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Call Number:

Pkg 1-Ellis
Env 1-Ellis

Record Group: 3 UW
Record Sub-Group: 1
Records Title: UM-System; General Counsel to the Board of Curators; University By-Laws
Dates: 1840-1968
Volume: 0.1 cubic foot, 0.125 linear feet

Scope and Content Note

This Sub-Group contains records created or received by the University of Missouri Board of Curators. Included are a handwritten ledger entitled "By-Laws and General Orders, 1840-1907," as well as published booklets of "By-Laws and Statutes" of the University of Missouri. The By-Laws address matters such as the number and dates of Board of Curators meetings, the order of business at the meetings, the duties and authority of the university president, and student issues such as discipline, absences, examinations, and degrees.
Note to Researcher: According to the Board of Curator's Office, the By-Laws are no longer published as a booklet but are kept current in the Collected Rules and Regulations of the University. For a full inventory of Faculty By-Laws, see Record Group 2 UW, Sub-Group 2. For more compilations of rules and regulations, see Record Group 1 UW, Sub-Group 6, Series 4.

Series Descriptions:

This Sub-Group is not divided into separate records series.


Package 1

Ledger - "By-Laws and General Orders", 1840-1907. Handwritten, oversized ledger, summarizing actions of the Executive Board and the Curators and giving date of order and/or amendment, book and page number.

Envelope 1

Booklet 1 - 1893 - "By-Laws" adopted by Board of Curators, 12/21/1893. 24pp.

Booklet 2 - 1894 - "Rules of Guidance of the Council and the Faculties", adopted 10/8/1894. 19pp. Lists committees and faculty representatives, etc.

Booklet 3 - 1904 - "Statutes of the University of the State of Missouri", 5/1904. 32pp.

Booklet 4 - 1906 - "Statutes of the University of Missouri; Compromising the By-Laws of the Board of Curators", 12/1906. 32pp.

Booklet 5 - 1931 - "By-Laws of the Board of Curators and of the University Faculty", 9/1931. 62pp.

Booklet 6 - 1968 - "By-Laws of the Board of Curators of the University of Missouri as adopted November 12, 1965 and amended January 19, 1968" (also includes handwritten amendation from November 8, 1968).

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Compiled: November 1998
Revised: 2 October 2019

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