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Box Lists for C:8/1/27Note to Researcher: These records have not been processed to the level of an inventory and may therefore contain RESTRICTED material not specifically annotated as such and access may be limited in that regard. Please see the RESTRICTIONS NOTE at the end of the box list(s). Box 1 - 015176 [return to top][A13-94] FF - College of Education Annual Report, 1965-1966 FF - College of Education Annual Report, 1966-1967 FF - College of Education Annual Report, 1967-1968 FF - College of Education Annual Report, 1968-1969 FF - College of Education Annual Report, 1970-1971 FF - College of Education Annual Report, 1973-1974 FF - College of Education Annual Report, 1979-1980 FF - College of Education Annual Report, 1981-1982 FF - College of Education Annual Report, 1987-1988 FF - College of Education Annual Report, 1989-1990 FF - College of Education Annual Report, 1990-1991 FF - College of Education Annual Report, 1995-1996 FF - College of Education Annual Report, 1996-1997 Box 2 - 019056 [return to top][A13-94] FF - Scholarships, 2004-2005 [RESTRICTED] FF - Scholarships, 2004-2005 (cont'd) [RESTRICTED] FF - Scholarship Acceptance Forms, 2004 [RESTRICTED] FF - Freshman Scholarships, 2004-2005 [RESTRICTED] FF - Freshman Scholarships, 2004-2005 (cont'd) [RESTRICTED] Box 3 - 019058 [return to top][A13-94] FF - Undergraduate Scholarship Applications, 2004-2005 [RESTRICTED] FF - Undergraduate Scholarship Applications, 2004-2005 (cont'd) [RESTRICTED] FF - Graduate Scholarship Applications, 2004-2005 [RESTRICTED] FF - Graduate Scholarship Applications, 2004-2005 (cont'd) [RESTRICTED] Box 4 - 019083 [return to top][A13-94] FF - Graduate Scholarship Applications, 2004-2005 (cont'd) [RESTRICTED] FF - Security, 2002 FF - Senior Year Onsite Program, 2002 FF - Southwestern Bell, 2002 FF - Strategic Plan, 2000-2003 FF - Technology Board, 2001-2003 Box 5 - 049020 [return to top][A13-94] FF - Holiday Open House (includes photographs), 2002 FF - Human Resource Services, 2002 FF - IATS, 2002 FF - International Center, 2002 FF - Iowa Partnership, 2002 FF - K-12 Task Force, 2002 FF - Korea Agreement, 2002 FF - Land Grant Deans, 2002 FF - Legislative Information Network Committee (LINC), 2002 FF - Leadership Development Program, 2002 FF - Leadership Missouri, 2002 FF - Labor and Education Market Analysis Project, 2002 FF - Lewis and Clark Center for Integrated Learning, 2002 FF - Learning, Teaching and Curriculum, 2002-2003 FF - Isabelle Lyda Professorship, 2001 FF - Math and Science, 2002 FF - Department of Middle and Secondary Education, 2002 FF - Microsoft Grant, 2002 FF - Missouri Writing Project, 2002 FF - Missouri Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, 2001-2002 FF - Missouri School Board Association, 2002 FF - Missouri State Teachers Foundation, 2002 FF - Missouri Standards for Teacher Education Programs (MOSTEP), 2002 FF - Model-Netics - Instructor Training Program Course, 2002 FF - Montana Trip - Principals Academy, 2002 FF - MU Partnership for Educational Renewal (MPER), 2002 FF - MPER - Missouri Partnership for Middle Level Science Education, 2002 FF - MPER - Mentor Teachers, 2002 FF - MPER - Green Tree Elementary, 2002 FF - MPER - Ross Elementary, 2002 FF - MPER - Sedalia School District, 2002 FF - MPER - Teaching Fellows, 2002 FF - American Association of Colleges for Teacher's Education (AACTE), 2006 FF - AACTE, 2007 FF - Academic Analytics, 2008 FF - Academic Programs, 2007 FF - Accreditation, 2006 FF - Accreditation, 2007 FF - Adolescent Literacy Team, 2007 FF - Administrative Signatures, 2006 FF - Adventure Club, 2006 [RESTRICTED] FF - Faculty Effort Reports, 2006-2007 [RESTRICTED] FF - Faculty Effort Reports, 2007 [RESTRICTED] Box 6 - 108491 [return to top][A16-56] FF - Alumni Award Recipient Wendy Sims, 2008-2009 FF - Alumni Award Recipient K. Blake Danuser, 2008-2009 FF - Alumni Award Recipient Alice Kuehn, 2008-2009 FF - Alumni Award Recipient Madge Fisher Harrah, 2008-2009 FF - Alumni Award Recipient Frank Sachs, 2007-2008 FF - Alumni Award Recipient Jim Leavitt, 2007-2008 FF - Alumni Award Recipient Kathaleen Banks, 2007-2008 FF - Alumni Award Recipient Shirley Baugher, 2007-2008 FF - Alumni Award Recipient Sunghee Cho, 2007-2008 FF - Alumni Award Recipient Susan Krumm, 2007-2008 FF - Alumni Award Recipient Ron Lankford, 2007-2008 FF - Alumni Award Recipient Vicki McCarrell, 2007-2008 FF - Alumni Award Recipient Sybl Slaughter, 2007-2008 FF - Corporate Round Table - Kansas City, 12/2007 FF - Corporate Round Table - Kansas City, 6/2007 FF - Dean Herrington Farewell Recption, 2008 FF - Mizzou Update Lunch, 2008 FF - Missouri State Fair - Mizzou Central, 2007 FF - Photo Releases, n.d. FF - Photo Releases, Fall 2006 FF - Photo Releases, Spring 2006 FF - Photo Releases, Summer 2006 FF - Photo Releases, Fall 2007 FF - Photo Releases, Spring 2007 FF - Photo Releases, Spring 2008 FF - Photo Releases, Fall 2009 FF - Photo Releases, Spring 2009 FF - Photo Releases, Fall 2010 FF - Photo Releases, Spring 2011 FF - Photographic Releases, 2005 FF - Certificates - Autism and Neurodevelopmental Disorders, 2009 FF - College of Education Centers, 2006-2009 FF - Center and Institute Assessment Annual Report, 2008 FF - American Educational Research Association (AERA), 2007 FF - AERA Reception, San Diego, 2009 FF - Department of Educational, School, and Counseling Psychology (ESCP), 2003-2006 FF - ESCP - Sign Language, 2005-2010 FF - Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis (ELPA), 2004-2007 FF - Entrepreneurship Opportunities, 2008 FF - Faculty Retreat, 1/2008 FF - Faculty Workload, 2007-2008 FF - Faculty Workload, 2006-2007 FF - Department of Learning, Teaching and Curriculum (LTC), 2005-2008 FF - Professional Education Data System (PEDS), 2009-2010 FF - PEDS, 2008-2009 FF - Department of Special Education, 2004-2008 FF - School of Information Science and Learning Technologies (SISLT), 2004-2007 FF - Special Travel, 2007 FF - Physics Teacher Education Coalition (PhysTEC), 2007 FF - Reunion Rally, 2007 FF - Staff Retreat, 2007 FF - Staff Retreat, 2008 FF - St. Louis New Leaders Program, 2008 Box 7 - 122201 [return to top][A19-03] FF - Schools - Ewing Marion Kauffman - Charter School Approval, 7/2010 FF - Schools - Imagine Renaissance - Report, 2008-2009 FF - Schools - Imagine Renaissance - MU Sponsorship Report, 2010 FF - Strategic Planning, 1/2009 FF - Schools - Imagine Renaissance - Review, 11/2008 FF - Schools - Imagine Renaissance - Site Visit and Report, 4/2008 FF - Charter Schools, 2008 FF - Charter Schools, 2007 FF - Schools - Imagine Renaissance - Miscellaneous (includes MU Initial Site Review Final Report, 4/2008, and Assurance Statements, 8/2007) FF - Schools - Imagine Renaissance - Rosemary Fleharty, 2008-2009 FF - Schools - Imagine Renaissance - Information Binder, 2006-2008 FF - Schools - Imagine Renaissance Academy, 2009 FF - Schools - Imagine Renaissance - Charter School Contract, 2008-2011 FF - Schools - Ewing Marion Kauffman, 2010 FF - Schools - Kansas City School of the Arts - Charter School Application to MU, 2007 FF - Schools - Kansas City School of the Arts - Herrington Memo, 7/25/2008 FF - NACSA (National Association of Charter School Authorizers) Membership, 2008-2010 Box 8 - 015249 [return to top][A19-03] FF - Metropolitan Community College catalog, 2008-2009 FF - Missouri Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (MACTE), 2007 FF - Transfer Conference, 2007 FF - UM Transfer Conference - Dr. Carr's Notes, 3/2002 FF - Workshop Materials - Three Rivers Community College (TRCC), 2005 FF - Community College Articulation, 1997-1998 FF - Data Sent to Community Colleges, 2/2002 FF - Articulation Agreement - St. Charles Community College, 1999-2002 FF - Articulation Agreement - East Central College, 2002 FF - Articulation Agreement - Crowder College, 2002 FF - Articulation Agreement - North Central Missouri College, 2002 FF - Articulation Agreement - Mineral Area College, 2002-2003 FF - Articulation Agreement - Jefferson College, 2002 FF - North Central Missouri College, 2009 FF - St. Charles Community College (SCC), 2009 FF - Articulation Agreement - Metropolitan Community College, 2000-2009 FF - Articulation Agreement - St. Louis Community College, 2002-2009 FF - Moberly Area Community College (MACC) Articulation, 2002-2009 FF - Articulation Agreement - State Fair Community College, 2002-2009 FF - Articulation Agreement - Three Rivers Community College, 2002-2009 FF - Associate of Arts in Teaching (AAT) Degree, 2000-2011 Restrictions Note: The Archives of the University of Missouri-Columbia is required by law and Board of Curator's policy to restrict access to some files and information. Student records are held as confidential under the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and by University policy. Faculty promotion and tenure records and Academic Personnel files are restricted for 75 years, or the lifetime of the individual. All grievance, disciplinary, and medical records are treated as confidential files. Consultations with legal counsel, both in-house and external, are protected by the attorney/client privilege and will not be released. |
Published by: University Archives
Compiled: October 2013
Revised: 09 January 2019
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