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Box Lists for UW:4/72/15Note to Researcher: These records have not been processed to the level of an inventory and may therefore contain RESTRICTED material not specifically annotated as such and access may be limited in that regard. Please see the RESTRICTIONS NOTE at the end of the box list(s). Box 1 - 053105 (return to top)(A11-57) FF - Budget Crisis, 2002 FF - Budget Crisis, 2002-2003 FF - Brochure Presentation, ca. 1995 FF - Web Marketing PDE (Professional Development Experience), 2000 FF - Marketing, 1993-1994 (includes University Extension pin, button, and stickers) FF - Presentations - Marketing, ca. 2001 (includes transparencies) FF - Presentations - Message Mapping, 2001 FF - Presentations - Southwest Region County Secretaries, 1995 FF - Presentations - Writing, n.d. FF - Unidentified Presentation, n.d. (includes transparencies) FF - University Outreach/Extension Board of Curators Presentation, 2000-2003 FF - County Program Director Presentation, 1988 FF - County Program Director Training, 1988 FF - Internet Marketing, 1996 FF - Media Training, 1991 FF - News/Writing, 1990-2003 FF - Jefferson County Marketing, 1997 FF - Brochures, 1987-1988 (includes slides) FF - Marketing, 1988 FF - Marketing Focus Groups, 1987 FF - Marketing, 1993-1994 FF - Marketing Tips, n.d. FF - Marketing, 1991-1992 FF - University of Minnesota Extension, 1998 FF - In-Service Education Conferences, 1978-1982 FF - Marketing, 1998-1999 (includes audiocassette) Box 2 - 053185 (return to top)(A11-57) FF - Marketing, 1985-1993 FF - Marketing ISE (In-Service Education), 1995 FF - Originals for Marketing Binders, n.d. (includes slides) FF - Marketing Task Force, 1983-1987, 1995 FF - Marketing Task Force, 1987, 1994-1997 FF - Marketing Research, 1988-1995 FF - Wright County Marketing, 1994 FF - County Marketing Plans, 1988-1989 FF - Marketing Pilot, 1987-1990 FF - Publications Marketing, ca. 1981-1982 FF - Randolph County Marketing, 1988-1990 FF - Marketing Materials, 2003 FF - Marketing Model Presentation, 1999 FF - Newsletters, 1989-2004 FF - Marketing/Writing Ideas, 1995-2004 FF - Historic Marketing Packet, 1987-1989 FF - Marketing ISE, 5/1995 FF - Council for Advancement and Support of Education - Currents, 2/1993 FF - Marketing, 1987-1991 FF - Marketing, 1987-1995 FF - Marketing Originals, 1995-1999 FF - Marketing, 1991-2004 FF - Personal Image, 2003 FF - Marketing ISE, 5/17/1995 FF - Marketing ISE, 1985-1988 FF - Marketing, 1992 FF - Newsletters, 1992-1995 FF - University Extension Reorganization, 1992-1993 Box 3 - 029648 (return to top)(A11-58) FF - Miscellaneous correspondence, etc., 2003-2007 FF - Extension Consolidation Information - Mailing Sample, 2003 FF - Ron Turner - Speech - Saline County Fiber Connectivity Group, 1999 FF - Ron Turner - Speechs, 1996-2003 FF - Ron Turner - Counties visited 1993-2003, 2003 FF - Outreach 2000 (includes strategic directions, Board of Curators presentation, notes, correspondence), 1994-2000 FF - Budget Stabilization Communications Committee, 1990-1991 FF - Technology Initiatives - Presentation, ca. 1996 FF - Ike Skelton (meetings, briefings), 1995-2002 FF - University Outreach and Extension Week, 2000-2004 FF - University Extension - Terminology, 1987, 1990 FF - John Lichtenegger - Correspondence, 1989 FF - University Extension Case Statement, 1989 FF - University Extension - Strategic Directions and Planning, 1999-2004 FF - University Outreach and Extension - Plan of Work, 1998-1999 FF - North Central Region Directors Meeting - 21st Century Strategic Direction, 2000, 2002 FF - New Millenium Brochures, etc. (includes photographic artwork), 1999 FF - University Extension Publications Committee, 1995-1996 FF - University Extension - 1994 Interns' Report on Information Technology, 1995 FF - University Extension - Printed and Duplicated - Publicity, ca. 1993 FF - County Extension Centers Contact List, n.d. FF - "Extension...Life-long Learning for Missourians - A Brief Look at Extension's Current Programming and Operations," 1985 FF - University Extension - New Faculty Orientation Handbook, 2004 FF - University Extension - New Faculty Orientation Handbook, 2004 (cont'd) FF - "Toward a New Era of Excellence - An Update of the Five-Year Plan of the Extension Division, University of Missouri-Columbia," 1991 Binder - Continuing Education Slideshows (includes slides and scripts for Health Professionals, Public Safety Education, Out-State Centers, Youth and 4-H Programs, and the Small Farm Program), ca. 1976 FF - Downing Display, 1993-1998 Box 4 - Ellis (return to top)(A11-58) Various display pieces (mounted) for a MU Extension campaign entitled "The Power of Lifelong Learning" (included are informational pieces on the different units providing extension or continuing education programs: 4-H, Labor Education, Legal Education, Independent Study, Law Enforcement Training and Research, MU Conference, Missouri Training Institute, Small Business Development Center, Distance Learning Design Center, Human Environmental Sciences, Export Development, Health Professions, ParentLink, Professional Education, Veterinary Medicine, Agriculture, Publications, Teaching, Fire and Rescue Training), n.d. Box 5 - UMLD1 (return to top)(A14-65) FF - Presentation - "Leading in New Directions" (includes transparencies), ca. 1998 FF - University Extension - Background information for Gracia Yancey Backer, 1997 FF - Retirement Event (Ron Powers, Jim Preston, Lu Harper, Don Fancher, Norlin Hein, Barb Froke, Jim Summers), 1999 FF - Ron Turner Reception (includes copies of State Resolution), December 9, 2003 FF - Board of Curators IT Committee Report Presentation - "IT Enchances University Outreach and Extension Programming" (includes correspondence and supplemental material), 2000 FF - Telecommunication Community Resource Centers (TCRC) - Presentation (include brochures), ca. 1999 FF - University Extension Task Force, 1992-1993 FF - Extension and University Outreach - History (documents collected by Sandy Stegall to reflect the period when Extension became part of University Outreach), 1992-1993 FF - Expert Guide and Regional Impacts Report, 2005 FF - Faculty Directory - East Central Region, 1997 Item - CD-ROM - Be A Leader In The New Millennium, ca. 2001 [transferred to server] OSF 1 - Ellis (return to top)(A11-58) Poster (mounted) - Ratchford Display in Whitten Hall, 2004 Item - Photographic Proof for Ratchford Display poster, 2004 Item - Photographic Ratchford Display layout key, 2004 Restrictions Note: The Archives of the University of Missouri-Columbia is required by law and Board of Curator's policy to restrict access to some files and information. Student records are held as confidential under the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and by University policy. Faculty promotion and tenure records and Academic Personnel files are restricted for 75 years, or the lifetime of the individual. All grievance, disciplinary, and medical records are treated as confidential files. Consultations with legal counsel, both in-house and external, are protected by the attorney/client privilege and will not be released. |
Published by: University Archives
Compiled: June 2011
Revised: 30 June 2021
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