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Call Number:

Box 1-015220
Box 2-015221
Box 3-015222
Box 4-015223
Box 5-015224

Record Group: 4 UW
Record Sub-Group: 99
Records Title: UM-System; President's Office; James C. Olson Papers; Speeches and Related Materials
Dates: 1965-1984
Volume: 5 cubic feet, 6.25 linear feet

Scope and Content Note

This Record Sub-Group contains speeches and related correspondence and materials from throughout the career of UM President Dr. James C. Olson.

Biographical Note:

Born in Bradgate, Iowa on January 23, 1917, James C. Olson earned a Master's and a Ph.D. from the University of Nebraska before serving in the Army Air Forces from 1942-1946. After he was discharged, Dr. Olson began his career as director of the Nebraska State Historical Society and part-time lecturer at the Universities of Omaha and Nebraska. By 1956 he was full-time professor at the University of Nebraska, where he climbed the administrative ladder, serving as Department Chair, Associate Dean, Dean, and Vice Chancellor before his appointment as Chancellor of the University of Missouri-Kansas City in 1968. He was appointed interim president of the University of Missouri System on June 1, 1976, and soon thereafter formally assumed the position of full-time president. Since retiring in 1984, Dr. Olson has been named President Emeritus. Dr. Olson has authored several history books and textbooks, including The Nebraska Story, J. Sterling Morton, and Red Cloud and the Sioux Problem, as well as The University of Missouri: An Illustrated History co-authored by his wife, Vera.

Series Descriptions:

This Record Sub-Group is divided into three series.

Series One is arranged chronologically and contains short remarks given by Olson at various events and functions as well as materials related to these occasions. The Series is divided into two Sub-Series, one for the period prior to Olson's tenure as University of Missouri President, the other for the period he served as UM President.

Series Two contains speeches and related materials arranged chronologically. The Series is divided into two Sub-Series, one for the period prior to Olson's tenure as University of Missouri President, the other for the period he served as UM President.

Series Three contains unused speeches and miscellaneous speech materials in their original arrangement.

Series Outline:

  1. Series One - Remarks by James C. Olson
    1. Sub-Series One - Remarks 1965-1976
    2. Sub-Series Two - Remarks 1976-1984
  2. Series Two - Speeches by James C. Olson
    1. Sub-Series One - Speeches 1965-1976
    2. Sub-Series Two - Speeches 1976-1984
  3. Series Three - Unused Speeches and Miscellaneous Speech Material

Note to Researcher: For additional information concerning Dr. James C. Olson, see Sub-Group 37 of Record Group 4 UW.


Series One - Remarks by James C. Olson
Sub-Series One - 1965-1976
Box 1

FF 1 - 1965-1968

FF 2 - 5/20/1968-11/14/1969

FF 3 - 1/12/1970-11/30/1971

FF 4 - 1/18/1972-6/22/1973

FF 5 - 8/13/1973-12/10/1974

FF 6 - 1/20/1975-7/31/1975

FF 7 - 10/23/1975-12/22/1975

FF 8 - 1/19/1976-5/24/1976

Series One - Remarks by James C. Olson (cont'd)
Sub-Series Two - 1976-1984
Box 1 (cont'd)

FF 9 - 6/28/1976-4/29/1977

FF 10 - 5/7/1977-9/30/1977

FF 11 - 10/7/1977-11/28/1978

FF 12 - 1/30/1979-4/8/1979

FF 13 - 4/6/1979-11/19/1979

FF 14 - 1/29/1980-3/29/1980

FF 15 - 4/2/1980-5/29/1980

FF 16 - 7/24/1980-12/17/1980

FF 17 - 1/13/1981-5/28/1981

FF 18 - 7/12/1981-12/14/1981

FF 19 - 1/22/1982-3/10/1982

Series One - Remarks by James C. Olson (cont'd)
Sub-Series Two - 1976-1984 (cont'd)
Box 2

FF 1 - 4/9/1982-9/10/1982

FF 2 - 1/17/1983-5/26/1983

FF 3 - 10/2/1983-5/9/1984

Series Two - Speeches by James C. Olson
Sub-Series One - 1965-1976
Box 2 (cont'd)

FF 4 - "The Development of Local History as an Academic Discipline," NDEA Institute in U.S. History- Pittsburgh, Kansas, 7/8/1965

FF 5 - "Local History," Ohio History Conference, Ohio University-Athens, 11/11/1966

FF 6 - "The Federal Government and Higher Education," Candlelight Club- Kansas City, 2/13/1967

FF 7 - "Electing the President -- A History," ca. 1967

FF 8 - "Toward the Year 2000," ca. 1967

FF 9 - "The Morrill Act and Higher Education," ca. 1967

FF 10 - Welcome to New Students- UMKC, 9/5/1968

FF 11 - "The Role of Urban Universities," Phi Delta Kappa Dinner, 9/26/1968

FF 12 - All University Convocation- UMKC, 10/1/1968

FF 13 - Distinguished Women Series- UMKC, 10/8/1968

FF 14 - Message from the Chancellor, 12/2/1968

FF 15 - "Higher Education in a World of Change," Interfaith Banquet- Kansas City, 10/22/68

FF 16 - Welcome Remarks, National Council for Geographic Education- Kansas City, 11/1/68

FF 17 - "As I See 1969," 12/31/68

FF 18 - "The Kansas City Industrial Community, Where is it Headed, What are its Needs Today and Tomorrow?" 1/8/1969

FF 19 - Faculty Metropolitan Junior College, 2/6/1969

FF 20 - Raytown Honors Convocation, 3/11/1969

FF 21 - Commuter Campus Conference Key Note Address, 3/14/1969

FF 22 - Presentation of Chancellor's Medal to Nathan Stark, 4/8/1969

FF 23 - Installation Ceremony of New Student Council- UMKC, 4/15/1969

FF 24 - UMKC Honors Convocation, 5/4/1969

FF 25 - Mercury Club, 5/13/1969

FF 26 - Southeast High School Commencement, 6/4/1969

FF 27 - UMKC Commencement, 6/7/1969

FF 28 - Kansas City Chamber of Commerce, 6/30/1969

FF 29 - "Cities and Universities -- Some Considerations for the Future," Beierfeld Memorial Dinner, 7/13/1969

FF 30 - UMKC Summer Commencement, 8/1/1969

FF 31 - Welcome to New Students- UMKC, 9/1969

FF 32 - Seminar on Administration of Historical Agencies and Museums- Salt Lake City, UT, 9/19/1969

FF 33 - "Higher Education in a Time of Crisis," Unitarian Forum, 10/26/1969

FF 34 - "The Urban University -- Problems and Prospects," Phi Beta Kappa Dinner- Lincoln, NE, 10/29/1969

FF 35 - UMKC General Library Dedication Ceremony, 11/17/1969

FF 36 - New Careers in Human Service Awards Ceremony, 11/24/1969

FF 37 - "Higher Education in a Time of Change," Scandinavian Club of Kansas City, 12/19/1969

FF 38 - Kansas City Kiwanis Club, 1/15/1970

FF 39 - Executive Association of Kansas City, 1/26/1970 (no copy of speech given)

FF 40 - Phi Beta Kappa Annual Dinner- UMKC, 1/29/1970

FF 41 - Beta Gamma Sigma Installation Ceremony- UMKC, 2/13/1970

FF 42 - "Urban Concerns of the Urban University," Urban Problem-Solving Seminar- UMKC, 2/16/1970

FF 43 - UMKC Dental School Dedication, 3/1/1970

FF 44 - "The University in Search of Itself," Phi Kappa Phi Dinner- UMR, 4/12/1970

FF 45 - Institute for Community Studies- UMKC, 4/20/1970

FF 46 - Chancellor's Medal Presentation to Miller Nichols, 4/22/1970

FF 47 - Introduction of Dr. Paul Ehrlich- UMKC, 4/27/1970

FF 48 - Citation for Elmer Pierson- Kansas City, 5/1/1970

FF 49 - UMKC Honors Day Banquet, 5/1/1970

FF 50 - University Extension Association 55th Annual Conference- UMKC, 5/3/1970

FF 51 - "Institutional Research as an Office of Introspection," New Orleans, LA, 5/15/1970

FF 52 - UMKC Arts and Sciences Honors Convocation, 5/21/1970

FF 53 - Phi Kappa Phi Initiation Banquet- UMKC, 5/25/1970

FF 54 - North Kansas City High School Commencement Address, 5/28/1970

FF 55 - UMKC University Senate, 5/29/1970

FF 56 - Oak Park High School Commencement, 5/29/1970

FF 57 - "The City and the University," Kansas City Citizens Association Dinner, 6/3/1970

FF 58 - 50th Anniversary of the Women's Bureau, 6/29/1970

FF 59 - Welcome to UMKC Students, 9/16/1970

FF 60 - Statement on "Communiversity," Fall 1960

FF 61 - "The Urban University and its Relationship to the Community," The Junior League of Kansas City, 9/15/1970

FF 62 - "The Urban University Versus the University in an Urban Area," University-Wide Extension Conference- UMR, 9/17/1970

FF 63 - "Town and Gown -- A Symbiotic Relationship," Metropolitan School Study Group, 10/11/1970

FF 64 - Kansas City Conservatory Trustees Dinner, 10/13/1970

FF 65 - Kansas City Vanguard Club, 10/15/1970

FF 66 - Welcome to Public Information Council of Urban Universities- Kansas City, 4/7/1971

FF 67 - Chancellor's Medal Presentation to I.W. Davis, 4/21/1971

FF 68 - University and City Professional and Mens Club of Kansas City, 5/14/1971

FF 69 - New UMKC Medical School Luncheon, 6/28/1971

FF 70 - Welcome to New UMKC Students, 8/10/1971

FF 71 - Student/Business Dialogue, Kansas City Chamber of Commerce, 8/18/1971

FF 72 - "Arbor Day -- A Pioneer Expression of Concern for the Environment," Nebraska State Historical Society Dinner, 10/23/1971

FF 73 - Public Relations Society of American Management Seminar- Kansas City, 11/11/1971

FF 74 - National Association of Educational Buyers- Kansas City, 12/7/1971

FF 75 - "The Urban Public University," Hard Winter Wheat Council- Overland Park, KS, 1/19/1972

FF 76 - "Administrators' Role Today and in the Future," North Central Home Economics Administrators Meeting- Kansas City, 3/1/1972

FF 77 - Methodist Layman's Breakfast- Kansas City, 4/1/1972

FF 78 - "Non-Teaching Careers in History," Panel of American Historians- Washington D.C., 4/7/1972

FF 79 - Chancellor's Medal Presentation to Helen Spencer, 4/12/1972

FF 80 - "Nebraska in the Period of O Pioneers," Willa Cather Memorial and Educational Foundation- Red Cloud, NE, 4/15/1972

FF 81 - "The Depression and Higher Education," The National Association of Accountants- Kansas City, 4/18/1972

FF 82 - "J. Sterling Morton and the Founding of Arbor Day," The Morton Arboretum- Lisle, IL, 4/22/1972

FF 83 - Association of American Geographers- Kansas City, 4/23/1972

FF 84 - "Public Universities, Cities, and the Country," Phi Kappa Phi Spring Banquet- Kansas State University, 4/26/1972

FF 85 - Law Day- Kansas City, 5/1/1972

FF 86 - "The Management of Change in Higher Education," Central Association of College and University Business Officers- Chicago, IL, 5/8/1972

FF 87 - UMKC Commencement, 5/13/1972

FF 88 - Welcome to UMKC Freshman, 6/14/1972

FF 89 - "The Theatre in the University Curriculum," University Resident Theatre Association- Wingspread, WI, 9/12/1972

FF 90 - "The University and the City," UMKC Women's Council, 10/26/1972

FF 91 - Dinner for Delegation of Physicians from the People's Republic of China, 10/26/1972

FF 92 - UMKC Alumni Awards Banquet, 1/30/1972

FF 93 - "Higher Education in the Seventies," Central United Methodists- Kansas City, 1/5/1973

FF 94 - "The University and the Community," Conference for Communicators- Kansas City, 1/9/1973

FF 95 - Conference on Non-Traditional Study- Kansas City, 4/12/1973

FF 96 - Jo Tyler Lecture- Kansas City, 4/12/1973

FF 97 - Report on the University, UMKC Associates Annual Dinner, 4/26/1973

FF 98 - UMKC Commencement, 5/12/1973

FF 99 - "Higher Education in an Age of Technology," Commencement Address- UMR, 5/13/1073

FF 100 - "The Theatre in the University," American Theatre Association- New York, NY, 8/20/1973

Series Two - Speeches by James C. Olson (cont'd)
Sub-Series One - 1965-1976 (cont'd)
Box 3

FF 1 - "The Political Uses of Archives -- Patronages, Shrines, and Document Worship," Society of American Archivists- St. Louis, 9/28/1973

FF 2 - Mayor's Annual United Nations Dinner- Kansas City, 10/24/1973

FF 3 - Jo Tyler Lecture- Kansas City, 11/19/1973

FF 4 - Alumni Awards Dinner- Kansas City, 11/29/1973

FF 5 - Homer Wadsworth Dinner- UMKC, 1/15/1974

FF 6 - "George Washington, the Bicentennial, and the 1970s," Annual Dinner of the Sons of the American Revolution- Kansas City, 2/22/1974

FF 7 - UMKC Dental Alumni Association, 3/4/1974

FF 8 - "The College as Carrier of the Culture and Agent of Change," William Jewell College- Liberty, MO, 3/11/1974

FF 9 - Education and Colloquium- Kansas City, 3/21/1974

FF 10 - Acceptance of Edgar Snow Materials- Kansas City, 3/24/1974

FF 10a - UKC Associates Annual Dinner: Report on the University, 4/16/1974

FF 11 - Jefferson Award Presentation to Dr. Normal Royall, 4/23/1974

FF 12 - UMKC Commencement, 5/11/1974

FF 13 - UMKC Trustees Remarks and Introduction of Arthur Mag- Kansas City, 5/13/1974

FF 14 - Chancellor's Statement, Chancellor's Seminar- UMKC, 5/13/1974

FF 15 - UMKC New Student Week, 9/3/1974

FF 16 - 50th Year Recognition of Art Ellison, University Playhouse- UMKC, 9/22/1974

FF 17 - Dedication of Telescope- Kansas City, 9/22/1974

FF 18 - "The Arts and Education in American Society," 34th Annual National Convention of Sigma Alpha Iota- UMKC, 8/9/1974

FF 19 - Panel Discussion of American Heritage, American Association for State and Local History- Austin, TX, 9/25/1974

FF 20 - "The Historical Profession," Phi Alpha Theta- University of Nebraska, 11/14/1974

FF 21 - UMKC Alumni Awards Dinner, 11/21/1974

FF 22 - UMKC Dental Alumni Association, 3/3/1975

FF 23 - Associates Annual Dinner and Chancellor's Medal Presentation to Dr. Charles Kimball, 4/25/1975

FF 24 - N.T. Veatch Awards- Kansas City, 5/7/1975

FF 25 - Introduction, Chancellor's Seminar- UMKC, 5/12/1975

FF 26 - "Trends Affecting Higher Education and Implications for the Campus," Extension Directors Conference- Columbia, 7/15/1975

FF 27 - State of the University, University Senate- UMKC, 9/16/1975

FF 28 - "Local History and the Bicentennial," State Historical Society of Missouri- Columbia, 10/4/1975

FF 29 - "The University in Independence," Independence Chamber of Commerce- Independence, MO, 10/16/1975

FF 30 - Fine Arts Reception and Dedication Ceremony- Kansas City, 10/24/1975

FF 31 - "An Educational Conference in Moscow," Friends of the Library Meeting- Kansas City, 11/7/1975

FF 32 - UMKC Alumni Awards Dinner, 11/8/1975

FF 33 - "UMKC and Kansas City's Educational Future," Phi Kappa Delta Initiation, 11/14/1975

FF 34 - Senate Committee on Urban Problems- Kansas City, 12/2/1975

FF 35 - Statement, Senate Appropriations Committee, Health Sciences Programs at UMKC, 1/26/1976

FF 36 - Junior League Education Panel- Kansas City, 2/7/1976

FF 37 - UMKC Orientation Seminar, 2/7-8/1976

FF 38 - UMKC Dental Alumni Association, 3/8/1976

FF 39 - UMKC Pharmacy Alumni Recognition Banquet, 3/13/1976

FF 40 - UMKC Performing Arts Center, Rotary Club- Overland Park, KS, 3/15/1976

FF 41 - Associates Annual Dinner and Chancellor's Medal to Selma Feld- UMKC, 4/20/1976

FF 42 - Installation of Arnold Grubman- St. Louis, 4/21/1976

FF 43 - Phi Kappa Phi Initiation- UMKC, 5/2/1976

FF 44 - UMKC Basketball Booster Club's Tip-Off Luncheon, 5/17/1976

Series Two - Speeches by James C. Olson (cont'd)
Sub-Series Two - 1976-1984
Box 3 (cont'd)

FF 45 - Chancellor Seminar Introduction- UMKC, 6/14/1976

FF 46 - President's Remarks, UMKC Trustees Annual Meeting, 6/14/1976

FF 47 - UMSL Summer Commencement, 8/1/1976

FF 48 - Legislator's Luncheon- Columbia, 8/31/1976

FF 49 - KBIA Open Meeting- Columbia, 9/5/1976

FF 50 - Marillac Dedication- UMSL, 9/12/1976

FF 51 - Outstanding Teachers Banquet- UMR, 9/14/1976

FF 52 - University Consulate Dinner- Columbia, 9/17/1976

FF 53 - Press Seminar, KSD-TV- St. Louis, 9/19/1976

FF 54 - Press Seminar, KCUR- Kansas City, 10/1/1976

FF 55 - Extension Advisory Council, 10/1/1976

FF 56 - Veterinary Medicine Banquet- Kansas City, 10/10/1976

FF 57 - "From Class to Mass Education -- Implications for Public Educators," Phi Kappa Delta Dinner- Columbia, 10/19/1976

FF 58 - UMKC School of Law Construction Commencement Ceremony, 10/22/1976

FF 59 - "Higher Education in a Time of Steady State," Women's Council Campus Re-Entry- UMKC, 10/25/1976

FF 60 - Statement to Missions and Roles Committee- Columbia, 10/26/1976

FF 61 - Rotary Club- Columbia, 10/28/1976

FF 62 - UMKC Alumni Awards Dinner, 11/6/1976

FF 63 - UMKC Performing Arts Center Groundbreaking Ceremony, 11/7/1976

FF 64 - UMKC Truman Medical Center Dedication, 11/14/1976

FF 65 - Annual Governor's Conference on Agriculture- Jefferson City, 11/22/1976

FF 66 - Extension Seminar- Springfield, MO, 12/1/1976

FF 67 - Rotary Clubs in Joplin and Carthage, 12/2/1976

FF 68 - Governor's Conference on Education- Columbia, 12/3/1976

FF 69 - New Legislature Tours, 12/3/1976

FF 70 - UMR Winter Commencement, 12/19/1976

FF 71 - Establishment of UMSL Small Business Center, 1/12/1977

FF 72 - Northwest Missouri Press Convention- Kansas City, 1/24/1977

FF 73 - UMKC Chancellor Retreat, 1/24/1977

FF 74 - "Higher Education in the State," Conference of Church Leaders- Columbia, 2/1/1977

FF 75 - College of Education Graduate Students Association- UMC, 2/11/1977

FF 76 - First Annual Meeting of the Order of the Golden Shillelagh- UMR, 2/19/1977

FF 77 - Jefferson City Rotary Club, 2/28/1977

FF 78 - County Officers of UM Extension Councils- Columbia, 3/15/1977

FF 79 - UMKC Senate, 3/29/1977

FF 80 - UMC Faculty Council, 3/30/1977

FF 81 - Acceptance of Facility, Veterinary Medical Complex- Columbia, 3/31/1977

FF 82 - "The Broad Aspects of Self-Renewal," Renewal Workshop- UMC, 4/6/1977

FF 83 - Hannibal, MO Chamber of Commerce, 4/28/1977

FF 84 - St. Charles Rotary Club, 5/5/1977

FF 85 - Jefferson Club- UMC, 5/6/1977

FF 86 - Mid-Missouri Chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists- Mexico, MO, 5/12/1977

FF 87 - UMC Spring Commencement, 5/14/1977

FF 88 - "I-Am-An-American Day" Banquet, UNICO National- Raytown, MO, 5/15/1977

FF 89 - UMSL Alumni Stockholders Association, 5/20/1977

Series Two - Speeches by James C. Olson (cont'd)
Sub-Series Two - 1976-1984 (cont'd)
Box 4

FF 1 - UMC Alumni Dinner- North Kansas City, MO, 5/21/1977

FF 2 - Columbia Cosmopolitan Club

FF 3 - Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Missouri Scholarship Banquet- Columbia, 7/13/1977

FF 4 - "The University in the City," Rotary Club of St. Louis, 7/21/1977

FF 5 - Lincoln University Commencement Address- Jefferson City, 7/30/1977

FF 6 - "The University of Missouri -- A State-Wide Resource," Kansas City Rotary Club, 8/4/1977

FF 7 - Dedication of Howard Woods Hall- UMSL, 8/7/1977

FF 8 - UMSL Summer Commencement, 8/7/1977

FF 9 - National Federation of Students of German- Maryville, MO, 9/9/1977

FF 10 - Moberly Junior College 50th Anniversary, 9/10/1977

FF 11 - UMC Alumni Center Dedication, 9/10/1977

FF 12 - Introduction of Charles Van Ravenwaay- Columbia, 9/18/1977

FF 13 - UMC School of Forestry, Fisheries, and Wildlife Advisory Council, 9/23/1977

FF 14 - Columbia Kiwanis Club, 10/11/1977

FF 15 - University of Missouri System CACUBO Annual Meeting- Columbia, 10/17/1977

FF 16 - Native Sons of Kansas City, 11/3/1977

FF 17 - 18th Annual M.D. Day- Columbia, 11/4/1977

FF 18 - Carolyn Benton Cockefair Chair- UMKC, 11/9/1977

FF 19 - UMA National Advisory Council- Lincoln, NE, 11/23/1977

FF 20 - Eastern Missouri Farm Management Recognition Program- St. Louis, 12/7/1977

FF 21 - UMR Winter Commencement, 12/18/1977

FF 22 - UMSL Winter Commencement, 1/8/1978

FF 23 - Clayton Rotary Club Inter-City Meeting- St. Louis, 2/7/1978

FF 24 - 10th Annual Irrigation Conference- Columbia, 2/9/1978

FF 25 - 23rd Annual Alpha Chi Honors Dinner for Westminster and William Woods Colleges- Fulton, MO, 2/15/1978

FF 26 - UMSL Faculty Meeting, 3/8/1978

FF 27 - County Officers of UM Extension Councils- Columbia, 3/9/1978

FF 28 - Independence Rotary Club- Independence, MO, 3/21/1978

FF 29 - "The Promise of Educational Exchange," Chonnam National University- Kwangju, Korea, 3/29/1978

FF 30 - Extension Advisory Council- Columbia, 4/12/1978

FF 31 - 4th Annual Physics Program Review- Columbia, 4/21/1978

FF 32 - University of Missouri Press Lecture and Reception for William Holtz- Columbia, 4/23/1978

FF 33 - 56th Annual Meeting of Missouri Home Economics Association- Columbia, 4/28/1978

FF 34 - "Alma Mater Revisited," Morningside College Commencement- Sioux City, IA, 5/7/1978

FF 35 - Order of the Golden Shillelagh- UMR, 5/12/1978

FF 36 - Meeting of the Board of Directors and Executive Council of Farmland Industries- Columbia, 5/24/1978

FF 37 - Missouri Military Academy Commencement Address- Mexico, MO, 5/28/1978

FF 38 - Big Eight Public Relations Conference- Columbia, 6/15/1978

FF 39 - "Governance -- Health Profession Schools, Teaching Hospitals, and the University's AAU Health Education Conference," Washington University, St. Louis, 7/7/1978

FF 40 - UMC Graduate School Commencement, 8/4/1978

FF 41 - UMSL Summer Commencement, 8/6/1978

FF 42 - Teacher Recognition Night- Poplar Bluff, MO, 9/28/1978

FF 43 - Extension-In-Service Education Conference- Columbia, 10/4/1978

FF 44 - State Advisory Council for Extension Education- UMC, 10/18/1978

FF 45 - "2001: An Energy Odyssey," UMKC, 10/20/1978

FF 46 - St. Joseph Rotary Club- St. Joseph, MO, 12/5/1978

FF 47 - Vandalia Rotary Club- Vandalia, MO, 12/8/1978

FF 48 - UMR Winter Commencement, 12/17/1978

FF 49 - UMSL Winter Commencement, 1/7/1979

FF 50 - UMSL Anniversary Dinner, 1/17/1979

FF 51 - Statement on Reauthorization of the Higher Education Act of 1965- Kansas City, 1/24/1979

FF 52 - M.B.A. Graduation Ceremony- Whiteman Airforce Base, 3/20/1979

FF 53 - National Periodical Center- Kansas City, 3/28/1979

FF 54 - Boone County Historical Society- Columbia, 4/24/1979

FF 55 - UMSL Spring Commencement, 5/12/1979

FF 56 - Out-State Visit with Alumni, News Media, and Legislators- Springfield and Lebanon, MO,6/7-8/1979

FF 57 - UMSL Alumni Association Awards Program and Stockholders Meeting, 6/21/1979

FF 58 - UMKC Alumni Association Board of Directors, 6/25/1979

FF 59 - UMSL Summer Commencement, 8/5/1979

FF 60 - Time Capsule Ceremonies, Missouri Association of the Future Farmers of America, 8/10/1979

FF 61 - "Higher Education -- A short Look Ahead," Midwest Research Institute- Kansas City, 9/13/1979

FF 62 - Mid-American Assembly on the Future of the Performing Arts- Kansas City, 9/13/1979

FF 63 - Dedication of UMKC Performing Arts Center, 10/14/1979

FF 64 - Conference of Area Labor Management Committees- St. Louis, 10/31/1979

FF 65 - "Support for the Arts in the Public University," Joint Session of the Council on Academic Affairs and the Commission of Fine Arts- Washington, D.C., 11/26/1979

FF 66 - UMSL Winter Commencement, 1/6/1980

FF 67 - UMA Symposium- Washington, D.C., 3/3/1980

FF 68 - Conference on the Transformation of Higher Learning 1850-1930- UMC, 3/7/1980

FF 69 - UMKC Shakespeare Lecture, 3/10/1980

FF 70 - UMR Shakespeare Lecture, 3/18/1980

FF 71 - Missouri Dairymen's Association- Columbia, 3/21/1980

FF 72 - UM/Community College Transition Conference- Kansas City, 3/25/1980

FF 73 - UMC Shakespeare Lecture, 4/7/1980

FF 74 - Thomas Jefferson Award Ceremony for Henry Bent- UMC, 4/14/1980

FF 75 - Missouri Association of Future Farmers of America- Columbia, 4/18/1980

FF 76 - Welcome to the Society for German-American Studies- UMC, 4/19/1980

FF 77 - Acceptance of Litton and Hungate Papers- Columbia, 4/26/1980

FF 78 - Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi Dinner- UMC, 5/9/1980

FF 79 - UMSL Spring Commencement, 5/11/1980

FF 80 - UMR Spring Commencement, 5/18/1980

FF 81 - Great Lakes Naval Center Pre-Review Luncheon and Recruit Graduation Review, 6/13/1980

FF 82 - Ernest Sears' Retirement Banquet- UMC, 6/14/1980

FF 83 - UMKC Alumni Association Board of Educators, 6/17/1980

FF 84 - UMSL Summer Commencement, 8/3/1980

FF 85 - "The Historical Society -- A View from the 80's," Nebraska State Historical Society- Lincoln, NE, 9/6/1980

FF 86 - Inauguration of Dr. Gordon Kingsley at William Jewell College- Liberty, MO, 9/10/1980

Series Two - Speeches by James C. Olson (cont'd)
Sub-Series Two - 1976-1984 (cont'd)
Box 5

FF 1 - Dedication of Mick Deaver Drive- Columbia, 9/13/1980

FF 2 - Phi Kappa Phi Installation- St. Louis, 9/30/1980

FF 3 - Fortnightly Club- Columbia, 10/2/1980

FF 4 - "The Historic Role of Local Historical Societies," The Missouri Historical Society Workshop- St. Louis, 10/11/1980

FF 5 - Opening of UMSL School of Optometry, 10/12/1980

FF 6 - Extension-In-Service Education Conference- Columbia, 10/15/1980

FF 7 - UMR Alumni Awards Banquet, 10/18/1980

FF 8 - National Association of Educational Buyers- Columbia, 10/23/1980

FF 9 - Ozark Regional Commission's Governors Conference on Aging- Kansas City, 10/31/1980

FF 10 - Development Staff Luncheon- Columbia, 11/25/1980

FF 11 - UMR Winter Commencement, 12/21/1980

FF 12 - Presentation of Paper at San Diego, 1/4-5/1981

FF 13 - UMKC School of Dentistry 100th Anniversary, 3/1/1981

FF 14 - Conference for County Extension Council Leaders- Columbia, 3/10/1981

FF 15 - Panel -- "What do they Expect from Us?" Conference on Work and Social Roles in Academe- Lawrence, KS, 3/13/1981

FF 16 - Center for the Study of the Presidency's 12th Annual Student Symposium- Washington, D.C., 3/21/1981

FF 17 - Office of the Future Seminar- Columbia, 3/26/1981

FF 18 - UMKC Alumni Awards Banquet, 3/28/1981

FF 19 - UMSL Faculty Meeting, 4/22/1981

FF 20 - UMC Symposium on the 14th Century, 4/24/1981

FF 21 - Development Board Fund- UMC, 5/2/1981

FF 22 - Hyman Brand Hebrew Academy- Kansas City, 5/3/1981

FF 23 - Northeast Missouri State Spring Commencement- Kirksville, MO, 5/8/1981

FF 24 - UMSL Report to Community, 5/13/1981

FF 25 - UMSL Alumni Meeting, 5/19/1981

FF 26 - Celebration of 86th Anniversary of Missouri School of Religion, 5/28/1981

FF 27 - UMSL Summer Commencement, 8/2/1981

FF 28 - State Extension Advisory Council, 9/15/1981

FF 29 - Missouri Forum- Columbia, 9/16/1981

FF 30 - UM Public Relations Seminar- Columbia, 9/17/1981

FF 31 - Installation of Chancellor Martin Massengale at University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 9/20/1981

FF 32 - Chancellor Award Ceremony to Ellis and Barnes- UMSL, 9/30/1981

FF 33 - Testimony to Sub-Committee for Post-Secondary Education (no copy of speech included)- Washington, D.C., 10/15/1981

FF 34 - UMC Development Fund Board of Directors, 10/23/1981

FF 35 - Extension-In-Service Education Conference- UMC, 10/28/1981

FF 36 - "In Search of a Common Culture," Hastings College Centennial Lecture- Hastings, NE, 11/3/1981

FF 37 - Spouses' Committee, NASULGC- Washington, D.C., 11/9/1981

FF 38 - Presentation to the Board of Curators- Columbia, 12/17/1981

FF 39 - UMSL Winter Commencement, 12/20/1981

FF 40 - Missouri Citizens for Research and Extension, Inc.- Columbia, 1/23/1982

FF 41 - St. Louis Civic Progress Breakfast, Dialogue Group, 3/10/1982

FF 42 - Out-State Visits to Joplin and Carthage, 3/18/1982

FF 43 - "The Dilemma of Graduate Education -- Maintaining Quality in the Face of Declining Support," Chicago, IL, 4/5/1982

FF 44 - Monsanto Senior Executives Luncheon- St. Louis, 4/12/1982

FF 45 - UMC Development Fund Board, 4/22/1982

FF 46 - Jefferson Club Dinner- Columbia, 4/22/1982

FF 47 - "Our University -- Present and Future, a Lunch and Learn," Columbia, 5/12/1982

FF 48 - UMSL Spring Commencement, 5/16/1982

FF 49 - UMSL Summer Commencement, 8/1/1982

FF 50 - "Progress in the Midst of Poverty," Council of Graduate Schools- Minneapolis, MN, 10/13/1982

FF 51 - University-Based Research Funding Symposium on the Department of Defense- UMSL, 10/18-19/1982

FF 52 - Cockefair Hall Dedication and Dinner- UMKC, 10/19/1982

FF 53 - Introduction of Governor Bond at NASULGC Convention- St. Louis, 11/9/1982

FF 54 - UMR Winter Commencement, 12/19/1982

FF 55 - UMSL Winter Commencement, 1/9/1983

FF 56 - Senate Appropriations Hearing- Jefferson City, 1/20/1983

FF 57 - Education and Transportation Committee Hearing- Jefferson City, 1/25/1983

FF 58 - UMKC Barstow School Library Dedication, 2/13/1983

FF 59 - UMR Founders Day,2/26/1983

FF 60 - Testimony to House Post-Secondary Education Committee- Washington, D.C., 3/1/1983

FF 61 - UMC University Club, 3/9/1983

FF 62 - "A Missouri Partnership in Education," 18th Annual UM/Junior College Transition Conference- UMR, 3/10/1983

FF 63 - Buchanan County Alumni Association- St. Joseph, MO, 3/17/1983

FF 64 - Missouri Agricultural Leadership of Tomorrow Dinner- UMC, 3/21/1983

FF 65 - Legislative Recognition Day- Jefferson City, 3/22/1983

FF 66 - UMC Retirees Luncheon, 4/13/1983

FF 67 - Jefferson Club Dinner, 4/30/1983

FF 68 - Truman Scholarship Awards- Independence, MO, 5/8/1983

FF 69 - UMC Spring Commencement, 5/15/1983

FF 70 - Testimony to Senate Committee on Finance, Taxation, and Debt Management (Research on Tax Incentives)- Washington, D.C., 5/27/1983

FF 71 - St. Louis Rotary Club, 6/2/1983

FF 72 - Panel Presentation to the Committee of Community and Economic Development, 75th National Governor's Conference- Portland, ME, 8/1/1983

FF 73 - Missouri State Committee Hearing on State Revenue- Jefferson City, 9/7/1983

FF 74 - Dedication of UMC Animal Sciences Center, 9/9/1983

FF 75 - Extension-In-Service Education Conference- Columbia, 9/20/1983

FF 76 - "The University in the City," UMKC 50th Anniversary Convocation, 10/1/1983

FF 77 - "A Time to Look Back, a Time to Look Forward," Annual Meeting of the Nebraska State Historical Society- Lincoln, NE, 10/8/1983

FF 78 - UMR Winter Commencement, 12/18/1983

FF 79 - UMSL Winter Commencement, 1/8/1984

FF 80 - University at Dharhan, Saudi Arabia Commencement, 1/18/1984

FF 81 - Clay County Extension Banquet- Liberty, MO, 2/14/1984

FF 82 - "Water in Nebraska's Early History," Nebraska Water Conference- Lincoln, NE, 3/15/1984

FF 83 - "The Reauthorization of the Higher Education Act of 1965," St. Louis, 3/30/1984

FF 84 - "Graduate Education and the Reauthorization of the Higher Education Act," St. Louis, 3/30/1984

FF 85 - 19th Annual UM/Junior College Transition Conference- UMKC, 4/8/1984

FF 86 - "Thoughts of a University President on the Eve of His Retirement," High School/College Relations Commission, 4/13/1984

FF 87 - Annual Retirees Luncheon- UMC, 4/26/1984

FF 88 - West Plains High School, 4/27/1984

FF 89 - UMC Graduate Professional Council Breakfast Meeting, 5/1/1984

FF 90 - "Education -- The Key to the 21st Century," Maple Woods Community College Commencement, 5/17/1984

FF 91 - Boonville High School Commencement, 5/22/84

FF 92 - Mid-Continent Perspectives Midwest Research Institute- Kansas City, 9/13/84

FF 93 - Board of Curators Meeting- Kansas City, 6/22/1984

Series Three - Miscellaneous and Unused Speeches
Box 5 (cont'd)

FF 94 - Miscellaneous Speech Material, 6-7/1948, 9/1961-12/1965

FF 95 - Miscellaneous Speech Material, 1/1966-11/1967

FF 96 - Miscellaneous Speech Material, 1968

FF 97 - Cancelled/Unused Speeches, 10/24/1981 and 5/13/1983

Restrictions Note: The Archives of the University of Missouri-Columbia is required by law and Board of Curator's policy to restrict access to some files and information. Student records are held as confidential under the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and by University policy. Faculty promotion and tenure records and Academic Personnel files are restricted for 75 years, or the lifetime of the individual. All grievance, disciplinary, and medical records are treated as confidential files. Consultations with legal counsel, both in-house and external, are protected by the attorney/client privilege and will not be released.

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Published by: University Archives
Originally Prepared by Rob Ryan: June 2004
Revised: 5 April 2011

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