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Box Lists for UW:4/2/3

Note to Researcher: These records have not been processed to the level of an inventory and may therefore contain RESTRICTED material not specifically annotated as such and access may be limited in that regard. Please see the RESTRICTIONS NOTE at the end of the box list(s).

Box 1 - 049008 [return to top]


FF 1 - Unklesbay, A. G., 1966-1970

FF 2 - A. G. Unklesbay, 1971-1972 [RESTRICTED]

FF 3 - Phil E. Connell, Assistant to President, September 1971-December 1972

FF 4 - Stirling Kyd, 1971-72

FF 5 - President Emeritus Elmer Ellis, 1972

FF 6 - Paul C. Nagel, September 1970-August 1971 [RESTRICTED]

FF 7 - Paul C. Nagel, September 1971-December 1972

FF 8 - Budget, 1972

FF 9 - Business Management, 1972

FF 10 - Dale O. Bowling, Vice President Bus. Management, September 1971-December 1972

FF 11 - Calendar, 1971-1972

FF 12 - Materials to the Chancellors, January 1972-December 1972

FF 13 - Correspondence to University Faculty and Staff, 1971-1972

FF 14 - Correspondence to Vice Presidents, 1971-1972

FF 15 - Library Committee, 1972

FF 16 - University Safety Committee Chairman: Dean John F. McGowan, 1970-1972

FF 17 - University-wide Committees, 1969-1972

FF 18 - Academic Planning Council, September 1971-December 1972

FF 19 - Admin and Fiscal Council university-wide, 1972

FF 20 - University Cabinet, September 1971-June 1972

FF 21 - The University Cabinet, June 1972-December 1972

FF 22 - University Cabinet Meeting, February 1972

FF 23 - University Cabinet Meeting, April 1972

FF 24 - University Cabinet Meeting, June 1972

FF 25 - University Cabinet Meeting, September 1972

FF 26 - University Cabinet meeting, November 1972

FF 27 - Graduate Council, 1971-1972

FF 28 - Intercampus Faculty Advisory Council, January 1972-December 1972

Box 2 - 049010 [return to top]


FF 29 - Intercampus Faculty Council (Koeppe), September 1971-December 1971

FF 30 - University-wide Council, 1971-1972

FF 31 - PSC Meeting Columbia, Missouri, September 1971

FF 32 - PSC Meeting Columbia, Missouri, September 1971

FF 33 - PSC Meeting Columbia, Missouri, November 1971

FF 34 - P.S.C. Meeting Columbia, Missouri, December 1971

FF 35 - PSC Meeting Columbia, Missouri, January 1972

FF 36 - President's Central Staff, 1971

FF 37 - President's Staff, 1972

FF 38 - Missouri Crippled Children's Service, August 1969-December 1972

FF 39 - Development, 1971-1972

FF 40 - Guy H. Entsminger Vice President Development, 1970-1971

FF 41 - G. H. Entsminger, Vice President Development, January 1972-December 1972

FF 42 - Miscellaneous Gifts, September 1971-November 1971

FF 43 - Miscellaneous Gifts, January 1972-February 1972

FF 44 - Miscellaneous Gifts, March 1972-December 1972

FF 45 - Employee Relations, 1972

FF 46 - A. Lee Belcher, March 1972-December 1972

FF 47 - Extension, September 1971- December 1971

FF 48 - Extension University-wide, January 1972-December 1972

FF 49 - Carl Scheneman, September 1971-December 1971

FF 50 - Carl Scheneman (Vice President for Extension), February 1972-December 1972

FF 51 - Industrial Development Studies John Southerland, 1972

FF 52 - Environmental Health Center, 1972

FF 53 - Mary Nell Greenwood, 1972

FF 54 - Lynn W. Martin, 1971-1972

FF 54a - University of Missouri FM Radio Status Report President C. Brice Ratchford, 1972

FF 55 - Finance and Comptroller, October 1971-December 1972

FF 56 - R. H. Bezoni, Vice President for Finance, September 1972-December 1972


Box 3 - 049025 [return to top]


FF 57 - Ray H. Bezoni, September 1971-December 1971

FF 58a - Bezoni, Ray H., January 1972-May 1972

FF 58b - Bezoni, Ray H., June 1972-September 1972

FF 59 - Harold Hume, Director, Cost Stud., August 1970-November 1972

FF 60 - Shelton, H. Kent, 1972

FF 61 - Marvin T. Caldwell, Assistant Vice President for Finance, 1971

FF 62 - Walter L. Johnson: Ace Fellow University of California-Berkeley, August 1972-December 1972

FF 63 - Johnson, Walter Ace Fellow University-California-Berkeley, 1973

FF 64 - General Counsel, 1971-1972

FF 65 - Jackson A. Wright, July 1971-December 1971

FF 66 - Jackson A. Wright, Legal Counsel, January 1972-November 1972

FF 67 - Information Services, 1971-1972

FF 68 - O.P.I. Evaluation, 1971

FF 69 - Harold Hamil, 1972

FF 70 - Guy Horton, Acting Director University Information Services, 1972

FF 71 - Tom Richter, 1971

FF 72 - Tom Richter, January 1972-August 1972

FF 73 - Institutional Research, 1972

Box 4 - 049026 [return to top]


FF 74 - Dr. Saupe, September 1971-December 1971

FF 75 - Dr. Joe Saupe, January 1972-September 1972

FF 76 - Joe L. Saupe, Director of Institutional Research, September 1972-December 1972

FF 77 - Admissions Policy and Procedures (University-wide), 1972

FF 78 - Schratz, Paul, 1971-1972

FF 79 - Friends of Library, September 1, 1971

FF 80 - Adv. Com. On Education for the Health Related Professions, October 1971-December 1972

FF 81 - Missouri Institute of Psychiatry, 1971-1972

FF 82 - Mid-Missouri Mental Health Center, 1971

FF 83 - Missouri Regional Medical Programs Dr. Rikli, 1971-1972

FF 84 - Personnel, 1971-1972

FF 85 - William D. Poore, August 1971-December 1972

FF 86 - Affirmative Action, 1972

FF 87 - Retirement and Staff Benefits, 1971-1972

FF 88 - Research, April 1970

FF 89 - Emmons, Ardath H., 1971-1972

FF 90 - Emmons, Ardath H., Vice President Research, July 1972-December-1972

FF 91 - Weldon Springs, 1971-1972

FF 92 - Water Resources George Smith, 1969-1972

Box 5 - 049027 [return to top]


FF 93 - Sinclair Farm (Dr. Middleton), 1971

FF 94 - Patent Committee, 1971-1972

FF 95 - Animal Resources, 1971-1972

FF 96 - Coordinator of Security, 1970-1972

FF 97 - Student Financial Aid (Allan Purdy), 1971-1972

FF 98 - Lloyd, Thomas (Director) University Press, 1971-1972

FF 99 - United Fund Drive (Tom Mills), 1971

FF 100 - Minutes of Academic Affairs Sub-Committee of Board of Curators, 1968-1972

FF 101 - Student Unrest, Academic Freedoms, Purposes & Rights, 1969-1970

FF 102 - Committee to Study Faculty Involvement in Academic Development of state-wide Universities, 1967-1969

FF 103a - Applicants for position of Vice-President for Academic Affairs (A. through D.), 1975 [RESTRICTED]

FF 103b - Applicants for position of Vice-President for Academic Affairs (E. through H.), 1975 [RESTRICTED]

FF 104a - Applicants for position of Vice-President for Academic Affairs (M. through R.), 1975 [RESTRICTED]

FF 104b - Applicants for position of Vice-President for Academic Affairs (S. through W.), 1975 [RESTRICTED]

FF 105 - Security (Survey of University of Missouri) by John W. Powell Consultants, Inc., 1968

Box 6 - 049030 [return to top]


FF 1 - American Association of University Professors (AAUP) - UMC, 1971-1972

FF 2 - UMC - Admissions Office, 1971-1972

FF 3 - UMC - College Agriculture, 1971-1972

FF 4 - Dean Elmer Kiehl - College of Agriculture UMC, 1971-1972

FF 5 - UMC Food Service Management, 1972

FF 6 - UMC - Aids & Awards, 1971-1972

FF 7 - UMC - Alumni Activities, 1971-1972

FF 8 - UMC - College of Arts & Science, 1971-1972

FF 9 - UMC - Dean of Arts & Science, 1971-1972

FF 10 - Professor Ulrich Dannemann (Music Department), 1971-1972

FF 11 - Causey, Robert L., Associate Professor Computer Science Department, 1969-1972

FF 12 - Athletics, 1971-1973

FF 13 - National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), 1971-1972

FF 14 - UMC - School of Business and Public Administration, 1971-1972

FF 15 - UMC - Dean of School of Business and Public Administration, 1970-1972

FF 16 - Chancellor Schooling, September 1971-December 1972 [RESTRICTED]

FF 17 - Chancellor - UMC, 1972 [RESTRICTED]

FF 18 - Chancellor H. W. Schooling, 1972 [RESTRICTED]

FF 19 - Chancellor Schooling - UMC, 1972 [RESTRICTED]

FF 20 - Commencement - Dedication of Hearnes Multipurpose Building, August 4, 1972

FF 21 - Assistant to the Chancellor, 1970-1972

FF 22 - John W. Schwada, Special Consultant to the President & UMC Chancellor, 1971

Note to Archivist: No FF 23 exists in this box

Box 7 - 049031 [return to top]


FF 24 - Dean of Faculties UMC, 1971-1972

FF 25 - UMC - Honorary Degrees, 1972

FF 26 - UMC - College of Education, 1971-1972

FF 27 - Dean of College of Education, 1972

FF 28 - College of Engineering- UMC, 1971-1972

FF 29 - UMC - Dean of College of Engineering, 1971-1972

FF 30 - UMC - Extension Division, 1971-1972

FF 31 - UMC - Faculty Council on University Policy, 1971-1972

FF 32 - UMC - Fiscal Business Office, 1971-1972

FF 33 - UMC - School of Forestry, 1971

FF 34 - UMC - Graduate School, 1971-1972

FF 35 - UMC - College of Home Economics, 1971-1972

FF 36 - International Studies - UMC, 1971-1972

FF 37 - UMC -Veterinary College, 1970-1972

FF 38 - UMC - School of Journalism, 1971-1972

FF 39 - UMC - Freedom of Information Center, 1971-1972

FF 40 - UMC - School of Law, 1971-1972

FF 41 - UMC - Dean of School of Law, 1971-1972

FF 42 - UMC - Library, 1971-1972

FF 43 - UMC - school of Medicine, October 1970-June 1971

FF 44 - School of Medicine - UMC, October 1971-November 1972

FF 45 - Dean Wm. D. Mayer, September 1971-December 1972

FF 46 - Admissions to UMC Medical School, 1971-1972

FF 47 - UMC - Miscellaneous, 1971-1972

FF 48 - UMC School of Nursing, 1971-1972

FF 49 - Office of Public Information (OPI) - UMC, 1972

FF 50 - Personnel Services, 1971-1972

FF 51 - Provost for Administration - UMC John F. McGowan, 1972

FF 52 - Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC) - UMC, 1971-1972

FF 53 - Missouri School of Religion, 1972

FF 54 - School of Social and Community Services, 1972

FF 55 - Dean of Students UMC, 1971-1972

FF 56 - Missouri Students Association, 1971-1972

FF 57 - Students - UMC, September 1971-December 1972

FF 58 - Student Health Services - UMC, 1971-1972

FF 59 - Television KOMU, 1972

FF 60 - Veterans Administration Hospital, 1972


Box 8 - 049064 [return to top]


FF 1 - UMR - Academic Council, 1971-1972

FF 2 - Alumni Association UMR, 1970-1972

FF 3 - American Association of University Professors (AAUP) - Rolla Chapter, February 16, 1971

FF 4 - UMR - Arts and Science, 1970

FF 5 - UMR - Athletics, 1970-1972

Note to Archivist: No FF 6 exists in this box

FF 7 - Centennial, 1969-1970

FF 8 - Assistant to Chancellor (Kenneth K. Asher), 1971-1972

FF 9 - Chancellor Merl Baker - UMR, September-December 1971

FF 10 - Chancellor Baker - UMR, January-February 1972

FF 11 - Chancellor Baker - UMR, March-June 1972

FF 12 - Chancellor Merl Baker, June- September 1972

FF 13 - Chancellor Merl Baker, September-December 1972

FF 14 - UMR - Commencement, 1971

FF 15 - Faculty, September 1971-December 1972

FF 16 - Extension, 1971-1972

FF 17 - Dean of Faculties, 1971-1972

FF 18 - Graduate School, 1971-1972

FF 19 - Homecoming, 1971

FF 20 - International Studies, 1969-1971

Note to Archivist: No FF 21 exists in this box

FF 22 - No. Central Association Accreditation - UMR, 1972

FF 23 - Office of Public Information (OPI) - UMR, 1972

FF 24 - Publications, 1969-1970

FF 25 - KSSM-FM Radio, 1972

FF 26 - Students, 1970-1971

FF 27 - Traffic Safety - Security UMR, 1970-1972

FF 28 - Water Resources Research Center, October 5, 1970

Box 9 - 049073 [return to top]


FF 1 - Admissions, March 1971-April 1972

FF 2 - Alumni, July 1970-October 1972

FF 3 - Athletics, November 1970-November 1971

FF 4 - Chancellor James C. Olson - UMKC, September-December 1971

FF 5 - Chancellor James C. Olson, January-May 1972

FF 6 - Chancellor James C. Olson - UMKC, May-December 1972

FF 7 - Assistant to the Chancellor, 1970-1972

FF 8 - Provost Wesley Dale, 1970-1972

FF 9 - Commencement, 1972

FF 10 - School of Dentistry, 1970-1972

FF 11 - Dean, School of Dentistry, 1971-1972

FF 12 - Extension, 1971-1972

FF 13 - Faculty - UMKC, June 1971-December 1972

FF 14 - Graduate School, 1971

FF 15 - School of Law, March 1971-December 1972

FF 16 - UMKC School of Medicine, September-December 1971

FF 17 - UMKC Medical School, January-July 1972

FF 18 - UMKC Medical School, July-December 1972

FF 19 - Admissions to UMKC Medical School, 1971-1972

FF 20 - The University Senate - UMKC, September 1971-December 1972

FF 21 - Faculty, 1970-1972

FF 22 - Pharmacy School, 1970-1972

FF 23 - Students, 1969-1972

FF 24 - Dean of Students, November 8, 1971

FF 25 - UKC Trustees - Miscellaneous, 1970-1972

FF 26 - Board of Trustees Meeting, January 18, 1972

FF 27 - Board of Trustees Meeting, June 7, 1972

Box 10 - UMLD1 [return to top]


FF 1 - Accreditation (North Central), 1969-1972

FF 2 - University of Missouri - St. Louis (UMSL) - Athletics, 1970-1971

FF 3 - Interim Chancellor Walters - USML, 1972-1973

FF 4 - Chancellor Glen R. Driscoll - UMSL, September-December 1971

FF 5 - Chancellor Driscoll - USML, January-May 1972

Box 11 - UMLD1 [return to top]


FF 6 - Chancellor Driscoll - USML, June-August 1972

FF 7 - University of Missouri - St. Louis (UMSL) - Commencement, 1972

FF 8 - Cooperative Agreements Between USML & Southern Illinois University (SIU) (Edwardsville), 1972

FF 9 - UMSL - Dean of Faculties, 1971-1972

FF 10 - UMSL - Extension, 1971-1972

FF 11 - UMSL - Faculty, 1971-1972

FF 12 - Faculty Minutes - UMSL, 1971-1972

FF 13 - UMSL - Graduate School, 1970-1972

FF 14 - UMSL - Office of Public Information, 1972

FF 15 - UMSL - Students, 1971-1972

Box 12 - 049084 [return to top]


FF 1 - Role & Scope of materials, 1971

FF 2 - Role and Scope, 1972

FF 3 - Budget Materials used by President John C. Weaver, 1967

FF 4 - Doctoral Program Concept, 1972

FF 5 - Responses to Tentative Version of II of University Academic Plan, April 3, 1974

FF 6 - Conference on University Academic Plan, UMC Memorial Union, January 20-22, 1974

FF 7 - University Academic Plan II (Research), 1974

FF 8 - Research Evaluation: Step II, June 1, 1974

FF 9 - Academic Plan III: Extension Board Meeting, August 6, 1975

FF 10 - Academic Planning Council Steering Committee, 1971-1974

FF 11 - Evaluation - University-Wide, 1972-1973

FF 12 - Evaluations - University-Wide, 1974

FF 13 - Development, 1974

FF 14 - Finance, 1974

FF 15 - Business Affairs, 1974

FF 16 - Administration of Justice Evaluation Team, 1973

Box 13 - 049105 [return to top]


FF 1 - Educational Advisory Council (EAC) , 1964-1966

FF 2 - EAC, 1967

FF 3 - EAC 1968

FF 4 - EAC, 1968

FF 5 - EAC, 1969

FF 6 - EAC, July 25, 1969

FF 7 - EAC, October 3, 1969

FF 8 - EAC, November 21, 1969

FF 9 - EAC, December 19, 1969

FF 10 - EAC, January 30, 1970

FF 11 - EAC, March 26-27, 1970

FF 12 - EAC, September 28, 1970

FF 13 - EAC, October 26, 1970

FF 14 - EAC Meeting, December 9-10, 1970

FF 15 - EAC Meeting, January 25, 1971

FF 16 - EAC Meeting, February 22, 1971

FF 17 - EAC Meeting (Rolla, Missouri), March 22-23, 1971

FF 18 - EAC, 1969-1970

FF 19 - President's Staff Conference (PSC) Meeting (Columbia, Missouri), June 18, 1971

FF 20 - Assistant to President (Public Relations) Harold Himal Correspondence and Job Description, 1972-1973

FF 21 - Expenses, 1972-1973

FF 22 - Correspondence - Jack Hamilton, 1973

FF 23 - Correspondence - David Rodwell, 1972-1973

FF 24 - Correspondence - Roger Swanson, 1973

FF 25 - Correspondence - Edwin Crawford, 1972

FF 26 - Correspondence - Carl Hamilton, 1972-1973

FF 27 - Correspondence - Carl Whillock, 1972-1973

FF 28 - Correspondence - President Ratchford, 1972

FF 29 - Resumes (A to D), 1972 [RESTRICTED]

FF 30 - Resumes (E to L), 1972 [RESTRICTED]

FF 31 - Resumes (M to Q), 1972 [RESTRICTED]

FF 32 - Resumes (P to Z), 1972-1973 [RESTRICTED]

Box 14 - 049107 [return to top]


FF 1 - Committee to Select New President, 1965

FF 2 - Dr. John C. Weaver Personal Notes, 1970

FF 3 - Dr. John C. Weaver Personal Notes, 1965-1969

FF 4 - Statements by President John C. Weaver, 1966-1970

FF 5 - Statements on Policy - Letters to Parents, Alumni, & Faculty, 1970

FF 6 - Response to Board Resolutions, July 10, 1970

FF 7 - Budget Statements, March-April 1970

FF 8 - Letter to Non-Academic Employees, July 14, 1970

FF 9 - Missouri Association of Colleges & Universities, December 2, 1969

FF 10 - Budget Statements & Letter, November 25, 1969

FF 11 - Alumni Letter & Release, 1969

FF 12 - Statement on House Bill 16 (Planning New Medical School of UMKC), March 17, 1969

FF 13 - "Freedom Statements", 1969

FF 14 - "Dissent" Statement, 1968

FF 15 - Working Papers - Responses to Resolutions, 1970

FF 15a - Working Papers- Responses to Resolutions, 1970 [RESTRICTED]

FF 16 - Curators - Miscellaneous, 1969-1970

FF 17 - Materials Sent to All Board Members, 1969-1970

FF 17a - Materials Sent to All Board Members, 1970

FF 18 - Billings, William, 1965-1967

FF 18a - Billings, William, 1967-1970

FF 19 - Brady, Robert G., 1967-1970

FF 19a - Brady, Robert G., 1967-1970 [RESTRICTED]

FF 20 - Ferguson, Oliver B., 1968-1970

FF 21 - Ferguson, Oliver B., 1955-1967

FF 22 - Patterson, Doyle, 1959-1970

FF 23 - Institute of International Education, 1969-1972

FF 24 - Missouri Council on Economic Education, 1969-1970

FF 25 - National Institute of Health division of Research Grants, January 7, 1969

FF 26 - White House Task Force - Priorities for Higher Education, 1970

FF 27 - Dr. Elmer Ellis, 1966-1967

FF 28 - Dr. Frederick A. Middlebush, 1967-1969


FF 29 - Correspondence - John C. Weaver, 1986-1991

Return to UW:4/2/3 summary

Restrictions Note: The Archives of the University of Missouri-Columbia is required by law and Board of Curator's policy to restrict access to some files and information. Student records are held as confidential under the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and by University policy. Faculty promotion and tenure records and Academic Personnel files are restricted for 75 years, or the lifetime of the individual. All grievance, disciplinary, and medical records are treated as confidential files. Consultations with legal counsel, both in-house and external, are protected by the attorney/client privilege and will not be released.

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