Academy - I FF - PDE 344 Cambio de Colores (Change of Colors) in Missouri: A Call to Action for Practice and Research (Not foe Open FF - PDE 343 Orientation to Missouri County Government FF - PDE 345 Building Capacity to Support Small Farm Profitability FF - PDE 346 Facilitation Skills for the Extension Professionals and Para-professionals working with Youth Audiences FF - PDE 347 Mentoring New Regional Specialists in University Outreach and Extension FF - PDE 348 Measurement Tools for Quality Community Development Programs FF - PDE 349 Recruiting Team Member Orientation and Training (Not for Open Enrollment) FF - PDE 350 E-Commerce: Impact on Value Added Agriculture FF - PIE 352 Swine Production Strategies for Improving Missouri Swine Operations Profitability (TedI: Implementing Techn FF - PDE 351 Community Emergency Management: The UO/E Role FF - PDE 326 - Safety Net FF - PIE 324 - Teen Leadership Connection FF - PIE 325 - Community Based Health Initiative Cancelled FF - 297/56 PIE Horticultural Prog. Opp. within UOE & MO Botanical Garden Partnership FF - 291/57 PIE NxLEVEL Training for UOE Business Counselors FF - 298/58 PIE Caring Communication-Older Adults and Their Quality of Life Decisions FF - 301/61 PIE Market Feasability Studies: Developing Facilitator Skills FF - 302/62 PIE Implementing Technology on Missouri Swine Farms III FF - 304/65 PIE Env. Ed.-Fac. Proj. WET, Wild, Learning Tree & the Leopard Ed. Project FF - 305/65 PIE Virtual Communities - Real Leaders FF - 307/68 PIE AMJP or Adolescent Mother Journaling Program FF - 151/64 PIE Implementing of the Volunteer Resource Mothers Program FF - 300/60 PIE Vision to Action: Take Charge Too FF - 303/63 PIE Community Baseline Process FF - 306/67 PIE Entry Level Training for Ag FF - 308/69 PIE Developing a Balanced Scorecard FF - 309/70 PIE Working Across programs to Support Divorcing Parents and Their Children FF - 310/71 PIE Agriculture Crop Management Conference FF - 311/72 PIE Sports Nutrition: Eat to Fuel Performance FF - 312/73 PIE Fit for Life FF - 313/74 PDE Principles and Practice of Mediation FF - 314/75 PDE Recruiting Team Member Orientation and Training FF - SF 2001 - PIE/PDE masterlist & chart analysis FF - 315/76 PDE Organic Vegetable Production FF - 316/77 PDE Program Planning Using the Logic Model for New Faculty FF - 317/78 PDE Tools for Shaping the Future of Quality Community Development Programs FF - 118/79 PDE Course 1 -CDA Building Communities from the Grassroots FF - 141/80 PDE Course 3-CDA Creating Capacity for Dynamic Communities FF - 318/81 PDE 21st Century Tools for Program Quality-Logic Model in Action FF - 319/82 PDE Facilitation Skills for the Extension Professional FF - 272/89 PIE Intimate Partner Violence: Developing Community Response Stategies FF - 320/83 PDE Affirmative Action and EEO Training FF - 321/84 PDE Cultural Competency Institute: 'Enhancing Our Capacity to be Inclusive FF - 322/85 PDE Elements of Comprehensive Nutrient Mgt Planning Strategies for Protecting Water Quality FF - 523/86 PDE Rural Hispanics in the North Central Region FF - 192/87 PDE Design for Learning FF - 164/88 PDE Mentoring in University Outreach and Extension FF - WS 2001 FF - 265/18 PIE Agroforestry Professional Training FF - 266/19 PIE Implementing Good Agricultural Practices to Assure Safety of Food Prouced of Missouri Farms FF - 185/20 PIE Maltreatment and Adolescent Pregnancy and Parenting Program Training FF - 267/21 PIE Master Gardner Core Course Training Phase II FF - 268/22 PIE Developing Educational Programs for Delivery via Web-Using Blackboard Courseware FF - 269/23 PIE Reproductive Management Tools and Techniques II FF - 270/24 PIE Building Strong Families Through Stronger Partnerships FF - 271/25 PIE Mini-Society: A Workforce Preparation/Entrepreneurial Program for Youth FF - 273/27 PIE Missouri Representative Farms Financial Projections FF - 274/28 PIE Money Action Plan (MAP) FF - 275/29 PIE Helping Businesses in the Dot Corn Era FF - 235/30 PIE Farming Public Issues FF - 272/26 PIE Intimate Partner Violence: Developing Community Response Strategies FF - 278/33 PDE Land/Livestock/Building Recreational Lease Agreement Training FF - 276/31 PDE Learning to Use Net Meeting as a Desktop Conferencing Tool from a Web-Based Course FF - 277/32 PDE Program Essentials for New Staff FF - 279/34 PDE 21st Century Tools for Quality Programs FF - 213/35 PDE Missouri Public Policy Institute-Building Community Through Public Deliberation FF - 280/36 PDE Health and Safety Issues in the Home Environment FF - 281/37 PDE Data Analysis Techniques for Use with the Precision Ag. Master Program FF - 282/38 PDE Extension Leadership Development-New Challenges, New Opportunities FF - 118/39 PDE Course 1-Community Development Academy: Building Communities from the Grassroots FF - 141/40 PDE Course 2-Community Development Academy: Empowering Communities for the Future FF - 283/41 PDE TEaching So They Will Remember FF - 284/42 PDE Community Emergency Response and Consequence Management FF - 285/43 PDE Educating Families in the 21st Century FF - 286/44 PDE Writing Easy to Read Materials for Lower-Level Readers FF - 287/45 PDE Developing Multimedia Presentations-Beyond Computer Slides FF - 288/46 PDE IT Workshop at ETCS FF - 288/46 PDE Initiating an EXCEL (Experience in Community Enterprise and Leadership) Program FF - 290/48 PDE EXCEL Community Leadership Programs: What's Working? What's Not Working? FF - PIE 291/49 NxLevel Training for UOE Agribusiness Counselors FF - PDE 292/51 Northh Central Urban Extension Conf. FF - PIE/PDE 2000 Declined Proposals FF - Specialized PIE Community Based Health Initiatives FF - PDE 293/52 Community Development-Complex & Challenging-Shaping the Future Box 6 - 016402 [return to top][A11-100] FF - Extension Salary Administration, 1997-1998 FF - Extension Salary Administration, 1996-1997 FF - Annual Report Guidelines, 1991 FF - Annual Report, 1991-1992 FF - Annual Report, 1990-1991 FF - Annual Report, 1989-1990 FF - Annual Report, 1988-1989 FF - Annual Report, 1987-1988 FF - Annual Report, 1986-1987 FF - Annual Report, 1985-1986 FF - Annual Report, 1984-1985 FF - Annual Report, 1983-1984 FF - Annual Report, 1982-1983 FF - Annual Report, 1981-1982 FF - Annual Report, 1980-1981 FF - Annual Report, 1979-1980 FF - Retirement Data, 1988-1996 FF - Food Safety and Quality Projects, 1995-1999 FF - Fort Leonard Wood Project, 1999 FF - Project - "Corn Insect Pests: A Diagnostic Approach", 1998-1999 FF - Project - "2nd National Small Farm Congress Educational Tours and Proceedings", 1999 FF - CIS Accounting Training Materials, 1996 Box 7 - 022630 [return to top][A11-100] FF - North Central (NC) Directors - Salary Data, 1999-2003 FF - NC Directors Meeting, 5/2002 FF - NC Directors Meeting, 10/2002 FF - NC Extension Directors - Conference Call, 2/4/2003 FF - NC Directors Meeting, 5/2003 FF - NC Directors Meeting, 9/2003 FF - NC Directors Reports, 1992-2000 FF - North Central Cooperative Extension Association, 1998-2003 FF - Extension Personnel Policy Review, 1999 [Restricted] FF - County Council Input into Performance Evaluation of Regional Specialists, 1995-1998 FF - Career Ladder, 1986 FF - Personnel - Core Competencies, 2000 FF - Titles for Field Faculty, 1990 FF - Staffing and Funding for the 90s, 1990-1995 FF - Tenure Information, 1989, 1997 FF - Extension History, 1963, 2003 FF - Conflict of Interest, 1997-1999 FF - UM Conflict of Interest Work Group, n.d. FF - The Organization, 5/8/2002 FF - Communication Task Force, 2002-2003 FF - E-Business, 2001 FF - E-Extension, 2000-2002 FF - Community Connection, 2001 FF - Community Development Academy, 2000-2002 FF - Community Development Discussion, 2000 FF - Community Viability and Health, 2001 FF - Local Government Meeting, 2/11/2002 FF - Local and State Government Assistance, 4/25/2002 FF - 4-H Budget, 4/1/2003 FF - 4-H Council, 2002 FF - 4-H Foundation, 6/12/2003 FF - State 4-H Congress General Assembly, 6/6/2002 FF - 4-H - Volunteer Enrollment, 2002 FF - 4-H - Volunteer Screening, 1/6/2003 FF - Animal Care Center, 2003 FF - Animal Care National Center Meeting, 5/2/2003 FF - Homeland Security, 2002-2003 FF - EDEN Plant Biosecurity Proposal, 2003 FF - Homeland Security Center RFP - Broadcast Network, 2003 FF - Homeland Security Broadcasting Network Meeting, 7/28/2003 FF - Security/Emergency Preparedness, 2003 FF - Farm Foundation, 2002-2004 FF - IPM [Integrated Pest Management] Meeting, 7/8/2002 FF - "Life Sciences and Missouri's Economic Future: An Opportunity to Build 'One Missouri'", 1/2003 FF - Pesticide Applicator Training, 2002 FF - Pesticide Safety Education Program (PSEP), 2003 FF - Program Logic Model, 2001 FF - Program Logic Model Information, 2002 FF - Showcasing Excellence, 2002 FF - Seminar: Futuring Your Organization, 2003 FF - Futuring Committee, 1/2003 FF - USDA - Regional Contacts, 1990-2000 FF - USDA - State Contacts, 1990-2000 FF - Institutional Review Board (IRB), 2002 FF - Lunch with Russian Visitors, 6/14/2002 FF - Tbilisi Visitors, 7/2001 FF - Leadership Development Program, 2003 FF - CE/HHS Discussion, 3/2002 FF - HHS and Extension Partnership, 6/20/2003 Box 8 - 022639 [return to top][A11-100] FF - Exploring Global Resources Through Extension Training (EGRET) 1, 1998 FF - EGRET 2, 1998-1999 FF - EGRET 3, 1999-2000 FF - EGRET 4, 2000-2001 FF - EGRET PDE, 2001-2002 FF - Missouri Extension Leadership Development (MELD) 1, 1998-1999 FF - MELD 2, 1998-2000 FF - MELD 3, 2000 FF - MELD 4, 2002 FF - Lincoln University, 2000-2003 FF - Small Farm Family Program, 2001-2002 FF - Lincoln University/University of Missouri Joint Advisory Committee, 2001-2002 FF - National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges (NASULGC), 2001-2004 FF - NASULGC Meeting, 2003 FF - NASULGC - National Extension Leadership Development (NELD), 2002-2003 FF - NASULGC - Agriculture Assembly Policy Board of Directors, 2003 FF - Extension Committee on Organization & Policy (ECOP) - Futuring, 2002-2003 FF - ECOP Meeting, 2001-2002 FF - ECOP AHS/COPs Joint Summer Meeting, 2002 FF - ECOP/SPC/PLC/PODC, 2000-2004 FF - ECOP Leadership Advisory Council Meeting, 2003 FF - ECOP and Strategic Planning Council (SPC) Meeting, 2002 FF - Outreach & Extension Alignment with UM Strategic Directions, 2000 FF - Strategic Action Plan - Campuses, 2003 FF - Outreach & Extension Program Evaluation, 1999-2001 FF - Programming - Hispanic, 2000 FF - Department of Economic Development, 2000 FF - Division of Workforce Development (DWD) Project, 2002 FF - Department of Health Meeting, 2002 FF - Anne Lock Department of Health Meeting, 2002 FF - Bureau of Chronic Disease Control, 2003 FF - Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS), 2002 FF - Women's Health Strategic Plan, 2003 FF - Missouri Women's Council, 1998-2003 FF - Status of Women in Missouri, 2002 FF - Status of Women Teleconference, 2002 FF - Women's Health Alliance, 2002-2003 FF - Pharmacy Extension Meetings, 2001-2003 FF - Local Government Management & Leadership Partnership, 2003 Box 9 - 038748 [return to top][A11-100] FF - Program Leaders Meetings FF - Budget Strategies, FY 2001/FY 2002 FF - SPD Meetings, June 2000-January 2001 FF - VPODE Administrative Meetings, 2000 (2 files) FF - AAFCS FF - Extension_Fellowship and Awards Committee FF - Complaint [RESTRICTED] FF - Complaint [RESTRICTED] FF - Complaint [RESTRICTED] FF - PDE 320 - AA/EEO, 10/19/01 FF - Annual Conference, 10/23-25/00 FF - Board of Curator's Presentation Learner-Centered Environment, 5/25/00 FF - County Council Spring Conferences, 2000 FF - National Leadership Seminar, 3/2001 FF - National Leadership Seminar, 3/18-20/2002 FF - Missouri Farm Bureau Agri-Leaders Luncheon, 12/6/1999 FF - Health Initiative, 11/21-23/1999 FF - Program Leader Retreat, 8/28-30/2001 FF - Faculty Performance Shares Plan FF - SC County Council Meeting 10/13/01 FF - SE Regional County Council Meeting, 9/29/01 FF - WC Council_Conference, 10/11/01 FF - NW MECCLC Conference, 9/12/01 FF - Gift/Endowment Program Box 10 - 038749 [return to top][A11-100] FF - Sustaining Rural Community Development FF - Wayne Moore SC Region FF - RD/PD Meetings FF - North Central Directors Meeting, 2/22-24/2000 FF - North Central Directors Meeting, 3/13-15/2000 FF - North Central Director's Meeting, 09/14-15/1999 FF - North Central Director's Meeting, 9/14-15/99 (cont'd) FF - Organizational Effectiveness Survey FF - Personnel - General Correspondence [RESTRICTED] FF - Personnel Complaints [RESTRICTED] FF - Development Leave FF - Personnel - CPD Training FF - County Extension Secretary Training FF - Faculty Performance Shares FY 2001 FF - Human Resource Inventory FF - Personnel - Human Resources Review FF - Personnel - Office Support Information FF - Personnel - Recruitment & Selection Committee Report FF - Policy and Procedure Handbook FF - Recruiting Diversity FF - Personnel Data/Statistics FF - Staff Benefits FF - Program Development Experience FF - Program Implementation Experience FF - Orientation - CoHORT Training FF - Agrability FF - Food & Agricultural Policy Research Institute (FAPRI) FF - FarmFirst FF - Commercial Ag Budgeting/Funding/Support FF - Commercial Ag_Correspondence - General FF - Lower Mississippi Valley Initiative (LMVI) Action Plan FF - Sustainable Agriculture FF - Value-Added Agriculture FF - Watershed FF - Watershed - CPAC FF - Waste Reduction FF - Community Development FF - Economic Impact Study FF - Missouri Express FF - Urban Funding Box 11 - 038923 [return to top][A11-100] FF - B&I Comments FF - B&I Vision FF - Small Business Development Center FF - 21st Century Community Learning Center (grants) FF - Beginnings FF - Family Nutrition Proposal FF - Youth FF - 4-H - 21st Century Tools for Quality Programs FF - Missouri 4-H Foundation FF - KC ASAP Program FF - 4-H ASAP FF - Named Program FY2001 FF - Strategic Direction Implementation/Reporting FF - Washington State Accountability System FF - Measuring Program Outcomes FF - CD (previous versions) Content-Based Plan FF - Youth (previous versions) Content-Based Plan FF - AGNR (previous versions) Content-Based Plan FF - B&I (previous versions) Content-Based Plan FF - HES (previous versions) Content-Based Plan FF - Regional Resource Staffing (April0 FF - State Government FF - DED -_UO/E_Coordination & Cooperation FF - IFAFS FF - Funds for Rural American FF - UMKC Presentation (by Turner), 7/18/2000 FF - Urban Initiative Video Conference, 9/27/2000 FF - Kansas City Meeting, 4/18/2001 FF - USDA Preparing for Future Workforce Box 12 - 042652 [return to top][A11-100] FF - Program Development Plan of Work, 1991 FF - Program Development Plan of Work - Phases and Summaries, 1995 FF - Outreach & Extension Mission Enhancement Reports, 2000 FF - Program Leader Meeting Materials, 2002 FF - Program Leader Meeting Materials, 2001 FF - Clay County Annual Meeting, 2002 FF - Central Missouri Regional Council Meeting, 2002 FF - Lafayette LEAD 2000 Correspondence, 2001 FF - Missouri Legislative Black Caucus Foundation Conference, 2003 FF - Multi-State Pasture Dairy Program Teleconference, 2002 FF - South Central Regional Staff Meeting, 2002 FF - Sedalia Retiree Meeting, 2002 FF - Missouri Institute of Public Policy, 2000 FF - Agriculture Research, Producers Grant, 2002-2003 FF - National Urban Task Force, 2002 FF - Regional Programs, 1999-2002 FF - Regional Director Issues, 2001 FF - Brock Laws Employment, 2001 FF - Platte County Extension Council, 2002 FF - Central Region Staffing, Budget, etc, 2002 FF - Southwest Region Budget, Correspondence, etc, 2002-2003 FF - East Central Region Budget, Program Concerns, etc, 1999-2002 FF - South Central Region Budget, Meeting Materials, etc, 2001-2002 FF - Northeast Region Budget Allocation, 2002 FF - Southeast Region Correspondence, Budget, etc, 2002 FF - Northwest Region Budget, Meeting Materials, etc, 2002 FF - West Central Region Budget, Audit Report, 2001-2002 FF - Agriculture - General Correspondence, 2002-2003 FF - Personnel Correspondence - General, 2001-2002 FF - Enneagram, 2002 FF - 4-H Development Educator, 2003 FF - Bootheel Meetings, 2002 FF - Educational Assistants - Reclassification, 2003 FF - Educational Assistants, 1998-2002 FF - Family Nutrition Education Programs, 1995-2000 FF - County Extension Council Membership, 1993 FF - Northeast Regional Council Meeting, 2001 FF - Southwest Regional Council Meeting, 2001 FF - East Central Regional Council Meeting, 2001 FF - Southeast Regional Council Meeting, 2001 FF - Regional Director Administrative Assistant Request, 2001 FF - Workshop Evaluation, 2002 FF - County/Region Fee Generation Report, n.d. FF - County Extension Council Appointments, 1990-1999 FF - Southwest Missourit Dairy Farms Outreach Development Fund Program, 2003 Box 13 - 052736 [return to top][A11-100] Contains Boone County 4-H Youth Group Reports for 2000-2001, including training logs and member enrollment and re-enrollment forms [RESTRICTED]. Box 14 - 104137 [return to top][A11-100] FF - Missouri Distance Learning (MODLA) Standards and Guidelines, 2001 FF - Missouri Procurement Assistance Centers (MO-PAC) Surveys, 2001 FF - Outreach & Extension National Leadership Seminar, 2001 FF - Missouri Small Business Development Centers - NxLeveL Training,2001 FF - Program Implementation Experience, Professional Development Experience Proposals, 2001 FF - Outreach & Extension Program Impact Report, 2001 FF - Rolling Resource Plan, 2001 FF - Outreach & Extension System Program Director Meeting Materials and Agendas, 2001 FF - PRIME Grant, 2001 FF - Competency Based Approach to Training, 1995, 2000 FF - Outreach & Extension - Planning for Transportation-Related Contingencies, 2001-2002 FF - Outreach & Extension Business Needs Survey - Central Missouri, 2001 FF - Penn State Outreach & Extension - Using the Internet in Support of University Engagement, 2001 FF - Vice President for Outreach - Meetings and Meeting Materials, 2001 FF - Outreach & Extension Work Group Meeting, 2001 FF - World Group Charter, 2001 FF - Division of Workforce Development, 2001-2003 FF - Impact of Counter Terrorism Security Actions on Research, Development and Higher Education, 2002 FF - Fund for Rural America - Grant Info, 2002 [RESTRICTED] FF - Brookings Institution Publication - Growth in the Heartland, 2002 FF - Outreach & Extension - Household Hazardous Waste Management, 2001-2002 FF - Market Development Program Info, Reports, and Grant, 2001-2001 FF - Partnership for Innovation, 2002 FF - Program Implementation Experience, Professional Development Experience Proposals, 2001-2002 FF - Missouri Small Business Development Center, 2002 FF - SBIR Program Director Central Missouri Region - Vacancy, 2002 FF - Outreach & Extension Southwest Region Latino Surveys - Jim Wirth, 2002 FF - Batten Briefings, 2003 FF - Outreach & Extension - Business Development Advisory Board, 2003-2004 FF - Distance Learning and Telemedicine Loan and Grant Program, 2003 FF - Outreach Development Fund - Funding Letters, 2003 FF - Program Leadership Council Meeting Agenda and Materials, 2003 Box 15 - 104138 [return to top][A11-100] FF - Jim Shonkwiler, 2001 [RESTRICTED] FF - Curator Anne Ream, 2001 [RESTRICTED] FF - Ron Turner, 2001 [RESTRICTED] FF - Pat Sobrero, 2001 [RESTRICTED] FF - Pat Sobrero, 2002-2003 [RESTRICTED] FF - Paul Cretin, 1981-2002 [RESTRICTED] FF - John Haden, 2000-2001 [RESTRICTED] FF - Drew Holt, 1995-2002 [RESTRICTED] FF - Aline L. Laing, 1997-2002 [RESTRICTED] FF - Janet Nnadi, 2002 [RESTRICTED] FF - Industry-at-a-Glance - Child Care Services - UMR, 2001 FF - Industry-at-a-Glance - Employee Benefits, 7/2001 FF - Industry-at-a-Glance - Renewable Energy Sources, 9/2001 FF - Industry-at-a-Glance - Lodging, 11/2001 FF - Industry-at-a-Glance - Security, 2/2002 FF - MO SBDC Strategic Action Plan, 9/1998 FF - "Entrepreneurship: Changing the Odds - An Overview of the Knowledge and Skills You Need to Start and Manage Your Own Business", 1998 FF - State Entrepreneurship Policies and Programs - Kauffman, 11/1999 FF - ASBDC.Net Advisory Board - 10/2000 FF - ASBDC.Net Advisory Board - Conference Call, 12/20/2000 FF - "Big Issues for Small Business: An Environmental Scan for SBDC", 2000 FF - Business Retention and Expansion - Visitation, 2000 FF - Center for Enterprise Education Proposal, 12/2000 FF - Global Entrepreneurship Monitor - Executive Report, 2000 FF - Global Entrepreneurship Monitor - NGA Policy Academy, 2000 FF - "The HR Scorecard: Linking People, Strategy, and Performance", 2000 FF - Impact Study - SBDC, 2000-2001 FF - Leadership Articles, 2000 FF - SBDC Data, FY 2000 FF - State of Missouri - E-Government Report and Plan, 10/18/2000 FF - "The Future of Small Business: Trends for a New Century", 2000 FF - Harper, Stephen C. "The Leader as Futurist and Visionary: Role of Anticipatory Management in Strategic Leadership", 2000 FF - US Small Business Administration - "The Third Millennium: Small Business and Entrepreneurship in the 21st Century", 2000 FF - 4th Annual Governor's Economic Development Conference, 5/2001 FF - Board of Curators Meeting, 9/10/2001 FF - Business and Industry Planning Meeting, 3/2001 FF - Business and Industry Content-Based Program and Resource Plan, 2001 FF - Center for Competitive Analysis (CCA) - St. Louis, 2001 FF - Cooperative Partnership Agreement with B&I Specialist, 2001 FF - "Doing Business in Missouri" - Joint Project with DED, 3/2001 FF - Environ Education Program Grant, 2001 FF - Feasibility Assessment for Expansion of Household Hazards, Fall 2001 FF - Meeting with Gary Wilson - Fire and Rescue, 5/23/2001 FF - Information Technologies Management Committee (ITMC), 2001 FF - ITMC, 2002 FF - Life Sciences in Mid-Missouri (draft), 6/30/2001 FF - Market Development Grant, 2001 FF - Missouri Economic Development Council (MEDC) Conference, 5/30-6/1/2001 FF - [Missouri Business Development Network (MoBDN) - Advisory Board Meeting, 8/2001 FF - MoBDN - Strategic Planning Meeting, 8/2001 FF - MoBDN - Advisory Board Meeting - Notes and Roster, 11/2001 Box 16 - 110433 [return to top][A11-100] FF - Outreach & Extension Base Programming Proposals, 1997 FF - Benchmarking - How to Measure Institutional Performance Outcomes, 1998 FF - Outreach & Extension Child Care Evaluation Proposal, 1997 FF - Outreach & Extension COMBAT Proposal, 1997 FF - Community Connection Advisory Committee, 1999 FF - County Clerical Training, 1999 FF - Community Action Agencies, 1998 FF - Community-Based Family and Domestic Violence, 1999 FF - Missouri Extension Leadership Development Program (MELD) Emotional Intelligence of Leaders, December 1998 FF - Local Government CECH-UP Citizenship Education Clearing House, UMSL Urban Extension, 1997 FF - Evaluation Leadership Academy South Central Region, 1997 FF - Evaluation Assessment, 1997 FF - Experiment in Community Enterprise and Leadership (EXCEL) Program Info and Evaluation, 1997-2001 FF - Missouri Issues Forum Program Information, 1997-2000 FF - Child and Youth Development FF - 4-H Leadership Development Program Information and Evaluation FF - 4-H Development Programs Evaluation Initiatives, 1998-2002 FF - Personnel and Performance Appraisal Focus Groups, 1993 FF - Food Safety, 1999 FF - USDA Food and Agriculture Council of Missouri Meeting Minutes, 4/10/1997 FF - Food Safety - Program Location and Description, 1999 FF - Outreach & Extension General Program Information, 1997 FF - Governor's Commission on Information Technology, 1994 FF - How Groups Operate FF - How to Get Started in Program Development, 1992 FF - Outreach & Extension Human Resources Development Unit, 1991-1994 FF - Individual Development Plan Committee, 1993-1995 FF - Individual Development Plan Survey Responses, Murray's File FF - Integrated Violence Response Johnson County, Kansas, 1998 FF - Phelps County Extension Staff Survey Answers and Employee Evaluation [RESTRICTED] FF - Kettering Foundation Public Issues FF - Kettering Foundation Workbooks and Publications, 1998-1999 Box 17 - 110467 [return to top][A11-100] FF - Salary Recommendations, 2001-2002 [RESTRICTED] FF - Salary Analysis, 2000-2001 FF - David Hoffman, 2000 [RESTRICTED] FF - Newton County, 1995-1997 FF - Warren County, 2001-2002 FF - Richard Janes, EC Region, 2001 [RESTRICTED] FF - Kemper Garden Center, 1995 FF - Glen Easter, 2002 [RESTRICTED] FF - Glen Easter, 2001 [RESTRICTED] FF - Glen Easter, 2000 [RESTRICTED] FF - Shannon County, 1996, 2000-2001 FF - Anjy Tripathy, 2002 [RESTRICTED] FF - Glenda Hensley, 1999 [RESTRICTED] FF - Delta Center Soil Lab, 1996-1998 FF - Mike Milam, 1995 [RESTRICTED] FF - Van Ayres, 1995 [RESTRICTED] FF - Personnel Issues, 1999-2002 [RESTRICTED] FF - Janet Nnadi, 2002 [RESTRICTED] FF - Randolph County, 1997-2001 FF - Northeast Region General Correspondence, 1997-2002 [RESTRICTED] FF - York Choo, 1995, 1998 [RESTRICTED] FF - Northwest Regional Director Search, 1996 [RESTRICTED] FF - DeKalb County Issue, 2001-2002 [RESTRICTED] FF - Aline Laing, 2000 [RESTRICTED] FF - Jerry Olsen, Northwest Region, 1998-1999 [RESTRICTED] FF - Darrell Meeker, 1995-1996 [RESTRICTED] FF - Brocke Laws, 2000 [RESTRICTED] FF - The Best of America Human Resources Conference, Tampa FL, 2/1992 FF - Regional Operations Correspondence, 1995 FF - Regional Operations Correspondence, 1996 Box 18 - 110469 [return to top][A11-100] FF - Annual Conference, 10/1997 FF - Annual Conference Evaluation, 1998 FF - Annual Conference Survey Results - Murray's File, 1997-1998 FF - Annual Conference - Miscellaneous, 1996 FF - Annual Conference - Speaker Contracts, 1996 FF - Annual Conference, 1996 FF - Annual Conference, 1995 FF - Annual Conference - Miscellaneous, 1995 FF - Annual Conference, 9/1994 FF - Annual Conference, 1993 FF - Annual Conference, 9/1992 FF - Annual Conference - Programming Subcommittee, 1991 FF - Annual Conference, Fall 1990 FF - Annual Conference Evaluation, 1987 FF - Annual In-Service Education Conference - Planning Committee, 1986 FF - Annual Conference - Programs, 1980-1990 FF - Community Leadership, Trenton, 3/7/1992 FF - Outreach 2000 Conference, 1997 FF - Team Training, Bowling Green, 1994 FF - CPD [County Program Director] Roles and Relationships Survey Committee, 1993 Box 19 - 110499 [return to top][A11-100] FF - Homeland Security, 2002 FF - Saline County Evaluation Report, 1997-2000 FF - IPAST [Identity Preserved Agricultural Systems Team], 1999 FF - South Central Farmers' Market Cooperative, 1999 FF - Strategic Direction Document, 5/30/2000 FF - Strategic Plan, 2000 FF - 21st Century Program Committee, 2000 FF - Moving into 21st Century Retreat, 8/2000 FF - Recruitment and Selection Policy and Procedures, 1998-1999 FF - System Program Director - Program Performance, 2000 FF - Regional Staffing, 4/2000 FF - Regional Staffing - Southwest Missouri, 4/2000 FF - Regional Plan of Work Summaries - Larry Hale, 1999 FF - Rolling Staffing Plan, 2000 FF - Rolling Resource Plan, 12/2000 FF - Rolling Resource Plan - Northeast, 1/2001 FF - Program Evaluation Resources, 1998 FF - Evaluation Proposals, 1997 FF - Program Evaluation Resources, 1995-1997 FF - Bios for Program Evaluation Resources, 1996-1997 FF - Team Training, Fredericktown, 1994 FF - Moberly Team Building Process, 1991-1998 FF - Randolph County EXCEL III Retreat Evaluation, 1/1992 FF - Small Farm Family Conference, 1995 FF - Small Farm Conference, 10/1999 Box 20 - 110500 [return to top][A11-100] FF - National Extension Leadership Development Program (NELD) - North Central, 1996-1997 FF - NELD Handouts, 1997 FF - Design for Learning Materials, 1995 FF - NELD, 1997-1998 FF - NELD - Applications, 1997-1998 FF - NELD - Intern Application, 1999 FF - NELD - North Central Applications, 1999 FF - NELD - North Central Seminar, 1998-1999 FF - Fort Leonard Wood Army Project, 4/21/1999 FF - Organizational Effectiveness Survey - Lear/Travnichek, FY 2000 FF - Outcome Measurement Videoconference, 1/13/2000 FF - Outcome Measurement, 1/13/2000 (cont'd) FF - Partnership for Children's Health, 3/2/1998 FF - Program Logic Model - Handouts, 2001-2002 [contains floppy disks] FF - Regional Training on Program Logic Model, 2001 FF - Program Information - Rural Policy Research Institute (RUPRI), 1995 FF - Secretary Training Work Group, 1997 FF - South Central Retreat, 11/1997 FF - "State of Franklin" Data Source Book, 1989 FF - Youth Recreation Institute, 1997 FF - Staff Development, 1990 FF - Alianzas, Springfield, 2001 FF - Northwest - Hundley-Whaley Partnership, 2002 FF - AgrAbility, 2002 Box 21 - 110501 [return to top][A11-100] FF - Program Plans Summary and Budget Information (2000) FF - UMSL Urban Extension Project (1995) FF - Ag Business Network Dinner - Reynolds Alumni Center (Oct 2000) FF - Outreach & Extension County Council Conference (2001) FF - Education Assistant Position Description and Requirements (1995-2002) FF - Education Assistant Position Description and Requirements (2001) FF - Outreach & Extension Nutritional Education Assistants (2002) FF - Initiative for Future Agriculture and Food Systems (IFAFS) Reports and Correspondence (2001) FF - North Central Administrative Leadership Conference Materials and Correspondence (2001) FF - Strategic Management Systems Presentations, and 4 Floppy Disks (2002) FF - Foreign Nationals H-1B Hiring Process (2002) FF - Outreach & Extension Select Programs and Funding (1995) FF - Outreach & Extension Program Reviews (1995) FF - Water Quality Education Conference Materials (1999) FF - Outreach & Extension Concept Papers and Publications (1995) FF - Outreach & Extension County Council Leadership Conference (2000) FF - Agriculture Program Director Search Committee Applicants and Correspondence (2000) FF - UMKC Kauhfman Foundation Community Monitoring Study Report (Feb 1997) FF - Materials from Board of Curators Meeting with Ron Turner of Outreach & Extension (2000) FF - Identity Preserved Agriculture System Team Illustration (1999) FF - Office of Value Added Agriculture - Denny Heldman (1997-1999) FF - Exploring Global Resources Through Extension Training (EGRET) Class II, III, & IV (2000) FF - EGRET Trip to Costa Rica (1999) FF - Outreach Development Fund Program Progress Reports (1998) FF - Value Added Agriculture Concept Papers (1997-1998) FF - Mission Enhancement Funding for Urban Neighborhood/University Partnership FY2000 (1999) FF - Outreach Development Fund - Advanced EXCEL FY2000 (1999) FF - Ag Profitability and Viability and Environmental Quality and Stewardship Program Info & Funding (2000) FF - CECH-Up Local Government Program Funding and Progress Report (1999) FF - EGRET Class III Proposal and Costa Rica Trip (1999) FF - Outreach Development Fund Southwest Missouri Family Dairy Farm Project Funds FY2000 (1999) FF - Outreach Development Fund Farm Business Management Information System Funds FY2000 (1999) FF - Outreach Development Fund Interactive Education Program for MO Cattle Producers Funds FY2000 (1999) FF - International Enterprise Development Project Funding and Program Report (1999-2000) FF - Missouri Alternatives Center Agreement (1998-2001) FF - Missouri Issue Forms (1998) FF - Enhance Production and Profitability of MO Cow-Calf Industry Funds FY2000 (1999) FF - Sustainable Food and Farming Systems Focus Team Program Info and Funds FY2000 (1999) FF - Swine Production Technology Education and Implementation Program Info and Funds FY2000 (1999) FF - Public Policy Project - Agreement with Kettering Foundation, Funds FY2000 (1999) FF - Internet Masters Program Evaluation - Program Update and Funds FY2000 (1998-1999) Box 22 - 110503 [return to top][A11-100] FF - Missouri Welfare Reform, 1996 FF - Western Missouri Research Applications & Extension Center, 1990 FF - Outreach & Extension Workforce Productivity, 1990-1991 FF - Program Outcomes FF - Program Outcomes - Transparencies FF - Outreach & Extension State Grange County Appointments, 1989-1999 FF - Missouri National Farmers Organization County Appointments, 1989-1999 FF - MFA County Appointments, 1989-1998 FF - Farm Bureau County Appointments, 1989-1999 FF - Cotton Producers County Appointments, 1971-1980 FF - Extension Council Audit Review, 1995-1997 FF - Regional Advisory Extension Council Guidelines, 1994 FF - Tory Shade - Southeast Region Outreach and Extension Director, 1999 [RESTRICTED] FF - Missouri Rural Economic Assistance Program Folder 1, 1998 FF - Missouri Rural Economic Assistance Program Folder 2, 1998 FF - Missouri Rural Economic Assistance Program Folder 3, 1998 FF - Ron Turner Budget Letters, April 2000 FF - Budget Letters, 1999-2000 FF - Outreach & Extension Salary/Stipend Guidelines FF - Employee Performance Appraisal and Reappointment Policy, 2002 FF - Outreach & Extension Budget Planning and Issues, 2002-2006 FF - New Faculty Tour Planning Committee, 1998 FF - Outreach &Extension Regional Revenue Generation, 1995-1996 FF - Mark Stillwell Performance Appraisal, 1995-2000 FF - Central MO Outreach & Extension Programs, 1999-2000 FF - Introduction to Missouri Outreach & Extension FF - Northwest Outreach & Extension Office, 2000 FF - Northeast Outreach & Extension Office, 2000 FF - Performance Appraisal, 2000 [RESTRICTED] Box 23 - 110504 [return to top][A11-100] FF - Outreach & Extension County Council Conferences Folder 1, 1998-1999 FF - Outreach & Extension County Council Conferences Folder 2, 1998-1999 FF - Outreach & Extension County Council Conferences Folder 1, 2000 FF - Outreach & Extension County Council Conferences Folder 2, 2000 FF - Outcome Measurement II Information and Materials, 2001 FF - Outreach & Extension Cow/Calf Quarterly Report, Jan-Mar 1999 FF - Outreach & Extension Cow/Calf Quarterly Report, April-June 1999 FF - Outreach & Extension Cow/Calf Quarterly Report, July-Sept 1999 FF - Outreach & Extension Cow/Calf Quarterly Report, Oct-Dec 1999 FF - Show Me Select Project Progress and Work Plan, 2000 FF - 1440 - Rural Crisis Recovery Act Ag in Transition Funding and Projects, 1986-1990 FF - 1440 - Rural Crisis Recovery Act Annual Report and Project Information, 1988-1990 FF - 1440 - Rural Crisis Recovery Act Conference - Agenda, Materials, Follow-up, 1988-1989 FF - 1440 - Rural Crisis Recovery Act Multi-State Meeting, 1988 FF - Congressional Rural Caucus, 1989 FF - Missouri 1440 - Rural Crisis Recovery Act Evaluation and Plan of Work, 1989 FF - Iowa 1440 - Rural Crisis Recovery Act Status Report and Responses, 1989 FF - Kansas 1440 - Rural Crisis Recovery Act Project Action Sheet, 1989 FF - Mississippi 1440 - Rural Crisis Recovery Act Project Action Sheet and Plan to Assist Financially Stressed and Displaced Farmers, 1988-1989 FF - Nebraska 1440 - Rural Crisis Recovery Act Funding for Agriculture in Transition Program, 1989 FF - North Dakota 1440 - Rural Crisis Recovery Act - Financially Stressed and Displaced Farmers, 1988 FF - Oklahoma 1440 - Rural Crisis Recovery Act- Helping Hand: Assist Financially Stressed and Displaced Farmers, 1989 FF - Vermont 1440 - Rural Crisis Recovery Act Program Information and Action Sheet, 1989 FF - Office of Extension Council Members - East Central, Northeast, Northwest, 2000) FF - Office of Extension Council Members - South Central, Southeast, Southwest, West Central, 2000 Box 24 - 113236 [return to top][A11-100] FF - Outreach Development Funds - "Educational Programs - Cow/Calf Industry" 2001 Quarterly Report FF - Outreach Development Funds (reports), 2000 FF - Outreach Development Funds (reports - 3 files), 1999 FF - Outreach Development Funds (3 files), 1995-1997 FF - Infrastructure Planning goal, 1997 FF - Program Background Material FF - MO Enterprise Develop Focus Team Retreat, June 16, 1999 FF - Base Programs, 1996-1999 FF - Co Plan of Work Survey, July 1995 Box 25 - 124543 [return to top][A11-100] FF - FY 1999 Budget FF - FY 2000 Budget FF - FY 2001 Budget FF - Complaints & Personnel, 2000-2002 (various folders) [RESTRICTED] FF - Diversity FF - FarmFirst FF - Program Evaluation, 2000 FF - Missouri Extension County Council Leadership Council (MECCLC) FF - MECCLC Program Issues FF - ME Budget and Dates FF - MECCLC Notes/Action FF - UN Missouri Statements FF - MPPERS FF - Personnel/Hiring [RESTRICTED] FF - Personnel Oversight [RESTRICTED] FF - University Outreach and Extension - County Extension Council(s) FF - UM Mission Enhancement FF - UOE/UMKC MOA Urban Neighborhood/University Partnership FF - UOE/UMSL MOA Urban Neighborhoo/University Partnership Box 26 - 128330 [return to top][A11-100] FF - Outreach & Extension County Office Reviews, 1994-1999 FF - Outreach & Extension County Audits, 1994-2002 FF - Outreach & Extension and Excellence in Missouri Foundation Consulting Agreement and Materials, 2002 FF - Food Circles Networking Project, 1998 FF - Food Safety and Quality Plan of Work, 1999-2000 FF - Extension Outreach & Education Project - Water Quality, 1998-2001 [RESTRICTED] FF - Missouri AgrAbility Program, 1994-2001 [RESTRICTED] FF - Missouri Alternatives Center, 1994-2000 FF - Mid-America Trade Adjustment Assistance Center, 1989-1999 [RESTRICTED] FF - Missouri Procurement Assistance Center, 1996 [RESTRICTED] FF - Commercial Agriculture History Budget and Program Information, 1992-1996 [RESTRICTED] FF - Missouri Watershed Information Network (MOWIN), 1997-1999 Box 27 - 129541 [return to top][A11-100] FF - FY 2000 - Activity Reports - alphabetical by county - Budgets FF - FY 2001 - Activity Reports - alphabetical by county - Budgets FF - FY 2002 - Activity Reports - alphabetical by county - MPPERS Reports Restrictions Note: The Archives of the University of Missouri-Columbia is required by law and Board of Curator's policy to restrict access to some files and information. Student records are held as confidential under the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and by University policy. Faculty promotion and tenure records and Academic Personnel files are restricted for 75 years, or the lifetime of the individual. All grievance, disciplinary, and medical records are treated as confidential files. Consultations with legal counsel, both in-house and external, are protected by the attorney/client privilege and will not be released. |
Published by: University Archives
Compiled: October 2011
Revised: 20 October 2011
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