Box1-000391 |
Record Group: 4 UW Record Sub-Group: 7 Records Title: UM-System; President's Office; Assistant Vice President for Management Services; Administrative Records Dates: 1936-1995, bulk 1970-1993 Volume: 13 cubic feet, 16.25 linear feet Scope and Content Note
(A88-14; A90-35; A90-87; A90-135; A91-21; A91-85; A92-43; A99-85; A01-96) Also included in this Sub-Group are correspondence, minority vendor reports, and documents pertaining to topics such as accident and incident reporting and claims, general statistics, student insurance, nuclear liability, low power television broadcasting (LPTV), registration of claims to copyright, assignment of copyrights, capital budgets, the Administrative Affairs Repair and Replacement Fund (AARRF), central food stores, KOMU-TV, UM-System parking needs, building and facilities records, Missouri Department of Natural Resources violation notices, the UM-System President's Residence at Providence Point, UM-System properties sold, leased, or purchased, as well as purchase of materials and equipment, hazardous waste concerns, and proposed University of Missouri Board of Curators actions relating to the Assistant Vice President for Management Services Office. Series Descriptions: This Record Sub-Group is divided into five series. Arrangement follows the original, topical order. Series One contains the records pertaining to various aspects of the University's insurance needs, risk management and the training of personnel. Series Two holds documents concerning copyright interests and regulations. Series Three contains administrative records from the central files of the Assistant Vice President for Management Services' Office. Series Four holds correspondence between the Vice President's Office and the Federal Communications Commission, regarding the operation of the University's several radio and television stations. Series Five contains minority vendor reports and correspondence. Series Outline:
Inventory Series One - Insurance - Risk Management FF 1 - Board of Education Liability, 1978-1981 FF 2 - Student Insurance, 1982-1985 FF 3 - Student Insurance Claim Reports, 1962-1977 FF 4 - Nuclear Liability General Correspondence, 1966-1984 FF 5 - Nuclear Liability General Correspondence, 1966-1984 (cont'd) FF 6 - Nuclear Liability General Correspondence, 1966-1984 (cont'd) FF 7 - Nuclear Liability UMC Reactor Inspection Reports, 1977-1981 FF 8 - Nuclear Liability American Nuclear Insurers, 1980-1984 FF 9 - Boiler, Machinery, and Power Plant, 1982-1984 FF 10 - Board of Curators Accidental Death and Dismemberment Policy, 1973-1983 FF 11 - Truman Medical Center, 1981-1982 FF 12 - Peter Potter Loan Fund, 1964-1967 FF 13 - Architects and Engineers Professional Liability, 1983-1984 FF 14 - Liability General Correspondence, 1981-1984 FF 15 - Accident-Incident Reporting and Claims Manual, 1971-1978 FF 16 - Accident-Incident Reporting Procedures, 1977-1978 FF 17 - Accident-Incident Reports, (statistics, 1970-1978), 1977-1978 FF 18 - Liability Renewals, 1979 FF 19 - Miscellaneous Correspondence, H. Huskey, 1984-1985 FF 20 - Informational Brochure on Insurance Policies and Procedures, 1985 FF 21 - Student Related Insurance Coverage, 1985 FF 22 - Risk Management Manual Revisions, (see also Box 4), 1975-1978 FF 23 - Safety and Risk Management Committee, 1982-1984 FF 24 - Risk Management Objectives - Quarterly Reports, 1982-1984 FF 25 - Safety and Risk Management Manual, 1982-1984 FF 26 - Compliance Guidelines G4 - Animal Care - Laboratory Animals, 1980-1984 FF 27 - Compliance Guidelines G4 - Animal Care - Laboratory Animals, 1980-1984 (cont'd)
Series One - Insurance - Risk Management (cont'd) FF 1 - Compliance Guidelines RG10 - Personal Protective Equipment, 1981-1984 FF 2 - Emergency Preparedness 1982-1984 [includes copy of UMR Emergency Procedures, 1970] FF 3 - Risk Management Consulting Firm Proposals, (management review proposals), 1982-1983 FF 4 - Risk Management Consulting Firm Proposals, (management review proposals), 1982-1983 (cont'd) FF 5 - Risk Management and Safety Training, General Correspondence, 1982-1984 FF 5A - UM Self Insurance Program, 10/1985 FF 6 - Accident Analysis Program Proposal, 1984 FF 7 - Loss Reports (FTE Hours Lost), 1983-1984 FF 8 - University Printing Services, 1981-1983 FF 9 - Research Park Substation Explosion/Accident, 1983 FF 10 - UMKC Dental School, (includes color photos), 1983 FF 11 - UMR Schrenk Hall, 1983 FF 12 - UMC Lagoons, 1983 FF 13 - Safety Training Classes/Workshops, 1982-1984 FF 14 - Safety Training Classes/Workshops, 1982-1984 (cont'd) FF 15 - Safety Training Classes/Workshops, 1982-1984 (cont'd)
Series Two - Copyright Documents FF 16 - Registration of a Claim to Copyright, UMKC Law Review Vol. 35, #1 - Vol. 51, #1, Winter 1967-Fall 1982 FF 17 - Registration of a Claim to Copyright, UMKC Law Review Vol. 35, #1 - Vol. 51, #1, Winter 1967-Fall 1982 (cont'd) FF 18 - Registration of a Claim to Copyright, UMKC Law Review Vol. 35, #1 - Vol. 51, #1, Winter 1967-Fall 1982 (cont'd) FF 19 - Registration of a Claim to Copyright, The University Review (formerly The University of Kansas City Review) Vol. 30, #1 - Vol. 37, #4, 10/1963-6/1971 (also contains University Microfilms agreement for publication Vols. 1-15) FF 20 - Registration of a Claim to Copyright, The University Review (formerly The University of Kansas City Review) Vol. 30, #1 - Vol. 37, #4, 10/1963-6/1971 (also contains University Microfilms agreement for publication Vols. 1-15) (cont'd) FF 21 - Registration of a Claim to Copyright, The University Review (formerly The University of Kansas City Review) Vol. 30, #1 - Vol. 37, #4, 10/1963-6/1971 (also contains University Microfilms agreement for publication Vols. 1-15) (cont'd) FF 22 - Assignment of Copyrights - Miscellaneous, 1975-1981 FF 23 - Assignment of Copyrights - Miscellaneous, 1975-1981 (cont'd) FF 24 - Assignment of Copyrights - Miscellaneous, 1975-1981 (cont'd) FF 25 - UMKC Business and Public Administration Student Review, 1966-1976
Series Two - Copyright Documents (cont'd) FF 1 - Registration of a Claim to Copyright, UMKC New Letters: A Continuation of the University Review Vol. 38, #1 - Vol.49, #3/4, (See Also, Assignment of Copyright - Miscellaneous, 1975-1981), 10/1971-Spring and Summer 1983 FF 2 - Registration of a Claim to Copyright, UMKC New Letters: A Continuation of the University Review Vol. 38, #1 - Vol.49, #3/4, 10/1971-Spring and Summer 1983 (cont'd) FF 3 - Registration of a Claim to Copyright, UMKC New Letters: A Continuation of the University Review Vol. 38, #1 - Vol.49, #3/4, 10/1971-Spring and Summer 1983 (cont'd) FF 4 - Registration of a Claim to Copyright, Proceedings of the (Second and Third) Midwest Conference on the Thyroid, 1968 FF 5 - Registration of a Claim to Copyright, Miscellaneous; includes: "Missouri State Office of Manpower Planning 504 Self-Study Guide", The Neglected Agenda of State and Local Government, "Professional Nurse Function", "Staff Development Department of Nursing Services, UM Medical Center", "Missouri Tomorrow" (film), "Research; the Untraveled World" (film), "Rivers" (film) - films include a typed script, Tiger Paw (drawing - logo), Updating the American Dream..." (from M. L. Faust lectures), 1979-1983 FF 6 - Registration of a Claim to Copyright, UMC Museum Brief, #16, 17, 23, and 24, "A Classification of the Order of Primates," "Jade Workers in the Motagua Valley," "Love in the Armpit: Tzeltal Tales of Love, Murder and Cannibalism," "Demons and Monsters Tzeltal Tales," 1975-1978 FF 7 - Registration of a Claim to Copyright, Regional Rehabilitation Research Institute, UMC Research Series #1, 2 and 3, "Rehabilitation and the Culturally Disadvantaged", "Rehabilitation and the Culturally Disadvantaged: a Digest", "Rehabilitation in the Concrete Jungle," 1969 FF 8 - Registration of a Claim to Copyright, Review of Social Theory, 1972-1975 FF 9 - Registration of a Claim to Copyright, Richard Wright: Impressions and Perspectives, 1973 FF 10 - Registration of a Claim to Copyright, Revised Handbook on Incorporation and Disincorporation of Missouri Municipalities, 3rd Edition, 1977 FF 11 - Registration of a Claim to Copyright, "Stadler Genetics Symposia" Vol. 1-3, 1971 FF 12 - Registration of a Claim to Copyright, "The Standing Committees of the Missouri General Assembly," 1959 FF 13 - Registration of a Claim to Copyright, University of Missouri Monographs in Anthropology #3 "The Image of Disease: Medical Practices of Nahua Indians of the Huasteca," 1978 FF 14 - Registration of a Claim to Copyright, "Trace Substances in Environmental Health" #V and VI, 1972-1973 FF 15 - Registration of a Claim to Copyright, UMR Values and the Public Works Professional, 1980 FF 16 - Registration of a Claim to Copyright, Linguistics, including papers from the 1977 Mid-America Linguistics Conference and "Papers in Mayan Linguistics," 1979 FF 17 - Registration of a Claim to Copyright, UMC "Notes for E.I.T and P.E. Refresher Course" 2nd edition, 1972 FF 18 - Registration of a Claim to Copyright, UMSL "Proceedings: Affirmative Action Forum on Hiring the Handicapped," 1979 FF 19 - Registration of a Claim to Copyright, "Proceedings of the Institute on the Law of Treaties and the State-Federal Relationship," 1970 FF 20 - Registration of a Claim to Copyright, UMC Missouri Law Review Vol. 1, #2 - Vol. 46, #1, 4/1936-Winter 1981 FF 21 - Registration of a Claim to Copyright, UMC Missouri Law Review Vol. 1, #2 - Vol. 46, #1, 4/1936-Winter 1981 (cont'd) FF 22 - Registration of a Claim to Copyright, UMC Missouri Review Vol. 1, #1, Spring 1978
Series Three - Central Files FF 23 - Capital Budget, 1984-1985 FF 24 - Budgets, Capital Budget; Environmental Hazards, 1984-1985 FF 25 - Capital Budget, 1982-1983 FF 26 - Administrative Affairs Repair and Replacement Fund (AARRF), 1981-1983 FF 27 - Budgets, UM System Miscellaneous, 1983 FF 28 - Budgets, UMC Miscellaneous, 1981-1983 FF 29 - Budgets, UMR Miscellaneous, 1982 FF 30 - UMC Construction, General, 1983-1986 FF 31 - UMC Construction, Intercollegiate Athletics (Simmons Field lighting, Faurot Field Press Box, Tiger Lounge, Skybox remodeling), 1983-1984 FF 32 - UMC Construction, Lagoons and Sewers(problems with overflow - Sinclair Farm and Foremost Dairy Farm, Missouri Department of Natural Resources violation notices), 1984 FF 33 - UMC Construction, Libraries (relationship with State Historical Society, Ellis Library expansion, Health Science Library), 1981-1984 FF 34 - UMC Construction, Manager Dispute (UMC Hospital and Clinics expansion), 1984-1987 FF 35 - UMC Construction, Memorial Union/Brady Commons, 1983 FF 36 - UMC Construction, Physical Facilities Long Range Planning, 1983-1987 FF 37 - UMC Construction, Physical Facilities Inventories, 1985-1986 FF 38 - UMC Construction, University Hospital and Clinics Electrical System Study, 1985-1986 FF 39 - UMC Construction, Providence Point, 1984-1985 FF 40 - UMC Construction, Telecommunications/UM-System Microwave Tower, 1983-1986 FF 41 - UMC Construction, University Development Foundation (Cosmopolitan International/Diabetes Center, various property purchases and building), 1978-1984. FF 42 - UMC Construction, 225 University Hall, 1983-1984 FF 43 - UMC Construction, Cost Reduction Incentive Awards Program NACUBO/USSF, 1983-1984 FF 44 - UMKC Property Management (construction, leases, telecommunication system, remodeling, operation and maintenance), 1983-1987
Series Three - Central Files (cont'd) FF 1 - UMR Property Management (electric conversion, design and building of Thomas Jefferson Residence Hall, "Missouri IncuTech Foundation," construction), 1981-1987 FF 2 - UMSL Construction, General, 1984-1986 FF 3 - UMSL Construction, Science Building, 1982-1985 FF 4 - UMSL Construction, Power Plant, 1983-1984 FF 5 - UMSL Construction, Housing, 1984-1985 FF 6 - Committees, Central Food Stores Advisory, 1983-1984 FF 7 - Committees, Equipment Management System (Ad Hoc), 1980-1982 FF 8 - Committees, Historic Preservation, 1986 FF 9 - Committees, Knight Committee/Committee to Improve the University of Missouri, 1986-1987 FF 10 - Policy and Procedures, Social Security - Students, 1983 FF 11 - Policy and Procedures, Flight Operations Manual, 1971 FF 12 - Policy and Procedures, Alcohol, 1982 FF 13 - Policy and Procedures, Construction Bidding, 1982 FF 14 - Policy and Procedures, Miscellaneous, 1982-1983 FF 15 - Purchasing, General, 1982-1987 FF 16 - Purchasing, General, 1982-1987 (cont'd) FF 17 - Purchasing, Affirmative Action, 1982-1983 FF 18 - Purchasing, Approval/Bids, 1983 FF 19 - Purchasing, Computers, 1983-1986 FF 20 - Purchasing, University Hospital Consortium, 1985-1987 FF 21 - Purchasing, Library Acquisition Program, 1985 FF 22 - Purchasing, UMR Power Plant/Wood Chips, 1984-1985 FF 23 - Purchasing, Xerox, 1983-1984 FF 24 - Purchasing, Property, 1985-1987 FF 25 - Purchasing, UM-System Department Summary and Related Comparisons, 1976-1982 FF 26 - Purchasing, UM-System Student Budget, 1980-1984 FF 27 - Energy Conversation, Fuel and Utilities, 1982-1986 FF 28 - Energy Conversation, Fuel and Utilities, 1982-1986 (cont'd) FF 29 - Energy Conversation, UMC; VA Hospital Steam, 1981-1983 FF 30 - Energy Conversation, UMC; VA Hospital Steam, 1981-1983 (cont'd) FF 31 - Energy Conversation, UM-System; Miscellaneous, 1982-1983 FF 32 - Auxiliary Enterprises and Service Operations, Central Food Stores, 1981-1983
Series Three - Central Files (cont'd) FF 1 - Auxiliary Enterprises and Service Operations, UMC, KOMU-TV, 1982-1983 FF 2 - Auxiliary Enterprises and Service Operations, UM-System, Miscellaneous, 1981-1982 FF 3 - Auxiliary Enterprises and Service Operations, UM-System, Parking Operations, 1982-1983 FF 4 - Groups/Offices, Purchasing Administration, 1982 FF 5 - Groups/Offices, Miscellaneous, 1981-1983 FF 6 - Groups/Offices, Budget Staff Group, 1982 FF 7 - Reports and Studies, Business Services Activities Reports, 1981-1982 FF 8 - Reports and Studies, Audits, 1982-1983 FF 9 - Reports and Studies, Mail Service, 1982-1983 FF 10 - Reports and Studies, Research Centers, 1980-1982 FF 11 - Reports and Studies, Service Marks/Licensing, 1982 FF 12 - Reports and Studies, Travel, 1982-1983 FF 13 - Reports and Studies, Miscellaneous, 1982 FF 14 - UM-System Buildings and Facilities, Facilities Operations and Capital Information Plan (FOCIP), FY 1984-1985 FF 15 - UM-System Buildings and Facilities, Hazardous Waste, 1981-1982 FF 16 - UM-System Buildings and Facilities, Leased Housing, 1981-1982 FF 17 - UM-System Buildings and Facilities, Lewis and Clark, 1980-1982 FF 18 - UM-System Buildings and Facilities, Miscellaneous, 1981-1983 FF 19 - UM-System Buildings and Facilities, Sinclair Farm, (See Also Box 2,"Lagoons"), 1981-1984 FF 20 - UM-System Buildings and Facilities, Warehouse Space, 1982 FF 21 - UMC Buildings and Facilities, Agricultural Engineering, 1982-1983 FF 22 - UMC Buildings and Facilities, Agricultural Engineering; Charles F. McAfee, 1979-1983 [RESTRICTED] FF 23 - UMC Buildings and Facilities, Health Sciences Library, 1982 FF 24 - UMC Buildings and Facilities, Hearnes Roof, 1983 FF 25 - UMC Buildings and Facilities, Miscellaneous, 1982-1983 FF 26 - UMC Buildings and Facilities, Power Plant, 1982-1983 FF 27 - UMKC Buildings and Facilities, Miscellaneous, 1981-1983 FF 28 - UMR Buildings and Facilities, Miscellaneous (includes Thomas Jefferson Residence Hall), 1981-1983 FF 29 - UMSL Buildings and Facilities, Miscellaneous, 1981-1983 FF 30 - Board of Curators Meeting Files, 12/1980-2/1981 FF 31 - Board of Curators Meeting Files, 3/1981 FF 32 - Board of Curators Meeting Files, 4/1981 FF 33 - Board of Curators Meeting Files, 5/1981 FF 34 - Board of Curators Meeting Files, 6/1981 FF 35 - Board of Curators Meeting Files, 7/1981 FF 36 - Board of Curators Meeting Files, 9/1981 FF 37 - Board of Curators Meeting Files, 10/1981 FF 38 - Board of Curators Meeting Files, Executive Session, 10/8/1981 FF 39 - Board of Curators Meeting Files, 11/1981 FF 40 - Board of Curators Meeting Files, 12/1981 FF 41 - Board of Curators Meeting Files, 2/11/1982 FF 42 - Board of Curators Meeting Files, 3/1982 FF 43 - Board of Curators Meeting Files, 5/1982 FF 44 - Board of Curators Meeting Files, 6/1982
Series Three - Central Files (cont'd) FF 1 - Board of Curators Meetings, 7/30/1982 FF 2 - Board of Curators Meetings, 9/1982 FF 3 - Board of Curators Meetings, 10/1982 FF 4 - Board of Curators Meetings, 11/1982 FF 5 - Board of Curators Meetings, 12/17/1982 FF 6 - Board of Curators Meetings, 2/1983 FF 7 - Board of Curators Meetings, 3/1983 FF 8 - Board of Curators Meetings, 5/6/1983 FF 9 - Board of Curators, Miscellaneous Papers, 1979-1982 FF 10 - Jim Bunton, Business Services Operations, FY 1981-1982 FF 11 - Jim Bunton, Business Services Operations, FY 1982-1983 FF 12 - Jim Bunton, Business Services Operations, FY 1983-1984 FF 13 - Jim Bunton, Business Services Operations, FY 1984-1985 FF 14 - Jim Bunton, Business Services Operations, FY 1985-1986 FF 15 - Jim Bunton, Business Services Operations, FY 1986-1987 FF 16 - Minority Recruiting, 1982-1983 FF 17 - Providence Point - President's Residence, 1985-1987 FF 18 - Providence Point - President's Residence, 1985-1987 (cont'd) FF 19 - UM-System Business Policy and Procedure Manual, (original manual with revisions), ca. 1957-1966 FF 20 - UM System Business Policy and Procedure Manual Revision, TAB Bulletins, 1984-1987 FF 21 - UM System Business Policy and Procedure Manual Revision, Tax Exemption Certificate for Aircraft, 1984-1987 FF 22 - UM System Business Policy and Procedure Manual Revision, Table of Contents, 1984-1987 FF 23 - Approved Material - Material at University Printing Services, 1984-1987 FF 24 - Hospital and Clinic Mailings, 1984-1987 FF 25 - Records Retention - Internal, 1984-1987 FF 26 - Special Handlings and Mailings, 1984-1987
Series Three - Central Files (cont'd) FF 1 - UM System Business Policy and Procedure Manual Revision, Miscellaneous, 1984-1987 FF 2 - UM System Business Policy and Procedure Manual Revision, Final Drafts, 1984-1987 FF 3 - UM System Business Policy and Procedure Manual Revision, Index, 1984-1987 FF 4 - UM System Business Policy and Procedure Manual Revision, General Administration, 1984-1987 FF 5 - UM System Business Policy and Procedure Manual Revision, Finance, 1984-1987 FF 6 - UM System Business Policy and Procedure Manual Revision, Property and Capital Equipment, 1984-1987 FF 7 - UM System Business Policy and Procedure Manual Revision, Travel, 1984-1987 FF 8 - UM System Business Policy and Procedure Manual Revision, Insurance, 1984-1987 FF 9 - UM System Business Policy and Procedure Manual Revision, Records and Forms Management, 1984-1987 FF 10 - UM System Business Policy and Procedure Manual Revision, Records Retention Summaries, 1984-1987 FF 11 - UM System Business Policy and Procedure Manual Revision, New Policies, 1984-1987 FF 12 - UM System Business Policy and Procedure Manual Revision, Safety and Risk Management, 1984-1987 FF 13 - UM System Business Policy and Procedure Manual Revision, Purchasing Section Revisions, 1984-1987 FF 14 - UM System Business Policy and Procedure Manual Revision, Manual Revision, 1984-1987 FF 15 - UM System Business Policy and Procedure Manual Revision, Project Plan, 1984-1987 FF 16 - UM System Business Policy and Procedure Manual Revision, Budget/Estimated Costs, 1984-1987 FF 17 - UM System Business Policy and Procedure Manual Revision, Table of Contents Pages, 1984-1987 FF 18 - UM System Business Policy and Procedure Manual Revision, Manual Tabs and Classification System, 1984-1987 FF 19 - UM System Business Policy and Procedure Manual Revision, Personal Property Reclamation Office, 1984-1987 FF 20 - UM System Business Policy and Procedure Manual Revision, Public Sale of University Property and Equipment, 1984-1987 FF 21 - UM System Business Policy and Procedure Manual Revision, Indirect Cost Recovery, 1984-1987 FF 22 - UM System Business Policy and Procedure Manual Revision, Employing Consultants, 1984-1987 FF 23 - UM System Business Policy and Procedure Manual Revision, Substantiation of Consultation Costs for US Government Grants and Contracts, 1984-1987 FF 24 - UM System Business Policy and Procedure Manual Revision, Assignment Sheets, 1984-1987 FF 25 - UM System Business Policy and Procedure Manual Revision, Transmittals, 1984-1987 FF 26 - UM System Business Policy and Procedure Manual Revision, Personnel Manual, 1984-1987 FF 27 - UM System Business Policy and Procedure Manual Revision, Introduction, 1984-1987 FF 28 - UM System Business Policy and Procedure Manual Revision, Section 1 Revisions, 1984-1987 FF 29 - UM System Business Policy and Procedure Manual Revision, Section 2 Revisions, 1984-1987 FF 30 - UM System Business Policy and Procedure Manual Revision, Section 3 Revisions, 1984-1987 FF 31 - UM System Business Policy and Procedure Manual Revision, Section 3 Revisions, 1984-1987 (cont'd) FF 32 - UM System Business Policy and Procedure Manual Revision, Section 3 Revisions, 1984-1987 (cont'd) FF 33 - UM System Business Policy and Procedure Manual Revision, Section 3 Revisions, 1984-1987 (cont'd) FF 34 - UM System Business Policy and Procedure Manual Revision, Section 3 Revisions, 1984-1987 (cont'd) FF 35 - UM System Business Policy and Procedure Manual Revision, Section 5 Revisions, 1984-1987 FF 36 - UM System Business Policy and Procedure Manual Revision, Section 6 Revisions, 1984-1987 FF 37 - UM System Business Policy and Procedure Manual Revision, Section 7 Revisions, 1984-1987 FF 38 - UM System Business Policy and Procedure Manual Revision, Section 8 Revisions, 1984-1987 FF 39 - UM System Business Policy and Procedure Manual Revision, Section 9 Revisions, 1984-1987 FF 40 - UM System Business Policy and Procedure Manual Revision, Section 10 Revisions, 1984-1987 FF 41 - UM System Business Policy and Procedure Manual Revision, Section 11 Revisions, 1984-1987 FF 42 - UM System Business Policy and Procedure Manual Revision, Section 12 Revisions, 1984-1987 FF 43 - UM System Business Policy and Procedure Manual Revision, Forms Index Revisions, 1984-1987 FF 44 - UM System Business Policy and Procedure Manual Revision, Originals, 1985
Series Three - Central Files (cont'd) FF 1 - Business Services Budget U200086, FY 1983-1984 FF 2 - Business Services Budget U200086, FY 1985 FF 3 - Business Services Budget U200086, FY 1989 FF 4 - Business Services General, FY 1987-1988 FF 5 - Business Services General, FY 1985-1986 FF 6 - Business Services General, FY 1986-1987 FF 7 - Management Services; Jim Bunton's File, 1988-1989 FF 8 - Management Services; Jim Bunton's File, 1989-1990 FF 9 - Collected Rules and Regulations; Maintenance Manual, 1987-1991 FF 10 - Aesthetics, University Hall, 1993 FF 11 - Analyses by Mary Sapp, 1989-1991 FF 12 - Forms and supplies storage, 1991 FF 13 - Fax machine, 1988-1990 FF 14 - "LAN" network installation, University Hall, 1989 FF 15 - Miscellaneous (equipment purchase), 1985-1989 FF 16 - Management Services - activities reports, 1985-1990 FF 17 - Support staff assignments, 1986 FF 18 - Aircraft charter usage, 1987 [missing] FF 19 - Forms management, 1987-1990 FF 20 - Microfiche Operations - Records Management, 1991-1992 FF 21 - Construction Report - "AE/Administrative Fees," 1983-1988 FF 22 - Fiscal notes, 1983-1991 FF 23 - Office Systems Statement of Direction, 1990 FF 24 - Administrative Review Report for Jim McGill, 9/1989 FF 25 - Reorganization, 1987-1988 FF 26 - Account (pool vehicles), 1985-1991 FF 27 - Miscellaneous (Pool vehicles), 1985-1991 FF 28 - Mail Services, University Hall, 1990-1991 FF 29 - Contract Processing Reviews, 1984-1985 FF 30 - University Development foundation (UDF), 1986-1989 FF 31 - Telephone books (Waste Management), 1993 FF 32 - Reports to Board (Waste Management), 1990 FF 33 - Recycling Committee (Waste Management), 1990-1993 FF 34 - Laser cartridges (Waste Management), 1991-1992 FF 35 - Recycling, 1989-1993 FF 36 - CHBE Guidelines - History (Waste Management), 1990 FF 37 - Alarm system, President's Office, 1988-1992 FF 38 - Staff Recognition Awards, 1992
Series Three - Central Files (cont'd) FF 1 - Providing computer resources, 1988-1990 FF 2 - IBM proposal on mainframe upgrade, 1989 FF 3 - Computer consolidation at Central Computing Facilities, 1990 FF 4 - Upgrade IBM 3090, 1989 FF 5 - Journalism School Grant - IBM and Administrative Computing Study, 1989-1990 FF 6 - Mainframe acquisitions, University Hospital, 1987-1989 FF 7 - Knight Committee, 1986 FF 8 - Consultants information, 4/1991 FF 9 - Reorganization Plan - staff changes in C.I.T., 5/1991 FF 10 - Computing and Information Technology Mission Statement, 6/14/1988 FF 11 - History of Computing and Information Technologies (CIT), 5/1986 FF 12 - Photocopy Committee, 1991-1992 FF 13 - UMKC Bookstore addition, 1990 FF 14 - University Hall, Stadium Road entrance, 1989 FF 15 - Topaz, 1988 FF 16 - LaCapra Associates - Power Plant privatization, 1992-1993 FF 17 - UMSL pool, 1992 FF 18 - Hazardous waste, 1990-1992 FF 19 - Sinclair Farm, 1995 FF 20 - Lead poisoning prevention and control report, 1994 FF 21 - Forestry, Fisheries and Wildlife Building, 1987 FF 22 - Electrical improvements, 1986-1987 FF 23 - Board Recommendation Papers, 1/1976-12/1979 FF 24 - Board Recommendation Papers, 2/1980-12/1983 FF 25 - Board Recommendation Papers, 2/1984-12/1987
Series Four - Federal Communications Commission Correspondence FF 1 - UMSL KAWN, 1977 FF 2 - UMC KBIA General Correspondence, 1978-1986 FF 3 - UMC KBIA Annual Employment Reports, 1978-1985 FF 4 - UMC KBIA Ownership Reports, 1982 FF 5 - UMKC KCUR General Correspondence, 1978-1984 FF 6 - UMKC KCUR Annual Employment Reports, 1978-1984 FF 7 - UMKC KCUR Ownership and Financial Reports, 1978-1984 FF 8 - UMR KCZ-731 General Correspondence, 1980-1983 FF 9 - UMC KEQ-3863 General Correspondence, 1982 FF 10 - UMC KF870-9 General Correspondence, 1982-1983 FF 11 - UM System KFZ-8821 (Sinclair - Wurdack Farms), 1973-1983 FF 12 - UMC Hospital Emergency Vehicle Stations: KLS409, KLS408, and KL7241, 1979-1983 FF 13 - UMR KMNR General Correspondence, 1977-1984 FF 14 - UMR KMNR Annual Employment Reports, 1978-1984 FF 15 - UMR KMNR Ownership and Financial reports, 1983-1984 FF 16 - UMC KOMU-TV General Correspondence, 1979-1986 FF 17 - UMC KOMU-TV Annual Employment Reports, 1978-1984 FF 17A - UMC KOMU-TV Semiannual Reports, 1981-1984 FF 18 - UMC KOMU-TV Ownership and Financial reports, 1978-1984 FF 19 - UMC KOMU-TV "Study to Determine the Fair Market Value ... KOMU-TV...," 1982 FF 20 - UMR KUMR General Correspondence, 1979-1985 FF 21 - UMR KUMR Annual Employment Reports, 1978-1984 FF 22 - UMR KUMR Ownership and Financial reports, 1977-1983 FF 23 - UMSL KWMU General Correspondence, 1970-1980 FF 24 - UMSL KWMU General Correspondence, 1981-1984 FF 25 - UMSL WMU Annual Employment Reports, 1980-1984 FF 26 - UMSL WMU Ownership and Financial reports, 1983 FF 27 - UMC WAZ-23 General Correspondence, 1979-1983 FF 28 - UMC WCQ 461 General Correspondence, 1974-1980 FF 29 - UM System WGU-5 General Correspondence, 1973-1978 FF 30 - WLN-382 New Wave 1201 Paquin Street, 1987 FF 31 - Wireless Microphone General Correspondence, 1979 FF 32 - Wideband Communications System (Hammett and Edison Consulting Engineers Microwave Study), 1973 FF 33 - UM-System Opposition to Ponyland Low Power TV (LPTV), 1983-1986 FF 34 - UM-System Opposition to Low Power Technology Incorporated, 1984-1985 FF 35 - Proposal for MU Sports Network Flagship Station, 1978 FF 36 - Sowers Newspapers Incorporated Proposal for Channel 7 in Rolla, 1981-1984 FF 37 - KCUR Community Service Broadcasting Lease Agreement, 1974
Series Four - Federal Communications Commission Correspondence
(cont'd) FF 1 - FCC Miscellaneous Correspondence, 01/08/1992-09/27/1995 FF 2 - Annual Broadcasters' Meetings, 09/21/1992-11/30/1992 FF 3 - E4940 General Correspondence, 08/04/1986-09/25/1992 FF 4 - E873897 General Correspondence, 07/09/1987-07/16/1987 FF 5 - E881124 General Correspondence, 06/20/1988-07/22/1988 FF 6 - K210AG General Correspondence, 08/23/1989-07/12/1990 FF 7 - KAL 220 General Correspondence, 08/21/1989-10/31/1994 FF 8 - KAL 686 General Correspondence, 11/12/1986-01/17/1995 FF 9 - KB 43926 General Correspondence, 06/17/1982-09/23/1993 FF 10 - KB 66966 General Correspondence, 12/17/1984-05/05/1994 FF 11 - KB 96968 General Correspondence, 04/04/1988-04/15/1988 FF 12 - KBIA FM General Correspondence, 05/18/1992-02/10/1993 FF 13 - KCOU FM General Correspondence, 01/24/1992-02/09/1995 FF 14 - KD 35997 General Correspondence, 08/01/1988-08/10/1993 FF 15 - KD 50137 General Correspondence, 06/23/1989-09/22/1994 FF 16 - KGM 210 General Correspondence, 11/20/1979-11/01/1994 FF 17 - KJA 765 General Correspondence, 09/09/1981-10/03/1991 FF 18 - KL 28 General Correspondence, 02/27/1980-02/10/1993 FF 19 - KL 6998 General Correspondence, 11/27/1978-07/14/1995 FF 20 - KLS 409 General Correspondence, 06/29/1981-03/16/1993 FF 21 - KM 8540 General Correspondence, 11/25/1979-11/22/1994 FF 22 - KNDA 389 General Correspondence, 08/20/1987-06/17/1992 FF 23 - KNGS 417 General Correspondence, 05/09/1988-04/26/1994 FF 24 - KNHM 501 General Correspondence, 12/18/1979-11/16/1988 FF 25 - KOMU TV General Correspondence, 01/13/1992-10/05/1994 FF 26 - KPH 477 General Correspondence, 12/11/1987-04/04/1988 FF 27 - KPL 701 General Correspondence, 04/04/1988-09/02/2000 FF 28 - KRD 821 General Correspondence, 01/03/1990-08/10/1995 FF 29 - KRH 485 General Correspondence, 01/22/1990-11/15/1991 FF 30 - KSD 969 General Correspondence, 02/22/1988-02/08/1993 FF 31 - KVE 253 General Correspondence, 07/25/1986-06/18/1993 FF 32 - KVM 939 General Correspondence, 08/01/1983-01/15/1993 FF 33 - KXY 61 General Correspondence, 01/06/1988-01/29/1988 FF 34 - KZK 3 General Correspondence, 04/11/1991-04/16/1991 FF 35 - WNDE 719 General Correspondence, 05/01/1985-10/16/1995 FF 36 - WNTI 584 General Correspondence, 11/20/1990-11/29/1995 FF 37 - WNTI 585 General Correspondence, 12/10/1990-11/29/1995 FF 38 - WNVZ 200 General Correspondence, 01/23/1991-02/07/1991 FF 39 - WNWR 910 General Correspondence, 04/11/1991-06/17/1991 FF 40 - WNXX 839 General Correspondence, 09/09/1991-10/23/1991 FF 41 - WNYW 805 General Correspondence, 11/11/1991-03/17/1992 FF 42 - WPBR 727 General Correspondence, 12/01/1992-12/09/1992 FF 43 - WPDI 421 General Correspondence, 06/10/1993-07/23/1993 FF 44 - WPDI 521 General Correspondence, 05/26/1993-07/30/1993 FF 45 - WPEK 349 General Correspondence, 07/30/1993-12/10/1993 FF 46 - WPEZ 626 General Correspondence, 01/21/1994-04/27/1994 FF 47 - WPGE 377 General Correspondence, 08/17/1994-09/07/1994 FF 48 - E 890111 General Correspondence, 11/21/1988 FF 49 - KA 67797 General Correspondence, 10/07/1974-12/12/1995 Series Four - Federal Communications Commission Correspondence (cont'd)
FF 1 - KCUR FM General Correspondence, 02/14/1992-08/06/1993 FF 2 - KD 30633 General Correspondence, 05/27/1988-04/12/1993 FF 3 - KNAI 244 General Correspondence, 10/24/1988-11/29/1995 FF 4 - KNAI 321 General Correspondence, 12/12/1981-11/29/1995 FF 5 - KP 38 General Correspondence, 11/13/1990-05/31/1995 FF 6 - KS 7283 General Correspondence, 05/23/1984-12/21/1993 FF 7 - KUB 886 General Correspondence, 01/03/1977-02/11/1992 FF 8 - KWJ 373 General Correspondence, 05/23/1984-12/21/1993 FF 9 - WLX 343 General Correspondence, 04/11/1991-07/18/1991 FF 10 - WNEL 274 General Correspondence, 05/22/1985-07/26/1995 FF 11 - WNEL 275 General Correspondence, 08/30/1990-12/05/1995 FF 12 - WNES 269 General Correspondence, 04/16/1987-05/14/1987 FF 13 - WPFN 318 General Correspondence, 03/16/1994-05/23/1994 FF 14 - WPGD 661 General Correspondence, 04/20/1994-12/21/1994 FF 15 - K07SD General Correspondence, 01/05/1990-03/31/1993 FF 16 - KC 24155 General Correspondence, 03/02/1978-03/23/1979 FF 17 - KIZ 657 General Correspondence, 01/21/1981-11/10/1992 FF 18 - KK 75 General Correspondence, 12/22/1982-12/23/1992 FF 19 - KPF 358 General Correspondence, 08/06/1984-11/01/1990 FF 20 - KUMR FM General Correspondence, 05/18/1992-11/03/1992 FF 21 - KXG 891 General Correspondence, 10/22/1980-11/03/1992 FF 22 - KZD 290 General Correspondence, 10/30/1990-03/19/1991 FF 23 - WNEO 551 General Correspondence, 05/19/1986-06/24/1991 FF 24 - WNEP 508 General Correspondence, 02/10/1986-04/10/1992 FF 25 - WNEP 509 General Correspondence, 08/25/1986-04/22/1992 FF 26 - WNEP 510 General Correspondence, 10/01/1986-04/22/1992 FF 27 - WPDU 480 General Correspondence, 08/31/1963-08/15/1994 FF 28 - KB 78973 General Correspondence, 01/15/1990-02/27/1991 FF 29 - KJW 737 General Correspondence, 11/26/1990-04/22/1992 FF 30 - KL 65 General Correspondence, 06/06/1979-11/04/1991 FF 31 - KNFQ 502 General Correspondence, 05/04/1982-12/11/1991 FF 32 - KWMU FM General Correspondence, 02/12/1992-12/15/1992 [missing] FF 33 - WNTI 329 General Correspondence, 11/09/1990-11/04/1991 FF 34 - WNTN 850 General Correspondence, 03/20/1992-05/04/1992
Series Five - Minority Vendor Reports and Correspondence FF 1 - UMC Minority Vendor Reports, 1986-1992 FF 2 - University Hospitals Minority Vendor Reports, 1986-1990 FF 3 - UMR Minority Vendor Reports, 1986-1993 FF 4 - UMSL Minority Vendor Reports, 1986-1993 FF 5 - UMKC Minority Vendor Reports, 1986-1992 FF 6 - Central Food Stores (CFS) Minority Vendor Reports, 1986-1989 FF 7 - Buyers Reports, 1989-1990 FF 8 - MBE/WBE Correspondence, 1980-1984 FF 9 - MBE/WBE Correspondence, 1984-1985 FF 10 - MBE/WBE Correspondence, 1985-1986 FF 11 - MBE/WBE Correspondence, 1986-1987 FF 12 - MBE/WBE Correspondence, 1987-1988 FF 13 - MBE/WBE Correspondence, 1988-1989 FF 14 - MBE/WBE Correspondence, 1990-1991 FF 15 - MBE/WBE Correspondence, 1991-1992 FF 16 - Minority Vendor: Legislative, 1983-1989 FF 17 - Affirmative Action Plan, 1989-1990 FF 18 - Minority Business Questionnaire, 1987-1989 FF 19 - Minority Participation, 1985-1988 FF 20 - Minority Participation, 1988-1990 FF 21 - Minority Participation Report, 1986-1990 FF 22 - Annual Purchasing Report, 1986-1990 FF 23 - Annual Minority Purchasing Summaries, 1983-1988 FF 24 - Pat Wekley Correspondence, 1991-1994
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