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Box Lists for UW:4/30/9

Note to Researcher: These box lists are provided by the originating office. They have not been verified for accuracy by the staff of University Archives. Furthermore, since these records have not been processed to the level of an inventory, there may be RESTRICTED material not specifically annotated as such and access may be limited in that regard. Please see the RESTRICTIONS NOTE at the end of the box list(s).

Box 1 - 040376


FF - Health Sciences Center Legislative Update 1999-2000

FF - Business Plan UMHSC & CRH 6/1999

FF - Boone Retirement Center

FF - Columbia Regional Hospital 1999, File 1 & 2

FF - CRH-Tenet Hospital System Documents Requested by UM 1999

FF - Financial Information 1/1999-6/2001

FF - Univ of MO Health Care External Advisory Council 6/2001

FF - Univ of MO HC General Correspondence & Information (5 files, 1995-2001)

FF - Univ of MO HC Indigent Care Presentations 7/1998-4/2000

FF - Univ of MO HC IndigentlCharity Care Statistics 9/1998-2/2000

Box 2 - 040380


FF - Curators Orientation 5/2001

FF - UM H&C Market Profile Exec Summary - Sachs Group 6/12/1998

FF - HSC Master Plan 5/1998

FF - HMO Feasibility Study - The Pace Group 4/1996

FF - Health Facil Rev Bonds - Series 1996A-1998A -Info requested by AMBAC 2/2001

FF - University Hospital Medicaid HMO

FF - Hospital & Clinics Mission-Based Management Programs

FF - Hospital & Clinics Operations Redesign J & J 2000

FF - Phelps County Hospital, 1996

FF - PWC Consultants, 1998

FF - Veterans Affairs Affiliation, 1999

FF - Women's & Children's Center/Birthing Center, 1996-1999

FF - Quality Management U-2-00369, 1994-1995

FF - FY2001 Accounting

FF - FY2001 Unicard Purchases

FF - FY2000 Unicard Purchases

FF - FY1999 Procard Purchases

FF - Jim Cofer - NCES

FF - NCES Initial Application Info

FF - NCES Data Confidentiality

FF - NCES Reactivation, 1998

FF - NCES Misc. Forms

FF - Jim Cofer Cell Phone Bills Paid

Box 3 - 040450


FF - Board of Curators, 1/2000

FF - Board of Curators, 3/2000

FF - Board of Curators, 5/2000

FF - Board of Curators - Finance Committee, 6/2000

FF - Board of Curators, 7/2000

FF - Board of Curators, 9/2000

FF - Board of Curators, 10/2000

FF - Board of Curators, 12/2000

Box 4 - 040503


FF - "A" Miscellaneous

FF - Academic Affairs - University Press, 1998

FF - Academic Affairs, 2000

FF - Administrative Management Council Meetings, 1991

FF - Administrative Management Council Meetings, 1992

FF - Administrative Management Council Meetings, 1993

FF - Administrative Management Council Meetings, 1994

FF - Administrative Management Council Meetings, 1995

FF - Administrative Management Council Meetings, 1996

FF - Administrative Management Council Meetings, 1997

FF - Administrative Management Council Meetings, 1998

FF - Administrative Management Council Meetings, 1999

FF - Administrative Management Council Meetings, 2000

FF - ASP - General Information, 1997

FF - ASP - General Information, 1998

FF - ASP - General Information, 1999

FF - ASP - General Information, 2000

FF - PeopleSoft Software Purchase

FF - UM ASP Technology Assessment Final Report, March 1999

FF - Asset Allocation Study, 1998

FF - Asset Management Redesign Team, 2000-2001

FF - Association of American Universities, 1996

FF - Association of American Universities, 1997

FF - Association of American Universities, 1998

FF - Association of American Universities, 1999

FF - Association of American Universities, 2000

FF - Internal Auditing, 1998

FF - Internal Auditing, 1999

FF - Internal Auditing, 2000

FF - State of Missouri - Auditor, 2000

Box 5 - 040539


FF - CPB Radio Station 1998 KBIA-UMC

FF - CPB Radio Station 1998 KCUR-UMKC

FF - CPB Radio Station 1998 KUMR-UMR

FF - CPB Radio Station 1998 KWMU-UMSL

FF - CPB Radio Station 1999 KBIA-UMC

FF - CPB Radio Station 1999 KCUR-UMKC

FF - CPB Radio Station 1999 KIJMR-UMR

FF - CPB Radio Station 1999 KWMU-UMSL

FF - Motor Transport & Movers Ltd Review of Payroll & Expenditure Re: Abrupt Resignation

FF - UM - Allen Foods Contract: Price Verification for Chains 143, 161, 261 for 07/99-12/99

FF - Original Documents Used in Fraud Audits

Box 6 - 040570


FF - The Bluffs Golf Course, 1993

FF - Board of Curators - Horne, 1997

FF - Board of Curators - Mathes, 1997-2001

FF - Board of Curators - Steele, 1997-2001

FF - Board of Curators - Executive Committee, 1999-2000

FF - Board of Curators - Finance Committee, 1999-2000

FF - Board of Curators - Physical Facilities Committee, 1999-2000

FF - Board of Curators - Academic Affairs Committee, 1995-1998

FF - Board of Curators - University Hospitals and Health Sciences Committee, 2000

FF - Board of Curators - General, 1999-2000

FF - Board of Curators - New Curator Orientation, 1999

FF - Council for Institutional Relations, 1998-1999

FF - Deloitte and Touche, 1999-2000

FF - Development, 1997

FF - Development, 1999

FF - Gift Report - Unrestricted Gift Income, 2000

FF - Economic Development - General, 1998-2000

FF - Economic Development - Van Scoyoc Associates, 1998

FF - Economic Development - Venture Capital Program, 1998

FF - Endowed Chairs and Professorships, 1996-2000

FF - Endowment Information, 1999

FF - Financial Results of Enterprise-Like Operations, 1999

FF - Executive Orders and Guidelines, 1991-1999

FF - Extension, 1992-2000

FF - Facilities, Planning and Development, 1999

FF - Facilities, Planning and Development, 2000

FF - Faculty Performance Shares, 2000

FF - Federal Relations, 2000

FF - Fees, 1999-2000

FF - Finance and Administration, 1999-2000

FF - Financial Aid, 1998-2000

FF - UM System - Financial Report, 1998-1999

FF - Fort Leonard Wood Technology Park, 1999-2000

FF - General Counsel, 2000

FF - James T. McGill Personal Financial Disclosure File, 1991-1996

FF - General Counsel - Ethics Bill, 1990-1998

FF - General Counsel - Lobbying Forms and Reports, 1991-1998

FF - General Officers, 2000

Box 7 - 040573


FF - Governmental Relations 2000

FF - Govt Relations - House Bills 199 1-1999

FF - House Concurrent Resolution #27 (1998), 3 files

FF - Jordan Charitable Foundation 1995-1998

FF - Kansas City Campus - Property 1997-2000

FF - Kansas City Campus - Correspondence 2000

FF - Kansas City Campus - Medical School 1998

FF - Kansas City Campus - Volker Campus Master Plan 1999

FF - Kansas City Campus - Brush Creek 1978, 1997

FF - CAFNR's Life Sciences Committee Report 1998

FF - Management Services 2000

FF - Minority Business Enterprise/Women Business Enterprise 1997-2000

FF - Missouri Research Park 2000

FF - MRP Conference Center 1998-1999

FF - MRP July 1994 (binder w/architect visuals)

FF - MRP Justification

FF - MRP Proposal 1996 to McDonnell Douglas Realty Co.

FF - MRP Protective Covenants & Design Guidelines

Box 8 - 040574


FF - NACUBO General Correspondence 1997-2000


FF - NCHEMS 1997-2000

FF - Organizational Charts 1993-1998

FF - Patents & Licensing 1995-1997

FF - Planning - Capital 1998

FF - Planning- UMC 1992, UMKC 1993, Missouri 20/20 1993

FF - Planning & Budget 2000

FF - Planning & Budget Faculty Workload 1995-1999

FF - Present Estimates Analysis 2000

FF - President's Staff Meetings 1998-2001

FF - Providence Point 1994-2000

FF - Internal Auditing - PWC 2000

FF - Resource Allocation 1985-2000

FF - Resumes 1997-2000

FF - Retirement 1998-2000

FF - Revenue & Expenditure Report 1999-2000

FF - Risk & Insurance Management 1998-2000

FF - UMR 2000

FF - UMSL 2000

FF - UMSL Performing Arts Center 1998-2000

FF - UMSL Property Acquisitions General Plan 1993-1996, 1997-2000

FF - UMSL Property Acquisitions Uncle Chunkie's & Wendy's Restaurants 1995-1999

FF - UMSL Property Acquisitions: Our Lady of Child Dcv. Center 1995-1998

FF - Staff Benefits - General Information 1997-1999

FF - Staff Benefits - Medical Insurance 1997-1999

FF - UM Staff Advisory Council 1998-1999

FF - Staff Recognition Week 1998-2000

FF - State of Missouri - Governor Carnahan 1995-1999

FF - State of Missouri - Tax Information 1990-1999

FF - State of Missouri - Vehicle Usage 2000

Box 9 - 040586


FF - Investment & Banking Systems Facilities Financial Advisory Committee 1994, 1998-1999

FF - Telecommunications - Delta Center 1996, Video Network Plan/Lamb Report 1997, 2000

FF - Telecommunications Study

FF - VERIP 1999-2000

FF - Investments & Banking 1999

FF - Investments & Banking 2000

FF - Investments - PIMCO 1997-1999

FF - Investments - Stem Brothers 1999

FF - Investments - TT International 2000

FF - Investment & Banking - Rating Agencies 1997

FF - Investment & Banking - Moody's 1999-2000

FF - Quarterly Reports - Retirement & Endowment Funds 1999-2000

FF - Investments - General Information - Endowment & Retirement Funds 1997-2000

FF - Investments - Retirement Fund 1996-2000

FF - Univ of MO Supplemental Retirement Savings Plan 2000

FF - Investments - Endowment Fund 1991-2000

FF - Investments - Endowment Study 1990-1991

FF - Investment & Banking - General - Investment Managers 1992-1999

FF - Investment & Banking - Abel/Noser Corp. 1992-1998

FF - Investment & Banking - Alliance Bernstein 2000

FF - Investment & Banking - Angelo, Gordon & Co., L.P. 1993

FF - Investment & Banking - BARRA RogersCasey 1998-2000

FF - Investment & Banking - Cain Brothers 2000

FF - Investment & Banking - Capital Guardian Trust Co. 2000

FF - Investment & Banking - Farrell Investments 2000

FF - Government Relations - Senate Bills 1991-2000

FF - Hawthorn Foundation 1995-2000

FF - UMC Health Sciences Center Legislative Request 1999

FF - Human Resource Services 1999-2000

FF - Information Technology Plans 1997-1999

FF - IT Job Family Staff Compensation Study Summary Report 1999

Box 10 - 040648


FF - University Park - Development, 4/8/1994

FF - University Park - Salaries, 1989-1992

FF - University Park, 1995-1996

FF - Higher Education Forum - Excellence Indicators Framework, Fall 1999

FF - Intercampus Faculty Council, 1998-2000

FF - Inventory, 1983-1999

FF - Budget - General Information, 1999-2000

FF - Coeur Business Group, 2000

FF - Collected Rules and Regulations, 2000

FF - UMC General, 1998-1999

FF - UMC - Basketball Facility, 1999-2000

FF - Residential Life - Curator Steele's Request, 2000

FF - Columbia Campus - Plant Science Institute, 1998

FF - Columbia Campus - School of Nursing, 1997-1998

FF - Conflict of Interest, 1994-2000

FF - Institutional Out-of-State Tuition Policy and Practice (CBHE), 1998

FF - Coordinating Board for Higher Education, 1998-2000

FF - CBHE - Affordability Commission, 1997, 2000

FF - CBHE - Missouri Commission on the Affordability of Higher Education, 1999

FF - CBHE - Missouri Commission on the Affordability of Higher Education, 5-12/1999

FF - COPHE, 1999

FF - COPHE - Public Higher Education Cost Committee, 1999

Box 11 - 112611


FF - Academic Affairs, 1999

FF - Administrative Management Council - Agendas, 1991-1997

FF - Administrative Management Council - General, 1996-1997

FF - Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), 1996-1997

FF - Auditing, Internal, 1-6/2000

FF - Auditing, Internal, 7-12/2000

FF - Auditing, Internal, 1-6/1999

FF - Auditing, Internal, 1998

FF - Auditing, Internal, 7-12/1999

FF - Board of Curators - Beckett, 1995-2000

FF - Board of Curators - Combs, 1995-1999

FF - Board of Curators - Stephenson, 1996-2000

FF - Board of Curators - McHugh, The Magi Foundation, 2004

FF - Orientation of New Curators - UMC Health Sciences Center, 3/20/1997

FF - New Curators Orientation - "Overview of the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs: A Tour via the Internet," 5/29/1997

FF - Board of Curators Orientation - Business and Financial Operations, 3/5/1997

FF - New Curator Orientation, 1999

Box 12 - 112612


FF - Capital Appropriations, 2000-2001

FF - Appropriation Request for Operations, 2000

FF - Budget - UMC Health Sciences Center, 2000

FF - University-Wide, 2000

FF - Budget - System Administration, 2000

FF - Budget - Finance and Administration, 2000

FF - Budget - Status Funds and Fund Balances, 2000

FF - Budget - Capital Request, 1999

FF - Operating Budget - Appropriations Request, 1999

FF - Budget - Operating Request, 1999

FF - Budget - Withholding, 1999

FF - Budget - University-Wide, 1999

FF - Budget - System Administration, 1999

FF - Budget - Administrative Affairs, 1999

FF - Budget - Status Reports and Fund Balances, 1999

FF - Columbia Campus, 2000

FF - Budget Request Info File, 1999-2000

Box 13 - 112613


FF - UMC - Budget Issues, 1999

FF - Columbia Campus, 1999

FF - UMC - College of Engineering, 1997-1998

FF - Columbia Campus - Early Alert Project, 1998 [Restricted]

FF - Columbia Campus - White Campus Greenhouse and Brady Commons Addition, 1997-1998

FF - Controller, 2000

FF - Controller, 1999

FF - Development - Foundations, 1992-1993, 1998

FF - Finance and Administration, 1999

FF - Finance and Administration - Organization Goals, Objectives and Mission, 1990-1993

FF - Finance and Administration - Accomplishments and Goals, 1999

FF - Finance and Administration - Furniture and Equipment, 1996

FF - General Counsel - General Correspondence, 1999

FF - General Counsel - Special Reports: Court Cases and Budget Info, 1996

FF - General Officers, 1999

FF - Governmental Relations, 1999

FF - Candidates for Chief Financial Officer, 2000

FF - Libraries, 1998

FF - Libraries - Library Technology at UM Presentation, 3/13/1998

FF - Kansas City Campus, 1999

FF - Kansas City Campus - Stowers Institute, 1997-1998

FF - Management Services, 1999

FF - Midwest Higher Education Commission - General Information, 1997-1999

FF - Missourians for Higher Education (MHE), 1997-1998

FF - MHE - Mission, Purpose, Goals, Organizational Structure, and Membership Lists, 1992-1993

FF - Missouri Bluffs Corporate Center, 1998

FF - Missouri Research Park (MRP), 1999

FF - MRP - Lawsuit, 1998 [Restricted]

FF - Planning and Budget, 1999

FF - President - Providence Point, 1991-1992

FF - President - University Hall, 1992-1996

FF - President - University of Missouri Land-Grant Mission Revision Advisory Committee, 1994-1995

FF - Retirement, 1999

FF - Retirement - Pension Adjustments, 1989-1999

FF - Rolla Campus, 1999

Return to UW:4/30/9 summary

Restrictions Note: The Archives of the University of Missouri-Columbia is required by law and Board of Curator's policy to restrict access to some files and information. Student records are held as confidential under the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and by University policy. Faculty promotion and tenure records and Academic Personnel files are restricted for 75 years, or the lifetime of the individual. All grievance, disciplinary, and medical records are treated as confidential files. Consultations with legal counsel, both in-house and external, are protected by the attorney/client privilege and will not be released.

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Revised: 05 March 2008

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