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Box Lists for UW:4/30/10

Note to Researcher: These box lists are provided by the originating office. They have not been verified for accuracy by the staff of University Archives. Furthermore, since these records have not been processed to the level of an inventory, there may be RESTRICTED material not specifically annotated as such and access may be limited in that regard. Please see the RESTRICTIONS NOTE at the end of the box list(s).

Box 1 - 008474 [return to top]


FF - Associated Student of the University of Missouri (ASUM) Prospectus, 2003

FF - Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges (AGB), 2003

FF - Correspondence and NCAA Audit Report, 2004-2005

FF - External Audit Interviews, 2004

FF - Internal Audit, 2004

FF - Internal Audit Steering Committee, 2004

FF - State Audit Procurement Cards, 2004

FF - Board of Curators, Lock Letter, 2004

FF - Board of Curators, Ream, 2001 & 2005

FF - Board of Curators, Bennett, 2006

FF - Board of Curators, Tom Atkins, 2004-2006

FF - Board of Curators Additional Withholding Correspondence, 2004

FF - Capital Pool Summary, 2004

FF - Capital Project Notes, 2004

FF - Chancellors Salary, 2004

FF - UMC General Correspondence - KOUM & Direct Tv, Budgeting, Self Study, 2004

FF - Controller, 2004

FF - Council for Institutional Relations (CIR), 2004

FF - Deloitte & Touche Correspondence re Audit, 2004

FF - Development, 2004

FF - Faculty Council, 2003

FF - UMC Property - Fire Station, 2003

FF - Residential Life Master Plan, 2000-2001

FF - Strategic Planning and Resource Advisory Council, 2003-2004

FF - Chancellor's Residence Renovation, 2003

FF - Faculty Performance Shares Program, 2004

FF - Facilities, Planning, and Development, 2004

FF - Finance & Administration, 2004

FF - Finance & Administration Staff Meeting, 2004

FF - Fort Leonard Wood, 2004

FF - General Counsel re Criminal Background Checks, 2004

FF - Sunshine Law Requests, 2004

FF - Governmental Relations, 2004

FF - Incidental Expenses, 2004

FF - Institutional Review Board, 2004

FF - Maintenance & Repairs, FY2001-2004

FF - Net Assets Report, 2005

FF - Lehman Brothers, 2004

FF - MU Health Care Credit Presentation, 2004

Box 2 - 008475 [return to top]


FF - Large Cap Manager, 12/15/2004

FF - Investments and Banking, 2004

FF - UMKC - General Correspondence, 2004

FF - UMKC - Property, 2001-2004

FF - M/WBE Program (Minorities and Women in Business), 2004

FF - Missouri Research Park, 2004

FF - President Elson Floyd, 2004

FF - President's Staff Meeting, 2004

FF - Quarterly Performance and Projection Report, 2004

FF - Records Management, 2004

FF - Risk and Insurance Management, 2004

FF - UMR - General Correspondence, 2004

FF - UMSL - General Correspondence, 2004

FF - Workers' Compensation, 2004

FF - Enterprise-Like Operations, 2001

FF - Financial Aid, 2002

FF - Information Technologies - Budget and Organizational, 2002

FF - Extension Allocation, 2004

FF - External Funding Report, 2001-2003

FF - External Entities, 2004

FF - Sunshine Law, 2002

FF - Health Facilities Revenue Bonds, 2004

FF - Information Technologies Steering Committee, 2004

FF - BioMed Valley, 2004

FF - UMKC - Capital Campaign, 2004

FF - UMKC - Fiscal Practices Review, 2000

FF - UMKC - Stowers Incubator, 2002-2004

FF - Student Housing, 2002

FF - Kresge Foundation, 2004

FF - Natalie Krawitz - General Correspondence, 2004

FF - Lambert Airport Eastern Perimeter Joint Development Commission, 2004

FF - Legislative Agenda, 2004

FF - Leonard Wood Institute, 2004

FF - Medical Alliance Board, 2002-2004

FF - Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT), 2004

FF - MOBIO, 2003

FF - Northwest Missouri State University (NWMSU) - General Correspondence, 2003-2004

FF - NWMSU, 2003 (cont'd)

FF - NWMSU - Residence Hall Master Plan, 6/2001

FF - Office of Technology and Special Projects, 2001

FF - Performance Program, 2004

FF - Missouri Transportation Institute (MTI), 2004

FF - Student Housing Funding Gift, 2004

FF - PeopleSoft Finance Upgrade, 2004

Box 3 - 008476 [return to top]


FF - Sponsored Research Awards, 2006

FF - Association of Government Accountants, 2004

FF - Association for Institutional Research, 2004

FF - Conference Room Renovation, 2004

FF - Private Equity, 2003-2004

FF - Research Incentive Program, 2004

FF - UMSL Lawsuit Materials, 2004

FF - University Place UMSL, 2003-2004

FF - Small Business Development Centers, 2004

FF - Technopolis, 2002

FF - Space Inventory, 2004

FF - Licensing Stock, 2004

FF - Strategic Initiatives, 2004

FF - UMKC Program Proposal - Advancing Theatre, 2004

FF - UMKC Program Proposal - Biomaterials/Biomechanical Consortium, 2004

FF - UMKC Program Proposal - Entrepreneurial Lawyering Program, 2004

FF - UMKC Program Proposal - Building Excellence in Music, 2004

FF - UMKC Program Proposal - Center for Informatic Medicine, 2004

FF - Trammell Crow Company, 2004

FF - Transition Assistance, 2003

FF - Strategic Plan and Incentive Funding, 2004

Binder - Missouri Care Operating Board Meeting, February 2003

Binder - Missouri Care Operating Board Meeting, April 2003

Binder - Missouri Care Operating Board Meeting, June 2003

Binder - Missouri Care Operating Board Meeting, August 2003

Binder - Missouri Care Operating Board Meeting, October 2003

Binder - Missouri Care Operating Board Meeting, December 2003

Binder - Missouri Care Operating Board Meeting, February 2004

Binder - Missouri Care Operating Board Meeting, April 2004

Binder - Missouri Care Operating Board Meeting, June 2004

Binder - Missouri Care Operating Board Meeting, August 2004

Binder - Missouri Care Operating Board Meeting, October 2004

Binder - Missouri Care Operating Board Meeting, December 2004

FF - Briefing Book Legislative Session, January 2004

Box 4 - 012279 [return to top]


FF - E-Commerce at MU Stores, 2001-2002

FF - Education Process Review

FF - Appropriations Education Committee - Equity Funding, 2003

FF - Appropriations Education Committee - Equity Funding, 2001

FF - University of Missouri Outreach & Extension Budget, 1998-2002

FF - Facilities, Planning & Development - Annual Report, 2002-2003

FF - Engineering Lab Equipment - Report on Equipment and Funding Requests, 2001

FF - Facilities Revenue Bonds, 2001

FF - Faculty Performance Shares - Balance Sheet, 2003

FF - Faculty Performance Shares - Balance Sheet, 2002

Binder - Faculty Performance Shares - UMC, UMKC, UMR, UMSL, Outreach & Extension, 2001

FF - Faculty Practice Plan - FTE and Salary by Fund and Program Classification Structure, 1998-2002

FF - NSF Presentation/Budget, 2001

FF - Fees, 2003-2004

FF - Fees, 2002-2003

FF - Fees, 2001-2002

FF - Late Fees, 2003

FF - Loan Obligations, 2003

FF - Graduate and Professional Fees, 2001-2002

FF - Finance & Administration, 2003

FF - Finance & Administration, 2002

FF - Finance & Administration Meetings, 2002

FF - Finance & Administration Meetings, 2003

FF - Fort Leonard Wood - University of Missouri Technology Park, 2003

FF - Fort Leonard Wood - University of Missouri Technology Park, 2002

FF - General Counsel, 2003

FF - General Counsel, 2002

FF - Sunshine Law Requests, 2003

FF - General Officers - Meeting Agendas, 2003

FF - General Officers, 2002

Box 5 - 012287 [return to top]


FF - Development Gift Report - Unrestricted Gift Income, 2003

FF - Development Gift Report - Unrestricted Gift Income, 2002

FF - Governmental Relations, 2003

FF - Governmental Relations, 2002

FF - Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, 2003

FF - House Appropriations Hearings, 2001

FF - Missouri Sunset Act, 2003

FF - Health Services Legislative Agenda, 2001-2003

FF - Missouri Department of Higher Education, 2003

FF - Human Resources, 2003

FF - Human Resources Services, 2002

FF - Human Resources Data Repository, 2001-2002

FF - Imaging, 2002

FF - Incidental Expenditure Policies, 2003

FF - Indirect Cost Recovery, 2001

FF - Institutional Research, 2002-2003

FF - Intercampus Faculty Council, 2002

FF - Alternative Investments, 2001-2002

FF - Investments & Banking, 2003

FF - Investments & Banking, 2002

FF - Orientation/Special Meeting, 2002

FF - Credit Presentation, 2003

FF - Credit Presentation, 2002

FF - Endowments & Investments - General, 2002-2003

FF - Investment & Banking - Endowments Manager Search Presentation, 2000

FF - Investments - Endowment Fund, 2002

FF - Interest Rate Swap - MU & JP Morgan Chase Bank, 2002

FF - Internal Loan Program, 2003

FF - Investment & Banking - General - Investment Managers

FF - Investments - General Information - Endowment & Retirement Funds, 2001-2003

FF - Investments - Retirement Fund, 2002

FF - UMKC Correspondence, 2003

FF - UMKC Correspondence, 2002

FF - UMKC Financial Planning Conference, March 18-19, 2002

FF - Kansas City Design Center, 2002

FF - Kansas City Campus Growth Plans

FF - UMKC Residency Program

FF - Kansas City Campus - Strategic Plan Academic Affairs, 1997-2002

Box 6 - 012288 [return to top]


FF - Executive Summary, "Life Sciences and Missouri's Economic Future", 2002

FF - Management Services - Missouri and Women-Owned Businesses Programs, 2001-2003

FF - Management Services - Goals/Objectives, FY2002 and 2003

FF - UMKC Campus Master Plan, 7/2002

FF - "UMKC 2006: Our Emerging Future - Visions, Values, and Goals" - Preliminary Version, 10/1/2002

FF - "UMKC 2006: Our Emerging Future - Visions, Values, and Goals" - Appendices, Preliminary Version, 10/1/2002

FF - UMKC Master Plan, 2002

FF - Medical Resident FICA, 2003

FF - Mission Enhancement, 1999-2002

FF - Mission Statements, 2003

FF - Missouri Care, 2002-2003

FF - Missouri Consolidated Health Care Plan (MCHCP), 2002-2003

FF - MRP (Missouri Research Park), 2003

FF - MRP, 2002

FF - MRP, 1997

FF - MRP - Wingate Inn, 2002

FF - University Place Office/Research Park, 2002

FF - MOBIUS - Annual Report, 2001-2002

FF - National Association of College and University Business Officers (NACUBO) - General Correspondence, 2001-2005

FF - NACUBO, 4/2002

FF - NASULGC, 2003

FF - NASULGC, 2002

FF - Fund Balance Report, 6/30/2001

FF - New Academic Program Cost, 2003

FF - Northwest Foundation Inc., 2003

FF - Northwest Missouri State University - Investments/Endowments, 2003

FF - Operating Principles, 2000-2001

FF - Patents and Licensing, 2001-2004

FF - Present Estimates Analysis, 2001

FF - President Elson Floyd, 2002-2003

FF - Manuel Pacheco, 1997-2002

FF - President's Staff, 2003

FF - Private Equity Meetings, New York, 12/2003

FF - Privatized Student Housing, 2002

Box 7 - 012289 [return to top]


FF - Procurement, 2003

FF - Procurement, 2002

FF - Property Holdings, 2002

FF - Quarterly Revenue and Expenditure Report, 11/15/2002

FF - Quarterly Performance and Projection Report, 12/2003

FF - Records Management, 2003

FF - Records Management, 2002

FF - Reduction of Academic Costs - Task Force, 2002

FF - Research Animal Diagnostic and Investigative Laboratory (RADIL), 2002

FF - Research Foundation, 2003

FF - Retirement, 2002

FF - Retirement, 2001

FF - Revenue and Expenditure Report, 2003

FF - Revenue and Expenditure Report, 2002

FF - Risk and Insurance Management, 2003

FF - Risk and Insurance Management, 2002

FF - UMR Correspondence, 2003

FF - UMR Correspondence, 2002

FF - Residential Life Master Plan - Phase I, 2001

FF - "University of Missouri-Rolla Administrative Services Measurement Structure", n.d.

FF - UMSL Correspondence, 2003

FF - UMSL Correspondence, 2002

FF - UMSL Roads, 2002

FF - UMSL Property, 2001-2003

FF - UMSL Property, 2002

FF - UMSL Proposed Acquisition of West County Technical High School Property, 2002

FF - UMSL Property 8102 and 8104 Oxeye, 2001

FF - UMSL Property Bi-State Development/Missouri Department of Transportation, 1998-2001

FF - Salaries and Wages, 2001-2003

FF - Sallie Mae Foundation, 2002

FF - Seminary Fund, 2002

FF - Spinal Cord Injury Fund, 2001-2002

FF - UM Staff Advisory Council, 2002

FF - Staff Recognition Week, 2001

FF - Student Information Systems - Task Force, 2003

FF - System Facilities Revenue Bonds, 2002-2003

FF - Time and Effort Reporting System, 2003

FF - Voluntary Early Retirement Incentive Program (VERIP), 2003

FF - VERIP, 2002

FF - Midwest Health Equities LP, 2002

FF - UM System Website, 2003

Box 8 - 012303 [return to top]


FF - University of Missouri-Columbia, Capital Regional Medical Center - Services Agreement

FF - Columbia Regional Hospital - MU/CRH Integration

FF - MU Community Practice Clinics

FF - University of Missouri-Columbia, Health System - Services Agreement

FF - MU Health Care, Correspondence - Finances, Physician Workforce Assessment, 2002

FF - MU Health Care, Correspondence - Ellis Fischel and Hunter Group, 2003

FF - School of Medicine - Requests for Support to Recruit Clinical and Basic Science Chairs

FF - Quality of Care Initiative - Safety Reports, 1/2002-7/2002

FF - Rusk Rehabilitation Center - Lease, Operating and Affiliation Agreements, 1996

FF - Women's Center at Woodrail - Business Structure Proposal, 2002

Binder - Women's Center at Woodrail - Business Structure Proposal, 2002

FF - University of Missouri-Columbia, Medical Alliance - Budget, Meeting Agendas, 2002-2003

FF - University of Missouri-Columbia Health Systems Board of Directors - Meeting Minutes and Correspondence, 1998-2000

FF - Missouri Care Finance Committee, 2003

Box 9 - 012305 [return to top]


FF - Strategic Planning Steering Committee, 2000

FF - Strategic Planning Steering Committee, 1999

FF - Strategic Planning, 2000

FF - Strategic Planning, July-Dec 1999

FF - Strategic Planning, Jan-June 1999

FF - Mission Review - UMC, UMR, UMSL, 2002

FF - Finance & Administration Strategic Planning Performance Indicators, 2002-2003

FF - Finance & Administration Strategic Plans, 2000

FF - Strategic Plan, 2000-2001

FF - University of Missouri - Mission, 2000

FF - Performance Assessment, 1999-2002

FF - Environmental Scanning, 2001-2002

FF - Developing and Managing Resources, 2002

Box 10 - 052187 [return to top]


FF - Organizational Structure of Health Enterprise, 2003 [RESTRICTED]

FF - The Hunter Group, 2002-2004 [RESTRICTED]

FF - The Hunter Group Contract, 2004 [RESTRICTED]

FF - The Hunter Group Expenses, 2003-2004 [RESTRICTED]

FF - The Hunter Group Fees, 2002-2004 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Personnel Issues, 2002-2003 [RESTRICTED]

Binder - The Hunter Group Report, February 2003 [RESTRICTED]

Binder - The Hunter Group Report (continued), February 2003 [RESTRICTED]

FF - The Hunter Group - Finance [RESTRICTED]

FF - MU Healthcare - Executive Meeting Materials and Agendas, 2002-2003 [RESTRICTED]

FF - MU Healthcare - Performance Improvement Steering Committee, 2003 [RESTRICTED]

FF - MU Health System, 2002-2003 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Correspondence re: MU Health System, 2002-2003 [RESTRICTED]

FF - MU Hospitals and Clinics Task Force Meetings, 2002 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Hospital Proposals, 2002 [RESTRICTED]

Box 11 - 052189 [return to top]


FF - UM - Life Sciences, 2001-2004

FF - Life Sciences Steering Committee, 2002

FF - Life Sciences, 2001

FF - Washington Advisory Group, 2001-2002

FF - JOBS NOW, 2004

FF - Battelle Memorial Institute - "Foundations for Growth: An Economic Analysis of the Life Sciences in Missouri", Final Report, 12/2001

FF - Battelle - "Missouri Benchmarking Analysis", Final Report, 12/2001

FF - Senate Bill No. 1191 (Tobacco Settlement), 2002

FF - Missouri Life Sciences Research Account (MLSRA), n.d.

FF - Tobacco Settlement - Hospitals and Clinics, 1999

FF - Tobacco Settlement Issues, 1999

FF - Tobacco Settlement - Hospitals and Clinics, 2000

FF - Tobacco Settlement Symposium, 1999

FF - Battelle - Life Sciences, 2002-2003

FF - Tobacco Settlement - Healthy Families Initiative, 2002

FF - Tobacco Settlement, 1999

Box 12 - 133334 [return to top]


FF - Academic Affairs, 2001

FF - AMBAC, 2001

FF - American Airlines, 2001

FF - Administrative Systems Project (ASP) Budget, 2001

FF - ASP General Information, 2001

FF - Internal Auditing, 2001

FF - Auditor, State of Missouri, 2001

FF - Board of Curators Executive Committee, 2001

FF - Board of Curators Finance Committee, 2001

FF - Board of Curators Physical Facilities Committee, 2001

FF - Board of Curators General, 2001

FF - Board of Curators - New Curator Orientation, 2001

FF - Additional Withholding Correspondence, 2001

FF - University of Missouri-Columbia, 2001

FF - UMC Basketball Facility, 2001

FF - Campus Master Plan, 2001

FF - Campus Strategic Plan, 2001

FF - Controller, 2001

FF - CBHE, 2001

FF - Development, 2001

FF - Endowed Chairs - Policy and General Financial Information, 2001

FF - Endowment Information, 2001

FF - Faculty Performance Shares, 2001

FF - Fees, 2000-2001

Box 13 - 133335 [return to top]


FF - Finance and Administration, 2001

FF - Fort Leonard Wood, 2001

FF - General Counsel, 2001 [Restricted]

FF - General Officers, 2001

FF - Gift Report, Unrestricted Gift Income, 2001

FF - Governmental Relations, 2001

FF - HR Services, 2001

FF - 1998 Hospital Bonds, 2003 [Restricted]

FF - Bond Rating Agencies, 10/31/2001

FF - Bond Rating Agencies, 4/23-24/2001

FF - UMKC, 2001

FF - Management Services, 2001

FF - Missouri Research Park (MRP), 2001

FF - NACUBO/CUPA-HR, 3/6-7/2001

FF - NASULGC, 2001

FF - Planning and Budget, 2001

FF - Procurement, 2001

FF - Prolog, 2001 [Restricted]

FF - Records Management Storage, 1993-2001

FF - Risk and Insurance Management, 2001

FF - UMR, 2001

FF - Campus Master Plan, 1997

FF - UMSL, 2001

FF - UMSL Property, 2001

FF - Travel Allowances, 2001

FF - Treasurer, 2001

FF - Voluntary Early Retirement Incentive Program (VERIP), 2001

Box 14 - 133336 [return to top]


Binder - Board of Curators Meeting, 11/29-30/2001

Binder - Board of Curators Meeting, 3/22-23/2001

Binder - Board of Curators Meeting, 1/19/2001

Box 15 - 133337 [return to top]


Binder - UMC Residential Life Master Plan - Board of Curators Briefing Book, 5/24-25/2001

Binder - Board of Curators Meeting, 5/24-25/2001

Binder - Board of Curators Meeting - Finance Committee - University of Missouri Fiscal Year 2001 Financial Status Report, 9/28/2001 (2 copies)

Binder - Board of Curators Meeting, 9/27-28/2001

Binder - Board of Curators Meeting, 7/19-20/2001

Box 16 - 012254 [return to top]


FF - K-16 Task Force on Achievement Gap Elimination, 2002

FF - Board of Curators Meeting, Jan, 2002

FF - UM System Small/MidCap Value Equity Search, 2001-2002

FF - Board of Curators Meeting, Feb, 2002

FF - Board of Curators Meeting, Mar, 2002

FF - Board of Curators Meeting, May, 2002

FF - Board of Curators Special Meeting, May, 2002

FF - Board of Curators Meeting, July, 2002

FF - Board of Curators Meeting, Sept, 2002

Box 17 - 012256 [return to top]


FF - Board of Curators Special Meeting, 2002

FF - Board of Curators Meeting, 2002

FF - University of Missouri-St. Louis - Bi-State Development Agency - Response to Request for Proposals, 2001

FF - University of Missouri-St. Louis - Bi-State Development Agency - Response to Requests of Qualifications - MetroLink N Hanley Station Development Project, 2001

FF - MU Hospitals and Clinics Advisory Task Force, 2002

FF - President's Staff Meeting, 2002

Box 18 - 012257 [return to top]


FF - General Officer Meetings, 2002

FF - Facilities and Administration Proposal, UMSL, FYE 6/30/2002

FF - Facilities and Administration Proposal, UMR, FYE 6/30/2002

FF - Facilities and Administration Proposal, UMKC, FYE 6/30/2002

FF - Facilities and Administration Proposal, UMC, FYE 6/30/2002

Box 19 - 012258 [return to top]


FF - Academic Affairs, 2003

FF - Academic Affairs, 2002

FF - Academic Leadership Institute, 2003

FF - Administrative Forum, 2002

FF - Administrative Management Council Minutes, 2003

FF - Administrative Management Council Minutes, 2002

FF - Alternative Fuels, 2003

FF - AMBAC, 2003

FF - AMBAC, 2002

FF - ASP Budget, 2003

FF - ASP Budget, 2002

FF - ASP General Information, 2003

FF - ASP General Information, 2002

FF - Arthur Andersen Tax Consulting, 2002

FF - External Audit Correspondence, 2003

FF - Internal audit, 2003

FF - Internal Audit, 2002

FF - Internal Audit Steering Committee, 2003

FF - Internal Audit Steering Committee, 2002

FF - Auditor State of Missouri, 2003

FF - Auditor State of Missouri, 2002

FF - Banking Services, 2002

FF - Staff Benefits General Information, 2001-2003

FF - BJC & Columbia Regional Hospital, 2003

FF - BJC, 2002

FF - Bioterrorism, 2002

FF - Bluffs Golf Course

FF - Board of Curators - Mary James, 2000

FF - Board of Curators - Sean McGinnis, 1999-2003

FF - Board of Curators - Connie Silverstein, 2000-2003

FF - Board of Curators - Academic Affairs Committee - Parental Notification, English Language Proficiency, Intercampus Student Council, 2001-2002

FF - Board of Curators - Finance Committee - University Valuation & Credit Report, 2003

FF - Board of Curators - Finance Committee - Retirement Endowments, 2002

FF - Board of Curators - Physical Facilities Committee - Quarterly Reports, Jan 2003-Jan2004

FF - Board of Curators - Physical Facilities Committee - Appropriations & Quarterly Reports, 2004

FF - Board of Curators - Resources and Planning, 2001-2002

FF - Board of Curators - University Hospital and Health Science Committee, 2001

FF - Board of Curators - General - Special Meeting Re: Political/Financial Outlook for University, 2003

FF - Board of Curators - General, 2002

FF - Board of Curators - New Curator Orientation, 2003

FF - Business Policy Manual, 2003

FF - Business Policy Manual, 2003

FF - Business Services - UM Real Properties, Holdings, and Interests, 2003

FF - Budget - Additional Withholding Correspondence, 2003

FF - Budget - Additional Withholding Correspondence, 2002

FF - Budget - FY2003-2003 Correspondence - Operating Budget

FF - Budget - FY2003 Capital Appropriations Request

Box 20 - 012278 [return to top]


FF - Budget - FY03 Operations Appropriations Request - UM System

FF - Budget - FY03-04 Operations Request & Budget Plans

FF - Budget to Actual Report 2002

FF - Budget Brain Trust FY03-04

FF - Capital Pool Summary FY03

FF - Capital Pool Summary FY02

FF - Capital Project Notes - 2001-2003

FF - Capital Project Planning Budgeting and Appropriations Overview, 2003

FF - Civic Council of Great Kansas City - Study on Higher Education, 2003

FF - Clean Earth Technologies, 2002-2003

FF - COEUR Business Group, 2003

FF - UMC Correspondence, 2003

FF - UMC Correspondence, 2002

FF - Health Sciences Research Center Program Planning Study, 2003

FF - Comparator Information - Benchmark Systems

FF - Controller, 2003

FF - Controller, 2002

FF - Continuing Education

FF - Coordinating Board for Higher Education, 2003

FF - Coordinating Board for Higher Education, 2002

FF - Coordinating Board for Higher Education Funding Formula, 2001

FF - Council for Institutional Relations - Development Report, 2003

FF - Council for Institutional Relations - Meeting Agenda, 2002

FF - Deloitte & Touche - Public Sector Audit Committees, 2003

FF - Deloitte & Touche - Audit Service, 2001-2002

FF - Development - Endowments, Investments, and Planned Giving, 2003

FF - Development, 2002

FF - Dunn and Bradstreet

FF - Council of Missouri State Higher Education Business Officers - Meeting Agenda & Materials

FF - Emergency Preparedness, 2001

FF - Endowed Chairs and Professorships, 2003

FF - Endowed Chairs and Professorships, 2002

FF - Endowment Information, 2002

FF - Appropriations Education Committee - Equity Funding, 2002

Box 21 - 062914 [return to top]


FF - UM System Quarterly Performance Report, 3/31/2007 (2 copies)

FF - UM System Quarterly Performance Report, 12/31/2006 (2 copies)

FF - UM System Manager Review, 9/30/2006 (2 copies)

FF - UM System Quarterly Performance Report, 6/30/2006

FF - Small Cap Manager Interviews, 2001-2002

FF - Small Cap Investment Managers Board Meeting, 9/18/2003

FF - Small Cap Investment Managers Meeting, 5/2003

Return to UW:4/30/10 summary

Restrictions Note: The Archives of the University of Missouri-Columbia is required by law and Board of Curator's policy to restrict access to some files and information. Student records are held as confidential under the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and by University policy. Faculty promotion and tenure records and Academic Personnel files are restricted for 75 years, or the lifetime of the individual. All grievance, disciplinary, and medical records are treated as confidential files. Consultations with legal counsel, both in-house and external, are protected by the attorney/client privilege and will not be released.

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