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Guidelines for Using Materials in the Archives

  1. All users must sign the Registration Log located in the front of the archives reading room. The researcher is also required to read and sign the Rules of Use and Consent Form before original materials will be made available. By signing this form, the user agrees to observe the following guidelines. The researcher must also complete an Archives Reference Request Form. The reference request form identifies both the researcher and the nature and subject of the research project.

  2. Users must furnish photo identification when registering to use the University Archives for the first time.

  3. Food and drink are not permitted in the research area. No smoking or other tobacco use is allowed in the Archives.

  4. Coats, briefcases, bookbags, and other personal property not essential to research projects must be placed on or near the coat rack by the copy machine.

  5. The use of personal computers and audio and video recording equipment are allowed. However, the use of hand-held scanners is prohibited.

  6. Materials are to be used only in the Archives research area under the supervision of Archives staff. The quantity of materials provided for examination at any one time may be limited.

  7. Due to the risk of inadvertent damage to documents, use of ink is prohibited; please take notes in pencil only.

  8. All stack areas of the Archives are closed to patrons.

  9. Materials must be handled with care; they must not be leaned on, written on, folded, or otherwise handled in any way likely to damage them.

  10. Only one folder of materials may be opened and in use on the research table at a time. An Out Card may be used to mark its place in the box. Items are not to be removed from their folder except with the guidance of the Archives staff.

  11. Keep the records in their present arrangement; loose pages will stay in order if turned like pages in a book. If a mistake is discovered, please call it to the attention of a staff member.

  12. When handling photographs, researchers must wear white cotton gloves provided by the Archives.

  13. Photocopying is permitted, if it is in accordance with donor agreements and copyright regulations, unless the item is fragile, exceptionally valuable, or too large. All copying is done by the Archives staff. A list of fees for photocopying, photograph reproduction, and other duplication services is available upon request.

  14. The copyright law of the United States (Title 17 U.S. code) governs the making of photocopies and other reproductions of copyrighted materials. Under certain conditions specified in the law, copies may be provided for individual researchers' private study. The copies are provided for the individual's personal use and may not be further reproduced, published, broadcast, displayed, offered for sale, transferred to another individual or deposited in another institution without written permission from University of Missouri Archives and the copyright holder.

  15. These materials are provided for reference use only. The user agrees not to publish them without the written permission of the Archives which is obtained by completing the Request for Permission to Publish, Exhibit or Broadcast form. In no case does permission to publish imply transfer of copyright or proprietary rights. Any publication of material from the Archives must credit the University of Missouri Archives.

  16. Citations should follow this format: Identification of item, Collection Number or Collection Name, Container and File-Folder Location, MU Archives. See also special instructions for citing references from the Archives holdings.

  17. The user agrees to allow the Archives staff to inspect all materials present at the research table before the researcher departs the Archives Reading Room.

  18. Reasonable accommodations will be made to ensure that all qualified persons will have access to the Archives holdings. Please let the Archives staff know how we can assist you.

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Published by: University Archives
Prepared: July 2001
Revised: 01 March 2005

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