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Box Lists for UW:4/141/27Note to Researcher: These records have not been processed to the level of an inventory and may therefore contain RESTRICTED material not specifically annotated as such and access may be limited in that regard. Please see the RESTRICTIONS NOTE at the end of the box list(s). Box 1 - 057113 [return to top][A08-69] FF - President George Russell; Appointment, 1989-1996 FF - George Russell; Press Releases, 1991-1996 FF - George Russell; UMKC Chancellor File (includes photos), 1977-1992 FF - George Russell; Speeches, 1991-1995 FF - Presidential Search Photos and Background, 1996-1997 FF - New President Press Release and Project, 1997 FF - Interim President Mel George; Press Releases, 1996-1997 FF - Mel George; News Clippings, 1996-1997 FF - Mel George; Bio, 1996-1997 FF - Melvin D. George, 1984, 1996 FF - Gordon Lamb, UMKC Interim Chancellor, 1999-2000 FF - President Elson Floyd; Photos, ca. 2003 FF - Carmento Floyd, 2000, 2003 FF - President Manuel Pacheco (includes photo), 1997-2002 FF - Manuel Pacheco; News Clippings, 1997-2002 FF - Russell Report, n.d. FF - George Russell; Media Tours, 1993-1995, 1998 FF - George Russell; Photos and Resume, 1991 FF - Interim President Mel George, 1996-1997 FF - Vice President for Administrative Affairs James McGill, 1996 FF - UMC Chancellor Charles Kiesler; Resignation, 1996-1997 FF - UMC Chancellor C. Peter Magrath; Resignation, 6/20/1991 FF - President George Russell, 1989-1996 FF - General Officers, 1992-1999 FF - MU Chancellor Search, 1992 FF - UMC Chancellor Haskell Monroe; Resignation, 12/17/1991 FF - General Officers; Compensation Issues, 1993-1996 FF - Interim UMC Chancellor Gerald T. Brouder, 1991 FF - Providence Point (President's Residence); Deck Replacement, 6/23/1993 FF - Curator Larry L. Robinson (includes photos), 1982-1983 FF - General Counsel Robert L. Ross, 1983-1985, 1997 FF - UMC Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Charles Schroeder, 1993 FF - UMKC Chancellor Eleanor B. Schwartz, 1992, 1999 FF - UMKC Director of Office of Communication Barbara A.W. Smith (includes photo), 1984-1985 FF - Curator Peter H. Raven (includes photos), 1985-1991, 1999 FF - Curator John P. Lichtenegger, 1985-1993, 1999 FF - Curator Marian Oldham (includes photos), 1977-1984, 1994 FF - UMR Chancellor John T. Park, 1991-1992, 2000 FF - Vice President James McGill, 1985-1997 FF - Curator John Mathes, 1997-2000 FF - Curator James L. McHugh (includes photographs), 1991-1995 FF - UMC Chancellor Haskell Monroe; Publicity and News Clippings (includes photo), 1985-1991, 1997 FF - Haskell Monroe; Resignation (includes photos), 1991 Box 2 - 057114 [return to top][A08-69] FF - Chancellor Haskell Monroe; Photos, 1987 FF - Haskell Monroe, 1985-1991 FF - Student Curator Troy Nash (includes photos), ca. 1996 FF - Student Curator Rebecca Lambe (includes photos), 1993 FF - President C. Peter Magrath; Inauguration, 1985 FF - C. Peter Magrath (includes photos), 1984-1985 FF - C. Peter Magrath (includes photos of President and Mrs. Magrath), 1984, 1997 FF - President James Olson (includes slides), 1970, 1976-1983 FF - James Olson; Photographs, ca. 1998 FF - Curator Theodore C. Beckett (includes photos), 1995-2000 FF - Student Curator Gayatri Bhatt, ca. 1994 FF - Interim UMC Chancellor Gerald Brouder, 1992, 1994 FF - Vice President for Administrative Affairs James Cofer (includes photo), 1998-2002 FF - Curator William G. Cocos, Jr. (includes photos), 1982-1983, 1994 FF - Curator David Collins (includes photos), 1992 FF - Curator Paul T. Combs (includes photos), 1995-1999 FF - Curator Sam Cook (includes photos), 1987-1994 FF - Curator John C. Cozad (includes photos), 1990-1996 FF - Student Curator Vicki Eller, 2002 FF - Curator Adam B. Fischer (includes photos), 1993, 1996 FF - Curator Eva Louise Frazer (includes photos), 1985, 1989-1990 FF - Curator Mary S. Gillespie (includes photos), 1993-1996, 2000 FF - Curator Webb R. Gilmore (includes photos), 1988-1992 FF - Curator Webb R. Gilmore; "Curator's Perspective", 12/7/1989 FF - Curator Fred L. Hall (includes photos), 1993, 1999 FF - Eileen Heveron, Administrative Systems Project director, ca. 1998 FF - Curator Malaika Horne (includes photos), 1994-1997 FF - Guy M. Horton, Director of University Relations (includes photos), 1976-1984 FF - Guy M. Horton; General Correspondence, 1977-1978 FF - Catherine L. Hunt, secretary to Board of Curators, 1976-1980, 1995 FF - University of Missouri Press Director Beverly Jarrett, 1988 FF - UMC Chancellor Charles Kiesler, 1992-1997 FF - UMC Business Officer Emmett A. Klinkerman (includes photo), ca. 1984 FF - Charles E. Kruse, President, Missouri Farm Bureau, 2/19/1989 FF - Curator Fred S. Kummer (includes photos), 1987-1992, 1997 Box 3 - 057252 [return to top][A08-69] FF - Curator Avis Tucker (includes photos), 1966-1985 FF - Curator Edwin S. Turner (includes photos), 1988-1990 FF - Curator Edwin S. Turner; Presentation to Board, 9/7/1989 FF - Ronald J. Turner, 1984-1985, 1993-1998 FF - Arvarh Strickland, 1989-1991 FF - Student Curator Sarah Welch; Photos, ca. 1998 FF - Student Curator Stephen Sugg (includes photos), 2000 FF - Curator Cynthia Bramlett Thompson (includes photos), 1991-1994 FF - UMSL Chancellor Blanche Touhill, 1990-1991, 1997-2002 FF - Curator Paul Steele, 1997-2001 FF - Curator Hugh Stephenson, Jr. (includes photos), 1990-2001 FF - Curator James Sterling (includes photos), 1987-1991, 1999 FF - George Russell; Admissions Tour (Policy), 1992 FF - Missourians for Higher Education (MHE) Tax Campaign, 1988-1991 FF - UM Public Relations Council, 1986-1988 FF - Bond Issue/Amendment #1, 6/1982 FF - Admissions Standards Mailing, 1992, 1997 FF - Proposition B, 1991 Box 4 - 057253 [return to top][A08-69] FF - Board of Curators Meeting, 10/1999 FF - Board of Curators Meeting, 8/1997 FF - Board of Curators Meeting, 9/1999 FF - Board of Curators Meeting, 5/1997 FF - Schematic Design Reports for UMC Basketball Arena and UMSL Communication Arts Complex, 5/1997 FF - Board of Curators Special Meetings, 1997 FF - Board of Curators Meeting, 1/1997 FF - Board of Curators Meeting, 3/1997 FF - Board of Curators Meeting, 10/1998 FF - Board of Curators Meeting, 12/1998 FF - Schematic Design Report for UMSL University Center, 3/1997 FF - Report to the Board of Curators on Grants and Contracts, 3/31/1997 FF - Board of Curators; Faculty Academic Achievement Report, 3/31/1997 FF - Board of Curators; Faculty Achievement Report, 9/30/1997 FF - Board of Curators; Grants and Contracts Report, 9/30/1997 FF - Board of Curators; Faculty Achievement Report, 9/30/1997 FF - Board of Curators; Grants and Contracts Report, 9/30/1997 Box 5 - 057254 [return to top][A08-69] FF - Board of Curators Meeting, 5/1998 FF - Board of Curators Meeting, 7/1998 FF - Board of Curators Meeting, 3/1998 FF - Board of Curators; Special Meetings, 1998 FF - Board of Curators Meeting, 1/1998 FF - Board of Curators Meeting, 12/1997 FF - Board of Curators Meeting, 12/1999 FF - Board of Curators Meeting, 9/2001 FF - Board of Curators Meeting, 5/1999 Box 6 - 057271 [return to top][A08-69] FF - Board of Curators Meeting, 7/1999 FF - Board of Curators Meeting, 9/1999 FF - Board of Curators Meeting, 1/2001 FF - Board of Curators Meeting, 3/2001 FF - Board of Curators Meeting, 7/2001 FF - Board of Curators; Announcements of Special Meetings, 2000 FF - Board of Curators; Photo, 2000 FF - Board of Curators Meeting, 1/2000 FF - Board of Curators Meeting, 5/2000 FF - Board of Curators Meeting, 7/2000 FF - Board of Curators Meeting, 3/2000 FF - Board of Curators Meeting, 9/2000 FF - Board of Curators Meeting, 10/2000 Box 7 - 057272 [return to top][A08-69] FF - Board of Curators Meeting, 12/2000 FF - Board of Curators; Special Meetings, 1999 FF - Board of Curators Meeting, 1/2003 FF - Board of Curators Meeting, 11/2002 FF - Board of Curators Meeting, 9/2002 FF - Board of Curators; Special Meetings, 2003 FF - Board of Curators Meeting, 7/2002 FF - Board of Curators; Special Meeting, 5/31/2002 FF - Board of Curators Meeting, 5/2002 FF - Board of Curators Meeting, 3/2002 FF - Board of Curators Meeting, 1/2002 FF - Board of Curators Meeting, 11/2001 FF - Board of Curators Meeting, 5/2001 Box 8 - 057273 [return to top][A08-69] FF - Board of Curators Meeting, 5/2004 FF - Board of Curators Meeting, 7/2004 FF - Board of Curators Meeting, 1/2004 FF - Board of Curators Meeting, 12/2003 FF - Board of Curators Meeting, 10/2003 FF - Board of Curators; Special Meeting, 9/18/2003 FF - Board of Curators Meeting, 7/2003 FF - Board of Curators Meeting, 5/2003 FF - Board of Curators Meeting, 3/31-4/1/2003 FF - Fleishmann-Hillard; Correspondence, 1987 FF - Fleishmann-Hillard; UM Projects, 1987 FF - Fleishmann-Hillard; Peter Magrath Projects, 1986-1988 FF - Fleishmann-Hillard; UMC Projects, 1986-1988 FF - Fleishmann-Hillard; UMR Projects, 1986 FF - Fleishmann-Hillard; Correspondence, 1986 FF - Fleishmann-Hillard; UM Projects, 1986 FF - Fleishmann-Hillard; UMKC Projects, 1986 FF - Report of Student Fee Task Force, 3/1996 FF - Tuition News Clippings, 1989-1997 FF - Fee Structure Task Force, 1986-1988 FF - Public Relations Planning, 1987-1988 FF - Alumni Alliance (includes photos), 1980-1995 FF - Long-Range Plans, 1984-1985 Box 9 - 057274 [return to top][A08-69] FF - Long-Range Planning, 1983-1985 FF - Board of Curators Meeting, 1/1999 FF - Board of Curators Meeting, 3/1999 FF - Director of University Outreach and Extension Dr. John Oren; Speeches, 1986-1987 FF - Speeches by Various Administrators (possibly written by Larry Myers), 1983-1985 FF - Miscellaneous Publications Photos, ca. 1989 OSB 1 - Ellis [return to top][A08-69] Contains examples of University of Missouri-System resolutions, citations, award certificates and other printed documents, ca. 1986-2007 Restrictions Note: The Archives of the University of Missouri-Columbia is required by law and Board of Curator's policy to restrict access to some files and information. Student records are held as confidential under the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and by University policy. Faculty promotion and tenure records and Academic Personnel files are restricted for 75 years, or the lifetime of the individual. All grievance, disciplinary, and medical records are treated as confidential files. Consultations with legal counsel, both in-house and external, are protected by the attorney/client privilege and will not be released. |
Published by: University Archives
Compiled: July 2008
Revised: 25 July 2008
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