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Box Lists for UW:4/72/14

Note to Researcher: These box lists are provided by the originating office. They have not been verified for accuracy by the staff of University Archives. Furthermore, since these records have not been processed to the level of an inventory, there may be RESTRICTED material not specifically annotated as such and access may be limited in that regard. Please see the RESTRICTIONS NOTE at the end of the box list(s).

Box 1 - 010392


FF - 2001 Program Implementation

FF - 2001 Extension Week

FF - 1997 Diversity

FF - 1999 UOE Endowment Funds

FF - 1987 Mary Nell Greenwood Memorial Fund

FF - 2001 ECOP Budget Committee (including Wisconsin HHS Request, IFAFS Proposal, Health Services)

FF - 2000 ECOP Meeting (Baltimore, MD)

FF - 2000 ECOP Budget Committee (4 folders)

FF - 1997 IT Plan (from Dr. Turner's office)

FF - FY 2000 Budget files (from Dr. Turner's office)

FF - FY 1999 Budget Planning files (from Dr. Turner's office)

Box 2 - 010393


FF - 2000 Fall Faculty Tour

FF - 1999-2000 Farm First, Farm Financial discussions, MO Farms

FF - 2000 UOE Faculty Performance Shares

FF - 1999 Connecting with Saline County

FF - 2000 Saline County Project

FF - 2000 Cooper County File

FF - 1999 4-H Youth Program Review Report

FF - 1999 Welfare to Work Program/Rosilee Trotta

FF - 1999 East Central Regional Director Search

FF - 2000 Glen Easter, NW RD Candidate Interview

FF - 1999 Discrimination cases [RESTRICTED]

FF - 2000 Food & Nutrition / Douglas County

FF - 1999-2000 CREES / Disadvantaged Minority Producers / Joplin / Carthage

FF - 2001 SW Regional Council Spring Conf.

FF - 1999-200 1 Southwest Region

FF - 1999 Info Source

FF - Sept. 2001 - MO Bus Development Network

Box 3 - 010394


FF - 2000 - Phil Givens

FF - 2000 SBDC (Small Business Development Center)

FF - Sept. 2001 MO. Bus. Deve. Advisory Board

FF - 2000 Center for Enterprise Deve.

FF - 2000 SBDC Web Based Training proposal

FF - 2000 SBDC Gov. Relations Efforts

FF - 2001 SI3DC (Small Business Development Center)

FF - August 2001 - MO Bus. Dev, Network Meeting

FF - 2001 Center for Enterprise Education

FF - 2001 Files for Russia, Germany, Republic of Georgia, South Africa (TELP)

FF - 2001 SA Briefing

FF - 2001 Bill Welsh Seminar

FF - 2001 State Intl. Office

FF - 2001 Mel George & ROG Guests

FF - 1996 International Fellowship Program

FF - 2001 Global Leadership Exchange

FF - 2001 Visit to Ireland

FF - 2000 Ireland

FF - 2000 Letterkenny Inst. Of Tech. Visitors

FF - 1998 and 1999 Ireland files - (Sam Burnside) - (Storytelling for the new Millennium 9-21-99)

FF - 1999 Labor Education Meeting

FF - 1997 Labor

FF - 1997 Duke McVey

FF - 1997 Cooperative Labor Education Proposal

FF - 1996 Labor Education Meeting

FF - 1996 Duke McVey

FF - 1994 Duke McVey

Box 4 - 010395


FF - 2001 Legislative Day

FF - 2001 Communication to Legislators

FF - 2000 Freshman Legislative Tour

FF - 2000 Governor's Conference on Higher Ed

FF - 2000 Legislative Day

FF - 1999 International Speaker/GAW

FF - 1998-2000 Meetings with Lincoln Reps (6 files)

FF - 1998-2002 Mission Enhancement - UMKC Strategic Planning Update - Center for Education and Work - Center for Competitive Analysis

FF - 1998 Missouri Alternatives Center

FF - 1997 Missouri Distance Learning Association

FF - 2001 MELD Ill Training Team

FF - 2001 R. Travnichek - Organizational Effectiveness

FF - 1998 - MELD Change Project

FF - 1999-2000 Missouri Rural Economic Development Meetings

FF - 2001 Leadership Conference

FF - 2001 NASULGC (COTT, and Wash DC trip file)

FF - 2000 NASULCG (ECOP, Community Development)

FF - 2001 CARET (Council for Ag Research, Extension & Teaching) (including Handbook)

FF - 2001 COPE (Cohort Orientation Professional Experience)

FF - 2000 New Staff Orientation (2 folders)

FF - 1998 New Staff Orientation

FF - 2000 North Central Directors - December 2000 conf. Call - NASULGC Proposed amendments to the rules of operation I Board of Ag - July 10 meeting - June 14 conference Call - Explore agency relations/DCIYouth

Box 5 - 010396


FF - 2000 North Central Directors (Aug, Sept., Oct., Nov.)

FF - March 26, 2001 - North Central Director Meeting, Chevy Chase, Maryland

FF - September 18, 2000 - North Central Directors Meeting, Wichita, Kansas

FF - 2000 Meeting with Dr. Roger Natzke, University of Florida

FF - 1998 University of Arizona, Organizational Change Survey

FF - 1999-2000 Miscellaneous "Other States" information

FF - 2000 ODF Diversity Proposal Meeting

FF - 2000 Partnerships that support Hispanic Community Development

FF - 1997 UM Outreach Overview (draft) 8/12/97

FF - 1997 Facilitator Report / OR 2K conference

FF - 1997 Outreach 2000 Review Conference - 6/9/97

FF - Dec. 1994 - OR 2000 Plan

FF - 2001 IMPACT - PRLLS (Program results and lessons learned submissions)

FF - 2001 PIE/PDE

FF - Jan. 11, 2000 - Public Policy Meeting

FF - Jan. 31, 2000 - Public Policy Meeting

FF - Feb. 7, 2000 - MO Institute of public policy stakeholder

FF - 2000 - Future Meetings on Public Policy

FF - Feb. 19, 2001 - Public Policy Specialist Presentations

FF - 2001 - Public Policy

FF - 2001 C. Brice Ratchford files

FF - 2000 C. Brice Ratchford files

FF - 2000 and before - C. Brice Ratchford thank you letters

FF - 2000 and before - C. Brice Ratchford contact letters

FF - 2000 - 21 Century Strategic Direction back up info

FF - 1996 - UE Utilization of Information Technology Report

FF - August 2000 - TCRC Coordinators meeting - TCRC Facility Agreement (OSCA)

FF - 1999 TCRC files (4) - TCRC Critical Determinants for Site Selection

Box 6 - 010397


FF - TCRC Costing

FF - TCRC Marketing

FF - 1999 - Stegall and Summers

FF - 2000 Southern TCRC Delta Center (March, Fall)

FF - 2001 Southern TCRC Delta Center (April, Oct)

FF - 2001 Kirksville TCRC (March, June)

FF - 2000 Kirksville TCRC (Jan., June, July, December)

FF - 2000 Mexico Advanced Technology Center (Jan., August, Oct., Dec.)

FF - 2000-2001 Mexico TCRC (Jan & Sept. 2000, Feb. and June 2001)

FF - 2001 Mineral Area TCRC (Mar., June, July)

FF - 2000 Mineral Area TCRC (May, Oct.)

FF - Feb. 2000 - UMSL Agreement signing and MAC TCRC Ex. Committee

FF - 2000 Missouri National Guard (MONG) (Dec., July)

FF - 1997, 1998, 1999 Start up files - MONG

FF - January 2001 - ISTSII'CRC Conf. Call

FF - 2001 MONG TCRC (August, June, Sept.)

FF - 2001 MONG Open House

FF - 2001 MONG Signing Ceremony

FF - 2000 Nevada TCRC (Oct., July, April, January)

FF - 2001 Nevada TCRC (July, April, Jan)

Box 7 - 010398


FF - 2000 Poplar Bluff TCRC Exec. Committee files (March, June, October)

FF - 2001 Poplar Bluff TCRC Exec. Committee files (March, June

FF - 2000 Salem TCRC Open House (4 files)

FF - 2000 Salem TCRC Exec. Comm. Meeting (Feb., Nov)

FF - 2001 Salem TCRC Exec Comm. Meeting (May, Sept.)

FF - 2000 Salem TCRC Coordinator

FF - 1999 Salem TCRC Group meeting (August)

FF - 2000 Tri-Lakes TCRC Exec Comm Meeting (Mar., May, July, November)

FF - 2001 Tri-Lakes TCRC Exec Comm Meeting (Jan., May, July)

FF - Tri Lakes TCRC R-project

FF - 1999 - June 2001 - Henderson Files (including 1999 MU Extension Annual Report)

FF - 2001 National 4-H Foundation

FF - 2001 Building Strong Families

FF - 1999 Human Environmental Sciences (MU Extension)

FF - 1999 Beginnings Proposal and approval

FF - 1999-2000 - CAASP (Center for Adolescent, Sexuality, Pregnancy, and Parenting)

FF - 1999 - 2000 FNEP (Family Nutrition Education Program)

FF - 2000 CAFNR (College of Ag, Forestry, & Natural Resources - Tom Payne) 10 files including - 02 capital budget IT request for CAFNR - Dead animal incineration regulation - Ag Sciences day 2001

Box 8 - 010399


FF - 2000 Governor's Conference on Ag

FF - 2000 PDE 262

FF - 1999-2000 John Gardner

FF - 2000 Interview with Dr. Greg Weidemann

FF - 2000 Farm Family Day

FF - 2000 Missouri Farm Century Program

FF - 1998-2000 CARES Web launch (Center for Ag, Resource and Environmental

FF - Systems)

FF - 2000 FAPRI

FF - 1998, 1999, 2000 - Community Policy Analysis Center (Jim Scott, Tom Johnson)

FF - 1997, 1998 - Show-Me Project, Ireland

FF - 2000, 2001 - Missouri Botanical Gardens

FF - Oct. 19, 1999 - Master Gardner Steering Committee

FF - 2000, 2001 - Master Gardner Advisory Board

FF - 1999-2000 Sustainable Food and Farming Systems

FF - 1992-1998 - Sustaining Rural Community Development Through Sustainable Ag

FF - 2000 - Candidates for Dir. Of VAA (2 files)

FF - 1999- Value Added Ag Center Meeting

FF - 2000 - UMKC Extension -Chancellor Gilliland

FF - 2000 - Kerry Kerber, Barbara Tedesco (UMKC Extension)

FF - 1998 - UMR Extension (John Sheffield)

FF - 2000 - UMSL Extension

FF - 2000 - UMKC Urban Ext. Direction

FF - 1999 Water Quality (2 files)

Box 9 - 012026


FF - Commercial Agriculture - Dairy

FF - Commercial Agriculture - Premium Standard Farms

FF - MALMRI (Missouri Agricultural Land Management Resource Institute)

FF - RUPRI (Rural Policy Research Institute)

FF - Commercial Agriculture

FF - Sustainable Agriculture

FF - Value-Added Agriculture

FF - Water Quality

FF - B&I and SBDC


FF - PD-Outreach 2000 EITC Extension Information

FF - Priority Program Leadership

FF - 2lst Century-Base Programs

FF - 2lst Century committee

FF - 2lst Century Strategic Directions (working documents)

FF - UO/E Programs

FF - Prog. Dev - Base Programs

FF - Base Programs - Agricultural Profitability and Viability

FF - Base Programs - Business and Economic Development

FF - Base Programs - Family Strengths

FF - Base Programs - 4-H Youth Development

FF - Program Development - Focus Teams

FF - Focus Team - Commercial Agriculturep>

FF - Focus Team - Community Infrastructure

FF - Focus Team-Sustainable Food & Farmingg System Focus Team (2 files)

FF - Focus Team-MO Enterprise Development

FF - Program Development - CSREES (GPRA) (POW and AR)

FF - Program Development-MO FY00-03 Plan of Work

Box 10 - 040029


FF - UO/E Annual Conference, 10/25-26/1999 [includes videocassette]

FF - Extension Publications Committee Report, 2/29/1996

FF - Education Materials Unit, 1996

FF - Publications/Information Next Steps, 9/26/1996

FF - Jim McHugh and Quentin Wilson, 2/20/1996

FF - Quentin Wilson and Tom Henderson, 9/19/1995

FF - Department of Economic Development (DED) Meeting, 4/5/1995

FF - Joe Driskill and Quentin Wilson, 5/31/1994

FF - Joe Driskill, 1/18/1994

FF - DED Meeting, 2/23/1994

FF - DED Meeting, 3/4/1994

FF - Bill Brundage Study/DED, 5/7/1997

FF - Conference Call/Prebid/DED, 2/19/1997

FF - DED/Missouri Technology Corporation (MTC)/Entrepreneurship Meeting, 10/29/1996

FF - Tom Henderson and Max Summers, 10/9/1996

FF - DED/MTC Meeting, 9/12/1996

FF - A Report to the Congress: Science and Technology Shaping the Twenty-First Century, 1997

FF - Southwestern Bell, 1993-1996

FF - Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service (CSREES), 1998

FF - 4-H Youth Development Program, 1998

FF - CSREES Budget, 1999

FF - Missouri 4-H Foundation, 1998

FF - Missouri Volunteer Resource Mothers Project, 1997 [includes videocassette]

FF - Child Care Briefing, 11/10/1997

FF - Export Development Program, 1994-1997


FF - Community Policy Analysis Center, 1997

Box 11 - 052719


FF - 4-H Senior Council, 1980-1992

FF - 4-H Senior Council, 1987-1988

FF - 4-H Senior Council Budget, 1986-1987

FF - Minutes Attendance, 1980

FF - Correspondence, 1978-1981

FF - Senior Council Agenda and Minutes, 1980-1986

FF - Senior Council Minutes, 1983-1987

FF - Senior Council - Miscellaneous, 1986

FF - Mizzou Optimist, 1982

FF - 4-H Senior Council, 1988

FF - Bylaws and Tax-exempt letter, 1982

FF - 4-H Grant Proposal Information, 1982-1984

FF - Building Our American Communities, 1986

FF - Minutes Attendance, 1979

Box 12 - 052720


FF - 4-H Senior Council, 1990-1991, 1994

FF - 4-H Senior Council, 1992

FF - 4-H Senior Council, 1992-1993

FF - 4-H Senior Council, 1990

FF - Secretary of State Registered Agent Change, 1991

FF - Internal Revenue Service, 1990

FF - Senior Council Budget, 1995-1996

FF - 4-H Council, 28 November, 1995

FF - Boone County Senior 4-H Council, 1996

FF - Tax Exempt Letter, 1988-1993

FF - Senior Council, 1993-1994

Box 13 - 068543


FF - Consortium, NE, NW, SE 1996

FF - Consortium NW 1998

FF - NW MO Educational Cons. Adv. Board 9/24/97

FF - George & Lehmkuhle NW MO Consortium 7/21/97

FF - Signed MOU 10/23/96 - NW MO Ed Consortium

FF - NW Missouri Educational Consortium 6/16/97

FF - NW MO Ed Consortium 3/4/97

FF - NW MO Educational Consortium 2/6/97

FF - NW Missouri Consortium Video Conf. 12/17/96

FF - Governor & NW MO Ed Consortium Video Conf 10/23/96

FF - NW MO Consortium - general 1996

FF - SE MO Consortium - general 1999

FF - Bootheel_Educational Consortium - general 1996

FF - U.S. Environmental_Protection Agency April 1994

FF - EGRET - Costa Rica IV - 2000

FF - ECOP Budget Committee 12/16/1999

FF - ECOP Budget Committee Teleconference 7/8/1999

FF - ECOP Budget Committee 2/4/1999

FF - ECOP Budget Committee - general 1998

FF - NC NELD - 1998-99

FF - Director of Commuincations UOE 1999

FF - Sandy Stegall 12/7/1999

FF - Sandy Stegall 1/12/1999

FF - Sandy Stegall 4/23/1998

FF - Sandy Stegall 6/8/1998

FF - Communications 1999 UOE

FF - UOE Video Group (Frank Fillo) 2000

FF - MO Ext. Council Leadership Dev. Program 1992-93

FF - 1999 New Faculty Tour

FF - County Secretaries Benefits Meeting 1/16/1998

FF - County Ext. Secretaries Benefit Option 1/8/1997

FF - County Ext. Support Personnel 1/14/1995

FF - County Program Director Role: 1998 Analysis

FF - 1994 Regional Extension Councils

FF - Information Technology Meeting 11/30/1998

FF - Regional IT Specialists 1997

FF - Regional IT Specialists 1996

Box 14 - 068546


FF - South Central Reg. Director Search file - 2000-2001

FF - Cape Girardeau Co. Ext. Education Center - 10/17/2000

FF - 4-H_ASAP_Meeting - 10/13/1999

FF - 4-H ASAP - Kansas City - 1994-1999

FF - Food and Ag Council (FAC) 1992-2000

FF - DED Assessment of Small Business Development programs (SBDC) 1998-1999

FF - Household hazourdous waste project - 2000

FF - Information technology plans for UOE - 1995-2000

FF - Extension IT Organization (May 26, 1999)

FF - EIT Committee - 11/13/1998

FF - European Rural University - 2000

FF - Jim Scott & Vickie Rightmyre, 2/2/2000

FF - European Rural University packet - 1994

FF - EU Conference - 2/17-18/2000

FF - EU Conference - 5/22/1999

FF - European Union Centers 1998

FF - Univ. of Para, Brazil - 1997-1998

FF - Lunch/Peter Shannahan 8/22/2000

FF - Bob Rogers/E.M. Kauffman Foundation - 2/13/98

FF - Health Care for UOE Employees 9/22/2000

FF - Health Plan Proposal for UM/MU Employees 6/14/2000

FF - UOE Medical Claims & Access to Care 3/28/2000

FF - Medical Premiums

FF - UM Mission Enhancement - Pres to CBHE 10/8/97

FF - Powers & Ollar - re: Mission Enhancement 7/28/1997

FF - Mission Enhancement July 1997 BOC Meeting

FF - Mission Enhancement 6/2/1997

FF - Mission Enhancement 1997

FF - MoCAED Missouri Center for Agricultural Entrepreneurship development

Box 15 - 068547


FF - Missouri Express Program Implementation assessment- May 15, 1998

FF - Proposal for MPPERS 1998

FF - Workforce Development Career info hotline proposal - 2000

FF - NASULGC Meeting, November 8-10, 1999

FF - NASULGC General 1999

FF - Assessments for Extension projects - NASULGC - January 1997

FF - CARET 1999

FF - NASULGC - Maintain Trust in the new century 1996

FF - National Research Council Report 1996

FF - Univ. Continuing Education Association Feb. 2000

FF - North Central Urban Conference Committee 1999

FF - MOU - Dir, of Ext. - NCS & Iowa State University 1994

FF - IDEA FY98 Mid-Year Report April 1998

FF - North Central Directors Midwest Plan Service - 1996 -

FF - Livestock Marketing Info Center - (LMIC) 1998

FF - Performance Evaluation / UOE [RESTRICTED]

FF - Supervising and monitoring marginal performance - January 11, 1999 [RESTRICTED]

FF - County Ext. Councils input / performance evaluation l999 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Personnel - General 1995-2000 [RESTRICTED]

FF - PEW Roundtable & Gov. conference on Higher Education - December 12, 1996

FF - PEW Roundtable December 6, 1996

FF - PEW Meeting / St. Louis - November 17-18, 1996

FF - PEW Roundtable - Next steps - November 4, 1996

FF - PEW Higher Education Roundtable - Oct. 29-30, 1996

FF - Leave Plans for faculty - sick leave, staff benefits UOE

FF - Transfer & Relocation of field staff policy - R. Powers 1998

FF - Attorney General's opinion No. 65-87 - County "special tax" to support extension week

FF - Soil Conservation Service - administration Memorandum No. 10 - Jan. 1, 1974

FF - Access to mailing lists - 1980

FF - Moving Expense Policy - 1994

FF - UOE Evaluation Reports - 1998

FF - Approved Professional Development Document 1998

FF - Public Policy Stakeholders Meeting, Nov. 22, 1999

FF - Steering Committee Nov. 17, 1999

FF - Stakeholder Meeting August 27, 1999

FF - Analysis Task Force - Feb. 28, 1997

FF - Public Policy Institute - Speaker Gaw, Feb. 11, 1999

FF - Public Policy Meeting - Dec. 18, 1998

FF - Meeting of the Advisory Panel / Ratchford Award - March 24, 1999

FF - Ratchford Fellowship Award - June 28, 2000

FF - Ratchford Member End. Steering Committee - Dec. 18, 1998

Box 16 - 068557


FF - Betty Ratchford, November 24, 1998

FF - Paul Miller, November 18, 1998

FF - Betty Ratchford, October 23, 1998

FF - Ratchford Memorial Endowment Steering Committee, October 12, 1998

FF - Ratchford Memorial Fellowship - September 18, 1998

FF - Betty Ratchford - August 19, 1998

FF - Gordon Warren, August 3, 1998

FF - Betty Ratchford, May 18, 1998

FF - Ratchford Memorial Fund - March 3, 1998

FF - Speakers Bureau, 1999

FF - 4-H Professional Association

FF - Discussion of HES Advisory Comm Reg. Staffing Document - Feb. 10, 1998

FF - FNEP Staffing Proposal - 1999

FF - CBHE Advisory Committee - on Tech & Instruction - (CTI) 1998-99

FF - CBHE Advisory Committee - on Tech & Instruction (CTI) December 9,1998

FF - Dept. of Conservation 1998

FF - Dept. of Corrections - 1997

FF - Steve Mahfood, April 10, 1998 - Dept. of Natural Resources

FF - Interagency Technology Working Group - 1997

FF - Video Network - June, 15, 1999

FF - Video Network Draft Letter - November 25, 1998

FF - Urn Video Network Directory / Network Costs April 13, 1998

FF - Ralph Caruso, MORENET 3, Dec. 21, 1999

FF - MORENET 3 Service Plan, August 10, 1999

FF - University's report on Telecommunication - 1998

FF - Engineering Mgmt. meeting by ITV - Jan. 21, 1999 -

FF - Southern TCRC Delta Center Exec Comm Meeting., November 23, 1999

FF - Southern TCRC Delta Center Exec. Comm Meeting., July 30, 1999

FF - Southern TCRC Delta Center Exec. Comm Meeting., April 29, 1999

FF - Kirksville TCRC Exec Comm Meeting, Nov. 16, 1999 -

FF - Kirksville TCRC Exec. Comm. Meeting, June 30, 1999

FF - Kirksville TCRC Exec. Comm. Meeting., March 9, 1999

FF - Mexico ATC Exec. Comm. Meeting - July 21, 1999

FF - Mexico ATC Exec. Comm. Meeting - June 24, 1999

FF - Mexico ATC Exec. Comm. Meeting - April 1, 1999

FF - Mexico ATC Exec. Comm. Meeting - Jan. 21, 1999

FF - Mexico TCRC Exec. Comm. Meeting - Oct. 20, 1999

FF - Mexico TCRC Exec. Comm. Meeting - March 2, 1999

FF - Mexico TCRC Exec. Comm. Meeting - Jan. 13, 1999

FF - Mineral Area TCRC - 1999

FF - Nevada Telecenter Exec. Comm Meeting - June 15, 1999, & Oct. 7, 1999

FF - Nevada Telecenter Exec. Comm Meeting - Feb. 17, 1999

FF - Poplar Bluff New Facility open house , Nov. 2, 1999

FF - Poplar Bluff TCRC Exec. Comm. Meeting, - June 25, 1999

FF - Poplar Bluff TCRC Exec. Comm. Meeting., - April 26, 1999

FF - Jim Summers, April 14, 1999

FF - Tri-Lakes TCRC Exec. Comm. Mtg., - Nov. 3, 1999

FF - Tri-Lakes TCRC Exec. Comm. Mtg., - July 23, 1999

FF - Tri-Lakes TCRC Exec. Comm. Mtg., - March 2, 1999

Box 17 - 068558


FF - 1996 Interim Environ. Quality Incentives Program (EQIP)

FF - 1993 - An assessment of state funding for cooperative extension

FF - MO GPRA 1998 Annual report (USDA/CSREES)

FF - CSREES Correspondece - 1999

FF - 1995 Names from Missouri for Distance Education / USDA

FF - 1999 Change in 4-H Emblem

FF - 1998 Extension Disaster Education Network (EDEN ) agreement

FF - Drug Free Workplace Final Rule - 1990

FF - 1994 - Extension organization Dev. network (EODN - Directory for Missouri)

FF - 1997 State Extension contacts for HUD, HHS, DOA / Committees

FF - 1995 Managing for the Future: The CSREES Strategic Plan

FF - 1994 - Public Issues Education

FF - CYFAR Expansion Group Meeting - June 29-30, 1998

FF - Conference Call - CYFAR Expansion Group - June 8, 1998

FF - 1998 CYFAR Expansion Group - April 20-21, 1998

FF - CYFAR Network_- July 31, 1998

FF - Sustainability Disc/Mocyfar Project July 8, 1998

FF - Barbara Woods, and Kathleen Cain CSREES Project No. 98-EYAR-1-0248 - Nov. 1997

FF - CYFAR - general correspondence 1997

FF - International Ext. Marketing Update_- Dec.__18,_1998

FF - 1998 Tucker/Laur Study - County Agent's perceptions of the new media mix: A Missouri perspective

FF - Ham Breakfast - Feb. 25, 1999

FF - 1998 Kids Count MO Data Book

FF - MO 4-H Foundation Board meeting - Jim McLarney June 23, 2000

FF - MO 4-H Foundation Board of Trustees Meeting - March 17-18, 2000

FF - 4-H Foundation Trustees Meeting - Feb. 25, 1999

FF - 1999 - 4H Foundation / Bylaws

FF - 1991-1998 Beginnings Project

FF - Jan. 1995 - Beef Forage Research & Extension Plan

FF - Ag_Extension_Briefing_-_July_31,_1998

FF - NET - 21 (A reg multi-agency partnership for improving Ag & NR decisions - 199

FF - REP Farms and community models - November 22, 1996

FF - RUPRI - Chuck Fluharty Feb. 1, 1996

FF - Sustainable Ag Focus Team - July 6, 1999

FF - Value added Ag meeting - April 12, 1999

FF - Value added Ag meeting - January 12, 1999

FF - Value added Ag recommendations - Dec.__16,_1998

FF - 1998 - European Study tour - Finding ways to make MO's raw commodities worth rn

FF - Value added Ag Focus Team - June 5, 1998

FF - Value added Ag meeting - May 15, 1998

FF - 1997 - Value added Ag Outreach (OVAAO) Agreement

FF - Advisory Board - Value Added Ag Outreach - Dec. 5, 1997

FF - 1997 Value added Ag - concept paper - Fine Woods Collaboration Project & general

FF - UOE - UMKC - Martha Gilliland - 1999-2000

FF - 1999 - UNKC as an engaged urban institution

FF - UNKC Chancellor candidate interview - Nov. 12, 1999

FF - Weinman Centre Visit - UMSL - Feb. 24, 1998

FF - Wendell Smith & George Eberle Meeting - Feb. 5, 1998 - Neighborhood Wealth

FF - Chancellor Schwartz, UMKC - July 27, 1998 re: Urban neighborhoods

FF - 1991 - Patterns of Change: A Report of the Cooperative Extension System Strategic Planning Council

FF - 1997 - CAUSE: Distance Learning - The Shift to Interactivity

Box 18 - 119656


FF - Business & Industry Semi-Annual Report 1997


FF - MO Bootheel: Construction Skills & Small Business Incubation

FF - TAP Report 1983

FF - TAP Annual Report 1984

FF - TAP Annual Report 1985-1986

FF - TAP Annual Report 1986-1987

FF - TAP Annual Report 1987-1988

FF - TAP Annual Report 1989-1990

FF - TAP Annual Report 1990-1991

FF - TAP Annual Report 1991-1992

FF - Form 166 Report (8-12-93 to 8-26-93)

FF - Form 166 Report (12-19-93 to 1-6-94)

FF - Form 166 Report (1-10-94 to 1-20-94)

FF - Form 166 Report (2-7-94 to 2-21-94)

FF - Form 166 Report (1-24-94 to 2-4-94)

FF - Form 166 Report (2-21-94 to 3-4-94)

FF - Form 166 Report (3-7-94 to 3-18-94)

FF - Form 166 Report (3-18-94 to 3-28-94)

FF - Form 166 Report (3-28-94 to 4-7-94)

FF - Form 166 Report (4-11-94 to 4-21-94)

FF - Form 166 Report (4-21-94 to 5-6-94)

FF - Form 166 Report (5-6-94 to 5-20-94)

FF - Form 166 Report (6-1-94 to 6-20-94)

FF - Mary Beth Carr

FF - York Choo

FF - Brian Gauler

FF - Ardala Littlefield

FF - Nancy McCabe

FF - Timothy Wathen

FF - Jim Wirth

Box 19 - 119657


FF - Extension Organization Task Force

FF - Partnership Development

FF - EPA - The Sustainable Springfield Project Proposal

FF - Ozarks Center for Economic and Environmental Opportunities

FF - Ozarks 2020 Project Fund Core Initiative

FF - Mo Extension County Council Leadership Group

FF - Market Analysis and Development Proposal

FF - 3M Needs Assessment

FF - LEAD Proposal

FF - Irish Delegation

FF - Industrial Modernization Steering Group

FF - Impact Statements

FF - Program Development Handbook

FF - Home-Based Business Task Force


FF - Aspen Institute

FF - Business & Industry Base Programming

FF - RC&D Coordinator Plan

FF - B&I REgional Staffing & Funding Plans

FF - Business & Industry Manual

FF - Strategic Planning for Economic Development

FF - Staff Selection and Evaluation Task Force

FF - Tourism Education Annual Report

FF - Thomas Hill Development Center

FF - TQM - Total Quality Management

FF - 4-Year Plan of Work Committee 1996-1999

FF - Agriculture Task Force

FF - Vision 2000 Partnerships

FF - Value-Added

FF - European Value-Added Agriculture

FF - Urban Extension Strategic Plans

FF - Urban Task Force Report

FF - Power of Partnerships

FF - Program Evaluation Work Group

FF - Public Issues Education

FF - Rebuilding Missouri's Manufacturing Base Report

FF - Revitalizing Rural America Annual Report 1993

FF - Rural Information Center (RIC)

FF - Rural Focus Task Force

FF - Rural Crisis Task Force

FF - ACE Corporate Connector Program

FF - County Extension Agreements

FF - Public Issues Group

Return to UW:4/72/14 summary

Restrictions Note: The Archives of the University of Missouri-Columbia is required by law and Board of Curator's policy to restrict access to some files and information. Student records are held as confidential under the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and by University policy. Faculty promotion and tenure records and Academic Personnel files are restricted for 75 years, or the lifetime of the individual. All grievance, disciplinary, and medical records are treated as confidential files. Consultations with legal counsel, both in-house and external, are protected by the attorney/client privilege and will not be released.

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