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Duplication Services and Image Use Policies

The University Archives provides photocopy and digital duplication services, but reserves the right to restrict reproduction of materials due to condition, size, copyright, or donor concerns.

Photocopy Services Price List

Photograph Duplication and Use Policy

Film/Video and Audio Duplication Policy

Digital Reproduction Policy and Procedure

Permission to Publish or Display




Photocopy Services Price List

  • Standard Photocopy Charge for Historical Materials:
    • $0.25 per copy
    • Shipping & Handling charges may apply

Please note: Payment must be received before any materials can be sent.

Photograph Duplication and Use Policy

The University Archives photographic holdings consist almost exclusively of unique images. In a few rare cases, the holdings include either a camera or copy negative and a print of the same image. Because of the one-of-a-kind nature of these materials and their extensive use by researchers, the policies (detailed below) apply to their duplication and use.

Film/Video and Audio Duplication Policy

Duplication of film, video or audio will be allowed on a case by case basis. Depending on the condition or format of the original recording, reproductions will not be made in-house, but at professional transfer facilities determined by staff of University Archives. Costs for these services will be those charged by the service provider(s) plus any relevant shipping and/or handling costs.

Digital Reproduction Policy and Procedure

Digital reproduction services are available at the University Archives and are done by Archives staff, MU Libraries Digital Services or by an approved vendor. Any manipulation of digitized images by patrons beyond cropping and minor adjustments to balance and contrast must be approved by archives staff.

Completion of orders for digitization will require 72 hours or more, depending upon the size of the order.

Digital reproductions are typically delivered electronically or by direct transfer to the researcher's storage device.

Digital Reproduction Prices:
New scan $5.00 per scan
Existing scan Four scans at no charge; each scan over four charged at $5.00/scanned item
Audio Transfers
New or existing transfer $20.00 per entity (e.g., one game, one presentation, one interview) compressed from captured resolution as MP3 format.
Four clips at no charge (not to exceed four minutes total); additional clips charged at $5.00/partial minute
Video Transfers
New or existing transfer $40.00 per entity (e.g., one game, one presentation, one interview) compressed from captured resolution as .avi or other wrapped video OR as DVD-Video (MPEG-2)
Four clips at no charge (not to exceed four minutes total); additional clips charged at $5.00/partial minute

Please note:

  1. New scans made from oversized material (larger than 8 1/2 x 11 1/2 inches) or new transfers made from formats not playable on equipment maintained by University Archives (e.g., 35mm film, betacam tape) will incur the full cost, including shipping/handling, charged by a service provider chosen by University Archives.
  2. All duplication services must be fully paid at the time that an order is placed.
  3. The quality of the duplication is limited by the quality and condition of the original item and by the digitization equipment.
  4. University Archives staff are not trained to perform complex image manipulation.
  5. For non-MU patrons seeking to use the material for publication, additional fees apply (see "Permission to Publish or Display" below).
  6. All a/v files, other than those for use in publication, will include a watermark similar to the following examples:

color example of watermark for film and video black and white example of watermark for film and video

Permission to Publish or Display:

The Archives encourages use of reproductions of its archival material in publications, broadcasts, public displays and on Web pages. However, permission must be obtained by means of the Archives' Request for Permission to Publish, Exhibit or Broadcast form.

For personal use, a Release for Personal Use form may need to be completed.

Commercial and non-university publication, broadcast or display of University Archives material requires a $60.00 per image use fee. Similarly, a use fee of $40.00 per minute (or fraction thereof) applies to film, video or audio segments. The use fee entitles the patron to display, broadcast, or publish the image in a single exhibit, broadcast, or publication title. The user fee does not entitle the purchaser to repeated or perpetual use of the image or materials.

While no user fee is charged to University of Missouri offices for use of archival images, completion of a Request for Permission to Publish, Exhibit or Broadcast form is required.

Publication or display of any digital reproductions must include a credit line approved by archives staff.

For additional credit line information, see the Request for Permission to Publish, Exhibit or Broadcast form.


Certain phrases, names, marks, and logos (e.g., The University of Missouri, the 'Truman the Tiger' mascot) associated with the University of Missouri-Columbia have been registered or otherwise termed as trademarks. Please see the MU Licensing & Trademarks web page for contact information and additional information regarding possible licensing fees attached to the use of these trademarks.


The copyright law of the United States governs the making of photocopies and other reproductions of copyrighted materials. Under certain conditions specified in the law, copies may be provided for individual researchers' private study. The copies are provided for the individual's personal use and may not be further reproduced, published, broadcast, displayed, offered for sale, transferred to another individual or deposited in another institution without written permission from University of Missouri Archives and the copyright holder.

Patrons are responsible for observing all U.S. Copyright regulations. For more information on U.S. Copyright, visit the following web site:


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Published by: University Archives
Revised: January 2020


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