MU stacked logo in yellow and black -- links to main university of missouri at columbia web site MU Libraries -- links to home page of the University Libraries of the University of Missouri at Columbia University Archives -- links to home page of the University Archives of the University of Missouri at Columbia MU stacked logo in yellow and black -- links to main university of missouri at columbia web site University Archives -- links to home page of the University Archives of the University of Missouri at Columbia University of Missouri -- links to home page of the University of Missouri at Columbia spacerHeader graphic


Hours & Contacts

Policies & Procedures

* UM-System
* Columbia

Topical Guides

Online Exhibits

* Archival
* General

MU Libraries

Box Lists for UW:4/5/5

Note to Researcher: These records have not been processed to the level of an inventory and may therefore contain RESTRICTED material not specifically annotated as such and access may be limited in that regard. Please see the RESTRICTIONS NOTE at the end of the box list(s).

Box 1 - 007398 [return to top]


FF - UMC - Agriculture, 1986

FF - UMC - Agriculture, 7-12/1985

FF - UMC - Agriculture - Biotechnology Research and Facility Honoring Senator Eagleton, 1986

FF - UMC - Agriculture - Dairy Farms/News, 1985-1986

FF - UMC - Agriculture - Dean Roger Mitchell, 1985-1986

FF - UMC - Agricultural Engineering, 1985

FF - UMC - Alumni, 1985-1986

FF - UMC - Arts and Science, 1985

FF - UMC - Arts and Science, 1986-1988

FF - UMC - Arts and Science - Department of Religious Studies, 1985-1986

FF - UMC - Arts and Science - Religious Studies, 1979-1984

FF - UMC - Arts and Science - Cooperative Teacher Education Project with College of Education, 1986-1987

FF - UMC - Arts and Science - Missouri Scholars Academy, 1986

FF - UMC - Arts and Science - Missouri Scholars Academy, 1984-1985

FF - UMC - Associated Students of the University of Missouri, 1979-1987

FF - UMC - Athletic Director Jack Lengyel, 1986-1989

FF - UMC - Athletic Director Search, 1988

FF - UMC - Athletic Director Search, 1986

FF - UMC - Athletics - Football Coach Woody Widenhofer, 1985-1988

FF - Boone Hospital Center, 1987-1988

FF - UMC - Business and Public Administration (B&PA), 1986-1987

FF - UMC - B&PA, 1983-1985

FF - UMC - Chancellor Barbara Uehling, 1986-1988

FF - UMC - Interim Chancellor Duane Stucky, 1986-1987

FF - UMC - College of Education, 1983-1985

FF - UMC - Education, 1981

FF - UMC - Engineering, 1986-1987

FF - UMC - Engineering Advisory Council, 1987

FF - UMC - Engineering Advisory Council, 1986

FF - UMC - Engineering - Dean William R. Kimel, 1983-1986

FF - UMC - Extension - Best of Missouri Hands, 1986-1988

FF - UMC - Faculty, 7-12/1986

FF - UMC - Faculty, 6-12/1985

FF - UMC - Faculty, 1-6/1986

FF - UMC - Faculty - David Leuthold Special Assignment, 1988

FF - UMC - Faculty - David Leuthold, 1986 [also includes personnel materials on other University staff]

FF - UMC - Faculty - David Leuthold, 1985

Box 2 - 016015 [return to top]


FF - Association of American Universities (AAU), 1987-1988

FF - AAU - Department of Defense, 1984-1987

FF - AAU Evaluation, 1987

FF - AAU - Executive Committee (Peter Magrath, Chair), 1985-1986

FF - AAU Graduate Education Project, 1985

FF - AAU - Indirect Cost Study, 1987

FF - AAU Interview (Peter Magrath/U.S. News), 1987

FF - AAU - Australia Meeting, 1987

FF - AAU - Meeting with British Vice Chancellors, 1986

FF - AAU President (Dr. Robert Rosenzweig), 1986-1988

FF - AAU - Review Committee, 1985-1987

FF - Agency for International Development (AID), 1986-1987

FF - American Association for Higher Education (AAHE), 1987

FF - AAHE - Spring Hill Conference, 9/1987

FF - American Council of Learned Societies, 1985-1988

FF - American Education Foundation, 1987-1988

FF - Association of American Colleges, 1986-1988

FF - Association of Governing Boards, 1985-1988

FF - Council for International Exchange of Scholars, 1984-1988

FF - Big Eight Conference, 1988

FF - Business-Higher Education Forum, 1983-1988

FF - Council on Competitiveness, 1988

FF - Education Commission of the States, 1986-1988

FF - Institute of International Education, 1988

FF - Inter-American Organization for Higher Education, 1985-1988

FF - Mid-America State Universities Association, 1984-1989

FF - Missourians for Higher Education (MHE) - Organizing Higher Education in Missouri (HEM), 1983-1985

FF - MHE, 1986-1987

FF - MHE - Proposition C, 1987

FF - Education Task Campaign, 1987

FF - Missouri Sales Tax, 1986

FF - MHE - Speech by Roger Wilson, 9/25/1986

FF - MHE - Survey, 1985-1986

FF - MHE - Tax Referendum, 1986-1987

FF - Mid-America International Agricultural Consortium (MIAC), 1988

FF - MIAC, 1987

FF - Midwest Research Institute, 1985-1988

FF - Mid-Missouri Associated Colleges and Universities, 1986

FF - Midwestern Universities Alliance (MUA), 1987

FF - MUA, 1985

FF - MUA Director Newton Cattell, 1987-1988

FF - MUA - Newton Cattell, 1985-1986

FF - MUA - DOD, 1985-1987

FF - MUA - Earmarking Legislation, 1985-1988

FF - MUA - Federal Budget, 1987

FF - MUA - Federal Priorities of UM, 1987

FF - MUA - Gramm-Rudman, 1986

FF - MUA - Plant Biotechnology Consortium, 1987

FF - MUA - UMC Proposal to USDA, 1987

FF - NASULGC, 1987-1988

FF - NASULGC, 1985-1986

FF - NASULGC - Annual Meeting, 11/1987

FF - NASULGC - Annual Meeting, 11/1986

FF - NASULGC - Book Project (Diane Skomars Magrath), 1986

FF - NASULGC - Convention, 1988

FF - NASULGC - Division of International Affairs, 1985-1986

FF - NASULGC - Executive Committee, 1986

FF - NASULGC, Executive Committee, 1985

FF - NASULGC - LUPRI (Land-Grant University Policy Research Institute), 1987

FF - NASULGC - Meeting (Dallas, TX), 11/1988

FF - NASULGC - Meeting (Washington, DC), 11/1985

FF - NASULGC - Meetings, 1985-1986

FF - NASULGC President Robert L. Clodius, 1986-1988

FF - NASULGC - Project 2000, 1984-1985

FF - National Institutes of Health, 1987

FF - National Science Board, 1986-1987

FF - National Science Foundation, 1986-1987

FF - St. Louis Regional Commerce and Growth Association (RCGA), 1985-1986

FF - St. Louis RCGA, 1987

FF - St. Louis Technology Center, 1989

FF - St. Louis Technology Center, 1986

FF - Universities Field Staff International, 1986-1987

Box 3 - 016019 [return to top]


FF - Budget - FY89 Appropriations Request, 1987

FF - Budget - FY89 Appropriations Request, 1987-1988

FF - Budget - FY89 Capital Request, 1987-1988

FF - Budget - FY89 Operating Budget, 1987-1988

FF - Budget - FY87 Appropriations Request, 1985-1986

FF - Budget - FY87 Background Information, 1985-1986

FF - Budget - FY87 Capital Request, 1985-1986

FF - Budget - FY87 Operating Budget, 1985-1986

FF - Budget - FY1985-86, 1985

FF - Budget - FY86 Appropriations, 1984-1986

FF - Budget - FY86 General Revenues, 1986

FF - Budget - FY86 Program Improvements, 1984

FF - Budget - Planning/Budgeting, 1985-1986

FF - UMR Budget - Capital Budget Request, 1986-1987

FF - UMKC Budget - Capital Budget Request, 1986-1987

FF - UMSL Budget - Capital Budget Request, 1986-1987

FF - President - Activity Reports to the President, 1983-1988

FF - President - Annual Personnel Reviews, 1979-1984

FF - President - List of Annual Reports Required, n.d.

FF - President - Annual Reports from Chancellors on Salaries, 1984

FF - President - Annual Report to President on Consulting (Conflict of Interest), 1987-1988

FF - President - Annual Report to the President on Consulting, 1986-1987

FF - President - Annual Report to the President on Consulting, 1987

FF - President - Annual Report to the President on Consulting, 1985-1986

FF - President - Annual Report to the President on Consulting, 1985

FF - President - Annual Report to the President on Consulting, 1984

FF - President - Annual Report to the President on Consulting, 1983

FF - President - Annual Report to the President on Consulting, 1980

FF - President - Annual Report to the President on Consulting, 1979

FF - President - Annual Report of Developmental Leave Activities, 1987

FF - President - Annual Report on Opportunities for Professional Growth (Faculty Development), 1984-1985

FF - President - Annual Report on Private Fundraising, 1983

FF - President - Annual Report to the President on Promotion and Tenure, 1985-1986 [Restricted]

FF - President - Annual Report of System Safety and Risk Management Committee, 1983-1985

FF - President - Annual Report to the President on Special Campus Scholarships, 1982-1986

FF - President - Energy Reports, 1983

FF - President - Executive Guideline #11: Intercampus Faculty Council, 1985

FF - Executive Order #6: President's Approval on Personnel, 1988-1989 [File missing - retained by President's office]

FF - Executive Order #6: President's Approval on Personnel, 1986-1987 [File missing - retained by President's office]

FF - President - Executive Order #18: Broadcast Facilities, 1985-1987

FF - President - Executive Order #18: Broadcast Facilities, 1979-1982

FF - President - Executive Guideline Materials, 1983-1984

FF - President - Executive Order #21: Auxiliary Aids for Handicapped Students, 1984

FF - President - Letters (Promotional), 1988

FF - President - Letters (Promotional), 1987

FF - President - Letters (Promotional), 1986

Box 4 - 021166 [return to top]


FF - Academic Affairs - Assistant Vice President Nancy Marlin, 1985-1987

FF - Academic Affairs - Research Assistance Act, 1982-1984

FF - Academic Affairs - Weldon Spring, 1983-1985

FF - Academic Affairs - Weldon Spring Endowment, 1983-1986

FF - Academic Affairs - Weldon Spring Endowment Review Committee, 1982-1984

FF - Academic Affairs - Weldon Spring Humanities Seminar Fellows, 1980-1984

FF - Academic Affairs - Weldon Spring Presidential Research Award, 1984-1986

FF - Administrative Affairs - Budget Reallocations/Reductions, 1986-1988

FF - Budget Review Sessions (General Assembly), 1987

FF - Administrative Affairs - Budget and Analytical Services (Enrollment), 1981-1986

FF - Administrative Affairs - Flextime, 1981

FF - Administrative Affairs - Missouri Research Park, 1986-1987

FF - Administrative Affairs - Missouri Research Park, 1983-1985

FF - Administrative Affairs - Missouri Research Park - Development Meeting with Lee Liberman, 1987

FF - Administrative Affairs - Patents, 1981-1987

FF - Administrative Affairs - Vice President James T. McGill, 1988

FF - Administrative Affairs - Vice President McGill, 1987

FF - Administrative Affairs - Vice President McGill, 1985-1986

FF - Administrative Affairs - Budget Development and Planning - Assistant to the Vice President Harold Hume, 1984-1985

FF - Administrative Affairs - Institutional Research - Director Joe Saupe, 1984-1988

FF - Administrative Affairs - Institutional Research - Joe Saupe, 1981-1983

FF - Administrative Affairs - University Research Parks - Executive Director Tom Hussey, 1984-1989

FF - Administrative Affairs - Executive Director for Research Parks and Economic Development Screening Committee, 1988

FF - UM Affirmative Action Plan, 1986

FF - UM Affirmative Action Plan, 1985-1986

FF - Affirmative Action and Employee Relations - Director Karen Touzeau, 1985-1986 [Restricted]

Box 5 - 021169 [return to top]


FF - Government Relations - Alliance of Alumni Associations, 1982-1986

FF - Government Relations - Legislative Recognition Day, 1981-1986

FF - Government Relations - Legislative Recognition Day and Presidential Citation for Alumni Service, 1987-1988

FF - Government Relations - Presidential Citation for Alumni Service, 1981-1986

FF - Human Resource Services, 1985-1989

FF - Human Resource Services - Associate Vice President Kenneth Hutchinson, 1983-1985

FF - Human Resource Services - Early Retirement Incentive Program (ERIP), 1984-1987

FF - Human Resource Services - ERIP - Ron Turner, 1986

FF - Human Resource Services - Retirement and Staff Benefits, 1987

FF - Human Resource Services - Retirement and Staff Benefits, 1981-1986

FF - Retirement and Staff Benefits - Letters from Retirees about Proposed Changes, 1989

FF - Human Resource Services - Student Financial Aid, 1981-1985

FF - Intercampus Faculty Council (IFC), 1984-1988

FF - IFC Meeting, 11/21/1985

FF - IFC Meeting, 11/15/1984

FF - IFC Meeting, 4/12/1984

FF - Intercampus Instruction (College-at-Home Program), 1982-1984

FF - Intercampus Student Council (ISC), 1985-1987

FF - UM/Iowa State Research Effort - FAPRI (Food and Agricultural Policy Research Institute), 1985-1987

FF - Joint Centers on Aging Studies, 1979-1980

FF - Linneus Forage Research Center - Road Improvement, 1985-1987

FF - National Institutes of Health - Laboratory Animal Care and Use, 1984-1985

FF - Long Range Planning - Agenda for Action, 4-12/1988

FF - Long Range Planning - Agenda for Action, 1-3/1988

FF - Long Range Planning - Agenda for Action, 1987

FF - Long Range Planning - University Planning Council, 1988

FF - Long Range Planning, 1986

Box 6 - 021172 [return to top]


FF - GOV MO Missouri Opportunity 2000 Commission, 1985-1986

FF - GOV MO Missouri Research Assistance Act, 1983-1986

FF - GOV MO Office of Attorney General, 1986

FF - GOV MO Office of the Governor - Christopher S. Bond, 1981-1984

FF - GOV MO Office of the Governor - John Ashcroft, 1989

FF - GOV MO Office of the Governor - Ashcroft, 1988

FF - GOV MO Office of the Governor - Ashcroft, 1987

FF - GOV MO Office of the Governor - Ashcroft, 1986

FF - GOV MO Office of the Governor - Ashcroft, 1985

FF - GOV MO Governor Ashcroft/MHE Meeting - Assessment Summary, 12/1988

FF - GOV MO Governor Ashcroft/MHE Meeting - Raiding of UM Faculty, 12/1988

FF - GOV MO Governor Ashcroft/MHE Meeting - Reallocation Summary, 12/1988

FF - GOV MO Governor Ashcroft/MHE Meeting - Research Parks, 12/1988

FF - GOV MO Governor Ashcroft/MHE Meeting - Support of Higher Education, 12/1988

FF - GOV MO Governor Ashcroft/MHE Meeting - UM System Academic Calendars, 12/1988

FF - GOV MO Senator Roger Wilson, 1988

FF - GOV MO Senator Roger Wilson, 1987

FF - GOV MO Senators and Representatives, 3/1988

FF - GOV MO Senators and Representatives, 7-12/1989

FF - GOV MO Senators and Representatives, 4-6/1989

FF - GOV MO Senators and Representatives, 1-2/1989

FF - GOV MO Senators and Representatives, 7-12/1988

FF - GOV MO Senators and Representatives, 1-6/1988

FF - GOV MO Senators and Representatives, 1987

FF - GOV MO Senators and Representatives, 1986

FF - GOV MO Senators and Representatives, 7-12/1985

FF - GOV MO Senators and Representatives, 1-6/1985

FF - GOV MO Senators and Representatives, 1984

FF - GOV MO Senators and Representatives, 1983

FF - GOV MO Senators and Representatives (Questions Answered), 1985-1986

FF - GOV US AID, 1980-1982

FF - GOV US Department of Agriculture (USDA), 1981-1984

FF - GOV US United States Information Agency - American Republics Section, 1984

FF - GOV US Senators and Representatives, 1988

FF - GOV US Senators and Representatives, 1987

FF - GOV US Senators and Representatives, 1986

FF - GOV US Senators and Representatives, 1985

FF - GOV US Senators and Representatives, 1983-1984

FF - GOV US Magrath Testimony before Subcommittee on Postsecondary Education, House Committee on Education and Labor, 9/15/1987

Box 7 - 065231 [return to top]


FF - Affiliates, 1987

FF - All-American Monuments and Mascots, 1988

FF - Alumni Outreach, 1987

FF - AB Employees by College, 1985

FF - Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges - Newsletter, 6-7/1988

FF - Jack Black, 1988

FF - Donald Blenden, 1987

FF - John N. Booth II, 1951-1987

FF - Busch, 1987-1988

FF - Business Systems Resources (BSR), 1988

FF - BSR, 1987-1988

FF - BSR - St. Louis, 1987

FF - Capital Campaign, 1986-1988

FF - Case Statement, 1988

FF - CAUSE, 1987

FF - Center for Research in Social Behavior, 1988

FF - Consortium on Financing Higher Education (COFHE), 1985-1987

FF - Council for Aid to Education (CFAE), 1987-1988

FF - Council for Institutional Relations, 1987-1988

FF - Council for the Advancement and Support of Education (CASE), 1987-1988

FF - Gordon Crosby, 1987

FF - Cultivation Reports, 1988

FF - Curators, 1987-1988

FF - Curator Request on Divestment, 1987

FF - Dana Foundation, 1987-1988

FF - Deferred Giving, 1987

FF - Development Budget, 1987-1988

FF - Development - Crucial Documents, 1987-1988

FF - Development Effectiveness, 1987-1988

FF - Development Ideas, 1987

FF - Donor Relations Committee, 1987-1988

FF - Endowments, 1974-1990

FF - Endowment Earnings, 1987-1988

Box 8 - 065232 [return to top]


FF - ESPN (Scholarship) Panel, 1987-1988

FF - Express Mail (Received Receipts), 1988

FF - Extension, 1987

FF - Marts and Lundy Feasibility Study, 1988

FF - Fiscal Information, 1988

FF - Football Brunches, 1988

FF - Fleishman-Hillard, 1987-1988

FF - Forestry, Fisheries and Wildlife, 1987

FF - University Foundation, 1987

FF - 4-H, 1987

FF - Fund Raising Facts, 1987-1988

FF - Fund Raising - Potential Sources, 1987-1988

FF - General Officers, 1987-1988

FF - Grenzebach and Associates, 1985-1987

FF - Grenzebach and Associates, 1986-1987

FF - Hallmark, 1987

FF - IBM, 1986-1988

FF - Institutional Development Council (IDC) - Letters, 1988

FF - IDC, 1987-1988

FF - Jefferson Award, 1988

FF - Jefferson Club, 1987

FF - Jordan Foundation, 1987-1988

FF - Journalism, 1987

FF - Kansas City, 1987-1988

FF - Kansas City Foundations, 1987-1988

FF - Ewing Kauffman, 1987-1988

FF - Kellogg Foundation, 1987

FF - Charles Knight, 1988

FF - Korn/Ferry, 1987-1988

FF - Jerry Litton, 1987

FF - Henry Liu, 1987

FF - Long-Range Planning, 1987-1988

FF - Marts and Lundy, 1987

FF - Marts and Lundy - Other Campaigns, 1985-1988

Box 9 - 065233 [return to top]


FF - C. Peter Magrath, 1985-1988

FF - Midwest Research Institute, 1986-1988

FF - Minority Scholarships, 1987

FF - Missouri Athletic Club, 1987-1988

FF - Missouri Coordinating Board for Higher Education (CBHE), 1988

FF - Missouri Facts, 1987-1988

FF - Missouri People, 1987

FF - Mott Foundation, 1987

FF - Monsanto, 1984-1988

FF - NASULGC, 1987

FF - National Endowment for the Humanities, 1988

FF - Ohio State, 1987-1988

FF - Pacific Group, 1987

FF - Peace Studies, 1987

FF - Planning Council, 1988

FF - Phone Mail, 1988-1990

FF - Powell Foundation, 1987-1988

FF - President's Associates, 1987-1988

FF - Presidential Outreach, 1988

FF - President's Staff Council, 1987-1988

FF - Press Releases, 1987

FF - PR Council, 1987-1988

FF - Public Relations, 1985-1988

FF - Jim Raglin, 1987

FF - Research Reactor, 1986-1988

FF - RJE Communications/Trans Union, 1987

FF - Rockwell International, 1987

FF - Scholarships and Loans, 1987-1989

FF - St. Louis, 1988

FF - Sesquicentennial, 1987-1988

FF - Shell Companies Foundation, 1987

FF - David and Mindy Shepherd, 1987

FF - State Charitable Laws, 1987

FF - Stock Market and Fund Raising, 1987

FF - Syracuse University, 1987-1988

FF - Systems Group, 1987-1988

FF - TWA Scholarship Fund, 1988

FF - Taxes and Fund Raising, 1987-1988

FF - Teleconnect, 1987

FF - Thompson and Pendel, 1985-1988

FF - Thompson and Pendel - Interview Arrangements, 1987

Box 10 - 065234 [return to top]


FF - Time, Inc., 1987

FF - Treasurer's Committee, 1988

FF - Truman Center, 1987

FF - Ed Turner, 1987

FF - TWA, 1987-1988

FF - University of Kansas City (UKC), 1987-1988

FF - United Way, 1987-1988

FF - University Attitude Survey, 1987

FF - Purchasing - Development "D Numbers" (for Small Order Purchases), 1987-1988

FF - University of Missouri, 1984-1988

FF - UMC, 1987-1988

FF - UMC - Development, 1987-1988

FF - UMC - Gifts, 1987-1988

FF - Columbia Donors, 1987

FF - UMC Gift Prospects Master Log, ca. 1987

FF - UMC/UMR - Emerson Electric, 1987

FF - UMKC Chorale, 3/3/1988

FF - UMKC Board, 1986-1987

FF - UMKC, 1985-1988

FF - UMKC - Development, 1987-1988

FF - UMKC - Gifts, 1987-1988

FF - UMR, 1987-1988

FF - UMR - Development, 1987-1988

FF - UMR - Gifts, 1987-1988

FF - Development Efforts, 1987-1988

FF - UMSL - Development, 1987-1988

FF - UMSL - Gifts, 1987-1988

FF - Sam Walton, 1987-1988

Box 11 - 065226 [return to top]


FF - Board Meeting - Curators' Retreat, 4/28-29/1989

FF - Board Meeting - Statement of Board and Statement to Board by President Magrath, 4/28-29/1989

FF - Board Meeting - Engineering Packet sent to Board, 4/1989

FF - Board Meeting - Agenda and Residence Hall Rates, 5/4-5/1989

FF - Board Meeting - Engineering Education, 5/4-5/1989

FF - Board Meeting - UMC Medical School and Hospital Report, 5/4-5/1989

FF - Board Meeting - Budget Presentation, 5/4-5/1989

FF - Board Meeting - Agenda, 8/2-3/1990

FF - Board Meeting - President's Report, 8/2-3/1990

FF - Board Meeting - Miscellaneous, 8/2-3/1990

FF - Board Meeting - Executive Session, 8/2-3/1990

FF - Board Meeting - 1991-92 Budget Request, 8/2-3/1990

FF - Board Meeting - Missouri Tour 1990, 8/2-3/1990

FF - Board Meeting - Preparation, 8/2-3/1990

FF - Board Meeting - Agenda, 9/6/1990

FF - Board Meeting - External Funding, 9/6/1990

FF - Board Meeting - University Planning Task Force, 9/6/1990

FF - Board Meeting - UMKC Research Park - Kaiser Permanente, 9/6/1990

FF - Board Meeting - Executive Session, 9/6/1990

FF - Board Meeting - Data Resources Report, 9/6/1990

FF - Board Meeting - Preparation, 9/6/1990

FF - Board Meeting - Agenda, 10/18-19/1990

FF - Board Meeting - Preparation, 10/18-19/1990

FF - Board Meeting - Agenda and President's Report, 12/6-7/1990

FF - Board Meeting - President's Report on the Draft of the Partnership Commission, 12/6-7/1990

FF - Board Meeting - Intercollegiate Athletics, 12/6-7/1990

FF - Board Meeting - Preparation, 12/6-7/1990

FF - Board Meeting - Board President Eva Louise Frazer's Report, 12/6-7/1990

FF - Board Meeting - Comments to the Board on FY1991 Operating Budget Adjustments, 12/6-7/1990

FF - Board Meeting - President's Report, 1/30-31/1991

FF - Board Meeting - Finance Committee, 1/30-31/1991

FF - Board Meeting - Student Housing and Activity Fees, 1/30-31/1991

FF - Board Meeting - Missouri Research Park, 1/30-31/1991

FF - Board Meeting - Student Fee Task Force Report, 1/30-31/1991

FF - Board Meeting - Cooperative Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing, 1/30-31/1991

FF - Board Meeting - Preparation, 1/30-31/1991

Box 12 - 065227 [return to top]


FF - Board of Curators Meeting - Agenda, 3/14-15/1991

FF - Board of Curators Meeting - President's Report, 3/14-15/1991

FF - Board of Curators Meeting - Assessment, 3/14-15/1991

FF - Board of Curators Meeting - Finance Committee, 3/14-15/1991

FF - Board of Curators Meeting - Executive Session - Missouri Research Park, 3/14-15/1991

FF - Board of Curators Meeting - Preparation, 3/14-15/1991

FF - President's Report - Comments on University Planning, 5/2/1991

FF - Board of Curators Meeting - Mission Enhancement, 5/2/1991

FF - Board of Curators Meeting - Agenda, 5/2-3/1991

FF - Board of Curators Meeting - Budget Presentation, 5/2/1991

FF - Board of Curators Meeting - Student Fees, 5/2/1991

FF - Board of Curators Meeting - Budget Requests for FY1992 and FY1993, 6/1991

FF - Board of Curators Meeting - Preparation, 6/1991

FF - Board of Curators Meeting - Agenda, 6/1991

FF - Board of Curators Meeting - Student Fees, 6/1991

FF - Board of Curators Meeting - Teacher Education, 6/1991

FF - Board of Curators Meeting - Reports on Computing Fee and Telecommunications, 6/1991

FF - Board of Curators Meeting - Miscellaneous, 6/1991

FF - Board of Curators Meeting - Student Fees - Letters from UMC Medical Students, 6/1991

FF - Board of Curators Meeting - Agenda, 7/1991

FF - Board of Curators Meeting - Preparation, 7/1991

FF - Board of Curators Meeting - Introduction of George Russell Presentation on Distance Learning and Telecommunications, 7/1991

FF - Board of Curators Meeting - Miscellaneous, 7/1991

FF - Board of Curators Meeting - Report on Veterinary Medicine, 7/1991

FF - Board of Curators Meeting - Budget Presentation, 7/1991

FF - Board of Curators Meeting - Budget, 7/1991

FF - Board of Curators Meeting - Academic Freedom/Research, 7/1991

FF - Board of Curators Meeting - Student Fee Policy, 7/1991

FF - Board of Curators Meeting - Preparation, 9/1991

FF - Board of Curators Meeting, 10/1991

FF - Board of Curators Meeting, 12/1991

FF - Board of Curators Meeting, 1/1992

FF - Board of Curators Meeting, 3/1992

FF - Board of Curators Meeting, 5/1992

FF - Board of Curators Meeting, 6/1992

Box 13 - 065228 [return to top]


FF - UM Academic Affairs - International (includes information, plans, issues), 1989

FF - UM Academic Affairs - Assistant Vice President Nancy Marlin, 1988-1989

FF - UM Academic Affairs - Program Discontinuance, Elimination, and Reduction, 1992

FF - UM Academic Affairs - Program Planning and Priorities (includes information on program reductions and discontinued programs), 1988-1989

FF - UM Academic Affairs - Associate Vice President Arvarh Strickland, 1987-1991

FF - UM Academic Affairs - Student Recruitment, 1986-1988

FF - UM Academic Affairs - University Faculty Committee on Tenure (includes policies on tenure and termination of academic programs), 1988-1992

FF - UM Academic Affairs - Undergraduate Assessment, 1990-1991

FF - UM Academic Affairs - Undergraduate Assessment, 1988-1989

FF - UM Academic Affairs - Undergraduate Assessment, 1986-1987

FF - UM Academic Affairs - Undergraduate Assessment - UMC Center for Educational Assessment, 1988

FF - UM Academic Affairs - University of Missouri Press, 1989-1992

FF - UM Academic Affairs - Vice President Richard Wallace, 7-12/1992

FF - UM Academic Affairs - Vice President Wallace, 1-6/1992

FF - UM Academic Affairs - Vice President Wallace, 1991

FF - UM Academic Affairs - Vice President Wallace, 1990

FF - UM Academic Affairs - Vice President Wallace, 1989

FF - UM Academic Affairs - Weldon Spring Endowment Fund and Weldon Spring Fund Competition, 1987-1990

FF - UM Academic Affairs - Writing Programs at UMC, UMKC, and UMSL, 1985-1986

FF - UM Administrative Affairs - Management Services - Associate Vice President Gebe Ejigu, 1987-1990

FF - UM Administrative Affairs - Richard D. Finholt, Executive Director of Missouri Research Park and Special Assistant for Economic Development, 1989

FF - UM Administrative Affairs - Advisory Council on Financial Assets, 1990

FF - UM Administrative Affairs - Vice President James T. McGill, 1992

FF - UM Administrative Affairs - Vice President McGill, 1991

FF - UM Administrative Affairs - Vice President McGill, 1990

FF - UM Administrative Affairs - Vice President McGill, 1989

FF - UMC College of Agriculture, 1986-1992

FF - UMC College of Agriculture - Delta Center (Portageville, Missouri), 1986

FF - UMC College of Agriculture - Hatch Act (also includes Agricultural Experiment Station), 1986-1987

Box 14 - 065229 [return to top]


FF - UMC College of Agriculture - NOAA/Cooperative Institute of Applied Meteorology (CIAM), 1987-1990

FF - UMC Alumni, 1985-1992

FF - UMC College of Arts and Science, 1986-1992

FF - UMC Arts and Science - Department of Sociology - Confidential Report from Office of Internal Auditing, 1986 [RESTRICTED]

FF - UMC Athletics - NCAA Investigation of Basketball, 1990

FF - UMC Athletics, 1988-1991

FF - UMC College of Business and Public Administration, 1988-1990

FF - UMC Center for Studies in Oral Tradition - Roy Edwin Thomas Collection of middleclass folklore and traditions, 1991-1992

FF - UMC Provost and Interim Chancellor Gerald T. Brouder, 1992

FF - UMC Chancellor Haskell Monroe, 1987-1989

FF - UMC Chancellor Monroe, 1990-1991

FF - UMC Chancellor Monroe - References, 1987

FF - UMC College of Education, 1988-1991

FF - UMC College of Education - Department of Health and Physical Education (letter writing campaign on elimination of undergraduate Health and Physical Education), 1992

FF - UMC College of Education - Dean Wil Miller, 1988-1990

FF - UMC College of Engineering - Sam D. Haddad, 1989-1990

FF - UMC Engineering - Kenneth Ragsdell, 1988

FF - UMC College of Engineering, 1988-1992

FF - UMC Extension, 1991

FF - UMC Faculty and Staff, 1988-1990

FF - UMC Faculty and Staff, 1991

FF - UMC Faculty Council - Faculty By-laws, 1959-1980

FF - UMC Faculty - Letter Writing Campaign re: funding/allocations, 1988

FF - UMC Faculty - John Foley Bequest (includes information on Albert Bates Lord gift from Milman Perry Collection at Harvard), 1989

FF - UMC Faculty - Pauline Garrett, 1990-1991

FF - UMC Hearnes Center - Internal Audit Report, 1992

FF - UMC Hearnes Center, 1990

FF - UMC Hospital and Clinics, 1986-1992

FF - UMC Hospital and Clinics - Indigent Care, 1989-1991

FF - UMC Hospital and Clinics - Prisoner Treatment, 1986-1988

FF - UMC College of Human Environmental Sciences (including School of Social Work), 1992

FF - UMC Human Environmental Sciences - Margaret Mangel Lectureship Series, 1987-1988

FF - UMC Human Environmental Sciences - Letters in opposition to moving School of Social Work from UMC to UMSL, 1992

FF - UMC International Student Services (includes immigration information), 1987

FF - UMC School of Journalism, 1990-1992

FF - UMC School of Journalism, 1987-1989

FF - UMC School of Journalism - Dean Search, 1988-1989

FF - UMC School of Journalism - Multicultural Management Program, 1990-1991

FF - UMC School of Journalism - Multicultural Management Program, 1987-1990

FF - UMC School of Journalism - New Directions for News, 1988-1991

FF - UMC School of Journalism - Racism Issue - Mark Pardee, 1987 [RESTRICTED]

FF - UMC School of Journalism - KBIA FM, 1992

FF - UMC Keller Memorial Hospital (Fayette, Missouri), 1990-1991

Box 15 - 065230 [return to top]


FF - UMC School of Law - Report to the Accreditation Committee of the American Bar Association Section of Legal Education and Admission to the Bar, 1992

FF - UMC School of Law, 1987-1992

FF - UMC School of Law - Law Building Name, 1986-1990

FF - UMC Libraries, 1986-1991

FF - UMC Long Range Planning - "MU in the 1990s", 1991

FF - UMC Maneater newspaper, 1988-1992

FF - UMC School of Medicine, 1986-1992

FF - UMC School of Medicine - Center for Reproductive Sciences and Technology, 1990

FF - UMC School of Medicine - Ellis Fischel State Cancer Center and University Hospital Merger and Transfer, 1989-1990

FF - UMC School of Medicine - Ellis Fischel and University Hospital - Affiliation, 1987

FF - UMC School of Medicine - Mostafa S. Fahim - Kastrin/Pfizer, 1989

FF - UMC School of Medicine - Mostafa S. Fahim - Kastrin/Pfizer, 1988

FF - UMC School of Medicine - Mostafa S. Fahim - Kastrin/Pfizer, 1987

FF - UMC School of Medicine - Mostafa S. Fahim - Kastrin/Pfizer, 1986

FF - UMC School of Medicine - Mostafa S. Fahim - Kastrin/Pfizer, 1983

FF - UMC School of Medicine - Joint Task Force on Medical School Foundation and Medical Alumni Organization, 1988-1989

FF - UMC MURR Research Reactor, 1988

FF - UMC MURR, 1989

FF - UMC MURR, 1990

FF - UMC MURR - Audit, Topaz Operation, Executive Summary, State Audit, 1989

FF - UMC MURR - Funding - "University Research Reactors in the United States: Their Role and Value" (also includes MURR Annual Report, 1987-1988), 1989

FF - UMC School of Nursing, 1986-1992

FF - UMC Organization for Tropical Studies (OTS; non-University organization), 1987-1989

FF - UMC Press/Bar Center (proposed), 1990

FF - UMC Parking and Transportation Services, 1985-1986

FF - UMC Promotion and Tenure, 1983-1992

FF - UMC Provost Lois B. DeFleur, 1986-1990

FF - UMC Mainframe Computing, 1989-1991

FF - UMC Students, 1987-1992

FF - UMC University Bookstore - Internal Audit, 1991

FF - UMC College of Veterinary Medicine - Writing campaign in response to Curator Kummer's remarks, 1991

FF - UMC College of Veterinary Medicine, 1988-1991

FF - UMC Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Dave McIntire, 1989-1991

FF - UMC Water Resources Research Center, 1985-1990

Return to UW:4/5/5 summary

Restrictions Note: The Archives of the University of Missouri-Columbia is required by law and Board of Curator's policy to restrict access to some files and information. Student records are held as confidential under the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and by University policy. Faculty promotion and tenure records and Academic Personnel files are restricted for 75 years, or the lifetime of the individual. All grievance, disciplinary, and medical records are treated as confidential files. Consultations with legal counsel, both in-house and external, are protected by the attorney/client privilege and will not be released.

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Compiled: February 2012
Revised: 21 June 2016

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