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Box Lists for UW:4/141/30

Note to Researcher: These records have not been processed to the level of an inventory and may therefore contain RESTRICTED material not specifically annotated as such and access may be limited in that regard. Please see the RESTRICTIONS NOTE at the end of the box list(s).

Box 1 - 048243 [return to top]


FF - University Relations - Correspondence, 1993-1999

FF - University Relations - Public Relations Council (PRC) Meeting, 2004

FF - University Relations - PRC Meeting, 2003

FF - University Relations - PRC, 2001

FF - PRC, 1997-1999

FF - PRC, 1994-1996

FF - PRC, 1991-1993

FF - PRC - Logo Project, 1989, 1992

FF - Media Relations - Letters to Editors, 2002-2004

FF - Media Relations - Letters to Editors, 2002

FF - Media Relations - Associated Press, 2003

FF - Associated Press (Kansas City)/Northwest Missouri Press Association (St. Joseph), 1/16/2004

FF - Media Relations - ABC World News Tonight, 1999

FF - Media Relations - Columbia Missourian Newspaper, 1990-2002

FF - Media Relations - Chronicle for Higher Education - University Systems, 1997-1999

FF - Media Relations - Columbia Daily Tribune, 1995-1999, 2004

FF - Media Relations - Nate Carlisle request re: salary increases, 2003

FF - UM President - Columbia Tribune Interview, 2002

FF - Media Relations - Columbia Tribune - PJ Shields Interview with Manuel Pacheco, 4/2001

FF - Media Relations - KBIA - Catherine Welch, 10/2004

FF - Media Relations - Kansas City Business Journal, 1/2000

FF - Media Relations - Kansas City Star, 1995-1999, 2005

FF - Media Relations - Kansas City Star - Lynn Franey, 2003-2004

FF - Media Relations - Kansas City Star Editorial Board with Elson Floyd, 9/2003

FF - Media Relations - Losses in Retirement Account, 2002

FF - Media Relations - Media Requests, 1998-2003

FF - Media Relations - Kansas City Star - Karen Dillon, 1998

FF - Media Relations - Missouri Political News - Jack Stapleton, 1997-1998

FF - Media Relations - Northwest Missouri Press Association, 1997-1999

FF - Media Relations - St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 1995-2003

FF - Media Relations - US News and World Report - Mel Elfin, 1994-1997

Box 2 - 048244 [return to top]


Videocassette (VHS) - President Pacheco's Retirement Announcement Press Conference, 8/10/2001

Videocassette (VHS) - Dr. Michael Jackson (USC) Interview, 11/22/2004

Videocassette (VHS) - Aircheck for KTVI-St. Louis, "You Paid for It" - UMSL Performing Arts Center, 12/8/2002

Videocassette (VHS) - Airchecks for Higher Education Trustee Forum: KMIZ-Columbia, KRCG-Jefferson City, KTVI-St. Louis, n.d.

Videocassette (VHS) - Desmond Tutu Honorary Doctorate, UWC, 8/2/2002

Videocassette (VHS) - Airchecks for UM New President: KSOK-St. Louis, KOMU-6 and 10, KMIZ-6 and 10, KRCG-6 and 10, KMBC-Kansas City, n.d.

Videocassette (VHS) - James R. Moody Report, 8/26/2002

Videocassette (VHS) - University of Missouri System New President Elson S. Floyd - Media Clips, 11/14/2002

Videocassette (VHS) - NCAA Press Conference: KOMU-5, 6, 10 - KRCG-5, 6, 10 - KMIZ-6, 10, 5/11/2004

Videocassette (VHS) - Airchecks for Extension Merger: KMIZ and KOMU, n.d.

Videocassette (VHS) - Airchecks for Dr. Pacheco Retirement, n.d.

Videocassette (VHS) - UMR Stonehenge on Tonight Show with Dr. Summers and Kevin Smith, 5/16/2003

Videocassette (VHS) - Airchecks for MU Consolidation, 9/10/2003

Videocassette (VHS) - Proposition B: Two TV Spots, 1991

Box 3 - 068687 [return to top]


FF - UM Budget, 1994-2001

FF - Fiscal Crisis - Articles, 2002

FF - Fiscal Crisis - Springfield, 2002

FF - Fiscal Crisis - Board of Curators, 2002

FF - Fiscal Crisis - Remarks, 2002

FF - Fiscal Crisis - Correspondence, 2002

FF - Fiscal Crisis - Correspondence - Governor and President, 2002

FF - Fiscal Crisis - Correspondence - CBHE, 2002

FF - Fiscal Crisis - Correspondence with Media, 2002

FF - Fiscal Crisis - Correspondence - COPHE, 2002

FF - Fiscal Crisis - Data/Facts, 2002

FF - Fiscal Crisis - Meetings (Forums, Others), 2002

FF - Fiscal Crisis - Email Messages, 2002

FF - Fiscal Crisis - Plans, 2002

FF - Fiscal Crisis - Presentations, 2002

FF - Fiscal Crisis - Publications, 2002

FF - Fiscal Crisis - Steering Committee Notes, 2002

FF - UM - Planning - History, 1986-1999

FF - UM - Planning - Rolla, 1998-2000

FF - UM - Strategic Planning, 2000

FF - UM - Strategic Planning Steering Committee, 1999

FF - UM - Planning - Strategic Plan, 2002

FF - UM - Strategic Planning, 2001

FF - UM - Strategic Planning - President, 2001

FF - UM - Planning - Mission Enhancement - Report to the Board, 1997

FF - UM - Strategic Planning - SPIG Minutes, 2000

FF - UM - Planning, 1999-2000

FF - University Relations Budget - General, FY 2002

FF - Monthly Budget, FY 2002

FF - Budget - Office Supplies, FY 2002

FF - Budget - Subscriptions, FY 2002

FF - Budget - Consulting/Professional Services, FY 2002

FF - Budget - Repair/Maintenance, FY 2002

FF - Budget - IT Funds, FY 2002

FF - Budget - Video Digital Equipment, FY 2002

FF - Budget - WATTS/Long Distance Telephone, FY 2002

FF - Budget - Travel, FY 2002

FF - Budget - Dues/Entry Fees, FY 2002

FF - Budget - Computer Lines, FY 2002

FF - Budget - Vendor/Service Contracts, FY 2002

FF - Budget - Equipment less than $2500, FY 2002

FF - Budget - University Memberships, FY 2002

FF - Budget - Insurance, FY 2002

FF - Budget - Reproduction/Quick Copy, FY 2002

FF - Budget - Printing Spectrum, FY 2002

FF - Budget - Special Events, FY 2002

FF - Budget - Telephone, FY 2002

FF - Budget - Printing Services, FY 2002

FF - Budget - Advertising/Marketing, FY 2002

FF - Budget - Beeper, FY 2002

FF - Budget - Postage (Express Mail), FY 2002

FF - Budget - Postage (Spectrum), FY 2002

FF - Budget - Postage (General), FY 2002

FF - Budget - Payroll, FY 2002

FF - Travel Vouchers, 10/2001

FF - University Relations Equipment Budget, 1993-1999

Box 4 - 068688 [return to top]


FF - UM ADMIN AFF Audit Reports, 2002

FF - UM ADMIN AFF Audit Reports, 2001

FF - UM ADMIN AFF Audit Reports, 2000


FF - UM Committee on Diversity, 1992-1994

FF - UM Educational Fees Report, 1998

FF - UM Educational Fees, 1991-2001

FF - UM Educational Fees, 1998-1999

FF - UM Fees - Educational Task Force Reports, 2000-2002

FF - Missourians for Higher Education (MHE), 1991-1998

FF - UM Sexual Orientation, 1998-2000

FF - UM University Outreach and Extension, 1992-1999

Box 5 - 068690 [return to top]


FF - Board Meeting, 12/11-12/2003

FF - Board Meeting, 10/16-17/2003

FF - Special Open Meeting, 9/18/2003

FF - Board Meeting, 7/24-25/2003

FF - Board Meeting, 5/22-23/2003

FF - Board Meeting, 1/23-24/2003

FF - Board Meeting, 11/21-22/2002

FF - Board Meeting, 9/27/2002

FF - Special Meeting, 9/6/2002

FF - Board of Curators, 2002-2003

FF - Special Meeting, 8/14/2002

FF - Board Meeting, 7/18-19/2002

FF - Special Meeting, 5/31/2002

FF - Board Meeting, 5/16-17/2002

FF - Board Meeting, 1/18/2002

Box 6 - 068692 [return to top]


FF - Curators Meeting Materials, 11/29-30/2001

FF - Curators Meeting Materials, 10/9-10/2001

FF - Curators Meeting Materials, 9/20-21/2001

FF - Curators Meeting Materials, 7/19-20/2001

FF - Curators Special Meetings, 2001

FF - Curators, 2001

FF - Curators Meeting Materials, 5/24-25/2001

FF - Curators Meeting Materials, 3/22-23/2001

FF - Curators Meeting Materials, 1/19/2001

FF - Administrative Systems Project (ASP), 1997, 1999-2000

FF - ASP, 1999-2000

FF - Financial Systems Project (FRS), 1998

Box 7 - 101639 [return to top]


FF - Presidential Search working File, 2002

FF - UM Presidential Search, 2002

FF - Governor's Conference on Higher Education - "Missouri's Life Sciences Alliance", 2001

FF - UMKC - Martha Gilliland Resignation, 2004-2005

FF - UMKC - Transition [to new Chancellor], 2005-2006

FF - UMKC - Chancellor Martha Gilliland, 1999-2005

FF - UMKC - School of Interdisciplinary and Computing Engineering, 2001

FF - UMC - KOMU - Flag/Ribbon Issue, 2001-2002

FF - UMR - Chancellor John Park, 2000

FF - UMR - Chancellor Gary Thomas, 2000-2004

FF - UMSL - Chancellor Blanche Touhill, 1999-2003

FF - UMC - Paige Laurie/Paige Arena, 2004-2005

FF - UMC - New Arena [Paige Arena/Mizzou Arena], 2000-2004

FF - UMC - Naming of Paige Arena, 2004

Box 8 - 101640 [return to top]


FF - Voluntary Early Retirement Incentive Program (VERIP) - Performance Audit by Office of State Auditor, 6/2001

FF - Government Relations Briefing Book (Draft), 2004

FF - Parental Notification Policy, 2001

FF - Human Resources - VERIP, 2002

FF - Human Resources - VERIP, 1991, 1999-2002

FF - Human Resources - Point-of-Service (POS), 2000

FF - Human Resources - POS Media Coverage, 2000

FF - Human Resources - POS Plan Policy Issues, 2000

FF - Academic Affairs - Instructional Technology and Learning Centered Environment, 2000-2001

FF - Academic Affairs - Parental Notification Policy, 2001

FF - Academic Affairs - Post-Tenure Review, 1999-2001

FF - Academic Affairs - English Language Proficiency, 2000

FF - C. Brice Ratchford Manuscript [includes copy of President Ratchford's book, Memoirs of My Years at the University of Missouri), 1995-1997

FF - University Extension - Brice Ratchford Memorial Scholarship, 2000

FF - Associations/Foundations - Hyman Brand Hebrew Academy, 2000-2002

FF - Budget - Background, 2003

FF - Budget - Articles (Clips), 2003

FF - Budget - Special Session, 2003

FF - Appropriations Request, FY 2003

FF - Administrative Affairs - External Funding, 2004

FF - Administrative Affairs - Quarterly Revenue and Expenditure Reports, 2002-2003

FF - Media Relations - UMKC - Professor Harris Mirkin Legislative Issue, 2002

Return to UW:4/141/30 summary

Restrictions Note: The Archives of the University of Missouri-Columbia is required by law and Board of Curator's policy to restrict access to some files and information. Student records are held as confidential under the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and by University policy. Faculty promotion and tenure records and Academic Personnel files are restricted for 75 years, or the lifetime of the individual. All grievance, disciplinary, and medical records are treated as confidential files. Consultations with legal counsel, both in-house and external, are protected by the attorney/client privilege and will not be released.

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Revised: 30 March 2011

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